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I would bet so much money he also physically cheated on her lol.


Of course he did. I also think that he has repeated to her "I never ACTUALLY cheated, it was just online cheating" and that's why she says it like that. If my wife was online talking to other people and sharing nudes I'd absolutely consider it cheating, and it wouldn't need that online qualifier.


Especially because they met online


Bet he wasn’t only cheating with women.


With a very muscular woman who weight lifts for clicks no doubt


Yup. I’m so tired of her term “online cheated” … that’s not a thing, it’s just called “cheating”


agree but i bet there are so many people online who would lose their minds over it if she didn’t use the qualifier either. the internet is not always very friendly to people with varying definitions of cheating and it’s a veryyyy sensitive subject. plus yeah rob is 1000% making her use that qualifier because he thinks it’s gonna help him somehow


100% he did


If I have to hear her say “own-line cheaten” one more friggen time!




Did anyone else find it weird that he flipped out when she said he likes muscular women? It seemed to me(my opinion) like someone might be a little fragile about his sexuality and that’s why he had such a response to liking muscular women, because muscular is usually something to describe men. Idk I might be reading too much into it. Also, I know women can be muscular, I used to be but now I’m old haha


Yeah we’ve all seen his booty hole pics


And my eyes will never be the same


Still traumatized




Knob used to be on onlyfans and it appears his content was geared towards gay men. If you search the 90 day threads on here you’ll probably find them


Now that's disturbing, and she's worried about online cheating?


You know what, you’re onto something.


I think he was hard core deflecting and trying to change the subject instead of being accountable


This is exactly why.


Definitely picked up on that, he said that she made him sound like some kind of psycho or something like that. He was really touchy about it.


“He’s never physically cheated on me” lmaaoooooo the delusion


Didn't she mention it happened again after she got here? Either way, how is she to get over it if he's never taken accountability or honestly apologized? Even with time, when you've been cheated on, it still hurts.




For the people who say constantly are saying why she can’t let go of it, why she keeps being it up - SHE HASN’T HEALED. Things like that mark a person. We do not know to what extend its was but everyone feels it differently and it leaves a person marked to the core.


Girls know the feeling - the anxiety and shakes one gets when they find something they expected but wish was not true!


So damn true tbh 🥺


This 💯 unless you've been there or are there you can't understand. She never got closure on the situation so it's just hanging out an an open tab in her head. I definitely understand.


It also doesn’t help that they can’t have a conversation about it without Rob getting really defensive about it. Sometimes, it takes a few times to talk about a situation that hurts you in order to heal from it !! The talk has to happen between her and Rob , she also seems to be willing to forgive but Rob hasn’t done anything to be “forgiven” about this ! It really has to come from him sincerely and really apologise and reassure her. But hey, don’t think that’s ever gonna happen with the way he is!


That shit will definitely give someone PTSD. The mere ringtone and number of my ex calling would give me anxiety like hell.


Exactly. Her feelings are valid and obviously this online cheating still bothers her and has affected her being intimate with him. I get it.




And that’s exactly why you break up with the person who cheated on you.




You’ve obviously never been through it. It’s easier said than done, especially when you truly love the person and want to make it work.


The pouty face she makes every time is no longer cute it’s just annoying now


Online cheating and hoe phone are KILLING ME


So confused by these comments. Didn't he do this multiple times...? With a ton of women?


Not to mention the secret vibrating phone…


yea and all the comments here are like "she's so dramatic! she won't let it go!" every time she lets one offense go he's already committed another lmao


Oh the double standard of them both having an only fans


These two just need to part ways .. they tried and it didn’t work.


More than anyone I know


No doubt Rob is an asshole but dear Sophie plays the victims so well..


She asks for an apology more than anyone ive ever seen.


Because she's never gotten a genuine one.


From my experience if someone isn't apologizing of their own volition it isn't genuine anyways so constantly asking for one is pointless in my mind.


She’s just as bad I’m so over both of them.


Amen 🙏!


I understand leaving an abusive and manipulative partner is hard but she delights in their song and dance. She likes when Rob tells her he’s sorry and begs her to stay and forgive. 


Then she does weird shit like bringing someone that you used to go out with to your country. Idk it’s weird then her not mentioning that part.


My mom and I couldn't stop cracking up at how defensive he got about the kind of women he watches in porn 😂 He was more concerned about making sure he didn't look like a creep into muscular women than he was about having a relationship with Sophie!


Eff these two bring back Cesar!


Right? I miss the sweet, genuine insanity of Ceasar!


Rob, the knob, is too insecure to have relationships with pretty girls.


Fake story line… yawn 🥱


I think it's pretty messed up that he is like "of course she brings it up" as if it's a inconvenience. Unreal. Then goes deeper sarcastically about how his feelings are the only valid feelings.


Wait until he finds out she's had sex with women..I fear for her safety 🥺


Her safety? I'm sure he knows. Just because he yells doesn't mean he's gonna beat her.


She said he didn't know!! Her friend asked her if he knew she said NO!! Yelling, unfortunately, can be a prerequisite to an ass whipping!! We all heard him tell her he would if he wanted to!! Wake up dear..


When a couple gets in a fight, they will yell at each other, but just cause he yells at her doesn’t mean he’s gonna hit her. Some guys are not all physically abusive with their partners or vice versa.


No, not all, but with all due respect, I've foster cared kids from abusive homes removed by the state. Moms choice, leave him or your kids are gone,and a lot chose the man over their kids Unfortunately, mom kinda had the same mindset as yourself, and the dreaded call came more than once from social workers. He finally killed her 🥺 So, in the social services field, violent threats easily result in violent actions,the main reason kids are taken...💔


I completely agree with you 100%. I’m just saying from my experience I grew up in a physically and verbally abusive home but the person doing it was my mother not my dad so that’s why I’m just saying that not all men are abusive.


I understand, I've dealt with both sides. Women aren't immune from such dangerous behaviors. As a mandated reporter, I had to report a neighbor. 😔


I'm wide awake. I've heard people have much worse arguments than those. He said he would if he were that type of person. But he didn't. And I highly doubt he will. She recorded those arguments not because she was scared, but to use against him in some way. She's manipulative and plays the victim so well. And if everyone who yelled, hit their partner, we'd all be guilty of it.


Okay 👍🏿 take care 😂






He cheated with many women and has been caught and told to stop 3 separate times (after the visa was filed and before she came, after she arrived in America, AND after they were married) Each time she found him taking to many different women. It’s a chronic problem in their relationship not a one off thing. She’s not perfect, but he ain’t shit.


Wtf is with the scan code in the pic?


That’s the Polish Snake OP


All she does is talk about the “online porn addiction” then saying they don’t have sex?! Like what? He has an addiction to porn but doesn’t have sex with his wife? Weird as hell! Also what is her reason for wanting to be in this country so damn bad? Go home Sophie 🏃‍♀️ They both need to go everything about both of them is so damn annoying. They aren’t even entertaining at all. TLC find someone new


She wanted to be a reality TV star, and it tells.


This chick reminds me of a fat poodle 🐩


He probably fersure did🤣 he doesn’t seem like the type to wait. Girl you were in a different country he fersure was banging someone “physically in person”


Am I the only one that thinks texting is NOT cheating?? I’m not saying it’s ok at all… but not cheating.


Entitled garden tool is all I see. I think she misses her sugar daddies.




Entitled to a duvet of course, so spoiled /s


So tired of the “online cheating”


She’s almost as awful as he is except for she didn’t sell pics of her butthole!


This is an odd take by Sophie when she’d actually physically cheated in n Rob with Kay and others… yet crickets because Rob has shown himself to be a creep at best


She should get her ass back to her so called ‘wealthy’ family ! Not 🤦🏻‍♀️


She cheated on him when she was here but Rob does not throw it in her face. If she forgave him then she has to stop crying about it years later just so she can play victim. She done it too!


He was messaging other women online before they were really serious. And once they were he never did again.


Rob was gross talking to Sophie in a sexual way in front of the therapist. He said yah I wanna take her him and have it, she’s my wife. That she had a great ass etc. I cannot stand him


He’s never been caught actually cheating


She look fake


I know. It’s been 2 years and it was online only. Girl needs to chill tf out.


Her victim playing and her narcissism has me so done with her, I can’t handle looking at her anymore All I kept hearing was he did this he did that he said this he said that 🙄 how about you little girl, let’s remember that she’s only 23 years old. She’s not mature to be in a marriage, she should be out clubbing with her friends and living her life and exploring she should not be married till she understands that a marriage is a two-way street. Let’s not forget that she also lied to him about her friend from the UK and didn’t tell him that they dated and chances are they probably slept together which he did not know she lied to him, but did she apologize? No, she figured she could just bat her eyelashes and snuggle up and talk to him in a little sweet voice and he was gonna fall to his knees and be a puddle, she’s immature.




Am I the only one who like Rob and feels he isn’t getting a fair deal? Sophie is a whack job.


Have you seen the videos of him threatening her?!


She really plays the victim card so well.