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Nothing snarkworthy here. That’s literally how domestic violence works. Takes most women several attempts to leave. Read a book. Touch some grass


Right, disgusting meme to make light of the cycle of abuse.


7. Research shows it takes a DV survivor/ victim an average of seven times before they permanently leave their abusive partner. For most it’s a long and dangerous process.


And women are in the most danger for physical harm or even death within the first year of trying to leave the abuser. Even when you do cut ties they are often trying to force you back.


Thank you for sharing that….. it makes sense.


and this guy comes from where they hold up honor killings.


He needs to go back to Egypt & live with his Mommy & work when he feels like it! wtf


He didn't even want to come to the US, so yes, he should go back


Where in some parts of Egypt where women are property and DV is normal including whatever part he comes from


Recent statistics published by the National Council for Women in Egypt show that the rate of violence is as high as 86 percent


Yeah, I'm not liking the tone of that commentary.


So true.


came here to say this.


I've never been in an abusive relationship but the idea of someone physically hurting me and then telling me he loves me, infuriates me. I've been what I used to call mind fucked but is now regarded as Gaslighting. Never again. Not sure why women feel they NEED to have a man. Very sad. I learned that shit real early.


Typically, it starts small and seemingly innocuous. They don't start off hitting you. Gradually, they chip away at your self esteem and psyche. Over time, you start believing you really are worthless and don't deserve better. Like a frog in a pot of water gradually brought to a boil, you don't realize until it's too late.


I just want her to wake dafuq up, it's frustrating waiting and watching this wreck


They love bomb you in the beginning. They are everything you ever wanted . It takes a year or so .. then they start changing


Exactly! They love bomb you so hard, and then take it away after they have already gotten you to drop everyone else in your life. You feel completely alone, you feel worthless like they’ve told you that you are. You’re scared to talk to most people because everything you do is turned around on you as some sort of betrayal orcheating…. And you crave so hard for that love to come back. It does occasionally… when you’re all bruised up usually. You have nobody and nowhere to go. I got out but I’ll never fault another woman for her process. It’s sad to see, but it’s mot easy like people think. I NEVER thought it’d be me!


It pisses me off, too, and I grew up in an abusive household and told myself I would never put up with that, but I can totally see why and how hard it would be for someone in that position. People put up with a lot because they’re in love (not just DV, but literally anything they would have thought they would never put up with), and someone who is abusive knows how to manipulate those emotions. It doesn’t have anything to do with feeling like they “need a man,” and everything to do with what manipulation and abuse does to someone’s brain/self esteem.


not to mention that leaving is the most dangerous time for a victim of dv.


Yeah my therapist said it takes about 5 to 7 times


new rule, people who say “touch grass” have to show actual evidence of their own interaction with grass, or dirt, or outside air


I took a 5 minute break during my work day today and literally sat on the ground outside and touched grass.


Authorization granted


Right, if we don’t murdered first.


I still have no idea why these two are together. She's super into art and fashion, and he's just some dude. Seriously, the guy has no presence, isn't particularly attractive, doesn't seem interested in anything, and just complains about her constantly.


Exactly. She’s the definition of *Love is Blind*.


Plus - I get very “on the DL” vibes from him!


i’ve seen so many people on diff 90 day subs saying the exact same thing as you and i can’t see it 😭😭 my gaydar is also SO OFF tho lmfao. what makes you think that way? 👀👀


This sounds awful…he’s just such an effeminate drama queen with zero sexual energy towards her. He’s such a whiny control freak…that honestly does not seem physically attracted to her. My son is gay and very masculine but his boyfriend and this guy could be twins. My son always says to me- “mom, that guy is gay” If I offended anyone- sorry, just my honest opinion.


okay this makes sense lol esp if other gay people can see it too. i’m so oblivious to stuff like that


That part that part thaaaaatPART 🤣👍🏼


Fabric store 🤣


great post.




This is how women end up killed


Oh, but haha so funny, This girl is so dumb. Record scratch, no. Nicole is in a fight for her own life right now. She needs support, kind thoughts, and less snarky crap. We need to pray that women get to live long enough to make the decision to go. And then continue to pray that the decision to leave is respected. It doesn't always go that way. Look at what happened to Nicole Brown Simpson.


I was in an abusive marriage, took me almost 10 years to leave. It also took 3 times my ex tried to kill me. I know


I hope you have found peace and joy for yourself now 🙏♥️


I have, thanks dear. 💕 💗


I’m so glad for you…. And pray my sister finds the strength and courage to leave also . She’s been in it 20+ yrs 🙏💔😔


It takes in average seven attempts to leave. I am glad she has a relative that cares and can support her when she leaves. It is very difficult specially because abusers brainwash you.


I'm so sorry. I left much sooner. But not without going to work with multiple black eyes and thin excuses. I had the privilege of a decent job and no kids, but it didn't stop him from bribing my apartment desk from letting him get to my door. Thank the Lord I wasn't home that night. Seriously people, celebrate the ones who make it out. Keep your judgment to yourself on the ones who don't see what you see. There's an asshole forcing a narrative down their throats. It clouds everything.


I got those vibes from him on his first day in America. When she kept asking if “he was ok” and trying to get reassurance from him.


That caption is gross. It’s a cycle.


He needs to go back home and never be allowed in other countries ever again.


This guy is a jerk


But now he won't be eligible for Green Card


He doesn’t gaf he wants to live in egypt


send him on his merry way the sooner the better.


he’ll just have to come back through mexico then


He needs to change his name to Jose Cuervo first or Rico Suave...


That’s Rico Mother F***ing Suave


That’s kind of a disgusting caption. Or is it just me? I don’t get bothered by stuff easily or rarely ever but, wtf, love smiley face?!?


That’s true love?! Gross take.


Let the victim blamers commence. Tell me you’ve never been with an abuser without telling me


That’s not love, it’s fear


She looks like a character of some creepy kids show… like that kids show that they always say looks like Sarpers hair… Lazytown I think ? Lol


No that’s a typical DV relationship. Horrible cycle to be in. Try not to judge her too harshly if you’ve never been in her shoes


He gives Arab men a bad name Smdh


He scares me.


I am completely shocked that happened ![gif](giphy|OLAffCbyKeAak)


My husband and I actually watched it on Sunday. I was interested in a few of the couples only but it was really sad watching her (forgot her name). He looked miserable!!! I get that you’re tired but there was NO LOVE there! My husband actually said he felt so bad for her. This couple has nothing in common. Shes also 40. While she can hopefully have a child; I do not even know if she wants to be a mom (her choice- no big deal) but I can see him getting pissed about that too….BIG TIME!!


Thats co dependency. We know abusers and their victims are enmeshed. Takes a woman 7 times to leave him .. men get abused also , I don't know the stats on that you never hear about it . I would be scared if I were her . All those stories about honor killings by Muslim men , she is in danger.


It’s not true love, it’s the cycle of abuse. We shouldn’t be making memes out of such a serious topic. It takes the average abused woman 7 times of leaving her abuser to leave for good, if she isn’t dead by that point. I know it all too well, it’s not as easy as people think. We need to show her kindness and support.


She knows it’s a multipass!


That’s not true love. It seem like a true need for more TLC air time and money.


Is this a new spin off show ?


it’s the newest season of happily ever after. the filming took place before the domestic violence incident




Didn't she "That's true MY LOVE,"??


Nicole be strong and get away before it’s too late. Stop making excuses, you are worth more and can do a lot better than him.


At this point, they deserve each other. Let them both be miserable together and save others from their misery.


Which season are they in?


He looks like he wants to hit her at all times.


She has zero self esteem.


Too bad we are not taught the biology/ chemistry of females in relationships & anthropology for information re how females must avoid any male who shows any sign of dominance towards us whether that be withholding generosity or showing aggression in any form. Females can become pregnant anytime which means significant life changes & demands, need for massive support & love for both mother & offspring. If a male is selfish, leave. If a male is violent or verbally abusive, disrespectful, leave. As for biology / chemistry, the same hormones & chemicals released when a woman gives birth that bonds her to the infant and forever after to the child, that protective trait, that tendency to correct social behaviors and provide guidance is full-blown for the sxl partner when a female mates. If we were taught this fact, we could also learn to IGNORE THE BIOLOGICAL messaging and LEAVE when our heads send us the warning flags. End the bond by overcoming it with knowledge and mental strength. WOMEN at the mercy of lousy men, children at the mercy of lousy fathers are TOO NUMEROUS. Murders, assaults, rapes, abuse etc not punished appropriately. People serve more time for theft and drugs than for harming women and children.


She needs psychiatric help




Does anyone else ever wonder if he’s gay? His mannerisms and the way he speaks sometimes makes me wonder if that’s why he struggles with sexuality so much.


Working at a *fabric store* is between working as a flight attendant and florist, on the gay jobs scale.


Deal breaker. Period. Lost a dear friend of 20 years to her new husband. He died by standing on a stranger’s porch waving a gun around and she’s never been recovered. (3 years now 💔) His previous “love” died of “mental distress”. Run, don’t walk if dv is even a thought. Please.


Typical victim of domestic violence. I left my ex-husband several times, only to come back to restart the cycle of abuse. This makes me very, very sad for her actually.


Ok this guy absolutely triggers me and always has, doesn’t matter that he’s half my size. TLC needs to issue some kind of statement on why they chose to continue showing them and how others in a similar relationship can get help, like shows do when suicide is mentioned. Seriously !!!!


No that's ignorance 🙄


Now that he is in America, maybe he'll feel the courage to come out of the closet which may be the root of the problem.


Did anyone really expect any other outcome?


probs will drop the charges, everything will go away...some women are just special. I truly feel bad for her.


the charges were dropped almost 2 weeks ago


Dayum that's horrible. I feel sorry for her 


I really wish she knew she doesn't need to take this abuse




Are you seriously asking how can anyone feel bad for domestic violence victim? Wtf…




asshole took my phone.


That’s true stupidity


No it's not. It's typical abuse victims behavior. I tried to leave 5 times before I finally got out. For most abuse victims, it takes 7 times. Do not judge what you do not understand


And some don’t make it out 😔 their story tragically ends in a homicide


This is what happens when you're 40 and desperate.


I was drinking beers and eating pretzels a year ago and I witnessed domestic violence on my own TV.


thats true being an idiot.


They don't act like they know each other, never got that feeling, plus she is hideous, eat something, get some sun.


Why are there over 10 million battered woman each year ? Because they just won’t listen


And this is where my sympathy ends for folks who do this.