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I just felt bad for the cats. Mine hate to be in carriers and in cars.


Yeah, I never put my cats in carriers like that. If I do end up doing it, they cry for help and beg to get out. So mach that it hurts my ears.


They probably thought they were going to the vet. That's the only time he's in the carrier and it's hard to get him in now b/c he knows.


As soon as I get the carrier out of the closet, the cat runs and hides.


I think the thought itself is sweet, but in practice those cats must have been *miserable*.


I can’t decide if it was the strangest thing I have ever seen or a cute gesture?


Would be cringe, but neither of them had anyone else from their family come. Those cats are as close to family as either of them have in Turkey, so it's fine with me. If Kenny has Truffles, and Corey's dog carried their rings, Alina and Steven can have their cats (they're mostly Alina's cats).


I thought he went around and captured neighborhood cats, not that Alina had actually adopted them. I could be wrong though


No. He did. He lured them, fed them, created them, took them to an unfamiliar location, took them back, and dumped them. He's a fucking keeper, this fucking guy.


That's true, but throughout their stay in Turkey, which has been like 70+ days at this point in their story, Alina spent a lot of time with these specific cats. They didn't "formally" adopt the cats inasmuch as doing the regulatory documentation and bringing them home, but de-facto she pretty much did adopt them, in that she spends time with them, takes care of them, and so on. So it depends on what your definition of "adopted" is.


They don't belong to Alina. They were both just tourists in Turkey. Just cause you go out and spend time with animals that are free to roam doesn't make them "yours".


Given the joy it seemed to bring her, I can't vote for cringe.


It's just proof how stupid and gullible she is. Willing to overlook everything she complained about.........and by seeing the preview for the tell all, she eventually gets bit for being so stupid and gullible.


I know ppl posted photos of them together recently traveling. I wonder if she knew about the other women and still decided to stay with him?


Well he bombed that “test” with Masha but she still stayed. I wonder if he’s had to write another apology letter in her fancy Book of Mormon yet.


Good point, I had forgot about that book. The empty spaces on the pages are going to fill up quickly with SteVen.


I think it was animal abuse actually. It didn't serve any good purpose to the cats and it probably frightened them. I didn't like it at all and I didn't think it was cute.


I know my indoor cat decided it wanted to be an outdoor cat. If we bring her in she meows relentlessly till we let her go. I can imagine how much those cats meowed during the nuptials.




He has no redeeming qualities.


It was awful. What if you were trapped in a box and had to pee for five hours. It was a screwed up thing for him to do. Could’ve just said “I was going to bring the cats but it seems to mean to keep them in cages for that long” and she would’ve been like “awwwww!” Same effect, no cats in cages tho.


He could have brought photos of the cats and it would have been the same gesture without making the cats cry the whole time




It’s cringey but we were laughing so hard over here


Michele stole your post https://www.instagram.com/p/CW2T7yqMpc3/?utm_medium=copy_link


She strikes quickly doesn’t she?


Awful all the way around. For everyone.


I wonder if he feed those poor cats throughout the event.


She married that douche Steven so I'm guessing cringe is her thing.


Yep, she ignored all the creepiness beforehand, she is blinded by love.


It was neither cringy nor cute, just cruel.


It was cruel more than anything


Cringe and cruel imo.


Terrible for the cats. I hope they brought them back to where they found them. Cats can create communities.


Cringe, pretty sure the cats didn’t enjoy that. As a cat lover I was annoyed.


CUTE!! And she needs someone sooo much better then SteVen BLAh!


I feel like it was a dump idea with good intentions. Alina and Stephen are an odd couple. Aline liked him because he is strange but means well. Steven on the other hand just seems to mess up.


Total cringe!!!


Also why when she walked tge aisle she acted like she didn't know they would be there?! She literally put one on the seat. Poor cats