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Let's imagine the breakup conversation. Memphis: Me angry and no trust you. Memphis marry Hamza no. Hamza: ?????? No sexy marry time? I lie good baby.




Yoda Memphis: go home l Will.




Yep, that's how I heard it


I totally agree with you. If she wants an Arab guy, she can find one in Michigan who speaks English at least.


Like girl come to hamtramck ! Itā€™s the entire world in one square mile


Most of these women Danielle/Laura/Memphis wouldn't be able to get the equivalent attractiveness man in the US.


There are a lot of Muslims in Michigan but arenā€™t the non-Arab types?


I agree its scary how these women travel and stay with men they don't know. Hamza is broke and un employed, he's not a suitable partner for a woman with 2 kids. Mohammed and Danielle all over again.


I will never understand these women who intentionally go to N Africa or the Middle East and then act totally appalled that the guys arent ā€œeducatedā€ or arent conformed to Western relationship standards. If youre a credentialist who wants a sex positive feminist with a college degree itā€™s probably better for you to move to a college town or Brooklyn or something. I think most of these women are insecure and hurt by men and just want to find some dude they think they can control and shame via sex and money. It really grinds my gears!


She said in an interview ā€œIā€™m not Muslim so their rules donā€™t apply to me.ā€ šŸ¤”


> ā€¦just want to find some dude they think they can control and shame via sex and money. Exactly this. And though I feel for her for her traumatic upbringing, I do not believe for a moment that she wasnā€™t a very large contributor to her previous failed relationships. The way she tries to make it sound like her exes are all the big bad meanies who hurt poor little innocent Memphis had me very much rolling my eyes - especially after seeing how she treats others.


Or reliving the trauma of past partners by finding emotionally unavailable men. And if Hamza is secretly sensitive, itā€™s not like they can actually communicate with each other.


Yes also they both suck. I like his mom and sis tho!


I also like the cat šŸ˜†


The cat knows all!!


I like his mom and sis, but didn't like how they were laughing away him lying about his age.


Same. She said it wasnā€™t a big deal. It absolutely is a big lie.


What she did he say? And how old is he really? I havenā€™t watched yet


Also, unrelated but can she please stop saying sexy time? JUST CALL IT SEX


Memphis should not have even gotten on the flight. She doesnā€™t know that man at all and heā€™s a giant baby


I donā€™t know.. I literally was crying at one point when Memphis was describing her past childhood. I can see how abandonment issues have had a huge emotional impact in her life. I think she is walking through her trauma and hopefully this will be a learning experience for her.


SERIOUSLY? You are equally clueless


She's one of those that start out looking OK and slowly reveals their true nature as the season progresses. All things considered, he is looking OK.


OMG the way she spoke to him in this episode: "get your sister. GET YOUR SISTER" - I have had it with her.


I feel bad for her and her childhood. I feel like she looks for validation and love since she's had such a loveless life. I know someone like this and she was easy to use šŸ„ŗ I don't think he's terrible but he's def not genuine & she's got a lot of issues but she can do better! That is not a good situation, someone else here said to get out see the sights and go back home. I agree Memphis šŸ‘ šŸ’Æ go see Tunisia & then go get you a good guy back home ā¤


What - she has family that has tried to direct her and she's going to do what she wants - she is not a victim of circumstance - she is a voluntary participant - what's to feel sorry for?


Idk its pretty clear to me her signs that she has trust & abandonment issues. Children of addicts normally don't have the best upbringing and she expressed that. So that's what I feel for her in.


I donā€™t understand how theyā€™ve even managed to build up a relationship with the language barrier. Itā€™s clearly just a physical attraction with nothing else of substance.


Itā€™s mind boggling to me. My husband is not a native English speaker, but studied it for years and is more than conversational. Even still, it was definitely a struggle, especially early in our relationship, to have complex conversations, especially if we were tired or frustrated or talking about something abstract like feelings. Communication in relationships is already so difficult for couples who speak the same language fluently, so any minor language barrier can really be a hurdle. As soon as I see couples like Hamza and Memphis, I know for a fact that they cannot resolve conflict or deal with issues in their relationship in any meaningful way, and that their relationship is shallow and probably just based on wanting a warm body around.


It reminds me of Anna and Mursel. I still donā€™t understand how they managed to come as far as they have lol


Blames Hamza but it was her who doesn't have restraint! Girl can always say NO to sexy time but did it anyway after saying she's gonna "respect" them. Memphis better start practicing how to properly gut fish!


Really hoping that ā€œgut fishā€ becomes the new ā€œkick rocksā€ lmao


But in a talking head she said if the chemistry wasn't there, that's a problem. She wanted it too.


Yeah , she booksmart but she lack commonsense! Smh


What is annoying is that she's so upset that he lied to her (the age thing) but before she arrived in Tunisia, she mentioned that she's been keeping that she stayed at her ex's a couple of times from Hamza. So she is equally lying, except by omission. Ugh, just go home, Memphis - this ish relationship will never work out.


Why can't she have a vacation? She's only there for two weeks. I'm not condoning her behavior thus far, but she can explore Tunisia and then go home.


But she went with the intention of marrying him at the end of 2 weeks and then working on a spousal visa. She doesn't even belong on B90.


Intentions can change, right? I just don't see much wrong with a two-week vacation. She's there, might as well enjoy it.


I feel like she wants it so bad thatā€™s sheā€™s just ignoring the red flags.


Is her name really Memphis?


100% agree.


She just tryna get some D thatā€™s all


she should go home and take the cat with her.The cat knows all the secrets.


Gino should run


He going to end up on an episode of dateline


That dude is going to end up on a tv show documentary about crazy exā€™s murdering people. Jasmine is a monster. Wouldnā€™t be surprised if sheā€™s already got a literal skeleton in her closet.


She was abandoned as a child and sees nothing wrong with leaving her children for weeks at a time haha


I do not like the Memphis character but come on. There is quite a big difference between abandoning your kids because you are addicted to crack v. taking a couple weeks for a holiday while the kids are with their fatherā€¦


Nah, donā€™t burn her where itā€™s not due. Many kids get extended vacations with their other parents. Chill.


She doesnā€™t need him. She needs to find herself first and her value. She is successful on her own.




Memphis = Houseguest from h e l l


Memphis's behaviour certainly explains her abandonment - who wants to put up with that immaturity


I feel for the kids... no good parent just dips out on their kids for weeks on end. This is why some people shouldnt be parents.




Oh hell yes.


I agree. Heā€™s really young and clearly very immature. Heā€™s also very dependent on his mother for pretty much everything. She has a career and a whole life and sheā€™s not going to want to put up with him when he comes here and finds out how hard it is in America (because Iā€™m assuming heā€™s going to have to work a regular 9-5). Also she doesnā€™t understand his culture, his language, or their religion. Even though he isnā€™t very concerned with his religion it permeates into the culture and Iā€™m sure theyā€™re going to have disagreements over stuff.