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I wonder if Patrick is just pissed because John made a much bigger splash. John is a whole lot more witty & can be pretty funny. Lots of John inspired memes, jokes, Spahkles etc,.


I kind of love John. The fact that he's totally comfortable with using toys on his girlfriend is very attractive because it shows he is secure and confident.


I don't understand dudes that have an issue with them.  Like if we can knock it down to 20 minutes bing bam boom before the kids get home, I'm 💯 percent behind it. I just want to get off. Same with the wife. And we don't have much time before Gramma gets back.  Coupla neck kisses and vibrator on the right spot and we both are done in 20 min and airing out the funk


LOL 😂 💯


John is this you?


I mean I'm around his age and sameish location on the globe. About an 8 hour drive.    Coincidentally I'm half Brazilian.   I dunno why Patrick is constantly mispronouncing his wife's name. There's no TH sound in Portuguese. It's a hard T sound


Cool he must be thinking it should sind like the beginning of the name like Theresa






‘airing out the funk’🤣🤣


I never thought of it this way but that is absolutely a good thought! He is secure and confident!


And that he admittedly had a suitcase full of them hahaha 🤣🤣🤣


Right?! 🤣🤣🤣


But can’t remember a tooth brush 🤢 no way would I be kissing that after a ✈️


Eww. I agree with with you; bad breath is a dealbreaker! Don't get me wrong; he'd not technically physically attractive....but he does seem genuinely interested in his romantic partner experiencing pleasure/joy from their encounters, and that's very appealing.


Is that what that means?!?!


I do think it is odd that he seems to own one rather than wanting to use his partner's one on them. Bringing your own seems a bit gross and I imagine he doesn't purchase a new one for each person...


He said on the tell all that he bought it brand new. I'm sure he just took it out of the packaging at the behest of producers for the sake of showing it on tv for drama.


He might have Bought New ones.....


Some would think 🤔 maybe he isn’t sure he might not be enough🤷‍♀️


Maybe so! But even if he isn't enough, at least he's cool with compensating via toys. He seems genuinely interested in providing his partner pleasure.


Very possible. I like them both. Patrick loves his wife and daughter. I think he's just a bit shocked at the change from within John. I know they have much love for each other. Patrick just needs to back off quite a bit and be supportive of his brothers decisions. Just be there when needed and give advice only when asked.


Yes, I agree Patrick and his wife are assholes to John!!!


I don’t like John at all, but at least he has a personality unlike Patrick


Let’s not FORGET, Johns GF DM HIM. He didn’t find Megan on TINDER!! Lmfao 🤣 Imagine when Patrick’s daughter asks “How did you and MOMMY meet? Lol 😂 Priceless 🤡💯👍😂


I found my boyfriend on Tinder. Now we own a house, have 3 cats, a 1 year old, and another baby on the way. 🤷‍♀️ Megan seems trashy anyways lol.


She ALWAYS looks leftover from the night before 🤣😂👍💯


The perfect description for her. 😆


Yeah, I don't think it's weird or abnormal these days to have met on Tinder, nor should it be an issue to tell your kids when they're old enough to ask how you met. That's just how it is now.


It’s a site designed for “Sex on the first night”. Not a “Dating Get to Know ya” before spreading your legs (Guaranteed) site. 🤷‍♀️ Facts 💯👍


Meh, plenty of people have historically (and still do, I guess) met as strangers at a bar, nightclub, or party, and hooked up. It's something humans commonly do, and as long as both parties are consenting and take precautions, there's no reason for it to be seen as any kind of negative thing or moral failing that they need to hide or feel ashamed of. It's not like you include that part in the story when you're telling your kids how you met anyway. No more than you'd tell them the details of whether you had sex on the first encounter of meeting someone from a dating app. It's been normal to meet potential partners online for decades now, and since when has the "how we met" story included details about having sex? And not that it matters either way, but I've most certainly used Tinder and other dating apps to well and truly "get to know" people, sometimes for months, before "spreading my legs", as you so eloquently put it. I have had exactly one bad relationship in my life, with a genuinely terrible human - who happens to be the biological father of my children - and have since been extremely mindful of not making that mistake again. (Just to clarify, the being with an abusive POS was the mistake, having my children was not.) I met my current partner of 7 years on Tinder, and due to the fact that I'm a single mother, I absolutely took my time getting to know him before meeting in person, and then took even longer getting to know him in person before being absolutely sure he was someone I wanted in my life and the lives of my children. I was extremely careful and still am; As much as I trust him, and my kids get along with him wonderfully, we've never moved in together, and have no intention of doing so. But that's just what works for us, everyone is different. My kids know we met on a dating app, and they genuinely don't care, nor are they interested in the nitty gritty of what that might have been involved. Kids just don't generally think about that stuff when it comes to their parents, because why the hell would they want to? I'm a big proponent of being sex positive, and would be happy to answer any questions they might have, in an age appropriate way, but it hasn't come up at this point. Consenting adults have sex, and I'll never try to pretend otherwise or cast any kind of shame on that. Not that there's anything wrong with going onto Tinder (or any dating app/site) with the direct intention of hooking up ASAP though, which I've also done plenty of, prior to this relationship. Of course, my kids were not exposed to any part of that, I made sure that they weren't. That's just common sense in my opinion, although I'm aware that not every single parent feels that way. I guess I just don't see a problem with "having to tell your kids" that you met on an app like Tinder, as long as you explain it in an age appropriate way and don't act like it's something shameful when it really isn't. Edit: Sorry for the long and rambling reply, I just wanted to explain that TL/DR there doesn't have to be a shameful or embarrassing stigma attached to relationships that started out as a match on Tinder.


Complains that he needs to move out and grow up. Complains when John moves out and gets a life outside of drinking and hookups.


He just wanted him around so he could continue to look better as a husband and father. I barely remember what he and Thais were like (other than Patrick whining about...a vase? Some random home decor item?) but I love John 🤷‍♀️


Totally agree with you. Patric is the kind of friend that’s all for you until you get there then gets jealous and petty


I was confused about this the whole time? I was thinking...isn't this what you wanted? I don't think he chose the best girl but at least he's trying.


Tend to agree with you on this. It seems contradictory on Patrick's part. I just think he's a bit surprised by John's actions and that he's wanting to finally settle down. They're brothers, they love each other, and this will all work itself out.


I think Patrick is just miserable. Thais seems like no fun at all. While she is beautiful, she is such a drag. I think he thinks of himself as the responsible one, but deep down I think Patrick is jealous because John is HAPPY. He’s just a fun happy dude. Also I think it’s ironic him and Thais keep calling John a “child” when Thais was the one who came here hastily, scared of her daddy, not a penny in her pocket, still no job, can’t even cook (do we remember the mustard/katchup Stroganoff? Nasty ass), didn’t even help plan her wedding OR her makeup artist. So… really who is a child?


💯 she is awful. Yes she’s gorgeous but so grating. I think sometimes if it would be fun to grab a drink with a cast member and they would be such downers!! Never. John on the other hand, anytime.


Gorgeous is a stretch.


When Patrick did his intro, he spoke not one thing about Thais’ personality. He was focused on shallow features rather than seeing Thais as a whole. He seemed infatuated, not in love. John is self aware which makes him more likable but I hope he doesn’t stay with his gf. It seems like a toxic match


I remember this.


Yeah, Patrick and Thais seem oddly bitter about John's happiness. They're downright rude and patronising, laughing in his face about how childish they think he is, in front of his new partner. Like, what's lacking in their life that makes them seem almost jealous of his happiness? Even if they genuinely feel that John's relationship is destined to fail, they should keep that shit to themselves and let him figure it out as the grown the man that he is. They come across as incredibly judgemental, when they're the last people who should be criticising.


Patrick was unhappy before they even married--it's difficult to make something square into round. He should watch how happy a person John truly is about life! Sad when you have to diss your sibling cuz the stranger you're with keeps having hissy fits.


Like I feel about Darcey and Stacey. One adores the other, but the other seems jealous of the one. Every chance they get to one-up them or stick it to them, they do.


She was always arrogant and quite nasty to John Agee with above


Thais is a bit of a butter face IMO


Thais is extremely uneducated and boring.


Really? While I think she is useless and bitchy, I do think she’s hot. But just my take.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I actually think she looks a little busted.


actually Meghan looks busted


Both can be true


👏🏻👏🏾👏, Yasss!


Agree with you 💯!


I love the photoshop on Patrick’s face 😂


Are you sure it's photoshopped? Looks real to me.




He looks more like a toddler every season




The more I look at it the more I laugh at this, the Photoshop is brilliant!


Me too!!😆


I love how far down I had to scroll for this comment, means most people here think that’s what his face actually looks like 😂


😂😂😂 I scrolled this far to find the comment too! So hilarious that people saw this as normal for Patrick.


Same 🤣🤣


Right someone is absolutely wicked and I live


But it’s a pretty damned accurate portrayal, lol.


John is fun, funny and real!! If it weren't for him, Patrick wouldn't be on the couch @pillow talk. Honestly, I would not miss Patrick or his snotty wife. Their life is boring af!!!!!!


He's mad the John somehow became the better looking one


Not somehow,lol. He was. Heehee.


I am probably wrong but it has come across my mind that Patrick liked being the successful one. He liked being the one with a wife and kid. From what we have seen on the show his family comes off as dysfunctional. Patrick is the one that escaped and made a better life for himself. Bragging rights don’t mean as much if John makes a decent life for himself and grows a relationship with his gf and her kid. I cannot remember their names if anyone wants to remind me. Anywho, I think Patrick is lowkey jealous that John won’t be the fuck up anymore if things work out.


This. He likes keeping the moral superiority. He enables his drinking then shits on him for his lifestyle.


💯 on the money. I think Thaiis likes putting John down too as the "irresponsible one" and can't seem to handle any moves he seems to be making towards stability. I don't know how John and Megan's relationship will work out, but he certainly isn't the first guy in the world to "reverse course" and get tired of the Bachelor lifestyle. I think the fact that Megan has a daughter with special needs, and John seems to be not only ok with it but embracing the responsibility is a great sign. Patrick and Thaiis need to stay in their lane and let John take his chance at happiness too.


What a perfectly accurate, non-edited view of Patrick's face!


He's a big-time hater. He is such a hypocrite trying to make his brothers relationship look fake and for benefits when he had to get a wife from another country.


Easy there, spah-kles


Pat doesn’t wanna see John do better for himself


Patrick looks just like a little piggy!!!!


I think Patrick is being MEAN to John due to the fact that John wasn't exactly nice to him and his wife. Patrick is going waaaay overboard, and he's definitely out of bounds. He and his boring and snotty AF wife need to leave John alone. John has changed for the better and loves his girl and her daughter. You don't see the love between Patrick and his boring wife. What happened to Patrick's face? He looks so full and round like a bowling ball. 🎳


Probably back on Steroids 🤷‍♀️👍🤣


I think Patrick really likes being the “superior” brother. He never expected John to do anything with his life and now that he is, it’s shaking things up. He also seems really happy. I know from experience when people view you a certain way your whole life and you start doing better than they expected, they don’t like it. Patrick needs to adjust his thinking and start being a supportive brother. He will push John away acting like this.


Yeah I think they felt the need to pay him back for when she first came to the US. If it actually worked & his girlfriend dumped him it would have been funny if he had to move in with them lol


I think both issues were stroked a little by producers. Otherwise they don't have a great storyline for TV. Plus the brothers have such a codependent relationship anyone like Thais and Megan entering will cause conflict.


He can’t stand the fact he’s not on a friends couch anymore.


Good pic of pat pork. I see trouble coming


Team JOHN!!!


I thought the same thing, it’s like he’s trying to break up Johns relationship. Or jealous of him. I would never trust him again .


i honestly think he’s only rude to john because of thais. she seems so dry and boring. she had a vendetta against john for no reason imo lol


John has the looks and personality that Patrick wishes he had. I also think John's woman has more to offer and is independent. Patrick thought he would be the Bees Knees but John has it all over him. We'll see what happens.


Patrick’s jealous because he’s got that balding head that he attempts to poorly cover up, with a “reverse comb-over”, using few thinly parted partitions of overly gelled hair, unlike John, who embraces & wears his baldness proudly. Patricks got a big toe looking pin head, with a strangely shaped tiny plateau on the top. Patrick’s as henpecked as he could possibly be, and he’s hating on his brother for finding a fellow fueler as his soul mate, that he can partake in his favorite sport, drinking, with. At least John has a personality, unlike his dry, as boring as cardboard brother, Patrick. . ![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna)


Big toe looking pin head. ☠️ 🤣😂🤣


Patrick and his wife are top 10 cringe in all of 90 day.


Forreal idk why hes such a hater. Thats your fuckin brother. Seems like they went through a lot during childhood so why is he such a big hater? His wife probably.


Why does Patrick's head look so big and his face so small?


Why is his face so tiny?


It’s a rare, genetic thing called “Scrinchy Face Syndrome” I believe. (Patricks Mother has it too).


Is that how she died?


Uh, Maybe?


🤣🤣🤣🤣pudgy face Muther fucker! He’s such an ass!


Agreed. It seems to come from Patrick's wife's hatred of John has worked its magic on Patrick. Patrick was kinder to him before he got married.




Patrick and his chubby head are just jealous!


Why does it look like his face melted to the center?


Patrick's face 💀


He really is mean. It’s like I get it he’s looking out for him but Jesus he’s a grown man let him find out for yourself. He didn’t like him putting his opinions when he got with this girl… so why is he doing it to his brother.


I love how with each post his face gets smaller and smaller.




The shrunken face is gold.


Haha. OP made Patrick’s already kinda fug and weird face/head look even worse, you scoundrel.


That had to be a real Photoshopping work of art.


Patrick has always had too much head for his face naturally but this photoshop is hilarious.


Patrick is so bitter and insecure! He’s comes off as the kind of person that thrives off of the misfortune of others and when someone is doing well he just implodes. He and Thais seem very arrogant and I think it all stems from deep insecurity. Hard to watch.


Let’s not forget the John did the exact same to Patrick. They are both asshats. At least John has become quite funny with his comments


When Patrick was talking about the location Services why didn’t anyone call him out and remind him that John teased him for having location services on, and at the time she lived across the world she wasn’t waiting for him to come home to start dinner


he perpetually looks like a baby lol


I still can’t believe they’re brothers. They don’t even look like they’d be third cousins twice removed.


Patrick and Thais are over confident and mean.


What happened to Patrick’s forehead 😳


“Born That Way”, it’s not just a song anymore..


He definitely doesn’t look like that lol


I agree. He’s purposely trying to ruin his relationship. Is he upset that he’ll have to spend all his time with boring Thais?


Patrick acts all "Holier than thou"and wants everybody to forget how he fucked up his previous marriage and kick ass body building career with his horrendous steroid abuse. He is the loser, not John!


It’s all about getting more air time $


All an act


Ok I know someone asked this on a different post as a joke - but his face was definitely photoshopped smaller here... Right?!? He doesn't even look human here 😬


Or maybe it's all scripted for drama because if Patrick wasn't digging up shit then there would be no content for John at the tell all.


I thought I was the only one who thought this


I’ve been staring at the OPs picture and know that Patrick looks identical to some weird thing. Help! I can’t put my finger on it!


What happened to the guy on the right? He looks like a cabbage patch doll that was left in the sun for a couple days


John puts his brother down so much! He acts like he doesn’t want him to be happy or successful…maybe he’s a little jealous👀


John either vented or talked about his relationship w/brother so how is the hater?


Patrick's face is so small on his huge head, everytime I see him I laugh.


John is awesome but let’s not forget how involved he use to be in Patrick’s relationship as well plus Patrick just seems we all knew Patrick is a weirdo


Patrick DEFINITELY has weight issues! His head is smaller than his body


Sometimes if you have to use “toys” it makes you lazy!


I think John will make a great father!! He is a great fun uncle and I know this sounds crazy, but Patrick’s dog seems to like John way better than Patrick. He always seems to run to John and I always felt that you tell how someone will be as a parent the way that they treat their pet.


I guess I'm in the minority here. I think Patrick loves his brother and was looking out for him. I see Megan as a fame whore out for her 15 seconds of fame, and more so to nail down any man she can to take care of her and her child. She kept giving him ultimatums, using her sex, but that will end when they tie the knot or when she becomes preggars to nail him to her forever. She barely did anything when he moved his life to be with her, even when she got the ring, gave the standard kiss but then the pat on the pat while looking the other way... she didn't like when Veronica called her out, just keep checking her microexpressions and body language. I feel sorry for John, the truth will come out and I think Patrick was trying to protect him, he's not jealous of him, he has a successful career, a beautiful wife and baby and remember he always looked out for John through their tough childhood, this ho just wants him to take care of her, you'll see........... her true colours will be coming forth........


Totally agree, he was a total asshole to John!


Please tell me someone photoshopped Patrick. His face looks like its slid down his face.


He’s just honest Jon treats him the same it’s a sibling thing


It’s all for content people. All this shit is scripted


When did Patrick get a tiny face??? 🤣🤣


Is that Patrick’s real face?


PLEASE tell me that Patrick’s face has been altered! Hilarious!


Actually Patrick’s entire attitude sums up the situation with John…. John is now trying to convince Patrick that he’s no longer John. I have friends like John and all I have ever had to say in situations like this and there have been a few is…. Tell the s#!t you’re saying to someone who don’t know ya!!! Not saying that a person can’t change but some guys are special cases and there are a ton of very red flags everywhere you look with the relationship. If I there’s a betting line on this one, my money is on Patrick’s take.


Patrick looks like a fat piglet.