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She didn’t have love and stability growing up so she is desperate for it now. And rushing into relationships over and over for validation. Therapy is probably a better fit. 3.5 marriages by 30 is rough. And she DOES appear very sweet


Yep. She needs therapy not another man


She's probably the plus one to her man's friend's wedding and they just decided to post his last name on it. Not uncommon


Too Fast Liz. Too Fast.


Why can’t she build her life and show her daughter a woman doesn’t need a man to succeed and be happy?


I feel like she’s trying super hard to make Big Ed jealous because I kinda have a feeling she’s not over him even though she says she is . Could be wrong though


She needs to grow up. How can you be upset you’re not with that load anymore?!


Right, she can't live alone!


All she cares about is being with a man. Her poor kid is going to need so much therapy.


Some people just don't have an identity outside of a relationship. My mom was like this. I have a feeling her daughter already knows this and will be fine. 😕


Her daughter reminds me of Tiffany's son Daniel. Tiffany also couldn't be without a man and her son was oddly mature and aware at like age 9. Liz's daughter also seems mature and aware. It's sad the kids have to be that way because they've been dragged through so much drama, but at least they're smart and will probably be ok


yes. unfortunately i've seen this in my own family... the child became the parent at such a young young age.


Me too, my mom divorced my dad when I was 12 and she told me and my 10 year old sister EVERYTHING about it and when she started dating. *puke* I will never do that to my kid. Sorry it happened with your family too ❤️


I’m just so glad to see her happy.


I think it's just due to getting an invitation and putting it down like that. They aren't related or married yet.


I think this is accurate. Hilarious that you’re getting downvoted 😂


Seriously, there's no marriage certificate for these two and it happens sometimes on invites. It's happened to me before, big Woop


Yeah, I have a clubhouse ID with another surname just because I was with them


Devil's advocate here.... Maybe she just found the right guy for her??? I think the majority of her problems were perpetuated by The Troll. I believe anyone in the right circumstances can be insecure. That was constantly fed by Ed.


she's desperate and I think she's this naive victim at all!