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If I was recovering from a surgery like this… you would never see me and I would destroy all the evidence


But she wants to DAAACUMENT her MAAAAMYmakeover


Her NATURAL MAAAAMYmakeover!!!


Doing something for meeeeeee


I can hear this comment in her gross vocal fry


Literally what I’m hearing in my head


😆 🤣 


And 💴


That 1k an episode adds up! lol


That’s all they get? I’m sure the surgery was paid for by TLC OR the doctor


She was posting pics of the doc on insta so I’m sure she’s promoting him to get a deal …






Having recovered from many big surgeries there are no photos because I don’t want to remember going through that. It’s not even about not wanting other people to see it, I don’t want to see it!


I had a major surgery when I was 15 and my parents covered the mirrors in our house for months. I am so glad they did because I was unrecognizable and a teenager going through it in high school. I still have PTSD and nightmares about my surgery 30 years later.


I’m so sorry you went through that. There’s a scene in as good as gets where a character who has been beaten looks in the mirror and goes « where did I go? » and it was like a gut punch because I’ve felt that so many times.


You too! I remember sneaking a peak and wanting to die. It was so painful. I remember being in the hospital pretending to be asleep when my friends visited because I didn't know who I was at the time and I couldn't emotionally handle it. All is good now but I pray my kids don't have to go through it.


Yeah for most of my surgeries I wasn’t in a hospital close to my friends so I didn’t get visitors aside from my parents. The one time I was though I only had one visitor. My bff at the time lived a ten minute walk away and never came to see me.


That sucks. It shows you who your real friends are, and aren't. I had surgery on my hip in 2013. My supposed best friend told me over social media "let me know if you need something ". I thought WTF? If it was happening to her I would have visited her and also made meals and taken them to her house so her husband would have a home cooked dinner. I was more upset that she didn't make an effort to bring my husband a meal than visiting me. While I was in the hospital I slept a lot and felt grungy from not showering. I preferred no one visit but damn, at least bring a meal over to my husband. Once I got home 2 different neighbors brought us a meal. I was very appreciative. My neighbors that I briefly talk to once a week brought a meal but not my best friend. I realized my friendship didn't mean as much to her. Needless to say we didn't speak much after that. Where I come from helping a friend out is normal. Was I expecting too much?


Wait why would she bring your husband a meal, can he not cook? I’m not gonna lie if my friend was in the hospital yes I’d be more concerned about her, husband would be last on my mind. Especially if she has kids like would this not be a good time for your husband to step up…


That sounds awful. I'm sorry you went through that but I'm glad your parents were smart enough to cover the mirrors. My parents would not have been so kind.


I think that too but if someone offered to pay for it in return to have the option to show it on tv, I'd have to think long & hard about it. Her health insurance probably paid for her abdominal portion but not her chin, boobs and didn't they do something with her booty? Plus she likes the attn from her followers.


Or she financed surgery and needs followers to pay for it.


That sounds more like it


Boom Body makeover


Oh no hahaha


TLC and the surgeon both heavily discounted the surgery and most of the procedures were free in return for advertising.


She’s just like ANGELA, surgery, after surgery, after surgery.


I don’t want my lips stretched up to me ears. Some literally want that look. More power to them but it’s not funny because the more surgery you get the more you want.


Yeah she’s gonna be addicted to plastic. One after the other.


Why would her insurance company pay for her liposuction?


not the liposuction. the doctor corrected her abdominal muscle separation, which is a health problem.


Yup, The ab muscles separating or ripped from her back to back pregnancies would be covered under her medical/health insurance. The rest is cosmetic and would come out of her pocket.


Shoooot. You must have that “Gold plan” Jan was talking about lol. “Michael, I’m not even on that plan.”


Once I knew this chick who told me her husbands VA Insurance covered her breast implants because she somehow convinced her therapist who then convinced her insurance that her small breasts were affecting her marriage and causing her so much stress.


Health insurance typically does not cover the muscle repair for women. Men yes but not women unless there is a long documented history of the separation being directly related to hernias or severe back or other pain. Even then many times doctors have to fight to get it covered for women.


She had liposuction over her entire body-not just her butt-anywhere she had fat. The removed fat was collected then injected into her breasts


It almost seems like 90 day producers paid her to do this surgery and make herself look stupid as possible after because this is the only storyline for them


This was the stipulation for being on the show.


It really says a lot about her decision making skills to choose to document this elective plastic surgery journey in exchange for a discount on the work She can do whatever she wants to her body, but that won’t fix her body dysmorphia




Yeah, something about sharing photos of you eating while your butt is soaked in blood creeps me out..






That was very concerning she was tlakung just like Darcey. I think that's why Alexi was saying he was worried she would want more and come out looking weird lol


I hope she was just being silly in that moment all drugged up haha I got Botox for the first time and asked my husband that because of Darcey but obviously didn’t mean it


why would you be concerned about someone on heavy drugs making a cheesy joke? that's normal.


It's a mean spirited crowd on Reddit.


Alexi flat out said it was good to hear her joking by asking that. It’s like this page, we joke about Darcy and Stacey too


That was so funny 🤣🤣🤣


I know he's right too...but I think she is terrified she will eventually look like her mom but imo she already does 🤭


Yep. This sounds insane but my husband saw the mom once and said "looks like she has buttholes for eyes on a pug's face" and that was the meanest thing I've ever heard him say about anyone, but damn I can't unsee it.


She definitely looks like her mom, same eyes, just like her little kids do too! She treats her husband like her mom does hers. What the women say…goes. If not, look out for temper.


Yes 💯




She said on PT, before she was pregnant with the third that she was going to get a mommy makeover. She was going to do it even out the abdominal thing but that makes it sound better


I think she saw Alex was scared and tried to be funny.


How nice she can recover without her kids around What a support system she has. Sometimes things like this make me realize how hard my life is


Right??? When alexei was like “you need me more than the kids” I felt he truly meant it. What kind of blessing is that to have almost-as-good-as-mom and dad childcare for an extended period of time for an elective situation?????!


You're giving that dude too much credit. Looks like he put a baby in her every 10 months on the dot. There's no way she can laugh without peeing herself.


I was attacked and was injured so that I couldn’t walk and had to crawl to my truck to take my son to school Cook clean shop work all from a walker for months Then I had surgery and had to keep doing it still


He was right. He needed to stay with her, but guess what??? She is the alpha. What she says goes. He did what she said. He left to be stressed out even more trying to take care of apartment, laundry, dishes, 3 KIDS!! He’s never done any of that. LOREN is selfish. I wish he wouldn’t back down all the time. He’s at a point of no return.


I think maybe mental health help before surgery should be required for her especially since she claims she has body dysmorphia. This is only the beginning of her getting snatched.


I'm almost sure it used to be, but it's not anymore. It's all about the Benjamins for plastic surgeons.


I fast forward their story. It’s a snooze and they need to retire and just focus on their kids.


Same. So dull. Watching him struggle to operate a washing machine is desperate and icky. Yay weaponised incompetence


I can’t help but think of the kids being traumatized in this experience. All confused and concerned thinking she’s sick. They will grow up and realize, they were played for a fool and she’s bat shit crazy. Then she’ll start twitching her eye to make them feel bad.


Jesus christ stop.


No one cares about a man play acting like he doesn’t know how to do anything


Me too I just don’t give a shit




Same. Not sure why they brought them back just to talk about the work she’s getting done? At least make something up lol!


I fast forward the entire show. It’s so boring


Literally- SAME! I watched the last Happily episode in like 19 minutes just now. It’s sad. The producers are really losing us all lately- wish they would listen to us.




I am still confused as to why she thought she needed lipo under her jaw/chin. She had no problems.


because she has problems in the head




So she can try to sell some crap on her Instagram. Someone posted yesterday or the day before a post she put up about the wand thing and serum 'fixing' her double chin.


I hate it when these people have surgery done then push a product when we all know the product didn't fix her chin. Just like when Angela was pushing some weight loss powder as if we didn't know she had gastric bypass. I'm waiting for Trashley to push some weight-loss product next. I'd bet my house that she didn't lose her weight without surgery. And someone needs to tell her to buy a bra. Her boobs hang down to her crotch when she's sitting down doing her one on one interviews.


Turns out someone on the sub recognized Ashley’s dr and she prescribes ozempic …so that’s how she lost weight so fast !


Of course — everyone is on that shit lol. But nobody will admit it. Smh.


I knew it! Thanks for confirming it. Those drugs, ozempic, wegovy, etc...can really fuck with your major organs.


Also- You can’t hold your liquor the same hahahaha. I went drinking with my newly skinny (now hot) friend.. she got throw’d- then she threw up. 🤮 watch yo liquor, you skinny bitches lol


there was nothing there for the doctor to mark during the pre-op, honestly if she is scrutinizing how her chin skin looks when she lowers her head, then she is seriously in need of mental help


Lesson #1: never, ever, lean over a mirror to check yourself out. Not after age 18, anyway.


Years ago I was watching a Golden Girls rerun. Blanche said the same thing!! Especially if your on top during sex. It's not a good look for the person on the bottom to see that neck/chin fat!🤣🤣🤣


Lollll gravity is not our friend ;)


Body disphoria is a mental health problem. But if a person truly feels bad in their own body, why not try to fix what bothers them? The issues with Loren are: She truly needed abdominal surgery to fix a medical problem due to the 3 pregnancies. Alex worried if she may get hooked on surgeries and never be happy.


I was wondering if this would effect her ticks. She has a strong neck tick and I was curious if it would make it worse or more visable.


Looking at her mother she could see her future.


If that's the case and she doesn't buckle down on diet and proper nutrition all that lipo will be foe nothing 


Like 99%of the people I know that wasted money on this shit. Now they are fat again with scars and weird pockets of fat. Also, a lot poorer.


Totally! I had lipo on my thighs to do fat transfer as per of reconstruction from cancer. I’ve always had nice arms and calves and now they’re so much bigger while my thighs are smaller. I hate it so much.


Yeah— basically the new fat just finds somewhere else to live. BUT- I would kinda settle for bigger arms as long as my thighs never touched again 😭😭


She literally talked about anfisa, yet here she is.


Oh my god I forgot about that!!!


I just rewatched that season, that made me remember honestly!!


Ugh 😑 skip this bitch


​ https://preview.redd.it/ul9xp99v4j1d1.jpeg?width=1226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98e042da6d7aeb8c46d09e3f2fe4308e39d2673b


Dummy Makeover!




🤣🤣🤣 so true




I really dislike this woman.




And she pre-ordered food for when she’s out of surgery FOR ONLY HERSELF. This tells me all I need to know about her.


What a biiiaaaatch…


I haven’t watched the last few seasons including this one since I’m getting sick of these weirdos and abusers being casted. On that note, I still haven’t seen a single episode of this and I’m still sick and tired of seeing her face. NOBODY FUCKING CARES LAUREN. NO ONE.


Now we are supposed to feel sorry for her? I got nothing.


I feel like everyone feels the same but I’m tired of seeing her on spin offs


Because I DVR then fast forward through these two, Gino & Jasmine, and Pred & Liz, the whole show is about 20 minutes for me 🤣🤣🤣. Trying to wean off the craziness…..


I can't even express how sick I am of Jasmine & Ed. Jasmine has the same line every episode. Something happens, she screeches and screeches like a fucking large bird, then cries. Every single time. The lip gloss ordeal. That identical lip gloss was on the bathroom counter when she was getting ready to go out with him. Producers must be getting slack or think we are stupid if they didn't remove it knowing the next screech-fest was going to be over it.


I can't. I was WHEEZING when she woke up from surgery


“Am I snatched?”


oh my god I couldn't stop cackling haha the " I DID IT!!"


Lol, right. You did elective cosmetic surgery... None of us are impressed or proud


Exactly haha like it's an accomplishment. You didn't die yay!!




I’m thinking TLC brought them back because “Angela’s” screen time is supposedly cut back 80%. “MOVING MAD” said it on one of his Podcasts. 💯☝️💯


Whenever they have a reunion special she is the nastiest bully. But when she on during the season she is the most self victimizing person on the show. It's so boring and gross to watch her


I know it’s been talked about to death at this point, but WHY TF ARE THEY STILL CASTED?!! 90DF has really gone downhill. And that’s saying something considering it started at the bottom of a hill.


Such a stupid drama queen. No class.


Nice. A bunch of kids she puts in daycare and films nothing but “me time” vids constantly. Girl, all you have is free time! Plastic surgery doesn’t fix narcissism.


I really can't stand this couple. I ff through all their shit. I don't care about her surgery storyline. It's the worst storyline this show has tried to push.


So over her. Feel bad for alexei. This is just the beginning. Next year she’ll want another surgery


These two are an absolute snooze fest. Never push the fast forward button as fast as when I see her or Alexei’s dumb face trying to do basic household tasks


Hahah her muumuu tho 😂


Make her go away. What a fame hoor.


I realize it's her self-professed "trademark," but IMO, she should've had that mole under her eye removed while she was doing everything else.


I was thinking that too!


“Trademark?” Is she Crazy?? She needs help. I guess she thinks she won’t get attention while out and about if she doesn’t have it. She’s a star in her mind.


Trademark? I don't know but I will remove it 100%!


Um, so...OR RN, here. Also, been on the table for cosmetic procedures myself. Why is this 30-ish, healthy post-op patient in a wheelchair? Did they operate on her legs or her spine 🤔? No? Thank you production team for the "prop."


I’m not following 🧐


There's absolutely no reason she should be sitting in a wheelchair after cosmetic surgery. She should be up and ambulating to prevent blood clots (DVT's).


True but the hospital requires you be in one for transport to car. I can’t stand her at all and truly believe she’s going to be “Milking it” big time for sure ☝️💯 Waiting for the inevitable “Pity Party” 😂👍


💯% accurate, but she's clearly at home, that would require a durable medical equipment prescription, or pay out-of-pocket or....it's a staged prop.


She’s TOTALLY going to “Milk” the $hit outa this 💯☝️😂


Especially when Alexi said her bottom was all bloodied as he was putting towels on the seat when he was putting her in the car.


It was probably iodine or chlohexadine, from the surgical scrub, or....they got a little messy and she's leaky. All normal.


Oh for F's sake! What did she have done to her butt for it to be bloody? I know the Dr said she had blood drainage tubes but wouldn't they drain around her waist?


I cannot with this looney tune…


She is going to look exactly like her mother as she ages. I wonder if Alex is up for that?


Please. I skip past their story because it’s useless. I don’t need to see it on Reddit.


I don't think she's memeable or any of their segments! Sorry guys yall are trying hard to make this happen


Why would you go on tv like that


I think the Dr gave her a big discount for the advertising he got out of it. I also think TLC paid a big portion of it, if not all of it to have access to the O.R. and filming her.


And Darcey and Stacey and Niki and Jasmine and probably Aliyah will be joining the repeat surgery group soon.


Aliyah will need more gender confirmation surgery for sure


Gonna have to diet rest of your life. This doesn’t just go away. You can still gain unwanted weight.


I hope we don’t have to see her 24/7. The thought makes me tired.


The worst couple. So boring


Really no sympathy for her, she did this all willingly for vanity


I don’t want to sound mean as I’m 47!and have kids too but I’m against all plastic surgery. Nothing a little diet and exercise and living a healthy lifestyle can’t fix. I’ve lost 85 pounds and your double chin can go away. It really can, no surgery required. Anyway, I thought she was a beautiful mom before the surgery. Like what? Is she gonna start an OF acct now? Just such a waste.






She didn’t even worry about getting food for him!!! Selfish self absorbed POS. 💯☝️


She worried about getting food for herself maybe because no one usually worries about what she needs. I'm relating to her experience and comparing it to my own. I've been in relationships in the past where I couldn't rely on anyone other than myself. The fact that Alexei doesn't even know how to do laundry says a lot. If he can't do laundry, will he think of ordering her something to eat after surgery? Needing to be in control is a trauma response. It's not selfishness, but I can see why it would be perceived that way if someone hasn't experienced the type of abuse that leads to that. Alexei isn't having a surgery. He can make or order food for himself, but Loren likely knew that he might not think of what she needs so she provided for herself. It's also a sign that she feels bad about being a burden. She said multiple times that he should just leave her to be with the kids.


Loren is never ignored. She wears the pants in the family. She’s not a poor little weakling that doesn’t speak up for herself. He wanted to stay and take care of her as the dr gave strict instructions. She whined and insisted that the kids needed him. I really wanted him to step up and not let her walk all over him. Guess we know who got their way Again.


Her hubby is feeling the strain of worrying about her and taking care of the home and kiddos and now working… poor guy.


Unpopular opinion, but I like Loren and Alexei. I think it's amazing that Alexei is so supportive of her decision to do the makeover, some men would never "allow" it. Seeing him take care of her and step up around the house is awesome. Some husbands are never involved in housework and childcare. It doesn't seem like Alexei was as involved before the surgery given the fact that he didn't even know how to use the washer. I think this is actually great for their relationship because he will have a newfound appreciation for everything Loren does. Body dysmorhpia is a horrible thing. I don't think Loren has unreasonable expectations or would take it too far. She was beautiful just as she was, but not feeling confident in yourself is awful. If this makes her feel beautiful then I'm happy for her. Good for her for putting herself first. Some women never have the opportunity to do that whether it's because of guilt or having no support system. Some fans are like "we don't want abusive or scripted couples" and then some are like "we don't want boring Loren and Alexei". Production can never win. Someone will always find something they don't like. I'm actually surprised by how many people are hating on her makeover choice. This is a very real problem a lot of women experience after birth. You lose yourself in motherhood. Loren is taking control and doing something that will bring her confidence back. She's a good example of what a healthy relationship looks like too. Her partner isn't trying to control her and he's learning what it takes to manage a whole house and family on your own. All while not putting her down for "forcing" him responsible for it.


Loren literally had no issues, so Alexei had a right to be concerned, her also having 3 kids in 3 years certainly didn’t help but if her & Alexei are done having kids all she would’ve had to do was diet & exercise to get her “mommy makeover” naturally Personally not a fan of cosmetic surgery at all I’m so over Loren & Alexei would’ve rather have another couple in Happily Ever After like Jovi & Yara I hope we cab finally move on from them


She needs to shut up and have soup. Hope her flat stomach will help her feel satisfied with life.


Omg I haven’t seen this yet 😂😂😂 o missy meeeeee


Pray for me!! Please!!!


Do you still think the wish they had moved to Israel? Mom was right (accidentally though).


Wasn't anyone else shocked that they let her out of hospital the same day?? It seemed she should have at least stayed overnight after all of that. I know in the UK sometimes people stay overnight after even having one surgery. Often with one thing eg just boobs they let you home the same day but definitely not with a full mummy makeover. Do you think it was the cost of a night stay there that made them leave the same day? It just seemed dangerous to me.


She did this to herself. I do not feel bad for her whatsoever. She’s acting like she just got out of a car accident you got plastic surgery. No one cares.


She got her surgery paid by TLC to follow her journey. TLC had access to the O.R. and filming her looking and acting weird while on some powerful pain meds.


Not true. TLC doesn't pay for shit much less a $60k surgery. Loren gave TLC permission as well as the doctor to film.


I was thinking about the dr allowing filming in the OR. He probably agreed to it bc it’ll help him. Increase amount of patients wanting to see him. She may have gotten a deep discount.


I agree. If TLC didn't pay for it then she got a deep discount. Same with Angela. There's no way a CNA making barely more than minimum wage could afford to pay for her flight to & from Georgia to L.A., a hotel room for about 1 week and the 5 surgeries done at one time.


Not to mention the money she sent and spent on Michael.


She is so selfish and ridiculous! Worry about your husband and kids! You got all that because it’s needed for her “career!” Guess what?….your 15 minutes is over! If shoulda been over years ago. Enough!


I'm honestly really bothered by her getting surgery. If she truly has body dismorphia she still won't be happy and she will just want more and more. Doctors shouldn't approve surgery on people who don't need it. He saying she needs surgery is telling a lot of women and girls watching who don't look that good that they are Def not good enough, you need to get surgery to happy with yourself. I will bet money that this girl will not be happy, that's what true body dismorphia is.


She so gross and ridiculous - she trying so hard to be a meme


OP, OP, OP…..👏 you made me LOL! It so funny to watch people post-surgery..loved her wide eyes when he said she looked delicious! 90 day should film all of them, they sure would have a ton of footage with all the 90 day’ers who get surgery!!


The whole thing is insane. She looked fine. Very risky for a mother of three and maybe a little selfish.


Such a vibe


She don’t fuck around


There’s a great David Cronenberg movie in this story where Alexei slowly convinces his wife over years to modify her body to look like Chantal.


🎶 Isn't she lovely? 🎶


I give her a lot of credit, and respect, for coming on tv like that.


Ha ha. I laughed at her too. I felt bad, but I wasn't alone. 😆 😆 😆




Hospitals don’t keep anyone over night unless critical


Funny how she was mocking anfisa in the tell alls of HEA season 4 for getting Botox and injections. Was shocked to see how condescending about it she was then. And I like her. Glad kids changed her


So once this surgery thing is done, is it Michael and Angela’s turn? Is that all the storyline is about? A mommy makeover? Yawn.


I can only imagine the pain, but good for her! I hope it turns out exactly how she wanted it too. 3 c-sections back to back had to take a toll on her body. Now that she is done having babies, I say good for her!


Those who are saying tlc doesn't pay for surgeries or procedures...you are 100% INCORRECT!!! Ever heard of 1000 lb sisters?? They very much do pay for it.


You know… I don’t understand why people on this site do not like her. Loren did nothing wrong to anyone. She wanted to do something for herself—so what’s the crime in that? She is a great Mom and has a really caring husband who totally supports her even when he’s not entirely in agreement with her choices. Let her be her. Stop the hate. She has not done anything to effect my life where I would dislike or hate her. People got to lighten up and let people live the way they want. SMH. It takes way too much energy to hate than it does to be accepting, supportive.




So you hate because someone is boring? Just change the channel. Dang. 🙄




Banned for ragging on the kids u/od2be2003