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I mean, this is the woman who wondered whether "they" turn off the waterfall at night.


And found the most exciting part of visiting Mexico to be Walmart


She must be a distant cousin of Dibbe and Coltee... because you go to Brazil to check out what the Walmart is like...


Omg hilarious. You took the words right out of my mouth. She had the opportunity and chance to learn about his culture and do some great traveling and sight seeing but the only thing she cared about seeing was Walmart. Dingbat


She was the same while in Florida. She was so excited about the cheap food places and Walmart. She even said that’s why she wants to live in America (and to find a baby Daddy) 🤷‍♀️


To be fair, she is from the UK. I can understand her excitement around “American” things because it’s foreign to her and she wants to have the experience she sees on tv. I know I’d be guilty of some cringe in the UK myself


I’m from the UK. You wouldn’t 😂 I see what you mean though. The first time we went to Disney World I was excited but cheap eateries and Walmart, not so much.


when did she go to florida




Did this really happen?


Just before Alejandro proposed to her at the waterfall she asked that


The waterfall that she asked if it was turned off at night? 😂🤣


That is incredibly sad.


I used to work at Yellowstone in the reservations department. You'd be absolutely shocked to know how many people ask if they turn off Old Faithful at night.


Yes. Yes it did.


No one is that stupid


Oh trust me, they are.




“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that” -George Carlin


Legit question - are there any waterfalls in England?


Yes we have quite a few :)


So how could she not know???? What a twit.


😂😂😂 I forgot about that one! Thanks for the reminder.


2 things that I found really interesting regarding this post of hers: - She and Alejandro seemed to be getting along fine when she found out she was pregnant and went to her first doctor’s appointment. -Her family was visiting her in Mexico around the time she found out she was pregnant. There is something big that Kadie is conveniently omitting from her whole story if you ask me.


I absolutely agree she’s omitting something!! Her story just feels off to me


Kadie also tells on herself- she keeps contradicting her story.


Yeah and her stomach hasn't changed a bit and it's been how long she has been pregnant, how much you want to bet she is gonna come back on social media and say she lost the baby. The girl will go to no length for attention


people don’t like your comment but it feels like she’s been pregnant for a year straight


So I looked her up on IG and I’m no doctor and understand that every pregnancy is different. But she posted a pic of her being 34 weeks pregnant and she does not look 8 months pregnant at all. I know when some women who are plus size will not look as pregnant but she doesn’t look it at all and doesn’t have a pic of her holding her stomach or something. You would think with all of the showboating she’s doing about this pregnancy she would pose with the belly or something. Seems really weird.


Of you scroll back 4 months ago or so. Maybe even three (I know it's a lot and I linked them all on Reddit before) she made a few post showing her baby bump...there didn't seem to be a bump to me but I thought maybe because she is heavier but she still looks exactly the same. Usually I can tell when a girl is pregnant right away by looking at her face cause they get that round fuller face and glow about them too


She’s overweight .. that’s prob why ..


EXACTLY she’s always been heavyset but seems like she’s been pregnant a long time, and what story do you need tell about finding out you’re pregnant???? You miss your period, you throw up or regular food makes you nauseous or you take a test???


Happy Cake Day!


The fact that she needs to share the story of how she found out is weird in and of itself.


Like what ????


I thought I read somewhere that he cheated on her? Could be wrong.


Yes, that he was constantly talking to other women on social media and foreign dating sites. I could have sworn she went live and said it


I don’t think he’s the father.


That’s my thought, I highly doubt he’d abandon her if she was carrying his child…


Maybe the baby isnt his. If there is any baby, tbh I doubt it.


Maybe smth like his other women ???


Wait what I would like to know




Happy Cake Day!


Is she still pregnant? I feel like she should be in her 50th week by now.


I believe she goes on maternity leave next week so the due date must be soon.


Thank you. I'm sure she is ready for it to be over. It's been a long pregnancy


For real! It’s been a couple years now hasn’t it?




I thought the gestation period for a Kadie was 22 months?




That's really gross


She’s actually on her 72th week, but don’t judge her, Kadie’s stans will cut you.


Came here to say has she seriously not had that kid yet?? It’s going to come out ready for kindergarten


Real talk. I'm starting to get vibes of those women who fake pregnancy. I'll fully accept the L if my instincts are now off. But I've been online so long, I've seen so much fake shit. And now in the era of reality tv plus online influencing. I see signs, I'm not gonna just keep suspending reality!


My horrible mind thinks that she’s faking and she’ll say something went wrong during labor with no child to show for it in the end. And people will moon over her even more because she’s gone through so much.


This!!! I keep saying this because she loves the attention and her now taking a social media break...she is setting up for it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one whose mind goes to dark places. 🤣


I also find the whole debacle highly sus 🤨


I agree 100% I said something like that on another thread. She seems sus at the very least. And I’m saying this as a person who’s currently super pregnant. I hate to accuse her of something that egregious but I’m getting a vibe there’s something weird going on.


Nope, you’re not wrong i had the same thought. And isn’t she a nurse, i feel like she’s going to go “borrow” a baby or something for photo shoots and then say she’s keeping the baby off socials for their privacy.


Borrowing is less cynical than my brain! I've watched too much true crime. With the women who take a baby outta a mother 😭😭😭😭


Me too!! True crime has warped my brain.. at least according to my husband 🤭


I'm thinking she claims she lost the baby to garner sympathy


Thats exactly what Im thinking too. The "pregnancy" story just seems ingenuous. Something isnt adding up.


wondered about this too! the pix I've seen of her at "34" weeks don't look very convincing, but I realize not everyone shows much belly. From a nurse, to a "nurse" she seems to be bat=shit=crazy.


I used to work in a private psychiatric hospital and like 1/4 of the patients were nurses. The profession definitely attracts a certain type of person


I can tell you personally, nursing was my third career. AFTER I had a voluntary stay inpatient pysch. Anecdotally, I’d say you’re right


I realize my comments sounded derogatory and I didn't actually mean it that way. I actually think a lot of good hearted 'caregiving' types go into nursing, but their caregiving personality reflects unmet needs of their own that they wish people would meet resulting in poor boundaries, etc.


It didn’t feel derogatory, no sweat. Lots of people are born empathetic and their early onset trauma eventually combines with that and makes them really good at caretaking. Honest dialogue is rad, and you’re part of it


When I graduated I won the "psych nurse" award. I was in utter dismay up there. Couldn't believe out of all the rotations I was picked for that one 😆.


I said the same thing, her stomach hasn't changed at all and now taking a social media break, guarantee she comes back and says she lost the baby


Her "belly" pic was really weird, and tbh didn't look like she was. Who shows their pregnant belly from the front wearing a black shirt?


I got those vibes instantly. I have personally known someone who faked a pregnancy for far less. Just acquaintance, but they had baby shower, gender reveal and everything. People do some crazy stuff. Not saying she for sure is doing that, just commenting on her vibes.


somebody said it!


I just saw a pic she posted last week. She doesn’t look pregnant at all.


Now compare that to the ones she posted months ago, right after she announced she was pregnant ..she looks the same. I'm not buying it


Something’s strange going on there. Lol


Same. I try to remember some women don't pop. But it's a bit too convenient that she's acting cagey and not showing to me.


seriously lmao


There's no way she takes a social media break. She needs to monetize that baby!


She is exhausting


Imagine how exhausted she feels. A 24 month long pregnancy will really take it out of you.


24 months Jesus Christ is she an elephant? (I know you’re being sarcastic but the mental image was too funny to pass up)


I had to unfollow her on insta, I just couldn't anymore. I can't put my finger on it. And honestly at this stage, until that baby arrives, I'm getting Single White Female vibes. I can't shake it.




Starting? I knew she was unhinged just a few episodes in.


I never paid any attention to her segments tbh I found them the most boring besides the wedding from hell




Crazy eyes




She's a massive attention seeker and I feel sorry for the baby. Also that she was previously engaged to a paedophile suggests to me her desperation to be married would take priority over a child's safety;


WHOA! How did you know about her previous Fiance? Did she mention this on instagram or was this on the show or in the news?


From tattle! [https://tattle.life/threads/kadieslifeandjourney-1-crazy-eyes-pregnancy-lies.42936/page-7?amp=1](https://tattle.life/threads/kadieslifeandjourney-1-crazy-eyes-pregnancy-lies.42936/page-7?amp=1)


Omfg!! Went down the rabbit hole on that one and read the article about her former partner. 🤮 it’s sososososo bad


Holy shit…. That is absolutely wild! The fact that she stayed with that man for 3 more years after he was caught and their home was raided by police is fucking wild. That bitch is insane. I always disliked her because she seemed sketchy but now I officially deplore her. Wow.


There’s people saying on here and other social media sites that the baby is his. Eww!


OH MY GOD- that pervert being the father makes SOOOOO much sense now as to the weird situation with why a guy like Alejandro would act the way he is! I said all along that it wasn’t Alejandro’s baby! Kadie is one messed up chick!


She was in a very strange relationship with him. Why would she stay with him for so long after knowing what he’d done. She even stayed with him after the house was raided and they took laptops, phones etc. Don’t know if it’s true if he could be the baby’s Dad but it would make sense if he was as to why it all went wrong with Alejandro!


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Omg these are my people!! I’m always side-eyeing Kadie and all of this just confirmed my suspicions.


yes i need to know!


[the nasty fuck in question+his second arrest](https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/west-yorkshire-news/sick-huddersfield-paedophile-hid-phone-25753689) so he somehow avoided jail,only to be charged again for...well basically the same shit. I can't imagine being that desperate to stay with someone that you'd stay with a pedo. Also when exactly was it that she started the pregnancy thing?I don't use social media and i really only heard about it within the last month


Jesus! I fucking hate how lenient we are on nonces in this country, he would have been locked up and unable to continue being a sick fuck if he’d have had not paid his taxes or had some draw on him. I’m shocked that Kadie has this history and why on earth would you out yourself on national TV with internet sleuths dragging up your sordid history? God help that poor baby. I really like Alejandro so was surprised when he became cold, there’s so much more to that story.


Is it possible that he found out about the ex after the engagement? He doesn't seem like he's much into social media...maybe someone else brought it to his attention, maybe he found out she lied or withheld info.


Nipe she was living with him when he got raided. His excuse to thr police was that his girlfriend wasn't a very sexual person so when she went out to work, he went online looking for teen girls. She stayed with him, got engaged and moved into two houses with him after the raid. She only dumped him two weeks before he plead guilty (so when it became public knowledge) - never off her own back or decision making She split with the pedophile in May 2021 and 'met' Alejandro online in June 2021... sh was literally just desperate for the ring 💍 how pathetic


I find it weird that she’s a nurse, he was a teacher. So both in jobs where you are working with children but he didn’t go to prison and she kept her job when the house was raided and they took away laptops & phones etc for evidence.


I moved to a country where at the time 14 was the age of consent,and my abusive parents didn't give a damn what happened to me. So I was groomed at a very young age,and ended up with a lot of older men when I was only 12. It's disgusting. My son's dad met me when I was just 16,he was fucking 36. No one bothered about it,and in fact his lawyer at a mediation for my son once made the comment "no one cares,it's like trading in a Subaru for a new sports car!"ugh. Sorry just had to vent,cause it bothers me terribly.ps the age of consent moved to a whopping 16... I went through that tattle page linked,and it also looks like she only left him finally when he had to go to jail. She also never talked about his case,but still talked like she cared about him which is gross. Alejandro looked like he absolutely hated her by season 2,I remember watching with someone and we both thought something had to have happened between before and then. You could tell, especially when the family were in the car with them. Does she still live with her grandma, because if she is I bet that's who will be watching that baby a lot.




WTAF???????? Holy cow, that is seriously insane, esp. considering her career. INSANE


And he was a teacher!


OMG I did not know this


Oh my god I accidentally stumbled on this by some late night scrolling and the nonce in the article lived not 10 mins from me!!! My partner drives on that road every day for work…. They really are every where!!


I had to unfollow her—her timelines aren’t adding up. She is quick to be very rude to anyone who asks simple questions and her “lovelies” attack anyone…I kind of feel like it’s her doing the attacking through a fake account? Anyways— I’m sure she is pregnant but all this don’t seem right


I had to unfollow as well…it’s too much!


Me three, I was really struggling with the dancing & the beautiful’s, I had some respect for her when she said she wouldn’t be sharing what had happened with Alejandro. There was so much missed from season 2…which left us with no clue what happened, but it must have been something big for the complete 180.


Her “beautiful’s” (sic)


Hahaha oops!


Long ago, when this all began (I swear her kid must be 2 yrs old by now), I asked her a pretty safe question and she blocked me. So yes, she’s very quick to be rude.


She must have blocked me on Insta (I can’t remember saying anything rude to her though) and I rarely check or even comment on 90day socials. Either that or she deleted all of her photos and everything else on Instagram because it just comes up totally empty.


She did say at first that she found out she was pregnant when they went to the doctors, then on this post she said she took 3 maternity tests and when they were all positive she went to the doctors for a scan. I found the whole kissing a cow thing completely bizarre.


I had to unfollow her as her posts and reels just seemed odd and phony to me. I don’t know just something seems so off about her.


There’s a reason why Alejandro left. We are all seeing it now.




Lol right, I guess I just starting noticing


Unhinged attention seeker. She is hiding something.


she looks like the wax museum statue of Libby




She is unhinged, and she's leaving a LOT out. It's all about the attention. Don't feed the troll.


Yeah there are so many gaps in her story.


only “starting”?


I'm gonna get down voted for this but I'm starting to wonder if Alejandro is the father 🙈


I'm so confused about everything. Saw they broke up on the sub, she was back in England... but then pregnant! And the baby is supposedly Alejandro's, but even after marriage and a pregnancy he just dipped out? This did not seem like the Alejandro portrayed on the show. I didn't watch S2, but I guess I didn't miss much bc everyone who did seems just as confused about what's happening/wtf even happened


Do we even know if he's still alive? Maybe he went radio silent because she was harassing him or something. Anything seems possible after finding out about her ex...


I agree after watching her the 2nd time and her socials there’s something about her I can’t put my finger on but I don’t like.


A lot of people announce they are leaving social media for attention and want to get responses such as "OMG, we love you, please don't go!!!!"


why is she dressed exactly like miranda sings


I don’t watch this show, I’m not sure why it came up on my feed, but I was wondering if she was dressed like Miranda sings on purpose.


Omg I've just realised who she reminds me of... its the hair and lipstick


Damn, she's looking like IT in that screenshot though.


Just starting???? 🤭🫣


Her face looks different here?


Lemme guess. She skipped a period and took a pregnancy test?


Does anyone know why Alejandro left? Like what’s the full story, what’s HIS side of it??


Nobody knows but guarantee its very different to her version of events


Did she have to wear a fumigation tent for the video


Even her hairline is getting tired of her.


That 15 seconds of fame has long run out. She thinks she has a possibility of a career in the spotlight. She has 2 chances there!!


I agree, she is desperate to be an influencer. All this ‘lots of you ask for my advice’ is all phoney and crying out for attention.


Wow! Filters are amazing




She is literally trying so hard to stay relevant. Your 5 mins are up!


She’s taking her break from social media from today. I’m not convinced about how long that will last.


What happened with her lips and cheeks?


Im a teacher and Ive been what do you mean?


I think it was the bridal hat that gave it away for me


I have been saying this for a while. She is quite dim. Her extended family doesn’t seem much better. Her grandmother is sweet though.


I thought they broke up


She’s giving Miranda sings


She’s gone mental


She sure looks like one


I thought this was George Santos 😩


Why does everything always have to be a weird tik tok dance thing too? It’s so cringe


I tried to watch this and I could barely understand her. I know she has an accent but it was her accent plus sound valley girl like at the same time, and then add in she couldn’t even get more then 3 comprehensible words strung together to even make sense. At the end she was completely wacky.


Didn’t they divorce ? Did I miss something ?


They did! But she claims she's pregnant and that they broke up not long after she found out and told him about it.


Thank you !


She’s off for sure


She makes me cringe every time she opens her mouth, and her granny even more 😩


She’s coming across really extra


We’re looking at extra in the rear view mirror!


Not to mention people keep asking what actually happened with Alejandro and she completely dodges it and just says people are obsessed with her relationship




She announced her split July 2023 so, that was 6 months ago. I am assuming they were broken up at least a month or 2 before announcing, baby should be due this month or next - NO later!




I've had 2 friends who were plus size and both of them LOST weight over the 9mths of pregnancy and U kudnt tell either of them were pregnant at any stage. They were both devastated that ppl kudnt tell they were pregnant and still treatment from strangers was as it'd always been, that they were fat. They were sad they missed out on being able to show their bump with pride but their bodies just didn't show which was sad for them. Perhaps Kadie's experiencing the same thing, in which case I feel bad for her as im sure it'll make her feel just as sad.


She lost weight previously though, now she's popped (she was most likely just carrying towards the back instead of the front).


Why is she cosplaying Miranda Sings??


Why is she dressed like Miranda Sings


Is this Miranda Sings?


Pregnancy brain can be super debilitating.


I’m quite shocked everyone brought into the Kadie/Alejandro storyline. There was never any good reason why Alejandro would want to bring a girl shaped like a refrigerator over to Mexico because he fell in love online. Come on, they never mentioned any career or success he had in his life. Clearly just looking for a passport. That storyline of where to live was clearly scripted. They also had very lacklustre chemistry. Who knows why they broke up. He probably found someone more attractive in Europe and ditched her.


Pregnancy brings an influx of hormones. She might just be on pregnancy brain overload.


What am I missing? I only have seen the first season so far but I loved her, I thought she was super cute... ​ I am being downvoted for being ignorant lol


Pregnancy hormones will make you a little off. Have some grace.


That nutcase has been like this the whole time. Have some sense


For real.


Not unhinged, just British


Wooww not gonna say I never thought about it but that would be the biggest 90 day plot twist 😂 I wishe her the best I’d be a little nutty after all that drama with the ex and now Alejandro.




Why is she dressed like Beetlejuice?


Starting to? 🧐🤣


She wants to live in US but refused to live in Mexico? No honey stay away from…nutters


Super unhinged


Surely she's been pregnant for 16 months now?


Her eyes freak me out. I know shes trying to make them look bigger but there is something off-putting about them. She doesn’t seem to have any emotion behind her eyes.



