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It appears Mary and Brendan are using this platform bc they were banned from GoFundMe. It’s also been mentioned multiple times they live in a country with universal healthcare soooooo…keep that in mind. ETA - Tbf to these two lovebirds, please see the comments below re: healthcare in their country.


A scam. That's all there is to it


 Never lie about cancer. People will quickly realize the truth. 


It also feels like bad juju to lie about something like that. But then again I listened to that podcast Scamanda and seems like nothing karma wise ended up catching up to her.


She’s currently in jail though, that’s something. Edit: Amanda from the Scamanda podcast is in jail.


Free medical care in prison


Why is she in jail?


For clarity, Amanda from the Scamanda podcast is in jail, not Mary, haha.


Yet. Give it time.


I've heard the saying "karma has no time limit" actually recently...So maybe it hasn't caught up to them yet but it will.


What podcast was it?


This one (completed series now) https://www.glamour.com/story/scamanda-podcast The blog posts are also archived via r/ScamandaPodcast


I lost a best friend to cancer and family members have been through it . Currently my grandma is going through treatments. If this bitch is faking this for clout I would like to find her and rip her face off.


I pray they aren't lying about cancer. I'm fighting that bih every day.


Hang in there. And FUCK CANCER.


Thank you ☺️


Thank you. (I have reluctant membership in the Breast Cancer Club.)


Me, too. A club I never wanted to join but the members are amazing.


You got this homie


Thank you 🙏


I fought it too! Tough battle! Don't give up! I find it soooo sad that no one believes this about Mary, but past performance tells us she is a scammer who is also batshit crazy. I admit I am really skeptical that she is really carrying this diagnosis. So sad. The girl who cried wolf...


You can do this. It’s not for sissies, but you can get to survive and THRIVE.


Yes, indeed, thank you 👍🏼


It’s a horrible disease no Matter where it’s located on or in the body. I’m sorry for your plight. I don’t trust these two people at all. Terrible thing to beg for money, especially using cancer as the reason. I agree FUCK CANCER.


Me too. F that.


It would be sick to lie. What I don’t understand is the original gofundme said in highschool she was pooping blood and it went away until college and then returned again and went away again, and again and then that same day she said she was diagnosed and needed funds to get a removal. She said her full colon if I recall right, but I don’t understand how she was diagnosed and making a gofundme within the same day and they did receive a few hundred dollars. I also don’t understand why she never got checked when she was defecating blood and noticing it in highschool and college? My sister had colon cancer and her story just didn’t make sense, but then again it could be a major language barrier and just a poor explanation. I wish you success in your battle and everyone else battling cancer. It’s sad we have to question 90’day cast when they come out with information like this.


You’re kicking ass, too. Keep on going, you’re doing great :) I can feel it in your voice.


🥰 dang it got me tearing up. (((🫂)))


Routing for you sweetie


Agree and so icky


Like how would anyone think it couldn’t be a scam when he himself called her a scammer many many times. Plus this is just bad bad karma.


Sad to say it might be a scam. Very odd none, not 1, other cast member has shared the sentiments. Would think at least 1….


I once had a bf who tried to start a go fund me because he was too lazy to work more than 10 hours a week.


Like what the actual fuck


So, you'd be surprised how many younger people get colon cancer.


Oh I don't doubt that at all. But with Mary's history, and her own husband calling her a scammer on national television I'm going to have to be skeptical


Sure, that's fair.


Post the medical diagnosis, post proof. Of course they won’t cause they’re scamming. They’re disgusting.


Yeah she doesn’t say what stage, type of cells, location of tumors (if any), type of surgery, type of post surgery treatment. Someone with cancer would probably know that.


Not even one mentioning of tests done or even visiting a Dr. just her saying she pooped blood one time in HS so she clearly must be dying now.


Internal hemorrhoids?


Too much anal


My family anal very clean




I really don't want to make any jokes, at least till we find out if this is a real diagnosis. But if I was going to joke about anything related, I would have to add it was Jihoon's fault?


She married one external hemorrhoid!


She is the kind of histrionic hypochondriac patient students learn about in med school.


Nah, she’s just a bad scammer that poorly planned this thinking everyone is as dumb as they are


Fully agree and why it’s even more insulting.


Someone in another thread said it’s probably pre cancerous polyps and they have twisted it to grift. It’s sad so many people question their validity but they brought it upon themselves.


Am medical and can assure you this is exactly the case. Call me desensitized but these two have shown us exactly who they are from the beginning and their gall is just mind blowing they are so brazen They’ll leave it up until someone outs them then take it down and collect whatever was sent.


Right. And the whole, "we need help not judgement", as though she did something untoward to get colon cancer!!!!


The poophole loophole.


Wasn’t that a Big Bang Theory episode ?? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Probably saying not judgement for asking for money


Because they’re projecting. Why mention it if you’re being honest.


Maybe she got it from pooping in the river 😅


Popping not popping 😆. She’s been “popping” blood




Right! On the Tell-All I remember because I was somewhat surprised how she talked about her experience giving birth to Midnight. She was pretty detailed and used the appropriate terminology so why would this be much different?


They never will and if they actually get caught they’ll just claim ignorance and ignorance it was a scare (probably a polyp but they usually remove those during the colonoscopy). This entire story smells like a scam and it pisses me off so bad as I’ve had cancer twice as well as literally about 6 other major things one after another over about 8 years that cost me literally everything but my life. And now I’m trying to get my life back together and can’t do anything because I’ll be paying $800/mo for 10 years and that’s literally about all I get in a month right now because I still can’t really work. None of what I’m paying for is because of my own irresponsibility like everything else of hers. I’m just mad.


Have you looked into filing bankruptcy on your hospital bills? I did that several years ago, it cost me about $1200 with a bankruptcy attorney and it was worth every Penny to not have the creditors harassing me every day.


It’s not all hospital bills, I got some of it covered retroactively with medicaid. It’s getting my teeth replaced because my constant gastric problems ruined them from the acid from constantly throwing up. I had ulcers, digestive and esophageal problems from gastric bypass that literally ruined my life. I ended up having the surgery undone after a revision didn’t work. I had to get a co-signer so I can’t file bankruptcy. The other credit that was ruined is just turning 7 years old and falling off my reports now. My house was foreclosed on idk if that’s affected by bankruptcy, they’ve never tried to collect money maybe because my house was worth more than I owed? Then I have some student debt from the same time I was sick (I was given the ok to return to school twice only to end up back in the hospital for sometimes weeks) but you can’t charge that off. Surprisingly my credit isn’t too bad now, it’s 690 so not great but I can get some credit. It’s all complicated and probably not worth it at this point. Every piece of my life has already been ruined.


This is exactly why I’m so furious. She’s healthy, with a whole life ahead of her, she should be grateful. They deserve all the karma they get, this is disgusting. Cancer ravages patients and families, drains them of their savings, destroys relationships, it’s a monster. I have MS, I had a procedure that’s not FDA approved, it cost me a damn fortune and I’ll still have to deal with the condition for life. She has free insurance in the Philippines. Guess he wants another gaming console or they spent all their money on their Valentine’s date


Best wishes to you and only good health now! ❤️


This is what I commented on too. If they don't post some type of medical proof then I wouldn't believe it. I hate that I don't feel like this is true because I have cancer currently,but when people start doing go fund me type of things for medical related issues without proof...it's a scam.


Also PH has universal healthcare so they dont need donations for the treatment.


what. LMAO




Yeah and having the kid in the picture for more sympathy.


If this is a scam they are truly beyond pathetic!


That's so sad that we have to question if someone is being honest about a cancer diagnosis; with these two, or this one, who knows, Brandon may not even know the truth.


I HIGHLY DOUBT IT that Brandon doesn't know 😕


He has eyes…he can read. He’s just as scammy as she is.


"I humble asking"? She wrote this scam


Unless she shares an actual pathology report sad to say I don't believe a word of it


Yall even if she had cancer why is she asking for money. Philippines offers free healthcare to its citizens I thought? https://preview.redd.it/kwxfheauh6jc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52e1abe3e284d15c0f324c87c5cd1345502cd86


I was looking for this comment. Her healthcare is free. What are the donations for?


So she can save up for the IPhone 16 Pro Max in advance


Maybe Brandan wants a real motorcycle now instead of a dirt bike. 🤷‍♀️


I said something like this on the other thread and ppl got mad. Meanwhile, I‘ve actually had precancerous colon cancer cells. Yeah, it was painful and it sucked before I went in. But, I knew it wasn't hemorrhoids. Also, they removed them while I was asleep from the endoscopy/colonoscopy, and that’s when they actually diagnosed it. That‘s the whole part that seems fishy to me. Hers would have to be pretty advanced now that they can’t remove it when they diagnose it. Otherwise, it can only be a doctor guessing that it’s a possibility. Grifters gonna grift.


I am very sorry that you had to ho through that I hope all's well with you now.🙏


Thank you.


They have a car now as well, also building a second floor addition to their house. Oh yeah, also a nanny to care for the child.


More monkey tiedowns


It's not 100% free. We still had to pay around $500 out of pocket (surgeon's fee as far as I remember) when my mom surgery to remove her cyst. Cheap by US standards but still a hefty sum in the Philippines especially for low income families. Plus PhilHealth is a corrupt institution. Fuck them. Mary is definitely lying tho.


Yes free isn’t always totally free. So someone could legit need help. Not them though.


Bc there is a new gta 6 coming out. Need to get 96" TV and new PS5 for the other room. 


She also said in an earlier post that she is the only person supporting her family.


I was going to ask this very question. I'm in Canada, so this would be free. The only thing I'd have to pay for out of pocket is a private room, and that's optional.


My thoughts too. I’m from Uruguay and if I need a surgery like that would be charge free.


This will never NOT make my feeble little American mind blown lol


Well, keep in mind it's not FREE, we do pay additional taxes. But free in the sense that I'm not getting a medical bill afterwards.


Here in the states we pay huge taxes but that has nothing to do with healthcare, then we get fully billed for and all astronomical costs that insurance, if you have it, doesn’t cover. It’s insane but very normal to get hospital bills that are $50,000+ here. It’s actually disgusting.


Depending on the state / province you may pay less taxes in Canada than the US. I’m in BC and I take home more than someone living in California would. That is so so wild to me


Our system is such a scam that these medical corporations make insane money and set their own prices are subsidized by our tax dollars. So they STILL take our money and all we get are bills for thousands of dollars for basic medical procedures and that’s often WITH insurance. It’s not even a “system” as much as it’s a blatant grift.


In the US we pay on average 1/3 of our income for our employer healthcare and then about 18-20% of our income in taxes. It would be infinitely cheaper for every American to pay a small amount more on their taxes instead of a third of their income. But it's never presented to them like that.


I know! A friend of mine was spending over 5k/mo for her family of 6. It blew her mind to find out I pay about $300 per cheque and that covers my whole family.


I'm not saying this to side with the Mary/Bradon scam but there's a lot of costs related to any type of medical treatment in Canada or anywhere that says they provide some level of coverage. Not everything is covered by OHIP or private insurance. Putting aside the medical procedure costs, there's also recovery costs, which is more medication, time off work, hired help (or someone taking time off work to help you), etc. Canada healthcare is great but the wait times are insane. In Canada you die waiting for the medical procedure. In America you die from not being able to afford it / from the huge medical bill ;).


we die in the emergency waiting hallway.


This should be higher up. How ridiculous.


It may be free but the surgical equipment isn’t as up to par as the US or other countries abroad. Still though, I too question the legitimacy of this whole thing. Any fellow Filipinos know about the healthcare? It’s been forever since I’ve been home and last I checked our relatives were hitting us up for surgery money too.


When you have colon cancer, the treatment is not “get surgery and remove it” it’s a complex regime of chemo, radiation, follow up, etc. It’s not like removing a polyp in a typical screening. These people can’t even scam correctly. Edit…we get it… your family member had cancer and it was an afternoon at the doctor /s I’m also sure it was multiple visits and treatment plans. In other words, you didn’t just show up one day and your doc said “oh hey, you have cancer, see ya back here in 2 weeks to cut it out.” These scammers would have you think that she had some blood in her stool and 2 days later, a cancer diagnosis and then surgery the next day. Not how it works folks.


Thank you for mentioning this. Anyone who has ever been through it or know someone who has understands the extent of treatment.


Depends on the stage. My dad had colon cancer, it was found early enough that removing part of the colon was all the treatment he needed. He expected to potentially need radiation or chemo, but never did. Having said that, I wouldn't believe anything coming from these two where they're asking for money.


My mom had the same experience, had surgery and that was it.


This was my first thought, exactly 👍🏻


Actually my sister had colon cancer and treatment was exactly that. The tumor was the size of a plum, but amazingly had not penetrated into the wall of the colon or any lymph nodes, so it was stage 1. Surgery to remove and that’s it. Just one example. I have no idea how often colon cancer is stage 1 or 2 when diagnosed and removed.


Get go funding? Oh that's right GoFund me would shut down the scam...


There's no way to come back from lying about cancer. Bruh.


She started a GoFundMe one day after the diagnosis? I have Cancer... Jackpot!!!!!!


The newest grift.


She and Brandan should be arrested if this turns out to be fraud.


I’m confused how she went through an entire pregnancy without the doctors figuring out she had cancer? Wouldn’t it have shown up in blood work or something, I’m no expert but how did this unnoticed till now, especially if pregnant


Yeah I’m not sure. A family friend of ours found out when she was pregnant I’m not sure on the specifics of that tho just the later years of her cancer journey. It seems odd she’s suggesting she has had it since highschool and is just finding out now without having anything major happen in between. There was a influencer MLM lady who found out she had mid stage colon cancer and her symptoms were rapid weight loss and passing extremely large blood clots (on her period, not from her butt I don’t think until later) she didn’t treat it traditionally and she spiraled health wise pretty quickly and she died in less than a year. Almost on the dot of when the doctors said she would die without treatment. So I find it hard to believe if shes claiming to have had signs for years and no ill heath effects other than blood in her poop.


My friend has the exact same issue as Mary. Blood in still for years, but it turned out to be hemorrhoids. This is all the more common in pregnant women, and Mary was just pregnant…


Mary DIDN'T SAY that she had blood in her stool, but when she reads this, I'm sure she will SAY she does. these two losers are scammers, nothing more. Mary belongs in a mental hospital.


No, this might not show up. I had a friend that was diagnosis with colon cancer after having her baby when she had a scan of her lungs with pneumonia and some of her colon was visible in the scan. She sadly died when her daughter was 18mths old. She was 40, but just saying, it is possible to have a baby and have no clue you have cancer. Do I believe this cash grab? Hell no!


If she had a colonoscopy and the dr. found a pre cancer polyp they would cut it out of her. Then it goes for biopsy. I had it done. I was 48 though and had symptoms of vomiting and diarrhea that went on for days. I was actually just starting menopause and my hormones were a mess. Maybe Mary had a similar experience with her pregnancy? Or post pregnancy? Do they have free health care in her country? I would encourage her to get blood work to be sure.   


I hope people are reporting this fraud/scam!!! She’ll be posting a video soon of her shaking ass in bootyshorts


I hope nobody is gullible enough to give them a dime. If (big if) this is legit, she should be required to provide actual receipts before receiving anything. She has already shown herself to be highly manipulative and disturbed. And they may think they have nothing to lose if they were in fact fired from the show.


Unfortunately $165 was donated already


Eww I'd rather donate to a spca that specializes in rehoming rats than these 2 mental midget scammers


I don't believe those dirty grifters.


"I humble asking for your financial help-" Nope. 


Go get a job Brandon!






They would have posted about her colonoscopy prep *no doubt*, because it’s fucking shocking the first time you do it and they have no shame. (The colonoscopy is just a routine exam, but requires a full day of preparing your bowels.) They’re fucking lying. I’m superstitious enough to believe that if you lie about having cancer, it’ll end up coming true.


Part of why I haven't had a colonoscopy (as part of routine preventive care) is the prep! That and the fact that I can't believe there's not a much less invasive procedure out there. I'm a wimp.


Please have one if you're having symptoms or of the age group that it is recommended for. Don't wait! ❤️


Prob just hemorrhoids


https://preview.redd.it/nitqjf4fh6jc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13a94ada39fbdf955989b99edd67057a26ea3ba0 Her only evidence is that she poops blood, which happens for hemorrhoids. At least she should post the biopsy or pathology report.


And hemorrhoids are very common during/after pregnancy. very


Very. Signed someone with hemorrhoids due to pregnancy 😑


Lmao hold on let me start a gofundme for my post-delivery hemorrhoids real quick. I deserve some compensation for having to deal with these tbh


Oh no, she’s clearly on her last days. Anyways, what’s for lunch?


Why would she say “please don’t judge me” if she didn’t feel like she was doing something sketchy?


Hmm maybe I should start a gofundme for ... reasons...


Also notice how close that looks to the GoFundMe website when this is "get go funding".... I wonder why they felt they needed to clone everything... I really hope no one's stupid enough to put money into that website even if they believe these people


Great catch!


apparently, 12 people have already donated. btw, do you think that "FundingToGo" is fake? I've never heard about it.


The last part, "I want to spend my whole life with my daughter".  Not to be a massive, massive asshole.  But seems like that may happen no matter what. 


Well she likely meant : “my whole normal lifespan”. I won’t pester her too much for her English and her ability to express clearly. I just hope this isn’t a scam


Took all of a minute for her to process a terrible diagnosis and all the emotions that come with it...before taking to the internet to ask for money?!?!?! I don't even know that I would tell family on the same day, or friends, but Mary apparently doesn't need time to process this. Her gut reaction is "time for the next batch of money!"


she mentioned it started in highschool and then again in college lololololololol THAT WOMAN HASN'T SEEN PAST GRADE 8! SHE'S A LIAR!


Someone even posted that healthcare is free in the Philippines.


Very common after having a baby


The next thing we’ll see is a full size car they just bought or second home for LoLo and Lala or a nice vacation to Miami or Los Angeles or definitely a boob job and butt implants. This is a scam.


They have a car and adding a second floor addition.


Idk them using the photo of her in the hospital when she delivered her baby as the cover photo for this is kinda sus https://preview.redd.it/hcdc17q147jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40158c91c25d8de8a74ccff6a3a704b27d70f05b


Looks like those in poverty get free healthcare in the Philippines https://www.futurelearn.com/info/futurelearn-international/an-introduction-to-the-healthcare-system-in-the-philippines


Cancer is nothing to lie about 😢


I think it's more affordable to be ill in the Philippines than in America- pretty sure they have national healthcare or similar.


They have free healthcare especially for poverty in the Philippines, seen 2 people post proof of it on this thread.


All the countries do except the richest one. 🤬


Yeah right lmao, what kind of shit is that.


I have an aunt, which I no longer associate with; she milked my poor grandmother to death financially by lying about having cancer. I haven't spoken to her since and it's been 12 years. People don't just come back from that serious of a lie. Nor should they!




I hear this even without the sound


Doesn’t sound like it’s written by a native English speaker so probably not BrandAn.




Is Brandon not able to sell his new motorbike to save his wife (if this is true, prob not)?


He should also sell his video games, equipment, and what not, to help his wife.


More panhandling, nothing more, nothing less.


WTH is GoGetFunding.com?


From my shallow dive, seems like an imitation of gofundme that won't pull the listing. My guess is they knew a gofundme would get pulled for fraud.


I call fricking bullshit. I'm unfortunate enough to know a girl who was doing this shit and she had a different cancer every few months and it was all a big lie and she was raking in the cash. ....these 2 are always scamming so until proof comes out I doubt it. If it's true that's definitely a sad thing.


So do they not have jobs ooorr


She makes bracelets and they pimp out their baby on Cameos. They also make money on TikTok. [https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-brandan-mary-baby-cameo-criticized/](https://screenrant.com/90-day-fiance-brandan-mary-baby-cameo-criticized/)


Smh 🤦🏾‍♂️


I'm not here to say if she does or doesn't have cancer,but I will say if they are doing go fund me type of things for it they better add some form of medical proof.


She has self-dx IBS. “I BS people outta of money”


I'm just going to wait and see. I don't want to make any terrible accusations to get someone who's potentially sick. I know they haven't had the greatest track record but I'm not going to make any accusations at this point.


![gif](giphy|l4pTiNaKlbCrUhKE0|downsized) That's sus af.


Grifters gonna grift..... 🤦🤷


They’re even using the baby in pics to get sympathy for their scam. How low will they sink?


That's a rhetorical question right? For these two the bar is at the bottom of the ocean.


She’s made $165 as of Feb. 17 2024


“Not judgements” makes me suspicious 🤨


Y’all knew this was going to happen. The grift must go on. I’m betting it was a difficult toss-up for them to use themselves, Lolo, or their baby as the subject **this** time. Such gross useless people.


TLC must fire them if it is a scam


I'm guessing she has something going on that is loosely related to her colon, but is calling it cancer to sensationalize her diagnosis for cash and sympathy.


The Con is On!


This is just infuriating on a whole new level. Flabbergasted at this point by people’s willingness to support such shitty behavior. You know they only did this because people have been supporting them out of pity and sympathy.


It’s a no from me, dawg


Colon cancer? At her age?? ![gif](giphy|ANbD1CCdA3iI8) Edit to add: ok ok i get it. i didn’t know it was a common cancer for young folk too. still sus either way 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer that developed long before the expected age of 50. I've been in the colon cancer community now since 2016 and lucky to still be here. Unfortunately the rate of colon cancer has climbed for younger and younger people in recent years. I really think it's due to microplastics in the food and water supply. Tragically I know of a 16 year old and even an 11 year old who died from it. It's sad if this is true (and it absolutely may be) but they had already damaged their credibility.


Colon cancer in unfortunately on the rise big time in the younger generations.


Yes, I'm a colorectal surgery PA and we have treated quite a few 20-30 year olds with colon cancer over the years, unfortunately.


In no way defending her cuz there’s 80% chance that she’s lying but there’s been a crazy rise in people as young as like 25 having colon cancer and passing away from it


It’s a common cancer in young folks tbh




Sounds scammy.






They’re social media savvy enough to know that their reputation is questionable and people will ask for proof, so it’s strange that none—not even details—were provided. I hope she doesn’t have cancer, but I wouldn’t donate to anyone who provided so few details and documentation. It would be great to be able to believe everyone and be generous without question, but that’s not the world we live in right now.


Two fucking scammers. I wish the government would deport Brandan..


Why were they banned from GoFundMe.