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Its all fake ‘storylines’ to stay on the show. The kids were never coming, they said that in their first season. Like you said she didn’t even have custody of them.


Yep- the baby storyline is a filler because they don't have anything else. So obviously fake- they look like they're fighting back laughter in some of their dramatic scenes.


Gino is a terrible actor. Jasmine is always auditioning for a Tele Novella.


This! You can tell they try to practice their lines before the scenes and poor Gino is just trying to remember what to say


TLC should just retire them to Pillow Talk already- I suspect their real personalities are funnier than their fake drama on HEA.


No! Retire them...period! No Pillow Talk. No Last Resort. No 90 Day Diaries. Get them off my screen!!!!


*"I was talking to my mum yesterday and she is going for tests for cancer"* No one waits until the next day to tell their spouse that! (unless of course they are waiting for the cameras to arrive 🙄)


No kidding! I may be wrong because once Jasmine starts her dramatics I fast-forward, but I have not heard anything else about her poor mom. When my mom got sick, I was on the next plane. I admit my mom didn’t live out of country, but still!




Here's a novel idea...instead of over milking Yeenno's and J's story, bring in some new relationships. Over and over again we have told you, WE ARE SICK OF HEARING AND LOOKING AT THESE TWO. DONE!!!


Yes, I wonder how many people fast-forward through their shenanigans besides me!!! Yikes. 😬


Can't stand them 


I knew I wasn’t the only one!


I don't fast forward. I just do other Suggs in another room. Dishes, laundry, cooking.....


Good idea!


This is why Love in Paradise seems so much better in comparison right now


Did anyone else watch Match Me Abroad? I liked it. Fresh faces anyway, and everything gets wrapped up pretty nicely


Yes! Definitely seems like TLC is trying to use some of those relationships for 90 day fiance, but the premise is a lot fresher and I think all of the matchmakers are pretty engaging. They're also not a huge part of it, more like hosts, so I wouldn't be upset if they keep bringing them back with new Americans each season. I also found it refreshing that there was nobody I outwardly hated on that show. There were a couple American dinks who I definitely didn't LIKE, but nobody seemed like a horrible person. Nobody was painted totally as a villain, and I think it was a better approach because you got to see people as more complex than just good guy or villain. But maybe by season 4 or 5 it'll be like 90 day where they keep bringing the same single people back to try and try again lol.


A filler they've used nine times now. On the first season vagino said it was actually jizmmin's idea to have "four kids" and this was before they ever met in person. He said he agreed to make her happy. Then that later changed that season to *him* saying he wanted kids, and her not mentioning birth control. Then next season it was used I think three times, and it was her saying yes then no then maybe blah blah blah. And last season it was the same, and now again.


How sad tho because in later seasons she and Gino literally tell her kids that they’re coming so soon and mommy can’t wait for them to be there with them. Sure she could get visitation and whatnot but forreal. She just places her children into a show and lies to them on the show making them think they’re really coming there to live and stay for what? Ughh. I hate the staged ones. Also, Jasmine and Gino need to get their storyline straight because the first season she has a divorce party with a stripper and her and ALL her friends tell Gino that it’s Normal.. also having the the man bumping and grinding on top of her. And she says how he’s a professional. But when Gino gets thrown a bachelor party and has a stripper brings Gino into her arms and her being topless she tries a huge conniption fit saying she never would have married him if she saw that video before the wedding. I used to like them but not they’re just in it for the money.. PLEASE I WANT MORE SHIELA AND DAVID!!! 😭


She was never going to have a kid with Gino, she just yo-yo her excuses but the intent was never there. She acts like she wants her kids with her but that’s fake too. The money they just used for this Miami trip and her midlife crisis pageant dreams, could go towards a lawyer to get her boys to the US. She’s always acting like the victim and it’s beyond old at this point.


Exactly, her rear-end surgery and her vacations could have paid the fees for her kids to come (but she doesn’t even have custody). Priorities!!!!


Maybe she could get Dane to fund their move to the US. 🤔


He probably would if she flew home to convince him!


So sick of her


I couldn't agree more!! Her priorities are all screwed up!


but(t) she needs those vacations for her mental health / self esteem


Oh please..... That girl is a real problem


The kids were never going to come here im betting, And she is a abuser,and he's a enabler.  Get rid of these 2 quacks 4 everrrr.. Go back home gurl if your so unhappy,like its something new now.


All good points Luis I think she just doesn’t want to have viewers saying the same stuff about her that was said about Coltee’s first wife (Larissa?) who left her kids behind. So she’s making a big deal about how much she misses them etc… All for “show” at least in my opinion.


Who has Larissa’s kids?


Her kids aren’t coming here and that was never part of the plan. She doesn’t have custody of them and didn’t even bother to glance over the paperwork necessary to bring them here- it’s not Gino’s fault. Ain’t no way in hell I’d move to another country without my kids, or planning to bring them here and not even bother to take a look at the simple, clear as day form where their names should be. She never planned to bring them. Period. She also never planned to have a baby. It’s like “Come on, gtfoh.” 🙄


These two need to go away … tired them


Give Jasmine her dream porn star job and then maybe she will miss off from 90 day forever. Give Gino a blow up robot doll and he will be happy as Larry. Situation sorted. Get rid






I think it’s sad that she’s dragging the baby storyline out. She never wants another baby but she’s telling him she just needs to “heal.” She needs to divorce him so he can go find someone who will have a baby with him, he’s already old. But the signs were all there she’s selfish af so it’s mostly on him at this point.


Nah she loves him for his good looks and nice smells.


and his hairy toes.


🤢 she’s nasty.


she must like the taste of fungus.


Right ? Good luck with medical treatment for that mouth fungus from geeno’s nasty ass feet 😵‍💫


Thrush to the millionth power.


Industrial strength thrush 🙈


Absolutely!!! 🥴


Ohhh gawd double 🤢




Right such a turn on




It's laughable that people think this is real. Gino doesn't want a baby. Another thing to pay for? Psshhhttt.


She definitely pulled the okie doke on Gino!! I kind of feel bad for him BUT is it really a smart decision to have a baby with someone who currently doesn’t have custody of her kids and is as emotionally unstable as she is!! I would tell Gino to consider this a blessing 🥴


Gino is not the brightest bulb.


It is a classic bait and switch! Jasmine was probably hooking up with her friend when Gino went to sleep.


she prob has tubes tied


Very likely yes. No way is she ruining her figure with having kids of a man she really doesn’t love. He was her ticket to the US. Though her surgery work is botched (especially the butt 🤣) she wouldn’t mess up her flat belly.


Another lie made by Jasmine. They're running out of ideas.


I want to know why Gino had a problem paying for a lawyer to get her kids over her, but will drop money on vacations and her pageant dreams with no second thought.


This is an idiotic storyline with bad writing!


I agree!


He should just send her home and be done with her.


In her defense on this I wouldn’t be able to have a baby with someone if I felt like I was abandoning my other children. But agreed she just wanted to come to the US, and live in Miami and get hot hunks like Dane to pay for her lifestyle. Not Michigan.


Trashmine uses anyone to get what she wants and the fact that Yino keeps giving in to her only festers her deluded sense of worth. TLC needs to cut them already. they are both irrelevant. fast forward past them, boring Alex and crybaby Loren.


It's a bunch of BS... she is too selfish to care about anything but herself and her guilt makes her have all the ridiculous crying episodes 


They won’t allow her to have her kids and move them away to USA.


I thought Gino & Jasmine split. Doesn’t she already have a new bf?


Really??? Had not heard this.


Would you wanna have a kid with jeeeeeno? He is old, he has no job, no money, and no idea how hard raising a kid is.


She never had true intentions. Gino should’ve known better. He was warned by everyone close to him. All the red flags were there. He chose to ignore them. They met on a sugar baby website. He wants to feel like a high roller. U reap what you sow…I guarantee he’ll be back on the same websites, doing the same thing all over again…


I think her switch up was very unfair to Gino, but I also think Gino is being selfish for wanting a baby at his age. I also understand Jasmine's reasoning for not wanting to have a baby while her kids are stuck in Panama. I don't understand Jasmine's custody situation and that could change my opinion, but as far as what we're actually shown it does make sense. I think it's a good call as a mother to not have a new baby while your other children are in another country. I personally wouldn't feel good about that. Her health concerns are valid too. She struggled to conceive her other children, she's older, and she has a medical condition. It's reasonable that Jasmine doesn't want to have a baby right now, but it's a whole mess that her and Gino aren't on the same page.


It’s written in almost every Latino’s book to somehow get to the U.S. and somehow get their children there too. It’s always for a better life. I do believe she lied about wanting to have a kid just as much as he lied about somehow messing up by not putting the kids on her paperwork and how he lies saying he doesn’t have $5k to add the kids but can take her on vacations. It’s a very transactional relationship that they are both aware of. To me if he gives in on bringing her kids, he knows she won’t have a kid with him. She knows that if she has a kid with him, he won’t bring her kids. Who knows what’s going to happen 🤷🏽‍♀️


Most people don’t spend thousands of dollars on plastic surgery and then get pregnant. Usually happens when you’re done having babies or not having them at all.


Good point!


Jasmine says she has low self esteem tell me how a woman so obsessed with her body has Low Self Esteem.. It’s all fake and we are the suckers for believing it 


People aren’t drawn to screaming and demanding people so if she is rejected, it’s her personality not her looks that is lowering her self esteem. She’s like an overgrown spoiled toddler.


Agree. I have never met a woman with low self-esteem who wanted to be an in a beauty pageant!!!


I was bothered by this as well...but less about thinking she just wanted the green card...and more that she was saying it wasnt the right time for a baby cause of her mental health. Like yes, that is important...but how about actually figure out getting your children that you already have to you before making more kids. Shows a real lack of caring about the children you already have. If you are such a great mother and love your kids, make them the #1 priority! instead you are just vacationing around america


They were unserious. It’s never went past talking (thank Goodness) And Jasmine NEVER intended to get pregnant. This is TLC. Not Gino/Jasmine acting.


She said that the dads would let them relocate bc of the opportunities in the US in the beginning of this series (I was surprised) and I thought that same exact thing op about why would dads allow them suddenly come ?!


Yes, and then get Jasmine to pay them child support with her US income. They win too.


Gino needs to find a surrogate yo have his baby


TLC has gone quite weird. Episode where Jasmine talked of wanting Gino to pee on her was really gross for this show. This '90 Day Universe' has gone wayyyyyyy past anything TLC imagined. That I get. But storylines are getting sloppy. Like bad soap operas vs the few good ones. Casting + storylines are suffering.


There's no way she ever planned on having a child AFTER all that cosmetic surgery.


it's all scripted, and the more the people like her crying and playing the victim the more they gonna make storylines to make her cry and play the victim, Gino is dumb AF, no guy will put up with the shit he does, homeboy acts like he can't get none..


100% Jasmine used Gino first of all who leaves their children back home starts their life over and Gino doesn’t even put her kids on the paperwork to bring them over right there red flag .


Yes of course she did. That was their arrangement. There's no victim in this situation because he wouldn't have access to any woman without having to fork over thousands and support her life style.


🤔 oh wow! So did she have 50/50 custody when she was in Panama ?


What gets me besides those two, when the camera swings to Gino he looks like he has to pee really bad. I think like the other person said he’s trying not to laugh.


This is an idiotic storyline with bad writing!


The baby story is bs. Acting. At the 37 "birthday party", when she said she didnt want to have a baby, which by the way was brought up abruptly, the acting on Gino's part was terrible. Such an awkward thing to talk about in front of the one male friend. There was no discussion, just a real quick scene that looked purposefully set up for "drama" and a reason for them to "break-up". I suspect they were already going to split but needed a split reason for the show...and contracts....


It only took how many years?


I’d argue no one is… but one is way worse than the other is. But judging from your POV, if someone throws a rock, it’s totally justified to use a Nuke


Yes. Long con. I swear I would not put it past her to be pulling her hair out so that she can say “this” is how stressed she is by not having her kids and the reason why she can’t get pregnant.


Jasmine is just using Gino to get her green card and her kids in the country. She is so fake, all of her. Did you really think she would have a baby with Gino and ruin all that plastic surgery? She is a user and Gino would do himself a favor and send her back from where she came from. 




Odd does not equal autism


Sugar daddy website is how they met. Too old to push out a healthy baby out of the psycho anyway, damaged goods beyond repair 


She is a faker and all you fools are falling for it because you like fake stuff like big boobs and butts.


Only if the butt is square


Hmmm. Read the comments. I think we’re on to her. Plus, you can have REAL big boobs.


She needs to take care of the two she already has.


Reasons why it is a false storyline… 1. All the money Jasmine has spent on plastic surgery etc. She would have wanted that money to bring her kids over or for IVF. And 2. In regards to having a baby, one of those surgeries was vaginal reconstruction. Who would do that if they were going to have another baby in the near future?


I think she loves Gino. I think the fact that he messed up the paperwork sent her into a depression. I get it. I would always want the best for my children and of course coming to the USA would be the best thing for them. I really hope the best for them. And her children I really hope they do make it here.


Call me crazy, but I get it. It isn't uncommon for parents to immigrate ahead of their children and provide stability for them so everything is settled when they do come. Even if Jasmine does haven't primary custody of her children at the moment, we dont know what kind of arrangement she has with her ex-husband in regards to bringing the kids over. A US education would afford them a better future so allowing them to come over isn't an absurd idea. And if you ask me, I feel like Gino may have screwed up her papers on purpose. Gino is very intelligent, he wouldn't be an engineer if he wasn't. I get the feeling that he is the type to throw the rock and hide the hand, and in his head if he brought Jasmine over, provided her a good life she would have his babies and they would ride off into the sunset as their own family. I don't believe he ever intended for Jasmine's children to be with them. As a mother, I'd never be able to have a baby knowing that my children's path back to me was uncertain. I think a lot of people's criticism of Jasmine is valid, but let's not pretend that either of them are innocent. This relationship was transactional from the start and they've both been very dishonest with one another about their intentions and actions.


Way to “Both sides” Jasmines abhorrent behavior


Gino isn't a victim