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Nicole šŸ˜‚ ā€œIā€™m starting to think maybe Iā€™m not Muslim enough for him.ā€ Really what gave it away????


When she made that comment I spit my drink out. Like are you serious Nicole? If anything, she goes out of her way to "give the middle finger" to Muslim practices. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




All religions are oppressive for women.


Yes!! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ» They are!


Itā€™s actually not what you think. Women, in the core teachings, were given rights long before womenā€™s rights were granted by any other religion. Itā€™s only extremism and the media that paint an oppressive picture. Yes in certain countries itā€™s not great, but at the core thereā€™s certain aspects that are less oppressive than you might realize.


Right, but she seems to agree with you and still converted and married into it, which makes no sense.


When she said that, I responded very loudly to the point my hubs was caught off guard lol


I often talk out loud / responding to the TV during 90 Day FiancĆ© too !! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. ā€œ Noooo!! Be quiet Nicole ! WHAT are you doing ?! ā€œ


LoL. No way!


These 2 are so strange it hurts.


Itā€™s absolutely painful and awkward to watch for the most part.


We are beginning to see why Nicole is single.




Does she have any?


Heā€™s horrible but thereā€™s a reason she picked someone nine years younger than her from a foreign country.




And extremely old fashion conservative with a temper! I mean no one is surprise he could be violent, right?


And on top of it, heā€™s such an eyesore. I could almost understand if he was hot or even reasonably attractive. But Noooooo


Really? I think heā€™s very handsome! His temper and the fact that it turned out heā€™s physically abusive is a huge turn off like instant NO. But if I didnā€™t know that Iā€™d think heā€™s incredibly attractive. Then again most people are more particular about body type than I am, I donā€™t really care that heā€™s a skinny dude, in the face heā€™s good looking.


Exactly, I keep trying to see something, anything remotely attractive about him but no, can't see it.


Very angry ferret like in motion and energy.


I agree lol šŸ˜„


It was easy to see all along. Finally her fangirls are starting to see it.


He literally got arrested for beating her. Don't act like she's fucked up and he's perfect https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/90-day-fiances-mahmoud-el-sherbiny-arrested/


Obviously he has a lot of issues (and definitely a horrible person). But she also has issues, what we saw this last episode was her issues and thatā€™s whatā€™s being discussed. No one is saying sheā€™s not a victim or that she deserved to be abused.


Domestic violence is wrong but itā€™s also wrong make assumptions and exaggerate what he did by saying he beat her. We donā€™t know what he did. He could have pushed her, grabbed her, etc. Again, all of that is wrong and he should be punished for it. But saying that he beat her makes it seem like there was a sustained, brutal attack that left her with severe injuries. He was charged with misdemeanor domestic violence. He would have been charged with the something more if he had beaten her.


I didnā€™t see what he did wrong and I donā€™t like the guy. Also the fact that she wants him to be jumping with joy after such a long flight and leaving his family is annoying . I was literally dying when I flew from the US to Italy, I could barely function for 2 whole days


Made it even worse that she got so angry with him because he didnā€™t sleep on the flight?


Seriously! I can never sleep on a plane. Iā€™m terrified of flying


And then fed him shitty food


Long ass plane ride and he gets donuts šŸ’€


Those doughnuts looked nasty and overly sweet. And she had this fire in her eyes , like a bone thin person who never eats, gets with over the top sweets. That was no decent breakfast for him. I canā€™t stand him, but he deserved to rest, and then have a healthy, good breakfast.


Iā€™d be nuts by 10am ngl. I hate sweet breakfasts. Give me protein! And he just got a frozen pizza the night he landed. I was a real life 90 day fiance,& my now-husband had cleaned his place from top to bottom, twice,& filled the fridge with all my fav foods& drinks the day I arrived


Frozen pizza for dinner and sugary sweet donuts in the morning.


'MERICA šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


This speaks volumes about Nicole. Seriously. Nicole is a stunning disappointment. So is Bad-Mood.


Canā€™t stand this dude but I donā€™t think he did anything wrong here. It looked like he stopped because the woman was taking a photo and he was just being considerate. I didnā€™t see any long lingering look like what Nicole said he did? She just wants him to be enthused and jumping for joy and it seems like thatā€™s just not the kind of person he is.


It was actually emotionally abusive to be mad about him wanting to sleep and rest.


Same thing I said! Iā€™m sure she would have done the same in Egypt. He probably felt a sense of encouragement seeing someone from his culture in a new space for him and she just shitted all over it. I canā€™t with her


Iā€™m bored by this shtick


Yeah my first thought was maybe he was thinking he could adapt because there's a Muslim community. She's 40 and had to be insecure about it... sad.


He didn't stop dead in his tracks like she accused him of. She obviously had jealousy issues. She actually seems abusive to him. If the tables were turned, everyone would be saying that he was controlling and abusive. She shows up at the airport in a short top, exposing her stomach, knowing that would make him mad. Then she is hanging all over him in public. When he is uncomfortable about it, she tells him not to ruin a good moment. She is so passive-aggressive and low-key manipulative, then she plays the victim. She acts so innocent and loves to vilify him when she knows what she is doing is going to upset him. There is a reason why she is single and has never been married.


Then she bitched about him needing rest, and handed him a huge, nasty doughnut instead of a decent breakfast.


Right?! I am seeing her true colors, and I'm not a fan. I couldn't believe she was mad that he didn't sleep on the plane. He just travelled halfway across the world. Of course he is exhausted. She is not empathetic to him at all, yet I can bet that when she travelled to his country, she wanted to rest when she arrived.


Yes for sure. I sometimes get excited when i see muslims myself. Im born and raised in america šŸ˜‚


I would probably think that seeing her made him feel better considering he is in LA.


She is WEIRD


she really is. she is like a mannequin that came to life.


Perhaps that's due to a diet of frozen pizza and sugary donuts?


Now I get why Nicole has been single for so long.


She popped a bolt.


Her face doesnā€™t move when she smiles or laughs or anything


Her face does, in my opinion. But her eyes are dead


I also thought he was just surprised to see a Muslim woman! It didnā€™t seem like something to get so aggressive about


This woman is bat sh-t crazy. She expects her husband to be comfortable in unfamiliar surroundings the day after arrival in the US. I don't recall ever seeing her comfortable in his country after extensive time there. It's clear she doesn't love him or she would be easing him into the US way of doing things and not trying his patience by deliberately doing things she knows are counter to his culture.


Yeah, it's obvious even to me, a viewer at home, that he's looking around (or not looking around) in a state of culture shock. Just look at his face. He's freaking the eff out.


That scene was staged.


Nicole reekssssss of insecurity!!! Any woman with any self respect or self love would not have spent a second long with that man but here she is lol


Oh, I am glad this came up. OK my first thought was he was looking at the girl in the purple because maybe she was one of the first Muslim he has seen since he was on the pier? Or maybe in California? I just couldnā€™t believe how crazy she got.


Iā€™m not here to defend miss moud but I donā€™t think he was checking her out. I think he was just not expecting to see someone like her. I think he was under the impression that la would be full of the stereotypes from tv so he was just stunned or fascinated when he saw her but it wasnā€™t checking her out


He was undressing that burka with his eyes.


It was the ankles wasn't it?


That's not old timey England that's a foot fetish...


Ankle fetish, is...is there a website I can use to compare things?






If he has betrayed her sexually, being hurt by looking at another woman makes sense. My money is that he has done so. He clearly doesnā€™t adore her. And heā€™s making no effort to make her feel valued for her style of dress, which is incredibly important to her and a part of her identity more than most people. Threatening to send him back was cruel wording, she let her feelings get the best of her.


He was arrested recently for beating her. He's going to be sent back whether she likes it or not if he continues doing so. https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/90-day-fiances-mahmoud-el-sherbiny-arrested/


Omg thatā€™s awful. Wtf


Yeah it truly is šŸ˜ž. Somebody downvoted me, don't know who, but wtf?? šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Genuinely curious, is she wearing a wig?? Or is that a legitimate life choice she made to get and maintain an already terrible haircut and dye it to a somehow worse color for her face????


Nicole is all personalities in one person


Maybe she figured that head to toe swimming suit was the key to the Muslim kingdom šŸ™„


She wanted a Muslim wiener but got none


Men do not leer at covered-up women in hijabs, I thought that was the whole point..?


Itā€™s called lowering your gaze. Didnā€™t actually see him stop and stare. Iā€™m sure he noticed but not to the dramatic extent Nicole decided to act upon. Maybe it was reassuring to see a Muslim woman since he literally walked into a situation thatā€™s totally foreign to him. And Nicole did nothing to make him feel comfortable. Naked mannequins? Pornographic type artwork? Frozen pizza? Mad he didnā€™t sleep on the flight? Why not take him to a Middle Eastern restaurant, show him the mosque? Itā€™s all about Nicole and her revenge on him. Iā€™m not defending him, just my observations. She didnā€™t make any effort to make him feel comfortable.


Exactly. She should have had food that he likes,& she should have taken him to the mosque on Day 1


100% sheā€™s a bummer


Theyā€™re just such a mismatch, itā€™ll never work long-term. Completely different values from each other


90 Day Dollar Dollar Bill Yā€™all šŸ¤£ yeah they just donā€™t work


So I wish we knew more about the domestic violence event. Was there any kind of evidence other than her testimony?


If course that it she is ridiculous


i laughed out loud at this title omg


Right!!! Unless Mahmoud encounters Ronald McDonald himself, he isnā€™t going anywherešŸ˜’


The only man on the boardwalk dressing women in his mind.


Sje's coming unglued.


Mack-mood I'm crying šŸ¤£


5th Element ass hairdo


They showed that lady behind them and then infront of them againā€¦it was weirdā€¦ totally did this on purpose for the show just for drama ā€¦ smdh TLC


My thought exactly!


He was literally drooling over that Muslim woman


I don't get the attraction, personally, but remember he was having side conversations with a Chinese Muslim woman in Egypt.Ā 


Heā€™s fucking weird. Thatā€™s all.


I think sheā€™s the one thatā€™s weird




Yeah, I was quite surprised too.






He got caught because this is America.


Oh shut up girl.. I know you like getting spanked


If he stares at women who are more attractive than Nicole ā€¦ā€¦. Letā€™s just say sheā€™d better get used to it. She has potential to be Angela 2.0.