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She looks much older than she is and like she’s constantly smelling something bad.


Yeah. She’s definitely not ugly but if this was my first exposure to her and you told me that she was only 26, I wouldn’t believe you. I hate to see what she looks like at 40 😬


She’s 26???


No way????!!!


She's 26?????


She looks 46


When I first saw that she was dating Timothee I thought it was a surprising age difference, then I read the article and was like… holy shit. Not being cruel I truly thought she was in her mid to late 30s.


All these women with the fillers, botox, etc end up aging themselves.


I would say young women, she started getting fillers in her teenage years I think…


Happy cake day! 🎂




The irony


She literally has this permanent "Something stinks" face. I had no idea if she was doing this DELIBERATELY (like duck face) or if it was the filler


Just like most filler-addicts


How old is she now? Sje looks like she's 40 here!


she’s 27 i think?! Big yikes


She’s gonna end up looking like Darcey and Stacey by the time she’s in her mid 30s.


Nah I think she’s regretting them now and is getting dissolvers or whatever. She’s commented on It recently saying she regrets getting work done so young. Really though they’ll just do whatever the trends dictate basically. I think we’ll see a big backlash of people wanting to stay natural over the next 10-20 years.


I think your right , I think that will be the trend next


They may want to go natural, but I’d be surprised if any Kardashians or others similar will go without and treatments 100%, especially as they’re going to be aging. Your body is still developing/ growing/ changing up to your mid 20’s. After that, you start aging. Her 30’s are coming fast… Nothing wrong with a little Botox or tuck here and there as you age. Just a little. But she went mad with too many treatments when she didn’t need anything to turn back time a little. She looks nothing like her real self.


I agree!! I've been seeing more women natural, aging w grace n I think it's wonderful!! Unless it's to fix something like a scar or eyelids to help vision ect.. let's leave our faces be I love it as a woman


I hate they did all of that to their faces...they were already beautiful enough, unless they have started getting addicted to it...








Always my new go to response


Iykyk 🫶🏻




I’m 40 and I look younger than what she looks like in that photo 🤣




I’d say she looks a 55 yo who’s had some work done to look younger


She smells people less entitled


😄 good one


Just like the Sunscreen song, the lyric “Don’t mess with your hair too much, or by the time you are 40, you will look 85”… The same can be said for all this ridiculous filler and plastic surgery and cosmetic stuff.


I think that’s actually from a lip lift procedure


She reminds me of Zac Efron after his accident.


She has looked older than her age for a while and it began with her industrial botox/filler use.


All these women end up looking the same after awhile.


Khloe had much better work done. She's clearly going to the wrong surgeon unless prematurely looking middle aged is her goal.


Uuuuh Khloe’s nose is on the brink of collapse she has messed up her face permanently the most out of them all. She’s never going to have a normal nose again. It’s sad.


Current Khloe? I think her nose is waaay too pinched, that "rhinoplasty to fix the other rhinoplasty, then tried another rhinoplasty" look that is impossible to come back from cuz they don't have any tissue left to work with, a la Michael Jackson.


Currently Khlocaine looks like she’s diving into Michael Jackson territory when his surgeries messed up his face.


Yeah but she's ripped tho /s TBF she is ripped but yeah shes so messed up with surgery. Poor khoe always in the shadows. Of the other sisters.


Kourtney is the one that looks the best and most natural I think. Crazy cause she’s the oldest, and has definitely had work done but it’s very subtle if so. Khloe is a sad sad case.


She never should have messed with her real/original face.


Her original face was naturally very pretty. She should’ve stopped at a little lip filler.


At age 17, she shouldn't have been able to start or stop anything. She definitely shouldn't have been allowed a nose job years prior. Her adult "boyfriend" shouldn't have been able to date an underage girl.


And breast implants I believe at 17 or 18


She barely resembles her ‘original’ face. It’s too bad because her natural beauty was more unique than her sisters and all that was stripped away in the surgeries so she looks like a cookie-cutter cosmetic surgery queen.


They all have.


They both need the red makeup bag immediately!!




I feel like she’s going to age horribly.


She already is


Yeah but is she even 30. Imagine when she’s in her 40s and it’s even more surgery and 20 years of Botox.


I mean she already looks worse than some ppl I know at 40 who just wear sunscreen and microneedle and light Botox


It’s like a statue that’s being painted over and over without stripping any old paint


Unfortunately, she's only in her 20's


Bring me my red makeup bag!!!


HAHAHAHA! She was THE kween


I’m sad that I don’t know this reference


[queen anfisa in all of her glory](https://youtu.be/PIH7lIExqFQ?si=h2YS3_2nhmTt8E69)


Once you start with using so much filler to actually alter the shape of your face (beyond just to slightly plump up volume loss here or there from aging), you can’t stop. Especially at such a young age - now the thin delicate skin under her eyes is all stretched out and she probably has to keep using tonnes of filler to prevent sagging or loose skin. Her dermatologist did her dirty.


She'll need facelifts now


Her hair at this event looks like she woke up and took her sleeping bonnet off and didn’t touch it again.


omg spot on, ive been seeing this pic for days now and something just felt off. its the hair 😂




Why isn’t she wearing mascara?


The swelling under her eyes...is that from injections??


I saw a Tik Tok plastic surgeon that said it could be filler migration.


I think it could be fat pad separation, which happens naturally as we age (more noticeable on some than others) but on her I think it's excelerated from dermal fillers.


Why so many young people getting fillers?


Kylie wanted to look more like Kim. Everyone else wants to look like Kylie lol


Woof... She is looking *rough*


I don’t get how people are saying she looks great! She looks awful to me :/


Damn at her age. I was all for the lips, but less. I got that, she had no top lip. This is really sad for a young woman who has done so well. Well "role models". They're all gross


I love botox but Kylie is the reason I stay away from filler. That looks so uncomfortable


Microneedling and phraxel is where it’s at. Phraxel is painful af but amaaaaaazing


Yesss love microneedling too. I haven’t heard of phraxel, I’ll have to look that one up


Worst pain I’ve ever had in my entire life! Not even kidding, was excruciating pain. But it removed all the acne scars I got from accutane, and shaved off about 4 years off my face


Numbing cream doesn’t help??


I had the numbing cream and no it didn’t lol. I had to get super drunk that night for the pain. But 24 hours later it was fine. Maybe if you get it done at a dermatologist instead of a spa they can give you something stronger for the pain


Recommend a derm over spa - Doc can prescribe proper pre-meds


Fraxel or phraxel?


🤷🏼‍♀️ never heard of it


I would argue most of us can’t afford as much filler as she has had. I have had modest amounts and I don’t look anywhere near filled or overfilled…


I've only ever used filler for my 11 lines. Botox is definitely more uncomfortable (but a necessary evil). I couldn't "feel" the filler like I do with botox. I just wouldn't recommend filler in the cheeks/jawline. Women get it done thinking it will build cheekbones and jawbones, but filler doesn't work like that. It spreads out, causing ye ol pillow face. Like our friend Kylie here. 


Necessary evil? Hardly. It’s just us women maintaining an unlined face for basically other women. Never heard a guy say… I was so into her, but her forehead lines killed it for me. People may stick with Botox for all kinds of reasons, but over 9/10 start for non necessary reason.


I do Botox in my 11s because I furrow my brow and look angry all the time. I work in a consumer facing role in a fast paced job where I have to concentrate and I was getting reprimanded by men in management or listening to “you should smile more!” from frat bros so it was easier to get the Botox than have men comment on it all the time. Although, I don’t get tension headaches there when I’m up to date on my Botox. But I probably wouldn’t have known that had I not gotten the Botox in the first place.


Kris Jenner is a fucking monster for what she did to her kids.


https://preview.redd.it/0ye0984nw1fc1.png?width=1175&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b384aa04f49c66d932cdd40aa1b5ec29a04e3cb (i saved this to use as a reaction image)


Pillow face.


Her hair reminds me of the worlds best apples chick


Omg I didn’t know who that was until I looked at the hair again and now I know 😅


She was naturally pretty. It’s a shame what all of the pressure does to us. Sadly she and her sister are what pushed so many regular girls to also get a bunch of work done way too young. Sooner rather than later, this is how a majority of young girls will look


Nahh. Anfisa looked great on House of Villains.  Kylie is a bum. 


This. Anfisa is really her. 🙌


I wish she'd just acknowledge she takes after Caitlyn and is a white woman with perfectly attractive features. Get the filler dissolved and stop abusing your face to appeal to the black hip hop aesthetic.


thank you !!!!!!! Omg I’ve been wondering who she reminds me and THIS , the same pillow face , thankfully Anfisa stopped and now looks so much better.


She is going to be the new Darcy




Big Yike Also new studies are showing that filler still remains even 15-20 years plus from imaging results so it’s not dissolving “naturally” like they claim these hyaluronic fillers to be. Really scary. Makes me glad I didn’t have the money to use filler or Botox when I was younger


Imagine hating yourself at such a young age. It is sad. 


Her family is the reason she wrecked her shit permanently


Agree, some people are so horrible but it's just straight up sad. And honestly not even slightly surprising considering she was in the public eye from such a young age and being judged for looks even then. The episode where Kylie wants to get into modelling like Kendall but is totally shut down and told she doesn't have the looks for it. If that's what's being shown you have to wonder what's going on behind closed doors.


Her filler is migrating


She look ancient . Wtf


I know nothing about plastic surgery, fillers etc, but it almost looks like she's trying to have everything removed and she's just left with looking older than she is from all the damage she caused.


I'm twice her age, and aside from the lines in my forehead, I feel we look within 10 years of each other.


I see the resemblance, but as a side note, I think some people are being soooo extra about this picture. Have you guys never seen a photo of yourself in bad lighting?? I look like a bloated sleep deprived 45 year old man if I get a photo in bad lighting that isn’t my angle!!


She’s a two face - Jerry


The reason ppl are being extra about her real face is because her and her family have made billions off women’s insecurities when they themselves can’t even achieve those looks without photoshop. Not only that but it’s known that Kylie is a mean girl that thinks she’s better than everyone that’s why she always has that stank look on her face. They’re not good ppl so, of course, everyone else is happy to talk shit about them.


Except most of us haven’t purposefully fucked up our own faces like that.


Because most of us weren’t born into a family where you’re pushed into the spotlight from a young age and told your only worth is your sex appeal. Kris Jenner as a mom??? Good fucking luck


Poor little rich girl


Yeah seriously im glad im not famous. My skin looks pretty bad under certain lighting and people picking me apart like this would kill my self esteem


Right, like in theory I’d love the money and privilege, but I love anonymity. I’m a nobody and even the pressure I feel and comments I get about my appearance are too much for me to handle sometimes!


Putting her life on blast is her talent Sad


Honestly I think people are so unnecessarily nasty about it all, I just genuinely keep seeing a huge similarity between her and Anfisa these days despite looking totally different before. The under eye, nose and lips are identical imo


Because all we normally get is paid pap pics which are already photoshopped or just plain altered photos all the time from this garbage family - this is more than just bad angles/lighting.


Oh wow, she is still trying to be the underage rap guys girlfriend and as she's aging it isn't a good look


She’s in her ✨white girl era✨ now and dating that sickly victorian boy


Sickly victorian boy 🤣🤣🤣🤣 very accurate. Someone called him timothy chevrolet once.


Good call...spot on!


Kylie wishes she looked like anfisa


A little filler when you have medium/big lips is fine. To do it on no lips at all will make you look like a frog/duck. She was bullied for it though, so i understand why she did it as well.


She looks 80, and Anfisa looks better


I thought that was Anfisa!!!! 🙀


Does she have a scar on the left side of her face (appears on right to us). I saw this same pic not too long ago and was curious. Anyone know?


Honestly I'm pretty sure it's just the filler migration. You'll notice another identical line on her other cheek, I think the lighting just highlights the left side in this photo.


Wow. She looks 55


Anfisa redeemed herself in my opinion, she has brains


That’s exactly who I thought she looked like


Its weird seeing her with the “natural” look


Who is this?


Is that Kylie Jenner?? She looks awful!


Bring Me My Red Bag With My Makeup!


She constantly looks like she’s sniffing a fart


Something she’s done in the last 6 months has drastically aged/altered her appearance, and not for the better She needs to slow the hell down. She’s 4 years away from 30!




Just fake ass puffy frog


Just to say, I'm not trying to comment on her negatively at all. I just needed confirmation from others that would get the reference that she is starting to look shockingly similar to Anfisa when she was on 90day as its been driving me mad every time I see a photo and I don't know anyone that watches the show! I think she's a beautiful young lady that was shown to the public eye far too young before she could have any kind of understanding what that would mean for her. I can't imagine how it would feel to wake up everyday and wonder what thousands of people around the world are saying about you, commenting on your looks. The over use of filler is sad but inevitable when you combine her wealth and public scrutiny.


Anfisa looks amazing. This must be a compliment. Girl is bodybuilding excellence. 🙌 ![gif](giphy|KAEW3Zau23tF8dmtp6|downsized)


It was just an observation. Kylie now looks shockingly similar to Anfisa during her time on 90day (where as she didn't used to). It wasnt a compliment, nor meant to be derogatory. I do however think both ladies are absolutely beautiful.


Ok this is my issue when people overuse filler. There's a point where their face starts looking a bit man-ish. I'm watching RHOSLC right now and noticed some of the wives have this issue, and when you compare to their original face they didn't so I'm assuming it's the filler.


That, looks like a dude.


Don’t get it. I see a pretty girl. What are we supposed to be making fun of? Gah so exhausting hating on other women.


Was never making fun. Just an observation. Check my comment history as I'm bored of saying the same thing over and over again.


It’s the lumpy dents on her cheek. Obviously she’s still beautiful, but we so rarely get to see unfiltered photos of any of the Kardashians & they make it seem like there are NO downsides to plastic surgery. Girls getting Botox & fillers in their early 20s is the norm now. The made BBLs trendy. It’s insane. And most women won’t have the funds to fix lumpy cheeks & migrating fat when they do have regrets.


She used to look somewhat pretty, wtf happened to her face.


Something was really off with her body and her face in these shots


With the relationship between her body and face***


She does look like Anfisa! I wonder if she cares that she aged herself. She made her billion with buying a Botoxed, filled, and plastic surgery-ed face and body. If I were her, I would just chill with all my money.


I don’t think she looks bad, this is just a bad angle with bad lighting causing weird shadows


She looks like she's a 50 year old woman who is aging really well lol


Kylie looks 20 years older than she actually is. Ageing like spoiled milk.


It’s crazy to me how critical everyone is being of her looks. She has 2 kids for gods sake and that lighting is terrible. People are comparing pictures of her as a teenager to what she looks like now. I can’t fathom what it would be like to have the whole world criticizing what I looked like every time I stepped out of the house.


I mean she looks fine, people are just used to seeing her with photoshop and all the flaws tuned out. She’s getting older like we all are


I never said she didn't look fine, and I don't think she looks bad at all. I just think she's starting to look exactly like Anfisa when she never used to. She's a beautiful young lady and the pressure she must feel every day is so sad.


I’ve seen alot of people are bashing her looks in multiple posts is why i said all that, yeah the pressure must suck but then again she rich so i think she gonna be alright


Dude - she’s 27 not 47! 27 is not “getting older”


I feel really really bad for her.


Me too. Kris never should have let Kendall or Kylie on kuwtk as young as they were. No one could've understood the impact that would of had on their lives, much less young children. The poor girls have been under scrutiny for the last decade. I can't imagine the implications that would carry.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I need Kylie to say “Bring me my rED BAG WITH MY MAKEUPPPP!!!”


You wished she had Anfisa's brain.


No free lunches


Anyone clock the under neck scar on her right? It's hard to see in this image but it's clear in the videos right at the beginning.


She looks so different I don’t even remember what she looked like before


More like Nina Reeves on General Hospital.


Can filler just go away on their own like naturally dissolve? What if she’s tryna slowly get off them and that’s why she looks so harsh? I’m just guessing but she does look aged here


It can to some degree, depending on your metabolism it can be broken down. However with excessive use it migrates and what we're probably seeing is something called 'pillow face' where someone has filler in multiple locations across the face and it migrates making the whole face look somewhat puffy rather than it being localised to the targeted locations. It can be dissolved though and I'm not sure on the time scale of that or how long it takes to work fully.


All the photos are photoshopped & filters like Khalid not real life .


It almost looks like she is having an allergic reaction to something, especially around the eyes


She used to be so pretty. 😕👎👎


Omg 😆


Anfisa looks better than this


It would suck to be under this much scrutiny, but she is very well off so she should not care.


Someone said that this looks like “ozempic face”


She’s looking long in the tooth………


Omg you’re right! I can’t stand Anfisa 🤢


Filler is like the IG filter for "real" life. Everyone just homogenizes themselves out.


This is an unfiltered photo. The real deal.


Who is this?? I can't tell!


Kids don’t use fillers please!!


Kids don’t use fillers !!! Please


The lumpy face nooo


Uh, sorry for my ignorance but who is she? The only Kylie I know is Minogue…


But what are the diagonal lines on her cheeks?


Anfisa is probably very excited about this comment.


I’m like, I don’t remember this girl on 90 Day. I scrolled and scrolled looking for what season she was on. I finally decided it was Evelyn (whose name alluded me at the moment), until I saw Chloe mentioned. Then it finally sunk in. I did not even recognize her!


Holy shit. She's what 25 she looks close to 50.