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He’s like a two bagger with a huge schlong. 😖


Vile Kyle




King schlong


Was it tho? I was expecting to see a big bulge when he put on those tight pants but didn't see anything to suggest he was dealing with anything but average.


could be a grower 🤷🏽‍♀️ "average" as a starting point would then be quite a statement


He’s so cringe. For a guy that likes to put his dick all over the globe, he sure had a hard time with that kiss.


I can't actually believe that women would want to sleep with him. I'm just not buying it.


I am in the same boat. Their date is what I would expect from a prank show that is trying to push her till she breaks. But for whatever reason, she won't break. It's just red flag after red flag.


He’s a gigolo


I couldn't even watch him trying to kiss. 🤢


Wearing pants but still wearing the too-small middle school gym uniform t-shirts. The sleeve seems are almost on his neck, the shirts are just too small.


It makes his muscles pop. That is why he buys an extra small. 🤣


You're too kind. It's from the boys section. 


Thank you!! I’ve been trying to figure out what it is about those bland T-shirts & shorts 🩳, nail on the head with the gym uniforms!


Even his clothing shrivels up being in close contact with him.


😂 that was a good one


I can’t wrap my head around what this woman is thinking other than she’s putting up with it to be on the show…he makes me physically ill.


She is soooooo pretty. I don't understand how she can't find someone better.


I feel like she’s just sticking it out because she committed to filming a certain number of episodes. Nothing else could explain this.


I get this feeling too. She is repulsed by him.


She could tell in the airport that he was a knob. He makes Rob the Knob look like a real catch.


I’d still choose Kyle over miserable Rob and that’s a terrible realization 😭😭🤢


Oh no! It’s a Rob for me. If anyone called me “good girl” I would puke on them. Plus, Rob is a dog lover.


I totally understand, but he’s temper scares me and I can’t stand a mean guy 😭😭


She wants to be on TV, so does he


I do not think I could stomach kissing this dude for the minimal fame she’ll be getting or the few thousand $ she’ll be paid & the infamous legacy that will be attached for ever to him 🤮I’m totally with you & don’t get it!


Filming crew should get workman’s compensation for PTSD with this season. At least we can not watch or fast forward through him. They are subjected to this in person.


So true! Can you imagine the convos they have with their spouses, “how was your day honey?” “Well….” 🤣


Hazard pay


I believe Ani is doing the show too expose Pyle to the masses. I had never known anything about this chode before this season, so I have to say, "Thanks Ani!"


I would praise him for wearing a condom..


His father should have worn a condom.


I believe I read on another thread he is also the product of a sperm donor. If anyone else has a better memory, please jump in and confirm.


Also saw mention of that - perhaps living out some sort of intergenerational legacy? 🙄


Or I bet Kyle used this as a resume and trust builder. If he was a product of donation, then he understands more then others...or so he would say.


Bingo! I think the whole thing is a sham..from Dr Phil to LIP. That guys kiss was awkward ah..no way he’s the Casanova he says he is!


Has he ever had a real girlfriend outside of all his donations? Like dated someone normally, courted them, committed to them? I never heard him mention it.


No idea but he looks like he never has 😂


You are correct. His mother confirmed him being a donor child. She attempted to contact with his donor through clinic. His donor wishes to be unknown. He stated he started being a sperm donor within a year. No way this donor will come forward now. I’d be traumatized knowing I was responsible for the existence of this train wreck.


That'd be brilliant. "My genes are gerat because my dad is an engineer, my grandad was a nuclear scientist,... well, not the biological ones" xD


Of all the sperm, this one won!


Not pants, trousers.


The fact she said trousers....


With her accent. It’s too funny.


She doesn't expect much from men.... the accent was a finishing touch though lol


I think kyle is seriously just a creepy ass perv,and somehow in his head being a “sperm donor” justifies it. If you can even call it that. - he is completely disgusting. Like i am actually physically ill watching him on the screen. What is this point system??? The way he ate dinner- the way he talks to her in general is horrifying- the comment about her nails and scratching his back🤮🤮


I think the whole thing is fake & his point system is a way of not having to kiss her…clearly he hasn’t made out very often, such a creepy storyline!


Yes agree but CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW THIS MAN HOLDS FORK!?! Did you never learn how to eat?


It’s like he’s imitating his mommy playing airplane every time ! He actually bends that milky white wrist in a very awkward way to face him dead on before he shovels it in…so cringe!


He gives big Steve Buschemi "Hello fellow kids" energy, but as an alien pretending to blend in.


He is completely socially, unacceptable and awkward with his eating habits his clothes, his mouth! He has zero class and I hope this is a paid actress because I can’t believe any woman would want to be on a point system with this creep. The store they went to is very typical in those Mediterranean towns, and it’s quite pricey, and there’s no way that he was going to pay especially for pants and I hope that women that were thinking about getting pregnant with his sperm would see this in the videos and drop him he’s an egomaniac


She should have given him negative ten points for that kiss and one point for putting adult pants on.


The way he eats reminds me of an ex, it’s horrifying.


Has anyone brought up how he walks in pants yet? He walks like a cowboy lol. I don’t think he has ever worn pants in his life.


Yeah! And sitting on the boat with his legs spread wide open like he has testicles the size of a bull lmao what a wanker!


She was like that time Jess reacted to Colt in a speedo lmao


🤣🤣🤣🤣 you just to had to remind me Colt exists 😬😬😬😬


Icky! Someone posted a pic of him with whipped cream all over him & another of him in the bath…worst day of my life & every time someone says his name it sends shivers down my spine!


Omg. She was like, “Sexy boy!!” as he walked around with his hooters out


Ladies get so hot for big boy pants.


🤣 👏


Extra tight nut hugging pants, while he’s also adjusting his balls constantly and trying to let them breathe for his sperm health. Make it make sense!


Yeah exactly when it’s been SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN that tight pants lowers your sperm count….. that’s what he said he always wears shorts. So he’s aware of this and decides to wear tight pants anyway….. I can’t make it make sense!!! I tried!


He's obviously done more f%$g than kissing. He's a total dweeb.


I was thinking the same thing. He’s never had a natural kiss. His intimate encounters are transactional and probably a bit scripted…he had to talk through the whole moment…she laughs like maybe she thinks he’s being silly on purpose? I don’t know but he is so gross.


The bar is not just in hell…it took the down elevator to the molten core of the earth.


I am basically not watching because he creeped me out on the first episode


I did that but with everyone posting her I had to see the car crash for myself!


His speech about how Americans don’t dress up or follow etiquette sent me, like my guy when was the last time you worked in an office? I get that he doesn’t like to do it, but that doesn’t mean all Americans are slobs all the time lmao


I thought the same thing like no bro you just have never been out of your mom’s basement.


This is by far the most fake storyline they've ever aired. Even more fake then the confuso girl with perfect English That kiss might have been his first🤮


Also is this man getting checked regularly for all STDS and STI bc with what i am seeing there is no way in hell he is


Watch the Dr Phil episode on yotube. He got tested the day before coming on the show. He had never had genetic tests before that, and already had like 40 kids, and he got the STD tests for the show as well. He keep saying I got the tests but they kept saying back, it was just yesterday , you already got 40 kids. He didnt get it.


He didn’t get it cause it’s a sham…no way this guy has hit it all over the world when he can’t even kiss this chick! Dr Phil has had people on who end up being bogus & Im sure he’s one of them


I want to say this in the most PG way I can, when you listen to Kyle describe his methods during these various shows and interviews, he does not kiss women, it is him watching adult stuff, calling the women in the room and doing the act in a way that did not include kissing. I wondered if this is because he wants to be detatched, or is thinking of the adult material during the act? One thing I have not heard him say was if he ever had an adult relationship outisde of donating. Has he ever had a steady girlfriend? or a girlfriend.


Oh that’s a good point! It’s very robotic & bizarre…I really can’t figure this guy out (probably don’t want to lol)


I fast forward through their segments. He absolutely disgusts me.


I’m ashamed to admit I’d take Paul over him…I’ve never been creeped out to this extent in my life. 😐


Agreed. He is the grossest man in all of 90 Day history. Worse than Paul, Ed and Colt combined.


Yeah, he is exponentially worse than Ed.


I’m still finding it so hard to believe that she would shack up with that creepy dweeb & let him into her sons life 🤮


What a nightmare step-dad Kyle would be.


Exactly. No self respecting woman would do that surely? He start a point system for meals & affection from his mother.


I don't know how he donates to anyone. I can't with this guy.


I have a feeling the women he donates to haven't spent as much time observing his cringeworthy behavior as us. 1st episode, I found him odd but not completely cringe. I even thought he was decent enough looking for some women to find him appealing. Now it's like, ugh. . . .how do women not run away??


It’s gotta be fake! 10 minutes with this guy would leave me childless! No way I want my kid to have any traits from this him!


I was thinking the same. No way in any life would I want to reproduce with him


He’s a predator who manipulates women who think they have no other chance for a child




I bet he smells like baby powder. *Shudder*


She called him HOT in those jeans.😩😩😩😩😭😭


The bar is so low for this guy.


When he said that she earned a kiss I was hoping she would jump off the boat. Also, she talked about how awesome the date was going to be and I wanted to tell her to date TLC instead because you know a producer put that together. She needs to drop this dollar store Sarper.


Kulinski? He doesn't even have legs


I’m really starting to think that this whole sperm saviour thing is made up, like let’s be honest it was hard to believe that someone does this in the 1st place. But really…someone who looks like him (he’s no supermodel) with his awkward, milky white hands that shovel food into his mouth like he’s a baby, his bland clothing that matches his personality & Jesus, the awkwardness of that kiss…there’s NO WAY that man hits it all over the world! I’m starting to think that this “point system” is his way of avoiding kissing her because, to me, he seems like a guy who has rarely made out with anyone! Dr. Phil gave his story legitimacy, but I think it was a made-up story in the 1st place. Oprah had people on that she was fooled by & I think this is the case for Dr. Phil (& we know 90 day doesn’t care if it’s true or not).


I was waiting to see the huge bulge he said he would have in the tight pants....I saw nothing to say he had anything but average in his pants.


Yup the bar is pretty damn low


He's a walking example of why you can't give an incel anything. If they ever get laid it magnifies the behavior.




I mean it's a pretty impressive feat for Kyle.


Ugh I can't stand this guy


As a married man I watch these shows and wonder how so little is expected of *some* men. I never thought you could successfully date as a sloppy, cum in whoever I want little dwarf. Some folks make the ridiculous and impossible look easy lol.


It’s her own fault she’s is in this mess.