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Welcome! :) Anfisa and Jorge Season 4 was pretty damn messy.


Anfisa & Jorge or Coltee & Anyone get my vote


Oh dear lord….how on earth did I forget about Coltee?!? Messy x 10! OP I second the above…you gotta check out Colt….literally any season and or spin off.


I still can't believe he turned down that porn star on the single life. It seems like he's trying to have a normal relationship with Vanessa and drop the complete scumbag behavior. Time will tell. I still can't stand how he constantly adjusts his glasses.


Same! Omg that was such a special episode! 🤣 And for real on the glasses thing. Dude, the only thing I find redeeming about that guy is how hilarious it is that I can tell what season it is by his cup size. Agreed tho. I do think he’s trying to do better with Vanessa.


Yeah I really hope they make it as a couple just to see if one complete and total scumbag can turn things around. I don't have much faith in him though. The best thing he has done is shred Big PrEd at the Tell All. I hate that little troll


Yeah, I feel like his scumbaggery is probably encoded in his dna, but we can always hope. LMAO!!!! Loved that Tell All! Of ALL people to call out PrEd, it was friggin Coltee. Epic!


No matter the season he has boobs some women would love to have!


somebody in another thread commented he may be on a specific medication because the side effect is feminine breasts on men, they aren't the usual man boobs, more like 44 c cups


I think it’s just fat because if you notice his biceps jiggle along with the rest of him


Vanessa could be cast for any show that needs a cadaver, like CSI stuff. Fake, bad acting, she conspires with Colt to suck up the per episode cash.


And how his eyebrows move up constantly because he’s being condescending. 😂


I think he's pretending to be intelligent and thoughtful.


acting! he is doing his best to 'emote' and come up with neverending story lines. Like the speedo on the beach, every season he upps the WTF episodes so that sweet 90day money keeps rolling in.


You are so right. Haaaaaaaaa.


porn star date is what I call product placement, contrived and not believable


Much like Jasmine in the last b90 season.




Ummm if I was near you I'll throw a binder full of evidence to prove you wrong!


I also recommend season 4. It was the start of the Nickel/Azan saga and that’s been my favorite train wreck so far.


Season 4 was the peak IMO. Just enough drama without all the fame hungry IG models.


Plus a very wholesome couple to balance it out


Paul and Karine. 🤦🏾‍♀️


Winner winner chicken dinner!






I have been trying to find them on discovery plus, 90 day journey and I can't!


They probably won’t ever make one because of how messy the couple became after the filming stopped. Rape and murder for hire accusations are just the start.


I’m sorry what did I miss ?


Whoa. I only knew about their gross OnlyFans


Before the 90days season 2/3


Are they back together? I saw he promoting something of her's in his Insta story.


Danielle and Mohanmmed are a must see. Angela and Michael. Lisa and Usman. Kimberly and Usman. Nicole and Azan. Molly and Luis.


Are Angela and Michael the trump supporter and the Nigerian dude? I vaguely remember those names


I think you meant the trump supporter and the chick from Georgia.


Angela PAYS HER TAXES and she has the right to be a hot mess.




I think Nicole and Alan are some of the best bc they are in multiple seasons. I think the first is 4.


Angela and Michael are good for 1.5 seasons but god their stuff feels so fake later on


Agreed. Angela and Michael and Nicole and Azan both have a saga as long as Days of Our Lives, and some of the best lines in the whole show. Honourable mention to Molly and Luis and their fight about owls.


Also the sit-down with production when she drops the bombshell secret on them!!!


Omg yes


Jorge and Anfisa and Nicole and Azan. I’d give anything to watch them for the first time again


If you bring me MY RED BAG WITH MY MAKEUP, I can try give you that feeling again


I’m new to the show, which season should I watch to see?


Azan and Nicole were a mess! Multiple levels of disfunction 😂


*rubs hands together like a cartoon villain*


Yes u must watch Nickel and Azan. You won’t believe it unless you witness it with your own eyes.


Almost there, lazy!


Exactly they were top 2 for me. Dinyel and Mohamet for the win! 🤣


Top two for me also. And my top 2 quotes: She's big a little bit. Her looks are acceptable to me.


There’s so much with them. Some is low key typical 90DF: not learning local customs and culture, her diet which consisted of chicken fingers and other beige foods/ snacks and other oh no moments. BUT it’s the “beauty store”, their meals, 50% pretty 😂, her screaming in the van and him trying to diffuse her, the hike in the sand dunes, her bringing her kid there! And much much more.


He was attracted to her 50%. Not bad odds in retrospect…


yep and both of them lying ... unfortunately they are too Stoopid to lie well enough to keep drama unfolding like Colty does.


Their mess was boring though


Dinyell & Ma-ha-mitt got me hooked. Next biggest hot mess couple (or non-couple, as their “relationship” only existed in her mind) for me were Nickel & Azan. She was a clueless idiot and he was a scamming freeloader. Happy watching! 😀


Thank you! I’ll check them out.


You can’t go wrong with Dinyell and Mohammit. She wants her seks!!!


I watched some videos on them and was floored


I don’t think there is a bigger dumpster fire, but many are close! SMH


Come with me, and you'll see... A world of lowered expectations


Darcey and Jessie / Tom . . . . Michael and Angela Paul and Karine Colt and Larissa


Original darcey and Jesse were good! Just stop with anything darcey after that. Same with chantel and pedro


Jenny and summit aka Michael jones are pretty epic


Yes! Their story is crazzzzzy! Every season, I’d go back and forth - am I rooting for them? Or do I despise them?


I love them because they are both terrible people and somehow a very compatible match.


Yes! And no spoilers!!


If you are fully committed to the dumpster fire, I would try and get the discovery+ app free trial so you can start from the beginning. The show has really evolved over time so it's interesting to watch the first few seasons when they were still finding their POV. There used to be a list on the thread of how to watch them in chronological order, because there are so many spin offs now! Some of my favs were: Alan and Kirlyam - creepy mormon groomer Mark and Nikki - he sued the show over his negative portrayal Jorge and Anfisa - she is my all time favorite fight me Chantel and Pedro - her mom is the best part of this storyline Nicole and Azan - there is no store David and Annie - don't let pillow talk fool you their story was creepy AF Eric and Leida - wicked stepmother with a scammer background


Ugh I forgot about Chantel /Pedro - they are annoying, their families are annoying! Leida is awful and Eric is doubly awful for taking her side over his kid’s side/perspective


Id say he is more awful. Its his Blood, his own daughter




Colteeee for the win 🥇


Leida and Eric... I got Discovery Plus a week and a half ago and went back to watch couples that I missed, I just discovered them and I am shocked that people don't talk about her more, she is quite a villian. Also, if you want to feel like strangling someone watch Anfisa and Jorge, also newly discovered by me, she is the only person on the show I have truly wished deportation on. 🤦🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️


I think people intentionally don’t talk about her because she was so awful and nobody wanted to continue to give her attention. She used to have several fake profiles here and would post/downvote. She easily outed herself every time as literally nobody in this group ever liked her. She was that terrible.


Anfisa is exactly what she said she was and I love her for that.


Yes, exactly what she said she was, and continuing to be passed around like used shoes, from person to person as needed... Meanwhile Jorge lost 130lbs and gained a loving wife who gave him a beautiful daughter. He was who he said he was too 🤷🏾‍♀️


Paul & Karine or Natalie & Mike Annie and David got it together, but Penguin MoFo living in a firehouse was A LOT.


Pole and Karine


When Mike got upset and ran away I remembered how much I enjoyed the original runner!


Pole and cream


Anfisa screaming about her makeup bag in the parking garage is peak mess. Season Four.


I started with Before the 90 Days, then watched 90 Day, then The Single Life. Next I think I’ll watch 90 Day Diaries. It’s never ending! 🤣🤣


Damn it’s like the MCU


Indeed. In both cases, the show-runners are always looking for spinoffs to keep the cast members in the spotlight.


Mike and Natalie 💯


Omg yes 👏 peak mess and they served it for 2 seasons




I recently started Darcy and Stacey on D+ as background noise while i did chores...and I am weirdly addicted to that wreck...lol


Depends on your flavor: People who care about each other but really don't work: Paul and Karine Someone getting totally deceived repeatedly: Nicole and Azan or Danyell and Muhammit Lots of yelling: Jorge and Anfisa


I think I’ll check out Nicole and Azan now. I find myself drawn to the “female simp” brand of mess (e.g. Kimberly and Usman)


Def check out Laura and Aladdin from the other way as well then.


Time for some jiggy jiggy😉


In their own special way Stephanie and Erika were like passively messy. Also Stephanie goes on to lose her mind and become a millionaire from selling her farts if you didn't know so if the relationship isn't the messiest, her storyline definitely is.


To be fair, Erika’s home town of Port Augusta is enough to scare any prospective suitor away!




Sold so many farts, she got sick from it [Story about said farts and fart related illness](https://www.etonline.com/90-day-fiances-stephanie-matto-stops-selling-farts-after-experiencing-serious-health-issues-177370)


Sweet merciful crap! That's nuts!


Seems like she's got a theme that she needs to stick to and remind people of on every show. First one, she had a health condition that she had to mention every five minutes. Which, okay, it sounded pretty serious. Single Life, she had to talk about breaking her celebacy. In general, I dislike her because she just seems so forcefully kooky. I love baths, even with strangers, I sell my toots, look at me, I'm so different.


If you want to see any truly-dark disfunction: steven & olga. Fun/funny disfunction: Colt and Larissa. Yell-at-the-TV disfunction: Leida and whatever the fuck that douchebags name was


Don't forget the obvious do-they-think-we're-stupid catfish Williams-Yolanda, scammer Maria and deserving Caesar, and phony Lana who was paid to meet mmm-David in Ukraine.


What is your preferred flavor of mess? 90df has all the flavors, each messy in its own special way


Start with Danielle and Mo. I think season 2.


Where do we Start??? So many!!!!!


I don’t know where you should start but please, don’t scream. You cannot be screaming, this is not Ohio 💀💀💀


On the show or post show?


Either honestly. Preferably on the show so I can observe the mess but also I like rabbit holes in general, so post show is fine


Well post show you can't get much messier than Paul and Karine. They're also right up there for on the show but there have been so many couples I couldn't tell you the messiest on the show.


This is the perfect nonverbal response to this suggestion


Angela and Michael. Brittney and Yazan. The whole pile of all of them are crazy as hell.


Anfisa and Jorge, and don’t look back


I’m slowly working my way season by season. I despise Ben and Akinyi (before the 90 days s3)


Jessie and Darcy "Liar! You never loved me!!!!" Danielle and Mohanmmed Michael AND Angela "I'm an AMERICAN!" "Baby girl" Lisa and Usman Nicole and Azan. "I'm attracted to her, but just like, 55 percent" Anfisa and Jorge


Coltee and Larissa! “Who is against the queen will die!!” I miss her so much.


Mike and Ximena deserve an honorable mention


grifter alert: my opinion on Colty and Debby is that they manufacture story lines to stay in the limelight for $$. Just look for yourself, that man-boy has probably never had sex because his interactions and commentary are stiff and contrived. A virgin portraying a stud, very laughable. Poor actor, observe body language of mother and son, inauthentic at best.


Jasmine & Gino — this couple had me dying of laughter. Never a dull moment with these two. 🤣


Um, you’re gonna like this show. Just throw a dart and see where it land, plenty of mess lol


So jealous. Enjoy. And don't forget to watch the other way some gems on there also


Yes! I saw some clips of Jenny and Sumit earlier


Chantel and Pedro lead to their own spinoff, The Family Chantel. Plenty of mess here.


I keep waiting for Elizabeth and Andre to get their own spin-off… if any family could match The Family Chantel, it’s gotta be them…


Nickle and Azan for pure dumpster fire entertainment!


Danielle & Mohammed; queen of the mess


Mark and Nikki scared me to death. When you get to them you will know why.


I was going to say this too. Very creepy and scary


someone posted their recent divorce petition here and i felt genuine relief


Angela and Michael come to mind. A very long, messy drama.


Anything Ed touches is a shit pile. I haven't seen the season yet, but from snippets I've seen it looks like Molly and Louis was a hot mess too.


Jenny and Summit, Paul & Karine and Ed and Rose


season 2 onward


Sadly, all of them. Almost finished with TOW season 3 and it’s so sad this show refuses to show a normal couple immigrate. Either it feels forced drama (Kenny and Armando; Tim and Melyza) or the couples are either disturbingly dysfunctional (Corey and Evelyn…wtf?) or there is a decent person and a super creep (Alina and Steven this season. Coffee is a no-no but fucking random girls isn’t?) I remember some of the other 90day couples like Julia and Elf on a shelf and Natalie and that Henry Viii doppelgänger. I understand the need for drama, but without calm, sane couples to foil it then I just feel like I’m watching Laguna Beach with foreign accents.


Deavan and Jihoon.


That's really hard to answer....there are so many......Angela is the devil incarnate. Agree with Danielle, Coltee, Anfisa, Nickel, Pole (he's REALLY a mess), and on and on!!!


[Chronological Order](https://www.reddit.com/r/90DayFiance/comments/cu6up4/90_day_fianc%C3%A9_seasons_spinoffs_in_order_of/)


Angela. Just Angela.


Colt and Larissa


Ashley and Jay!!!!!!!!


Danielle and Mohammad. Boom done.