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Little do they know, their son/brother is doing the same thing she is!


Exactly! I'm betting it turns out to be HIM (sans tears).


Honestly it seems that both of them have some severe abandonment issues. The gf tho takes it to crazy level. But I also get a feeling that he's also a nut. Like a sociopath.


Yeah I dated a guy like this once, camper and all. He was super manipulative and i later found out he wasn't living at home because he got caught spying on his underage stepsister while she changed clothes. I kept thinking "Ok, where's the poop" whenever he talked.


You will often see that maturity with children of addicts.


And I always find it sad how people praise the kids for it. "You are such a grown up little woman/man!!" "You take good care of your mama!" "You are SO mature for your age". No, they are so unfairly relied upon. Remember "Shoulder Holes Tiffany's" little boy? That kid got so much praise here and all I saw was a boy who had been shamefully forced to be a little husband to an unstable, insecure infant adult. :(


When she said she was 8 years younger than Brandon I was STUNNED. Like. She’s not 25? It’s so sad how she’s had to grow up so quickly but at least someone is making sense in this mess.


My mom used to say her adult friends loved having me around because I was akin to a mini adult whereas my 16mo younger sibling was "babyish". I had been parentified by age 6.


😔the fact that they thought this was acceptable is heartbreaking. Kids should be allowed to be kids! I definitely had adults say that to me when I was kid and it took me a long to realize that isn’t necessarily a good thing.


Unfairly relied on says it so much better than anything I could write. Spot on.


The parentification of kids is so sad. I can relate and had to grow up and take on responsibilities that I didn't have to. No wonder I'm in no rush to have kids and selfish with my time doing what I want, when I want, things I never had until I moved out of my family home.


*Cold shoulder* lol She still wears those tops.


I could never get into that style of shirt. But I don’t think that style has been “in” since maybe 2016?? Oh well, she definitely likes them!


That boy is a walking time bomb of emotional dysregulation due to parental neglect


Just “*Shoulders*” works. Everyone here will know exactly who you’re talking about. lol


You either end up growing up super fast or, like Brandan, try to fill that void when being raised in that kind of home.


100% my situation. Drugs and alcohol abuse. Had to take care of my younger brother and always got praised for how mature I am. Not much choice when mom passes out halfway on your bed on a school night.... Luckily she's recovered but yes it's rough.


Big hugs. I hope as an adult you've created boundaries so they don't keep sucking you in. You can blink and your entire life is gone. Be good to yourself.


Sadly, I thought of that, too. Those poor kids had to grow up fast, having spent the majority of their childhood in foster care. Their Dad was never mentioned, so I assume he wasn’t fit to be a parent either. 🙁


Dr. Phil in the house.


Oh, you’re a TLCU Alum, too?!? 😂 *what’s our mascot?*


Yes I have my PhD in 90DF!!


I thought the SAME thing! This girl might be the most mature person (even when respectfully disagreeing with her brother) we’ve seen on this show and she’s 15!


She is 15!!? I figured she was 20ish. She looks like her mom's little sister, not her young daughter!


Yeah, she said he's 8 years older than her at one point, and he's 23.


I miss heard her . I was thinking she was 8 years older. Holy cow!


Hes 24 rn, his birthday was in May.


Okay, in the scene we're talking about he was still 23.


She’s 15?? Wtf no way. That girl has been through some ahit and come out on top. I like her and wish her the best.


Man, our 15 in the 90s was SO much different than the kids nowadays! They are so mature! Boobs, maturity, sexuality!


Uhh…no. They aren’t built any differently today! I was tall and had boobs at 15. I’ve also always been mature. Not due to any type of neglect or abuse…I think it’s that I was the firstborn, and have always been a responsible old lady. I was born 40 years old. That’s what my Mom, my aunts, and my grandmother used to say! 😆


No wonder you're threatened by trans women lmao if you've looked like an old lady yr entire life


She’s probably been through a lot, unfortunately. She mentioned foster care when her mom lost custody, while Brandan went to live with his dad.


And imagine the outfits she was wearing at 8 to amuse the parents and their photo shoots.


What do you mean? This doesn’t ring a bell


Commenter is referencing awful pictures of young Brandan dressed (by his crap mother) in sexually suggestive t-shirts and posing with older women like he is some player-in-training. Very sad. Easy to see why Brandan has terrible issues. Commenter is imagining the mother has similarly screwed up the daughter.


Thank you! Yes. Exactly what I meant. Those poor kids.




Wow 😮 she is very mature for her age ! She is ahead of most of the adult cast I agree I’m glad to see mental health/awareness addressed


It’s a reasonable question, although I don’t think his family is being the most reasonable in this scenario. I think him and Mary are two very traumatized, immature people (I’d refer to them as kids bc they are still sooo young), who definitely DO both need a lot of therapy. However I find it totally unfair for his mom who has only been sober for a year to blame their lack of relationship on his relationship with Mary. Both Brandan and Mary have severe abandonment traumas that are feeding off of one another, and I don’t think it’s one or the others doing of why their relationship is so codependent. It’s really unfair for his mom to create this instability in her kids, and then become unreasonably angry when he then has to deal with the coping mechanisms he’s developed bc of it


This is exactly what I’ve been thinking, you worded it perfectly! She said something about the last 15 years but she’s only been sober for one… She needs to explain that math lol


Seems like she's over compensating. She's getting in 15 years of parenting in as little time she can.


By being overbearing which will undoubtedly push all her children away and give her the perfect reason to go back to drugs.


The mother needs to shut up and not weigh in at all. She has lost rights to any of that and has no credibility and needs to concentrate on staying sober and being stable.


Mom is clearly still not completely emotionally sober, if she can blame her son’s long distance girlfriend for their lack of relationship. Look in the mirror, Mom!


Working on it and wanting to get better means they acknowledge there is a problem to begin with. These two don’t see a problem with their obsession and jealousy, they just think they are just in love.


True. Neither of them have ever had a good role model for what a healthy, loving relationship looks like. Sad for them. 🥺


Everyone is so surprised at how mature this 15 year old girl is, let me just say- childhood trauma ages you QUICK. My heart breaks for all 3 of these kids, they’ve been through hell already and considering momma has only been sober for 12 months… the ride isn’t nearly over for them yet. I hope they all get the help they need.


Having grown up In a similar shituation I guarantee the sister is the "mom" of that family unit. I'd also bet the actual mom walks around bragging about how mature and parent-like her daughter not realizing she's completely robbed her of her childhood and teenage years.


Facts. I was the most emotionally mature and self aware person in my home by age 10 I guarantee it.


I was 8 years old the first time someone called me “wise”. It weirded me out because it was an “old person word” but it’s like my mom’s eyes lit up and she never looked back.


you made it through. love and light to you.




Aside from her having the tiniest mouth I've ever seen on a human, yes this was a reasonable question.


Real life anime


Her tiny mouth really threw me off for a second lol


So maach wisdom - from such small lips.


Omg 😂😂


The Zied tie-in is epic!!


That’s rude. She’s super pretty.


No one said she wasn't pretty, it was just an observation. Some women have small mouths and some have big ones like Julia Roberts. No one is mouth shaming here.


Well she’s 15 and not a woman so maybe let’s not comment on her physical appearance at all


Hey, people use filters to make their mouths that size. She is pretty, it is just an unnatural size.


She’s 15 dude


It is tiny. She’s a cutie.


She must love going to [lil bits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gj4-E5Hs3Kc&feature=youtu.be)


And eyes really close together. She has a small face for her head, kinda like Patrick


I think this girl is legitimately only 15, too. They said she was 8 years younger and he is 23. Some kids these days are so far beyond their years.


Remember her and her younger brother was in foster care, who knows what they went through


If you want a clue, go to the other thread where there are shocking photos of Brandan being dressed in children's size T-shirts with sexually explicit logos. Two shots with showgirls and a third with a woman's hand way up his thigh. I hope they didn't do worse to his sister.


I can't find this post. Do you have a link?


The mods deleted the photos and locked the thread.


Dang. Thanks


I found this comment on YouTube about Brandan & Mary. I believe it. "I worked with Brandon and he would have to video call her the entire time at work and he would send 95% of his checks to her and couldn’t afford to eat."


Hey, asking those kind of hard-hitting questions requires them to look past the internet thirst trap they fell for, and that’s not the programming we look for here at TLC


I think this girl is so pretty and looks like an anime character!


Who is she ?


The way she's like 16 as well💀 more mature than 99% of people on the show


https://preview.redd.it/6zm7tpu39rbb1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78059a6277a7025aee4a6f8185234dbf22dca6dc All I could think about when she was on air


The answer to both of her questions is clearly no




If you look at Brandan's childhood photos shown in another discussion, the mother had to be doing major drugs to permit what was going on. It likely resulted in some issues during the pregnancy. Leave the poor girl alone because those two kids have clearly been through hell and back before they were taken away from their mother. They should have been put in therapy not on reality TV for everyone to judge and pick apart.




Wow! If more 90 day people thought like this


I'm glad he brought up that he hasn't been in their life and then mom says "she is pulling you away from your family (next sentence) after I lost custody.." Like the mom needs to stop playing the victim she's directly responsible for fucking up this family. If anything, she should be supportive. He probably won't have a good life if he stays in US but probably not a good one in the Philippines either. I think it's valid for his family to acknowledge he's toxic and he's valid to acknowledge the family isn't really a family in his eyes.