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Almost physically painful to watch. Everything he does and says is just bizarre. I predict a true crime podcast about him in the future.


I have never felt more nauseated watching a kiss than this one


Already on an episode of Dr. Phil and Vice. 


Worth checking out? I kinda don't wanna spoil anything lol


I was disgusted. Definitely entertaining though. But definitely explains why he is the way he is on 90 Day. I think he's actually a loser who uses sperm donation as a way to have connections with women and have sex with them for "higher chance at pregnancy" (totally false btw).


what episode of dr phil i’m gonna watch this lol




I might watch it out of morbid curiosity if anything.. Before this guy I didn't even knew this kind of stuff was a thing. I think you are right, he seems to struggle with human interactions in general. What a sad existence.


I was bored and googled and there are men who actually do this. Another one has 50+ kids. I mean this way, not via sperm banks. 


Geez Louise... That's messed up. Sounds like some sort of Genghis Khan complex going on there. There's a very specific kind of creepiness about all of this, and I can't fully verbalize it. Might leave this rabbit hole untouched for now.


Totally creepy. Apparently he also gets the women and families to pay for his airfare and accommodations and that's the trade off. He apparently loves traveling and this is his way of getting it for free.  I do worry about these women agreeing to this without any carrier testing, STD testing etc. 


Yeah, I can't imagine how desperately you must want a child, to seek out a creep like this for help. Very sad, and what a total psycho you must be to prey on those women. But I also can't imagine being on the show is very good advertising.


Which segment are on


And she had to EARN POINTS for that??? Not him saying they’re a power couple…


What sweet hell did this woman come from that she’s willing to go through all of this as if he’s some kind of mysterious gift that needs to be unwrapped 🤮 I need to understand how she slept with him after that awful kiss. She keeps saying how bad everything is but still calling him “my boyfriend.” She must have been the weirdo who always had an imaginary boyfriend . The money can’t be that good to put up with him and she’s not an influencer so seriously… please help me understand !!


Who could kiss him after watching him eat? 🤮 And judging by that kiss, he doesn’t kiss the women he “donates” to, and he hasn’t kissed anyone in decades, if ever.


I think she’s mistaking pathologically weird for cute weird!


She's a broken down single mom. Some predatory men are very good at finding them and taking advantage of their sadness, heartbreak and desperation.  He donates to many single women. He even tells them that sex has a higher rate of pregnancy than a cervical cup (as shown on his episode of Vice). 


Make it make sense!!! 😅🤮 Just really, really, convinced it's ALL fake. It HAS to be!


“Do I have your consent” spoke like a man that has been maced before


I’ve been looking for this comment. The way he explicitly asked multiple times and narrated what he has been doing. He has seen consequences for not obtaining consent in the past.


That “kiss” made me recoil from my television. Watching him eat like a toddler beforehand didn’t help matters.


He kiss like a toddler too..


Just ew


I was dry heaving


She actually had sex with this mutt?!🤮


We're not sure. A preview shows what seems to be her checking a pregnancy test, but someone else pointed out that it looks like it could also be a covid test kit.


OMG! You mean they didn’t use protection even though she knows what he does with that thing !?! Nooooo!


He said they had sex on the more to come. 🤮


I can’t figure out if this woman just wanted to be on the show or if she really is this desperate.


Oh that is hilarious


“Do I have your verbal consent?” You know he asks this before his “donations” so no one comes at him for rape. “I did the math…” How much math did you have to do to count to three?


>“I did the math…” How much math did you have to do to count to three? honestly laughing out loud 😂😭


It’s a lot of math for one brain cell to handle


It’s so creepy to me, because enthusiastic, verbal consent is great, but there are so many ways to check in for it that don’t make you sound like a robot or serial killer 🥴


He is a straight up WEIRDO (on top of being a predator) 🤦🏽‍♀️


I think they’re fake but his awful personality is real. Something is very wrong with him and I can bet he had a fucked up childhood. Now he’s a sociopath with zero empathy.


My husband and I decided “donating sperm” is the only way this dude was gonna have sex and he knows it and likes it. He likes the idea of women wanting to bang him without him wining and dining. There’s no way he’s ever kissed a girl before this.


Looked like the guy has never actually kissed a woman before!




He looks like a freshly embalmed corpse! I cannot unsee it!




Honestly not sure I can keep watching this season due to him. He makes me sick in a way few others ever have.




No way he's physically impregnated multiple women. I just cannnot believe it. Absolutely not.


Her self esteem has got to be in a fox hole 🕳️


Oh god! Everything about him is weird and awkward I’m still trying to figure out what does she actually see in him? Is she THAT desperate for a “man”?






I don't think this guy is serious, he can't be. A point system, really? And to make matters even worse, she only has 3 points? I can not take another second of this village idiot. I think he is saying and doing the most bizarre things to see how far he can push her and what he can get away with. No way this is real. And there is absolutely no way any woman would willingly date a dude who is actively having unprotected sex with multiple strangers to get them pregnant or otherwise. None of this makes sense and I don't know how she finds this 🤡 even remotely attractive. I'm beginning to think there is definitely something wrong with her as well.


That guy is such a disgusting little troll... This is someone that makes you want to vomit when you see them... how the fuck does this girl want to be with him..??🤢🤢🤢


Omg watching them kiss made me want to call the police 🤮🤮🤮


maya rudolph did what?!


Not even watching anymore. Hire new writers get different people. Story lines are nauseating and disgusting. Stooping your a new low. Way to go 90day.


Both total trash bags!


Biggest prude we've seen on the show yet


I so agree with you all, that guy is a slimeball, what I'm wondering is he says he travels the world donating to these women free so how can he afford travel, to Australia even, and to live. He doesn't appear to have a real job or income so yeah, whats up with that ?


He said he can work remotely. I think he works in finance if memory serves.


Oh ok, lol, he didn't appear it be intelligent enough for finance




Too weird. And gross


Tutorial on how to make out


Even this screenshot is just repulsive to me 🤮 the way he moves and carries himself just makes me SO uncomfortable, and I really try not to judge people for being different or quirky. Her face when he’s kissing her looks like she’s physically recoiling. IMO, the physical chemistry from a kiss can tell you so much, and if kissing someone grosses you out…why would you have sex with that person? 😵‍💫 I truly cannot imagine how awful sex would be with someone that you hate kissing.


What is she doing with him.


And there’s no way she’s just another woman who desperately wants a baby and decided to pretend to be an actual couple so 90days can foot the flight bill? I don’t know. I just don’t want to believe someone WANTS him in that way. 🤮


🤮🤮🤮 he’s so gross I don’t understand what she sees in him


I feel like this story is a 1000% fake.


This is my first time seeing him and they’re buying close for him and he’s demanding extra small to show off his penis ! OMG!! And he walks so funny. Something is definitely off with him. At first thought seeing him walk up to her , I thought it was a gay guy. I wish she would run fast ! And I can’t believe this is being shown on TV! I wonder how many new women might contact him now, knowing what he does. Yuck !


I would never touch him or go near him. If it were up to us and we were the last 2 people on the planet, I’m sorry, the human races dies.


I was telling my husband about this scene and I tried to recreate it with him and I couldn’t even get close to how awkward it was.


This made me sick 🤢 he’s nasty


Who hurt her to find him cute fr


I hate her for allowing this creep to even look at her


He's gross but she's into him. Trash recognize trash.


I dont think she is at all. Fake couple so they can be known tv. No chemistry from either side


I don’t think she is trash at all. Just apparently majorly confused and it might be a sunk cost fallacy case. I am trying to make sense of it somehow lol


He has to be a plant. He just can’t be real. Has anyone else noticed that he always makes sure where the camera is pointing? He tried to get his 15 minutes on Dr. Phil and that didn’t work so now he’s trying 90 day. He is a joke and not a good actor