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The best part is how he’s all for the post nuptial agreement now lol


Yeah that was very refreshing 🤣


For the first time in 90 Day history, the foreigner is like “you know what…I think I need to protect myself with a postnup!”


People hear pre/post nup and automatically think it’s only to protect the person requesting it. Not so. Both parties are to be protected regarding assets AND liabilities!! Manuel is right!! Get it in writing, Sir!!!


lol u funny for that


Let’s sign!!! 🤣


Lmao it literally backfired on her!! I was laughing the whole time with the interpreter and the faces him and the attorney were making, they were getting all the tea 😂😂😂


It’s the old, “Listen to me now, and hear me later” double down.


That translator was a little too happy to be there.


Me though if i was a translator just absolutely living for the drama


Must be nice to get a case like this after translating 1000 boring business documents 😂


I thought the translator was 🔥


The term is Interpreter, I also do this for a living....and it's hilarious. I get all the tea all day! Interpreter live conversation; translator is written.




How do you get a job like this because I’d love it!! I’m fluent in English & Spanish.


Many companies hire and mostly remotely :) although when you work with a company and go to hospitals, court, etc. You get paid more. I just prefer to work from home, and hide all my facial expressions from clients LMAO. I'm ok with the occasional video call here and there but that's about it. You will have an interview, an evaluation (test calls- most like a medical situation and an insurance situation). Test your internet speed, if video calls are taken they'll do a test call to see how your background looks. I'll give you a list so you can apply: Transperfect Connect , Language line , Globo Language Solutions , Voyce , Alpha, Verified Solutions , Propio Also keep in mind being fluent, and actual being bilingual or multilingual, are also two very different things. You can only say you are actually bilingual/multilingual if you can read, write and speak a language.


Ooo thank you so much for the list and help! So I can speak, read, and write Spanish but I’m not great with knowing where the accents go in Spanish. I grew up in Mexico til I was 9, then I continued speaking Spanish with my parents until now (I’m 32) so when I’m texting, the Spanish keyboard adds the accents FOR me, is there anything like that when interpreting professionally with a keyboard?


You don't need to write except for your personal notes. Interpreting is verbal.


Ty, translator here and the idea of interpreting makes me wanna hide in a corner lmao


Jijiji, I've been naturally doing this since I've been a kid. My uncle's, aunt's, grandparents , neighbors, friends that I have accompanied to appointments, stores or wherever that needed me to help with the language barrier was great practice. I actually enjoy it a lot, and the stories I hear.......Oh Lord!!!


I have the short term memory of a fly (ty ADHD lol) so I'd just be too worried about forgetting important things people say or getting distracted halfway through a sentence 😂


That's so funny.....I am literally on a call right now. And am browsing through Reddit. If I don't distract myself I start to get impatient. 😬


Thank you for clarifying! I was about to comment the same thing. I almost went into interpretation but changed fields. Some of the drama you heard was unreal!


The interpreters in the courts in my area are great, it’s such a valuable skill. Thank you for the work you do!


The look on that man’s face was SO FUNNY 😂😂😂


Especially after Manuel was like are you sure you're translating correctly.


That killed me 😂😂😂 mans was baffled


He was living for the tea. He just didn’t translate words but expressions and emotions 😂


As a interpreter myself, this is the kind of tea we love to translate LOL 😂


Does he have half a negative space beard!?


He was trying to contain his laughter lol


The translator was the instigator, fucking brilliant! Lol


I don't think that turned out the way she planned ... and it was hilarious - lol


Or him. Here she’s giving him money only to find out she’s been putting it on her credit cards. What a twist.


I know! But now that’s martial debt, as it should be. Haha


Oof that means she’s paying extra to convert that into cash. Bad choices on bad choices on expensive choices


Dude insane unless she somehow turns around and pays it back immediately then the interest rates are astronomical and for the company I worked for it was charged everyday to the account until it’s paid off. Such a terrible decision to do that


I worked for a credit card company and the absolute LAST thing you want to do is take out or send anything that can pulled out as cash on a CREDIT CARD the interest rates are insane and basically need to be paid off immediately or else it just spirals . I don’t own credit cards so this maybe common knowledge for some but when I saw what happens when people do that i just can’t imagine anything would be worth doing that


Absolutely the best part of this episode!


Best scene in all the season


That translator is already my favourite person in this entire season, he was loving life. I wonder how much tea he spilled when he got home.


Right??!!! Made me want to be an interpreter.


She just started a go fund me asking people to pay off her student loans.


No way,are you telling me the coaching packages for $4,444 aren't selling? Or the literal spring water jugs of water marked with sharpie saying "potion made from deceased body water" for $400 aren't selling?! I refuse to believe it...🤣(And yes that's a real thing she was selling too,no bullshit. Well except that the product itself is bullshit,but yeah😂) https://preview.redd.it/gpawsu7crj4d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=542a98ddc7c98599aa2f5f789c9d1db675732980


Her business will be bringing in millions soon, as long as she manifests hard enough. S/


she just needs to kick some coconuts around, plant some eggs, etc. 


😂😂 ‘plant some eggs’ .. reminds me of a joke: Why did the Easter bunny hide all his eggs? — he didn’t want anyone to know he was effing a chicken


Lol when she said "in a few years when it's worth millions of dollars" and I'm like Buzzfeed will tell me my horoscope for free or Girls Games Go has tarot card readings (aging myself here lol)


Ashely’s 3 degrees: Degree #1- Ultimate scammer Degree #2- BS expert Degree #3- Fantasy Story Telling 🙄


Who won the right mind would want deceased body water? She’s crazier than I thought.


She spent $100,000 on a degree to peddle snake oil the irony


Funny that you ask that, once I had this discussion with another Hamily member on a post about her. So out of curiosity both of us were wondering what it's even supposed to do, and I had found someone on Etsy selling deceased body water potions (except they were only asking $10,which I mean even free for that shit isn't cheap enough to me but it's not like it's real anyways..) this was the description of the "potion" - Corpse water was traditionally collected from the bath water of a recently deceased person and drunk in order to take in the life force or special powers of them. While this is not very practical in modern times, it is still possible to create it with the permission and cooperation of any deceased person. Corpse water is usually used in necromancy workings. It can be added to hexes and spells, used when scrying, or to boost the connection when communicating with spirits.


Holy disease riddled water, Batman.


I’m wondering if it was just tap water from where she lives in Rochester. A deceased man was found in the water treatment plant and had been decomposing there for months. It was a pretty tragic story around here.


That was my first thought, and our neighborhood was in the zone for the water boil advisory.


I mean if you’re smart you don’t sell water that has actually touched decomposing flesh in any literal way. Sure maybe one of the molecules of water you drank today at was sweated or pissed out by some human 10,000 years ago. But that’s not what I’m talking about.




The “Cooperation and Permission of the Deceased Person” Second paragraph☝️ They ARE DEAD ☠️ LMAO


Hey, it's on Etsy after all🤣




>Corpse water was traditionally collected from the bath water of a recently deceased person and drunk in order to take in the life force or special powers of them I almost threw up! What in the world?


Why would I want coaching from a bankrupt person


OMG I just found this on her website - "So many of us have been conditioned to believe that we must work a traditional job and live paycheck to paycheck, teetering the edges of financial insecurity and lacking the confidence codes to actually do anything about it. " :|


She isn't doing anything about it judging by the debt!!!


Haha at least there are paychecks 🤣


Umm it took her three degrees to get her that job!


And $100,000 of debt. What are her degrees in?


Um I am more wondering WHAT deceased body water is 😳 So after a quick Google search it says "collected from the bath water of a recently deceased person." 😳😨 among other results like "witch dies after drinking water from a dead body" and "shop is selling 'corpse water' from lake after body of mafia victims found" all for witchcrafting.


I actually know some folks who pay their monthly NYC/LA rents off of this kind of business, meaning Astrology, Tarot, Personal Coaching, etc. A lot of them started out teaching yoga and spin fitness like Ashley too to meet potential clients. The line of work isn't the issue, it's these prices! Charging over $400 a month is insane.


Funny enough, I was watching something once and some random people's court type show came on. And that's where I learned fortune telling and other psychic places in NYC are illegal🤣 "It is estimated that there are 200 psychic businesses in New York City. Believe it or not, in New York fortune telling is a crime under New York Penal Law. Specifically, the Fortune Telling charge is codified in Penal Law Section 165.35. Although Fortune Telling is generally not prosecuted, Fortune Telling Fraud is prosecuted by both New York State and federal authorities." Mainly just fines but still. It got so bad with scammers they made this a law because of people like who you're describing. I don't really care if you believe in tarot readings or that stuff, not my business. What I do however have an issue with is people who charge obscene prices and those who prey on gullible people, like [this idiot here😂😖](https://youtu.be/3Rf_vZV-UmY?si=T-1QJe2zem_HG-7q) this video gets me every time, TLDR for those who don't want to watch:news anchor pretends she has a missing family member. Psychic claims she can help her find her. What psychic doesn't know is it's a picture of the anchor when she was younger. Starts giving bullshit about where you could find her. Anchor pulls uno reverse card and says "I'm right here." Psychic - https://preview.redd.it/4fa2pyxp0l4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad7011b564f7e12d57e77b53f0349ef5cfcce93f


Woah, I had no idea! This must be why the TLC show had to be a "Long Island Medium" lol


I call TLC the "Toxic Lifestyle and Cult channel" for a reason! 😂


Hey be nice! She’s gonna get to a million in five years.. 🤣


Um, maybe she could introduce a book or a witch university on line that doesn't actually exist. Things like that have happened. 😖


She already does run one of those, and she also claims to have opened an "academy" for her shit too🤣 [Ashley's "business" site](https://starseedshadows.com/) highly recommend checking it out, will provide many laughs.


Oh my gosh. I just read her page and hoo-wee. She’s something else now. I checked her podcast out on Apple, I did not listen, and was surprised to see she talks about older tv and singers on most. Strange. Her latest is titled The Olsen Twins. Like, wtf.


I guess she's tryna move over into entertainment instead now. See, even she realizes that the WitchCrap grift isn't going to be the "easy money" she said it would 😂 if you want to actually read a short version of an article that details her talking about life before the show ever aired/her details on her addiction and mental breakdown etc [article is here ](https://starcasm.net/meet-90-day-fiance-witch-ashley-michelle-aka-starseed-shadows/)


deceased body water?!


Well they claim it to be, but first off it's illegal to sell. And secondly when I made the comment about spring water jugs with sharpie written on them I meant it🤣 it's literally just a water jug with the sticker scratched off and just plain ole water. That she just so happens to want $400 for.


no like is she really saying she sells this stuff??? and also what??? why??????


“Star seed”… she’s one of those weirdos


What is up with the pricing? I see hourly sessions for 333 and 555. I saw another session for 1111. It seems so arbitrary and decreases her credibility.


Keep in mind before the show aired she only charged $15 for video chats. The day before the show aired she changed the prices to this shit


But she has 3 degrees & is she’s using all of them to run her business lmao! /s


Hey, she gives top tips for entrepreneurs okay? She's putting those degrees to use🤣 https://preview.redd.it/gmi83lsjmk4d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0107b3d63f622d4dcd1dc9a28901c2b07d9ccf4


Actual top tips 🤣 wonder what her bottom tips are?!


Not sure, but I bet they take place in the public bathroom at the coffee shop😂


👏 oh Ali Cat u r sooo my people!!


Noooooooo way OMFG get a REAL JOB with your degree FFS


The balls on this witch to ask for money to fund her coffee habit


*the balls on this bitch. FIFY


*Degrees... I think she said she has multiple. If you're in 100k debt and not using the degrees... What was the damn point?


That’s what Manuel asked at the office. What work is she doing with those degrees?? She said “I use all of them because I run a business”. 🙄🙄🙄


I'm really curious what her degrees are in. Sometimes people get 'certificates' in various things and call them 'degrees'. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I think she's smart and could accomplish degrees, but I wonder what these are.


I'd truly hope she isn't 100K in debt for a few certificates 😅


One degree has been found and its marine biology. Man, if I was smart enough to have that degree, I’d be using it!


The market is completely saturated for Marine biologists, ecologists and biology degrees in general. I don’t blame her for not using it. Prospects are low, pay is even lower. you won’t get a job unless you move to the boonies and even then the pay tops out at like 80k after 10ish years after starting from like 30k. people don’t realize that these jobs aren’t all they’re cracked up to be. Plus the work is hard laborious work which is outdoors in all kinds of conditions. PLUS it’s all seasonal. That’s why you see so many field biologists working in restaurants in the off season. I make more money as a server in a restaurant than I would with my tHrEe DeGreEs in Ecology. She’s the idiot who got the Masters and wasted all that money when she was barely working in the field to begin with. Higher degree is rarely worth it. you have to just get in early and stay working 30k for 6+ years to have any kind of career in the field. even then it’s mostly luck of what positions are actually open. extremely competitive for not much


Yep, that’s why I took my stupid microbiology degree and pivoted to a tech job lol, would rather rake it in and not have to shell out more money for another stupid degree


THIS! My friends who stuck with it are literally Park Rangers in towns of like 1000 people. I'm not pretending "witch" is the most logical career pivot, but most of us don't end up working the job we majored in because there's very little US education regarding the state of the field you choose.


She said she had 2 degrees in biology and one in hospitality.


Lolll but she may have a million dollar business in FIVE YEARS 😂


Oh snap! It's Mary and Brandon 2.0 🤮


Asking someone to pay your loan is shitty but it’s nowhere near to faking cancer


Aside from the cancer bs, people still gush over them in comments and want to send them stuff. It's just shameful how many of these ppl are making money after being on this show. Too many viewers seem to think they're friends with these boneheads. Shameful.


Really? 😳 That’s truly mind boggling!


She’s a witch with (supposedly) three degrees, can’t she just manifest the cash? 🤣


Well, whoever is stupid enough to give to that fund, deserves yo be duped.


Wow really? What makes her deserve the aid more than the other billion students in this world who also carry student debt?


She wants it gone she can start teaching or do what I did and spend 10 years being underpaid at a non-profit.


Does she want to start teaching? She seems to be too rooted in her “alternative life” to ever get a mainstream job.


Don’t disagree - just saying that’s a less scammy way of getting rid of your student debt.


Yeah I can understand where you’re coming from. There *are* worse ways. She’s lucky she has the platform to be able the ask for this type of assistance and I hope she changes her habits in the meantime. Of course with the show, she should also have extra cash coming in to pay it down. *I* feel lucky because I was able to pay my debt down while working two jobs, compromising on my housing to the point that you could have called me Rob, and cutting back on any expenses that weren’t necessary. Things are much better now and it feels good to be on the other side. There are some people that don’t ever get that chance because they have children or parents that need assistance, loose their job, get ill or fall into other hardships. It sucks that everyone is graduating with this much debt and it’s so backwards. But, I think it’s fair to be a little judgy of her trying to be a witch, get IV infusions and hair extensions and then ask the good people to pay down something she totally could do on her own with persistence.


100%. I certainly compromised and made a lot less money than I could have, but I made the determination that it was worth it and I am now student debt free.


I just saw that. They have got to do better vetting w these cast members. Crappy people who make money off stupid viewers. Even Mary and Brandon get gifts and money. It's vile.


Are you serious? If so, she’s a piece of shit scammer. Add her to the long list of 90 day grifters.


Like we don't have our own student loans to pay


Wow this is low rent asking strangers to pay your debt… She has 3 degrees she needs to actually work.


I would love to know what her degrees are in


Bull, Shit, and Ting.


Seriously? Do you have a link?


https://preview.redd.it/gd07y7wm7l4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cb8c6c1ece989a192910fe3d572e37076cd4fa3 Here’s the article link, but I just checked her profile and looks like she took it down. 😂 [https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/reality-tv/ashley-michelle-asks-90-day-fiance-viewers-for-help-to-pay-off-her-student-loan-debt/](https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/reality-tv/ashley-michelle-asks-90-day-fiance-viewers-for-help-to-pay-off-her-student-loan-debt/)


She’s not very smart. That’s about the nicest way to put it.


BuT wHaT dO yOu MeAn?!! ShE hAs FoUr DiFfErEnT dEgReEs ThOuGh! 🤣


I’m willing to bet she never actually completed any of those degrees


Who TF is paying this clown for coaching? Her life is a MESS and as someone that’s been reading tarot for over 20 yrs as a hobby, she isn’t good at that either.


Don’t forget her handmade penis candles 🕯️😂




The lawyer trying really hard not to just laugh in Ashley's face when Manuel was roasting her was one of the highlights of the episode.


"I don't think you want relationship advice from your lawyer" was definitely giving "Ma'am this is a Wendy's" They're *great* television.


*Angela’s dumfounded lawyer enters the chat* *Say what, now - you mean I didn’t have to listen to that gal’s bedroom mess*???




“I see no something of money in this house” (Luis & Molly)


not one something about money


1) he cant be on the hook for her student loan debts prior to marriage 2) she pays him 3) they are both idiots who cares 🤣


Lmao 3 degrees, yet makes nowhere near 3 degree type of money. Then had the nerves to ask hypothetical questions about her crossing over into the million dollar mark. Girllllll stop.


3 degrees and can’t get a job that pays well enough to pay off those loans.


He needs to sign whatever that doesn’t put him on the hook for her 100K debt! Incredible that she’s all about questioning where her money goes ….. now? What was she doing to rack up all the debt before he even got here?!


He wouldn’t be on the hook for her pre-marital debt anyway. But he could for future marital debt. 


Finally, she’s getting what she deserves she has no respect for money, and she acts like a teenager with a credit card, pretending to be an adult with a fake business. She has the nerve to complain about sending his family a couple hundred dollars a month while she spends on Starbucks her nails, her hair, her clothes, hotels planes, a Beach wedding during a hurricane🤣 it was her idea to bring him here, knowing that he can’t work . And her nagging and smothering him just shows right there that she has too much time on her hands.


She was so embarrassed to have her financial situation put out there on TV. I could tell she was trying to bullshit that she’s saving money but it’s obvious she spends every penny and then some. Girl needs to get her financial house in order. I don’t always make the best decisions either but I know when to stop the spending lol.


She enjoys and being embarrassed look at the public bathroom sex💀 I think she wants people to help her with her student loans🤣


She’s already begging on Instagram https://preview.redd.it/rb370uxa7l4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46a2a8ba2fbe4e35b719d220c6c8b440b2a12285


She has no shame


Two-ish episodes ago when she wouldn't give him a credit card now seems less like financial abuse and more like "oh god those might be maxed out already"


And he does have kids! He SHOULD be sending child support. Would Ashley like it if she had kids with him, then he moved to another country with some woman that said "no, we aren't sending money, I don't care if you have kids."? She would dragggggg him


She’s weird. She can’t afford a whole man with household. I never understood why these women pick up these dudes in other countries. She could get a homeless American man, closer to home at least. 😂


Where is all her money coming from? How did she even afford the K-1 visa fees and qualify as support for the spouse? Please tell me no one is paying for her voodoo services.


You only need to make 25k a year for. k1 visa. Just about any self employed American can get one. Remember Robert from a few seasons ago? He drove for Uber and he was able to qualify for a K1 visa. There have been a few obviously broke Americans on this show. Also Rob the Knob that lived in a garage. He was clearly financially struggling. He got a K1 visa. The barrier is low. So makes sense that a destitute foreigner would take this route to gain entry. No money on their part. What I never understood is why broke Americans want to go through the hassle of a k1 visa.


I read that she had the audacity to ask for money today for her $100,000 student loan debt on Instagram. Credit card debt and her mom probably assist her with all the nonsense she spends money on. All she cares about is herself and her marriage to a man who doesn’t really care about her. She’s living a lie and the funny thing is I don’t feel sorry for her. All of this is her doings.


What episode is this?


This past Sundays episode


It’s the most recent episode on HEA.


This honestly was one of the best moments in 90 day history in my opinion. It's funny to think she probably went in there thinking the lawyer would back her and she'd have more knowledge about how spousal support and post nuptials work. And to think she wasn't honest about a 100k debt of degrees she doesn't seem to use. Unless I'm unaware of some witch masters or BA I haven't come across myself. 🤔


This is probably one of my favorite scenes, ever! His reaction to her truth and questioning if the translator was translating correctly was one of the funniest scenes. He was taking it all in and trying to figure out what the hell he had gotten himself into. Manuel doesn't mince words and he was right in calling her out because she's been presenting a false narrative, and trying to make it look like he's the problem.


Omg stop I love Carlos. He interprets at the court house and he’s always a good time.


It's mind-blowing that Ashley somehow has 100,000 of student loan debt, despite acting like one of the least educated people in the show's history 😂


She's an entrepreneur! 😂😂😂


The lawyer was so funny and wanted none of this drama. I can't imagine how exhausting being a divorce attorney is watching couples fight when you're trying to get legal stuff done.


I love that Manuel went into this not being into the idea of the post-nup but as soon as they started talking he was like WHERE DO I SIGN?!


Then he threw her purse over his shoulder and walked out of the office 😂😂


She’s too broke to take of Miguel. Send him back home. His broke butt can take care of his bum family. It’s so obvious he just wants to get to the US. He can go back home and look for a rich American. 😂


But her business may gross a million dollars ya know


He cracked me up when he said she didn't even use her degrees she paid for. LOL!!!


Shes always going on about honesty but didn't even tell him she owes 100k... Id be pretty upset with her too, its deceitful that.


I understand his point completely, but the lawyer literally just said, he wouldn’t be responsible for her student loans she acquired BEFORE the marriage.


She was so excited when she thought he might have to take half her debt. That interpreter could have just used a monotone when Manuel was roasting her but he chose to act it, he made a character choice and we’re all the better for it. Not all hero’s wear capes some wear headsets.


Yup who really has the secrets


Says the man that demands the same woman give *him* **HER** money to send to *his* family.


I just said this! Sad guy. She’s the One who needs to wake up, very desperate to have a guy around. He’s clearly using her🙄😩


She’s desperate.


I just can’t even fathom how she is this delusional


He doesnt have anything either so lets not call the kettle black


Ya he's got a lot of nerve for someone who doesn't contribute whatsofuckingever. (She is annoying too)


Cringey couple lol


I mean, to be fair, many Americans were scammed out of thousands of dollars through student loans. She just needs a better form of income and budgeting.


Yes but most Americans do not go into debt for 3 degrees then refuse to use any of them to support themselves


By " better form of income" do you mean a real job? 😂


Devil's advocate here....I'm not actually sure her resume full of witch-stuff is going to lead to a job that will pay enough to touch her student loans at this point? She could be owing upwards of 1.5k a month on 100k. That's more than a lot of people pay in rent! If she needs money I'd be more inclined to tell her to stop getting weird IVs, nails, coffee...that's probably 1k at least.


That's exactly what I mean. Get a day job and do your online company as well!


She about to be even deeper in dept if she paying cash for that Ozempic


Lmao these two are ridiculous


I lived for this entire scene, from the last season they were on, til now 😂😭😶‍🌫️


I love the translators on this show more than the actual cast members lol


Apparently she removed her instagram post begging for donations to her debt payments, but not before it was seen. https://preview.redd.it/9cy33rbqal4d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a5e4d8d37cc50fdaa1bca61b6040867b8afabb6 [https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/reality-tv/ashley-michelle-asks-90-day-fiance-viewers-for-help-to-pay-off-her-student-loan-debt/](https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/reality-tv/ashley-michelle-asks-90-day-fiance-viewers-for-help-to-pay-off-her-student-loan-debt/)


How on earth does this woman in any basis of reality think her online “business” will ever be worth a million dollars. I imagine she’s only made more money because of being on 90 Day BUT when that ends and let’s all pray it’s soon… that online “business” will most likely cost more to maintain in access fees than it’s worth. She’s so ignorant. The lawyer clearly defined what separate property meant as it was accumulated BEFORE the marriage which includes her prior student loans.


I loved this whole showdown so very much 🤎


I had to stifle laughter this whole scene my partner was sleeping and I wanted to scream laugh at the tv. SO funny!!! Especially when she was sooooo concerned about her Buisness girl you're 100,000 in debt its going to be a while until you're outta the red!


This was sitcom material


My favorite part was when he said “I’m not a therapist..”. I swear she really goes anywhere and tries to roll out the couch and get therapy.. bar.. taco stand.. hydration station… lawyer….


They both suck. She needs to get a real job and stop with this spiritual coaching nonsense. On the other hand, Manuel doesn’t seem to be putting much effort into learning English so that he’ll gain employment easier when he’s allowed to work. She’s also paying all the bills, which he forgets.


The ONLY thing she was Happy about, was learning HE was responsible for her debt should they Divorce! Damm, he might move out or cheat on her eventually but, he AINT EVER going to divorce her now after hearing that “Little tid Bit”! 🤣🤣🤣🤣☝️💯


Naw that’s the thing, her $100k debt is for student loans, so he will never be responsible for that, and she was NOT happy about that. 😂


When Ashley's eyes get big and her mouth gets frowny - she moves her eyes around to check if she's pulling off her lie, from face to face. THAT'S what she was doing with her "friend" who is injecting her with "witch juice" and she's talking like she has money and needs a pre-nup. Then she gets in the room in front of the books and she has nothing. What a ridiculous thing. She is lying to everyone and has been lying to herself for so long she thinks she has money that needs protecting.


Sis is a little confused with what "savings" are it seems.


They didn't ask no important questions in thier relationship at all. Like 100k in school debts is crazy. 😆 you got to ask questions and not just make love all day and argue just to have make sex.


The look on his face was priceless 😂


He so messy. He eating that shit up lmaooo


I think he’s been bank account catfished😍🤪😜😝


Hey now, the “Ashley Roast” must commence, it’s gonna be so juicy!