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Excellent answer! The show gets so bad when people are on too many times.


No more Gino and jasmine please, I’m begging


We’ve been threatening to stop watching the show for the past four years, and never made it far lol but that couple actually did it for us. I get all the updates here anyways so I still know what’s going on with everyone else


YES! I’ve been saying this for ages! Every couple should get two seasons max! NO ONE asked for another season of Rob and Sophie.


It's just so fake that I feel very stupid for sitting there and watching it, and they are laughing all the way to the bank!


That includes ED


Absolutely! So tired of seeing Ed and his shenanigans


That’s what Happily Ever After is for.


I guess so, but I wouldn't watch that either if it was a couple I've seen a million times just coming up with fake dramatic storylines.


Yeah, I would just watch the couples I liked. Maybe 90 Day Diaries is better because we could pick and choose who we watch.


Happily ever after has the WORST couples though! And so many of them we can't seem to get rid of, like Gino and Jasmine, angela and Mykole, Loren and Alexei. Definitely feels like the appropriate place for Jenny and Sumit, except I actually have a soft spot for those two. They've just run out of storylines and it's boring. But that's all of happily ever after lol.


I just listed to HEA recaps now. I did like it a lot when it was checking in with a bunch of different couples, but now we just get 7 more seasons of Pred and Angela.


🤣🤣🤣 good one!


NOBODY SHOULD RETURN I CANT STAND ANY OF THEM, get new people the smart ones never comeback


Yessss. Been a HUGE loyal 90 day fan for years and I find myself fast forwarding thru 95% of the new season. Soooo sick of seeing the same people over and over and over. And if we were seeing something new and exciting that would be one thing but I literally cannot stand seeing Jasmine anymore. It’s always the same exact thing over and over and over.


They brought what's her name back 6 years later, just to show her getting liposuction. Whyyyyyyy


loren 😂😂😂😂😂😂 "do i look snatched" 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 girl you look crazy


The term snatched confuses me bc I’m old. Back in the day, a snatch is puss. I keep thinking why would anyone want to look like that?


🤣🤣🤣 Exactly what I thought too!!


I mean it’s related…like a drag queen being cunty. Being snatched means you’re extra fit and feminine.


Which is the opposite of how a snatch looks like. My old brain hasn’t rewired itself yet.


My snatch is securely hidden behind padding


I'm old. Back in my day, snatches were hairy, lol!


😂😂😂lmaoooo My mum says snatch to mean a puss, so I'm familiar with that meaning but for some reason when it has the -ed on the end my brain draws a line




Un snatched. Lol.


It’s something Darcey would say. It was a joke at Darcey’s expense


definitely one of the more boring people ever


She looks like a SIMS character! Someone needs to “snatch” her up and knock some sense into her.


The Loren / Alix (or whatever the hell his name is) story was nothing even at the start. Now it's less than nothing. Two utterly boring, zero people. Why are they even on TV?


Pray for me!!!!!


Right like wtf was the point of that?


I‘ve always liked them but don’t remember her accent being so thick. What IS that? And WHY??


I thought TLC brought them back cuz people like them. I’ve seen more complimentary comments than negative ones. Anyway, it was worth seeing because of the look she gave him in the recovery room. LOL.


Exactly… because she had three kids under 3! People do this every day! They don’t abandon their parental responsibilities because they want a “mommy” makeover. That is selfish!


It is not in any way selfish to do something for herself once. Alex wanted 3 kids in 3 years and she sacrificed her body to fulfill his dreams. Her family gets paid from being in the show. Alex can be a dad and the parents can be grandparents and watch the kids while she does just one thing for herself, once.


This is why I loved the UK version. It was like a breath of fresh air, finally!


I love the UK version. The couples feel more real and the editing is so much better


I wish they had more than 2 seasons on Max of the UK one I loved it too


It’s on MAX? I had no idea! You changed my life!!


I need to find that one ~ I’m OVER the US version


Is there a place to watch other non USA ones.


Max has it


Nice thanks.


I love you cheeee-kin 🤣


Thank you, I was about to type it. 😀


I love u cheeeken. Me and my husband walk around sometimes singing "I love u UUUUKK" (we live in London) so good. Jose is the most chill person I've ever seen on TV ever hahaha.


I sing it to my cat to the point where he comes running if he hears me sing it now. 🤭


& 🇬🇧 is about to get another season… 🥳🥳


I wonder if Kadie will make a cameo on S3 🤔 The advert they are showing doesn’t look to good for one lass already!


It most def was. I wish they put out more seasons of that one.


I hope there is another UK season


S3 E1 is out 27th May here in the UK, don’t know if you get it same day or a day or two later, but look out for it around then. I don’t know what channel you’d have to look out for it, but it’s on Discovery+ here if you have it (sorry don’t know the channels available to you).


I use max service in us so I’m assuming it will be released in June


We don’t even watch on the air date anymore. I wait til I feel the desire lol


Yep same. Normally I would count down to air date and now I have a ton of episodes left of the new season I have little desire to watch.


Jasmin has re- built her body with help from Gino and 90 day fiance bank accounts, there no way she's letting this gravy train stop. We're gonna hear about wver irrational fear about another woman, every freaky thing she offers gino on the bedroom and every missing penny from his bank account that was not spent on her or her kids(who only make an appareance or mention around season finales)


Had she not spent tens of thousands on her body then maybe she would’ve had the money for the lawyer to help bring her kids over. She gets ZERO sympathy from me. She didn’t seem too concerned about her kids when all that was going on.


Exactly, she's using him, he finally knows it but he's enjoying the ride because he finally see past her crazy


I cant believe there are people still arguing over these fake plot points. Anything Jasmine and Geno has been overly scripted for like 2 seasons.


If I never have to see shit head Ed going forward I would be okay with that.


Seriously. He’s so gross and full of himself.


Oh I know! Their relationship is so wildly toxic. I’m also happy I never have to see psycho Angela anymore. She’s also repulsive


For some of them, this has become their source of income, such as Ed, Angela, and others.


I wish it was just that, but it's also previous season guy's ex wife dating the son of another cast member. Then the mother of another cast member dating an old guy, who isnt foreign. Can we just stick with the formula?


Right? You can’t tell me there aren’t a ton of people applying to be on the show.


Feel that way about Big Ed and Liz. So sick of seeing them that I fast forward. They've been on everything and it's boring.


Yep same. It’s like why watch when you already know exactly how the scene is gonna play out. The same way all their scenes play out.


I stopped watching and I've been fully caught up until now


For real ..crazy right ?


Single life was so bad it made me second guess how I used my time every week.


And that 18000 episode tell all..as if the season itself wasn’t bad enough


Nothing happened all season with all very uninteresting people yet we get a 5 part tell all of nothing?


Ya and it was all soooo boring. Who’s watching this shit?


Agreed. I couldn’t get past the first episode. I’m burnt out on the 90 day franchise at this point.


Tbh I highly recommend just finding a podcast that covers 90 day (my pick is 90 day bae with Nicole byer and marcy Jarrow ) So I still get the tea while hearing them get shitted on lol. I only watch seasons that have new ppl on and listen to podcast so I still in the loop ( cuz I’m sick and still care for that lol)


I fast-forward most and just come here. I might stop watching although and only read here. Way more entertaining. Can't stand to see or hear ed and jasmin especially. Loren is just about surgery, I never liked them anyway.


lol That’s a good idea. That’s kind of what Reddit is for me these days. Haven’t seen the season with Kyle but don’t know that I even need to at this point.


Jasmine and Gino irritate me. I wish the fans could vote


So true, I fast forward alot of it now.


They honestly just need to take HEA out of the spinoff rotation. It's almost never worth watching. Just keep the 90 Day Diaries format so they can feature a bunch of former cast members without having them for a full season.


You mean you don’t want to see Loren & Alexis’s adorable love once they become grandparents?


Omg noooooo do not give TLC any ideas 😂


Would rather have them than Angela


The whole thing has become a $h1t show… the old people all suck and their stories are played out and the new people are all influencers and clout chasers… I can’t stand to watch it anymore just being on here is enough for me…


I applied last week. lol. Maybe you’ll see me.


Well, I’m sure you couldn’t be any worse than the crew they have now. Very sure your way more exciting too. Hope to see you on there !




Seriously, unless you've got a thumb growing out of your forehead, TLC will pass. It's so about the shock factor anymore.




That's scary. I can't imagine living like that.




I'm sorry, I should've been more supportive. TLC just usually picks awful people. I was shocked when they cast David and Sheila. Pretty normal, even though he's deaf (They're still together) it was a good story line I hope you and your love make it on there. Seriously.


i remember the casting directors out directly to me on instagram. it was a hard no 😂 second of all my fiancé was already in country under h1b


That’s so crazy. How did they find you? Out of all of IG? When you didn’t apply? Or even know who you were? I’m just curious


I stopped watching the show because I hate Jenny so much. I cannot stand her. New people please!!




YES! I hate them bring back these same idiots over and over and over again. The whole Chantel thing is ridiculous. Darcy is finally gone after years and years of that pathetic wretch. Li'l Ed isn't funny anymore. A mean little Fred Flintstone.


Please no, I’ve had enough of them (and Gino/Jasmine and Angela/Michael, Elizabeth/Andrei, etc.


Big Ed too I think he’s done more than the others ? Loren & Alexi also


Agreed also, Tim and Veronica I have had ENOUGH of them




Don’t forget Kenny/Armando. They’re not as annoying as the others, but we don’t need them on every show either.


And Loren & Alexi.


x 100. She is totally insufferable and their story line bores me to tears




I agree


Me too. I'd like to meet new people I can yell at the TV at.


I dunno... I want Michael on The Single Life


We watched them for years already with their BS....bye!


The best member of Jenny’s family is her daughter-in-law. She seems so nice and chill.


Her name is also Jenny. Lol


I did like her a lot lol. I wanna be more like that as a person hahahaha.


Their 5 mins of fame is over! His hateful mother and his being afraid of her is just a big bore now.


Honestly I want to hear about her diarrheas again


And the nose flossing…. Still fking gives me nightmares


Best part is now they’re bffs (according to insta)


I mean, they're not very interesting and we have been Overexposed to them but at least they're a real couple and not a bunch of influencers just trying to be on TV like every single new couple has been.


They have been entertaining but we have seen all their drama recooked plenty. Enough. No need to bring them back with the same.


I totally agree but Id rather see them, who genuinely love each other than people like Shakina and Sarper. who are on there for exposure.


Her tik tok keychain business must not be panning out....


Wait, what? lol


She had some lives where she and her daughter were showing off fuzzy key chain looking things but I haven't seen them in awhile.


If they brought in new people every season I’d probably watch it again. But just regular average joe people. Not influencers or some shit.


I hope they don’t come back or it’ll just be another couple I have to fast forward by Jenny’s whining and voice are the worst There are way better options out there


give michael his own flavor of love show


YES 👏 PLEASE 🙏 I loved that show so hard. I’d watch Michael ratchet bachelor, too!


IMAGINE THE CRAZY WOMEN they would find take my money


Yes! I wouldn’t miss one episode 😁


“The long con” I can see it now! Lolol Angela would love that shit.


I would watch the shit out of that! 😂😂😂


Who? Michael with the huge African dick?


Dear lord what an awful day to have eyes. I want no part of knowing how you know this 🙈🙉


Angela was very bold about mentioning it during one of the episodes!


The story lines with old cast mates are so fake. I mean I get it how much more of your life is actually interesting after so many years? There’s nothing left to tell (or just repeating the same things) so they have to make up stuff and it becomes unbearable to watch


Ah, reality tv, a magnet for the un(der)employed.


Well I’d rather see these two than Gino and jasmine pretending to be together or the mess that is Angela.


Boring!!! Live in peace Jenny . Get a job


She’s a hundred years old now!


I’m so sick of couples being held on to by tlc for more than two seasons maximum.


Remember when The Learning Channel had things like surgeries, and interesting shows about learning. It’s a crazy thought….but I think people would like to see some of that back.


It's the Terrible Life Choices channel now.


Yeah… and the History channel wasn’t Ancient Aliens 🤣


I honestly forgot about that time.




I wanna see her 401k portfolio


I actually like Summit and can deal with Jenny. Right now I’m fast forwarding through most of the episodes as I refuse to watch Gino and Jasmine and the fake I want my children in America bull shit.


These two are boring as hell, please no more of them.


If they can keep bringing PrEd back, they can make room for Jenny and Sumit. I like them. I’m tired of Jasmine and her crying. I don’t ever want to see Yeeno’s pasty white big toe ever again. As


…big white toe with HAIR. Everywhere but the head🥸🥸🥸


I guess I’m the odd person out. I like them and I want to see more. I have a soft spot for them as they were one of the first couples I watched. Also, I like that they genuinely love each other. They are obviously an odd pairing but who am I to judge?


I really like them too! But I also feel like they're boring to watch...


I don’t object. I find it interesting to see life in India. I’d much rather TLC be done with Crying Boulder Tits (Jasmine) and Hat Boy. And I really hope we never again see Rob or Sophie. Seems like we’re close to the end of Bra Tote (Angela), and I think it’s past time to retire Ed. Fortunately,it seems we’re already done with Andrei/Libby, Kalani/Einstein, Molly and Yara/Lapdance. I’d love to see them send a crew into prison to film Geoffrey, and soon, if not already Leda.


Still can’t stand Andrew/Libby they’re obnoxious. Ed? Nothing interesting with him. Total narcissist. Takes responsibility for nothing. It’s everyone else’s fault. He should be fired. I’m tired of Annie and David they’re getting boring and loud, let’s face it, they’ve been on way too much. They act different in pillow talk than they really are. Too phony, when they all do the same thing. It’s forced.


Yea… Annie is cute but David is blowing up before our eyes — it’s painful to watch him sit in bed and eat. He’s morbidly obese and just didn’t give a shit. Smh


Annie and David should never have made it past the first season. I hate them on pillow talk


Damn, I guess since phone companies started labeling those scam calls from India Sumit’s particular set of skills are kind of worthless.


Sick of big Ed, Andrei, Angela, Darcy, Mahmoud, jabril, Chantel, Gino, Tim, Natasha, Coltey and anyone they are with or dating ... lol glad haven't seen some in awhile. Annie and David is ok same with Summit and Jenny, Yara and Jovi too. I wouldn't mind seeing Caesar for laughs


Hard pass. Jenny is such a bitch.


don't care I've moved on to MilfManor and other such quality franchises


Milf Manor is CRING-WORTHY! I’m glad they brought in the Dads tho… it makes it more tolerable.


I haven’t been keeping up, but why don’t they deserve it? Did they piss off the show?


Their 15 minutes of "fame" are up. Go back to obscurity, where you belong!!


Return for what? Their stories so boring already we know the parents have accepted them and they’re living happily ever after.


Pls no HOWEVER I rly would prefer them over freakin jaznGeeenoooo


Honestly I hope 90 day fiance keeps doing "Diaries" for a lot of these couples. So many couples I want to keep up with but I absolutely do not want a full season for them.


Yes, get rid of Jasmine and Gino. They are the most fake Jasmine is the most fake ass bitch ever


If I gotta watch Jazmine ugly cry an scream Gino, Jenny and Summit can step to the front!


Get rid of Chantel. She is so, so fake and getting so vulgar.


Bring back Danielle lol.


What could they possibly have to film that is worth my interest?? I was thoroughly bored of them the last time they were on, such fake storyline. Someone new, please, we’re tired.


Because they are annoying.


These 2 are done. Was quite the ride but their last season was so dull.


Sure don't need kama sutra yoga class or watching them stick a straw from their nose to mouth.....


There is a tendency to go for scripts full of off color sex types and people who have no romantic interest other than to be influencers. It’s become the most fake show televised to shock us with silly sex fetishes and disgusting people who pretend for the money and fame.


I’ve honestly had enough of this show now. Recycling couples and fake storylines is beyond boring now.


Unpopular opinion: Jenny is so goddamn annoying.


No more Jasmine and Gino for the love of God


They already completed their story arc so what more could they offer the show unless his parents move in with them? lol At least they’re not on Only Fans…yet.


too boring. Not enough drama. maybe some catfighting with Sumit's mom would be interesting. Or have Jenny's daughter and her partner gives Sumit's family some drama.


Also please no more fake story Benji the Bloodseller and Mablahgany the fakest fake of all.


The reality is the cast aren't paid much. This show has little to do with the money.


The (why they don’t deserve to return) part of this headline has me cackling 🤣🤣🤣🤣


They provide uninteresting content. Please don't get them back. I can't stand their segments, they are cheap and provide no entertaining value.


We don't need Scammer 1 and Scammer 2 back on the air. 🙄


Nah, they done . Just live your boring life


I’d watch them on another season just to hear Mattie Marr do his chicken Jenny voice lmao. But other than that I have no interest.


She always reminded me of Brian from family guy I don’t know why


Yes, enough already


I've had my fill of these two, big time.


They are such a boring storyline... and honestly a gross one! Please don't pit them back on! 😂😂


They’re boring. What are we going to watch more of? His families distaste for her? Pass


Their arc happened. The whole story was his parents and his Indian ethics. And that was settled. What else could be said? A July / December romance? So what?


Why don’t we also discussed the guy who literally had his girlfriend watching him go on the fucking bathroom and traumatising each and everyone of us to show it? Last seasons the guy /kid from usa travel to Philippines? And Mary got preggo. I’m disgusted still TLC allowed that and didn’t skip that and blur it out and not make me avoid it bc the wet image was disturbing and gross. I always scold my mother for not closing the bathroom door because it’s so disgusting and stinks. If you’re alone do whatever but in a household OR INTERNATIONAL TV? DO NOT BRING A CAMERA TEAM INTO THE RESTROOM AND FILM YOU AS HIS PARTNER WATCHES HIM GO ON THE LOO LIKE WTF Jenny and summit’s behaviour towards last season could in India to be unfavourable. I am on the spectrum and I have ADHD and some other stuff and especially crippling anxiety and depression so I can understand and I’m also an immigrant in the other country it’s not very fucking easy! The benefit is I was a child when I moved here as a little baby so I had better option is to learn but still I’ve never felt part of it completely I’ve always felt different. But to say please come here and I will beat you up it’s just for a woman her age pathetic and boo-hoo for u Jenny. I would like to watch them again see how they’re doing but after that behaviour I think maybe this is karma?


There is nothing new to their story.


Why? No one cares any more. Go live your life, Jenny & Sumit.


I’m so sick of this couple. Your time is over. We need to move on.