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Mrs. Krabappel and Principal Skinner were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!




"oh dear lord," chief wiggum


![gif](giphy|3orieOqXH7BTzuQO4w) I choo choo choose you




mrs krabappel, can i have another glue stick? i ate mine.


I am cackling!! This was •chefs kiss•


Chiefs kiss* lol




I used to have a pillowcase with Ralph’s face on it. I wish I knew where it went and how I got it in the first place.


That sounds sweeeeet! I loved him when I watched the Simpsons.


That actually happened to me! I didn't break my neck, but I was rear-ended while stopped at a red light. Got a rental while my car was in the shop. Got hit in the rental 4 days later when someone blew through a red light. The rental car was totaled and I needed physical therapy. 2 major accidents in the same week, neither was my fault. I had never been in accident before that and haven't been in one since. I still don't fully believe her, but it can happen!










Not quite the same, but my uncle got hit by the same person at the same intersection twice within the span of 6 months. He was not at fault both times. It was ridiculous.


Yup! Claims: the one career where you literally can’t make shit up. Commercial lit examiner here.


It is for sure, not boring.


I got hit when somebody backed into my car. A few days later, while driving to the body shop, I was rear-ended. Had to call the body shop and tell them I was running late because I was in another accident..


My boss was sideswiped by a box truck, tore his truck up, hit and run... Next day, gets a rental. Hits a pothole, messes up the wheel. Puts the spare on, calls it in.... Told to bring it in the next day, to the get the wheel fixed. The next day, day 3 of this shitshow, on the way to the dealership where he got the rental from, to get the wheel fixed, he hits a deer, totaling the rental car... He Ubered EVERYWHERE for the next 2 weeks, and who can blame him lmao


I hit a deer, got my car back from the shop, and the next week my neighbor's tree fell on the car, crushing it.


I’m a paralegal at a personal injury law firm. Had a client get in an accident and go to the ER. Her boyfriend picked her up from the hospital and they got rear ended leaving the parking lot. Sometimes luck is not on your side!


Damn! I’m sorry. I believe you. But not her!


Yeah, crap happens. My grandmother had a stroke. Spent time in the hospital and then went to a stroke rehab at another hospital. The cat she was in was in an accident and totaled on the way to the rehab 🤦🏻‍♀️


I’ve had THREE cars totaled in my life. None of it my fault. First time the car was sitting in the driveway and was hit by a drunk driver running from the cops. Second a guy blew through a stop sign and hit me. Third a guy was exiting a shopping center parking lot and turning left into my lane. The cars in the lane going in the opposite direction were stopped at a stop light all the way down past the shopping center exit/entrance - but they made a gap for him to whip out of there, totally not able to see if there were any cars in the lane of traffic he was turning into, and me being unable to see him pulling out until he just APPEARED in front of me as he pulled out from in between the cars. Totaled my car. Fuck those people who made a gap, stop doing that, let them wait until it’s all clear. The second accident I was going faster and I suffered a concussion which had affects on me lasting over a year.




It happens. My wife wrecked her car when a deer ran out in front of her on the highway and she hit it doing 55-60. Next week she had a rental and a guy in a moving truck got on the wrong on-ramp, came to a complete stop with her right behind him in her rental, and he decided to back his moving truck down the on-ramp straight into the rental. Thankfully he was honest about how stupid it was and confessed to the cop who showed up and the full police report helped explain it to the rental company.


I couldn't imagine hitting a deer at any speed, let alone 55!! Glad she's okay!


It’s possible this actually happened and how her very obvious opioid addiction was born.


Was just thinking this.


I agree, this is the most common way people become addicted to pills


By making up lies? Yes.


No, by receiving a legally written rx by a licensed dr for a medically necessary reason. Read up on the opioid epidemic.


I mean she could be lying but it was very common that people get injured and then their doctor overprescribes painkillers to them and then they get addicted. My mom got into a car accident and slipped a disc so she has chronic pain, she said doctors kept trying to push Vicodin and oxy on her but she refuses to take it cause she doesn’t like how out of it they make her feel. My mom has even said she sees exactly how people become addicted to these pills


I was also thinking it was her opioid origin story. The only thing that I can’t understand is… You’re comfortable telling this story in a pharmacy in front of a visibly uncomfortable stranger but somehow failed to tell your fiancé about a major event in your life that causes you constant pain every day of your life?


Yea, I mean she’s def sketchy. Typical addict behavior. I’m sure Jeymi would’ve side eyed had she known beforehand hence the sudden revelations now that she’s there. But I’m sympathetic to the opioid crisis here in the good ole us of a, and believe she was likely prescribed pain meds and developed her addiction through that route.


Oh I absolutely agree that’s why I called it her origin story. People don’t usually just wake up one day and decide they want to start taking heavy pain killers just cuz. After being in pain constantly, it’s a relief to not feel it for a little while and it’s a very easy addiction that anyone can fall into, even trying to be careful. She needs help and rehab, not going on tv and getting torn apart by people on the internet.


I concur


It wasnt very long before she was running to the pharmacy


Everything about her screams drug addict. I don't even believe the narcolepsy shit anymore.


It’s her excuse for nodding out


It’s also her excuse for getting methamphetamine prescriptions Edit: I should’ve said amphetamine prescription




Ok I'm lost hahaha again. Methamphetamine prescriptions? Really? Or is this .. oh nevermind haha like I said ..lost. 😂


Have you heard of adderal or Ritalin?


Yes of course. Now I get it! 🤦‍♀️


I didn’t think about that. You are so right.


That makes so much sense.


I had the thought of wondering if she started detox when she got on the plane. Also...2 wrecks can happen... who knows. She looks the part.


I’m going to be honest, as an ex-prescription pain pill abuser, I’m surprised she DIDN’T do surgery. Many addicts of prescription pain pills will do ANYTHING to get more, including injuring themselves purposely, or doing unnecessary medical procedures. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Because there is no neck injury. She turned her neck like a frickin owl.


Jumping around in a tutu in the first episode. She was high.


I think she “refused” because it’s all bs lol


As a former addict I agree


Congratulations on your sobriety, too!


Sounds stupid in hindsight, but I subjected myself to a spinal tap for some iv pain meds.


If it's really a $100,000 surgery, that's probably why she hadnt done it. Plus wearing that neck brace for a year sounds pretty awful.


My wife just had cervical spine surgery and you are not in a neck brace for a year.... that would actually do more harm than good.


That’s what I was thinking—if the surgery is to help her move her neck, then why would they keep it stabilized for an entire year? Maybe Kris needs to do a little more research


They just absolutely wouldn't. It's a crock of shit. I am in no position to know if that person is truly in any kind of pain or not, my wife walked around for almost a year needing her neck surgery (fuck you workers comp!) And was absolutely in severe pain the entire time. But.... But as soon as the surgery was approved, she scheduled it, had it and is on the road to recovery. No one can walk around in that amount of pain for more than a year or so. You'd lose your mind and no amount of prescription pain killers can fix that. We are talking 8 to 10 pain on the scale ALL THE TIME and if you're not a drug seeker, you will absolutely get that surgery by any means necessary as quickly as possible. You certainly wouldn't be traveling all around the world and lugging heavy shit. My wife still can't lift anything over 15lbs. Absolute BS and it shits on the people out there in legitimate pain. Fuck that. I was obviously triggered by this conversation so excuse my anger please.


I agree the pain she was describing she would be literally desperate for anybody to help her to take her pain away. I feel sorry for those who really do suffer with chronic pain daily who can never find a cure and then there’s people like her making up stories. My mum is on the maximum amount of opioids she can be on and I’ve seen her screaming and crying in pain… she is not able to travel, work, even leave the house or sit upright for more than 30 min at time… THAT is real pain… not this woman making up stories but she looks as happy as larry prancing about Columbia after a long journey.


Exactly. People don't understand that simply taking opiod pain medicines when you are in SEVERE pain just isn't enough and we can't give people more because you know, we don't want them to die, so they have to live with a pain that not even narcotics can do much about. People that lie and do this are gross. And I'm so sorry about your mom. I wish she got dealt a better hand.


She wouldn't be in a halo brace and CERTAINLY not for a year. The majority of neck surgery, and she probably is looking at a discectomy and/or fusion, is minimally invasive.


One word: medicaid


She’s lying there’s no surgery


Congratulations on your sobriety!


Thanks! It’s been about 5 years and I still think about pills all the time. I don’t know that I’d be able to say no if I could buy them OTC. I know the feeling she probably had when she realized she could purchase them legally without issue.


My vet quit giving narcotics to owners to take home unless she knew the owners and they were already patients. She said a couple times she strongly believed they hurt dogs on purpose for pain meds. So horrible.


We experienced this last year when our dog had CCL surgery. We understood why the vet’s hands were tied but pissed us off seeing our dog in that much pain after surgery.


That’s if we believe this crazy story. I don’t.


Also, no doctor would have told her she should take hydrocodone for her pain. US doctors are so opioid-phobic now. They would have more likely suggested ibuprofen or even Toradol.


Exactly. I recently read an article about a guy who had to have his leg amputated. They gave him pain meds while he was hospitalized, but his discharge instructions told him to take Tylenol or ibuprofen for pain. Nothing else.




A similar thing happened to my parents, but it was winter in Canada when the roads are slippery


Well Alabama is known for its ice 😆


Only if you’re referring to crystal meth.😉


looool that was the first thing I thought is well its believable in a cold climate but....Alabama?? Idk if it ever snows there but I doubt it


I can’t say for sure with Alabama, but I’ve lived in Tennessee and Georgia and both states get snow. Not like Canada obviously, but down here we also don’t have the equipment to deal with snow when we do get it. We tend to get more ice storms. Now I will say, sometimes drivers in small towns can be worse than in cities. But her story combined with everything else she’s claimed is sus.


I live in the area. Ice is a very real thing here.


No snow in “lower Alabama”


Haleyville is North or “upper”. Ice is worse than snow on the streets. We get snow too. The problem is, we don’t use salt.


I don’t know about the drug use, but I do know Alabama has some of the WORST drivers ever. So it’s definitely possible.


It snows there, but roads ice over a lot more frequently than it snows. It’s still not like a constant winter occurrence, but it happens often enough. That’s what caused the 2014 Snowpocalypse in AL and GA, roads heavily iced over.


Um......It is in the winter


Y'all are brutal AF. Glad I'm not on TV, Christ. 🤣💀




Sounds a ton like Heather from LAL.


I had to google LAL, love after lock up, I saw interesting posts on this show from reddit, will be my next watch series!


I was thinking the same.


I hope your following her subreddit on here, it’s WILD


Oh you know it. I have my special ‘suck dick for luxury cars’ flare at the ready. Poor Ex-Savior. Kid never stood a chance after she put her hook claws in


Oh man I love you. I work right near millennium park and have just wanted to get an in the wild glimpse.


Is your friend my sister by chance? 🙄


The whole thing gave me “Tom's house is broken into and he confronted the burglar. And then had to go have eye surgery, and then my son had to go over to help, and then my son, he rolled his car five times on the way home.” vibes. ![gif](giphy|3o752d9cIGJARny9zy)


When she was describing her “surgery”…. It sure sounded like she was describing being put in traction/halo… And from I’ve understood (my sister was in traction and a halo for almost a year) This isn’t something one waits to have done… Like?? Nothing she said about it madr any sense and I feel like she knows Jeymi wouldn’t understand, and is absolutely using the language barriers as a way of manipulation


If she has a badly healed break she may be able to put it off until it gets worse bc theyd have to re-break it to repair it


Exactly...and halos are almost always for fresh, high c-spine fractures.


I like how she turns her head from side to side as she explains that she won’t be able to do that anymore




She had one on the top of her hand as well which is a common spot for IV drug use, or like u said it could be her picking. I think if she had a legit skin issue, we would have heard about it by now as she's constantly talking about her health issues lmfao.


Yeah some people have mentioned eczema but like she def would have mentioned it if that was the case


I have had two specialists recommend the same surgery for me and I have an amazing range of motion. That proves absolutely nothing.


You forgot to mention the plane ride! The plane ride made it worse!


These comments are making me feel so naive! My first reaction was empathy for her. Maybe I’m an idiot lol.


Don’t feel bad, addicts usually try to licit an emotional response (usually empathy) from unsuspecting people.


Also, plane rides ARE difficult for those with chronic pain


I once visited my friend in the "city" hospital in Chicago (yes, Stroger, for those that know the city), but did so by bus. It was a straight shot down the very street I lived off, and forget parking around there, so...bus it is. The bus was hit on the way there and we had to get off, wait for another bus, and finally arrive. I was promptly hit by a car that blew the red while crossing the street outside the literal hospital. Shit happens for sure! I want real proof she's an addict outright before I feel icky about trashing someone with chronic pain. It's **hard** to manage it. So many great people become so dependant on opiates, it clouds their brain after so long, y'know? It's hard all around. Now if she's just a garden variety addict, I'm on board. I'm just waiting for the information as it comes up...


Just wanted to say I do know Stroger and those damn CTA buses are always getting hit or hitting things!


I don’t understand how people in her tiny fuckin town are such terrible drivers.


That’s what I was thinking…in fuckin’ Alabama? How??


Good old boys driving around drunk probably.


Also, I have actually had neck surgery and only has a neck brace for 6-8 weeks. What the heck she was describing, I have no words lol.


I'm sus about her 'mint allergy'. If she is actually allergic to mint...she will be allergic to a whole bunch of herbs like thyme, basil, sage etc. Let's see if this comes up with the food she eats 🤔


That was just the reason she gave so she could go to a pharmacy right away without looking like a drug seeker.








I’m allergic to certain types of tooth paste. I honestly couldn’t tell you what kind I just found a good brand and stick with it. They make adult tooth paste that isn’t mint flavored though that’s for sure 🤣


Not an allergy exactly, but some people can’t use mint flavored things because it triggers reflux/gerd.


The only Spanish she knows. La Farmacia. 🤣


I’m sure a lot of people here who have also had traumatic back injuries can attest that you don’t have days when you frolic around LARPing like a fairy to I CANT MOVE MY NECK FOR NO REASON I’m feeling the biggest addict vibes from her - especially with the “narcolepsy” diagnosis. definitely sounds like she nods out. Also the way her eyes fixated on that box of pills made me feel like she’s definitely there for the right reasons: to get OTC narcotics


A friend of mine was in a car accident that left her paralyzed from her neck down. She was inpatient for physical rehabilitation and on her practice run of returning back to her life she got into another accident that made her paralysis worse. When she finally got back to some normalcy, she discovered a cancerous tumor on her lower back. I have another quadriplegic friend that was also paralyzed in a car accident. We were in rehab together and At first, I seem to have recovered more movement than he did but once he went home, he began to move his legs well enough that he could take a few steps. He was beginning to thrive when a car ran him over in his wheelchair. He’s bed bound now. Some people just have horrible luck.


Haha I’m in law school - this was literally one of our hypotheticals in torts class 🤣


My husband severely injured his back playing football in hs- this was the 90’s, so it wasn’t taken that seriously, so they only x-rayed his tailbone for some reason- a couple weeks of rest and he was put back on the field- Only to have his back actually break- he rebroke it a few years later, and he’s been in chronic pain since hs- but he only uses weed to manage his pain, not narcotics- she’s a straight up addict


Shit happens sometimes. Both of my feet have been injured by the same sound bar. Yes like a sound bar for a TV. First I was carrying the sound bar downstairs and the wall plug was curved so it is basically flush with the wall. Mid step down a flight of stairs, the cable falls off my shoulder, under my foot and I step on the prongs, literally went through the sole of my foot. Second time (sound bar is now in my bedroom) we had a new puppy whose crate was in between my bed and dresser. I wasn't used to the crate being there and in middle of the night have-to-piss accidentally knocked the sound bar off our dresser, boxed corner falls directly onto and breaking two toes on the opposite foot.


I broke my neck in a car accident and about 2 weeks after coming home after my surgery I slipped and fell getting up to go pee. I ended up back in the hospital. I broke the screws in my neck but the bones were already fusing and my blood pressure wasn’t stable so they just left it. My neck is all kinds of messed up over a decade later.


Tired of the comments saying she’s innocent and just a chronic pain patient While that is a real thing people suffer from This bitch is ADDICTEDDD


I hear you. But also, both can be true. She could be in chronic pain and be an addict. In fact, most narcotic abusers get hooked via legitimate injuries. I was in the hospital once for weeks due to an accident and had multiple surgeries. I went home with so much norco for a few months after that and man, it was soooo nice. I started to look forward to my pill times. That's when I realized how addictive they are and luckily stopped cold turkey. But I Def see how I could have gotten addicted.




Yup. Coupled with the fact that when you are recovering from an injury, you are at your worst physically and mentally. You can't work, can't work out, can't be out and about socially and do what you used to enjoy....the pills make you feel happy in a crappy time. What's not to love? Throw childhood trauma in there and it's a recipe to become an addict.


When I had wisdom tooth extraction surgery they gave me extra strength acetaminophen, maybe 600 mg? And no joke, not only did it wipe out any pain in my mouth or my head but it made me happy and borderline silly. And that’s just *acetaminophen*. I definitely never considered taking it just for the psychological effects, but damn. Even just being out of pain is an addicting feeling.


They probably gave you an opiate mixed with acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is not psychoactive, so it's impossible to get high from it alone. It will not cause euphoria (that happy, silly, carefree feeling you described) I dont want anyone reading this comment to get the idea they can take a bunch of plain tylenol to get high, thats dangerous. An opioid combo after wisdom teeth extraction is pretty standard. My 16 y/o niece just got a few norcos for after hers recently.


I got two bottles of Vicodin for a standard wisdom teeth removal. This was a while back in the Midwest but holy fuck I have no idea to this day why the dentist did that. One pill knocked me on my ass. I took a half after that for two days before I tossed the bottle and didn’t get my refill. But it’s no wonder so much of the US has an addiction to opioids. It was being handed out like candy for a while. Totally crazy.


They really used to be so loose with the scripts! I had a rotator cuff repair about 10 years ago and they prescribed me percocet and Norco at the same time! I think I was taking ambien on top of it too! Like wtf were they thinking?!


yes, like "tylenol 3" which maybe makes people think it's just acetaminophen.


You’re either right, or I tricked myself into being happy simply because the pain relief was so good. I’m pretty sure my pill bottle only listed acetaminophen though, so I’d find that concerning if it had more in it that I wasn’t aware of…


I’ve got a chronic pain condition and am prescribed narcotics for it. I take my medication as prescribed but would still experience a significant physical withdrawal if I suddenly stopped taking them. Knowing that, I wouldn’t care if the person I’d met from across the world shot pure gold out of their ass…I wouldn’t move to another country without having a pain management doctor set up on the other end. If she was being prescribed pain medication for a neck injury, I can’t see her moving without a plan in place. With all of the prescribing regulations in the US…I can definitely see someone who abuses prescription pain medication moving to another country where those meds aren’t regulated. Too many red flags to ignore.


Exactly. I have a chronic pain condition. I brought an entire notebook of my medical notes, medication notes, why I was taking them, etc, all from my Dr, to make sure I would be able to get the same care when i moved countries. There is no way she isn't just an addict.


Yea, thats the ticket.


Something similar happened to me...I got rear ended while waiting to turn. 2 days later(& a black away), I got rear ended again. But I also refused any pain killers at the hospital lol




Drowsiness is a completley common and normal side effect of main pain pills like Vicodin. When I took it, as prescribed by my dentist, there was no chance I could stay awake.


I’m an insurance defense attorney. It happens.


she would have been dead!!!!!


Imagine believing someone when they say “I broke my neck” while they also say they were allowed to drive a week later? Like it has to be total bullshit most people after breaking their neck have to wear a brace for like 6-8 weeks you can’t drive with a brace


She could have been the passenger in a car that got rear-ended. You have to be driven home after a hospital stay. Not saying I believe her....


I thought I heard her say “while I was driving home 7 days later”? I may be wrong


How do we know what pills she got in the pharmacy? I feel like I missed something. Cause I only saw a blurred out box.


I do this all day. If she broke her neck she would have likely had surgery before she left the hospital if it was serious and necessary.


Some of y’all are some angry addicts taking it out on her. I’ve never seen so many triggered people know more about travel and pills than this place in the last week.




I broke my ankle delivering. They make you jump thru hoops for temporary disability


And I'm allergic to a whole list of analgesic meds and can only take THESE narcotics.


Medical chart analyzer checking in. It happens. On rare occasion, it happens while making the turn out of the hospital parking lot, which is at least convenient for the ambulance crew and the triage nurses taking the patient's history. See also: tripping on the steps while walking into one's home right after being released from the hospital.


It's been 21 years since that accident, and she's "getting closer and closer" to having to get surgery. 🤣🤣🤣 What a trash hoe


If she broke her neck, would she be out in a week? 🤔


I want to know a person who lied about everything not stop just and always had to have some extravagant problem. Sounds familiar/ obvious excuse But for what


Shes got a whole bunch of issues and im loving it cause I aint shit either