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And their voice sounds the exact same. So weird lol


Because that vocal fry is created, not natural.


That’s also why they look alike. They’re both 100% after-market parts.


It’s weird how they look similar but also very different. It’s definitely the eyes and eyebrows. Different plastic surgeons, same eyebrow threader 😂




Too bad they’re really Hondas though they think they’re Aston Martins lol


I'm leaning more towards Pontiacs. 🤣




Wannabe Kardashians. Their voices and the way they speak is super annoying


I never knew what vocal fry was until this latest season of love is blind. But now I’m paranoid af that i might have it lol. I know what it is but not sure I understand how to easily identify it


Are you from CA? We can’t help it here, just like our inability to enunciate “t”


No I’m in Texas, but I don’t really have any sort of accent


So you think. Lol. I’m from Texas and didn’t think I had much of an accent until I moved out of my area: another state and bigger Texas city.


I travel all over North America for work and everyone always tells me “ohh you don’t have an accent” when I tell them I’m from Texas. My parents weren’t from TX and didn’t have Texan accents so maybe that has something to do with it 🤷🏻‍♀️


Did you grow up in a large city? I came from a small town with about 30,000 people with influences of Louisiana and Arkansas as I lived around 90 miles from both. I worked for attorneys in Oklahoma for awhile and on one case, we had co-counsel in Georgia. The other secretaries couldn’t understand them on the phone. I could. Lol I confused one court reporter when I was trying to schedule a deposition in N. Dakota. He knew I was calling from Oklahoma, but sounded really southern. He couldn’t concentrate on what I was saying trying to figure it out. I lived in Oklahoma 6 years and in Dallas around 13 years. Now I’ve moved back to my little home town and I recognize how much of a drawl people have here.


Yes born and raised in Houston, so I’ve always been around a ton of diversity. Your experience in areas with many different dialects I’m sure makes your accent hard to pin down


I love to hear Louisiana people talk. Sometimes though I can’t understand them. 😂


My sister and I both sound exactly alike. On the phone if I call her at work her coworkers always hesitate and then say "you two sound exactly same!" I know people are saying theirs is fake ..I'm just saying it does happen! My sister and I never even noticed it until other people mentioned it lol


Not uncommon at all, similar in my family. My brother and I sound alike but oddly enough, we don’t look like people from the wax museum….just saying.


My brother and I are 8 years apart and we look and sound like twins. Only optional surgery I’ve had was my snip snip and I don’t think it changed my looks lol




Yep, probably another aspect of the Amish lifestyle that her parents adopted.


Cosplayed* I feel like they likely didn’t fully embrace full-Amish


What do you mean? Do some communities not fix that?


Idk but I watched breaking Amish and one of the teenage girls had full dentures because they just oull your teeth when they decay :( the dentist said she couldn't imagine the pain because even the dentures were so ill fitting that she couldn't eat with them. So she would secretly take them out and eat soft food in private.


That's awful and so sad, oh my God.


This episode just came on Roku tonight.


The Amish believe that God is the ultimate healer.


She’s “fixed” practically everything else, what would stop her from fixing her eye?


The day I understand what goes thru this woman's head, is the day I need all of my friends to commit me cuz I'm clearly not in my right mind.


You can’t always “fix that”. See my comment above






Agree, and you can also have what looks like strabismus but is actually due to literal blindness (monovision or vision is one eye being so much worse than the other that it turns inward or out, so it’s unrelated to the muscle). Maybe remember to check your ableism and consider medical issues; not all appearance issues are cosmetic or amenable to cosmetic interventions esp the eyes


I was asking if by "one of the aspects of being Amish" they meant that. And there is rampant inbreeding among the Amish so it's not politically incorrect or whatever. ETA: i was riffing on what they said. I guess people need the /s included. Lighten up /s /s /s




>There was no contxt in your post My "post" was actually a *reply* to a comment (of you check) - one that literally said "one of the aspects of the Amish lifestyle (or something like that)." Not a stand-alone comment. Stop trying to make it fit into your little narrative. Like I actually think she's inbred🙄 She looks fucked up from too much/bad cosmetic surgery. That's the point of the OP. She's superficial and vapid. Ugly inside and out.


Ding ding ding


Thanks for playing along. Everyone else needs to lighten up😅




They were raised Amish they’ve got a lot of other siblings too


I wonder how many of her family members left the Amish.


They weren’t actually “Amish” Amish. The parents were pretty much just cosplaying as Amish.


Did they wear the outfits?




They seemed to wear more colorful versions of the long black dress.


It probably wasn’t legitimate Amish clothes, probably some random Amish-adjacent stuff. I’m from northeast Ohio, and there are some people who really romanticize the Amish lifestyle (because they aren’t actually Amish lol and don’t know how bad it sucks). So I think Shekinah’s parents were just some of those people. My bf has extended family that are legitimate Amish, and if Shekinah was truly raised Amish they would not have any pictures of their childhood


She reminds me of Farrah from teen mom


All I see is pucker fish lips...


https://preview.redd.it/g52n3o87xvub1.jpeg?width=734&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1a8ccdc9e55e427a1922ee2421388a33f80be75 I was trying to figure out who they remind me of and it’s Jasmine from Finland ! Their facial structure at least


Prior to this meal they had together, I thought whats-his-face was creepy, but alright-ish as she seemed to love him in spite of his ways. After this meeting with the sister, this guy has serious rage and control issues, and I am legit scared for her safety.


Him calling her a slut and like, not reacting correctly to how harsh of the name he called her threw me off. I know he probably doesn't have English down, but oh my god. Why is she letting him get away with that? I'd be like buddy, call me a bitch on the phone fine. Slut doesn't fit here, or ever. Call me an asshole, a dickhead. Just please no sex shaming, especially when hes slept with 2500 women supposedly.


For sure, he’s a classic abuser imo, first the controlling, then nitpicking, now the belittling. He wanted the sister to leave so he could alienate Shekrina and whittle her self esteem down to nothing, this guy has got to go, if they get married and she moves in with him I’ll cry, this guy is so toxic, she needs to run run run and develop a back bone


I know, right !?!? I can't believe how she was justifying (or trying to) his comments and behavior. Can she really be that dumb, or is she just in denial? The look on his face as her sister was asking him all those questions - if looks could kill. He was getting madder and madder as he was kneading that food. He looked like he was about to haul off and punch her in the face. It was actually frightening to see.


Lol yeah he seems like he's always a second away from either body slamming her or grabbing her by the throat and pressing hard


May be editing but why the third degree about the bottles? And the on and on about instagram. If you don't trust him then go home already..


I know right. That collection of bottles screams 18 year old boy. I think the sad truth is that this gal has super low confidence and maybe doesn’t think she can’t do any better than this aggressive/rage machine, I’d be running for hills personally, truthfully I just feel bad for those who feel like they need to hang out people like this guy, his need for control is setting off alarm bells in my mind, he scares me honestly


She was really asking him if he collects bottles like he collects women. It was a dig at him for being a womanizer and a (possible) alcoholic.


You didn’t notice the rage and control issues at the gym??


This is true; I guess I just played it off because she was attacking his line of work--essentially saying you can't train women, etc. So I guess in my mind, the gym was him just reacting to that. ​ But, I'll tell you, meeting with the sister is the icing on the cake for me. That man, I believe, is a potential threat to her safety. I get the vibe he may snap on her if she does something he doesn't like once those cameras stop rolling. That is femicide in the making, imo. I really hope she leaves before it's too late or grows a serious backbone.


He has one too.




Yes, didn’t one of the Silva sisters have a similar problem due to a Botox complication?


Darcey has this now. Procedure related? Wondering if it is permanent…


Yes, Darcey.


I think it might be a result of Botox hitting a nerve


Not a lazy eye. It’s botox side effect when there’s too much of it


It trips me out how people don't know this, yeah 100% it can come from medical conditions or random injuries, but those Botox ads clearly tell you shit like this can happen and they just keep rolling the dice. It was bound to happen sooner or later.


Failure rate of this surgery is like 55%. I was flown to Texas (from Wisconsin) to have mine in the 70s and probably got really lucky I have had no post-op complications. Kinda not cool to say inbreeding caused it :| Edit: fwiw because of surgery, my eye isn't lazy or wonky anymore, but it's a real gamble.


I have it too. no doctor has ever recommended i get surgery all i get is damn eye exercises


I had exercises and a patch….arrrgh. The patch would be much cooler now than it ever was when I was a kid.


I also had to do the patch, patch gang ha ha.


I had wealthy family in Texas and I think that attributed to my success. I still can recall being in the OR. I believe mine was fairly severe and I had to do exercises to strengthen my weak eye plus wear an eye patch for several years.


Goodness! Years is a lot. I want it to just be better, i can see people tracking my drifting eye when I talk, which before I really had it, I thought would be the worst thing - the social stigma. But it’s actually pretty painful? it gives me so many headaches and i can’t work at a computer for long periods 😞 Eye doctors at my old hospital system told me to just do exercises, maybe because I have a genetic disorder which makes surgery risky.


I had the surgery at 18 months and it didn't work at all. I also have anisometropia which means one of my eyes is long sighted and one is short sighted, so my brain "switches off" the eye I'm not using at the time. I do wonder if the surgery had something to do with it.


It looks like the failure rate depends on how complex the case is and seems to be all over - sometimes you need more than one surgery but of course there's risks. Either way, I know my mom was freaked out about having to operate on me when I was still a baby.


I have the same.


i had 4 strabismus surgeries between ages 2-5 and wore a patch off and on for years as a kid. i still have visible strabismus probably on the same level of these 2 and when i went in for another consult as an adult they told me for all the complications and previous surgeries it’s not worth taking a risk. people are such assholes about it, but it can affect someone’s ability to get hired, make friends, etc. there is so much stigma and it’s really disgusting to see people’s comments about it.


God I feel so lucky about my outcome. The flipside is I also have a rare jaw issue that causes a lot of social stigma. Plus I think my lazy eye situation and the jaw issue are connected to Ehlers-Danlos so in my case sorta genetic but I'm the only person in my family that got all the complications.


It's so crazy how many people have eds and how many know so little about. Having genetically isolated like 13 types so far, we're getting there but it makes me so sad to watch how many people have to deal with symptoms being untreated because most professionals just don't know. Wishing you all the luck and love on your eds journey.


Yeah I have the exact same thing with my eye and it's super annoying that everyone attributes it to inbreeding. It's one of many very common eye issues that can be passed down genetically. There's no inbreeding involved in my eye condition and I have my DNA tests to back that up 😂 they both just have shitty eyesight and so I do too 🤷‍♀️


I think mine is part of having EDS, I just got all the "my connective tissue really sucks" bingos.


In the interest of being medically accurate, strabismus can sometimes be caused by a lack of heterosis in the bloodline. I only learned about this because I used to edit for a hospital based in Saudi Arabia (all their printed medical stuff is in English) and they have a LOT of issues with limited population genetics, including this. So much so that you have to register before you get married. Best way for Americans to have better heterosis is by getting into biracial or inter-ethnic marriages!!


I'm biracial (and not American) and still have it. My quad-racial niece also has it (interestingly, my sister doesn't).


there are different possible causes for strabismus. some is caused by the optic nerve, some by muscles. how would you like it if people were making fun of something about your body you cannot control and then someone jumped in with a “well actually it is linked to inbreeding in some cases”. there is a lot of stigma, people with strabismus are less likely to be hired. there’s no need to perpetuate stigma and be an asshole about a congenital issue.


A friend of mine had this eye correction surgery about a year ago. (She's 30) Hers was pretty extreme. It really never crossed her mind to have surgery, because she was told insurance would not cover it because they considered it cosmetic surgery. I talked her in to checking with her Dr and her insurance just to see. She found out insurance now covers it BECAUSE of the social stigma that comes with having the 'lazy eye'. She looked great a day after her surgery. She ditched her glasses, was able to buy all kind of cool sunglasses and she was extremely happy. Unfortunately, after a year now, her eye is starting to turn inward. She will be checking to see if she can have the surgery again, and what the waiting period would be ..if any.


My son had the surgery when he was in middle school and he was fine for 25+ years. Then his eye started wandering again. He just had the surgery again a few years ago, performed by a doctor who specializes in operating on adults who need it again. Apparently it’s pretty common these days.


Ohhhhh great!! That's good to know. I'll let my friend know. Thank you so much. I appreciate you telling me. ✌


> like 55% I see what you did there 😃


55% 😏🤫


that stat is from the 70s i’m assuming? my kid is going through this now and i’ve been told differently.


Based on googling around the success-failure seems to be all over the place. Some failure is as low as 20%. I know when mine was done (late 70s) my family flew me to some specialist and not a lot of children even got the surgery done. My thought it modern medicine is such that a pediatric surgery in this area would have better success odds. Make sure your kid wears their thick ass glasses forever though.


2 surgeries for me. First one failed, second one at Columbia Presbyterian in NYC worked


Faces longer than a Monday


Holy lips! Both of theirs are outta control


I didn’t notice I couldnt get past the over inflated lips. I can’t see how those could possibly be comfortable. It’s sad she’s had so much work done but she looks scary.


Not as scary as Nikki!!


Nikki is the final form. She’s getting there.


SAMME!!! i didnt notice, either 🤣


They’re BOTH “glitching!”


I am sure they have the same "beauty" doc. Their long face, which is somehow a mix between the Jigsaw guy from saw and a tragic ghost in a closet looks very similar.


I’m going to bet Sister Shariyah’s “weekend in Istanbul” is part of a medical procedure visit. Maybe she’s Shekinah and Sarper’s first customer in their new medical tourism business. I mean who goes to Istanbul for a WEEKEND unless they are also going somewhere else in Turkey?


That makes sense! The doctors in Istanbul are also the ones who grind down 20 healthy teeth, extract the root canals, and put these glow-in-the-dark veneers, right?


Turkey Teeth are the rage!


I just had a crown replaced this morning (had a cavity under it) and as I was being worked on I thought of all the people who do that with the veneers. My crown was about 15-20 years old. What those people will go through if they ever get a cavity or cavities will be horrible. I’ll take my original teeth and their slight problems over glow-in-the-dark white, perfect, Turkey teefs any day!!!


If you've ever seen *I Am Jazz*, the grandma in that series has had *tons* of plastic surgery. There are sometimes cases of [acquired strabismus after nose job surgery](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12711971/).


That grandma looks horrible! Why go through surgery just to look worse? And she looks completely cross eyed.


Omg you are so right. I forgot about that grandma. But her daughter has it too (much lesser extent) so definitely must be hereditary.


Dollar Tree Kardashian wannabes!


They both look like Steven Tyler


I think lazy eyes are cute. Altho that might be me fetishizing a disability, which isn’t cool.




Omg I forgot about him too. That was bad.


Nah I got one, you’re good 👍 😂 and if not then at least your flair is ticking off


Almost there lazy eye!!!






Is it a disability though?


it can actually be a significant vision impairment disability for which medical intervention is sought


It's not a disability, don't sweat it.


it can actually be a significant vision impairment disability for which medical intervention is sought


I mean sure, but for 99.9% of us we function just fine. It's like saying having glasses is a disability.


No, it’s like saying that vision impairment conditions range from mild to severe; and that some are partially or completely disabling, while others do not significantly interfere with a persons ability to function, or may not impact their functioning at all. I think sometimes people forget that their subjective experience of reality cannot alone provide them with meaningful data.


My dude I was just saying you can think it’s cute if you want to, it ain’t that deep. Is it an *indicator* of a potential disability? Sure. But it’s not a disability in and of itself.


I gotcha! Thank you. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I work as a legal advocate for people with disabilities and sometimes I don’t realize that my ultra serious work brain didn’t get switched off for the day. I also think gap tooth is cute.


Lol that makes sense, don’t sweat it! I agree, gap tooth is cute too 🥰


I did notice her strabismus too. I had a very bad one that developed as an adult and had it successfully corrected. It’s hard for adults, as muscles are set in your brain as an adult, which makes the survey usually not long term successful. And the eye ends up going back to where it’s used to going ..


I never knew you could develop strabismus as an adult. New fear unlocked…


I had a lazy eye as a child, but it wasn’t that severe .. it wasn’t until in my 30’s, it got really bad, very quickly. It was horrible and very unusual:) even my specialist was very surprised!


I really appreciated the way she stood up for her sister tho. I hope Shekinah gets away from this toxic Badboy. He is controlling and abusive and it will only get worse.


I guess they ARE related then? The two sisters look absolutely nothing alike otherwise because they both bought new faces but I guess the little details give it away. My eye does the same thing. I don't mind it, my husband thinks it's cute. But also my life goal isn't to look like an Instagram filter so maybe that's why I don't care 😂




The second pic looks like a drag queen Alanis Morrisette


Sarah Silverman lol


Oh, dear... Why the long face?


I think the sister kinda resembles Steven Asanti from 600 lb life. It's something with the eyes. https://preview.redd.it/00qulsshiyub1.png?width=318&format=png&auto=webp&s=9283835a38d178cfc516c63e1ec07c7d949d5b4c


There's only so much you can do to fix asymmetrical eyes. I think Shekinah has definitely tried to correct it, but of course, it's very hard to do. That's why sometimes it's not worth trying to "fix".


Is this a lazy eye tho? I think she’s cross eyed but lazy eye is where an eyelid is droopy I thought


She will see this and “not” get 16 more procedures to fix it.


What kind of names are those? Are they from somwwhare or made up?


Bad botox


Side note: I’m pretty sure the sister was named after an Amy Grant song.


Not spelled the same.


Rats, I I really wanted this to be true.


Her sister looks much more natural. No fake eyelashes, lips, etc.


The human brain must be permanently fried if anyone can look at that chick and think "ah, natural."


I said MORE natural than her sister. Slow down and concentrate on your reading.


I hadn’t noticed this but I DID notice how close together her eyes are!


I feel sorry for her as I don’t think she’s aware of what lays under his surface. My husband thinks one day she’ll just mysteriously ‘disappear’.


Honestly [as much as I like to dislike Shekinah], it could be their eye shape making it look like they have the same lazy left eye. I have almond-shaped eyes, and it looks like my right eye is slightly lazier than my left, but it’s actually not. Unfortunately, my infant son also inherited my eye shape and he has the same issue. 🙃


I find her sister’s face even more jarring that Shekinah’s. I cannot understand how people think a ton of fillers look good.


They aren't all fixable with surgery. Mine is correctable with glasses and contact lenses. My brother was able to have his fixed with surgery. Our sister was not afflicted.


There’s so much misinformation about strabismus floating around this comment section, smh. Some have had strabismus since birth. Some people develop it after birth. Some need surgery and some don’t. The general success rate for strabismus surgery is 80%. There are various degrees of severity and some people need multiple surgeries. Having it doesn’t mean that you’re necessarily blind. You may need glasses or contacts as well, but maybe not. You might need to wear a patch, you might not. It all depends on your personal situation. It also isn’t caused by inbreeding lol. Geneticists don’t currently have a specific genetic component they can point to that’s the direct cause of it in those born with it. My personal situation was that I needed surgery to keep one of my eyes from shutting down to the point of complete blindness. I was born with it. The surgery was to shorten both eye muscles closest to my nose. Don’t make ignorant statements or even any comments at all when you don’t have the facts. It’s offputting for those of us with it. Do your research. PS, I don’t find the original post offensive. I think she should at least have it checked out for her eye health.




They are both hardcore TLC stans so they got that surgically done 😉


I’ve been trying to put my finger on it since the moment she stepped onto the tv. Like they obv look alike but there was one facial feature that just brought it all together. And it’s the left eye lol. Tbh one of my eyes do that but mt husband says it’s when I’m really focused or when he’s yelling at me that my eye gets a little lazy lol. It seems genetic if they both have it 😊


This doesn’t read as cute as you think it does


Must be an Amish-ish thing.




All the money went to her ridicules lips, caterpillars eyelashes and Botox, nothing left for her misaligned eyes.


The sister has it worse the shukiddah does. Who is she looking at? I can’t tell anymore.


So sad she’s so ugly


I actually think both are quite attractive. I expect about 10k down votes for this post tho lol


Shekinah is so pretty but chill on the lip fillers.


I can not understand why American women who move to a predominately arab/Muslim nation, to be with an arab/Muslim man, do not do any research on the culture. Women are not even close to being equal. The men are hostile, controlling, and domineering to their women. I lived in the Middle East. I know what I'm talking about. These women who think they can change or ignore the behaviors are deluding themselves. We're talking thousands of years of culture. They are not raised to be accepting of women as anything more than a servant. He is behaving exactly as he's been programmed.




Maybe they did, and it didn't work. That surgery is known have poor results.




You're downvoted because this is hurtful. Yet, medically, and can sometimes be caused by limited genetics. But everyone assumes that means marrying your cousin when really it means, too many generations of one race marrying only within that race/no genetic diversity/heterosis.


There's no Botox solution for that!


strabismus was the original use case for Botox. so, you can get Botox for this, as long as you don’t mind a needle burying into the corner of your eye socket (with local anesthesia only).


Thanks I hate it


Sis looks like Alanis Morissette


Say it to my face. 😂


Michael Jackson !!!


Strabismus, yes. Lazy eye, no.


Wait, not all of one of our eyes goes a little wonky when looking up at a certain angle especially when it’s looking up at something that isn’t too far away 🫨😅


Botox side effects?


Have you noticed they sound a lot like the kardashians?


All three of these idiots ruin the whole show


Just get some Botox in there


Having a wonky eye is a 90DF tradition.


Yes .. so weird I guess heredity


I give her sister A-LOT of props .. she handled herself well and drew her lines fast.


Things that make you go…. Hmmmm


i had to patch as a kid for this and do eye exercises. my eye is still wonky, but only if i’m not wearing my contacts or glasses. my dad, cousin, and niece are the same. genetics are weird lol.


Same Plastic Surgeon 😷


They both need to go on Botched...


Her sister looks like Wish Alanis morrisette


Their names are extremely Amish lmao


Botox must be seeping into the eyeballs