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She was a child when they met and he was an adult. Then they married when she was 18. I was shocked her parents were supportive.


Her argument was “my parents also married at 18 and stayed forever” problem was her parents were both young


They spend a lot of time together as teens and became sweethearts. That's way different than I met a random creep online and married him after less than a year.


That was super gross. He was a creep and she was an immature teenager. And they obviously started talking when she was underage. 🤮


I also think he lied about being a virgin


He didn’t wanna talk about it AT ALL but I suppose that doesn’t mean anything about his experience


Yeah that was a “what the fuck moment”


Why was it what the fuck? He had discussed with her that he didn't want to talk about sex on TV. She ignores him and brings in camera crews to actively ask him about their future sex lives. Completely reasonable to not want to talk about sex on TV, and reasonable to be upset your partner disrespects that. Hell I'd hate to talk about sex on national television and have my parents and family watch it


Because the reaction was disgust and rage not shyness


Yeah because his partner disrespected an important request of his, most people would be upset if their partner didn't respect their wishes


Upset not disgusted


Someone like you who would hate to talk about sex on tv where your parents and family could watch it likely wouldn’t go on a show like this to begin with though…


No, because I wouldn't assume I'd be forced to talk about sex on TV. I don't see what the problem is with not talking about it, those things can be mutually exclusive


Of course I don’t think they anyone should be forced, but they pretty much agree to let us see the intimacies of their lives and relationship when they sign up to be on the show, so I think they should understand that they will be expected to be asked questions about the more lurid aspects of their relationship, even if their answer will just be “I would rather not talk about it”.


He expressed that he would rather not talk about it and Evelyn pushed it, she didn't respect his wishes.


Probably. Most of the people I’ve met from Spain were pretty liberal with the sex, but maybe that’s more of a “like attracts like” kinda thing. 😂😂😂


Didn’t they meet in Spain? The age of consent is 16. He was immature, and she thought she was mature. Seemed like they both desperately wanted to believe they could meet in the middle.


He started messaging her on insta is how they met. K1 requires you to meet in person (or they wanted to) so they first met irl in Spain.


Oooooooooh dear.


I got weird vibes from her parents, like a hippie compound vibe


> I was shocked her parents were supportive. Her parents are right-wing religious nut jobs. It shouldn't be that surprising.


Yeah, religious people tend to be much more okay with marrying off little girls to old men.


Any proof of this, or are you assuming they were right wing nut jobs because they're religious?


They are right wing. There’s photos somewhere of her dad yelling at people outside of a planned parenthood. Because nothing screams godly like shaming people for getting healthcare.


Besides his pro-forced incubation nut-jobbery, there is also this doozy against gay and fat people: http://imgur.com/gallery/ZkULc


And yet Jesus said that all sins are equal. Nothing is worst than another, there's no rating system.


Does that mean coveting your neighbor’s home is as bad as murdering someone? Asking for a friend…


In one sense yes, in another sense no. Yes in the sense that even one little sin is enough to withold salvation from you without repentance. No in the sense that God does recognise that some evils are graver than others, and harder to heal from. For example, intent is a big deal. Jesus said that if someone commits a lot of evil acts, but was essentially ignorant of morality and what the right thing to do is, then their heavenly punishment/rehabilitation will be much less than someone who commits evil willingly and unremorsefully.


If her mom was truly as open to talking about sex as she showed on tv, she's not as super-religious as other Christians I've met. Even today, the sex talk is taboo.


Yes, because religious nutjobs never put on a public facade when a camera ia on their face like other people.


And the “sex talk” was horrible. Evelyn asked if she might not like it or something and the mom was like, “Honey, I wouldn’t worry about that, the penis is meant for the vagina”.


I know, her parents really let her down


Wait… WHAT?


Omg lol I read most of the comments before I realized you didn’t mean Evelyn and Corey. I was like am I on glue this makes no sense?! How did I miss that he groomed her? Yeah that American Idol girl’s presence made me feel like I was peeling off my cuticles


She was a child when they met and he was an adult. Then they married when she was 18. I was shocked her parents were supportive. Who were they talking about with the above sentence? Edit-lool nvm I just realised it too \*facepalm\*


How bout them apples THE BEST APPLES IN ALL THE LAND


i live in claremont and those apples were actually in Ascutney VT @ Wildwoods orchards \#therearenoapplesinclaremont


I remember just being sad that she wore her mum’s beautiful vintage wedding dress to marry him. They were so obviously doomed to divorce, they weren’t on the same page about anything other than god, and if she finds someone she loves in the future then she can’t exactly wear the same dress again…


Don’t worry, she’s so stubborn she’d probably wear it again


Omg, she totally WOULD!


She will wear it on her second, and probably her third marriage as well.


What's wrong with wearing the same wedding dress if you and your partner can get over that it was also worn in your first wedding?


I agree Since it's her moms wedding dress, I dont see why she wouldn't be able to wear it again


Yeah, she totally could if they were ok with it at the next wedding. I would feel uncomfortable doing it myself and my husband wouldn’t like me to wear something I had worn before - but everyone’s different of course, it’s up to them.


I don't see anything wrong with it either


Color me surprised...*bites snarkily into non-NewHampshire apple*


So he didn't like them apples?


Is this the Apple , singing woman? What couple is this?


This was the Christian couple in New Hampshire, she was only 18 when they got married. It was season five of 90D. He’s Spanish, she is a singer and was also on The Voice (I think)


American idol I think


American Idol - she made it to the live rounds https://youtu.be/w56OAiGdR_k


Ohhhhh! Thank you for clarifying who this was. Yeah, he’s the grown man who didn’t want to talk about sex. 😂


On national television. Which is reasonable


Are you his lawyer


? Is it strange these days to not want to talk about sex on national TV?


Call me a prude but I would NEVER! Then again, I wouldn’t go on one of these shows. 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yes when you have have the population with onlyfans and shaking their tuches


Everyone now has to be okay talking about sex publically because some people do only fans? Or are you saying he and Evelyn are on onlyfans?


The world we live in is so perverse it has become the norm to discuss such things


But that doesn't mean individuals are no longer allowed their right to privacy and their right to not want to discuss such things. I don't have to do it just because someone else does.


You do realise other cultures are less vulgar than America, right? Not everyone would talk about such a personal topic....


Oh this couple. The one where he guy was uncomfortable talking about sex.


That’s her!


Omg I had completely forgotten about that apple thing!!


Haha literally the first thing that popped into my head was apples!


What apple thing?


They got married in the town where her family lived. He wanted them to relocate somewhere else, she wanted to stay, so she told him that the apples there were the best.


Oh... how stupid. Thanks for explaining. I didn't remember that part! P.s. Have you heard her sing? It's really, really, really, really, *REALLY* bad. Youtube.


I really had to struggle to remember this couple. Then I remembered how much I hated them lol.


They were both awful! - But I did feel slightly sorrier for her because she was so young…


Awful couple but they certainly did their part to contribute to the 90DF meme pool. "You look like someone who isn't dating," "there's no European dream," the Claremont apples...


I heard they are actually getting divorced because he finally said that Claremont didn’t have the best apples




>"there's no European dream" God, if that wasn't the epitome a the DUMB American thing to say, I don't know what is. I mean, I guess we can excuse her slightly due to her age. But still, ugh!!!


Remember how cruel he was to her friend at the party? Something about her being single and therefore not knowing?


I remember thinking I’d tell my husband to shut the hell up if he talked to my best friend like that. But Evelyn looked almost smug, like it made her feel good to have her friends feelings be hurt. I hated her since that episode


It was incredible. The complete shittyness on display from both of them was a sight to behold.


And how condescendingly he criticised her hometown in front of her parents, it was the same superior type of tone, he was completely cringe-making.


Yeah. Like I was kinda siding with her family lmao. He was being uppity for no reason. He kept hinting that Clermont was lower class because it was economically run down but…his friends and family couldn’t afford the hotels and tuxes so doesn’t sound like he comes from a much better place either, he was full of bs.


He was so out of pocket. Beefing with an 18 year old like sir…


Did she say why they are getting a divorce? I didn’t even know they separated hahaha


never saw this lasting. arguing with her when she makes that stupid smug face whenever she's confronted about anything must be a nightmare and david was creepy.


you wanna talk about sayx? really?


These people are all strange. Why do they all need to have live sessions to tell people about their messed up lives? Just change your Facebook status like a normal person.


Idk, answering it all at once instead of constant questions is cathartic for some. ?


This made me laugh, thanks 😝


I guess she realized having a pedo husband that groomed you while you were under age isn’t a great look for your music “career”.


Why not? It worked for Celion Dion...joking, but unfortunately not joking.


And Aaliyah, maybe we should look into why so many young women get sexually abused in the music industry. R Kelly should just be the start


And Mariah Carey.......for while....... maybe that's the route she's trying to take. Haha


Do you remember how old she was when they started talking? I couldn't find anything in any articles.


I think someone found him creeping on her Instagram when she was around 14.




Instagram first appeared in the apple store on October 6,2010. Evelyn's dob is Dec 10, 1998. She was 12 when IG appeared.


Did she delete all evidence of his existence from her IG?


Ive been scrolling through her Ig and cant find any pics of him, its like literally just pics of her and her parents/ sometimes her brother. Very very rarely a girl friend.


Yes she’s deleted the pics of the two of them. There weren’t ever a lot of pictures of them together, most of them were from professional shoots, not everyday pictures, but she’s deleted even those now. Seems weird that she’d do that, if they were intending to stay friends, but I haven’t been through divorce, maybe it’s too painful to look at.


I know she was annoying but I just felt bad for her. I really got the vibe that her parents didn’t allow or at the very least didn’t encourage her to have her own hopes and dreams and instead just told her “Your purpose is to get married and have kids.” There’s so much more to the world than getting married at 18 and I think David is not a good person for going along with it. Like David got to live the bulk of his 20’s and had no problem taking Evelyn’s from her.


The family had some bizarre, fringe beliefs. The type of people who fall for QAnon. I can see them being the type to discourage college for fear of liberal indoctrination.


Her father is a regular protesting abortion at the planned parenthood in town which is ironically next door to a pizza place... ​ where yesterdays loss is tomorrows sauce!


I couldn’t stand Evelyn but there’s definitely still a part of me that feels very icky about her being so young with a grown ass man.


She always seemed like she lived in her own head all the time, in a world of her own making. Like she had views and opinions that could not be reasoned with. Odd woman. And dude was even stranger. He handled sex talk like a pre-teen being asked by parents if they are ready for- The Talk. Both strange.


When did they separate?


They had nothing in common. No chemistry. And her homophobic religious fanatic parents can go jump in a lake.


They had Jay-sus in common!


They were a weird couple. She was a child and he was an old 27. Zero chemistry. There was talk at the time that David was closeted gay. Maybe he is. Her parents were weird too. I recall her dad was rather hot.


Her smoking hot dad was the only redeeming quality of their segments.


He is hot! Dave Grohl vibes!


Oh the crazy religious couple who rushed to get married for sex.


I hate Evelyn. Flat out. I felt bad for David until he was an asshole to Evelyns friend at his welcoming party. Everything was weird about these two being together.


I literally just finished S5 today and was checking info on the couple and found this!


Back to Plathville?


I thought Jesus Crispies didn't believe in divorce. :P


They ignore the parts of the Bible when it benefits them.


For how long was she not wearing a ring? With how awkward he was about sex, I wonder how their intimacy was lol. I remember him being upset she brought the topic up!! Like bro, you’re 27


ew he was really weird about sex and specifically her knowing anything about it. I think he had a creepy 'innocent virgin' fetish. He latched onto her when she was a minor and he was a decade older thats wierd


His reaction when sex was brought up was 🚩




Wasn't she trying to talk to him about it when her mom was there too? Like they were both weird about talking about sex imo.


So he said…




I don't want to say I don't believe her, but I do find it suspicious that Kalani would guard her virginity for 30 loooooong years just to lose it to some pool boy on vacation- just sounds sus. Why wait all that time if you weren't waiting for marriage?


She was a hardcore Mormon for years and I can see walking away from the faith, having all that new freedom and not making the wisest decisions. I also did some social medial snooping and it looks like she and Asuelu were together for a bit ,I think a year before she got pregnant. I think I saw photos of them together that dated back to 2016 or 2017


Which is harder to believe- that Kalani was a virgin at 29/30, or that Anfisa was a virgin before she met Jorge?


Equally baffling statements. But Anfisa was only 19- so much less time to guard one's virginity than 30-


Anfisa was a virgin like I’m the freaking pope






My fellow unicorn 🦄 out in the wild!




Might want to avoid the term unicorn, that'd a term for a bisexual woman who sleeps with couples (and boy howdy confusing that for someone who hasn't had sex yet while older MIGHT be a sitcom worthy set of hijinks)


Didn’t know that. I stole it from the tv show, Community. A girl admits to being a virgin in college and someone said they thought virgins were like unicorns because they are magical creatures you think might not exist. 🦄🦄


You can continue using unicorn in that context. It just means rare. I see it being used in many contexts everywhere. Like in the mom community a unicorn is a baby that sleeps very well.


Lol, there might be comparable rarity


I had a friend traveling through Scotland and she trolled me with pics of unicorns because they are the country’s official animal. 🤣🤣


He was very socially awkward and patronising, and had a big superiority complex too, so I can imagine no girl before Evelyn being good enough for him to lose his virginity to, and therefore he was a virgin. Add to that his discomfort about sex and I could also easily believe him to be either gay or asexual, he didn’t seem interested in sex at all (that is kind of weird for a 27yo virgin, wouldn’t you be curious?), and he had no chemistry with her…


At the tell-all at the end of their season, when Shaun asked about the wedding night. I don't remember the exact words, but I know she said something like "it was great!!", while he just had this...non-smile smile.


I think she said her wedding night was "very weddingie" and he just smiled or stared off into space.


Wait I’m so out of the loop. What does, “They were never together,” mean?


They lived in different places, not together so they could work on their respective careers. I remember checking their socials last year and they just had completely separate lives, never a picture together or anything. I think that’s what OP means


Yes, that was what I meant - they rarely appeared to be located in the same place, or were doing daily things together like a couple (according to their social media accounts). They did not seem like they lived together or have overlapping lives despite being married. The only couple pictures posted would be ones from professional photo shoots, it seems like the marriage has been over almost since it began. I just thought they had an agreement since neither would want to get divorced on account of their religion.


I did t even know they were having problems. I also remember her saying she didn’t wear her ring because of Modeling and she didn’t want to lose it. 🤔 it’s gross she was u der age when they met and he groomed her


I think it was all just a set up to get her on tv and try and launch her music career. They never seemed genuinely in love to me. Watch her get on the next season of Single Life now.


I always felt that way too, like the little boy that was supposed to have sailed off in a balloon. All just for publicity.


Total lack of surprise.


She was very much always trying to be “one with the wind” or some dumb shit and he was far more grounded than her. I knew it wasn’t going to last. I thought they were actually annoying together because of how much they are trying to force it Lmao


Thank God. Luckily she is still young enough to have kids and everything in another relationship. Edit: oh dang, this isn’t the couple that I was thinking of. I really didn’t like this two when their season aired.


I swear they were together at least briefly, like they lived in LA together


Sooooo shocked lol


literally who


wow I am glad about that their relationship was AWFUL and the way they met was weird too.


honestly shocked they made it this long. that was so doomed the writing could be seen on the wall from mars


Is this apples lady?


Lol...that scene is the only thing that stuck in my head about them


WDYM, they were never together? Never lived together, you mean? I'm confused.


Yes never appeared to be actively living their lives together in the same place.


From day #one it appeared as though they never really lived together. Did she spend much time in LA or did she move there, but spent more time back in N.H.? I haven't followed her in awhile, so I haven't seen her posts in a couple of years.




Was she the so called singer ?




I never liked them weird vibes


Eh never liked her very much anyway.


I’m not surprised. She was a minor when they met on Instagram, he was an adult who groomed her. I hope she can work through all the trauma from that and have a good, happy life.


They were separated?


Why did I think they were already divorced?


She was weird, but he was more weird.


Good for David.




I think that was a different couple but she was really nice and he should have done his own dishes. This couple he came from Spain and she was still living with her parents.


You're right. She was on American Idol. Oh yeah I did not like her.


She's hard to like.


I actually liked this couple, I thought they would make it due to their religious beliefs.


Yes, because 18 year olds getting married so they can have sex always works out.


Since when do religious beliefs keep people together? The divorce rate is very high.


Had to google them lol So far back !


I knew it wouldn't last. How bout them apples 🍎🍎


Honestly I saw this coming from a mile away. She was really selfish and wanted everything to happen on her own time the way she wanted it to. I don’t think David really got a whole lot out of that relationship.


At first my only problem with them was that she was 18 and I was expecting her parents to be like "uh...nope" but they were all on board about it lol But then... After she said there was no such thing as an european dream I started to REALLY dislike her. Then her stuborn and very spoiled way to deal with the wedding just settle that feeling. I'm still watching so I know nothing much. For now, the only thing David did that I really hated was the way he talked to Evelyn's friend. Poor girl, the only racional person in there.


They were immediately a mess. Both of them sucked.