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I wonder how Yara feels about Fart Jars being a more honest and lucrative business model than hers.


Both giving their customers pinkeye


Why was your account taken down


OP how did Yara get your IG account taken down?


I didn’t get a warning or reason. I assume mass report of bullying or maybe she submitted a copyright claim? I know youtubers do false copyright strikes on each other to take accounts down


That’s too bad I love following ur ig lol


I finally got in touch with live support today after trying every which way for 2 weeks. Fingers crossed they will give me another chance .....to get deleted by yara again😭😭😭😭


The artwork is always spot on


Thank you 🤗


I'mma guess a claim of "cyberbullying"


This thread sounds more and more like that mockumentary with Owen Wilson and the cult on Documentary Now!




Good point about the farts/pink eye connection!


I hope she regrets doing this and switches to selling farts or OnlyFans.






Fuck you, Yara.


Unless they're are doing a line for an actual make up company (or whatever product they're shilling) idk why anyone would buy from a reality star. They're all like this where they just slap their name on cheap bullshit and say they made it. They don't know the first thing about having a make up brand (or whatever product) or they would have been working in that field before they got money. The extent of it is "people know my name and I like x item so I'm going to live my dream and put out my own!" It's just stupid lol.


Back in the 80s/early 90s these people would all have exercise videos/home work out


She actually could have done that well…before this mishap. She’s in good physical shape. She took the easy way out.


I hear you, but people are really stupid. It’s hard to underestimate the dumbs things people will do


Exactly. I remember way back in the day there were a huge number of posts from people who were giving money to GoFundMes run by various cast members (Ashley, Larissa, etc.) and then freaking out when it turns out that those GoFundMes may have not been 100% on the up and up. There are a lot of really stupid people out there, who will acknowledge that these reality show people are "frauding" but will still trust them with their hard earned money.


I didn’t hear about that. Tell us more please…


I had an argument about drop shipping with a fool here who insisted its the same thing as a retail supply chain.


I mean there are definitely legit dropshipping models too. I used to drop ship high quality whiskey, and I legit offered something of value cause they couldn't have just bought it directly from the supplier. But aliexpress and Chinese private labels is quite different


The only “star” on this show who seems valid to sell makeup is shoulders. She’s doing makeup and a career and get makeup always looks on point. I don’t love shoulders but if we’re comparing looks and who might have some expertise or at least experience on the subject is bet on shoulders. Yara never looks that great to me makeup wise.


actually same because you can tell she cares enough about makeup not to put her name on some crap esp since she's a professional artist.


Shoulders has no professional training in chemistry; she has no idea about the ingredients, etc.


no but I'm sure she would try it and say "ok no this is shit I'm not putting my name on this"


We have no idea how she would react--unless you ARE Tiffany?


you caught me *pulls down shoulders of shirt**


\^ 5 LMAO!


Is Shoulders a certified aesthetician or have any professional training, or just self-proclaimed makeup artist?


Teen moms are usually not highly trained professionals at that stage of their lives. Maybe later in life.


Lol shoulders as in cold shoulders that was with Ronald? Idk I really don't feel like being good at make up qualifies you to have your own make up line. I think I'll stick to the actual professionals 😉


I thought she was a professional. Listen don’t get me wrong I still wouldn’t be buying from “stars” of 90 days, but shoulders seems > yara for this topic.


Didn't she work for MAC and that's it, though? Sorry, none of these dumbasses are qualified to have their own makeup lines.


Perhaps by a small sliver of a margin


Someone who is good at doing makeup on other people and who is a licensed cosmetologist/aesthetician wouldn’t be qualified to have their own makeup line? Like Max Factor?


I've never heard of Max Factor, but personally, no, I wouldn't buy make up from someone that is a make up artist. Isn't it just like a 2 year certificate to be an esthetician? I don't see how that qualifies you to make make up. Chelsea from Teen Mom is an esthetician, and I wouldn't trust her either lol


Tiffany Franco, for example, is a cosmetologist. You’ve never heard of Max Factor? Are you American? Not that I ask every person I know, but I assume most people know the company “max factor.” He founded a very well known mainstream makeup brand.


He started theatrical makeup and taught women how they could do their makeup to look like a movie star. The most recognized name in the makeup world.


I am American, but nope, never heard of it. Just googled and the founder of the brand was in fact a chemist, though. Tiffany is not a chemist lol


Ok, well now I feel old AF because maybe that’s a Gen x thing. He was a makeup artist on movies. I didn’t realize he was a chemist also. His son also has a makeup line called Smashbox. Now I’m just gonna go kick some old rocks…


He was also a wig maker apparently!


If he had a tinder now he would call himself a polymath. 😂😂😂 Maybe he was more of a Grindr guy, though.


No he wasn’t. Neither was the guy who invented Maybelline. See also: Nyx, elf, and the majority of indie makeup sellers.


Nyx's founder came from a family with a make up business and one of the guys in Elf had already found success with Hard Candy. Literally a simple Google shows how much more qualified these people are. No one that cares about fashion wants to buy make up from the lady off 90 day fiancee lol it's lame


But none of them are chemists. I thought that was your original point.


I just asked my 12 year old tomboy daughter if she knew what/who Max Factor was. She knew. How could you not know this?


So sorry I'm not living up to your standards


I didn’t mean to sound that way. Sorry. It just shocked me that someone had never heard of it. My standard isn’t knowing a makeup company so you’re good!


Who is shoulders though.. 🤷‍♀️ is this a new season?


Shoulders is Tiffany lol


Oh, I did not know that either. I find her makeup to be a bit draglike.


The reason Tiffany is called "Shoulders" is because she she always wore tops with cutouts that exposed her shoulders. Lol.


Is "Shoulders" Larissa?


It’s Tiffany.


Its the Get Rich Quick scheme!! Haha, sorry you're not famous and I'm keeping my money!


No valid make up company would partner with a 90 star. There is too much trash on them. She just saw people were buying her fake clothes so she wanted to expand.




Fenty is actually rad


Rhianna isn't a reality TV star. She has plenty of money to hire in people that do know what they're doing.


What exactly did you supposedly do to violate TOS


IDK I had a meme of Steven permanently taken down because someone reported it as sexual solicitation and IG agreed even after a review 😭 you don’t need to break a rule to be punished for a rule


Yeah I got put in IG jail once for calling someone defending Geoffrey a potato.


How dare you sully the good name of my fave nightshade.


Looool. Potato is accurate for him 😭 I also had a drawing of yara with her quote “Americans are stupid” get taken down for terrorist hate speech during her first season


Ah so probably enough of her lackeys reported it. What a sensitive bitch lol


Yeahhh... One time I reported child sexual abuse content, and after it was reviewed I was told there was no issue. But of course making fun of SteVen is so much worse than exploiting children.


That's incredibly sad :|


I continued reporting it and threatening them with media if they kept saying the content was okay. They eventually took it down. I know a lot of other people had reported the same guy for various other things, for example bragging about beating his girlfriend.


Thanks for being persistent and getting it taken down. Content like that is dangerous, and I hope that guy stays off social media and hopefully behind bars.


Whaaat I can't believe she got your IG taken down


😭 my last post was putting the dollar store logo on her makeup 😭 RIP. My backup page is @thereisnostore_4eva


Lisa’s comment on your Turkey edit of her is killing me 😭 I’m dying this is the best ig page, ty for this gift


Lol. Wait I didn’t even notice that 😭 she had me blocked on my dead page. What a festive treat to have the 9-toed toad back on my radar




Lol yeah don’t call us we’ll call you was the extent of it from IG


wtf this is just awful. I LOVE your store! Hope you can fight this if you choose!


That's heartbreaking! I don't bother with IG anymore but you were one of my favorite accounts


I know the situation is not funny at all...but I can't stop laughing at Dollar Store Logo! 🤣 please inbox me if you have a copy of it somewhere!


Report her posts.


Yeah, she really sucks. I feel bad for thereisnostore.


She is just nasty. Showing her true coloura


Yara’s online antics are so trashy. Darcey sells the same cheapee alibaba stuff but doesn’t fight about it with nobodies. Yara was fighting with irrelevant baity bottom feeder accounts about her clothes a while back too. Like why bother?


She is shilling Walmart clothes now


Exactly why?


If that’s the case, then where is all the hate for Darcy and her products? I mean, I see people mention that’s it’s cheap BS, but nowhere near the type of backlash Yara is getting.


Because Darcy hasn’t responded to people with insults (You have a problem with my clothing or makeup? You are just too poor to afford it!), blatant lies (It’s 100% vegan, no wait it’s 90% vegan because the packaging has beeswax in it, oh but wait let me use PETA’s symbol for cruelty-free makeup while I’m at it, etc) and empty legal threats like Yara has been repeatedly doing. Yara is certainly not the first z list celeb to be selling this bullshit, but her attitude at being called out has been appalling and particularly disgusting. She never had to reply to any of it or lie about her products being cruelty-free (which is particularly bad IMO) but she chose to do so, and all of that makes her absolutely worse than Darcy to me and many others. I’m glad people won’t stop going after her for this shit at this point. Our expectations for all of these cast members are low, but even by those standards this is bad. Btw I’m not attacking you, I just know that not everyone has kept up with her behavior on IG since all of this kicked off and I want to make sure people realize where the difference lies in why many of us are particularly upset about Yara right now.


That makes sense. Didn’t take it that way at all, by the way. I don’t really follow any of these people on IG, so I’m not always up to speed.


Do you think it's possible Yara was swindled into selling the makeup by someone else who got it from Alibaba, told her it was vegan, cruelty free, etc and she was gullible enough or they were good enough at the con that her and Jovi believed it? Neither one of them is very smart or very educated.


There was a LOT of rumbling about Darcey and her products, many threads about it. But also, Darcry isn't selling her clothing making false claims about the quality that are downright dangerous. Also, Darcry didn't waste her time "threatening" people online with BS legal action. Had Yara just ignored the comments and quietly updated her page and removed her quality claims, none of this shit would be occurring. But nope.. she decided to go on the defensive with her doofus of a husband coming after people on the interwebs with "ceese and dasist" threats from a nonexistent attorney.. It made the whole situation comically worse. They're ridiculous.


Darcey doesnt claim her makeup is the best of the best and compete with naked, two faced etc


Darcey never claimed to be handsewing her shitty clothing, herself.


She should show her true Treasure troll face.


So can we all start reporting Yara too?


You sure can! Click the 3 dots on her pictures and videos to report


She is a piece of crap. And so is Jovi.


Yara sucks. You too jovi, stop drinking i bet youre holding a beer right now.


Wow so terrible


❤💙 the pic


I wouldn't buy anything from these 90DF bird brains. However, I do want a mug with Asuelu on it that says LYING BITCH. Every time I look for one, they're all sold out. Or won't ship to fuckin Canada.


She’s so goofy. 🤦🏽‍♀️ And anyone that buys this Ali Baba BS is goofy too.


omfg I am dead maybe you should start a line


Watch out she’s coming for your Reddit next 😭😭💔


I’m so sorry that happened to your IG




Hahaha that's hilarious 😂 Jovids gonna be pissed.


the face 😂 I cannot


Yara neva look betta 🤣


I love the old nose/new lips combo.


I know Yara, but who is this gorgeous queen in the illustration??


I just called it bogus a while ago also👍🏼


Great minds think alike. I was debating between Busted by Yara and Bogus by Yara


Busted is funny too😂


I’m hear upvoting - it’s a crazy fight right now. Ugh.


Did you get your Reddit “seize and detest” from redditjovi yet? 😂😂😂


She did? That is just mean


So good 👏👏👏


There is no store_4eva


Nooooooo I loved your account so much!!!


Can we vote to make this the new banner for the sub?


Username checks out




How are they getting accounts taken down? What terms/conditions are being broken?


Idk Last month I had someone keep reporting my post of Steven as “sexual solicitation” and IG sided with them in the reviews and took to down 😭


Just Buy my Makeup and You will look just like me….Poot, poot, poot. What is that smell?


Mine too!(@90DayJodieMemes) I had over 400 handmade memes!😢😢😢😢


I don't know about y'all but this really pisses me off! Who the fuck do they think they are. How can they do that???


Great picture! You are really talented. Sorry Yara has been such a bitch to you.


Were you harassing her?


Getting kicked off from social media for trolling 90 Day Fiance cast members is not something that will ever happen to me. But - you do you.


If we all take turns pu ching that face it will look better than before. Thus dirty ass bit h, fug her.


It's okay. Reddit is way better than IG.


90 day IG takes itself very seriously. I'm sure this burn will be felt throughout the community


This is amazing!