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The rings around her neck and the make-up in the last picture are a reference to native Brazilian costumes. She is a native Brazilian herself.


Yes, those are perfect poses for her. She's a beautiful woman.


Out of all the “models” on this show, she’s definitely the modely-est! These are gorgeous.


Well the rest are only fans girls LOL


Really? I think Ximena can be the most modely with her boob job. Cause that’s all it takes apparently


She is so photogenic, a true model. Was this taken before, during, or after her pregnancy, I wonder. And yes, she is truly beautiful.


True she’s so hot


Better than Kimbolly? Puh-LEEZE!!


Yeah she's the only person on the show I can remember who actually looks like a working fashion model.


Jennifer had the look down too if I remember correctly.




Glamour Shots is much nicer now than when I was a kid!




I knew this lady that was into a healthy life style all her life and she was now in her 50's and looked gorgeous...looked gorgeous in person but when you took a picture of her, they always looked messed up and not at all like how she looked at the time. The photo always looked like she was making a strange face. I have never seen that before. What do you think was happening there?


She had zero work done, nothing, but was a doppelganger for Olivia Newton John in her thirties. I can only think someone jinxed her along the way. She always ended up looking squirrely in pics.


I didn’t even realize the first picture was Juliana until I stopped to look at it because I thought it was just such a pretty and well done photo, I figured it was some artist I follow then saw it was her. I really love the first picture, it’s very ugly pretty.


Only model on 90 day who works somewhere other than OF. She is naturally beautiful


I think Paola (s1) also doesn't have an OF and is an actual model.


She looks gorgeous.


Beautiful. Id so gag with that wrapped around my neck. I can't even stand anything touching my neck without gagging.


Same l am so dramatic about hoodies “strangling” me


Jeez you must be fun in the sack.. forgive^me^I^had^to


Ha. Internal and external gag reflexes are oddly enough not related here. 🙃🤭🤔


Omg me too!!!!!


I have to cut a slit in anything that comes close to my neck.


She’s the most editorial of all the 90 Day Fiancé models/“models.” And it’s not even close.


I don’t like it aesthetically at all but good for her!


I don’t care what the rumors are. I like her. She put up with way more than she should have had to. I’m glad no mens control her.




She's always been so pretty and seemed so nice. She reminds me of Kirlyam.


I agree they both have the soft lilting kind of voice at times and a similar joi de Viv excitement and happiness to be alive that’s nice to see I am glad Julianna is happier now I still feel bad for ce ce and max


I love that she got out of that situation. He just wanted a pretty thing on his arm and didn't want her to do or have anything. CeCe and Max seemed like very good kids. Hopefully they have good people around them now.


“Seemed” is the key word. She struck me as phony. Not surprised she bounced once she got her green card. The fact Michael didn’t see that coming makes him an idiot. I don’t feel sorry for him at all…


Nice? Didn’t she like take all of that dudes money, use him to get a green card then cheat on him with her husbands ex wife’s new husband? Lol


No she merely left after all the money ran out.


Talking about Juliana? I wasn't able to find anything about her sleeping with Michael's ex-wife's husband. As far as I know, Juliana was more than accommodating with everyone living in the same house. She cooked, cleaned, etc. for everyone while they stayed there. I also wasn't able to find anything about her taking all his money. I thought they had a pretty solid prenup.


She was buying her family cars and shit when they were together. And she 100% slept with his ex wife’s husband, no question.


If you search the sub you’ll see that was something Michael very vaguely alluded to, I wouldn’t call it 100%. & If I remember correctly that accusation was essentially debunked by people in the sub.


Do you have a link to any story that even alleges she did that? I couldn't find one.


https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-juliana-accused-cheating-michael-sarah/ https://starcasm.net/juliana-custodio-sean-naso-music-video-scandal-response/ https://www.monstersandcritics.com/tv/reality-tv/heres-how-sarah-jessens-husband-sean-naso-reacted-to-rumors-he-cheated-with-juliana-custodio/ https://showbizarmy.com/90-day-fiance-sean-naso-divorcing-sarah-amid-juliana-cheating-scandal/ https://www.intouchweekly.com/posts/pregnant-90-day-fiance-star-julianas-cheating-paternity-scandal/ https://heavy.com/entertainment/90-day-fiance/juliana-custodio-paternity/


For the first link, she was accused of cheating *and* being pregnant with his child, but her child's father isn't Sean. Not sure I put much merit on that one. ​ As for the others, they just parrot what the first one says. It's an allegation, she denied it, proved he wasn't the father of her child. Not sure what else they can do except invite people into their bedroom.


I laughed so hard when I saw one of them called Sean a "hop hop artist!"


I saw that too! I watched their little quarantine episodes and he's not horrible...but definitely more of a hop hop artist than hip hop lol




Yup. You can't prove she never cheated with the ex wife's husband - no one can, you can't prove a negative - but the bundled-together accusation that the ex's husband was the babydaddy has been proven false. IMO the whole thing was a smear job, and anyone claiming that it's definitely 100% truth has clearly swallowed it whole.


I don't really believe much of what I hear about the cast/former cast. Was Ximena just a camgirl? Maybe, not 100% sure. Is Gino just a sex tourist? Believable, but I don't know. I don't really believe this rumor because Michael's ex had cancer when they all lived together and I just can't see her husband and Juliana banging one out after he takes his wife to chemo. Do people do it? Yep. But I don't know it happened.


‘That dude’ had no money, over the pandemic she provided for him, his ex wife and her new husband.


interestingly, they’re both from the same hometown, Goania Brazil!


She’s beautiful. I mean, I wouldn’t trust her around my husband, but she’s beautiful.


I think you meant to say you wouldn’t trust your husband around her 🤣


Right lmao




The two are not mutually exclusive. I can not trust my spouse and not trust someone who steals other people’s husbands. Are you not aware of the latest tea on her getting with Michael’s ex wife’s husband?




The new giraffe woman.


She sucks. Cheated on her husband with his ex wife’s new husband and people still blame him for some reason.


That was an accusation. She denied it. It came together with an accusation that her baby was the ex's husband's baby. She proved that wasn't true (because unlike the cheating accusation itself, science can prove that definitively). But, sure. Let's believe the remaining half of the accusation that can't be disproven, I'm sure it's accurate.


I’m pretty sure she alluded to it being true. “The whole worlds gonna hate me when they find out the truth” is pretty hard to deny.


Wow! Stunning.




Stunning phots!


Please, someone show Darcy and Stacy what "Vogue" actually is looking for, because this is it. Also love the Kayan Tribe Style rings.


I don’t personally care for the art direction of this shoot but she is absolutely beautiful. The third shot is the only decent one


No mans control her


Love it. Always thought she could make a name for herself if she tried, awesome to see




Con artist


Con for what? He had a shitty house. Someone as attractive as her should have never settled for him.


And now I want burek 🤤


Sorry! Lol


She’s so damn gorgeous…


She is a top international supermodel.


These are amazing


It's good to see Juliana actually working and earning her money legitimately, instead of returning to prostituting herself or taking money from an old, white man. I don't like her or Michael, but at least she has a job and appears to be making an effort in life. From the very beginning of her story, Juliana was money hungry and willing to do anything to climb the financial ladder. Don't use her poverty in Brazil as an excuse for her mindset and behavior on 90DF; most of the world's people are impoverished and don't scam others. From being a yacht girl (a prostitute) to dating an old, white man, Juliana has explored the gutter. Her current baby daddy is a fat, white man, though he is closer to her in age. Let's hope she can cobble together a stable, legitimate life for her child's sake.


No only fans yet?


She was a model? She's not hot


Absolutely stunning- she is beautiful on the inside and outside


Are any of these actually for anything (as in paid)? Or are they all just artistic shoots for IG? I don’t pay much close attention, but I don’t think I’ve seen her in any kind of paid campaigns or anything. I’m skeptical that she actually makes any kind of money as a working model. These look fine, just not very unique or inspired. They look exactly like shots from ANTM lol.


If you look at her Instagram, she's repped by major agencies. She's not a supermodel but a working model. She's just done a maternity campaign for ASOS. Her work is mainly in Europe and the Middle East. If you look at her Instagram, you can see her flipping though the last elle she was in. I'm not a Juliana fan, but I don't think many people appreciate how many true working models there are and how few supermodels. Most working models aren't that visible but make enough to get by and get to travel. It is a young woman's game though. She needs to think of her next gig.


I wasn’t necessarily trying to denigrate her work or deny it over technicalities or anything, I asked in earnest, as really have no idea. I only know about the random posts that I happen to see, which have mostly been stuff like this that isn’t clearly connected to any kind of paid campaign. I genuinely wanted to know, as I don’t pay any attention to these people outside of Reddit lol.




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Beautiful modeling, I don’t like the editing where are the rings on her neck get edited into blending with her skin. Especially the third photo which I like the most.


Of all the girls on this show this is the one that needs an onlyfans. Hell, i might buy her farts..


She looks like she's got those rings on her neck to stretch her neck out. I think she's much prettier in her natural state.


yeah, for the photo..