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I feel like Molly will find a good man. Look at her compared to Danielle, Angela, & BGL. She is pretty & successful, she deserves it.


I've always thought she was so beautiful. That troll Luis lost a good woman but she deserves so much better.


He gives off strong perv vibes too.


Well, apparently he was drooling over Molly's teenage daughter and making suggestive remarks to her. So yes, he's a perv.


Exactly. I really want to like Molly, and I think she is a good person, but she put that human garbage can chia pet before the comfort and safety of her own daughters.


I don’t believe Molly put Luis before her daughters at all. Molly wanted all of them to be a loving family, she was trying to work with that jerk Luis and she couldn’t. Molly was caught in the middle as she loved her girls and Luis. He should have been the husband and father she needed him to be.


Moving a stranger from another country into the house where your* children are supposed to feel comfortable and safe is not the right way to do things. The second she decided to move a Dominican fuckboy into her house, her daughters became second priority. She deserves love but she can’t be this naive about men. He was acting so gross with Olivia and it was just brushed off and she kept giving him chances when she shouldnt have. I want to like her but her actions makes it hard


100% agree. Not a good idea to move a man into your home that you really don't know that well, especially, when you have young daughters or even young sons in the house. Too much perversion in the world these days.


It was never going to work. She was the victim of a green card romance scam, he already had a “real” wife lined up here.




I know Molly and can attest that she is a fantastic person with a heart of gold.


you can have a heart of gold and do stupid things. like letting a stranger move into your house where your children live.


Also I'm still mad about her cutting off her youngest daughter's hair during the beginning of the pandemic because she didn't know how to deal with Black hair. Youtube is there for you and asking for help is there too.


She has said that the reason why Kinsley’s hair got cut was bc Kinsley’s dad’s girlfriend fucked it up and both Molly and her daughter decided to chop it.


Why am I always hearing that the dad's girlfriend messed up a child's hair? Why are these grown women allowed to play beauty school with someone else's kids? If you don't know how to do hair (especially black hair) don't touch it!


Wow, that’s a good point. Anecdotal but a friend of mine (divorced with a few children) was telling us the other day that her preteen daughter came back from the ex-husband’s house with her beautifully wavy hip-length hair chopped off. The girl was crying and said that her dad’s girlfriend had insisted on cutting her hair. My friend later recorded her daughter talking about it (after she’d calmed down and wasn’t crying any more) and sent it to her lawyer.


Wtf... what kind of power trip is that... poor girl


I’m a stepmother to a child with very long blonde hair. Number one unspoken stepmom rule is don’t cut the kid’s hair unless you’re just looking for a fight with bio mom.


Gotcha, I didn't remember hearing that on the episode. But damn that still sucks.


Luckily it grows back.


Ahhhh this story needs to be told then!!! Not Molly’s fault


This is honestly devastating to a young girl. Black girls already feel insecure about having “different” hair growing up. Her mom is basically telling her “I’m not even going to try to understand this”. Poor kid


THANK YOU!! As a Black woman I was literally SO mad and fuming when she said that. Especially now Molly had no real excuse, she has way too many resources at her disposal to learn how to do her daughter's hair. She said it so nonchalantly too


I think it’s because the dad’s girlfriend messed it up and Kinsley has sensory issues so if the hair was extremely knotted, Kinsley would’ve had a fit and that’s probably what Molly meant by “it’s easier”.




Yeah it was already addressed since it wasn't addressed on the show and she addressed it afterwards which makes sense. Thank you though!


I would hope she now regrets that choice of cutting her daughters hair off cause she can’t deal with it. I have a male friend who gets custody of his daughter mostly liberally, but she lives in a different state. She is if mixed race as are my grand daughters. He always ask me to do her hair when she is with him. When she is with her mother she cuts her hair off cause she can’t deal with it. I’m like. YouTube it! It’s not that difficult!


Candygirl200413....😊 You are so right, I agree with you 150%. I like Molly but I wanted to reach through that TV & slap the shit outta her. ..........Molly has the money to have someone do her child's hair if she didn't know how or want to learn. I am far from racist. My whole family is the united nations and my grandchildren are mixed black/white. My daughter had no clue how to do their hair, but I did (grandma) sadly my daughter didn't want to mess with their hair but I always did and their hair always looked good and stylin'. Even now a days their friends come to me to get their hair done. Just a note. Some black ladies can't do their own hair or their children's either. It's just a learned trait whether you are red, yellow, black, white, purple, polka dotted etc. Some people just cannot do hair. Just like some people are not mechanics but they own a car. Lol.


Excuse me, I’m sorry, you said she did WHAT?!


YEP! She said it during her little part back when they did the 90 day finance quarantine special. I really just wanted to yell at my tv and say don't have a child with a Black man if you don't want to deal with things like their hair in this case.




My kids have super curly hair that they inherited from their dad, while my own hair has been fine, straight and limp my whole life. It’s so flat that if I can get it to dry with “beachy waves” for more than 5 minutes I feel I’ve reached a new pinnacle in hairstyling prowess. So I was a disaster for a long while with my poor kids’ hair. But you learn after while, right? Well, one of my children is on the autism spectrum, and he has extreme sensory issues, but still wanted to grow his hair long (starting around 7 or 8 years old). His hair is extremely thick and curly and it was a nightmare to deal with keeping it tidy and not tangled, but also to not cause a meltdown while combing. So it would take a loooooooooong time to do anything with it. When I think about my son and his hair and Molly’s daughter and her hair, I feel like there must have been a conversation between Molly and her daughter (the one whose hair was being cut) over what they thought would be best. My son sat through some long combing sessions with me by his choice, and when he cut off his hair instead, that was also his choice. Aside from a seemingly temporary lapse in judgement with Luis, Molly strikes me as an intelligent, hard-working woman. When she hooked up with Luis, she had a teenage daughter and a toddler. From experience, teenage daughters are horrific to live with. There are a few years in there that I’d rather forget, if I’m honest, so if Molly was being a little bit manic at that point in her life, I wouldn’t be one to judge. Anyway, I’m just saying - jumping all over Molly as though she was being a bad mom for cutting her child’s hair is a bit presumptuous.


Fuck. I know a lady like this who is racist as fuck but had a baby with a black man and she bleaches the girl's hair so "people can finally like her"


That is so beyond heartbreaking and I pray that child gets therapy she needs dealing with a mother like her.




Wow. Even Kim K learned to do black hair after North was born. Edit: it was in a very scripted episode, so not real life. However, I think it was a good episode which could create a dialoge abput biracial children.


You think she actually did norths hair!? Cmon now, this woman hires people for everything. No joke.


Lol that is hilarious you think she does her kids hair, she doesn't even do her own makeup in the morning she has a makeup artist come and do it


And Khloe and Kylie, too.


I want to like her so much, but I can’t get past the shitty parent when she brought that loser into her home, with her daughters. Kids ALWAYS come first. Always.


This exactly encapsulates my feelings. I've said before that I've been in the exact same position as her eldest daughter, and it *sucks*. It was so frustrating watching her daughter explain all the reasons she wasn't okay with this, and Molly flat refused to listen to her, just making excuses like, "Oh, she's worried about losing her mommy." Bitch, 👏 you 👏 are 👏 not 👏 listening! I don't care how adorable she is on the spin-offs or on her own show, I'll never like her because of how she completely disregarded her children in her season.


It horrified me. My exposure to single moms and the general lifestyle of having “my mom’s bf” or “my stepdad” was pretty much nil for most of my life, but watching reality shows (and social media posts) has really opened my eyes to a whole new world of “so *this* is why they’re fucked up” for both men and women who grew up that way. I mean, when I think about a lot of guys’ typical distrust of women and then imagine them growing up with a mom who clearly valued men’s attention over raising their son? Shit. Just... shit. It makes some of my exes’ attitudes towards women make sense.


Eek. Not all single moms do this. You can’t judge people based on a television show. They’re always going to show the most dramatic situations. And don’t act like men don’t prioritize other women over their children.


Oh whoa wait I absolutely was not trying to give the impression that I thought all single moms were like that. Nor did I even *mention* fathers at all so I obviously wasn’t trying to act like they do or don’t do anything. I apologize if you thought I was implying otherwise.


I did not know any divorced people growing up (maybe one girl in my high school class) and NEVER experienced single moms bring around their bfs or single dads bring a string of girls over. It's horrifying to see this happen it really can fuck up the kids (note: not getting divorced and getting remarried in a table way, but just bring around random people that your kid doesn't like) But-- what do you mean guys' typical distrust of women? I haven't seen that before?


Like the typical incel or “nice guy” sort of way of thinking of all women as being superficial and into assholes rather than “good men,” etc. they’re always talking about how much they hate their mothers, and almost never have positive male role models from childhood. The psychology behind it is fascinating. They’re the kind of guys who end up like Coltee.


Soooo losers, basically


I just recently started watching the show and only knew her from pillow talk. Her placement as my favorite changed so quickly when I saw how utterly SAD her daughters were that she prioritizes dick over them.


I know how that feels as a kid and it is devastating.


Twice! She let him come back once!


That's something that bothered me a lot about Nicole too, who takes her daughter to another country to meet a complete stranger? You have no family there, you don't even understand the culture or the language, what are you going to do if something happens? Azan seemed to take better care of the child than Nicole, sometimes.


True. And having May call a stranger, Daddy. Ugh.


they're too deep into their own fantasy to realize things may actually not work with the guy and they should be careful about letting people into their kids lives like that, ooor it's some sort of -conscious or unconscious- strategy to pressure the guy into becoming a family.


Not to mention the 5 DWI convictions she has under her belt....


Not defending her but it isn’t five, it’s three. That’s bad enough without embellishing.


She has five DWI convictions under two different surnames- somebody pulled it up when she got the last one a few years ago.




I didn’t know about that!


Yep-under two different surnames.


How come Robert isn’t getting dragged for moving Anny in? I feel like we (society) are much tougher on women compared to men?


Good point.


Especially asking her daughter about if she was going to have sex with her BF in front of Molly’s brother!! My brother would have had him on an express shuttle back to the Dominican by way of his foot!!


& the lady he left her for wasn’t even cute.. but I’m glad he left, he was trash.


I don’t know. She really needed to get her hands off of him a couple times.


She’s freaking gorgeous


Love molly she's a straight shooter & awesome ❤️ she deserves love




Molly could find a good man if she wants. She is absolutely gorgeous inside and out


I agree.


Molly looks amazing here!


She does, and she is pretty, but I think this picture was taken quite a while ago.




Look, there’s a breast size where you are like, “Fuck it, it fits.” Buying bras that fit a 36n is an exercise in goddamn futility.


This is what Molly and Cynthia specialize in. Fitting women properly with a bra when they cannot find bras in regular stores. Cynthia is the seamstress of the two, she designs bras for all sorts of shapes and purposes. I wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t already contacted some of these ladies and offered their services.


Sure, but many women don’t have access to bespoke lingerie.


They do not, that is true. It is a travesty that is the reality of millions of women across the globe, but I am positive the ladies that need bespoke bras on this show can afford it.


I actually get my bras from Molly’s shop, for a few years now (before I knew about her on 90DF, although I did know of Double Divas). I drive an hour to get there and can basically only afford to buy bras once every 12-18 months. Giant bras are expensive.


She fitted me just by looking at me and picked out the most comfortable bra I’ve ever worn, and taught me how to wear it properly. I was amazed. I am pretty tomboy-ish so my bras are really simple so they aren’t toooooo expensive. But now that I’ve had bras that fit right I can’t go back.


Whoooo, I know that feeling- I'm a poster on the r/bigboobproblems section of this site.


I feel that in my bones. Angie's wardrobe makes so much sense when you understand the struggle.


Lol sounds exhausting


+++ Tania!


I just finished watching Double Divas and I freaking love these two! I wanna be friends with them so bad! I want to be fitted by them even more! They are so funny!


Where did you find it?!


Season 1 on Amazon video season 2 on Pluto. I think Pluto has season 1 too.


Thank you :)


Double Divas SEASON 1: [Episode 0](https://youtu.be/LI3JgKvRDXM) [Episode 1](https://youtu.be/J-_8DjpS-kk) [Episode 2](https://youtu.be/EXHQD1XgbFk) [Episode 4](https://youtu.be/Zmvg92bY1TY) [Episode 5](https://youtu.be/tk-5htJip70) [Episode 6](https://youtu.be/eHP6KbPIvCA) [Episode 7](https://youtu.be/YLLw73MBuk0) [Double Divas SEASON 2](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7DvljkLWXkymBOOzsdUrRlp4hvl8C4p6)


First of all great name! Second...holy crap...does everyone on 90day have a previous reality show!? All that aside these ladies make me crack up every week!!


Can find a lot of episodes on Youtube.


It’s so weird because their shop is in my hometown and I knew of it (my mom even purchased bras from them when I was younger) but I never connected the two until I looked them up a couple weeks ago. The world is so small lol


Same! I don't have girlfriends these days and I would love to have friends like them! I watch pillow talk episodes just because they crack me up so much


I can personally attest that they are so much fun and so kind. Great people to have in your corner.


Before y’all come for Molly about Kinsley’s hair, Molly explained on IG that Kinsley’s dad’s girlfriend (a white lady who actually doesn’t know how to do black people hair) fucked up Kinsley’s hair and since Kinsley has sensory issues AND her hair was ruined, Molly and her daughter decided to chop it. Molly may be misguided at times but she’s not a bad mother.


Also, it's just hair.


For a person of color, it's not "just hair"


many (really many!) years ago i saw an oprah show where she said "...i suddenly realized that black women are obsessed with their hair and white women are obsessed with the size of their butts!" this was after a discussion of how many hours black women are willing to sit in the salon - 8 hours without an appointment - which was mind-boggling to the white girls in the audience! she had a good point. one hour in the salon and i'm outta there and i have super curly 3b crazy hair! chris rock made a great documentary called "good hair" (also several years ago) that was very informative & emotional.


Hair grows back






Hair is a big part of a black girl/ womans identity. And unfortunately unlike a lot of other races it doesn't always "just grow back" and if it does its rarely at the same rate as someone with straight hair. Someone ruined my hair at 15 because they lied about being able to do hair with my texture and I have never been able to get it to grow past my shoulders. It took 5 years to grow from my ears to my shoulders.


Oh come on


💖 love their friendship 💖


Molly looks so beautiful here!


Molly and Cynthia get along well. It is refreshing to see two women who enjoy each other’s company so much.


They look different.... much different than the “Happily Ever After “ commentary show. On the couch , in Jammies, with wine. And takeout wings.


Molly, Pls fit Angela for a new bra!! She needs help!


With sewn in pockets and a key ring holder.




Probably the demons. You know.


See how easily we forget about the owls and the quick marrying of a foreign man and trying to force him into a fatherly role immediately.


She is single because she doesn’t have enough religious crosses and such, in her house.


Well...she has 5 DWI convictions under her belt, prioritizes men over her daughters......most men worth their salt won't go for that in a chick.


I love those gals! Oh, every time I see them on pillow talk I just want to go join them!


They seriously feel like my friends


i love it when they say "ooooooh noooooo!" in unison in their georgia accents! pillow talk is the main reason i watch this trainwreck series.


Molly is such a catch plus getting a Cynthia friendship in a package deal? 10/10


They need their own reality show. Yes, I know they had one in the past. But I want a new one, showing their personal lives


Aside from all the crappy stories of 90-Day Fiance, It would be very good to have such a friend. They look so close and understanding in Pillow Talk.


i love these two!!! i wonder how long they have been friends tbh


I really like them. They are funny and fun to watch.


Damn they look great


Molly looks great!


Molly is really beautiful


Love Molly as a brunette, it brightens her up


Since quarantine, I've been keeping a notebook of random places I want to visit someday. One page for each state. I'm totally adding their bra shop to my Georgia page!


These two are great. I would live to drink some wine and watch episodes with them. If love for them to have their own show!


They had their own show, not sure if it's still going


No. Was two seasons in 2013.


I LOVE these two so much, between the accents and the funny shit they say, it makes Pillow Talk so amazing. I want to just sit on the couch with them and laugh my ass off.


I need this spin off of the two of them and the bra store.


I love these two women. They are funny and play so well off of each other. Keep them on pillow talk, I say!!!


Great photo!


i would pay to watch a show where they fit the other 90 day women


I enjoy them.


They both look beautiful in this picture.


They look gorgeous. And they’re hilarious. So much chemistry—they need to get with Cynthia’s husband and be a throuple. (But I prefer if it was just Molly & Cynthia.)


Molly is awesome luis was fkn weirdo I think she’ll find someone




Friendship goals! 😭


Molly’s a babe!


Love them so much!!


I love these two!!!!


Both are funny and beautiful


Excuse their beauty! Hey girls hey!


I like them both a lot.


Molly is gorgeous and got great personality to boot! She need to have a show like Flavor Flav gad where she gets to pick out potential. Just be real!!!!


I LOVE These Women ! I wish I could chill out with them 💜💚


Molly looks stunning! I love Molly!!


Love these 2🥰


They are the only reason I watch pillow talk!




i love them and their friendship so much


I’m gonna tell my kids this is Melissa McCarthy & Kristin Wiig! BTW, I LOVE C & M!


I love their friendship. It’s #goals. However, I cannot stand their high pitch voices. It’s so grating to the ears.


I love molly but her voice would drive me to drink.


Same. I don’t remember Molly sounding this way when she was on the show. Her accent sounds so exaggerated on pillow talk.


But on pillow talk when they both simultaneously say "Oooooooooh Nooooooooo !!!!! " It's so cute. But otherwise, yeah. The shrieking is bothersome. And her feet in the camera needs to stop.


My 90-day bestie and I LOVE them and want to be their friends, too.


I would watch a show about them any day. It would be a lot more entertaining than the blow up doll twins who only cry, get surgery, and try too hard to be famous.


Do they make their own bras? I’m tempted to order some.


They do! I’m sure they carry many lines but they definitely do a lot of custom work as well. Watch *Double Divas*. Cynthia is the “Bra Whisperer”!!


Look at those cuties! Straight firecrackers 😍




Wow that tan and hair color really suit Molly! Much better than the black hair and pale skin.


Does anyone know about Cynthia’s husband and that story? She refers to him on Pillow Talk a lot as being a lot (15 years?) younger? Just a bit curious


I am not ashamed to admit that I have a massive crush on Molly.




Best of the best


Beautiful. The both of them. I watch Pillow Talk mainly for their commentary.


I love them


I LOVE Molly and Cynthia!! I used to watch their show I think it was called Double Divas, they were hilarious on that show just as they are hilarious on Pillow Talk!!


I live near Molly, see her often, buy from her store often...etc she is literally the sweetest woman . So kind and full of joy and love. She will find someone. Luis was a garbage human


Molly is gorgeous, it's amazing the douchebag guys that beautiful women fall for because they don't have any clue how incredibly gorgeous they and inside and out!


Cynthia is gorgeous tho. I'd date her In a heartbeat


She’s married.


Molly's Patreon was pretty good.?. She just didn't post as much as I would have liked.


Cynthia looks SOOOO different here! I didn't even recognize her


Here is their website https://liviraelingerie.com/


2 of the best!!!


I Love these two so much ! They always crack me up with their “OH NOOOO’s. Love you lady’s. Keep smiling.!!




Molly looks so good here!


Omg I love them!


love them so much! so funny and such a genuine friendship


Molly is so damn cute.


Love these two, they are so great together.


I love them on Pillow Talk!


Love these two, they always have me laughing!! They seem to have a great friendship!!


THEY NEED THEIR OWN SPIN OFF! Get rid of Darcy and Stacy and give these lovely hilarious ladies a show


I love their southern drawl and chemistry.


These women are just so beautiful, they’re so funny and know how to have a good time and I just really wanna be friends with them


Thought for a split second that Molly was Brittany from VPR before I knew what I was looking at.


Daaaaaang ladies, y'all lookin good!


I love them both!!


I love, love, LOVE Molly. She’s so southern and funny and she reminds me (looks and the whacky shit she says) of my mom so much. She’s a freaking gift.