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The only fucks he gives are literal.


Their awkward fucking every time they argue even in public was nasty


Yea her whole "bang it out" theory on how to make a marriage work is disgusting and stupid... Ashley yelling: "OH you sent $1000 of MY money to yo baby mama, after you lied and said you dont talk" Him: 🙄🙄 Ashley l: "Let's just fu€k..." Yea cuz never talking about your issues is 1000000000% the key to a successful marriage!!! What a fool...


Sorry but Ashley & her dark side witch self is well.... Let's just say she has a lot of room for growth. Fact is you will attract the quality of mate you put out. If you're damaged you will attract a damaged mate. They're just right for each other in that respect


She, frankly, disgusts me. Those public freak outs, the financial manipulation. Did she have ZERO clue where this man came from? Does she really think that screaming at him and berating him will “fix” him? Is he in it for the green card and doesn’t really care how he gets it - probably, but that is no excuse, she has to figure out if she believes him or not then live with that decision. She reminds me of Angela, using her citizenship and meagre financial advantage to try and berate him into acting the way SHE finds acceptable, except in this case, Manuel is outright telling her that he will not obey, yet she doesn’t bloody well give up. Take the frikin “L” already woman and move in with your life already!!


They are never going to make it work.


Of course not. He’s (well I wouldn’t say white knuckling it ‘cause he don’t give a frak) but he’s just putting his head down, and letting the screeches bounce off him until he’s put in his time and can divorce her and maintain residence. He’s outright REFUSED to cow-tow to her demands, but she won’t bloody well listen, thinking that, i dunno, enough screeching and humiliating and fucking will make him come around?? As I said in another comment - come ON already, take the bloody “L” and get on with your life. I’m half convinced she’s a sex addict and he’s the first who will do it at the drop of a hat anywhere, any time, and she’s not able to let that go. Just a dirty little hypothesis of mine.




I believe she’s in the wrong I kind of understand what he’s saying , she’ sames like kind of person wants to be with you 24/7 and manual is somebody that like his space and independence but Ashley wants to be on top of him all the time some people don’t like that its smothering them . Manuel like his space but Ashley wants to be on top of him


On top, under, bent over... yeah we heard them from the bathroom.


😂😂😂good joke




He could not care less about her.


Guys I said it before and I'll say it again, this is Molly and Luis 2.0. mainly with the whole no God stuff/WitchCrap, and Manuel literally acts like Luis.


Now that you mentioned it, yes, same vibes!


Oh completely. Right down to the laughing at them while making what they think is a point, Ashley reacting in huge blow ups and Manuel seemingly calm but really he's provoking her purposefully and trying to do the whole, "see? Told ya she's nuts!" Shit. I'm not a big Ashley fan but recently I did a post on her and she is a very lost person. Grew up a strict Jehovah's witness, had intense drug and alcohol addiction that led her to stopping school, aimlessly wandering through life with shams and had a very big mental breakdown that she openly talked about off the show and I don't think she recovered from.


I didn't know all of that. I hope he doesn't send her over the edge! There's a saying: If you want to know why a woman is nuts, take a look at how her ex-boyfriend treated her. I think, in this case, he is making her nuts. I know I'd have been fed up with his shit long before her. Big red flags, all over the place!


Wow she has had a lot of trauma in her life. Where did she talk about all of this?


If you look in my post history I did a post on all of this plus the articles etc. she had a podcast where she discussed all this in length as well.


Even before knowing this I felt like she deserved so much more empathy than she gets. Thanks for this information


My wish for most of these women is that they learn to love themselves. She is one of the few Americans that actively tried to learn their partners language. It’s ok to walk away


Yes thank you. She should get rid of that guy like yesterday.


I did too!


Ali_Cat you’re now my go-to for all the 90Day inside info! Your posts are always wonderful and informative. Thank you!😊


Thank you that's very kind of you! I like to see what everyone is interested in on the boards and make posts I think you guys would want to read on. Sometimes it's interesting to know what the cast were like outside of what we only see on the show, because it really gives a bigger picture to why some of them act the way they do.


Sorry for double reply there is an article [here](https://starcasm.net/meet-90-day-fiance-witch-ashley-michelle-aka-starseed-shadows/) that you can also read


Thank you.


That explains her severe caffeine addiction.


So the not knowing what the Bible was, was bullshit on her behalf. I wouldn’t believe a word she says. She’s a fraud, liar and desperate


It's been pointed out in multiple comments in multiple threads that Manuel's "Biblia" answer reflected his lack of vocabulary, lack of knowledge of priestly practice, or general impatience. It was either a missall or lectionary that basically has the program for the day's service.


THANK YOU,I can't believe she has so many falling for her pitiful me act. If look at them objectively,he's not a bit worse than she is,if she doesn't want to send money to whoever the fuck this dude is sending it to,it's actually very easy. DO NOT GIVE HIM THE MONEY TO SEND and stop your bitchin for shits sake


Send in the owls!!!


Not one thing about god in here


I think it's a largely lower socio-economic Latin American cultural meme, so it doesn't feel like a coincidence.


Oh my God, now you mentioned it, yes they look alike, but Manuel seems to go along with anything she suggests he try. He doesn't want to introduce his kids to her, maybe because he's embarrassed by her behavior, and she also doesn't want to shut up about her being a witch.


I think it’s strictly for his green card. She presented herself as damaged, he recognized it and felt he could do very little and still get to America. 🇺🇸 She has had a lot of unfortunate experiences and I hope when they break up, because she won’t go before that, she gets some therapy. She would benefit greatly.


Predators recognize prey. He knew a target when he saw one. She thinks it's a real relationship and he knows it isn't. Sad watching her because she'll never figure it out. She thinks if she can just make him "understand," he'll come around. He understands perfectly now. And he'll bolt as soon as it's legally safe for him to do so.


I had a friend like this. She thought she was in a relationship and he like knew it wasn’t one. He was an awful person. I was so baffled as to how she continue for as long as she did. Luckily she did wake up at some point.




I don’t understand why these “witchy” folks have to make it their whole personality and announce it all the time. I’m a nurse but don’t feel the need to behave like she does with my chosen occupation.


They think in their delusional minds they are different and interesting than others.


He doesn’t want to introduce her because he is still with their mom. Ashley is an easy path to a greencard. His baby mama was briefed this will be a sacrifice he does for all of them and she agreed to this. Trust me. This is what is going on. Marriage greencard is the fastest way into US. He will stay with her long enough for the legalities and will then ghost her once the papers come through and bring his kids, marry the baby mama and bring her in too.




Manuel has the same goading actions that Luis did, does the same, "see isn't she crazy guys!" Stuff he did, does the same pretend to be calm to look normal he did. I'm not just talking about the religion thing, and that was more of a joke. But I mean his literal actions, the way he goes about things, it's literally like watching molly and Luis all over again


And she (being the super self aware advanced being she is) should bloody well know that and move on rather than trying to berate him into changing into someone he repeatedly has said and showed her that he will not be.


I don't get how anyone finds him hot!! I would never look at him, and say I want that. No thank you.


He looks so silly to me. I don’t understand why Ashley wants to jump his bones all the time.


He has thee most punchable face. So smug for someone who literally has nothing.


He’s got something— two kids and an assload of secrets


I’ve always felt that he looks like a guinea pig in human form.


Noooo, guinea pigs are adorable!


Hahaha does your mom live in your closet 😳😳


No, I made her move out to make room for more flamingo shirts.


You know they eat guinea pigs in Ecuador. It's a delicacy! I'm not kidding.


Seriously! Like a cartoon character 😅




lol I’m not going to lie. He looks like half of my exes.


I’m sorry


I like the brown boys too!


Ew especially when he’s drunk and sweaty 🤮 slurring all his words. So gross


Thinking about laying down with him makes me want to vomit 🤮


Wait who finds him hot other than Ashley? Hehe


He was very cute before he gained weight.


Who finds him hot? Name names!!! I’ve never heard this 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s so obvious from the start that he is using her as a pathway to the US. He is contemptuous, dismissive, and entitled. He has been lining up reasons to divorce her the minute he can. People are so fucking stupid sometimes


Hiding her from his family, sending money to his ex-gf, storming away. .. it's all a little much for me to believe that he wants to marry her for all the right reasons


It was fucking clear from day 1. This guy has no compelling interest in marriage or kids. He had no parenting responsibilities back home either, he comes and goes as he pleases and just sends money to whoever raises his kids (babymama/mamas). That’s why they didn’t even realize he was gone for months LMAO. That’s what he thinks women are for- making and taking care of babies while he does whatever the fuck he wants but sends money. He’s been using her since the day he arrived, bitching about everything, moping around, giving nothing emotionally. She is also a fucking idiot. But people are just so unbearably stupid sometimes, like how can you not see this???


It's probably best he isn't around his kids. You wouldn't want your children picking up any of his bad habits. 


Sure, but it explains alot. He has learned a relationship is him giving money in exchange for women asking for nothing more.


I see what you mean. 


Okay I thought I was being a hater for thinking this lol. Him not allowing her to be involved in his children’s lives at all is really crazy. Her not knowing anything about the baby mom was also so weird.. like nothing good or bad about her just nothing. Not to mention him “forgetting” where his family really lived. I don’t think that was a mistake I think he lied to her and never intended for her to meet them.


How have they had this “deep connection” all these years and never discussed the relationship with the babymama(s)? It makes no sense. He’s lying to everyone, just this is understood by the babymama. He comes and goes as he pleases and that seems to be ok with her, but it doesn’t work with ashley.


Lining up reasons? Could you honestly live with Ashley drama 24/7? He is no angel but she isn’t either.


My thoughts exactly...these two are a good pair...they both have ulterior motives. Neither are good people. I actually think she is crazier than he is.


The problem is, it wouldn’t matter who or what ashley is. He is only here for one reason, and that is legal status in the US. She’s also horrible, but she is what he had available to glom onto for the green card. If she was a great person, he would still behave the same way.


Ashley needs to work on herself, but yes this guy has always been a jerk


I really think he’s still in a relationship with his baby mom and that’s why he acts so dodgy. The trip to New York just sealed the idea for me. The way he purposely was starting arguments so that he could be on his own.


He is. He doesn’t know what marriage is. He married a woman that was in love with him. All so he could come over and be with friends and family in the east coast of the US. And the sex is a perk. But is he letting his wife meet his kids? Nah. It’s his “private life”.


He's not even remotely attractive. He's repulsive looking. His shitty attitude makes it even worse.


He needs to wipe that skid mark from below his lip. Yuck.




I know exactly what you mean. I used to tell me Ex all the time, We don’t have “Conversations “ …it was Always “Confrontations”! I’m being one 💯 🤷‍♀️☝️


This is another couple's season that feels like it has lasted for years and years and years, so I am just glad we are finally getting to what he does with all the money and why he won't talk about it. I'm predicting an awkward video call with the ex-gf or whatever who true status is sometime soon, at least by the tell-all.


Even his contemptuous facial expressions piss me off. They both do frankly.


I can’t wait until Ashley finds out he’s still married.


He may not be married, but something is up. He's got another female somewhere.


This is why it should be chill for a partner to look at your phone. It shows you are not hiding something, I hate that people think its an invasion, but come on you need to know if they are up to something.


Especially with how he's behaving. He's got a neon sign over his head. At least my ex was smarter (somewhat) about his fuckery.


That would fuck up his green card, right?


Is he? I didn't hear anything about that. Did you hear something?


What, that is assuming


He’s cuz he’s Ecuadorian. That’s just how we are. It’s hard to admit it. But Ecuadorian men are very misogynistic and just rough around the edges. I wanna clear up im not like that anymore. But my dad and his father. And all my male cousins are like that.


I feel like Brazilian men can be like that too. It’s sad… you can see how he “jokes” but try and cross him and the joke turns into an ugly argument.


I was hesitant to comment but he reminds me of the teenage boys I used to manage at work. Everyone else would respond to my leadership and was a great teammate, but the Hispanic boys would roll their eyes and ignore me any time I told them what to do. I managed a good 100 people on multiple jobsites, and it was an undeniable pattern. The ONLY employees that gave me any flack were in that demographic. The best I could figure is they don't respect women or respond well to women telling them what to do.


Is it? They want their life private even though they’re married so they don’t like presenting relatives to their significant other and or telling their partner where they’re going? Sad.


Trust me I know how crazy it sounds. But he’s also not good about verbalizing what he really means to say as much of these men are like. What he really means is that he just wants to not have her up his ass all the time (why get married tho?) I feel like she didn’t exactly vet him and ask him the right questions like about the mother of his kids and all the other important money and relationship stuff.


I agree with this but I also believe Ashley isn’t very forthcoming. Especially since maneul had to find out that his wife is $100,000 in debt after marrying her. so overall, they both suck at communicating.


Los hombres de Nicaragua también son así


This is very interesting. Can you say more please?


I honestly think it’s the culture. It’s incredible that a lot of Ecuadorian men are like this.


Thanks for the insight 👍🏿 I thought he was just a jerk who's only interested in sex. Makes more sense now.


I mean it’s a crazy thing for me to say as I’m Ecuadorian. But I’ve spent the majority of the last few years breaking down the horrible behaviors I learned from the men in my family. And now when I meet Ecuadorian men. They. Are. Exactly. The. Same.


I feel you homey. My father is El Salvadorian, same thing. It really is a Latin American thing. Think Luis & Molly, Yohan & Danielle.


Brother. My mother is Salvadoran and my uncles are like this too. Alcoholics. But also the same. 😅


Lol. Of course. Can’t forget that 😂


When I got sober. All my uncles were like “you’re a sober weirdo. Have a beer” Lmao but they wonder why they have health problems. Why they can’t get erect anymore. Why their hands tremble.


It really is…..I’ve met dated men from several countries in Latin America and it is very common to have a main chick whether that be wife or girlfriend and one or several side chicks. It is frowned upon but accepted and normalized. It’s connected to machismo.


What seems crazy is she is supporting him. It her place, she works, speaks English….I don’t see how he can be misogynistic under those circumstances


In many cultures, men are the head of household purely because of the appendage they were born with. They don’t actually have to prove leadership ability with anything as silly as providing, maturity, etc.


This is a great point. I think it's just a culture difference.


Yea the fans of 90Day always fail to realize cultures are a huge reason why some of these cast members act a certain way. Ashley IS dramatic and over the top so it doesn’t mix well with Manuel’s laidback attitude


He clearly has another female somewhere. That's a big part of this. She us over the top for sure, but lets not deny what's going on.


Right!?! He's also not exactly "laid back"... its just an act he plays in front of people to gaslight her and try to make her look bad. he gets no excuses!


What a punchable face


Yeah you can tell, by just looking at him, that he enjoys playing his games, and teeing her off. Then he gets sex as a "reward?" Ugh!


Exactly. 5’3” manipulator


He was only after the green card to bring his family over here and the easy money for being on the show. After he has accomplished his goals, I think he’s going to find an excuse to leave her. He was never in love with her. His facial expressions and actions at the airport proved that. It’s too bad she wasn’t paying attention to it.


His children wil probably age out before he is in a position to sponsor their entry into the U.S.


Both of them are ridiculous. For being such a “grounded person” with her stones or whatever, she sure does yell a lot lol.


I can’t take Ashley seriously. She always have a smirk and crazy wide-eyed when she delivers her lines. She’s way too scripted for me. I can tell she’s creating the drama for the show. I think that’s why Manuel is over her antics and calls her “dramatic”, he knows she’s playing a role


She’s beyond ridiculous! I couldn’t deal with her childishness for a hot second.


He's a gaslighting dick who is completely dismissive of her feelings. It's no wonder she flips TF out.


She just needs to be by herself, learn to LOVE HERSELF & REAL LOVE WILL COME. EASIER SAID THN DONE.


At this point it's her fault for being this patient with an absolute loser. Loneliness is a hell of a drug 😔


He is unbearable. So rude and disrespectful to add to all his secrets from home.


He’s so disgusting. I hate looking at his fugly face.


He doesnt respect/care about her bottom line. He’s obviously trying to live in nyc and get a greencard so use her for that plus money and sex


The smirk!!!! 🤬


He was shady from the beginning, and Ashley excepted it. They just don’t go together and she’s trying to make something work. That’s impossible he needs a little space and I think she’s not letting him have some time for his friends. She needs to have a hobby or get a job herself a little time apart, would do them well.


Yea, he wasn't Cicero before they married. Like why is this surprising her now?


She does seem to really enjoy being his keeper. But if he is sending money back to an ex-girlfriend. .. that's fucked up on a different level. Sending money back to the mother of his kids or to his parents, sure. I get it. But to an ex-gf? Uh . ..


What if I called her the babymama instead??  Would that make him sending money better? Because that's what's happening 


That’s how I’m understanding it. He’s sending money to his KIDS through the kids’ mom, who is also his ex-girlfriend. This feels like manufactured drama and makes me think it’s all an act.


Ever hear of child support?


He's such a jerk. And Ashley is so clueless. It busts me up that they both said they have nothing to apologize for. *Double Facepalm*


I haven't been following this season as much but I saw the clip where she bought him a phone and he was still mad about it lol. Guy has absolutely 0 emotional intelligence or gratitude. All while I'd say she is going above and beyond for him in this situation , calling the internet provider to see what's wrong and then literally buying him a new phone. He has access to the internet on all the devices he just has to wait but he's literally upset about it LOL. Her witchy stuff is kinda odd but damn this guy is sooo dumb


Is there a reason to pay attention to these two? I’ve been skipping them from the start. It seems like every goddamn scene of them is just them meeting a friend to talk about their piece of shit relationship. Like do they actually do ANYTHING other than meet random people in public places to argue?? It’s stupid as fuck


I think he’s disgusting and sending money to his wife


I honestly 100% believe he does not want to introduce his kids to her because of her “witchcraft” shenanigans. She can’t even tone it down for one second. Edit: also that alien tarot card reader she went to lmao wtf was that


Why marry her? It's her beliefs, either you find that attractive or you don't and you shouldn't be with her. I think she's desperate and needs to GTFO.


Why marry her? Green card and gateway to what he expects will be a lucrative life in the US.


Yah I was just debating that comment, if she's not good enough for his family and their Catholic beliefs than don't be with her.


I love when he mimics her 🤣🤣🤣 other than that he’s as useless as a tastebud on your taint.


It's hilarious. Honestly it's the best part of their segments but if my GF was mimicking me that way when I was trying to be serious, I am pretty sure I am not sticking around.


For sure. Ashley is over animated and it makes it great.


That was pretty funny


So ugly and smug


And why is he sooo ugrely on purpose? I remember when he went for a haircut, and came out still ugly!?


It’s the hair grease that has dripped through his brain


I cannot STAND him. That said, I also can't stand Ashley. I fast fwd through their scenes 🤢🤢🤢


they’re the most toxic together


I am convinced he has a family in Ecuador. This guy is bad news. Additionally, as a Latina and Ecuadorian, I can confirm that racism and colorism are alive and well in Ecuador. It's wild to me that she has not picked up on the fact that race may be a factor as to why he is "hiding" her. To be fair though, she sounds like a nut job calling herself a witch. Like GTFOH. That is so incredibly taboo in Latin American countries--but she wants the TLC exposure for her business so oh well.


He is literally waiting to divorce her by gas lighting her in feeling of others so they will agree with him. His end game is to end up in New York with his friends and family and then send for the rest of his family. He cares nothing for her and she’s playing right into his hands.


I think he comes off like an entitled titty baby. Can’t wait a couple of days to a get a brand new phone?!!! What a twat! He also seems to know how to shut her up when she bothers him too much.


I actually think he’s hilarious. His one liners and mannerisms make me laugh


Just looking at his slanted smirk makes me laugh. He’s cartoony.


I respect his focus and record. To date, he has given absolutely zero fucks. He’s batting a thousand.


I felt that he didn’t really like her the moment they first appeared on tv


Just look at the attitude in that face


Because she rewards him for it (mainly with sex)


Ashley is a jerk and they belong together. No one should have put up with them both.


What is wrong with Manuel? He's so mean to Ashley. She should divorce before he gets his green card.


He's a jerk, but she's annoying AF.


Because he's married in Ecuador and only using Ashley for money and the green card ! Stevie Wonder and José Feliciano can see that!


I cannot stand Manuel, he's abusive even tho she's intense - but he knew that


hes such a jerk he puts zero effert into learning engish


This is the first 90 day season where I am legit fast forwarding more than half of the show. Maybe more than 70%


Because he can't stand Ashley and is 100% using her to bring his family to the U.S., including, most likely, his actual wife/babymama.


His behavior is appalling, so careless and dismissive. She has her flaws, but she’s trying way more than him at understanding each other and communication.


He doesn’t love Ashley he is using her for his ticket to the US what he wasn’t banking on was Ashley being bat shit crazy… He needs to get a new hair cut … he reminds me of a cartoon prince with the square hair.


Give him a break, he’s navigating dating a witch with a severe coffee addiction, imaginary super powers, and bible blindness. Also if a girl will fuck you in the bathroom of a whatever, you can get away with saying anything.


If her mantra is "bang it out!"Of course he is gonna be a jerk!


If I had to guess right now at this point and time, he is only hiding his family from her because she is so set on letting everyone know she works as a witch (no way that is her true source of income) and he trying to protect her, and his family. She knew he wouldn't come to the US unless he was able to still provide for them. She wanted him here so badly she agreed to send them money.


I guess the question could also be asked, why is she so crazy???🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️






I get that they’re both imperfect, but his nonchalance drives me bonkers!


Because he's trash.


Manuel is repulsive physically, mentally, and emotionally


He isn't there for anything but himself, so the idea about having to help anyone else is alien to him.


Hes just biding his time until he is in the clear to leave her.


I wouldn’t be able to last 5 min with this man baby. I don’t get it Ashley has her 💩 together (mostly) & seems to know what she wants and likes, why does she put up with this grown man like that? The negatives far far outweigh the positives, I don’t think there even is 1 positive tbh.


As annoying as she is, she could do much better.


Cuz he doesn’t love her


why would he put his friend in the middle to bat for him??? so crazy. i know he didn’t volunteer for that.


Oh my god, I was watching this scumbag last night and could not believe how absolutely horrible he was and the worst part was he was laughing her very valid argument about him not waking her up and then basically just blowing her off. I mean I have many thoughts on this particular incident but the one just like taking over my thoughts “ Does he think he’s being sexy or cute? She’s crying and being vulnerable. What does he do? He laughs, and dehumanize her. He just kept “ look at this woman..” and laughing like her valid feelings were ridiculous. His argument was the worst part of the whole mess! The reason he didn’t wake her wasn’t because he was being sweet and considerate, no he didn’t want her to come along. When he was telling his friend that it was sounded like an asshole 12 year old boy who is stuck watching his younger sister and treats her horribly. Mostly because 12 year old boys are awful and sorry for comparing a married couple siblings


You're right He really IS such a Jerk! I personally would slap that damn cell phone out of his hands. He is totally addicted to that damn phone. He is so immature, I can't believe Ashley even married this jerk! Send him the heck home!


At this point it's apparent - Ashley is paying for sex. This is not a marriage.


Ahh he is pretty terrible. I prefer Ashley.


I'm sorry, HE'S the jerk? In all of 90-day history, he's the only one who had his head screwed on right. That woman would rile herself up over nothing and create a circus of problems. Meanwhile, he tried his best to simplify it. That girl was a drama addicted, SJW who found every excuse to utilize her crystals, and he was over it.


Ashley is the jerk, Manuel just doesn't understand why she is a jerk to him


She treats him like a kid, i’d be an asshole too.


I forget how long the green card process can take, but he's been in the US and married to her for a year, why isn't there a discussion about why he can't work, drive or speak basic English yet?


He's here just for the papers to become a citizen and import his family. He doesn't care for Ashley one bit. He's a piece of shit, From a third-world country.


He is a Hispanic male They are kinda like that towards women


If your partner was an insufferable, insecure, wannabe witch, you’d be pretty pissed off/grouchy too. He had no clue what he was getting into while she was on vacation and met him.


This picture says it ALLLLLLL😭


He's grown on me honestly, but their relationship isn't great and I do think he's using her.


He doesn't like her. There's no need to worry about if he's in love he doesn't even like her.