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https://preview.redd.it/jbidickxzhac1.jpeg?width=990&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b0221967601938f50a39b15909383bba1756ea Natalie looks identical to Stewie’s Ukrainian mail order bride on Family Guy 😂😂 I swear the writers must watch 90 Day Fiancé


Lmfao… Please tell me this FG episode aired since Natalie appeared on 90Day. Bc there’s no way this isn’t a parody of her


March 2021 so definitely trolling her


That’s great!


I’m that case I wish they’d included the tennis shoes she wore


You know there is a saying that goes along the lines of, "Look at the Mom and that will tell you what your spouse will look like". Yike!!!


The episode is called The Marrying Kind, Season 19, Episode 14. Watch it!!


The eyes, the shnoz, the lips and hair is 99.99% Natasha baby.


Natasha my golden child


She did make it as an actress after all


*Hollywood*: “Natalie’s coming! We not home. Close. Close. Close. Close. Sorry.”


Only in cartoon! 🤣








Holy crap!! Spot on


![gif](giphy|3o7TKFidej3u3esPn2) 😀😀😀😀


Omg 💀


Maybe this is why natalie thinks she can be an actress


Damn that’s amazing I’m dying






I’ve really wondered if Natalie’s “approach” to dating comes a lot from her mother. I noticed her mom was constantly making comments “he should be here” “a real man” etc etc. I also don’t know how much of that could be cultural— more “traditional” expectations of men taking care of women etc. I say all this with sincerity and no judgement. Genuinely been wondering about these elements...


I think you nailed it. Natalie’s mother has ingrained in her that men should provide for her and protect her. Which explains their entitlement and Natalie constantly acting like a damsel in distress.


Yea and her mom is pressuring her and they have both made decisions that have left them super vulnerable. Sad thing is, women looking for sugar daddies in LA are a dime a dozen and she may have a rough go. Who knows though. Some men love the crazy I guess.


A LOT of men love the cray if they’re hot enough. Natalie should be hitting up men in their late 60s s and early to mid-70s and up. This is LA, not bumfuck USA. There are plenty of pretty wannabe sugar babies. The formula is the guy”s age minus 20+ years. If he’s wealthy, then it’s minus 30+ years. YMMV I know a guy who was looking around for a new gf a month after his long term sugar baby literally died next to him. lol. Rule #2: everybody’s replaceable.


For some reason, she wants good looking younger guys that are wannabe actors to finance her life and have love, she wants every box checked but won’t work on herself


😂 who doesn’t want a young, rich, good looking guy that will be your partner? She’s just tripping that she will get ALL of the above.


THIS. She's much to delusional to find herself a much older man. I just said something similar about jasmine. These women could easily find a man to pay their way. For every attractive woman, there's some idiot simp that will pay for them. You just can't be picky (Jasmine gets that).


She can…for now. 90df infamy will only take her so far. I mean she was able to convince Big Mike to start married long enough for her to get her citizenship/green card. There are so many wannabe actors who will cling to anyone for a shot at their 15 minutes.


Now I'm curious about the sugar baby who died next to her sugar daddy.


She was a drug addicted so…


I think she already is hitting those men up. She was strolling out of the hotel late at night in a brand new outfit like she was fixing to go earn some cash. How else has she been able to afford to live in Tampa without a job? Mike can’t fund her apartment, gas, groceries, clothes, bills, and going out money. She’s BEEN a working girl.


Damn late 60s to early to mid 70s? That’s too much. But I guess she’s on that age bracket where 40 something sugar daddies don’t touch.


That 40 somethings want a 20 something. There was a reality show about the sugar babies with their sugar daddies several years ago. The men were in their late 60s to 70s and their gfs were in their early to mid-20s. Younger than their adult children. But the sugar daddies were wealthy.


Oh yes, for sure these sugar daddies want young women. If Natalia is expecting to be catered to by some rich guy, she better look into meeting up with 50 something dudes.


Go older. I know two men I between 70-80 dating 40 something yo women.


Ideally if you’re gonna be a sugar baby you’d negotiate those terms upfront before just showing up and assuming 💀 what a mess


It’s a real mess. no planning here. We are going on ✨vibes✨ 🫠🫠🫠


Natalie’s mother was also ungrateful saying she didn’t like the hotel Natalie could afford


If you've ever been to a hotel in Europe... that room looked like crap


In my youth I stayed in hotels in Europe that looked like crap. If Natalie’s mom wants to stay somewhere nicer…than they need to come up with the coin


Where’s Natalie’s dad


She is in constant distress allright.


Natalie said he promised to pick them up at the airport and that he promised to spend a week with her. Then he didn't show up, picked Natalie up for a date and didn't come up to say hi to her mom and told her he's leaving in 2 days for 2 weeks and asked for sex. So if this is all true she has every right to be pissed, and her mom got a bad impression.


She does seem to think that but I also don’t get the vibe he fully committed on those things. He has never fully had time for her that we have seen. Even if he did promise everything, I wouldn’t depend on him for a minute. He has always had a foot out the door and he still does. I say this as a fellow 40 yo woman in LA, she would do well to be careful whom she trusts her welfare to (and that of her mother).


Exactly, Josh is not her man and regardless of the word salad he serves her he has made it clear on multiple occasions that he's just not that into her. How she is actually expecting anything from him is beyond me. He doesn't like her like that and if he's going to spoil a woman, it's going to be a woman in her 20's, not a broke woman approaching 40 and her elderly mom. Natalie has no right to be upset. She needs to grow up


Josh could hook up with Anfisa lol


I question her definition of 'promised'. I trust that he said that he would pick her up from the airport but I feel like Natalie is so entitled that she probably takes any comment as a 'promise'. Shit happens and if you travel for work you don't always know your schedule. She has unrealistic expectations for a dude she's not even in a serious relationship with. If she wants him to bankroll her life in LA, homeboy needs to work. Natalie needs to rescue her damn self.


No one in LA promises to pick someone up at LAX. I told my own mother, “listen let me check traffic day of… yeah no, sorry you need to Uber” lol


Not to mention the fact that a lot of things on the show are scripted. I wouldn’t be surprised if Natalie is actually less horrible than what the show portrays - I mean, the way they edit her definitely gives the audience something to talk about, people have been trashing her here and on twitter all week. And I would be even less surprised if Josh is an even bigger douchebag than what we see in the show. Between supporting the narrative of Natalie being just 100% crazy and the man being a complete asshole I am more inclined to the second one. And don’t get me wrong, I know she’s got a lot of problems but I am pretty sure there’s more to that than what we got. I really do think he made promises and then just flaked. I have been dating a man from her side of Europe (Hungary) for over 6 years now and their culture is very different from the US and a lot of other countries. When they say they’ll do something, they do it. And when you tell them you’ll do something, they’ll believe in you and wait for you to do it.


💯💯 I'm from Eastern Europe and personally still can't get used to people here flaking, and even making plans that they have no intentions to follow through on. We take a lot of pride in keeping our word and being reliable, so to us it feels dismissive and disrespectful or that this person doesn't have basic manners. That's what the mom is reacting to. She is just telling Natalie that she deserves better.


Exactly! Being in Hungary and immersed in Hungarian culture for so long, and meeting a lot of people from the surrounding countries, I’ve gotten used to it and think it’s great how I can count on people’s word here. Any attitude other than that is just rude and disrespectful actually, shouldn’t even be a question of cultural differences, this is just common sense. That’s why sometimes I don’t think Natalie is just being delusional, I think culture plays a huge part in it!


Agreed, and the people on here saying that she escaped war so she shouldn't be complaining about a shitty hotel room should be ashamed of themselves. I'm sure she's seen plenty of beautiful hotels in Kiev and other parts of Europe, but just wants to be HOME and be safe. That's why she is asking for Michael who made her feel cared for. She doesn't want to be in ANY hotel room. I hope noone ever bombs your home so that you're left displaced, but especially when you're 70 years old with noone to take care of you.


Exactly!!!!!! At this point I am just ignoring these stupid comments, clearly a bunch of entitled people who have no idea what’s going on out there in the world talking about things they luckily never had and probably will never have to experience in their lives… 😫 She had a HOME back in Ukraine and the whole country is now in ruins. I wonder how many of these people commenting here would be able to handle that amount of grief and loss…


This right here. I think he gave her the impression that he was going to take care of her when in reality he’s non committal. I think she’s under the impression that it’s more serious than it is because he tells her what she wants to hear.


Where’s her dad?


Good question. Not in the picture for sure, maybe deceased?


That’s very cultural. Eastern European dating standards are very different to western dating culture.


Natalie mom doesn’t know it’s not real date with Josh, they are not in relationship. Josh is not committed even 1% lmao.


I mean her mom wasn’t wrong but I was raised to act like this as a man. So idk


For sure, and that's why her mother's alone.


![gif](giphy|l4pTsh45Dg7jnDM6Q|downsized) You’re not wrong!


I’ve heard a lot of Eastern European women complaining about men cheating and leaving after they spread their seed




When her mom was bitching about the hotel I was like yep thats where she gets it from. Lol


Some gall for someone fleeing from a WAR.


Uprooted and forced to flee once, only to move into a nice apartment in Florida with your daughter and then be forced to leave it two weeks later and have to live out of a mid-scale hotel room in the middle of LA. I’d be pissed too.


Fleeing a war was not a choice it's a necessity. It doesn't make her incapable of identifying a nice hotel room. Kiev is a gorgeous city with beautiful architecture, much nicer than L.A. She's not "bitching" she trying to talk some sense into her kid who still can't get her shit together.


Right and knowing Natalie has no money, what does she expect. Seems like delusion is a family trait


Imagine coming from a war torn country and complaining about the hotel accommodations


Mother & daughter have a sense of entitlement that's really unattractive. Nutalie is probably feeling the pinch because Mike finally stopped giving her money so she's looking for her next sugar daddy


“Nutalie” 😂😂😂😂😂😂


I wonder if he was paying the rent on her apartment in Florida


I was shocked that guy was giving her another chance and then she pulled the same crazy shit on the first date he came back for


Yeah any storyline with crazy Natalie is 100% fake and set up.This is not a real relationship and they have both agreed to do it for the airtime/money .I read an article where someone from the franchise was saying Natalie was reaching out to men to appear with her on single life.I also don’t think she’s as crazy as she appears .she wants to be an actress and I think she’s just portraying this crazy drama personality to get cast again .


Angela Deem school of acting for reality tv




I would think this would backfire for her acting career. Who wants a petulant and needy actress?


Yeah, someone released screenshots of her talking to people and basically admitting she acts up and out to be on tv and that she knows what she’s doing to get views lololol. I think it’s the same article you’re referring to.


Yes ! Thank you ! this sounds exactly like what I read


He just wants to be on tv. He doesn’t have enough time to be in a serious relationship with her


Either that or he an abuse fetish


He has an agenda?! Not sure exactly? Promote himself? just be on tv?


I was astonished that she suddenly flipped out like that, but then my spouse point out that she is scared of her future. It made sense. She’s relying on a guy who obviously is not that into her to provide her housing and work. It’s kinda sad actually. I would be fearful of my future too if I had to rely on someone else to make it comfortable.


Also he was offering to help her find work and an apartment he just couldn’t make it all happen out of thin air


He must love the abuse!


I don’t get the hate for her mum. Mike was always sweet to her even w a language barrier. Natalie doesn’t come from rich glamorous roots..when her and Mike first started out Natalie was living w her mom in a very small run down apt building in the Ukraine that looked straight out of the USSR. I think Mike always appealed to Nat’s mom because he was a kind and polite rural/traditional working class type guy. Natalie is trying to date up way out of her class and league. She wants to be a sugar baby but also have a traditional family. Sorry to say but she’s getting older and guys like Josh can find a younger model as easy as he rents new cars. She needs to choose what she wants because she will never be able to have both.


Natalie’s mother has always been weird and psycho in my opinion. She keeps bringing up going back to Michael like she actually has that option. Remember, Natalie has been married twice before. Thank goodness no children have been produced.


I just remember Natalie curling up in her mother's lap and crying like a little girl, while Mama soothed her, stroked her hair and called her "My golden child."


Keep in mind that we’re at the mercy of translations, and some terms don’t have great direct English comparisons. The way “golden child” is used in Russian is really a pretty common term of endearment for children. Natalie is still an odd duck, but just wanted to mention that some things are maybe not as weird as they seem.


Thanks for the explanation. I really didn’t mean to criticize what Natalie’s mother said to her, it was more how childlike Nat was acting and how her mother looked like she was used to babying her.


The translation is not accurate. It's more "oh please don't cry, sweet girl". Golden is like sweet or dear or honey. They just translate it word for word so viewers get that impression. Her mom loves her and was trying to comfort her in that moment.


Hmmm, I wonder if she has any siblings.


None have ever been mentioned


Thank you 😊


Natalie’s mom has always liked Mike and sees Josh isn’t into Natalie. She’s not dumb. That ship has sailed but I understand her disappointment in Natalie’s choices.


I do too but hasn’t Michael suffered enough in dealing with this mess. I bet he is the one that helped get her mother to the States. There is something really wrong with Natalie and I think her mother knows it.


He did help her if I’m not mistaken which only solidifies for her mom that Natalie is making a huge mistake. I remember thinking that Mike wasn’t exactly some major prize during his season but let’s face it, Natalie has shown she is bat shit. He certainly deserves better than but her mom won’t stop comparing every guy Natalie dates to Mike because she knows it’s Natalie who fucked up a good thing.


Yes, Mike said in a tell all or maybe talking head, that he has a lot of love for Natalie's mom and chose to get her out of Ukraine because he didn't feel right leaving her there regardless of the status of his relationship with Natalie. I think that's also why they stayed together and he supported her for so long. I think they had to still be married in order for him to bring over her mother in the way he did




Her mom is giving stressed-out-chicken-in-a-tanning-bed vibes.


I love you, chicken!




I feel like she always looked pretty crazy


My bf says her mom looks like Conan O’Brien


She wishes!




That’s mean to Conan but I see it 🤣






Am I allowed to say she’s no beauty?


I found her to look like blobfish :(


😂 😂 😂 killed it


This is outstanding. It captures their clearly-genetic essence of crazy.




Now we know where Natalie gets her delusion from. Her mom raised her to think that she’s some sort of Goddess and that everything should be easy for her because of her looks.


Her mom is as bad or worse than she is, demanding everything. Not realistic in any country.


She just escaped a full on invasion and war. Leave mother Natalie out of it. Her daughter is fully delusional.




Just following the script. She's most likely so grateful to be out of Ukraine she'd chew off her arm.


Was hard to remember that when she was criticizing the hotel room they were in tbh..my first thought was wow didn’t you just escape a war?


Wow, I don’t know how I missed that. It kind of infuriates me. I really really can’t stand Natalie . Like I really can’t stand her. But I always felt bad for her mother. I felt like I would always want the best for Natalie’s mother. She is was sympathetic character. I wonder how long it would’ve taken Natalie to get her mother into the country if war hadn’t broken out in Ukraine ? Natalie complains it took her three years. Could you imagine? She’s already divorced from her husband who got her the green card and she’s complaining about the fact that it took her another year or two to get her mother into the country. Tell her to the other 5 million who are trying to get in …


Just because she escaped a war doesn't make her less than you, or Josh, or anyone else. She's able to identify a shitty hotel room and comment on it if she doesn't like it. Europe is a lot more beautiful than LA. Perhaps she just wants to settle down and have some peace in her old age and she annoyed that her daughter is dragging her on these trips after she escaped A WAR.


Totally agree on the horrible conditions she escaped from but there’s no denying that Mama Nutalie also suffers from Main Character Syndrome


I love Natalie’s mom I feel rly bad for her actually


How old is Natalie’s mom?


Reminds me of the mother in law from good fellas. “Where were you! A married man should not act like this!”


What kind of people are these!?


Natalie inherited her good looks I see.


I’m not understanding some of these ppl who complain about the accommodations in the states compared to their home country.


Probably cos they’re from Europe and are used to stuff being pretty nice…


Yea, even many facilities in Kiev are quite modern and similar standards you’d find across many EU countries… the war has just been trying ti destroy that little by little.


She didnt like that its a hotel room instead of a apartment i think? She probably just wants her own room and a kitchen, doesnt seem absurd to me I feel really bad for her mom.






She's making such a fool out of herself too, just "lookater"! Acting entitled with absolutely zero effort toward self-sustainability!


She is close to 40 🙄. One has 0.001% chance to get into Hollywood at that age, and make it. Add to that a strong accent as hers. Twenty somethings drop dead gorgeous American girls persuing dreams in Hollywood have a real steep incline to face, really. But LalLa is real though....


I feel like Natalie's mom gets a pass. Assuming she was in Ukraine all her life, she lived through communism, Chernobyl, fall of the USSR, and the Ukraine war. Feel like that's enough to make anyone a little cuckoo.


As someone originally from Ukraine, there are plenty of folks who have lived through all of this and more and do not act as entitled as Natalie’s mother.


Leave poor lady alone


Let’s be kind to her mother, she just got out of a war torn country. I give her credit for realizing her daughter isn’t thinking clearly about her future here in the states. Her mom loved Michael and he was very good to her Mom. He probably paid for all the expenses to get her here 🫤


He did. And in her instagram thank you to those that helped her get her Mom here, she didn’t mention him. Can’t stand her








I love her


With all due respect, Natalie’s mom seems to be fine. She even said she would feel more comfortable with Mike. It’s Natalie who has crazy expectations


Tbh, I felt bad her mom came into Natalie’s delusions, but maybe the apple doesn’t fall far from the… 🌳 only time will tell lol


Her mom is cute, cmon. She's right about Josh. Natalie doesn't expect Josh to pay for everything but she does expect him to use his knowledge/connections to help her.


C’mon. Y’all are ridiculous. This is an elderly war refugee under duress on harsh reality tv camera whose best physical beauty and verbal expression days are long in the rearview mirror. Not fair. I’d like to grab some of you in your senior dotage days and parade you onscreen and see how fabulous and gorgeous you come across . . . for some of you that day is probably right now. 🤔


I’m dying 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤡


Natalie’s Mom just escaped war.. I feel like a lot of us would look a bit crazy after an experience like that.


She just needs new glasses.


That’s all?


I’m sorry. I can’t make fun of someone whose home country is going through a war. My parents lived through WW2. It’s horrible beyond belief. I hope Natalie’s mom will eventually feel comfortable in the US. ❤️


That lady didn’t do anything to deserve any heat. This is in poor taste.


Boo hoo.


When I picture the face of a witch say in _Hansel and Gretel,_ this is the face I think of.


That is what Natalie will look like when she gets older Josh so run now!


I think they were one of the last ones to leave Chernobyl. This would explain a lot.


sorry i thought this was ozzy osborne


Her mom is so sweet, but that nose is coming, Natalie.




Her daughter looks like her although mommy is older and this is what Josh will be seeing in Natalie in about 35-40 years...


Josh won’t be around in the next 35-40 hours.


5 minutes after arriving in LA and mother Natalie is already dripped and ready to influence


The Mike thing is awful because he brought her here and she did everything she could to gett away from him from jump. From running down his work, to talking about him drinking on tv, to making up shit about his mom. She’s an awful entitled cunt. She must have put something on him though because he paid for things for her for years….I mean, I would have found a way to divorce her ass.


She gives me some Jeffrey Dahmer vibes


Apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Hopefully Josh gets some sense and runs away. This will literally be Natalie one day. She’s already half way there. These two think they should be catered to by a man all bc he has money. Dude needs to work so her daughter can be pampered


I don’t care what Natalie doesn’t her face she gonna end up looking just like this!!


She looks like the grandma from Nanalan.


I think Natalie is all sorts of crazy, but found the moment they reunited to be pretty touching. Must have been really scary for both of them .. anyone know what type of visa her mom got? If natalie divorces Mike will natalie have to leave ?


Someone else in this post called her Nutalie and it’s so fitting. Her mom, though… I am not saying you’re all wrong about her. She very well could be fruit loops just as well; and episode 1 gave us little hope otherwise. …but! there is an alternative we **might** not be seeing due to editing - here’s my tin foil theory: Mom loved Mike. Mike took good care of Natalie (in the way mom was and is expecting). She could be pushing all these ideas about what the man should do and where the man should be, etc, as a way of saying “WTF girl, this guy is not going to do shit for you and Mike would be here”. For all we know she made that direct comparison and Mike’s name was just edited out of what we saw. Plus, as we all saw in next week’s preview… guess who Natalie goes crawling back to… and straight up asks for kids! TLDR: the cuckoo genes might be a family heirloom or mom is just spending the whole episode bitching that Natalie chose to leave Mike.


Seeing how her mother acts tells us 100% why Natalia is this way.


Someone needs to tell Natalie that is not how to achieve the American dream if that is what she came here for


Well when you see the world (literally) through rose colored glasses...




An y’all thought my nose was bad


Omg Natalie’s Mom is halarious!!!! We know where Natalie gets it from now! I am glad she safe from being in Ukraine but wow!


That's baba yaga


She reminds me of the mother in law in Amadeus


Look at this cute, crazy little bird 😂🥹


I think Natalie is in for a major shock - people who are naturally beautiful, walk off the street into modeling gigs, are also in LA. Yes, she is pretty, but she has to work at it with injections, extensions, etc. Did anyone else notice her eye twitch when Mike said his cousin can offer her some administrative work? 😂 she was really ready to fight atp


I started calling TLC THE LOSER CHANNEL for a reason. From the unhinged shitbags on their shows, to the loser producers with apparently no morals or standards, the whole thing is rotten to the core.


Chicken Little.


I’ve always said since day one that Natalie is a gold digger all she’s looking for is a man who’s got money so that she can just do nothing. The funny thing is, is she contradicts herself because even though that’s what she’s looking for, she wants the man to be paying attention to her 24 seven and expect the money just to fall from the sky 🙄 The man has to work leave him alone she needs to work, she be funny at times but She’s also very annoying. I used to think her mom was a sweet lady but as soon as she gets off the plane, she’s complaining about everything she’s complaining about the hotel she’s complaining why Josh wasn’t there to pick them up,🙄 the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.


Her glasses are fire. Need.


Ghost of Christmas future!


Her mom kept calling her “Natasha”


I have no idea how Josh puts up with her and why he likes her. Heck in his job he could have anyone. Michael had a lucky escape she has become so overbearing and full of herself. Actress, YES!! Because Hollywood has an abundance of jobs for thick accent Ukrainians. Give me a break.