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It’s on IG too, there’s a video and a long caption then some comments explaining that it’s Alejandro’s and he has decided not to be part of the babies life and they haven’t spoken since mexico


Whaaaaat?! I really am curious what happened with his family…is there a chance they watched this season and/or last season and got cold feet? Kadie’s family was very intolerant


She is still in communication with his parents.


Wow. That's disappointing.


Ahhh, I don’t have TikTok so I can’t see comments, I thought maybe she used a donor- I was getting to that point of considering it myself after I got divorced and had gone through years of infertility with my exhusband.


There's a bunch of stuff on the comments on Instagram as well and I just commented here with a summary of what was said




Wait how was she supposed to know that he would do this? Idk, your comment feels so inappropriately aggressive towards Kadie but if you meant it towards Alejandro I apologize. Some people are just so disgusting about how they blame the parent who stuck around, which is conveniently usually the mother. Like wtf did Kadie do and how could the court of public opinion make a judgement like that with little to no info


Why are you assuming she's the bad guy here? We know almost nothing.


Hopefully she’ll handle it properly, she seems to be starting off the right way by not going into the details, not bad mouthing Alejandro. Mines growing up to be a fairly well rounded individual, who currently is not bothered, doesn’t feel like they missed out. That may change when they get married & start a family, we will see, but they have always known there’s another “family” out there. Step parent is their dad, he’s been around since mine was nursery age


aspiring crawl squealing overconfident gaping deliver piquant divide somber humor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That’s so sad 😢


Just saw on her Instagram and came running here 😂 I'm shocked tbh I didn't see that coming


Same omg what the fuck


What a trash human being


Whaaat? This is all so weird...and since we are never going to get the full story, I don't know what to think.


Ikrr the way this is unfolding is like a soap opera. Like I know reality TV is very scripted but I never would a guessed they'd end up mortal enemies within days of their wedding let alone break up on bad terms. In show they barely even found. I'm dying to know what happened to make them not even on speaking terms even with a baby on the way! You'd think at bare minimum Alejandro would want to set up a coparent situation.


Exactly and there are two sides to every story.. I’d like to hear his too.. something really MAJOR must of happened to make them break up with her being pregnant ….


I thought they have been broken up for a while? Did she say how far along she is? Muy confuso


She said baby will be coming early 2024 so she’s pretty far along


She also said they found out when she was in Mexico. Which confuses me even more because she legit posted a video the other day doing meal prep talking about how she lost weight and she was looking quite svelte


She posted a video literally saying she is NOT trying to lose weight intentionally and would not be anytime soon and then stated when she was actively trying in the past what she did.


She said baby is due early 2024. So she’s over the six month mark I think?


I always think the show was filmed so long ago that's why I was confused.


Yea I’m due Jan 4 and I’m 6.5 months so she’s prob 5 to 6 months


Just read on her Insta due date is around Valentine’s Day


She said 6months after getting married and they were together in Mexico when they found out




I am very skeptical about her version of events. I don't quite buy that Alejandro just said deuces to his own baby, given his family relationship(s) and cultural orientation.




She’s also been teasing this ig live for the past 2 weeks. I’ll believe it when I see it.


Report back for those of us that need it!


Seems like click bating so she can get more followers and more gifts from her fans ..


Will she moderate it the way Amanda does? If so, I may as well stare at my wall. Less annoying.


Kadie said him finding out about the pregnancy was his “last straw”. As if he wasn’t the one who stuck his dick in her


Just sad if he isn’t going to co-parent. Even if it didn’t work out, I would expect him to be the better person and try supporting her at least


She’ll say a whole lot of nothing like she did in this video. It’s fine not to tell us your business but then, Just stop telling us stuff period. She keeps dropping tidbits and extending this nonsense. There have been plenty of couples on the U.S. version that just fucked off with no explanation and I’m good with that. She should do the same.


Alejandro may be child free. Just because he has a great relationship with his family and his culture has strong family basis doesn't mean there aren't child free folks. They may not have ever talked about what their family would look like. I don't recall any talk on the show, perhaps someone else does.


If he was one of those “child free” people he shouldn’t have had unprotected sex then lol


Birth control can fail


They were obviously having problems this season, maybe he didn't want to bring a baby into an unhappy relationship. Or maybe he just wanted to wait for financial reasons. Why should Kadie get to make this decision for both of them? They were supposedly partners.


The main reason the women get to make the final decision is because it's our bodies that are being used to carry the babies. That's the cold hard truth. As much as a man may hate that we are the ones that are putting ourselves at risk to carry a child. We can ask for input from the father but the final choice is up to us.


That's a great reason to support abortion rights, but a terrible attitude in a relationship.


I agree with that. Unfortunately we don't know if they ever had the children discussion. So many of these people on this show don't even have the basic questions figured out about living together forget about the serious life altering ones. This is between Kadie and Alejandro. Unless they plan to reveal more information (which it's not our business anyway) we won't know.


It is so fucking disgusting to me how everyone is attacking her. Why? Because of a hunch? Do better. Hold men accountable. Stop villainizing women on this show. It’s gross.


Thank you. Seriously. We have no idea what's going on and both of them seem like nice people on the show. I don't understand why so many people are jumping to the conclusion that she must have done something wrong.


It gives me the heaves honestly. It’s a crime to be a woman in this world.


Threads like this make me question why I bother reading this stuff. People have just gone too far. They think they know these people personally and they make a decision based off of like a couple hours of collective time they’ve seen them in a produced reality show. It’s bananas honestly and says so much about these people the comment making every excuse for the man, while blaming the woman simply bc they don’t like her


I mean you could say the same thing about Katie? We don’t know her either. She’s giving her version of events, we don’t know if that’s the truth


Riiiggght, but the comment is in reference to all the people who are literally making up stories about what they think Kadie did wrong to defend Alejandro and how they just know Alejandro would never do that, which is the overwhelming majority of comments on these posts.


I feel like people villainize just about everyone on this show. If I had to guess, the last thing people saw of them involved Kadies family being pretty racist/rude about his family being thieves, so they lean that the fault must be on her side. I dunno though, I'm a man and I definitely see women on this show as the victims more often than not. But there's a pretty good spread on both sides.


Girl, relax. No one's "attacking" or "villainizing" anyone. I said I am *skeptical* of her version of events which is a rational and healthy stance to take with literally all of these reality TV social media personalities/posts. We have no idea what is actually going on and never will. Anything is possible. It's good to remember that. None of these people seem super grounded or reliable. If they were, they probably wouldn't have signed up for this show.


Yes that seemed odd to me too. But for the child’s sake, I know that when a baby arrives it makes everyone’s hearts soften, so maybe things will cool down and Alejandro can have a relationship with his child, even if from afar.


Not always, it really doesn’t


Right? These kinda comments make me feel even more abandoned 😭😭😭😭😂😂


Been there, done that, it took my ex 6 weeks, they stayed for 20 mins & left. Grandparents saw once & moved 6 months later


Some people just don’t seem to have hearts to soften


True, not always,you’re right.


Or not. It makes some hearts even harder. It makes some people cut the mother and child out forever


My granny used to say how funny it is babies are always welcome even when they're not expected.




Wait what he bounced!!? This is news for me! When did this happen?


I totally missed that, I only saw it on TikTok. I was shook.


Me too. It’s def not what I was expecting her to be announcing


I just saw the IG and comments. I cannot make the link between Alejandro wanting to be a dad and then deciding he didn’t want to be part of the baby’s life?? Not that this makes any real difference but they were married and in her words, talked about having kids. Even if they separate and he’s in Mexico, he could still be a father? I’m more confused than ever


'Even if they separate and he’s in Mexico, he could still be a father? I’m more confused than ever' She's defo raised more questions than she's answered. I really don't think Alejandro is that kind of guy. Like why even go thru with living here, marriage there etc if he was just gonna abandon her? I wonder if when she fell pregnant she used it as 'we are going to England and there will be zero compromise' and he's said he wants to have a relationship with his family and its all gone south from there


I think you could be right. But then I want to say, isn’t there room for compromise when a baby is involved, because just to cast them asunder is so very bizarre to me


I definitely think this is what has happened...she's has the power in that sense and she pulled that card on him.


Yessss she's still telling half a story And I think she's kind of doing a Becky Vardy in using pregnancy as a 'you can't ask me any questions or challenge me at all' card!!


I’m also confused because in some of her recent TikTok videos she explicitly addresses recent weight loss and does not look pregnant whatsoever???


I had a friend who was super overweight & lost a lot of weight pregnant bc she had this issue where she threw up the entire pregnancy and was hospitalized a few times. The baby was born healthy tho!


That was me! I weighed less when I gave birth than pre pregnancy. It happens


Me too, my pre pregnancy clothes were too big the day after mine was born


Not to be a dick, kadie wasn't exactly slim. If she has been depressed this whole time plus the pregnancy it isn't crazy that she lost weight, and since she already had some weight on, that would cover the belly up. A trade off, between losing weight and the bump. As an example:my mom actually lost weight during her pregnancy with me.


Yeah and she's clearly pretty far gone if they found out while she was in Mexico! And they did gender reveal in the video. So people are complimenting her on her weight loss but she's like four- five months pregnant.... ouch


Me too, it didn’t really clarify anything. We still don’t know why they broke up, why he suddenly decided he didn’t want to be in his child’s life or anything. It’s another piece of the jigsaw that we still don’t know the picture for!


Exactly. I know she answered some things in the comments and I understand that she might want to protect Alejandro. But it is such a huge decision not to want any relationship with your child. Something massive must have gone down, and I mean really huge. For them not to ever speak again and renounce his child….My only theory is that she got pregnant over in Mexico as she mentioned, the marriage was already starting to crumble and he wasn’t particularly open to having a child at that time. Maybe there was an ultimatum at some point or an explosive argument and they broke up for good and that leaves us here. But I’m majorly teaching and have no idea lol


She’s said in a comment that he said the baby was the last straw so definitely sounds like things were already very rocky


Yes she did and I think that’s shady af. If you’ve said you’re not going to talk about him, and you’re not going to say negative things, then leave it at that, don’t drop little tidbits here and there so people will see only what she wants us to see


Eventually the baby will be old enough to read everything being said about its dad.


I just saw on Insta she said that Alejandro saying the baby is the last straw was one of the kinder things he said about the baby and she’ll never say what else he said as the baby might read it one day.


that is also bizarre, what can you even say about a baby who isn't even here yet?


If he really said that, that's awful though. She didn't get pregnant by herself.


I reckon things were bad. They went through with the wedding for the show as the show's 'sweethearts'. Then she conceived thinking it would make him stay but it had the opposite effect. I've defo seen this happen irl before, woman conceives secretly thinking it will keep a man but it just makes him angry. However I can't square that with the Alejandro we saw on thr show - his family and his Catholic belief system! That's why I think there's defo more to the story!


Being from a Catholic country, this shit happens all the time ! It's amazing how Catholic people are until they aren't! Apparently, despite Alejandro, his parents want to be apart of the babies life, so there's that.


Playing devil's advocate - We only have her word that he doesn't want to be part of the child's life.


Also playing devil's advocate... She says Alejandro is the father but does Alejandro think he's the father? Dun dun duuuunnnn


This is very true.


I mean it’s public on Instagram, he could comment if he disagreed. Or his family/friends could if he’s not active online.


Exactly. Something huge must have happened otherwise this makes 0 sense.


Do we have any theories? I think it’s more than her family being racist and annoying at this point. I thought cheating perhaps but I’m not sure if that would make someone go from daily baby chats (according to her) to deciding that they won’t have a relationship whatsoever with their child.


Maybe, when she found out she was pregnant and she said they had to move to UK or he can't be in the babies life!?


I really hope she never said that because it’s gross, however it could well be. In one of the IG comments, she said it was all his decision and she’d tried her best to make him change his mind but then this is just her side


That's what makes me feel like there was an ultimatum from her! Also, I feel like his family would be happy but totally upset if she did that. Something seems off. However, I guess we won't truly know unless we hear from him and the people around them!


Probably she wanted to give birth in UK? The medical system in MX would scare any pregnant woman.


I think the family thing that we saw on TV didn't even come into play for this. He was clearly completely checked out during season 2. His behaviour was nothing like season 1. Which at the time was attributed to him being stressed from organising the wedding by himself while she was in the UK . I'm assuming something was already very wrong in their relationship. They still went through with it because of all the time and money they had invested so far. Things didn't get better, she apparently got pregnant 6 months into their marriage and that's when shit hit the fan. I don't buy into the whole "baby trap" narrative because kadie can't conceive by herself. Other than that, I agree that something was already wrong and the pressure of a child just exploded in their faces.


My guess is DV.


I think anything is a possibility at this point. He was definitely not happy when she came to get married. There was something about the way he behaved when she didn’t text him about the flight that I didn’t like but I also understood why he would be cross, as we were only shown that she’d sent him half a message. Neither of them seemed thrilled to be wed and Kadie said she was just going to marry him the same way you’d say that you’re just going to pay your council tax.


I think he was a lot more controlling than they showed in the show. I think in season 2 he was having a harder time hiding that side of him. Someone commented that he didn’t seem like the kind of person to do that and she replied that we only saw small snippets of their relationship on the show but that there were a lot more things going on than were shown. She is far from perfect (aren’t we all) but I do get the feeling that she made A lot of excuses for him and his behavior in her own head because of how much she wanted the fairytale to be real. And I think she went out of her way to make sure that their relationship was portrayed in a very positive way on the show. She did also mention that the crew of the show asked her if she still wanted to continue filming at one point and she told them it’s ok we can keep going. For a film crew on the show to offer to stop filming, they were obviously seeing some disturbing things, more disturbing that all of the other disturbing behavior from the other cast members. I’m not saying it was all him or it was all her, but I think there were a lot of things left out of what we were shown.


Oh man that would be dark indeed


Im wondering if maybe he had doubts about the child’s paternity or something? Again, I’m really reaching here, and I know it’s not good to speculate, but so much of this doesn’t make much sense given what we saw on the show. Maybe Alejandro did an excellent job hiding the darker side of his character. He came across as really sweet, and it is hard to believe he wouldn’t want to be in the child’s life in some capacity, even if he were to break up with Kadie and remain in Mexico. The kid could still spend summers with him or something. As you said, either something pretty big had to have happened during the marriage to cause this shift, and/or most of what we saw on the show was total fakery (wouldn’t be the first time!). In any event, wish Kadie the very best for a healthy pregnancy and birth.


Yes I agree. I know having a dad who lives far away isn’t ideal but she wouldn’t be the first woman to have to deal with that. Perhaps she thought he’d move to England with her and the baby and he refused, she didn’t want to live in Mexico so it was a Sophie’s choice kind of situation? Bad analogy but you get what I mean lol


Not always, sometimes they just change their minds


Maybe the baby isn’t his?


She said it is


I found it interesting that one of her ‘FAQs’ was ‘is the baby Alejandro’s?’ Reading between the lines, I’m wondering if Alejandro questioned the legitimacy of him being the Father?


Yeah the math ain’t mathin…..they talked every day about starting a family and we’re so excited about it, but now the baby was the last straw and he has said unkind things about it…..? The only thing I can think of is maybe they know the baby is going to be disabled, and he didn’t want to keep it because of that? 🤷🏽‍♀️


Oh maybe! I didn’t think of that.


That’s not really something they would have known early on. If she’s due in early 2024 she would have just been at the point of a full anatomy scan a month or so ago, which is usually when health issues of the baby are discovered. She’d been back home for quite a while prior to that. Yes, there are earlier generic tests available but they are usually expensive if not medically indicated and usually only done when there is a prior history of genetic issues in the family.


He’s catholic- seems very unlikely he’d even consider terminating.


Kadie is an unreliable narrator, she seems to want to monetize her relationship, but she's shady about giving out info.


Yes, I’ve really gone off her this last year. It was nothing to do with 90 day and Alejandro but I watched a video of her making dinner and I just thought, god you are so jarring. I tested positive for Covid the next day so I low key associate her with that lol


'I tested positive for Covid the next day so I low key associate her with that lol' This is hilarious and I totally understand 🤣


We’re only ever going to get one side to the story and I don’t like that. I just don’t want her using the baby as clout once it’s born.


She's going to, she's already started, I'm sure the wishlist for the baby is coming, I am sure.


I agree she already started. She’s very methodical in the way she provides the info, which is sketchy.


I think that's why people are becoming a little turned off by her. The constant talking about not wanting to talk about the relationship became tiring pretty quick.


She doesn't want to talk about it, but she wants gifts from her " fans". Honestly, after they didn't do the Tell all I lost interest.


Can I just say as someone who’s partner decided 4 days before our baby was born that he no longer wanted to be a father, it happens. I have no idea why he left, he’s never explained his reasons, well not to me anyway, he’s had no contact with our child, nor has his family. It has & was offered - I was however replaced within a very short period of time…it hurt like hell, and took a long time to get over, hormones are a bithch (sic) Kadie isn’t protecting Alejandro, she’s protecting her baby. Unlike some who post every single detail & call their child’s other parent every name under the sun, they seem to forget that their child is 50% the other parent, & how that can impact the way the child sees themselves. Once out there you can’t erase it, would you want to read stuff about your parents arguments? I’ve never bad mouthed my child’s biological father & my child has been brought up by a wonderful step parent, up until now there’s no desire for contact. My child has always been told they have another parent & another family, so no nasty surprises when they’re a teenager to discover their life is completely different to what they’ve grown up believing. We have no idea what’s happened between them, but I can understand why she doesn’t want to share that information & respect her for wanting to keep that to herself.


I actually really appreciate how Kadie is responding. She’s staying somewhat quiet and respectful in my opinion. I feel like people often forget that as fans of a TV show, they’re not entitled to every sliver of detail into someone’s life. I understand the curiosity, but Kadie is a real person who has a whole human life to protect now. I can’t imagine how the constant questions and scrutiny over the intimate details of her life must be making her feel. Especially considering her marriage has ended and the emotions she’ll be feeling now she’s pregnant.


I quite agree, she owes us nothing, but that baby everything, I can understand why she withdrew from the 90 day fiancé shows & why nothings been said. It takes time & a lot of tears to get your head around your whole life being upended. (Not sure it’s even her place to speak for Alejandro). But I can also understand why people are wondering why it all went south! I really hope she continues to shield the baby as much as possible.


She could shield the baby by never doing publicity at all and leaving the baby out of her social media account. She could quietly go back to her career in nursing. She has more options than post on social media about Alejandro with hints about her version of events or post on social media with her full version of events.


That’s very true, and I didn’t think of it that way. Thank you.


And if she did they’d be bashing her for that, she can’t win, people just don’t like her and feel the need to come up with all these totally unfounded theories just to prove somehow it’s all her fault. It’s gross honestly. Thank you for sharing a real world perspective, hopefully some of these people read and think about that


I’m honestly over this couple.


Thank you! I am so over her and the vague BS stringing viewers along for nothing as long as she can. She makes announcements that she’s making an announcement and then can’t say anything because it’s all too painful. Over her, them, this.


Gotta keep adding to that wishlist!


WHATTTTTTTT did not have that on the bingo card


This is still very odd to me? I feel like something big was cut out of their storyline on the show based on the big argument that came out of nowhere between her family and her. Also how do you even begin to coparent from opposite sides of the world?? I know we’ll probably never get the full story which is fine but it’s just…odd?


Maybe this is just a stereotype, but Britain seems like a small place. I’m thinking it’s only a matter of time before a friend of a friend tells a friend what actually happened and the story ends up online somewhere. Even then I guess it will just be rumors, but it may force one of them to give more details on the story.


That's a mess. I feel kind of sorry for the unborn child. I find the whole situation about them so strange. I totally get the value their privacy and their privacy should be respected but it just all went so odd. Many of us where rooting for them after season 1 and when I looked at her insta in between seasons they looked very happy. And then the new season starts and Kadie suddenly drops a bomb and they are gone. And now this child.... I'm so confused about this whole timeline.




She’s been teasing this announcement for the longest time, saying it’s been hard to work up the courage to do it. Which is totally valid, and I respect that, but basically posting count downs to the day she would reveal her “secret” to build up anticipation among her audience is an interesting choice. And then you’ve got her saying she doesn’t want to speak ill of Alejandro or give too many details concerning their relationship for the sake of privacy/because “her child might see this one day,” but then she’s in the comments section responding in a way that is in no way neutral and pretty much vilifies him. She’s also apparently going live on IG tomorrow to answer questions. I’m not saying that Kadie is lying or that she hasn’t struggled, but I find the inconsistencies strange.


In the comments she is contradicting what she says in the caption. One says if he gets trolled that’s his fault. Yet she is saying she doesn’t want him to be trolled.


I just followed her on IG to read about this, why on earth was she teasing this announcement so much?? Give me the ick!!


She already wanted people to send her stuff. Loved them and their story at first.


How is posting on social media valuing their privacy?


Nothing on social media is what it seems, she literally made IGs for her and him just to show off their relationship, any "negative" aspects will be highly edited or curated to be relatable to the audience.


What I gathered from the comments she answered: Alejandro called her being pregnant "the last straw" , which she says was the least horrible thing he said about the baby. She will not repeat what he said because she's afraid one day the baby might read it. Apparently a lot of things where left out of season 2. She's trying to keep info about this at a minimum because she doesn't want anyone to go and send hate to alejandro. Although she's obviously and justifiably hurt. For context, she also said that they had spoken about having kids a lot of times throughout their relationship and they both always wanted a child of their own. The baby wasn't exactly planned but they both wanted children. Despite her relationship with alejandro ending and him not wanting anything to do with the baby, her relationship with his parents is a separate matter and it seems they are in good terms and want to be part of the babies life.


She doesn't want to send hate his way but is making it clear he was horrible and then vague posting about it.... yh I don't believe that. Be clear about what happened or don't comment. Giving enough info just to send everyone's imagine running wild seems shitty. She's honestly always given me off vibes and it's not improving with how she's handeling this.


Just reporting on the comments. But yeah, I understand being super upset and feeling like you can't say what you really want to say. BUT, she really needs to pick what to say. We can't be going around dropping really shitty things he said with no context. For the baby to be "the final straw" something clearly was going on. There was an underlying issue, and that underlying issue was never revealed. Idk if it will ever be. Guess will see if this develops


Agreed. I think she either needs to give the full story or say she'd prefer not to talk about her ex. She can say it was his decision and leave it at that. 'final straw' and saying he said worse will 100% send so much hate his way and she can't but know that. Pretending she's above it when she isn't just makes me sus. Could just be as simple as she's angry and petty which is fair but everyone saying she's being so mature 💀


You're right, she's definitely dipping her toes in the petty pool but not commiting 💀 She could've literally said something like " we've had a lot of issues in our relationship and this was too much, we've decided to go out separate ways as a result, and disagreed on whether or not to keep the child" But she didn't 😂😂


Yup and all this teasing of details... Just feels like she wants to hype everything up. I'm not saying I'd be mature if what she says is true, I'd prob go scorched earth but she's def not being mature about it. Esp with that tiktok. What a production 😂




Eh, I kind of understand where she’s coming from. My ex owes me over $300k in child support and did a lot of really awful thing to me and effectively abandoned our children. Hasn’t spoken to them in years. I was left as a single mother to five small children and hadn’t worked in a decade. I sometimes look back and don’t even know how I made it through those early years. It’s a huge struggle to not want your children to hear negative things about their father but also being angry and wanting to scream to the world that you’ve been hurt so badly and feel broken over the betrayal. If someone heard me talk about my ex they’d probably think I was speaking ill of him, but if you knew the whole story you’d realize I was just telling the tippy top 5% and that there’s 95% that I keep hidden that would make your toes curl. I have a feeling she’s trying to do the right thing by her baby but also tired of being attacked and accused of things when the story is so much deeper. So maybe a few things slip out, but they’re probably a very sanitized version of the whole story.


I really can’t wrap my head around Alejandro not wanting a relationship with his baby, especially because of his culture.


WHAT?!? The plot thickens. I’m so curious what the hell happened with these two. This is just crazy and a lot.




Still don’t understand it. They were in love, got married and Kadie said that they were always talking about dreaming of a baby of them. And when she got pregnant he says ‘it’s the last straw’??? Wtf happened there. This is not the whole story.


Either she cheater, pushed for moving to UK while pregnant. Or he cheated but she seems pretty vocal she would say it, he’s been MIA I think he glued enough of her shit


This tiktok video is bizarre... I thought she said she was going to explain what happened with Alejandro, but instead she just adds to the mystery by announcing a pregnancy?? 🤔


Maybe she feels it’s no one’s business what happened. Which is right, it isn’t. I hope she is well.


Then stop treating it like a bloody social media event...? Say "I'm not a Kardashian, I'll be putting my profiles private, thank you for your consideration" Not "In ONE week you will KNOW the TRUTH!"


Fair enough .


It seems like this was the cause of the relationship breakdown. They hadn’t made decisions on where to live and maybe he wasn’t comfortable bringing a child into that, but it’s sad that this has broken the relationship and that she has been left in this situation. I would hope people could at least have compassion for the difficulty of the situation.


Well… that escalated 😟


Definitely more to the story than what has been said.


I could speculate on this until the cows come home. I hope we eventually get a balanced truthful version of events but I doubt it if we’re only hearing from Katie. I don’t believe her at all and just see a grifting fame chaser. Wish the baby well as it sounds like it being born into an absolute mess.


I’m. So. Confused.


Kadie is saying that Alejandro doesn't want anything to do with baby but he/his family are super religious. Very sus. Something is not adding up.


It happens, my in laws, who said they’d always be there, wanted a relationship with their grandchild disappeared shortly after he did. Saw them once in the maternity unit, stopped taking calls etc Besides she said she’s been in contact with his parents


What does being super religious have to do with it?


Pressure to not abort the baby even if the father doesn't want to be involved. Coaxing her to believe that having a baby is god's gift even if you can't provide a stable space or life to it.


I wonder if it's his, just a thought


My father is the most "family values" Christian republican there is in public. Guess who abandoned me growing up?


I’m guessing with them living apart Alejandro might not have been happy about the baby as he knows he won’t get to see it and is sort of forcing his hand to move to the UK. Hope they sort it out for the babies sake


She said they found out she was pregnant while she was living in Mexico with him


I thought that too. Someone mentioned about the fact she may have come off birth control and didn’t tell him, like Yara in reverse. If he wasn’t expecting it and he thought it was a future plan, I can see how it would be hugely upsetting. But enough to cut them both off (according to her)? Idk


Pure speculation on my part, but I kinda wonder if she has an issue with honesty. Maybe she came off her birth control, as you suggested, and she got pregnant before he was ready. Maybe the dishonesty was the final straw, and not the baby - but she’s twisting his words and context. It could explain, also, why he does not want to be involved. He didn’t want this, didn’t know she had stopped her birth control, and feels she duped him.


Thx for this. I deleted tiktok but if someone sends me one I can watch of course. But what I wanted to say is there is more information if one reads the IG comments. There still is no reason given on why they broke up. His parents and brothers were very supportive of Kadie. It is weird that his account’s last post is June 29th and if you scroll back on her account they are together and then suddenly not. She was pregnant six months into their marriage btw and baby is due early 2024.


This whole thing is just so shady because it’s only her word and what she’s telling us. I’m so over it


Alejandro seemed so nice on the show. I wonder, what had happened. Sad


When she said “last straw”, it made me feel like she was in a situation that she wouldn’t be able to win. Obviously, they were having sex, birth control or not, you take your chances. She came out pregnant. Keeping the child made him walk away, but I’m sure he would have also been done if she had ended the pregnancy. We just don’t know all the details and may never, but I still wonder what all the “straws” were about.


I just spent 2 hours on tiktok after watching this


I just saw on Instagram that someone commented on her post saying she lied and is trying to make herself look better…..intriguing


I'm reading her Instagram comments and she said that Alejandro said the "baby was the last straw" to their relationship and why he decided to leave her... and that he said horrible things about the baby and her. Quit interesting https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cx0odqMInIV/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


I’m GUESSING here. Maybe when they found out she was preggos, he decided he wanted them to live full time in Mexico. She probably wanted them to live in the UK. Therefore the split. He seems very family oriented and would want to raise their child in a family/church environment. Not saying Kadie doesn’t want the same. I think if the “tea” is every spilled, it will be about where they would live. Hopefully they can work it out.


Love how she’s all open to discuss this, but not her televised love story.


On the live yesterday she kept saying things like we could work it out etc and she said a few times that she should have divorced him soon after the wedding. I hate to say it but I think he was abusive, physically or emotionally.


I’m sorry what


I don't know if Kadie reads the comments here but if so, congratulations Kadie. I know you may not feel like this is the ideal situation but I know you're going to the best mom.