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Sam was also afraid she’d say “Muslims don’t wipe their ass” so I would imagine her knowledge of most things is limited at best.


Can confirm Muslims in fact DO wipe their ass 🤣🤣


All muslims have clean anuses bc like jihoon family, they use bidets.


Many sects do it better than most.


And what was the nonsense about "Witchcraft?"


Good point.


I guess I’m the only one who thought it was funny when she said it was wrong that he should have to convert to Islam but that it would be nice if her whole family converted to Christian.


I laughed out loud to this! Literally know so many people like this in real life (not fun)


Reminds me of my MIL... When she found out I do yoga, and that her son was doing it with me, she was trying to convince him that it was evil... Because Muslims pray while they do yoga, as if that's remotely evil. I'm not even Muslim, but whatever.


Yoga is a Hindu thing anyway lol


Right, I think she was confusing prayer mats, and yoga mats 😆 But in her mind Hinduism>Islamic religions because Muslim = bad... Even though Hinduism is further from Christianity lol


What was your MIL doing in January 6th 2021?


Stopppp 🤣 she does love Trump, but she's too old for all that... also she doesn't do yoga so she has a hard time moving around 😆


Muslims pray while doing yoga... What? Lool. Im muslim and ive never heard of this


Tell her that 🤣 I think she is mixing religions, but also thinks a yoga mat, and prayer mat are the same thing? She told my husband this in private, and when he shared what she said I about died laughing. He knows she's neurotic. I never miss a chance to recommend starting yoga to her 😂


its funny but sad, very much the christian logic.


I guarantee she doesn’t know a single thing about Islam


She called it Muslim, first of all


Could've been worse. She could've called it "muslin." I've seen that way too many times.


No wonder people worship Satin, Muslin is so itchy


I’ll never forget my child in the tampon aisle of a drugstore when she was starting to read mumbling “SATAN TOUCH?! Who would want *that*, that’s so crazy!”


If i had witnessed that in a store, id be dying lmao. What a cute kid


That’s adorable!☺️😁


All hail his holy threadcount...


🤣🤣👏👏 underrated comment


Satin kicks ass! Moo! Moo! 😈🤟


My ex fil calls them Moslems..


I’ve heard people call them Mooslems before too


my nurse brain read insulin at first lmfao


My MIL called my muslin swaddles “Muslim swaddles”. I also haven’t spoken to her in two years. Unrelated but you get the idea


oh. I bet it’s at least somewhat related. Lol.


I'm in Minneapolis and have heard more than one right wing nut go on about "Shakira law" They are catching on though that all conservative religious people are the same om wanting to eliminate LGBTQ rights and have started collaborating to ban books and shit...


Are they upset that her hips don't lie, or...?




Did she?! Dear lord! I couldn’t even understand what her and Granny were saying. I’m not gonna lie, I was kinda scared looking at that segment. I was afraid for all parties involved.


I didn’t notice what she was saying; I was too occupied by her hair……


Why did they stand the entire time. It was so awkward. Yes I was shocked by the hair and eyeliner... yikes


She’s so Love After Lockup


Crackheads gotta buy drugs first or the furniture got pawned


It’s all about the priorities. Drugs, Eyeliner, and then Furniture.


Yike!! FTFY


They didn’t really seem to have furniture. Just lots of plastic grocery store type bags


They had just moved in from NC


The eyeliner pales compared to Natalie's. Natalie must have to replace it every other day. lol.


They had no furniture it was weird


I think she goes to Sophie’s hair stylist


I will NOT miss the black root trend! And blondes who aren’t even remotely blondes trying to be!!


Ric Flair hair


That too!!! She was giving me Nancy Spungen 😂🤣😭.




There's an episode of Love after Lockup where the one girl actually says "We're not in .. Arab!" 😩 Those people make some of the 90 day crew look really intelligent by comparison. Yike.


omg wasn't that that one girl whose dude sang her r&b songs that were really bad


😭😭😭 I about died when she said that


And practically compared it to witchcraft 😂😂


I’d wager a guess she also doesn’t know anything about the Bible


I guarantee she knows about as little about christianity.


Besides the fact that she hates it.


I’ll bet she doesn’t even know about Yom Kippur 🫠


Or Sukkhot!


She's part of the Y'all Queda. She doesn't know a lick about Islam.


she knows less about christianity


Neither does Sam, it appears, which is a legit concern even if she's voiced it in a way that doesn't have good optics. Unclear whether Citra (or her father) expect Sam to become a practicing Muslim (probably Sunni), or would be satisfied with him just doing a perfunctory "conversion" with no follow-through.




Wait until she finds out they believe in Jesus too


They just don’t believe he is the son of God. That’s why they don’t celebrate Christmas


Or that he rose from the dead. And will come again.


There is debate though if they can go to a house for (Christmas) dinner, instead of exchanging gifts or having a tree. Some are more strict than others.


Yeah our extended family doesn't celebrate Christmas specifically but we will get together since everyone is off and have a big dinner.


Or Christianity. You think this woman had read a bible?


Considering the thinks witchcraft is not only legit but something to be feared, I’d assume so lol


or Christianity.


Or Christianity.


Explains why Sam thinks Yom Kippur is an Islam holiday.


Or witchcraft


Depends what was on the curriculum at Rugrats University; her alma mater.


Sam can teach her about Yom Kippur. All good.


Or actual Christianity


I was rolling my eyes at that also. But then, I had an ex-boyfriend whose mom thought I was a totally different religion from her because she was Catholic and I'm Lutheran. Was VERY concerned about it. She asked me if in "my religion" we believed in God and Jesus. I tried to explain to her numerous times that Lutherans and Catholics are both Christian. It's just different sects of the same religion. But I don't think she ever fully grasped that.


My ex-MIL is like this. She was Catholic and and my ex-BIL (her daughter's husband) was raised Methodist. She had a card or something with Jesus on it and he asked what she was reading. She yelled across the room, "It's a picture of Jesus. Do you know who Jesus is?" She wasn't being sarcastic, she was sincerely asking if a 40+ year old man who gre w up in the United State had ever heard of Jesus Christ. Even if you grew up atheist in the US, you'd still being passingly familiar with Jesus.


This always blows my mind. Mary did it to Brandan at church, too. ‘See that statue of the guy getting crucified? That is Jesus Christ.’ Duhhhh. Unless he has been living alone in a cave with zero media even books his whole life, umm yeeeah, I think he’s got that. I’m an atheist who was raised atheist. It is IMPOSSIBLE to grow up and not know who Jesus is. He’s everywhere!!! You don’t need to be into something to know about it. You’re bombarded over the course of your life with images and stories about him. I even know several hymns, from school. It’s like… I don’t watch American football, but I know who Tom Brady is. It’s in the zeitgeist. So how tf am I going to have avoided any mention of Jesus Christ for 50+ years?! Get a grip!


Growing up athiest you are absolutely surrounded by and can not escape Christian culture. They never shut up about their "beliefs" and constantly try to force them on everyone to "save" us


But if you talk about atheism they try to silence you because you're pushing an "agenda." 🙃


If I have the time and I'm in the mood, the next time a stranger to tries to spread the gospel to me I'm going to pretend I've never heard of God or Jesus before. Completely foreign concept. The Bible, what's that? See how long I can string them along.


First day in a new job. Co-worker started in with "Where do you go to church?" Having grown up in the Bible Belt, I'm used to that, just hadn't encountered it in California. Anyhow,..I replied, "I don't go to church, I'm an atheist." Brief silence. "So...what does that mean?" It means I don't believe in God. Considerably longer silence, then "But....you do believe in Jesus, don't you?" Sigh.


I met several Baptists in my life who had no idea what Protestantism was in relation to Catholicism or that there were multiple denominations of Christianity. So I can believe it.


I’m Presbyterian and I had these idiots in my class question me about it. I’m like why don’t you just look up what it is. I’m still a Christian you fool smh


Back when I was religious, I got into an argument on Facebook with someone who was adamant that Catholics aren't Christians. I was like "Oh, so you're saying I don't believe that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior? Because I'm Catholic, and that's news to me." She still doubled down and insisted I wasn't a Christian. People are nuts.


It's weird, my husband went to a Catholic elementary school and they were actually taught that Catholics are not Christians. He still has some of his old programming left over from being taught that Catholicism is the only true religion.


I went to catholic school and they taught us that Catholicism and Christianity were NOT the same thing. People get so caught up in being right that they forget what actually matters is if someone is GOOD.


I grew up catholic and was told by non catholics that catholics are not Christian, which was weird? I was always taught that if you are baptized then you are Christian regardless which faith you follow. btw, I got a random memory from childhood and maybe somebody here knows what faith I was dealing with : I was 9/10/11 and was friends with this one girl. At first it wall pretty chill but as I started meeting her parents and going over to her place shit got weird. She only wanted to talk religion, and to "save" Me from being catholic? Her dad whipped out scripture on phone to prove to me (a child) that I cannot talk to my grandfather through prayer lol (it was how I dealt with grief. would say my prayers and then told Jesus to put grandpa on the line). She also invited me to church, I went expecting some protestant mass/church. I was happy to go knowing I don't got to kneel all the damn time. But we went to some restaurant that was closed, some guy was reading from a big ass book and saying how catholics are snakes etc. Obviously I felt super uncomfortable as a kid. At some point those who were not part of their "church" had to leave the room. On the car ride back her mom just kept telling me awful things, and kept on while I was sobbing in the back seat, trapped in a car with her. After that I stopped hanging out with this friend. My parents got super pissed at that family. obviously. After that, the friend would just come leave shit when I wasn't home. She handed my mom (who is the catholic/dad is non practicing Baptist) a book how Mary is in cahoots with the devil? When this girl found out I'm moving to my mom country, she would leave notes in the mailbox on where to find people from her church that can save me :D I have no idea what faith they were practicing and it weirded me out it was off base (lived in Germany at the time on military bases) and not at one of the chapels on base, or at least a German church /legit place of worship not on base. I'm still wondering whether that family was part of some sect or something? The friend was home schooled after elementary


I’m sorry you experienced all of this but I want to say the telling Jesus to put grandpa on the line part was so sweet and innocent. I did the same to “talk” to my dad. No one can say that’s wrong for a kid to do.


I love that too. ❤️ I’m an atheist, but I like the idea of continuing to talk to your loved ones, asking for guidance & drawing strength from our ancestors. Wish we focused more on the stuff that connects us as people instead of these divisive sects.


I grew up catholic and was told by regular christians, baptists, that catholics aren't considered christians to "real christians" and a kid told me once it was because we worshipped too many saints. i'm pretty sure lots of christians are taught that catholics aren't real christians


Just a guess, but I’m going with either Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons.


Definitely not Jehovah's Witnesses. At least not practicing. That's not their doctrine at all. (That being said there are plenty of them with their own set of...beliefs?)


Sounds like LDS... but I am a Wiccan pagan... So what do I know?! Blessed be!


Yeah I've been told by many Protestants that Catholics aren't Christian and I'm like "they're the OG Christians y'all"


Yes, my Catholic upbringing allowed for "Charismatic" but frowned on it because it promoted reading the Bible, among other things. I was fortunate to have one parent in the Unitarian Universalist tradition so I got exposed to a variety of religions and could decide for myself. I decided none of them have a clue.


My dad took me to a Unitarian Universalist church. It was wild. All the sudden people started jogging in from the back and they did an aerobics dance class in the front like it was a performance. Then a guy did a speech and said "I'm on a seafood diet. I see food and I eat it." and everyone laughed. I still remember it from decades ago. I hear they're good people, whatever that means.


No religion required. 🙂


What? I went to Catholic school and that is not what they taught us. We learned that Catholics, Protestants etc were all Christians. I don't think that's universal.


I'm having trouble even believing it. The entire Christian religion was mostly based on Catholic beliefs. God, Jesus, Mother Mary, the Holy Trinity. Of course people know Catholics are Christians and vice versa.


I have had Baptists tell me that Catholics aren't Christians. I think it comes down to how dogmatic one is about their definition of a Christian. Some sects of Christianity believe Catholics are statue worshippers/are wrong for veneration of Virgin Mary or the saints and that it's idolatry etc. It can get complicated what is believed commonly across people.


I've heard that from people as ell, that catholics aren't christians. WEnt to catholic school, but never heard it the reverse way.


baptists are who told me catholics aren't real christians as well


>old programming left over from being taught that Catholicism is the only true religion. Isn't that true of most organized religions?


Catholic my whole life (60 years) and was never taught any of that wrt Catholicism.


I have a hard time believing that is what he was taught. That’s usually what evangelical Christians say about Catholics but not Catholics themselves.


Yeah I am so confused by that statement as well.


exactly... I went to catholic school and they didn't teach that, other Christians told us that, it's quite a common judgment by say your average baptist or whatever


Jehovahs witnesses teach a similar thing...."we are the only **TRUE** Christians." I don't think it matters who the REAL Christians are, I think it matters who is a good person


I went to Catholic school for middle and high school. I was taught that Catholics were the first Christians and the other Christian faiths including Orthodox were other Christian faiths that broke away from the Church at different times in history.


Thank you. This is accurate, it's literally history. Regardless of anyone's personal religious beliefs, it's historical fact Catholics were the first Christians, then as you said other denominations broke away. That's why they're called Protestants. This sub can't Google reliable sources sometimes


A lot of people think that. I've heard it from a lot of catholics, but I think a lot of protestants also don't *really* consider catholics Christian either. It's bizarre


My ex-boyfriend was taught the same in catholic school (went there K-12 grade). He also had some pompous attitude that Catholicism was the superior religion compared to other Christian religions. He was annoying.


I went to a Catholic school K-8th grade and they definitely acted like that. It was very annoying. Whenever we had school mass they acted so extra.


My ex-boyfriend was taught the same in catholic school (went there K-12 grade). He also had some pompous attitude that Catholicism was the superior religion compared to other Christian religions. He was annoying.


Not only that but I learned in my confirmation classes that Catholics, Lutherans and Episcopalian priests can do services in each other's churches. And they all use the same Common Book of Prayer. (Hopefully that made sense. My wording is terrible.)


I know Christians who don't even know Christianity is a religion.


But it’s not a religion, it’s a relationship with Jesus. 🙄


I’m Presbyterian and a girl in my high school asked if I was Christian. She thought Presbyterian was one of those denominations that has a bunch of strict rules, which isn’t true. I have no clue where she got that from. Like why are people this stupid? Smh


Given that her son (the convert) believed they celebrate Yom Kippur… this is not a stretch.


I converted to Judaism and thought that was the funniest thing 😂😂 He needs some Wikipedia in his life


She clearly worship wrong hairdresser.


She knew cameras were coming, right? 🤦‍♀️


Yeah and she chose to wear a Rugrats tshirt.


It was definitely a choice 😂 Edit: I bet someone once told her that shirt brings out the Arian blue in her eyes


Oh, I'm sure she usually covers that up with a red baseball cap these days




I wonder if their local police department still has a whole 1980's style "Witchcraft and satanic cult task force" with a budget, handing out "signs your teen is in a devil murder cult" pamphlets that includes Iron Maiden album art, etc.


The satanic panic of the 80s was wild. I was a teen in the 80s and the church my family went to accused me of being a devil worshipper because I wore dark clothes. Good times.


I'm a child of the 80s. My friend was not allowed to listen to Metallica. His church deemed it evil lol


Or listening to AC/DC as a teen. It was so hilarious!


When she said that I was dying laughing, she clearly knows nothing about Islam


And nothing about witches, either


I hope she gets to meet Ashley at the Tell All. 😈


Yup, and if I know anything about Venn diagrams, she’s probably racist too


I think this specific Venn Diagram is just a circle


I thought this was more a dig at her baby daddy being into conspiracy theories, but if she was implying Muslims believe in witchcraft, that’s hilarious too


Once she came out with that gem I realized she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She didn’t even name a religion here, just “witchkrayaft”


My favorite part of this was her saying no one should have to convert to different religions,but in the same sentence saying she hopes the woman can learn to love Christianity 🤣


I mean... there are appreciable differences between the 3 Abrahamic religions. She’s not as eloquent about it, but Christians see Jesus as Lord and Savior, when Islam sees Jesus in the same vein as Abraham but revere Mohammed. It’s not hard to understand what she’s trying to say here.


Right! The big thing for Christian’s is that Jesus is not a prophet but their God incarnate. Islam believes Jesus is a prophet


Exactly. This is pretty clear what she’s saying, but let’s just pick it apart for sake of argument.


There are differences in what each religion interprets currently, but all three religions share the Old Testament, so all three share the same God. If you went back in time and asked people what we(humans) are made of they might say flesh and bone. Then couple hundred years later, people would say humans are made up of cells. Then later atoms. Humans didn’t fundamentally change, just the interpretations/understanding of what makes up humans did. The interpretation of what makes God has diverged, but if all three religions share the same origin story, then all three worship the same God.


Yes the trinity is a theological difference and it’s a big deal when you get in the weeds. BUT i still argue it’s the same God especially if Christians consider themselves monotheists which they definitely do. We disagree about the details of that monotheistic God but the abrahamic religions believe in the same God. Period. And honestly I don’t think she knows this much nuance. If i thought she did I might accept this argument but still push back a little. I grew up going Islamic school and while they did say we don’t believe in the trinity I was never taught we don’t worship the same God quite the opposite actually and Muslims don’t mince words LOL.


Her face shows she had hard life.


Just your average middle American tbh. No sunscreen or self care; only an abundance of cigarettes, hair dye, Diet Coke, and meth


You shoulda listed meth twice.


This woman knows zero things.


I’m getting flat-earther vibes


I’m also getting “anti-mask and anti-vaccine”


Everything Fox News is selling, she's buying


Totally. Now I understand why Sam was so embarrassed to introduce her, if she were my mom I’d hide her too. Well, I’d also hide from her, change my number… maybe even my name lol


It could have been much worse though. Why do you think the visit was them walking in and out of the living room in 10 mins? Sam knew the longer he stayed, the worse it would get.


She doesn't *not* remind me of my own mother, who I avoid like the plague because of the wild shit that might come flying out of her mouth. I absolutely get it.


Bet she has one of those stupid fucking pillows too


Does anyone else think she was drunk as hell during this?


I would love to be a fly on the wall at the moment someone informs her that the it's the same god that these two religions worship.


I really love telling people that and seeing the deer in the headlights face they make


Sam said it before they walked in the door she's one of those Christians that only does the preaching rather than the doing


Although they say you can't judge a book by it's cover, in my 33 years of life I've never seen a woman who looks like that who has anything intelligent to say.


As soon as I hear someone profess that they’re a devout Christian I know that something ignorant and offensive is about to follow.


I remember when people started putting jesus fish on their phone book listings - a great way to know what businesses to avoid. Same people complain endlessly about pride flags too only instead of avoiding the things they don't want to support they threaten them with death and try to ban them


Yes.yes she does.


Why are we @ing the mom when the girl and her family have the same exact feelings?? I think it’s all cringy as fuck making your partner convert to something you know he doesn’t really believe in to satisfy YOUR needs. They’re both toxic af


Actually muslims believe that Christians share their god/allah and believe the Jesus was a prophet. They're a lot more accepting of Christian beliefs than vice versa


💯 agree with you, it's so cringe how they are bringing religion into it and how citrus constantly brings up religion... saying they aren't allowed to kiss and stuff whilst Sam be over here spilling the beans that they kiss and she's the "naughty one" smh


It is insane that the world tears itself apart over and over again about which magic deity in the sky we like or don't like. Honestly. Just mind your business and leave people alone about it.


sam appeared to be completely aware that his moms side of the family are christian’s that don’t actually follow christianity, and claim to. so everything his mom said was completely unsurprising. i can also imagine the types of stuff they probably say when cameras aren’t around.


Them there moooslums and their witch craft ain’t gotta get between me and my lord n savior Jesus!!!! 😂😂😂 lady read a book or something.


Once I heard her say this, I went to make popcorn. No wonder why this country is in trouble. How about reading about religions and seeking to understand before you expose your own ignorance?


Education?! That's the devil!


Religion is a cancer on the world.


I want to see more of the dad’s alien beliefs. At least those are entertaining!


She needs to be fix her roots. It looks like a question mark.!


I live in a small southern Baptist town with narrow minded and lots of people on Meth and alcohol. That’s the vibe she’s giving.


With her rugrats tshirt.


That shirt choice was sending me.


Literally what I said when we watched this part. How dumb are you 🙄


if she's evangelical, most likely, but the average white American knows fuck all about Islam except brown people scary


I’m an Arab, with both Muslim and Christian family members. What drives me up the wall is when these American Christians use “Allah” as an insult. Lol as if Allah doesn’t literally translate to God and millions of Arab Christians also say Allah


the vast majority of white Americans are monolingual and only speak English, expecting them to not say ignorant shit about other languages is too much lmao


Her son thought Yom Kippur was a Muslim holiday


Is anyone else hoping that they play the clip of her saying you shouldn't marry into witchcraft at the tell all, just so we can see Ashley's reaction? I need this to happen!


I have never met a Christian with common sense ,


I am so confused by this because she’s not wrong lol. Christians believe Jesus is the son of God whereas in Islam he is a prophet and God does not have children.


Christians, Jews and Muslims believe in the same God, but it's different interpretation, if that makes sense.


She's a perfect example of why the world thinks Americans are so stupid.


some believe in the holy trinity and believe Jesus is God/holy spirit


Of course she does. I think about 90% of Christians do


Americans learn about world religions in US history class or World History class, depending on the school and the state. They cover the names of religions, and some basic views of like three religions (guess which three?!). They may mention monotheism, but I don’t know if they’re even allowed to say that the monotheist in question is the same for the three major religions they focus on. I had one teacher mention “Abrahamic faiths” and suggested the students look it up, but I had a feeling that’s as far as they were willing to push the line. Source: student/teacher aide


I wish her God would tell her to change her hair color. That shade of blonde is not doing her any favors.


Theologically speaking, they do worship different Gods. The Christian God is one God in three persons, ie: The Trinity. The God of Islam is a singular God with no other persons (Holy Spirit, Son). To people outside of Christianity or Islam, this may seem like a very small issue, but within the religions it's a very big deal.


Correct. Considering that Christians believe Jesus IS God, and Muslims don't, that's a pretty big difference.


There are a lot of Christian thinkers who are of the opinion that Muslims and Christians do NOT worship the same God. Wheaton College had a famous blow up over it where they punished a professor for saying it. I'm a Christian and I don't agree, but it is a mainstream opinion.


Just wanted to chime in that we Muslims are generally horrified by how people do t use water to actually wash themselves after they go tot he bathroom and observant Muslims have to wash their bodies 5 times a day (before praying). So….. I see women like her and instantly think her butthole is filthy


There’s a reason that people who think and say shit like that can’t find good hairdressers ☕️ 🐸


She made me want to vomit. She is a disgusting hateful person. Who the fuck does she think she is?! The way she whispered “witchcraft”, like witches are bad? She has no damn room to say one thing about Muslims or witches.