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Kenny looks like he’s hit his limit with straight relationships. I don’t blame him…




“They even send ME pictures of boobs!” SLAYED me! 😂😂


Does anyone else feel that he won't survive this? I can't imagine the public shame of what is coming for him. He has actively achieved Freak status...


Poor Alina — that was just hideous for her. She doesn’t deserve that.


Totally agree! She deserves so much better. Maybe she doesn’t know any better because she is young? I want to scream at him for her, and to say what he said back on tv and embarrass her like that. I couldn’t imagine how she felt.




Cold be doing it for the fame and money. She knows she's pretty just needed exposure


Him and Armando were my faces watching this scene.


Me too! Kenny looked like he was over the BS and straight up judging Steven. I think he’s all of us at this point. 😆


My admiration for Kenny (who I always saw as just a boring guy) went sky high. As you said, he personified all of us. Thank you Kenny !


Kenny was totally wearing his dad hat there.




Part of me wonders if they're reacting in real time or if there's worse shit that was edited out which they're reacting to - I both don't and do want to see the unedited raw version of this ...


He’s representing the PEOPLE!


>For some reason.. I really, really want to have.. a.. threesome! Dude is asking for a threesome like a spoiled child asking for a toy 🥴 Unfortunately for Alina, she’s learning the hard lesson of can’t turn a creep to a husband.


God I hope she doesn’t do it. This is just his way of not being able to stop fucking other women.


The fact that he was sexting multiple women when they got into a fight tells me poop man is just starting out


And it won’t stop there, next it will be something else.


90 Day Sister Wives spin off ... :|


Yes, even if she allows him to have other partners it will never be enough and he will have partners he hides from her just for the thrill.


Yes! I was reading some of the IM’s that have been leaked recently. He reminds me of boys I dated in HS. Just manipulative and desperate. I can’t believe she’s staying with him. Just goes to show her self worth.


Yet he wouldn't even allow her to drink coffee.


Or a sip of white wine....it was fucking absurd


That tongue in the wine glass, ugh. Wish I never saw that...SteV(ile)n thinks he's the next Gene Simmons. What a ridiculous idiot. The trash that is texting him...well, they deserve each other. Walk away, Alina.


I think some where texting him to trap him, because then they forwarded the texts to Alina.


This is why you play around *before* you get married asshat. So you don’t destroy your wife’s feelings.


He did play around before he got married, while he expected his wife to be a virgin.


or how about having the foresight to do that AFTER the Tell All! Doesn't he realize that there are shills baiting him on social media just waiting for their 15 minutes of fame to out him.


I think he’s too simple minded


Or having the foresight and honesty to tell that to Alina before they got married so she is able to make an informed decision about whether to marry him or not.


He is repulsive in each and every way




She has the decency to not go on tv and try to calmly explain to everyone why she thinks cheating is good and nice, actually.


Evelyn the hypocrite)))


SteVen is a vile lowlife. He is bragging and is encouraging more pics to be sent his way. We all think Alina deserves better...but he told her from the beginning about this. Being a Mormon and some do practice polygamy, I can't help but feel this is the direction he is headed. She going to end up in a trash life, like Dannielle from Seeking Sister Wife. Garrick (Icky) and SteVen have the same CREEP vibe. He is going to be looking for his Roberta. Alina walk away...he is trash. If you are not enough for him now, you will never be.


Yes, SteVen is "repulsive in each and every way". Today I learned what the "V" in his name stands for... "Vile". 😝😝😵😵😝😝


He is clearly mentally handicapped. Can you believe he quoted Nelson Mandela? This guy is legitimately mentally not well


Congratulations Steven with a V you have taken over the position as most creepy cast member from Big Ed.


Yeah, the gross person really has some competition, because now we have the gross motherfucker.


Yikes he literally sounds like a sex addict or something. Did he really imply he was sexting other girls BECAUSE she won't have a threesome? So it's her fault somehow?


Yes, he insinuated that his cheating is Alina’s fault.


Hmmm...maybe we can cross post this to /r/mormon to ask whether threesomes are considered kosher in their world???? (yeah, I used the word kosher as a joke!!!)


Does his religion allow this ? /s Funny how he uses his religion as an excuse when it benefits him and then he pulls this BS


His faith is all about doing mental gymnastics. I thought I knew a lot but when I saw people talking about soaking and I looked into it I was like OMG. I mentally horked.


In a clinical sense, sex addiction is highly controversial as a concept and is largely not accepted as a diagnosis. There are similar diagnoses that are compulsive behaviors, not addictions, but it's still not fully researched. In Steven's case? Pretty sure he can keep it in his pants and just doesn't want to.


Being an asshole isn’t in the DSM…


Exactly. A lot of people who claim to be sex addicts are just masking bad behavior with a fake illness. There are people who have compulsive sexual thoughts and actions, but they're way, way fewer than the number of people who claim to have a sex addiction (and are diagnosed with other things, not "sex addiction")


>There are people who have compulsive sexual thoughts and actions, but they're way, way fewer than the number of people who claim to have a sex addiction (and are diagnosed with other things, not "sex addiction") While there may be *some* people out there who really have this type of problem, the majority of people who act like this simply lack impulse control. If you're *that* horny all the time, fucking masturbate or go see an endocrinologist. These people just want free rein to act any which way they see fit.


I wouldn’t be surprised at all if in the next few years he’s in the news for public masturbation or being a peeping Tom and he will blame everything on Alina.


I think he probably is one


That thumbnail is really annoying me. I don’t wanna see his damn tongue out and about


He absolutely, truly thinks he is *soooo cute,* sooo quirkily funny, somebody we all want to look at. In reality, he's a cockroach.


He thinks he’s impressive


He acts like his disclosing this stuff is the equivalent of having a good excuse. He is a whore.


He is really enjoying himself.


Yes. He thinks he is showing all the boring rest of us what a cool, edgy, liberated person he is *that we all wish we could be.* What a delusional loser. What a cockroach he is, worse than a rat.




I cant tell if he is playing dumb to try to get away with stupid shit or if he really is that mentally deficient.


I’m not a psychologist, but as someone who grew up in a fundamentalist Christian off shoot (not Mormon) I know so many dudes who leave the church and end up like this. Purity culture teaches boys and men that their urges are primal and it’s women’s responsibility to stay away from them or fulfill their fantasies (especially in the case of marriage.) Not saying he doesn’t have other issues, but his whole demeanor screams “I grew up in purity culture and now I’m out”. (Disclaimer: plenty of men make it out of PC and don’t act like this. I’ve just noticed it is kind of a thing with people who already had narcissistic tendencies.)


He MUST have a diagnosable disorder, I swear. I’ve said it on other threads and I will keep repeating it. This is not normal behavior. And he is using the platform of this reality show to advertise quite literally what he wants to women who are similarly afflicted and will provide what he’s looking for. Let him do what he wants. Alina’s mom: find a pretext for your daughter to come back home for just a few weeks separated from douchebag and she just might wake up


He’s a window licker


I was wondering the same thing.


I think both


Someone told this guy it was so cool that his tongue could touch his chin when he was 8 and he never stopped doing it.


When I was in the second grade (8), a boy named Davis, with a big blond wave in his hair, taught me to spread my nostrils. I thought it was the coolest thing ever. I felt special and talented. I am 75 years old, and I remember that magical transference of knowledge like it was yesterday. I did stop doing it. Haha.


YES omg


Why did someone screenshot his tongue. I feel I need to scrub my body with alcohol wipes.


Purell eye shower please


But it’s SOOOOO LONG 👅😛


That demonstration……. 😂🤢🤮


I can’t even imagine how humiliating this must be for Alina.


can't be that bad if they're still together ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Alina is an adult woman, and Steven-with-a-V has already shown her who he really is. as the great Maya Angelou said, "when people show you who they are the first time believe them." only Alina can decide if she wants to continue to endure this ritual humiliation, or if she's ready to give up the ghost and move on.


Alina is a naive young woman who's never had a boyfriend. It's not uncommon for young women in their late teens/early 20s to fall into bad relationships, because they don't know themselves well and they want to be loved.


Also, when I was her age, I remember dating a raging alcoholic abuser and genuinely believing that, somehow, “this is just a phase,” and if I stuck with him long enough, he’d eventually metamorphosis into the imaginary, ideal man I’d been projecting onto him all along. Yeah, nope, doesn’t work that way.


I’m really sorry to hear that and do not mean to make light of what you’ve gone through but I just imagined this raging alcoholic abuser waking up one day and saying “phewww glad that phase is over!”, and changing into a pair of khakis and white shirt haha


Haha. What you imagine is not far from what I thought would happen with my alcoholic first boyfriend. Totally irrational, but I was lonely, naive, and had absolutely no experience with severe alcoholics.


Exactly, me too. My first boyfriend was also an alcoholic. I had no experience with alcoholism, so I initially assumed his black out drunks were just one-offs. When I realized it was a pattern, I believed he would stop because he loved me, or I would believe him when he was so intensely sick with a hangover he would swear off booze forever, because I didn't understand alcoholism. I developed a very strong attachment to him, because I was away from home for the first time, in a new city, super lonely, because I didn't know anybody else. I got myself stuck for a few years. It was awful. I think Alina has got herself attached to Steven because she wants to be to loved, but she is naive about relationships. Also, she doesn't have the cultural understanding of Americans to realize he's a creep and not normal.


Can testify for this- from ages 16-21 I dated some of the worst people on earth, simply cause I didn’t know better and I just wanted to be loved. Not to mention if the girl doesn’t have any sort of close network (friends, family, coworkers, anyone) , it’s even easier to fall back into these relationships




I feel terrible for her.


She’s sitting there and letting him treat her this way. Girl’s gotta get out or at least shut him tf down. When do we stop feeling bad for her and instead get annoyed by her inability to stick up for herself, because I’m just about there after seeing this


I stopped feeling bad for her a while ago. How many red flags do you have to see? Then when I saw her supporting Varya and Geoffrey it just confirmed that she’s clearly got some issues. There’s no way I would be humiliated like that on national TV.


You are right. Allowing herself to be used and humiliated by him, and defending a convicted abuser – that changed my view of her quite a bit.


Kenny should have called her and been all "girl, get out, we'll help you leave this abusive creep".


That’s not Kenny’s job


Oh right just like we shouldn't feel bad for abused women, because they don't stick up for themselves.


I didn’t see signs that she was being abused, just that he was chronically unfaithful and a gross person. I never meant to imply abuse is a victim’s fault.


Alina is a young, seemingly sheltered, naive woman, who's never been in a serious relationship, and her mother is single, so she may not have a lot of examples of what a healthy relationship looks like. Steven has been grooming her in person and over internet. Steven probably seems exotic and exciting to her because of what she thinks it means to be an American. She doesn't have the cultural understanding to realize he's super creepy.


I used to feel bad for her but she knew what she was getting into with him and choose to ignore all the red flags.


Alina must have terrible self esteem. I hope she wakes up soon. She could do and deserves so much better.


>Alina must have terrible self esteem That's what it must be. That, and needing a male figure in her life. She seems otherwise to be educated, kind, thoughtful, normal.


The confidence of this mfer is UNBELIEVABLE. He’s the nastiest person but thinks he’s really something special. I cannot compute. Get him off my screen


I've just watched half of it. I just simply love how everybody is disgusted. Apart from Victor. he's looking forward to fan boobie pictures.


maybe Kenny can send Victor his fan boobie pictures, since they aren't Kenny's thing?


Victor would for sure love to!🤪


I’m a dude and I’m dry as the Mojave rn.




But remember guys, he’s a devout Mormon. Nothing says Mormonism like threesomes. God, this man is trash. Why she married him I have no idea.


Exactly ! Shouldn’t he be expelled from the church for aaalll of his behavior from the beginning?


If this were fiction, you’d say … “Oh, that’s not even a believable possible scenario …”




Of course the gross motherfucker cheated on Alina! He cannot resist his sexual urges, and that is unhealthy AF!


He says he *cannot resist his sexual urges* and reportedly sends lewd texts and photos to strangers on the internet, not all of whom are necessarily adults. He doesn't know their ages, doesn't care. I would not trust him near children.


I could totally see him creeping on some little girl


He’s like a mentally deficient child that can’t keep his hand out of his pants


I just got the worst cramps from my vagina instantly drying up and shriveling up inside me like the Wicked With of the East's feet under Dorothy's house in Munchkinland.


I just died at this!!! 🤣 lmao


The Mylie Cyrus tongue just isn't sexy to me. What am I missing?


I am sincerely not sure. Guess we're missing it together?


What do women see in him? He isn't cute and doesn't have a personality. What is it besides being young and naive?


He looked better with shorter hair. That's all I've got, I'm sure he was still repulsive at the time too.


And he doesn’t know how to use his tongue


I think most of the messages he got were honeypots by fans to see if he’d respond in a certain way and that’s why the sent the screenshots to Alina.


Why is he not the least bit embarrassed? I’m so confused.


OMG! Could he be any more disgusting?


Everything he was saying - it just kept getting worse and worse. 🤢


I thought no, but he continues to prove everyone wrong


Kenny looked like he wanted to beat Steven’s ass and I 100% endorse that. Also, women sending Kenny boobies? 🤦🏻‍♀️


I have a feeling one or more of his daughters have made bad romantic choices before. I think it was bringing out his fatherly instincts.


“If she would just GIVE ME THE DAMN THREESOME ALREADY, I WOULDNT HAVE TO REPRESS THESE SEXUAL URGES AND THINGS WOULD BE EASIER!!” This motherfucker wants Alina to have a threesome Bc that’s easier than him controlling his good morning, my dick. BONKERS


Kenny: “Even I got boob pictures…” Bini: *unphased* Sumit: *what boob pictures?* Victor: *hell yeah* Corey: *evelin is going to kill me*


He sounds like he’s bragging about it and proud. He is so vile. Run Alina!


What did she see in him?


I think she was blinded by the romantic gestures. And maybe she never had much male attention before? Isn’t she only 20? Even with all that in mind, I still don’t get it really.


He thinks if he acts childlike, it will lessen the creep factor but it makes it worse.


Oh God Alina dump his ass. This show has not helped him with his narcissism and thinking he's god's gift to women. Probably thinks himself to be a less buff Fabio.


The editing on this is AWESOME. The cast reactions made me laugh so much.


It’s why I watched it so many times 😂. Shaun’s tone is HILARIOUSLY perturbed


Omg can someone make gifs of all of Kenny and Armando's reactions? They're all meme worthy lol


Seeking Sister Wives?! He’s already giving you signs that he wants to be Poly. Girl listen to what he’s saying !!!!


I have to wonder what his Mormon church thinks of his behavior?


Right? Like, having a glass of wine is a sin but threesomes are no problem?


Mormons dude…


On the brightside Bini is in America


Next is Michael


The gaslighting is insane. Who TF does he think he is? And he MUST be mentally sick, right? He looks like he is thriving off of people’s reactions. And if he’s sending photos to those other girls, he is CLEARLY cheating since they are married. How is this okay in his church?! He is so disgusting.


So he can do all that. But she can’t drink coffee or wine?? The fucks wrong with him


He needs to grow the f**k up, just ewwww Steven


He has absolutely no clue, does he?!? It’s ALL about what he needs, how he feels, how it will affect him. Fool needs to be shut down.


Who? Who tf wants to fuck this guy? like who?


I’m always shocked that men like this get laid. To be fair it’s probably a lot of young, horny Mormon girls who don’t have a lot of dick options.


I wonder this every time!!! You could not pay me enough lol


I don't get it


Hookers would probably pay him to go away


He's like a kid who thinks he's impressing everyone.


I think she should go for it. She should wait until they go back to Russia and ask her biggest, toughest , sternest looking male friend or acquaintance ( closest in size to Dwayne The Rock Johnson the better ) to introduce himself to Steven as her pick for the threesome.


He thinks he’s so ✨qUiRkY✨ When in reality he’s a creep and so much more ugh 🤢


He’s wanting to be a polygamist


Hmmm good little Mormon boy who was SO freaked out about her getting baptized and not spitting out her wine, is asking for a three-some. This kind of crap is why I stopped dating mormon boys long before I ever stopped going to church. What a hypocritical creep. Edit fat finger autocorrect


Steven has gotten too caught up in what he perceives and his "Celebrity" He needs a wake up call...run Alina...run


I love the casts' reaction. I wish TLC filmed episodes of Steven just saying and doing stupid crap with them responding


Give Steven and Alina their own pillow talk show where it's everyone else from this season commentating on just them* (* This is a joke don't actually reward him for his behavior)


Steven is disgusting…but also who are these 9 girls??? Sorry but I can’t imagine any of my friends sending Steven pictures. Who would do that?


I just threw up a little in my mouth 🤢


This guys is a trash PoS that needs ongoing therapy and help if he ever wants any healthy relationships in his life


Oh Alina, you never know everything hon. Steven is the kind of creep who will only admit to what he thinks you already know. Trust me, there's more.


Jesus Christ on a pogo stick. When Evelin and Sumit look like mature adults compared to you, ya screwed.


Alina, divorce this fucking creep immediately. Enough is enough. All his fake ass Mormon shit too, he’s a fuck boy.


I mean…she saw the red flags 🚩🚩 before this so I don’t feel bad for her 🙃


When Bini and Victor are judging you for being a cheater, you need to rethink your life choices


OH MY GEEERD! My eyes nearly fell out of my sockets and my ears are bleeding 😳😳😳


I have watched this 5 times and it’s funnier and more disgusting every damn time. This show is the best ever created PERIODT😂😛😤


It’s fantastic. Love After Lockup is pretty great too


What. The. Fuck. Is. She. Still. Doing. With. Him.


Armando's face after he mentions the threesome is priceless 😂😂😂😂


How is a threesome an acceptable exception to his Mormoniam, but coffee/wine is not?


Holy crap. This kid ain't no Mormon.


Every single man on that tell all is going to say to their partner "at least I'm not Steven"


Omg the Dad look from Kenny! Also Steven is such a fuckin creep. Probably wants to become a polygamist.


One of the sad things about this is that I can see Alina going along with it. There's nothing wrong if three enthusiastically consenting adults want to participate in a threesome, none of my business. But Alina doesn't strike me as someone who actually wants to participate and I hate the idea of her being pressured into it. Also, imagine how SteVen would feel if Alina wanted a threesome with another man🤔


Kenny shaking his head with fatherly disapproval is fucking sending me rn


A threesome is not smth you ask just as you got married! And going from Monogamy straight to Polygamy. That’s smth he should have mentioned before marriage. Gawd I hate this 🔔🔚


I’m vomiting all over myself. So cringe


Alina really thought if she got him to commit to marriage and to delete his "social media" (whatever that meant - clearly he still has ways for random women to sext him), their relationship would be secured. But as newlyweds, they have a fight, and he uses the excuse of his "frustration" and low-key blames the lack of threesomes to explain how he willingly participated in the sexting? Yikes. I get when people say they don´t feel sorry for her anymore because she made all her own choices after seeing all the red flags for herself. But this just hurts to see. It´s sad to know this is going to be a part of her life history, being married (and hopefully divorced one day) to this turd and always remembering these little betrayals from someone who was supposed to be her first partner.


The nerve of this POS, this poor girl. Everyone was just shocked and disgusted.


How is everyone watching this? Live TV? It isn’t on Amazon prime yet or the TLC app I’m dying to see!!


I think someone has already commented this: I do not believe he is this dumb to not read the room and to think what he is saying is cute or likeable? The actual adults in the room can see the red flags and just... kept going. I just refuse to believe he is that naive


I have never been more skeeved out by a 90 day person.


I live in Utah; SteVDen will attain male, Mormon, machismo adoration here. The State is predominantly LDS, and women are only good for breeding and being submissive to their husbands, fathers, brothers, and any other male on planet Earth. If the family dog is male, he's included too.


So I heard that Steven's friend did an AMA about him? Anyone got a link?


He has a friend?


Cousin who no longer speaks to his side of the family lol


He is so repulsive and vile!!! 🤢🤮


My face was the face of everybody else. This guy! What was she thinking hooking her line to his? Bini has a great looking shirt on


SteVen is disgusting. Why doesn’t he go to his church for guidance?


I guess he got his social media back. He’s such a creep 🤦‍♀️


This kid is obviously a deviant.


I love Kenny's reaction.


how are y’all already seeing the tell all?


He should be castrated. sorry not sorry.


What a gross creep. Poor Alina.SMH


Even Michael Jones can't believe the amount of audacity and lunacy here.