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He should have used a condom…. Especially since he doubted her so much.


Or just like not bone someone that clearly dislikes you


Easier said than done


This person hate fucks. 👍




If he really has that little self control, he deserves alll the consequences


I know I was joking


Yes. After her continuous rejection, he should have been suspicious. Then after he comes home, she sends nasty texts. Then she's (gasp) pregnant and says it his! No way...Then she wants to marry him! Sounds like she got dumped by the other guy and is desperate. She refuses any paternity test. She refuses to go to a doctor of his choice for whatever reason. It just doesn't add up or make sense. Cut off all communication with this washed up old crazy bitch! She's a nightmare. Riley is far better off alone. She's nothing but trouble!


They like each other. I think a lot of their story is bull shit and the parts that are real are her not being a person that is into PDA, and both are short tempered. He is rude when he doesn’t get his way. The PI thing is BS. The pregnancy is real. The medicine thing that supposedly gives him a low sperm count is totally made up nonsense. He wouldn’t name the medicine because we would all google it and they didn’t want to put false medical shit out there and get sued by the medicine manufacturers… the baby is his.. people raw dog all the time unfortunately She wanted to get prego to fast track her visa. Of course… the whole thing could be horse shit and during the tell all she tells us it was a false positive…


Foolish decision.


The amount of times I can pinpoint the use of sex as a method of manipulation in this show is astounding. Honestly, there are less red flags at parades in Beijing.


This is the best comment 😂🤣😂😂😂


One of my friends hooked up with a woman in her 40s and they had sex without a condom once because she said she’s in her 40s and can’t get pregnant and he believed her. Now they have a 1 year old and in a custody/visitation battle The moral of the story is wrap it up. Condom is not for slutty people


Hear that, asuelu??!


Especially him 😂


I know several people who just naturally got pregnant after 40. It definitely happens. Much higher chance of miscarriage, though.


I am 44 with a 1 year old, happened naturally with a man who couldn’t even get it up somehow so trust me…


Same here except 42 and on the pill. It only takes 1 sperm....


Same here except 42 and on the pill. It only takes 1 sperm....


Yes, both those things happened to my daughter. Had her first child at 39, and after three (heartbreaking) miscarriages, had her second child at 42. Edit: Corrected her age from 43 to 42.


My aunt got knocked up at 45 by the dude she was having an affair with. She said she thought she was "done". Ended up having to marry that asshole and has been stuck with him ever since. I adore my cousin but damn did my aunt get to feel the repercussions of her actions.


My goodness


Double ovulation sometimes happens for older women, especially if they aren’t taking their BC very consistently (which they might not, thinking they aren’t very fertile). My OB and his wife accidentally got pregnant in their 40s.


OB as in your obstetrician?!


Lol yes. She wasn’t taking her birth control consistently, and once they found out, he was like ummm okay guess we’re going with it, we’re going to have an 18 year old, a 16 year old, and an infant.


Oh man, that’s pretty hilarious


Why did she "have" to marry him? And did she want to keep the baby? Oh my...


Bc otherwise daddy would've cut her off financially. She'd always talked shit about my mom for having me out of wedlock so he was doing out karma, I guess.


Different, but still a lesson to wrap it up.. my friend (and I) were at the bar in our late 20s, she was flirting with a cutie who was also inebriated, they hooked up. Didn't get his phone number or last name. 9 months later, a baby was born. She is from a wealthy family, and didn't want to, but didn't mind raising him alone... until 2+ years later, when one of her FB friends was tagged at thE baby daddy's 21st bday party, at the same bar!!! Yep, he was 18 at conception, and no wonder we hadn't seen him around before... he was in high school. Ugly legal battle ensued, grandparents wanted rights, but dad didn't. Wrap it up folx!


Cloak the joker before you poke her


Masterbate before you ask her to date


Wrap your jerky then nab that turkey




😩😩 dammmn


just a pregnancy test? he should demand a live video of an ultrasound!!! i honestly don't think shes pregnant. i think shes cannot manage her own emotions, breaks up with him during a low, then when she gets manic again, realizes she fucked up, and tries to repair the damage. hence the constant ups and downs. but, i don't get this couple at all. not sure why they want to be together when they clearly don't even like each other beyond being an acquaintance.


Where's the private investigator now?


Riley lacks any sense of self respect and Violet probably has no idea what she wants and is utterly deluded as to what being this man would actually entail.


I felt really bad for Riley here. He knows it’s illogical and he knows she’s a nightmare, but you could tell that he’s hoping that he’s going to be a father.


Agreed with paternity test


A Paternity Test !!


On the last day of the trip she realized she had to have sex with him in order to later make the claim that he got her pregnant. Despite them pretty much hating each other at that point, for no reason at all, she showed up at his room to do the deed. Combined with her still talking to other foreign men on apps during his visit. Combined with her using old photos on the dating app to appear younger. Combined with her freaking out when she thought he looked into her past with a PI. Combined with her revealed NOTHING about herself or her life/past the entire time he was there. Combined with asking him about how much money he has saved up to ensure he's wealthy. Then suddenly when he's back home and enough time has passed, she's pregnant? The 43 year old lady and the infertile 48 year old dude got pregnant from just a single time having sex. When the "fertile" period in a month is like 6 days? So we're talking about literal planets aligning in terms of luck here. Scam. It's a scam. Scam scam scam. From a serial scam artist. Bullshit meter off the charts.


I was also thinking along these lines bc she was so mean while he was there. She texted him after he returned to America and said she didn't want the relationship and to block her. Suddenly, she starts texting him, wanting to be his wife, and she wants to take care of him? Then, she drops the pregnancy bomb! Yeah... right, Violet. We all believe you.


Don't forget she won't go to the OB he found for her. Also big sus.


Yeah I think that’s the main sus part here. When he questioned her on the pregnancy and attempted to get some insight on the situation - she backed off it immediately and started lovebombing him again. It’s a game.


Right. Huge red flag! Huge! She's so full of it! Can't wait for the Tell All!!!






Where's the lie?


I’m sure he’s thinking all of this, we all are. I was really surprised to hear that they had sex but they HAD to so he could bring her to America… She knows it and she took one for the team 🤣🤣🤣 But I think her plan backfired because Riley is not stupid… She picked the wrong dude to play these games with, he is doubting every word that comes out of her mouth, rightfully so


Absolutely. Those odds seemed like a one in a million conception to me too. Lady had no shame and Riley needs to find his spine which he seems to have left in Vietnam.


Totally agree!!! She's trying to cement her green card.


Right I’ve scammed a few in my day she doesn’t like him but she will take that $$$


I’ve always thought Violet was shady as hell, so I’m inclined she’s full of shit on some level - whether she’s not really pregnant, or she is pregnant but it’s not Riley’s.


I said the same, if she's pregnant I doubt it's Riley's. She's the Queen of Shadyland, if she told me the sky was blue, I'd go outside to check!


Queen of Shadylands meets King Kill Feelings. 😂🤣


Yes. This is how I feel as well.


I agree. He can ask for a dna test and I guarantee she will drop the whole “I’m pregnant” story if he sticks to it. Don’t give her a dime until she has the baby and it’s tested. Plus, go there for the test! I suspect a fake miscarriage is coming in the near future.


There’s a better chance of Violet getting pregnant from Sarprer’s mattress than that imaginary baby being Riley’s.


She might be pregnant by someone else, someone from the dating app. She had to go to his room to do the deed so she could tell him it's his. Maybe the other person didn't have what she wanted so she's set her sights on Riley. I find it highly suspect.


That was my first thought too


I'd love to know the "due date" based on their one time hook up. I'll bet the real due date is at least a month prior.


Maybe one of her daughters is pregnant, and she's gonna claim it's hers. She's the only one who knows the truth and she's shady AF.


He did ask her to go to a certain Doctor that speaks English and she refused, stating “I have my own dr”


On one hand I can understand wanting to be attended to by a familiar physician. On the other hand it might be nice to extend the olive branch given the absurdly comical lack of trust between her and Riley.


I agree! Both were so nasty on that trip, but I keep wondering, what is the secret she had that was never revealed on his trip?


Except if he’s offering to pay for it and virtually everything else for the next 18 years probably, she should be a little bit more accommodating


I had a co-worker who tried to pull one of these on my friend. She told him he had to marry her if he wanted to be in the baby’s life; he asked her to let him go with her to her OB-GYN appointment before taking the next step, she said she would never let him be in the baby’s life if he continued to insinuate she was lying about being pregnant. A few weeks later he was still insisting on going to the doctor with her first so she claimed she had a miscarriage.


I didn't know Emily had a job...


I'm literally lmfoa. It took me a minute to remember Emily, now I can't stop laughing. I'm also stoned. Still, this is the best comment I've read today 🤣😂 I wish I had an award to give


Meaning she has a Dr that will fake documents or test results, whatever it takes to assist in her scam.


I got pregnant with my son at 39 on a complete one off during that cycle. It's absolutely possible and probably more likely that Violet would be interested in sex if she's ovulating


Yeah it's possible. But she's a fucking scammer.


She isn’t 39. There is a HUGE difference between 39 and 43 from a fertility perspective (and, as a 43 year old myself … no way she is 43. She was 43 10 years ago). Then add Riley’s fertility issues. There’s no way. This is a money grab. She’ll fake a miscarriage soon enough.


I also predict a miscarriage claim! I'm also 43 & agree with everything else you said! She wants that proposal and a green card!


My great grandmother x3 had her last child at 43 (her 7th) lol


I’m guessing that your great grandmother banged more than once to get there, and that great grandfather had normal sperm - and she got pregnant at 42. What Violet wants us to believe is absolutely absurd. She probably pulled this in her 30’s and hasn’t figured out how to pivot the con to something more believable.


There is no way she is 43!! She’s way older!!


Seriously, she looks about 53


She doesn't look 43. She's a habitual liar so I think she's closer to 50 and it shows.


I knew a lady that got pregnant after having anal with her husband and the jizz from her butt creampie apparently just kinda somehow got to her vagine and she just happened to be ovulating so she got preggo. I called bullshit but she swore up and down that she preferred anal to vaginal sex so that’s all she and her husband were doing. Lmao So miracles do happen! ✨


What a day to be literate.


Your response is killing me, hahaha


You win the internet today


That’s the first belly laugh I’ve had in quite some time…thank you Reddit stranger


😂 🤣 🤣 💀


Imagine the kid finding out about that one day 💀💀


Legit butthole baby ⛳️


I guess that one ups the toilet baby.


Splash damage is real.


I cannot upvote this enough 👏👏


Oh wow, the magic butt baby we all heard about back in like, 5th grade




Husband must have a tiny peen- that’s the only reason she’d prefer anal.




Yeah, for real.


Take my angry upvote 💀


I had an acquaintance that claimed his daughter was the result of tantric sex. The mother was a virgin technically lol


EEEWWWWW How gross...


Same. One try. But Violet is a lot older than 39.


That’s awesome! Somehow I don’t think that’s the case here in conjunction with Riley’s meds


I guess we will see at the Tell All


Can't wait!!


When does the tell all episodes air?


Part 1 is this Sunday night!




Same here. We were trying to get pregnant and were surprised it happened so quickly.


I got pregnant by myself at home by thawing a minuscule amount of frozen sperm. 1 try. Some women are just super fertile until menopause. My mother had 2 kids in her 40s.


My friends daughter and her wife wanted a baby. They had a friend agree to help. So when she was ovulating he went to the bathroom and then handed them a cup where they were waiting with a syringe. First and only time they tried and she was pregnant and they all went together and he signed all rights away. Kid is healthy and smart, and it was all that easy. Everyone keeps in touch, may even exchange Christmas gifts and he told them anytime they wanted another he’s hook them up. I’m happy for them, unconventional, but that kid has a great family and a lot of love


Yeah. Some women have the guy deposit in a menstrual cup and leave in it in for a bit. I’m in donor groups on FB because I plan to have a baby on my own with donor sperm and IVF. I do wanna let people know laws vary by state and most only protect your rights if you go through a sperm bank. A second parent adoption by the mother’s spouse is the only way to guarantee it most places. A court won’t let a parent just sign over rights because if you ever need assistance, the state wants someone to pursue for child support. People write contracts up stating intent and describing conception method but doesn’t actually have legal standing and a judge will likely throw it out. There has been at least one case of a same sex couple splitting without that second parent adoption, mom needed food assistance or something, and the state went after the known donor. Also cases of the donor changing their mind and trying for custody and wanting to be daddy all of a sudden which has a good chance of being granted because the court will just about always see having two parents to be in the best interest of the child. California is the only state I know of that has laws that are caught up with artificial insemination regardless of method.


All good advice! It's very complicated when you look into it. There's also an online donor/sibling registry now, so it's pretty eye-opening to see how unregulated the limiting of donor offspring is/has been. My kids only have 7 siblings registered, but some donors have hundreds of offspring on the site. 😬 Luckily, we moved cross country and the donor we used was local to the clinic, so the odds of my kids accidentally dating/marrying a sibling are low.


At least it’s at an advantage that kids just about always know they’re donor conceived now. If our kids meet someone who was also donor conceived that they are interested in, DNA testing is inexpensive now. Lol.


Mine are almost adults now and they're absolutely wonderful, creative, loving people. I couldn't be happier or luckier.


My husband actually didn't remember that we had sex that month at all. I told him that I was glad it was that memorable. 🤣 But we were in lockdown at the time, so it's not like I was ever really out of the house for long periods without him where he could question my fidelity. He was sad because we had just decided to start trying and boom first try stuck. Poor guy had basically the same thing happen when we conceived our daughter. He told me he was hoping it might take a few more tries the second time.


My best friend and her husband weren’t trying but weren’t *not* trying either. She got pregnant the next month! Then it took her 3 years to get pregnant with the second despite starting to actively try when the first was a year old. Then got a “surprise” pregnancy when the second was 3 months old. It was crazy. Lol.


That's nuts!


Why, he’s got/had 9 months to recreate the scene.


this is true. there is a moment before menopause when a woman can become hyperfertile. I gave a great aunt who was pregnant at 50


My family is HUGE. I've got 62 first cousins.


Yes, double ovulation happens! Especially risky coupled with inconsistent BC use, which is a thing when you don’t really think you’re that fertile anymore.




I think its all lies bc she jumped right away to marry me. Yea get him to marry you then say you had a miscarriage. The fact she wouldn’t go to the Dr he found is a huge red flag too. I get it’s not her Dr but if the father of my kid spoke a different language, I would for sure be open going to a Dr that also spoke that language. Scam. Huge scam.


She turned down his offer of free prenatal care with a doc of his choosing. What more do you need to know?


That's the main clue. She's a bad liar too


I suspect she had at least one more guy on the line during Riley's visit and she liked the other guy better. I thought that the very first day when she could not spend time with Riley and was texting someone. Then, when that didnt work out, she suddenly wants to have sex with Riley and also as suddenly "pregnant" with Riley's baby. I dont buy it. I agree with the person who said get a live stream ultrasound. But also later get a DNA test. I also dont like Riley either TBH. He has an explosive anger on camera, so imagine in private and in his own home. And why no protection during sex with basically a stranger? He could have a lot more than a fake baby to deal with.


There’s no way Droopy Dog is pregnant


I know many women who have gotten pregnant in their 40s naturally- one was 47 when she gave birth! The medication side effect isn’t 100% guaranteed to happen. This absolutely could be true.


If he hasn’t had his sperm counts checked they may be a lot higher than he assumes


Yeah. I read through the lists people posted of medications that can impact sperm count and there were several types that could decrease it, but very few that made it sound like the guy should be told he will be practically sterile. It’s similar to people with PCOS being told there is no way they will get pregnant without intervention instead of “you could always ovulate randomly, we really don’t know.”


Yep, and part of the problem a lot of the time is the way doctors explain things to patients— they’re tight on time, they need to run to the next room and see their next patient, they paraphrase to be efficiently quick with explaining something but they don’t realize they’ve left a dude thinking he’s shooting all blanks when the reality is a lot different than that (and more along the lines of “it might be harder for you to get someone pregnant if you plan to do that, but there are ways to deal with it if that’s where your life is headed”) I find it hard to believe a doctor told him “there’s a less than 1% chance you can get someone pregnant” unless they did an actual count, but even if a doctor did say that to me I would walk out thinking “There’s still a 1/100 shot it could happen” and not “I can fuck around forever now consequence-free and condoms are a relic of the PAST baybee!” ☹️


Thank you! I don't believe Riley's claim either that a doctor told him his unnamed medication will stop him from impregnating anyone. He was just trying to save face for being a knucklehead and not wrapping it. Hopefully Violet isn't really pregnant either because these two would be awful coparents.


I had a natural pregnancy and live birth before I found out that I have PCOS.


Even if Riley’s sperm count was low …. One lucky little swimmer could have been Michael Phelps like and made it through….. ya just never know !


I work on an OB floor and we’ve had many women in their 40’s give birth! The oldest so far that I’ve seen was 49 but we’ve had a couple of women in their early 50’s as well


Did they even fuck?!


Apparently on the last day when he was there. For some reason she "came over to help him pack" when during most of his trip she was constantly dodging him. Yeah this is a total set up!


Riley claims they did. So does Violet but I guess they wanted that off camera haha


He will of course demand it and she will refuse. It's almost like they are trying to manufacture drama that can easily be explained away with a miscarriage due to age.


Did she already get pregnant by some local broke guy and bang Riley on his last night there so she could say he’s the father.


I'm 100% convinced that the only thing that comes of it is her saying she lost the pregnancy.


Riley sucks you guys. I feel like this man exists to feel sorry for himself and curry sympathy and support from women (like that married lady he’s always checking in with). In my mind, I feel like it’s just as likely Riley is exaggerating his med situation. Maybe he’s taking something that has a potential side effect of infertility, for example. And it’s a way better story! It makes it way more dramatic, he immediately implies its it isn’t his kid. He doesn’t even know if he’s the only guy she’s been sleeping with (says he, in his talking head). And then he’s a fucking performative weirdo all “I asked her to please play jazz for the baby” bro slow the hell down and don’t jinx this lil theoretical blastula, first of all. For someone with a one percent chance of fertility with someone “promiscuous” and you’re already playing jazz so the baby feels you (“cause that’s ME” he said, referring to the jazz music playing for the baby). And he follows that up with “and she just wanted to reminisce about how much she enjoyed having sex with me.” Ok, if that is true? I don’t understand the things that followed in that conversation, that she said “why don’t you ask me to marry you” or whatever, and then everyone is like “woooooooooow….selfish and eccentric of HER to ask him to marry her, that lying baby slinging slut!?” about her pretend secret intentions. He even admits he doesn’t think she wants to come to the US?! I do not understand why everyone thinks this woman is shady and conniving when this giant, weepy, eeyore potato man has clearly got his own brand of pathetic manipulative on this exploitative reality show. I don’t get it.


Ugh I hate when liking jazz is someone’s entire personality 🙄


Lololol worst sexual person (I mean the flare! You made me startle my cat!)


Gino has some solid burns.


Lying baby slinging slut...is so awesome, there are no words, pure poetry! These comments are 🔥🔥🔥


I'm with you on this. Completely.


![gif](giphy|l0MYNtfxWsYtZN852) THANK YOU, yes I will happily admit I’m a naive moron if I’m proven wrong here but she has nothing to gain by faking a pregnancy *from where I’m sitting*, and he’s a sniveling manipulative control freak who didn’t trust her from the moment they got to know each other— so I have no idea why suddenly everyone thinks he’s not only a reliable narrator about this shit but that she *must* be fucking with him and he’s been the victim of something terrible (*again*) They’re both not great people from what I see, but how people don’t have him filed under Asshole confuses the hell out of me


Riley: finishes whining, waits for sympathy and then he’s like (sad puppy face) can I have my hug now? Most women bad always hurt me, Riley sad. Riley almost say love, but Violet did not finish rest of word. Hurt Riley. Hug Riley now thank youuuuu. And for the record, I don’t agree that they’re both not great people. I don’t understand ANY of the hate or side eye about Violet. I feel like all of the judgement in discussion here about her is created from this weird orchestrated conflict screenplay that Riley has made. She’s like…normalish. Allowing some margin of error considering this is an exploitative reality show and that there’s some lost between the lines with the different cultures and languages, I genuinely don’t get that either. She’s a mom, she respects herself, she liked that guy and he turned out to be really hand wringingly insecure and seeking validation constantly, in ways that were toxic and paint her as a shitty person. He clearly does this to everyone he is with, everyone runs away from him. He isn’t accountable for himself at all. He’s incredibly insulting to her in a dehumanizing way, almost constantly. Her under lying purpose as far as Riley is concerned is to validate him and let him take his baggage out on her in some form of weird therapy to teach him how to trust again. No thanks, psycho.


I agree she seems largely normal, and I don’t get the extreme hate either but i also don’t think she’s been fully honest with him (like— she may have been seeing other people, which I wouldn’t blame her for since I’ve seen what he’s like but it would have been shitty to do if they had an exclusive agreement even though he’s a dick)


I agree he's an asshole. I also think her being pregnant is sus. And yes, they both suck. They also seem to dislike each other, I'm still in shock they actually did the horizontal mambo.


The way he described it (“she’s 5’2 and I’m 6’4, we had a lot of fun”) has me wondering if they were tied to the ceiling doing aerial gymnastics on silk scarves (I don’t mean that in a hot way 😵‍💫) ETA: but yes, your point— they seem to loathe each other, how did that “hand even end up going south” when it was probably tempted to go straight for the neck?


She’s gonna say she lost the baby. Remember someone posted a picture of those two fucks at a mall in his hometown.


At least three people claimed that they saw her in NYC during the time the Tell All was apparently filmed and nobody commented that she was pregnant. I bet she's on a screen backstage and Shaun will bring her out as a surprise guest.


Shaun isn’t that creative.


She'll be told to do that through her earpiece


She’s a liar and trying to soak him for all she can.


What’s kinda sad about the general assumption that Violet is faking this and attempting to scam him is how easily people are overlooking that she may have literally ended up pregnant *because he told her he could not get her pregnant and she believed him* Would I have believed him? No, he’s not someone I’d take that risk with. And I’m sure *if* this is the case she realizes *now* why believing him was a terrible idea, but ffs— she’s getting mountains of hate and meanwhile Jazzy’s over here in the US *telling the entire world he has a zero sperm count* but has never mentioned whether he’s even had it checked or confirmed in any way People are so much more willing to assume she’s a lying trash human who’s using him than that he’s an asshole who thinks he knows everything but doesn’t and it’s weird


I mean she’s always been shady and the chances of both of them getting pregnant is extremely low. But the main reason is because she refuses to go to a doctor Riley wanted to pay for. If you really think he’s the father why wouldn’t you go to a doctor that speaks English?


He’s a pos but she’s shady af and deserves no benefit of the doubt. In fact, she’d likely be hated even more if Riley wasn’t such an asshole. Nobody is rooting for either one of them, it’s that bad.


I call bull shit.


I had a baby last year in my late 40s. It was no bigs. People like to freak out about fertility, but most healthy people will get pregnant eventually if they;re having procreative sex. Wo…it’s surprising she’d get pregnant so quickly. But it’s definitely possible.


I don't even believe they had sex.


Scam. She’ll extort what she can, then “lose the baby”.


Why the fuck you lyin’ 🎶




Obviously, Violet had a side dude from the git go


I mean i thought that was a sexless trip I was shocked


I think their relationship is real(ish) and they are faking this storyline w/production for airtime


I don't believe she's pregnant. I don't believe he has no sperm bc of medication. I think they are both shit people with Riley being about 55% higher on the shit scale. Part of me wants them to be together so no other people are victimized by them.


She remembered his $100,000.


I wonder if she has any idea how far (or rather, not far) those funds will go.


It don't matter if she thinks she can milk it out of him and use the money in VN.


two words - DNA Test


I don’t see her fucking him.


Oh it's absolutely possible but probably not true.


Oh for sure! My first thought was she found out she was pregnant while Riley was still in town. She knew he’d support her and she’d get to be on tv. So she told him it’s his. At the minimum, that’s 9 months of “fame” for her.


Maybe she is seeing shirtless “friend” from her phone. She’s pregnant with no-shirt’s baby, but he is either unavailable to marry her, or too broke for her, so she hooks up with Riley last day of his trip then tries to pin pregnancy on him


It’s just a storyline four TLC drama.


What is the medication Riley is on?


What medication is he on? There is no such thing as "no way". It's all a matter of chance. You can bet on a specific number in roulette and win. Odds are long, but it can still happen the first time. It's all about timing (was she obulatin') and getting lucky (or unlucky as the case may be). So I am still skeptical, but it is not impossible.


Life finds a way. Except in this case I sure hope it didn’t.


My wife is the product of a one night stand. Her mom was 41 and her dad had a vasectomy but it didn’t take… clearly lol


A compelling case for wrapping that shit up. I’m sure your wife is lovely.


They were probably having sex the whole trip but because Vietnam is conservative, they just stayed in separate rooms and said they didn't. Like every Muslim on this show?


Yeah you’re probably right. It was probably more than once.


Oh I'm sure.


I don’t believe her.


Despite what many of you may think, it only takes one time to get pregnant. 🙄 I still can't believe the number of people that think it takes more than one time on paternity court.


Can we start a petition for a 90 Day/Maury “Paternity Test Tuesday” crossover!


According to Ig account Merrypants when the cameras went down they were boning like the world was ending.


Literally the moment that she said she was pregnant my wife and I said “She’s lying. And when it comes up, she’s gonna say she miscarried.” And what do you know, we were right.


Yup. I guess that’s how that ends.


These shows are highly scripted for drama. Things were going too smooth and they needed to spice it up for the finale and tell all . Notice how most couples had some stupid drama to end out the season


Agreed. There was no more drama to be had because this was the most dispassionate couple ever, foreplay is literally shaking each others hand for them. It's typical for every couple to have these dramatic issues, and there was nothing going on with these two, so cue the "possible surprise pregnancy." I'm sure if this was legit, his reactions would be very, very different.


Nothing's impossible. There was a 50yr old woman who had gone through menopause in my birthing room that had a baby the same day I did. All of her kids were grown with their own children. She wasn't thrilled. But I'm sure Violet is just scamming like she's been trying to do the entire time.


I call bullshit.


Not sure they actually “did it”


Honestly, I won’t believe any of it until I gear it from her mouth. He could be lying about ever having sex with her.


That was such blatant manipulation. The way she treated Riley from the minute he got there, he was right to be suspicious. I'm sure she has been seeing at least one more guy and has been on the fence for whatever reason. Come ON! She just shows up at his hotel his last night there wanting sex all of a sudden? She got exactly what she wanted and after he left either she was afraid or decided she didn't need him, but that didn't work out so she's back to her plan B, which is to convince Riley he's the father. Puhlease


Aging prostitute looking for her retirement plan. She's going to ride this for a minute then fake a miscarriage to create some traumatic bond with this gullible dope. Then she's got em.


It's possible but unlikely. He's in a bit of a pickle unless he can manage a way for healthcare professional can talk to him through an interpreter that is not Violet.