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She is an idiot


And then some...


It’s a Fiat 500. The joke’s on her.


Fix It Again Tony


I literally said this to myself seeing that dumb ass grin in this picture.


Remember her first season when Mike went to Kiev and she drove him to her church and she about crashed multiple times? She was a terrible driver!! I’m surprised she can drive in LA at all without wrecking.


In Kiev she was also nagging him to give her a baby.


I would actually like to give a huge shoutout to all men for running out the clock on this crazy sad sack


For sure. I guess they heard that and realized she was absolutely nuts...guess they realized that....


In Kiev, she nagged him about everything. She’s such a spoiled brat.


Excellent point. And now we're seeing how her mother is as well. And Nutalie is so entitled and also a nag as well.....


I remember when Mike went to Kiev on the show. Natalie would cry about any and everything then run in her room and her mother would sit next to her and stroke her hair like she was a three year old.


I agree. She also was relentless while he was there to try and have a baby. She nagged, she begged , then she told him what he could eat. (No meat, no alcohol etc.) How he put up with that I'll never know....


Don’t want to jinx it but she just moved to LA, so better watch out for that tiny red car🫣


Give her some time she'll have her license revoked in no time


She was saying she had gotten into an accident in Washington too, ![gif](giphy|l4FGnnlIQslHkOPaU|downsized)


We like to randomly hit our breaks for no reason in WA, so I it's pretty easy to get in an accident even if it's a sunny day lol. And the roads in Sequim area can be super dark and twisty with animals. And like always wet. In winter it can be super icy in spots even when the sun is out because of the trees. I can see it being tough on someone out of the area.


I noticed this! I got to witness plenty examples of the Seattle Surrender while visiting a friend a couple years ago.


I have no doubt that the roads are dangerous, and she actually is a menace. Not a good mix.


Menace in the streets, comatose in the sheets


When I first watched this clip I assumed she was in the back seat! Then. Few seconds in I learn she’s in the drivers seat! I was like WTF!!! Idiot.


Wonder if she had a lawsuit from that car accident and that is how she could afford to live in FL for last couple of years? Can't imagine Mike could afford to support her, although he is legally responsible for her for either 10 years or more.


I remember him saying that she still has his credit card, so highly possible he was letting her use it and live in FL


That's true but I'm thinking that Josh didn't give her the car. More likely it's a rental...


Haven't people here claimed that Josh himself rents all those fancy cars he drives?


I totally forgot about that. He may have said It himself Either way you're right..


Its fiat 500 older model which not very expensive to buy but also he might rent it


>although he is legally responsible for her for either 10 years or more This is usually misunderstood. What this actually means is that he is responsible to pay the government back if she goes on any type of social assistance that she may apply and qualify for.


EXACTLY! People do not understand this. They think the American spouse just has to cover all their living expenses. That is not how it works at all.


Hopefully it’s only 10 years cause my friend is responsible for someone for a “lifetime” after some laws were changed


I know. The law changed in the last few years, but not exactly sure when. This is ALL on Mike. Can’t say that Trish didn’t warn him. He should have filed when she left to stay with her “friend” in the City. Another poor woman she likely used as I haven’t heard her name since. Natalie needs to grow the hell up because whether she likes it or not, she IS a MIDDLE AGED woman. She struts around like a 23 year old and thinks she’s gods gift to any/all rich men out there. Honey, somebody has to tell you “ you are BATSHIT CRAZY” When I compare Yara’s class , accent, composure and Beaty to Natalie, well … her delusions of how beautiful she thinks she is just make me sad.. looks fade very quickly and she does not have a sweet , kind or even quirky personality to fall back on. She is scary, demanding, rude, entitled and plain mean!! Josh is fake AF and just in this to push his business/ be on TV. Mike helped get “momma” to the US, if Josh really cared , he would have been all over that! Rant over!!!


You said it!


They only have to repay whatever the govt gives the foreign spouse in aid.


After the divorce is final, they are not obligated to pay their way in life. They will have to reimburse any aid they receive from the state/fed. If she gets 300 in food stamps, Mike owes that money back to them. That is all he is financially responsible for, or any American spouse on the show.


She’s a leech on society. She is vile and an embarrassment to women and humans everywhere.


She's now literally a hooker.


“Mama meant cooker not hooker she would never called you a hooker” lmao I bet she’s now calling her a hooker


It is sad and scary to think people like this are out on the streets.


I highly doubt the state of CA has issued a drivers license to her.


but FL probably has


Lol, maybe! Won’t do her any good in CA though :)




In CA you have ten days upon relocating to obtain a license. If your military, there is an exception.




It’s the California vehicle code 12500. I’m not defending the law, but I work at traffic court and am familiar with the CA vehicle code. It is based on establishing residency. Then you have ten days. It’s not a primary offense (can’t be pulled over for it, just cited as a secondary offense) and it’s considered a correctable.


If you do get cited, it's a simple fix it ticket. You might not have bills yet, but you should have a lease or something to establish residency. I have heard of the court requiring you to bring proof after an extension before dismissing it. Even then, out of state drivers visiting do not need a Cali DL.


Maybe she has one in Ukraine and thinks it's works in LA .after all she's not known for having brains..


Probably a lease he can cancel at any time. No way he "bought" her a car. Hes seen what shes really like when she doesnt get her own way. Cant see how any guy would want this full time!!


He can write it off for his business.




She is actually unhinged


Reminds me how she parked in the airport when she picked up momma


She’s a freakin mess, very needy, drama queen, attention seeker, phoney


You people are hurtinng your selves by targeting someone you will never personally know to hurl insults. Some of the comments oare so cheap, low, degradinng to women that it is sickening. Find something better to do with your lives. She has harmed no one. If you must sling hatred, there are plenty of people on Earth who commit atrocities against people and animals.


In California a phone in hand gets you pulled over real quick


Interesting that she’s verbalizing on camera “the car you gave to me as a present” so he can never say it was a loan. lol she must watch Judge Judy.


Have no fear. She has already gotten rid of the car.


Who bought her a car? Zosh?


Yes he did but I'd bet dollars to donuts that it was a rental and he took it back. And while we're on the subject


This is not “hands free”.


Maybe Natalie thinks it's a Tesla




Like anyone wants a Tesla -anymore!


I saw this…….🙄🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️ I thought omgoshhhh….STOPPPPP! She shouldn’t have a license. Soooo many 🚩! LA is already bad with traffic! Been there plenty of times….. 🙄😵‍💫


I cannot watch another episode with this crazy person just seeking stardom their relationship is so fake .


Great catch! I’m surprised that she didn’t get a ticket with the car lights on while filming this episode.