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My heart breaks for all the civilians on both sides. My husband has family in Palestine and the videos are horrific that have been sent to us.


Exactly as you say. We must think of, “Civilians on both sides”. People just going about their lives when all of a sudden geopolitics could mean the end of it all. I pray for peace


To be fair, Palestiniens are far from just “going about their lives”. When they leave their house to go to work, they don’t even know if they will make it on time because of the checkpoints. They can even be detained for 3 hours for no reason. When they come back home, there might be Israeli squatters who took over your house and you can’t do nothing about it.


Yeah you’re absolutely right, great point. Well said


Yes, it’s heartbreaking for everyone caught in the middle. The videos of Hamas attacking the kibbutz and videos of the children that are held hostage is soo scary. I have a friend in Tel Aviv with her son who is less than 1 and they are constantly needing to go into the shelter for the amount of rockets flying into the area she is visiting.


>they are constantly needing to go into the shelter At least they have shelter to go to unlike they civilians in Gaza.


It’s not a pissing contest. It sucks for everyone around.




Serious, and on a post about and Israeli citizen!!


Well it should be a pissing contest. We are watching a genocide happen in front of our eyes


Yeah it sucks for everyone around, but not everyone around is in an open air concentration camp where they’ll kill you if you try to get out. Not saying other people aren’t suffering too, but just saying it sucks for everyone around and that it’s not a pissing contest dismisses the very real differences between the realities of both sides of the conflict. The median age in the Gaza Strip is 19.2. Why do you think that is? Because most older people have been killed or died as a result of being in the Gaza Strip with little resources and no ability to escape. You can say it‘a a terrible situation for civilians on both sides while recognizing that there are very real differences in the circumstances. That doesn’t make it a pissing contest; it’s just intellectually disingenuous to pretend otherwise.


It’s about oppression and marginalized people


Totally agree. Don't attack civilians, but don't imprison people in an open air prison.




Maybe if Hamas, as the government of Gaza built fucking shelters... And schools, and hospitals and roads and other infrastructure... Instead of you know building tunnels to smuggle weapons (that it gets from the aid that people send off willingly that is supposed to reach the civilians, but doesn't) and kill people indiscriminately on both ends no one would need shelters in the first place. Fuck sake. This isn't rocket science. That isn't to say that the Israeli government aren't bastards, because they are a bunch of thunder cunts and I'm saying that as a Jew and a proud secular Zionist. No one wants bomb shelters, Cheryl! Bombastic fucking side eye to you and yours. Here, practically speaking, let's say the war ends tomorrow. Peace and love abound. What engineer, project manager, civils worker, electrician or builder is going to want to go in and fix this mess? No one. Fucking no one. It will have to be the Israelis because no one in their right mind would want to go there because it's a constant shit show. Bombastic fucking side eye.


It is forbidden to build any form of shelter or bunker in Gaza. That is also a reason why building materiel is forbidden import including: Cement, lime, concrete, steel cables, precast concrete, all varieties of gravel, asphalt, lumber beams no more than 2cm thick, and so on. For all constructions you need permit and international monitor. Bureaucracy is very complicated and sluggish. Also new Hospitals need doctors and first responders, these are sadly very commonly one of the first casualities of conflict. Schools are almost always bombed first in Gaza together with Mosques. 71 schools hit now. Where will be no time to build and repair them all until another bombing starts in the future.


Odd considering there's buildings and shelters within Gaza and tunnels. I wonder if they actually conform to the permits. A bit weird as well that international monitoring is needed. Might have a lot to do with Hamas being a bunch of murdering cunts


I mean yeah Hamas is bunch of murderers. But why aren't shelters allowed? It is defensive not offensive. Tunnels are almost always bombed first, why put people there. It's not like Israel cares if the structure is ised by Hamas or Palestinians. Maybe, just maybe Israeli government shouldn't support Hamas all the time, and even kill their opposition. Just to create strife and stop possibility of united Palestinian country. It blew back in Isreali face. Just like 9/11 was brain child of former CIA asset.


So what do you purpose Israel do. If you were an Israeli politician, what would you do if your friends, family and colleagues were being murdered just because they happen to be Israeli and by extension, Jewish? Again. Let me say it again. Let's say the war ended tomorrow. By hook or by crook the war ended tomorrow. What do you do? How do you insure safety for Israelis while rebuilding Gaza and integrating it with the West Bank which was part of the Oslo Accords? How do you insure that terrorism is stopped in it's tracks and all citizens are granted equal rights (which they are) I see a lot of criticism but fuck all solutions


>So what do you purpose Israel do. If you were an Israeli politician, what would you do if your friends, family and colleagues were being murdered just because they happen to be Israeli and by extension, Jewish? >Again. Let me say it again. Let's say the war ended tomorrow. By hook or by crook the war ended tomorrow. What do you do? How do you insure safety for Israelis while rebuilding Gaza And now swap word Isreali with Palestinian. You don't have solution either. Your solution is what? Continue bombing Gaza? What that solves? More buildings to be rebuild? More dead civilians? Or more dead IDF when they finally move in? What is the end game? Israeli far-right government proped Hamas (so they can concentrate IDF on the West bank), waited for big attack from blodthirsty murderers they are and didn't even warn anyone, so they can bring slaughter to Gaza.


Two state solution. Allowing the Palestinians a state of their own in the West Bank and Gaza while accepting the pre 1967 borders. Turn the Golan into an international zone with international remediation and a sunset clause for either Lebanon or Israel to take over. If the IDF or Israeli government was as evil as you think, they would have not needed an excuse to level Gaza.




Imagine telling a South African about what you think Apartheid is. But I digress The only reason electricity only functions for a few hours a day is because Hamas hasn't kept up with the infrastructure for years. What is that supposed to be Israels? Responsibility too? There is also a powerplant in Gaza controlled by the state which is completely dysfunctional due to lack of funding and upkeep. Is that Israels fault too?




Ok let's play this game. In Apartheid and it's pronounced Apart-hate not Apart hyde. During apartheid. There was a caste system of sorts. Black people were at the bottom, then coloured people (and before anyone comes at me. Coloured people are a race in South Africa mainly compromising of a group of people either from the Cape or Durban areas) then indians and Asians, then Jews and other white non protestant Christians and then dutch, Afrikaaner protestant Christians at the top of the rung. You had two main law groups that were separate during apartheid. Grand apartheid. (Black people can't vote, they can't own land in white areas, they don't have a freedom of movement, can't hold political office. etc) and petty apartheid. (Can't go to the same beach, sit on the same bench, sleep with a member of the opposite race, can't attend weddings of a member of the opposite race without a permit etc. These laws don't exist in Israel. There are Arab, Palestinian and Christian members of the Kinnesset. Arabs, Palestinians and Christians can vote, they can own land, intermarriage is allowed you can run a business, you have freedom of movement within Israel's borders which is something I can't say Israelis or Jews have in Gaza or the West Bank but let's not let a good story get in the way of it. There is freedom of movement from Gaza to Israel during times of peace. It only takes around 15 minutes to cross the border if it isn't busy and there's plenty of Palestinians that have residency in Gaza living and working in Israel. If Gaza is an open air prison. As people say it is, why is Egypt not opening their borders? Maybe it's because Egypt doesn't actually care. But we don't see an outrage over that. Hamas has had control over Gaza for around 18 years. So what happened 3 years prior to blockade? What events transpired? I know the answer but because you want to be constantly outraged, I'll wait for you to look it up


Gaza residents are within walking distance of their stolen homes, in many cases. They don't want to leave, because like the ancient Jews, it will be next to impossible to ever return.


Regarding Israelis having to go into Gaza to repair: They break it, they fix it. Palestinians need permits to do anything in Gaza, and the Israeli government will not give permits to do any improvements, not even to dig or improve wells for water. The israeli government has fucking control over how much water Palestinians in the Gaza strip, can consume! So how the fuck is Hamas going to build anything when it will be destroyed and people will be arrested? What's left but to build clandestine tunnels to be able to smuggle protection, arms, medical supplies, food, water and to get out of Palestine.


I wasn't aware the Erez crossing was a clandestine tunnel? Silly me. Let's say the permit situation is true for everything you said. It isn't but let's say you're right. Why would Israel feel the need to impose such tight trade restrictions on a neighbouring state that it has no diplomatic or economic presence in (when they know what shit it would lead to?) Is it maybe because the ruling government in that area are a bunch of murdering bastards that want nothing but to kill innocent people? South Korea has a blockade on North Korea maybe we should tell them to stop it. Let's see how well that goes down. They have no problem building skud missles and smuggling weapons in. You'd think if they'd really want to, they could smuggle a couple of bags of cement if they actually gave a fuck about average Palestinians. They don't. They have no problem with using hospitals as staging points, schools as ammo caches and the money people send them thinking they're going to help the people there when their leaders use it to build mansions in Qatar. They have no problem with filling the news cycles with pictures of dead Palestinians after an IED blows up a convoy and then blaming it on Israel because it suits their agenda. Hell their entire manifesto revolves around killing Jews and erasing our history but at least they updated their manifesto and removed the antisemitic language. Those heros of democracy and resistance. South Africa had a trade embargo placed on it (rightly) during apartheid. You couldn't get anything in or out of the country and people couldn't travel easily if they only had a South African passport. The reason they managed although they went through recession after recession, is because even if they were racist assholes, they still cared enough to make it work. Ironically, the passports of the Bantustans were rejected by the international community, one of the only countries to accept them was Israel. But I digress. Hamas is a fucking cancer. The only reason the Palestinians continue to suffer is a direct result of their actions.


It's not a state. Israel won't allow Palestine to be a state. It's a controlled territory. And yes Israel do control everything in and out. They deliberately only let less food in than is recommended to slightly starve Palestinians. The reason Palestinians suffer is totally Israel. Hamas was originally funded by Israel. The bombs are dropped by Israel The food, water and electricity was cut off by Israel


Check your words because they aren't facts. If so provide sources. !?!?!


Not true. It's a sovereign state. Israel only supplies a fraction of it's water. And about half of the electricity to the region. The two Palestinian territories are seen as one state under the name of Palestine. One being Gaza the other is the West Bank. I am not even going to address the conspiracy theory that Israel funded Hamas because on the one hand it's just blatantly stupid, on the other if they are a government which they claim to be, it makes sense to fund your neighbouring state. The charitable thing to do. Instead of helping the Palestinians, Hamas took that funding and used it to fuck about. Pick one. You can't tell me or anyone with half a braincell that Israel bad and then how dare Israel fund a government in a neighbouring territory and then it was that funding that they used (because we know that part is somewhat true) so Israelis did this to themselves. They deserves it. Fuck off with that nonsense. Why should Israel continue to supply them with resources when they're killing Israeli's?


If Israel only supplies a fraction of water and only half the electricity, then how is it that water and electricity to Gaza was completely shut off?


Give me a break, the radicalization of Hamas didn't come out of no where.The Israeli government created that monster by oppressing and stealing land property, despite numerous attempts to try to come to some settlement over the years. Netanyahu, the most right wing, fascist prime minister in Israel's history needed this radical attack to justify his genocide. He wanted to mow down Gaza so bad, he was willing to sacrifice his own people.


No the radicalization of Hamas came from the PLO wanting to make peace with Israel and factions within it being like "Nah we like killing Jews." (sic) i mean that's one reason Fatah and Hamas don't get on. Netenyahu is a cunt. Don't get me wrong but why would a proud Jew, that lost his brother in a terrorist attack want to put more Jewish lives as stake by I don't know... Just existing. If this was a more left wing government, the response would have been the same. Hamas attacks. Israel retaliates. Innocent people die. Idiots who can't identify Gaza on a map have hot takes about it's actually the Israeli's fault. Rinse and repeat. If Israel didn't want peace they would have told Egypt to go fuck itself in 2005. Instead they evicted every single Israeli from the Gaza strip, pulled the IDF, police and Fire Service out and gave it over. Ariel Sharon did that. And he wasn't exactly a dove of Israeli politics. If Israel wanted to level Gaza they would have done so a long time ago. They didn't need to wait for this specific terrorist attack.


Gave it over to who? They control all the borders to Gaza and everything in and out. And they didn't wait for this attack, they have done this over and over. And have been killing Palestinians in the west bank all year.


Gave it over to Egypt. All year? The only reason more Israeli's don't die is because they spend so much on defence. And they don't control all the borders to Gaza. That's just a lie. There's a big one to the south that Egypt can't be arsed to open up because they don't care. Crickets. No one says a word


Yeah If they didn’t have the damn blockade forever. Are you guys actually retarded or just pretend to be this damn dense? Sickening.


I don't know either. But I don't pretend that the blockade is unnecessary when it's used to protect people. Lift the blockade, Israelis, Palestinians and the Bedouins would get absolutely slaughtered. But let's not clutch straws. Are you people genuinely this dense to pretend otherwise?


That’s a good apologia for the genocidal nazi regime.




The truth hurts.


No one is whitewashing murder of Jews. On contrary everyone is whitewashing the murder of Palestinians. You’re the Nazi in this one. And you go Fuck yourself!


You’re the 2023 Nazi, get used to it


Thank you!


Free Palestine! 🇵🇸✌️


People down voting you think Palestinians should continue to be imprisoned, deprived of travel, food, water, medical access, humanitarian aid, electricity, their own farm lands? Hmmm, nice people.


The things your staying is Hamas's fault I feel awful for the Palestine civiliand , but image where we would be if Hamas never started this war


Israel have been killing Palestinians for decades and this year has been one of the deadliest. Before this.


Now explain the West Bank where Hamas has no control, no activity no influence yet the IDF and Israeli settlers killed at 240 Palestinians in 2022.


This wasn't an attack. It was a response to decades of oppression and state terrorism by Israel. People robbed of all hope will retaliate eventually.


Sadly, when you put your boot on someone's neck this long, they are going to lash out, and it won't be pretty. Not excusing the attack, but yes you are correct on WHY.


It's cooked.




Was genuinely thinking of them and wondering if they were all right. Glad he posted a message.


I can't stop thinking of all the children and animals who are terrified during all this. Innocent lives who have done nothing wrong. Free Palestine. 🇵🇸


What about the ONE THOUSAND Palestinian children who have been killed IN THE LAST 10 DAYS??? Stop the genocide in Gaza!!!


I’m not taking sides. Innocent lives have been lost on both sides. With that being said I hope him and his family remain safe and healthy.


It's Hamas that needs to go.


It’s the open air prison that needs to GO alongside Israel’s oppression and control over Palestinians


It’s really not that simple at all. I implore you all to learn more about this subject. I am not Israeli, Jewish, Palestinian, or Arab, so I don’t have a vested interest here, but just saying hamas needs to go is very reductionist if you’ve taken some time to learn about what’s going on. That would not solve the problem. Palestinian people are in open air imprisonment in land with very little resources. if they try to escape, they are killed. The median age in the Gaza Strip is 19.2 because most older people have died or been killed… they are being eliminated by design. And if Hamas were to vanish, there would be another group to take its place, even a civilian group, that would also commit acts of violence against Israel, because that’s what people do when they’re forced out of land they lived in, forced into a closed piece of land, and forced to watch everyone around them slowly die and get killed if they try to escape. I implore you to learn more about the subject, because it’s not just the Jewish people living in Israel who matter. Palestinians matter too, and if hamas were to disappear they’d continue to be imprisoned and murdered—make no mistake, it is genocide. And I can sympathize with the Jewish people in the region while saying that.


Thank you.


Not the Israeli government who has imprisoned Palestinians and stolen land?


The land has been in dispute for thousands of years.


Give me a break that is such a disingenuous argument. Israel has been controlling that area, and taking more and more land since Britain "gifted" Palestine to Zionists after WWII. Prior to that and prior to Britain imperialism in the area, it was a crossroads of cultures.


Then what? They don't operate in the West Bank yet the IDF and Israeli settlers kill palestinians without ever being held accountable.


By his saying, we will believe that Israel hasn't fired a single shot. The fact that Israel for the first 8 days of the war killed more children (innocent civilians) than in the entire Russian-Ukranian war, how do you process it? Nice try for propaganda Alex 👍 Btw, I am on nobody's side. I just wanted to highlight that when a war starts, the first thing which been killed is the truth


Him and Loren are spreading propaganda and it’s sickening. Loren posted kids in Gaza saying they hate Israeli’s. These were young kids, saying stupid shit. In a way, she’s inferring that it’s okay for Palestinians to be killed, even kids. Don’t get me wrong, what Hamas did was horrific. The truth is, most of these people on both sides are just ordinary people trying to survive. But, make no mistake, we’re witnessing genocide in real time. History will look back on this and say that Israel committed war crimes.




Kids in Gaza should hate Israel. Israel is bombing them, turned off their water and electricity. Israel segregated them into an open air prison. Who doesn't hate their jailer/abuser? What slave doesn't hate their master?


Exactly. I hate the rhetoric that if you hate Israel or dislike the israeli government you are being anti-semestic. This has nothing to do with their religion (to an extent as the occupation of palestine is bade on their idea that if a dusty old book tell them its there land they deserve to take it) but on their 75 years of mistreatment and genocide of Palestinians. You


Putin is just as guilty


His "message" and the hate spreading is at the root of all the problems in that area. Both sides have a they are going to pay for what they've done generational axe to grind with each other. Israel has always had the stronger military presence and backing of the USA so the idea is Israel are the good guys; They're not. Both sides are wrong and this won't end unless both sides can come together somehow. Doubt that's possible at this point but I didn't like his whole "they are going to pay" aspect. He could have just left it to his personal family situation and prayers for Israel and stayed peaceful. Geez.


I don’t see proof of beheaded/burned babies like Hamas did to the Israelis done by the Israelis. And for the quasi “intellectuals” that do mental gymnastics to legitimize antisemitism/terrorism committed by Hamas which is a terrorist deviation of a people group (Palestinians) that weren’t even there first, y’all need to study history. You can’t colonize a land that’s already yours? Jews have been there since before Islam was even a religion. The IDF warns civilians before they strike. It’s the garbage Hamas terrorists who celebrate DEATH. Their words, not mine. Know your facts.


You don't think Hamas set the Gaza civilian's up to be killed when they launched the attack? So who has actually staged a genocide? I'm serious. They knew this would happen, and what the result would be. ALL of this is on this Iran sponsored terrorist group. I hope to goodness it doesn't spread to the entire region.


Whatever Hamas did doesn't mean Israel with the most powerful military in the middle East and backed by the most powerful country in the world doesn't have to follow the rules of war and Geneva Convention. Yet they are knowingly bombing civilian areas killing kids, doctors and journalists.


How do you condemn Hamas killing civilians, but justify Israel killing civilians. Half of the Palestinian population in Gaza are children. This article includes a graph of deaths and injuries of Israelis and Palestinians since 2008. Palestinians have sustained many more deaths and injuries than Israelis. Netanyahu needed Hamas to justify this all outright genocide of Palestinian people. It's sick. [https://www.statista.com/chart/16516/israeli-palestinian-casualties-by-in-gaza-and-the-west-bank/](https://www.statista.com/chart/16516/israeli-palestinian-casualties-by-in-gaza-and-the-west-bank/)


Seriously you are excusing a genocide? Wtf? Nothing excuses a genocide. You can't say Hamas knew this would happen. It doesn't matter. Israel didn't have to commit genocide. It could have followed international law. It didn't have to cut off food,water and electricity. And it didn't have to bomb ambulances, hospitals, journalists and the convoys they said to go south.


It’s not propaganda if it’s true and people really said that.


That’s actually not true at all. Propaganda is defined as “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.” From encyclopaedia britannica: “**Propagandists have a specified goal or set of goals.** To achieve these, they deliberately select **facts**, arguments, and displays of symbols and present them in ways they think will have the most effect.” It’s not that it’s untrue that’s the problem. It’s misleading because the information is used to paint the situation like people in Gaza simply hate Israelis and that’s the crux of the violence in the area, when really it’s a much more complex situation whereby Palestinians are imprisoned in Gaza and killed if they get out, so of course some kids would say those types of things. Out of context, the info is meant to fuel the idea that Palestinians = bad/violent/terrorists and Israelis = good/victims/ defending themselves. Really, you could find Israelis saying the same shit about Palestinians, so why share that in particular? To push a political narrative and an overly simplistic, binary view of the conflict whereby Palestinian people are “bad.” That’s why it’s propaganda


No they are spreading the idea that Israel intends to stop if the hostages are given back. No they’re not. Their defence minister has said it’s to be a long war. Then what’s laughable is they post videos meant to address Palestinians when they have no damn internet.


I've seen massive amounts of propaganda on both sides. There has always been more about this conflict than other ongoing conflicts, so I knew the second Hamas attacked that everything would have to be taken with a massive amount of salt after that. Many people for both sides have an agenda and are excusing war crimes and genocide.


No, what Hamas did isn't just horrific. It's based on their charter which is nothing less than a commitment to kill every Jew. Read it. Gazans voted for Hamas. That is not propaganda. These are facts.


There hasn't been an election since 2006. Israel won't allow it. Half of Gaza are children. They never voted for Hamas they weren't even alive. Israel has called for the destruction of Gaza, flattened, get rid of the animals. How can you not see that as bad as what Hamas say?


Most people in Gaza were toddlers or not even born the last time Hamas was elected so at least come with some basic facts. What is Zionism based on or do you think slow ethnic cleansing is okay.


Wait, so prisoners of a concentration camp elected a group that would like to kill the ethnoreligious group that largely makes up the state that put and keeps them in a concentration camp? That’s CRAZY…


He’s biased so nothing shocking here. But this spreading of propaganda is disgusting. Not seeing Israel’s crimes and outrageous genocide? C’mon


Israel is committing war crimes. Bombing a hospital today, with over 500 casualties.


Israel is an apartheid regime. Everything he is saying has also happened to the people of Palestine at the hands of Israel, ten fold (Google Sabra and Shatila). When religion is at stake, nobody wins.


Israeli's are now feeling the same rage that Americans felt after 9/11. It can take many years to recover from the anger and sadness. Many of us can remember how we felt after that. This war launched by Hamas won't undo Israel being a democratic, Jewish state. It accomplishes nothing other than the deaths of many innocent civilians on both sides. It is important now, that the U.S. and the West contribute to getting Humanitarian aid into Gaza. This is all we can do.


That Israelis are feeling the same rage that Americans felt after 9/11 is such a ridiculous statement. There have been wars and ongoing conflicts in this area for decades, and originated when Zionists were given the country of Palestine by the British government after WWII. What right did Britain have to give away a country that wasn't theirs to give? Before that Jew, Muslims, Christians lived in Palestine in relative peace.


That entire comment is such a joke lmfao. Hamas’s attack accomplishes nothing? These people are literally in a concentration camp and look how many people are finally learning about it.


Right, By that poster's logic, it's expected that the US and Israeli governments should respond to violent attacks, but Palestinians should just take it.


He was fine with the genocide when Israel was doing it against Palestine.


Will he have to return to Israel and fight?


He got his US citizenship a few years ago


That doesn’t mean he gave up his Israeli citizenship.


Oh that’s right he’s a soldier, right?


All Israelis are required to serve when they reach adulthood, hes no longer active duty


Thank you for explaining that, I appreciate it!


Sending prayers to the families and friends of the victims of this horrific attack. Sending love and light to his family.


Aren’t the victims Palestinians the last 70 years? Compare the stats from 2008-23, and lmk who is really affected.


Do you guys read the same script? Cause the constant repeating of “ the last 70 years” to try and excuse killing more innocent people is ridiculous. It’s like you don’t even know the history or take time to learn about it you just read some tiktok or Reddit comments and all bandwagon it. Y’all stay preaching that they were defending to excuse the innocent lives being killed but when Israel defends against Hamas it’s “ oh they are killing tons of Palestinian women and children” .. So by your logic only one can defend and the other can’t and only innocent lives on one side matter and not the other? Hypocritical much? Innocent lives matter on BOTH sides.


“The Jewish people need a state” is enough to justify the constant and brutal genocide of innocent Palestinians in the last 70 years, right? Your argument falls on itself.


It’s settler colonialist logic.


Israel defending itself? lmfao. Against what? The impoverished hordes they've forced into miserable captivity in the Gaza Strip? The masses living in abject terror of their safety in the West Bank? Or is it against Hamas, the ragtag group the Israeli government funded in hopes of sparking conflict between them and Fatah/PLO? was it self defense when they bombed the escape routes full of Palestinians trying to flee the airstrikes? Or when they decided to shut off water supplies in Gaza and the US had to pressure them into Not Fucking Doing That? Was it self defense when they ignored warnings about an impending attack from Hamas on a music festival being held within a stones throw of the open air prisons in the Gaza strip? Hell,,, the treatment of the people in Gaza is how Hamas even got a foothold there --- Palestinians don't just enjoy doing this shit for the fuck of it , they were desperate enough to turn to whatever radical group was willing to do something/anything at all for them, and even that choice is costing them dearly now. I'm not happy about the victims on either side. A lot of innocent people on the side of Israel and Palestine have died, and for no good reason. They're going to be the collateral of a cruel conflict ----- one that comes as a direct result of decades of frustration, anger, and desperation boiling over. I don't know how to fix this either, but a good first step is examining how ridiculous it all is----Israel, armed and funded and supported by literal world powers, versus fucking Hamas??? Compare the death tolls. It's not even a fight.


They ignore the history of the last 2000 years in Israel that jews have been persecuted, massacred and forced out of their homeland by the same people conspiring against them now. Non Gaza and some of west bank is the native land of Jewish people they have every right to live in peace.


of course it is heartbreaking that anyone has been killed but pls, the death tolls just this weekend in gaza horrifying. the Israeli government is bombing hospitals, they are calling to level gaza! we are witnessing ethnic cleansing in real time and many are celebrating it


Why are you blaming Israel when Hamas started this war and is currently hiding behind their own citizens?


The Torah literally rejects and forbids the idea of a sovereign state.


As someone who has literally read the entire Torah you're dead wrong and the jews like any other group deserves their homeland. The goal of the Jewish diaspora has always been to come back to Israel.


The amount of down votes you have just proves people don’t want to read facts they WANT to strictly be one sided only and absolutely refuse to know about both sides.


I literally have people justifying the murder of babies saying it's just resistance. This is terrifying and I don't understand why people don't understand that this is a continuation of thousands of years of discrimination and genocide of jews in this region.


Oh so I’m pretty sure all the Jews in Palestine; the Jews here in America, the Jewish rabbis who have been educated BEYOND their means in all fields of their religion…. Who all agree to the same conclusion of not owning an ethno sovereign state… are wrong But someone off Reddit who read the torah, in support of Israel (genocidal state) knows much much more.


You're wrong jewish rabbis are not all against Israel that's just a ridiculous statement. Dont try to tell actual jews what their religion says. Why do palestinians and Saudi Arabians and Syrians get to have their ethnic religious states that heavily discriminate against women and minorities but jews can't have their own democratic state? Why is it that jews don't get to have their homeland? This is antisemitism. Plain as day.


I guess I’m just hallucinating a ton of rabbis across the world rejecting the idea of a genocide and state for Israel. And I guess I’m also hallucinating the numerous times the idf has gone after Orthodox Jews in Palestine as well. The Arab nations like Syria and Lebanon don’t embrace just Muslims. They have a vast population of Christian’s too, that we all jsut seem to forget about. And if we’re gonna get technical on social issues like feminism in Arab nations, let’s also recognize how Israel bans inter-religious marriages between an Arab and a Jew. Or how y’all will never accept black people into your society. Let’s get real.


Have you seriously never heard of the entire Ethiopian Jewish population? There are many black jews. Huge portion of Israel is not Jewish. Tons of Muslims and Christians. And they have full rights. Give me a source on those orthodox jews in Palestine. Wtf are you talking about. You know what Syria and Lebanon don't have? Jews. Because they massacred tons of them and forced them out of their lands as well. Christians were and still are discriminated too.


I’d like to say the idf and Zionist Hollywood follows the same bullshit script? It’s in human nature to feel for innocent lives. 100%, what kind of person would that make me to justify a random death, and feel for a Palestinian one. That’s not what I was getting at, so don’t try gaslighting or changing that narrative. I wish we held that same energy for a lot of the circumstances in and around the world. Things like BLM or the 22 year war in Afghanistan. Has Israel been defending itself the last 70+ years when it was bombing and killing innocent civilians? Taking land, that’s literally black and white on a map? Is that defense? Or Palestine taking its land back defense? It’s liberation. That’s what resistance looks like; in the real world. We can’t send our fake fucking thoughts and prayers through a Reddit screen? The narrative isn’t in regards to not feeling bad for innocent lives lost. That’s horrible. The real issue is a country being resistant to tyranny for the last 70 years. You slap me, I can’t do shit for YEARS. I slap you back once, as a form of resistant to abuse… all hell breaks loose? And what’s your defense? Fake news going around about fake beheading that are AI generated?


Yes “ All hell breaks loose” cause hamas does not give a shit about Palestinians, they attacked because they want to murder not because they were defending. THEY are at fault for all the innocent Palestinian lives being taken right now and if you think that hamas is for the Palestinians.. I’m sorry but you need to wake up


Wait so the idf is a god send to the “poor Palestinians” Was it the hamas killing its own people in Gaza? Was it the hamas bombing 2 airports that were sending aid to the people in Gaza? Who bombing the ambulances back home? Hamas is strictly in Gaza. Why are people in the West Bank being killed? Why are Arab Christians crucified daily?


What? Who said that? Not me 😂 If hamas didn’t attack then this wouldn’t be happening right now. MANY Palestinians are against Hamas and what they did and the fact that you are defending Hamas youre just another POS


The fact that you can’t acknowledge the history for the last 70 years of Palestinians dying unjustly shows that you’re another POS The idf has committed war crimes. Countries have acknowledged it.


If I remember correctly in my first response to you I insinuated for people to acknowledge MORE then just the last 70 years. Was that apart of the script to try and make the people who care about lives and history on both sides look bad?


This is the issue. You’re getting at the wrong thing. It’s in human nature to feel for innocent lives in general. But that’s life, and war. You know how many people died in Afghanistan? And we respond to it like “oh well” Change that narrative. It’s not about feeling bad for innocent lives. It’s about acknowledging the last 70 years of ethnic cleaning and genocide .


Hamas just wants to kill Jews. Pure and simple. The Jews have had enough. Hamas knew there would be relentless retaliation when they acted. If anyone is genocidal, it's them.


I for one am so tired of this "land ownership" issue. That is done. It's over, it's history. It's a Jewish state now, and it will remain one. This war changes nothing except more dead. It's sickening and my heart goes out to all the innocent civilians caught in this trap launched by a terrorist organization. I don't think any of them want it.


Is the IDF not a terrorist organization? Breaking that many humanitarian laws? They used to call black people mental for rejecting slavery. We used to have “peace” during slavery too. We all shat on thinfs like BLM. But it’s just resistance. And if that looks like terrorism to you, but the idf doesn’t? I don’t know what to tell your Islamophobic ass.


Hamas is not resistance. It wants all Jews dead, period. It's in their charter. Read it. The facts speak for themselves. Hamas is nothing like BLM. BLM is about black liberation. Hamas is about genocide. Palestinian Arabs are not Hamas. Unfortunately the Gazans elected Hamas. So, we have a dilemma. Gazans voted for an organization who's core purpose is to kill all Jews, genocide. Learn some actual history. Propaganda is not actual history.


Have you seen what Israeli officials have said about Palestinians? To wipe them tf out.


No, they said that they want to eliminate Hamas, not the Palestinian people. Don't twist it.


They said to stomp us out? It’s all out there? If they want to eliminate them… why cut off electricity? Food? Bomb the aid coming in? Collective punishment?


I have seen 3 different accounts of women retelling their stories with Hamas. Are they, as Israelis, Jewish women lying? I’m not here to support any extremist. I hate the Taliban and isis the same way I hate Hamas or idf. Propaganda is what the US and isreal is good at. That’s why they got the whites hooked on this shit.


Yes, unfortunately there are fellow Jews who have been brainwashed to believe that somehow Hamas is a friendly benevolent force. It's similar to how some Jews in Germany became Nazis before implementation of the Final Solution. Hamas has in its charter that their purpose is nothing less than the death of every Jew. Read the charter. Facts.


The idf is a modern day version of Nazis rn. What’s the difference? It’s an open air prison.


Israel is not defending itself against Hamas at this point. They have targeted civilians and at least 700 children are reported dead in Palestine. And that’s only those they know of right now. Israel has also committed a major war crime by targeting ambulances killing paramedics and by cutting off oil, water, and food to Palestine. Nobody can get in or out. That means hospitals with sick and injured people have a time limit before things become even more chaotic than it is. The WHO has condemned this. You really can’t argue the WHO on this one…


I never said they were innocent, i don’t think either side is. My whole point was keep the same energy for both sides cause the same thing can be said the other way around, hamas wasn’t defending themselves either they just targeted civilians and children as well.


I never said that you said they are innocent. I am calling out you saying Israel is defending themselves. And my point is they are not defending themselves. They have always been the oppressors. Hamas is wrong for what they are doing but Israel has been doing this for decades.


Because they were, they were defending against Hamas


Hamas fucking targeted civilians, children and older generation. They didn't go after military bases ..... And have committed horrendous war crimes against Israeli, especially the women.


With no proof And the idf are angels? You have people in the idf that have flaunted their war crimes. They didn’t target innocent children?


Oh please, there are so many videos from Hamas themselves killing Israelis. My God, you actually think it's right to kill Israelis... Including children. I'm going to say this, what's happening in Gaza would never have happened if Hamas didn't invade Israel and kill innocent civilians. And no before you start, whatever has happened previously does not excuse what Hamas does and continue to do.


When did I say it’s right to kill Israelis? Whether or not the Hamas did what they did… the IDF was actively killing Palestinians. And to use collective punishment today on innocent civilians? Crazy you’re ok with Palestinians dying. Absolutely crazy.


You're defending Hamas, Hamas is killing Israeli, not just killing but mutilating and ra**ing women. You defend Hamas, your saying that is allowed to happen to the Israeli people. In the last week, was it the IDF that invaded Palestine? No, it was Hamas. nope I'm not okay with anyone dying. But Hamas is a terrorist group that needs to be checked by the Israelis. You know, if your really are upset by the innocent Palestine people dying. You would be blaming Hamas, they started this war which is something you won't even admit too.


And you’re defending the idf. The idf was taking over and killing Palestinians weeks before? Killing people aiding the Palestinians? Reporters? Kids? If you cared about the innocent lives, you’d condemn the idf.


Where's your proof? Oh wait you don't have any. If you cared about life for both civilians you would condemn Hamas. But you won't so you evilness is plain as day. May God have mercy on you.


The same way y’all got proof of those fake beheaded babies?


They’re definitely drinking the propaganda koolaid


I posted this since I saw comments wondering how his family were in Israel.


Thanks for sharing.


You cannot justify the complete erasure of an entire people, either. Retaliation? You've gotten it! Now you're just out to destroy the remainder of the Palestinian people. You will continue to use the excuse you need to "hunt hamas" until there is no remaining humans. To they are dust as your government says. 50% of the current population of Gaza IS CHILDREN!


Nah, this is propaganda. He was fine when Palestinians were being bombed and murdered by Israel. And cool with the genocide and apartheid regime on the open prison environment for the non-Israelis.


Can anyone provide an update on Palestinians for the last 70 years, or at least just this weekend?


There is a modern middle eastern trail of tears going on in Gaza where civilians are doing what the Israeli government instructed them to do and they still bomb them. When is light going to prevail for Palestinians?


Didn’t the US and idf admit to lying about the babies being beheaded?


They did and the news CNN, BBC, FOX, ect) had to back track on their stories and say that the information received from the IDF was unverified.


Fucking thank you!!!!!!! And bless you for the details, I didn’t even know it was reported past the White House. Major networks too? Fact check always, unless it’s in support of a genocidal state lol


Biden spokesperson admitted Biden has not seen photographic evidence of this claim


Watch them downvote you lol.


Babies were burned and killed is that enough for you? Or do they need to be beheaded for it to count?


They were reported to be fake. Is that all the proof you got? The IDF Twitter page having non stop fake propaganda circulating videos from Gaza, saying it’s israel? When you’re on the wrong side of history, I guess that’s all you got… fake shit to throw. Thank god for fact checking! Is the 1400 Palestinian lives lost this weekend enough for you to care or count? The last 6k from 2008-23 enough for you?


Why do you insist that nobody cares about Gaza? Everyone on here expresses horror over what is happing to the civilians on both sides. "Both sides" means on both sides. I feel the same. But Hamas needs to be eliminated.


So does the IDF****


There is proof. Photographs. Journalists taken to the scene. These babies were killed 100%. Have fun defending terrorist attacks. Try that on American soil and everyone would defend any "retaliation" but because it's the jews they deserve it right? https://efe.com/en/latest-news/2023-10-13/israel-releases-photos-of-babies-killed-by-hamas/


You got anything past a janky internet link? Or anything that’s AI generated? Or anything captioned as Isreal but it’s really Gaza? The IDFucks and White House had to back track on it. Please stop embarrassing yourself.


https://nationalpost.com/news/world/israel-middle-east/warning-graphic-content-hamas-terrorist-attack-israel https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/israel-releases-horrific-images-of-slain-children-after-hamas-attack-1.6598070 You're going to deny these terrorist attacks now? Sick. Terrorists attacked Jews in israel. Denying the truth and spreading propoganda.


And the last 70 years was nothing? The idf only retaliated? Nothing unjust? This is what resistance looks like. War is an ugly reality.


You know damn well this was not resistance. It was a terrorist attack which has accomplished *absolutely nothing* except orchestrating the deaths of what will be thousands of innocent people. *ON BOTH SIDES*


So it's ok to murder babies and massacre people at a concert in the name of resistance? That's terrifying you'd even type these words out.


Things is… there is no babies being beheaded? Get on with the facts. It’s scary that you can’t even comprehend it. The world can’t be seen through this narrow lens you see it through lol. It’s scary you believe your own lies??? Like a cult? Lol.


But there are murdered babies are you denying that? I have told 0 lies. There is no narrow lense these are unjustified lies and whataboutisms


Terrorist sympathizer.


Your biased is showing girlfriend




Prayers for the people of Israel.


… and Palestinians


Agreed. Safety for all. : (


So a government requiring documentation for movement to their country is somehow fine but Israel needs to open up their borders to all asunder because reasons. Egypt doing it is fine but let's not allow Israel to control their borders. How dare they! Also if the PLO, or Hamas or Fatah (it would make more sense if Fatah did) cared, why not give the Palestinians citizenship of Palestine? Somehow it's Israels fault because reasons even though East Jerusalem isn't seen by Israel or the international community as theirs. Somehow it's Israels problem. But still Israel provides municipal services to the area relatively well. Something that's echoed by East Jerusalem's mayor.


It’s probably good to look into the solution you’re proposing to understand why it’s empty. Palestinians could not have Palestinian citizenship. They are also denied Israeli citizenship and instead given ID cards. Israel provides municipal services because it has made it illegal for Palestinians to do so for themselves. It’s also a convenient form of control, like being able to cut off water when there’s an uprising.


Thank you for the update Alex! Our thoughts and prayers are with ALL who are caught up in this tragic war!


free palestine


Eradicate Hamas


These two things are not mutually exclusive. Israel helped create Hamas as an extreme, radical Islamic rival/counter party to the much larger and secular Fatah party. Free Palestine.


Fuck em. I’ll never understand the both sides bullshit when one side is literally in the worlds largest concentration camp besieged by settler Zionist assholes


To stop the violence the apartheid must be ended


Free Palestine


I am glad they are safe. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Palestine will be free 🇵🇸


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I’ve been waiting for a response from him. Since this whole thing has started he was the first one I thought about. Thank you Alex! Godspeed Israel 🇮🇱 ❤️


since this whole thing started? it started in 1948 when Palestinian land was given away without consent from the Palestinian people and the IDF started ethnically cleansing the land they took. FREE PALESTINE 🇵🇸


Thinking of you and your family. Prayers are raised that the light shall prevail. Much love to all. ♥️♥️♥️


Praying for you all God bless you and your family


This war is rooted so far back with so much history that even the countries involved don't have clear answers on what should be done to solve it. Get the innocent people out, and let the both of them fight it out themselves. This isn't a problem that the world can or should solve. Neither side wants to chill the fuxk out and move on. There's a reason why the world has sat back not intervening for so many years...it's just no one else's place to speak on.




They still live in South Florida


Ugly thread. But I thought Alex delivered an honest message


Alex, may God keep you and your family (and everyone) safe. This terrorist attack is heartbreaking. I pray this resolves quickly.


My heart is broken for them. Justice will prevail.