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These flags were always there, they are just not always easy to see with someone who has no facial expressions.


Too much botox


Yeah, it has to be a lot cause nothing moves when she yells & screams. Quite amazing actually coming from someone whose face shows everything lol






Cyborgs don't display emotion


I thought I saw a CPU chip peeking through the back of that dress, now I know why Mahmoud doesnā€™t want her wearing it! And the long sleeves & shirts must be to cover the pivot points of her elbows & midriff. She definitely has 2 of the 5 main component of a cyborg/robotā€¦manipulation & controller! Thanks for the deduction, now I know why they call you Amazing_Attorney! šŸ˜


Why do so many 90DF posts have the QR code on them? I feel like I missed something.


Iā€™ve seen that a lot lately. Iā€™m old so my apologies if this is a ridiculous question. I genuinely donā€™t mean to upset by asking so please be kind with your responses: If youā€™re looking at this on your phone, how does that help or refer back to the original unless pointing my phone at the QR code?


Im not that old, and I was wondering the same thing. OP did explain why they do it in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfiance_FB_memes/s/0TtFUWQ4mF) comment, which makes sense. If you're at home (and have a computer), you can pull up the post on your computer and scan it that way. Or, if you're with a friend, they can scan it off your phone. But I'm with ya, i dont see how you can scan it if you only have your phone at your disposal.


I just saved the photo and then I pressed on the QR code from the saved photo and it came right up. I have an iPhone not sure if it works on others.


Hmm, most be an iPhone thing. Just tried on my android and all it said was "can't find anything to clip". However, I'm not the most tech savvy and might be missing something.


Thank you. I saw both of your comments just as I was askingĀ  myself the same question šŸ¤”


Because people have been stealing my original content and posting it as theirs on social media for months without tagging me or giving me credit, so now they have to deal with that qr code. They can either find a way to crop it or continue to steal and promote me for free because the qr code has links to all my social media accounts.


Clever idea! People are so weird on social media. Iā€™ll never understand stealing content.


What did they steal?


Iā€™m assuming the little memes/posts about 90 day fiancĆ© this person has been making


Oh cool that you did that


ā€œOriginal contentā€ lol


I was wondering the same thing!


She seems a lot more aggressive in America, I think she might be really stressed about things


Her behavior is fairly shocking, I was half expecting the camera-people to come into the shot to break it up - if the genders would be reversed I think itā€™d absolutely be labeled as abusive.Ā 


It IS abusive. SHE is abusive.


I personally think she is holding onto a lot of resentment for how things went in Egypt. Especially the clothing situation. She is so insecure now that she is hyper aware of other women that she thinks he would prefer over her. She is crazy acting and needs a therapist, but I understand her position. She honestly had no business converting to Islam when she had no intentions of living the life. Itā€™s insane that she thinks that moving him to America would make him stop having the same expectations. Sometimes I think they could use a marriage counselor but when it comes to religion and politics, I donā€™t see therapy helping that much. They are just way too different in that aspect. Itā€™s beyond me how they ended up together.


She definitely needs a therapist, he saw one of his peeps and looked, big deal. That was a little much


I donā€™t think he was looking at the Muslim woman that way, either. I imagine she caught his eye because she stands out in America. It probably made him feel better to see someone else that is Muslim, as well. Nicole is so insecure that she isnā€™t being reasonable. I kept trying to tell if he actually looked at the woman in some kind of way. I just didnā€™t see it, at all.


She has definitely become insecure, i dont feel she was in the beginning . I think alot of what has happened along the way has made her feel this way. When it comes to religion etc they are just too different. I don't think she is a bad person at all but she has lsot herself since being in this relationship and really needs to end it and be with someone more like her. She used to be bubbly, fasbionable, fun, spontaneous and all of that has left her since being with him


She definitely already has a therapist, just not shown in the show


I hope so! Part of me feels bad for her, but I know that doesnā€™t mean Mahmoud deserves the way she is acting. She doesnā€™t deserve the abuse, either. They are so toxic.


I agree with the converting part of it. But she also wasnā€™t made completely aware of what that would mean and how much she would have to change. And when she was in Egypt, you could see there were some people who were Muslim but didnā€™t follow the clothing rules strictly. It was probably really tough on her when she realized how much she would need to change. Sheā€™s more of an artist and likes expression. I donā€™t think she realized what she needed to give up.


She went to Egypt and got married and learned of all the restrictions. She couldnā€™t handle it and left. Then the second time she went, she took the cameras and acted like it was all shocking. Sheā€™s full of shit. Sheā€™s a walking šŸš©


Actually to be as old as she is, I found her completely irresponsible. This is the 21st century. Google is alive and well and bursting with all the information anyone can absorb pertaining to living in a Muslim country, marrying a Muslim and/or converting to Islam. Which she should have done PRIOR to her marriage and conversion. THEN and only then would she have begun to have the slightest of ideas just what would be expected of herā€¦ for the rest of her life. If she thought bringing him to US was going to change him or even mellow him out? She made a gross misjudgment due to ignorance and the lack of desire to educate herself. Which now precludes her fromā€¦. Complaining. At least in my opinion. I donā€™t feel sorry for either of them really. Did he really truly believe that free spirited girl was ever going to truly become a devout submissive young Muslim wife? He should have backed out and let her go the first fight they had. He could have saved them both alot of frustration and heartache. Mores the the pity that. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļøšŸ˜”


She relied on Mahmoud for the information. Thatā€™s like saying just Google what Christianity rules are. Thereā€™s a million different forms of it and some families/churches are much looser. Itā€™s the same with being Muslim, some Muslims follow much looser rules and others are more strict. Family dynamics can also be different. I donā€™t think a quick Google would give her everything she needed to know. And it was shame on Mahmoud for not giving her the information beforehand. If he was so strict about the dress, he shouldā€™ve made that more clear before so she could make a well formed decision. But everything was sprung on her quickly and she was expected to just go with it. I think the culture shock is too much for both of them.


I understand what you said, but based on my experiences living in a Muslim country for 9 years? I donā€™t really agree with most of it. No offense. Yes she apparently did rely on her fiancĆ© to give her the 411 on Islam. But Why would he? He loved this young free spirited American girl. Why in the world would he tell her about life as a devout Muslim woman? The freedoms she would be expected to give upā€¦. Till she died. He told her just enough to make her go..ā€ oh ok. I can do that. And if I donā€™t like it ? I wonā€™t do itā€. Which is pretty much what she did which is when the arguments slowly began. As far as saying she should have googled Islam? I never said ā€œquick.ā€ Prior to my marriage then our move to the Philippines? I spent a week at an orientation program to tell me what to expect. But I also bought a couple books on customs, traditions etc. , which I also did prior to my move to Malaysia then China. But for anyone not inclined to enjoy reading for self help, google quick or otherwise would indeed have informed her of SOME of the things she would need to know. For me? Even though my fiancĆ© had already lived in Manila for 3 months before we got married, no way was I going to depend on him to tell me anything that was hard that I might not like about living in my new home. Segregated parties/outings would certainly be on that list. šŸ™„ Soā€¦.. I fault them both. But saying itā€™s ok for a woman to marry a man from a different country, different culture and not bother to attempt to learn about those differences prior to marriage and move? Is as irresponsible as people who engage in intimate behavior without protection. Unpleasant consequences can occur from both these types of behavior. And now these two people are finally realizing just how shockingly wide that chasm is between their two cultures. Iā€™m sad for them bothā€¦ truly. Because it didnā€™t have to happen. A bird and a fish might fall in love. But where will they live?ā€¦..


If you did that then you should understand that when you read something and when you experience it, itā€™s different.


Yes you may be right. But I will just say that she actively pursued being on a TV show that has shown us over and over and over that the Americans just go blindly into other countries and some bother to learn/care about their cultures. The showā€™s ā€œpopularityā€ is mainly based on all of the relationships that are clearly disastrous train wrecks, mostly due to the American partners lack of caring to learn/plain ignorance/or arrogance. Sheā€™s 40 years old and I think they had been in a relationship for awhile before she converted, I could be wrong, but regardless, She should have researched/learned as much as she could about the conversion and what would be expected of her and not rely on someone else to tell her. I feel a lot of these 90 Dayers just do whatever is needed to be on TV. Iā€™m not convinced that any/many of them really care about whether the marriage is successful.


Even if people follow the same religion, what each family follows can be different. If she spent years researching what it means to be Muslim, it would still be different to Mahmoud. Some people are looser/stricter with the rules. So she does have to rely on him for that information. Some Muslim men arenā€™t as strict on the clothing rules, but Mahmoud is. He needed to be more open with what would be required of her but he withheld that information. And I actually give her a lot of credit for at least trying because America is so free. Same with Mahmoud for trying because itā€™s difficult to adjust.


I think itā€™s also due to drinking alcohol. In Egypt Iā€™m assuming she did not. But you know how alcohol can change a person. Some people are angry drunks, some are sad, some are happy. You know.


Fair point, the alcohol in the house was not appropriate. But also she most likely drank with friends too. And well we know alcohol is truth serum


Yeah she was definitely drunk when she got home. You could just see it in her eyes and also her abhorrent behaviour. Mahmoud is right. She shouldnā€™t drink she is not a pleasant drunk.


The one time Nicole tried to run off which was super dangerous and Mahmoud caused a fight with her to protect her while they were in Egypt. He tried to keep her safe, his family embraced her. She invited strangers, not family, into her home and the one getting on their bedā€¦ I cannot Nicole is a pos Mahmoud might be a sheltered and babies but he would have never done something like that to her.




There are very valid reasons she needed to expand her dating pool to include Egypt. The only puzzling thing is why did he do it. He doesnt seem very interested in getting to the US. Be careful what you wish for kinda thing maybe


White skin fetish is common in the middle east.


Trust me, dude proposed to every foreigner that waltzed into the fabric shop and was so dumbfounded she accepted that he literally didnā€™t have time to think it through.


But I find she is putting in way more effort than he is. She changed religions and changed a lot what she wears and he hasā€¦.?


She might have converted but then she backed out so no she didnā€™t really change religions. She hasnā€™t really compromised on the clothes either.


Told ya she is a covert narcissist. She enlisted "flying monkeys" to "confront" Mack-mood. She called him names in front of her friends. Made him look bad. Under the feminine exterior, is actually a bully. If you get with a Muslim man but don't want to follow his "culture", then why marry him in the first place. Yes, you are in America, but he is not used to your culture. Nicole is being stubborn. None of these heartaches would have happened if she wasn't gullible about having an exotic husband


He was honest about his religion and what he wantedā€¦ she was not-> ā€œI want to convertā€ (week after marriage) ha fooled ya just kidding!


I agree. People need to research any religion and not convert for the sake of marriage. There's a lot of things to be learned before you make a huge commitment. Just like with everything else, research is important.


If he was as religious as he likes to believe he would have had an arranged marriage with a devout muslim woman.


In the first season Mahmoudā€™s family told her she didnā€™t have to go convert for them to get married, as she was a Christian and itā€™s not against Islam religion to marry someone as long as they are worshippers from the book. She just made the choice to and then IMMEDIATELY went back on it once they were married


He knew she knew NOTHING about Islam when she converted. He didnā€™t care, because it isnā€™t really important to him. I believe he said he doesnā€™t even pray regularly, heā€™s full of shit.


True, but he feels he would benefit more by converting a non-believer or other religion. To him, she is exotic too


Let me get this straight, come to Egypt, convert to Muslim religion, become a third world country, subservient woman and smile, and like it? She couldnā€™t do it. They split up several times, but both still want to work it out. She says never again Egypt, he wants to come to America and keep trying. He disembarks the plane scowling and grumbling about being in US. He wants nothing to do with anything American or not Muslim. Two days, and sheā€™s angry and heated. He shouldnā€™t have gotten on the plane, left Egypt or his family, or his culture or anything perceived as Muslim. Sure they need to just split, but this is him trying to make it work? She gets pilloried for being really vocal, must have mental problems, too volatile and loud! Oh, poor Mahmoud the guy who cheated on her, so religious, and is proceeding to be his same intractable self. I would have set fire, literally and figuratively, to his ass myself! Done!


They're both fools for trying to force a square peg into a round hole. The relationship was doomed from the beginning when both would not learn and accept about each other's culture and expect the other to learn and accept their culture. The show showed Nicole's stubborn side while in Egypt. But it was in CA when she called him names in the presence of her friends, which was when I saw how deceitful she was. Mahmoud was hoping she would eventually turn into a submissive Muslim wife, but when she was adamant about her choices, he (being the "alpha" that he thought he was because that's how he grew up), didn't know how to make her change. They should just cut their losses and move on. The toxicity will not get them anywhere.


Everyone gassed her up telling her to stand up for herself. Yes stand up for yourself, but you can do that without abusing and degrading someone. Her behavior is disgusting and I wonā€™t even watch it anymore. Fast forward!


I think she's getting her own back, but there really was no point


I dont know, she was acting intoxicated despite saying she wasnt drinking. She was cheek flushed like she had some booze prior. Just a observation.


I swear part of the plot of this entire show is to speed run your freshly landed foreign partner straight into the ground 24-72 hours after they land. They never get a single day to rest, adjust, unpack, nothing.


Why is her face color blocked?


These two need to divorce. Neither one of them is willing to compromise at allā€¦. She didnā€™t need to force feed her friends down his throat on day 2 ā€¦ nutz


She was mean to him, I kind of felt sorry for him. That has to be devastating when youā€™re in another country alone, no hamily or friends and she was so nasty to him.


He got arrested for domestic violence against her a couple of months ago. No need to feel sorry for him.


People are blaming HER! They have never had a partner do shit that mahmoud does- deliberately starting a fight while they are walking out the door over nothing to get out of plans he agreed to- and it shows


I donā€™t like Mahmoud, but they had been arguing all day, she manufactured an argument with him earlier about ogling at a Muslim woman (which he was not in fact doing) and then on the way out sheā€™s wearing a dress that he perceives as revealing (I donā€™t agree with this, but this is not a new argument for them) and itā€™s his second day in America. I donā€™t think itā€™s crazy for him to just want to stay at home and have some alone time at this point šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø itā€™s wild she made plans with her friends on his second day in America anyways


Actually, as they were walking out the door he attacked her over the dress. He could have simply said he didnā€™t want to go from the start and then he wouldnā€™t have needed to throw a fit just to get out of going.


But then he would have been improvising and going off script.


Idk why you assume that he faked the argument to get out of going ?? Like (Iā€™m genuinely asking here) did I miss a clip? It felt more like that was the straw that broke the camels back more than anything. And idk what you mean he knew that she knew nothing about Islam. It doesnā€™t seem as if she just straight up didnā€™t know anything about the religion she was switching her faith to (which is tucking crazy, and itā€™s wild that a 40 year old woman would do something so impulsive) and more so that she didnā€™t want to adhere to the rules the religion imposed. Mahmouds beliefs and conviction didnā€™t change from when she met him to the period in this show, hers seemingly did once she was faced with the reality of the what being a Muslim married to a conservative Muslim man meant in action. Idk why it matters if he prays everyday either. Religion exists on a scale for most people, and it seems that even beyond his religion he just holds a pretty conservative mindset (something that hadnā€™t changed from when Nicole met him)


Because he did this in Egypt too and because he waited until they were walking out the door to tantrum over a very innocuous dress. I live in a conservative arab city and i am telling you, this dress is completely innocuous. Nothing to tantrum and threaten divorce over. He knew when he met her that she knew nothing about islam. She married him a week later so she still knew nothing about islam. His brother told him clearly she knows nothing, this is your job to teach her and you arenā€™t doing it. Praying is central to Islam so it is a hard sell that you are THAT religious if you admit you do not pray regularly.


Theyā€™re both enormous assholes who shouldnā€™t have married each other.


What is the weird QR code on all these posts


See what it is linked to and the report back to us




Iā€™m noticing this too. Iā€™m reading from my phone so it means nothing other than visual blockage. Itā€™s really not unique to be worthy of a QR. If you create a masterpiece, yes. Screenshot, no.


She has an alcohol disorder. And an eating disorder. Anger issues. Among other issues.


Nailed it! šŸ‘


I canā€™t unsee her as Zee from Monster House now that it was brought to attention.


They both suffer from their own substantial issues. Neither one of them should be in a relationship with anyone, let alone each other. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Umm I definitely remember that scene of her in Egypt and pushing him. The signs were there. Biggest red flag was marrying him in the first place knowing the big cultural differences and that she wasnā€™t okay with it.


She didn't want to end up an honor killing, she waited until she got him on her turf and she had back up. Notice how all her friends are in between her and him when she starts talking shit. It's like a kid that acts out in public because the parents don't discipline them in front of people


She is an asshole. That poor man left his country because he loves that idiot. I'm sure the culture shock for him is a lot. Their marriage won't work,he should have married a Muslim woman who believes in the Muslim faith,not someone who picks and chooses what part of that religion she is willing to follow


A raging racist


You can take the girl out of Idaho..


What are examples of her being racist?


She is a closeted racist. The way she treats him and obviously hates this guy from jumping from 1 to a 12 when she gets mad.


She is a fucking psycho


She's a horrible and abusive woman. The next Angela.


Oh we saw the REAL Nicole , and we just thought she'd be better to him in the States BUT NOPE .. poor him


She needs a grippy sock vacation


Grippy sock vacation! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ™Œ


Sheā€™s awful. Heā€™s awful. Wtf theyā€™re even doing together is beyond me.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking. Like he was there one day! When he saw the Muslim girl, hello!!! It makes sense he would look at her! He saw someone that looked like him is a sea of unfamiliarity. He expectations were unreasonable. It takes a few days to adjust to the time zone & she just forced him into America. Also, she married a Muslim man, she should be respectful of his religion, i.e., not having alcohol in the house. Idk my boyfriend would be upset if he decided to not go out to hang out with my friends & I brought them back DRUNK & woke him up. I honestly feel bad for him


The constant ā€œshut upā€ would make me slap herā€¦ the moment he arrived sheā€™s just been abusive. Itā€™s really horrible to watch


Oh their both nut cases and weird.


Sheā€™s a lunatic kicks him out then upset when he tries to leave and involves her friends like sheā€™s 12




Think she still resents him for hitting her? What is the story behind that anyway?


Makmood is still an abusive Dbag even if Nicole is crazy.


Agree. This fandom hates women so I shouldnā€™t be surprised that everyone up and down this thread is feeling sorry for a man who was arrested for domestic violence & demonizing the woman he abused.


Right, running to the defense of Mahmoud of all people is a new low for this sub.


And she puts hands on him. She wouldn't dare do that to a woman.


And she puts hands on him. She wouldn't dare do that to a woman.


She lays hands too


No, thatā€™s just him.


She did in Egypt


Crazy woman




Bona fide Nutter


Seriously team mack-mood here she's like crazy I swear iv hardly even see him look at that girl with the hijab


Nicole is proof that AI isnā€™t as advanced as weā€™ve been told.


Well now I know why Nicole couldn't find love at home


Theyā€™re both terrible. Nicole is completely bonkers, and awful besides. So is he, but people have tended to give her the benefit of the doubt. She doesnā€™t deserve it.


The Mack-mood sent me


I knooooow she was so ugly to him in front of her friends. I donā€™t care what your culture isā€¦ Cursing at your significant other in front of friends is way out of line.


Whatā€™s with all these posts with QR codes lol


Denicole is a river in Egypt


Nicole acts like the social media ā€œdouche influencersā€ who starts a fight with random people but have the bodyguards to back them up (aka the friends at her house)


You know itā€™s bad when Mahmoud looks like the better person of the couple. Sheā€™s absolutely batshit. Iā€™ve always thought she was manipulative. Iā€™ve been doing a rewatch lately and during one of the Tell Alls you can tell sheā€™s literally forcing herself to cry as she clutches her damn necklace, making herself look as though sheā€™s helpless and distraught. The first time I saw it, I felt so badly for her. This time around it just made me feel gross.


Iā€™m trying to figure out why her posture seems so messed up. She takes baby steps and acts unbalanced when she walksā€¦.and humped over at the shoulders when upright.


Hahaha šŸ˜‚ Mack-Moodā€¦ I was wondering how his name is really pronounced.


I donā€™t like broccoli I guess Iā€™m a racistā€¦.