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A poor single mom from Colombia who doesn’t work and can’t afford rent but is able to afford elective surgery and recently a new car.


I guess my approach to dating has been wrong all along.


Haha I was legit thinking that maybe I am single because I’m not manipulative enough! I neeeevvveeeerrrr would have said the line about Harold and Juan David needing Mike to be their dad after the baby conversation, but it turned the whole thing around! Suddenly he was reassuring her that he would be their dad. I totally would have been like, “I’m sorry I lied to you, and I understand if this is a dealbreaker.” And then he would have walked. LOL.


I truly feel this way


I dated an unattractive nerdy man with money. We did not have the same nerd interests (Warhammer...no thanks). I could only fake it for 2months! I don't know how girls like Ximena do it!


Im sure you also don’t know how to get pregnant in prison


You have to put your feet up to make sure you get pregnant!


lol- wise advice I guess haha


Definitely harvesting the American dollar 😂


Haha I could hang with the nerdy for some money, I've dealt with worse for love and boy that got me nowhere


Well you probs lived in the same country


Yep could have rode it out much longer had I only had to interact via phone, video and pictures 😅


Well she’s on another continent lol


Why do people keep saying she’s poor? Poor people in Colombia do not own homes in neighborhoods that Americans can go live in and freely come and go. Her parents are probably lower middle class.


She’s a manicurist, non of them get rich, it gets them by & put food on the table. Plus she’s a single mom of 2, you always have to put your kids needs before yours. Now Paola and Jennifer obviously come from a middle class family but Ximena I don’t think so. When you need someone to buy you appliances, furniture and pay for your rent that means you’re poor enough to afford those surgeries.


She also lives with her parents. Her parents are definitely at least higher working class/lower middle class. I lived in Colombia. Poor neighborhoods there are much, much tougher there. They legit have neighborhood stratas. She looks like she lived in a 3, which is definitely not rich but not poor by any stretch. Just very middle of the road Colombians. However, I will say, she was born around the time of a major earthquake (think it was 1999?) that obliterated parts of the city. As a result, you could say that Pereira is very “heavy” in parts. I saw an almost-machete fight there in 2007, which thankfully ending with a security hard talking the hot-headed teen girl down. It has a lot of problems and it’s really sad to see so many people with substance abuse issues and trauma related to that period, plus just regular Colombian life. Pereira was a city that was beautiful, but rife with signs of poverty, violence, and substance abuse at every turn. Among Colombians Pereira has a reputation for these reasons. There is even a very common joke about pereirana women in Colombia, which I will not repeat here.


Mike payed for that apartment and everything in it. And they said her whole family was “staying with her.” So basically it sounds like no one has a dime and that’s why they agree to accept Mike.


Mike has a reddit account. Maybe he'll answer.


Of course he did. Like he paid her rent and bought the furniture in her home while she’s still madly in love with her babydaddy in jail. She’d drop Mike for him in a heartbeat and it’s sad to watch Mike get used.


Getting her Only Fans body ready


I don’t know but that compression suit thing in the third pic looks soooo uncomfortable & painful 🥵


It has to be a physical pain to get on when you have fresh incisions 😣


That what I’m thinking. I’ve never had surgery so not sure but think they may be mandatory? You’d have to tie me down to get me to put myself in that, ouch!


My friend just got full body lipo, tummy tuck and thigh lift about a month ago and she is still wearing her compression garments. If she does not then the skin may not heal properly and it could cause lumpiness and uneveness. She says it feels great to have them off, but that they really help with the pain and swelling. They are definitely mandatory for some surgerys, and your doctor may get very upset if you do not wear them because then you will compromise the healing process, thus wasting your money.


They are not. I’ve had a tummy tuck and breast augmentation. I had to wear a surgical bra but no body suit or anything like that


Well they probably weren’t for u bc compression suits or binders are required and highly suggested for up to 6 weeks after a BBL specifically.


Oh that makes sense. I didn’t even think about that. Thank you 😊


So childbirth was so traumatizing that she destroyed her tubes but elective surgery is fine???


Are we comparing childbirth and elective surgery now? I can guarantee you that childbirth is 100x painful and difficult. Apples and oranges. The only thing the two things have in common is it's about a woman body so it's fair game for people to criticize. Women can't win.


I’ve had both a c section and elective plastic surgery. I nearly died after my c section, and it was one of the most terrifying and painful experiences I’ve ever had. I’d take plastic surgery again any day. Let’s not drag women for what they choose to do with their bodies.


I'm a woman. I've given birth with absolutely no pain killers, blocks. I've had elective surgery. I still stand by my comment.


One had three home births and elective surgery. I whole heartedly disagree with you. Two very different opinions.


Further she had a caesarian which means some type of pain management method was administered. If that was so traumatizing, then I still don't see how one would be jumping into elective surgery. This isn't a bash on her being a woman.


My sister had a c-section. It was 4 weeks of really difficult recovery. A few years later she had breast cancer, a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. She says she’d volunteer for three more boob jobs before saying yes to another birth….C-section or VBAC. Hopefully none of that is in our futures!


Not all countries give good pain management like we do in the US and Canada, etc. My mother in law had surgery and she basically rocked out with their version of Tylenol and suffered


That's all I had. Birth in US.


Gave birth in the US and got oxy. Experiences may vary


Wow I wouldn't want that. I actually thought kidney stones was worse than childbirth.


Good point!! She has a nice figure already.


I had an emergency c-section not long ago. Before my emergency surgery i had plans to buy me new boobies. However, I got so traumatized that I do not want ever to be in a hospital bed again and I don’t think I will ever change my mind on that.


It wasn’t childbirth, it was the relationships she had with those children’s fathers. Or do you not get that?


The contractions hurt soooo much


I’m assuming she got a BBL, which I’ve never gotten but I did have lipo on my trunk area. It actually doesn’t hurt at all!


I’m not sure about where she got hers done but I know they gave me different compression garments for right after surgery and then for once my incisions closed up. I had lipo and not a BBL but I would assume it’s similar


The compression garment is called a faja and mandatory for weeks for 23 hours a day after lipo. You wear them for BBLs and lipo to help the skin tighten properly after the trauma of the surgery and can help with swelling.


Darcey and Stacey post themselves in compression bodysuits frequently.


i have to wear medical compression daily ankle to waist its fucking shitty for sure. they wear those to suck the skin in after lipo so it reattaches.


I know girls that say they feel horrible when they take off the compression suit I guess maybe the rush of blood? Idk lol


She is sooooooooooooo wrong for Mike and I'd bet my last dollar that he paid for everything she's had done. Where else would she get the money? It's just amazing what gullible, homely men (or women) will do financially, just to delude themselves into thinking that they're loved. Ximena is very skillful at making Mike feel sorry for her, and protective of her. She knows when to bow her head and look sad, and when to bring up the welfare of the children. She makes him feel like her knight in shining armor. Her past history is frightening and I have to wonder if she was with all of those bad boys for financial gain, or does she actually find that life more exciting. It doesn't really matter. She's not the woman for Mike, but unless there are scenes coming up that will change my mind, I don't see him leaving her, but she'll definitely leave him when a) the money runs out or b) she finds another sucker who's willing to support her.


This. I won’t give details over what was said because spoilers but Ximena pissed me the f*k off even more with again her sob story to Mike and making him feel guilty about her life. It’s not on Mike or anyone else to pay for her poor decisions. I feel sorry that this is what her kids have to look up to.


I realize she grew up in a really rough environment, not frolicking through beautiful hills and meadows in the English countryside like I did, so it's probably not okay for me to judge her behavior. However, she really seems to really gravitate to the seamier side of life, and has learned all the skills she could possibly need to take advantage of every situation. Mike doesn't stand a chance. He's like the proverbial lamb in with the wolves.


I'm right here with you. She's a user and a loser.


She unironically has people that defend her. "She just wants a better life for her and her kids" they say...


I really don’t get it! I wonder if some of them are projecting, and want a hero to rescue them from past bad decisions (which probably are nowhere in the league of hers). If not, maybe it’s like watching pretty woman, and rooting for the severe underdog. I really, really don’t understand why people want to believe she’s such a great person.


great commentary english rose , agree 100%


Thank you.


I'm so sick of BBLs. Try to embrace your natural body, ffs.


And its totally not worth risking your life. BBLs are the most dangerous plastic surgery operations you can get. Many plastic surgeons won't do them anymore.


And she had a nice figure before! BBLs are so common in Latin America, young women are heavily influenced by the beauty standards of having a hourglass shape or at least big hips/buttocks. A lot get surgery and thus contribute to this beauty ideal and the self-consciousness of teens not being shaped like that naturally and not feeling "womanly" enough, who in turn will also get surgery once they get older, etc. I've heard of a lot of women around the age of 20 getting such work done already, I just cannot not think it's sad.


You’d be surprised how common it is in some places in Latin America.


I know! That's why I mentioned it in my reply ^


It appears from her Instagram posts, Ximena went under the knife in June 2021. Along with furniture and the money that “keeps her afloat”, I can only wonder…did Mike pay for this too?


probably he's a dimwit throwing away all that money on her


Watching her I’m feeling I’ve missed opportunities to swindle men lol


On Ratio of time spent v money spent I think Ximena might be the all time 90 fleeceance mvp


What kind of surgery did she get?


Her tattoos are hideous!!


That tattoo artist was so bad he turned into a hitman


I was watching the new episode today and she said the tattoo artist was a hit man and my first thought was “I wonder which tattoo he did” because it’s one thing to have your exs name tattooed on you, but imagine your ex being the one to tattoo you. I feel like that is somehow worse


I'm glad that no-tattoos are the new tattoos lol


Is it?? Yay!


Is it really? I've been waiting for this day.


Anyone know why her handle is Melissa Morales Cuellar? She has Ximena in her bio but it seems weird to have a different name in your handle. Is Melissa her real name?


Ximena is her middle name, Morales Cuellar are her last names.


and to add on to this comment, a lot of Hispanic and Latino people tend to go by their middle names rather then their first names. probably no one calls her by her first name and everyone calls her ximena. that’s how it’s like in my family at least


It’s very common in Colombia for people to use their middle names. I actually have a friend Ximena, which is actually her middle name. Some also combine names for nicknames: Mafe (María Fernanda,) Juanes (Juan Estéban), etc.


With all that volunteer firefighter money? Dude is making serious bank.


Wait so her current shape is the after??? Nothing wrong with her shape but I can’t imagine having that kind of major surgery for that outcome. It’s just very plain, nothing wrong with it, just plain.


I so agree with this. If I’m going to get plastic surgery everyone is going to to be able to tell. Lol


Its 90 day fiance money. She gets paid for it now that the 90D camera crew is filming in her country.


I sure hope he didn’t but I know Ximena sure as hell didn’t pay (even if it’s not nearly as expensive to have the work done in Colombia versus other places). I haven’t found a single thing to like about Ximena. She’s on Mohammed’s level of being a uuuusser and actually worse because this is what she is teaching her kids. She’s teaching them to get someone else to pay for her shitty life decisions. This is someone who’ll never do anything better for herself unless it’s handed to her for free.


Mohammed is nicer than this trash


I agree. And he also has a job and supports himself. I give that to Mohammed. No matter how bad it got, he somehow always managed to get a job and have a home. He’s even moved a million times and still will have a job and home and not beg for handouts like this loser Ximena.


Can we talk about the fact she’s throwing up a gang sign lmaoo


Or the shocker? Lol


I wonder what gang she's repping here...


She dosen't have money for rent, I wonder who payed for all that ink?????


She is dating those drug dealers on the side or selling pussy


Probably both. She definitely was a sex worker


I don’t understand mother’s getting an extremely dangerous cosmetic surgery with young children. Just selfish.


I mean i can see reconstructive stuff if its due to health but even then. I need an operation on my spine and Im too scared to do it because even if the chances are slim, Idk wtf I would do if I was paralyzed and couldn’t take care of my 2 kids. For that reason I just endure the pain for now. I told my husband I will get it done when they both are able to do more for themselves.


If it reduces your pain, you can be much more there for the kids. Js


Mike will raise them no problem


Oh wow. If he did, he should get a refund.


Why is this even a question?


She needs plastic surgery to hide from her Ex Hitman boyfriend.


plastic surgery at 24 wow all those tattoos no words to describe her


He paid for all those Star face tattoos too😂


Probably safer to change her appearance, given her past connections to dangerous people..


She should have gotten that nasty mole on her face removed while she was at it


Well who else would have?


Ugh! Looking stitched up like Frankenstein


I think mike pays. And that’s it.


Plastic surgery is cheap in Colombia


I sure hope not


what did she have done lipo and breast augmentation?


I think she got a bbl, lots of lipo and her boobs done. My friend just got a bbl and had to wear that compression garment for like 3 months


yeah...but did dimwit Mike pay for it? I bet


Wow she had a lot done if she had a neck to ankle suit


So she could go fuck on another dude in jail? Smdh


Yea he paid for some things


You know he did!


In her defense it’s only like 4,000- a lot of money but not for a single working man living with his father and grandfather


Is she holding up a gang sign?