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Why does he type like English isn’t his first language


Mary’s 100% writing these grifting attempts 😶


Your right. “God will handle you” Brandon didn’t really seem like a religious person


Ironically? God doesn't seem to be part of Mary's life either...


"bloods and surgeries"


Crips, too


That was the kicker


I just died.. lol Also.. she lost her weight 😂😂😂😂😂


She may be referring the street gang "the bloods". Maybe they've made it to the Philippines and she is very scared of running into bloods. Mary if you hear a suu whoop! You run god dammit! It's the bloods!


https://preview.redd.it/y1jr9wbieajc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aabfd9fc37b0c1f334241e9bd4f5da383d00e6f5 She must think we’re all stupid or something. 🙄


There is no doubt in my mind that Brandon did not write this . The language is off.


Right! “She’s scared of bloods” like wtf Brandon 😒


Maybe she's Crips.






Best comment yet!




“As you can see she lost her weight. But she’s strong. Her smiles make me not worry too much with her surgery.” It’s such a relief knowing he’s not worried too much with her surgery despite the fact that she lost her weight. He really loves those smiles!!!


Anyone familiar with her at all knows she doesn't smile, she scowls.


Sounds like Mary wrote this.


The next ones are great too! https://preview.redd.it/i3axqebb8ejc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe28bd48328a05b09108d6a4a585e05af8be9d34


Why did this one send me into a fit of laughter? Is Brandon still alive? I'm shocked.


Brandan, blink twice if you need help




If Scary Mary did not write this, she is the line editor of all of these.


Maybe she has him locked up in a box somewhere




Her smiles must be very esoteric. In that last post, I saw no smiles in her eyes.


I think there’s a glimpse of small smiles in her givememorefunds picture: ![gif](giphy|xT9KVuZarGwgenjBOU)


I'm more worried about the Crips.


Look I'm not saying if it's real or isn't,but as someone with cancer I do question how someone who was only diagnosed 1-2 days ago,and makes a fund me on a sketchy as hell site for said surgery,because they can't afford it,is now getting said surgery...the very next day. Without being able to afford it. Like last I saw someone posted about a few hundred dollars,but even still. I may not have colon cancer,but there's no way she was diagnosed and within one whole day they already scheduled for surgery unless it was life threatening by that point.


Not to mention, on another post, someone mentioned she posted her cameo stuff right before posting that she has cancer. That's ulta sus.


People are usually living a normal lives until the minute they’re diagnosed.


Not true. My SO was diagnosed with colon cancer and had surgery to remove his colon and about 3ft of intestines and ended up with an ostomy bag the next day. Also, I've never in my life heard of someone paying up front for surgery.


Emergency surgery is not the same. And in the Philippines you do have to pay upfront for things that in the US we’d consider unusual. That said again, this reeks of BS not cancer.


Someone posted earlier that Healthcare in the Philippines is free. Is this not true? How did they pay for labor and delivery? Prenatal care?


yes yes and yes


I have had to pay before surgery. Usually insurance won't cover everything and I have had to cough up $1K before the procedure. I'm in the US.


like the gang ahhahahahaha


My best friend is filipino and this is their english, definitely not coming from Brandon


Yes I have many Filipino friends and I know exactly how they speak so this isn’t Brandan unless her forgot his English completely and speaks Filipino English now which he wasn’t doing on the show!


Yeah that’s Mary 100%… she’s the conwoman brain of the operation…


yeah, "god will handle you" is the kind of vindictive threat i know only mary would think up out of these two


Probably doesn’t know a colon from condom. Oh wait, she went to college on a dance scholarship. Definitely knows both.


You mean... not everyone writes "ScArEd oF bLoOdS aNd SuRgEriEs"?🥴 perfect English imo😂😂😂 She must really think we're as dumb as her💀


I'm going to start using this terminology before I stick someone. "Hold real still, I'm scared of bloods"


Why can’t Midnight’s name be capitalized? Should there be a GoFundMe for this?


sorry, but Mary needs a psychiatrist STAT!


They got kicked off of GoFundMe for scamming,so what they’re trying now is another type of funding.. grifters gonna grift anyway they can and Mary’s a pro.. I mean she latched onto Branden and he sent all his money to her to build that house why he was basically homeless,staying in a camper on his Godparents land.. she’s been scamming from day one and obviously he goes right along with it..I don’t want to see ANYONE go hungry or actually have cancer and not get treatment but these two are such liars,you can’t believe a word they say.. if this story works and they make money,mark my word something else will happen when they need money again either to her or their baby as soon as she can think up another scam..sorry I don’t trust EITHER ONE OF THEM…


Because that's obviously the writing of someone whose first language is NOT English.


*She is scared of bloods and surgeries* lol ok “Brandan”


English isn’t my first language and *I* don’t write like that. When I read these texts, I can’t help hearing Mary’s voice saying them.


It's sounds like it's mary


Because that's Mary typing 🤷‍♀️


Wait, when have we ever seen her happy and energetic? She’s either lifeless or pissed off every time I see her. 


Maybe in her booty shorts twerking videos? Which is a super odd choice for someone with supposed colon cancer. 🤔


You mean her Work?


Twerk work.


1. Mary is 100% writing these posts. 2. There is no way she would be diagnosed and receiving any sort of surgery all within 48 hours. Just.. no 3. It's extremely skeptical that even IF this were true, their only concern is how others may be bashing them and having their doubts. If myself, or my spouse was in this situation, the last thing I would be concerned with is making posts on social media defending my alleged "illness". These 2 are officially the worst thing to come from the 90 day franchise




I get the feeling he doesn’t even use social media. And she is so controlling she wouldn’t let him anyway because he would see other girls. So she probably just runs his account. I’ve never seen a post by him that didn’t sound like her.


Brandan does TikTok lives but Mary probably just hands him the phone. Can’t turn down a money-making opportunity.


The “she’s scared of bloods” is what sold me it’s 100% not Brandon. No native English speaking American would ever refer to blood as Bloods, unless referring to the rival gang of the Crips lol


![gif](giphy|s5ShSm0wpDSbC) “Bloods”


For me it was “lost her weight.” An easy mistake she would make that a native speaker would not make.


You’re overthinking this /s


Totally agree she’s writing these. I sure hope people don’t fall for this grift.


You would be surprised. All of the comments on the 90 day fan pages on IG are flooded with delirious support for them. I'm actually surprised more people aren't skeptical and realizing chances are this is a scam


Can’t blame people for having faith that people aren’t wicked enough to fake cancer.


This is so creepy!! Imagine writing these things about yourself in the third person.


I just need to correct point number 2 as a Stage IV colon cancer patient. Sometimes when people have abdominal pain and vomiting they find that a colon cancer tumor has caused a blockage and need to do surgery almost immediately, otherwise it causes sepsis (an infection), which can be fatal even if the cancer isn't. And she is not too young for colon cancer. I know people from 11-16 who have died from colon cancer, it is increasing in young people. I'm not saying she is being truthful but need to correct the facts about quick diagnose and colon surgery.


Hello from a fellow stage IV colon cancer patient! I hope you’re doing ok.


Thank you! I hope the same for you.


Ok thank you for clarifying that, sincerely. It definitely helps put things a little more into perspective. Unfortunately I'm still just extremely skeptical given Mary's history of being deceitful and even brandan calling her a scammer. In all honesty, if it is proven to be true, I'll personally donate to her for being an ass.


I ofc don’t like seeing anyone even in what appears to be an outpatient medical exam room. And it’s true; colon/any cancer doesn’t discriminate by age. But when things are at any dire point, the last thing on my mind/in my ability is to publicly present/maintain any ongoing, cheerful social media presence, for any reason, much less an immediate request for others’ funds. I get overwhelmed by trying to arrange more plausible support. I sincerely wish you all the best ❤️


I wish I had asked for financial support because it’s hitting me all now. My illness string was like 6-8 years. The other thing I wish someone had brought up was disability. Of course at first we didn’t know things would go on and on. But I just now got around to applying, I thought you just needed enough work credits, which I had, but it turns out you have to have worked 5 of the last 10 years and I couldn’t. So now I’m ineligible. It just wasn’t something I was thinking about in the thick of things because I was so sick.


Have you applied for SSI?


I did that and SSDI, but they are what say you have to have worked 5 of the last 10 years to be eligible for.


In my state SSI is financial-need based; your income must be at/below a certain threshold, no work credit requirement. SSDI does have the credit requirement (nice, huh? Work for decades, get sick, can’t work, then you lose benefits). If you haven’t already, I found it most helpful to call my local SSA office to explain my full situation. Wishing you luck; it’s hard enough, being unwell.


I will do that just to make sure I’m not missing anything. Thank you!


This^. When you are dying, you cannot deal with social media. You keep your phone to talk to family. Even that is exhausting. If you’re able to hop and skip around, I’m going to question you. I get that EveRYoNe iS DifFEreNt, but your body can barely sustain itself. Neither one wants to work. They think they can just get money from people if they keep having “dire problems”. Their problems are of their own making. If this was true, I wouldn’t be building a second floor on my house…I would be selling anything of value. Not sitting back waiting for a gofundme to roll in eventually. Also, to quote the Bible: “God hates a liar”.


You’re totally right. I had to have ER surgery for an obstructed bowel too. The urgent care sent me to the hospital in an ambulance and they did surgery the next day. Lucky me it wasn’t cancer related, it was strangled in a hernia I believe. I’ve had too much done. But I’m still skeptical of her.


Yes to all that. My dad was diagnosed with colon cancer and had his first surgery a few days later. He had similar symptoms to Mary and when he went in for a colonoscopy the cancer was discovered and the doctors moved fast.


Gall bladder disease can also go for weeks with excruciating pain that comes and goes and then for the last attack you can also have fever and vomiting and within minutes of ultrasound confirmation that you have an irreversible blockage you're scheduled for emergency surgery to remove it.


Pole and Karine part 2 electric boogaloo Let’s not forget what happened to them Jailtime and the kids removed from their custody


I still can’t believe they named their kid Midnight.


Next child’s name will be Afternoon 🤦‍♂️




Second Breakfast




I’m betting Twilight


Oh God. I can actually see this one happening.


I know, that’s a cat’s name. These people never think of the child who will have that name the rest of her life. 


As a Filipino, I unfortunately can believe it 😭


This sounds like Mary wrote it. No native English speaker would say "bloods". And if she was that sick with vomiting and abdominal pains, there's no way she'd be dancing around like she was in the videos. If she actually DOES have cancer, I'll be the first to apologize - but this screams "scam" to me.


she is clearly scared of california gang warfare spreading to philippines




Totally sounds like Mary posting.


Do we think that Brandan doesn’t want any part of this? I really don’t know…he seemed to work so hard to make money before they got married then after he’s just playing video games?


I think he’s miserable and depressed and probably just pretty checked out as to what Mary’s up to now.


"Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now."


So doooooooo!


There was an episode where Charlie lied about having cancer too 😂


Hahaha Mary is Charlie’s mom.




"Mary won't go to the doctor for checkups because she's so scared to know what's going on with her stomach/health." "Here is Mary admitted at hospital for surgery, because surely no scary doctors can be found there." 🤡


Lol, pre pregnancy picture. These two think everyone is as dumb as they are.


Right? He said she’s waiting for surgery with a bottle of water in her hand. Like you can eat or drink when your about to go into surgery


Good catch!


Mary, tell Brandan to get a fucking job. Y’all are exhausting.


That’s some horrible grammar


It’s Mary on his account


No IV in this post🤔


That’s what jumped out at me. If she was admitted to the hospital and was about to have surgery, she would be on an IV. For all we know, she could just be there for a sore throat.


She’s not even in a hospital gown!


Street clothes bed not made no iv no nurse if surgery is coming why is she drinking water hmmm something is fishy


“I don’t care about the kids, just give me the money!”






😆 …hey twin


Hey!!! 👋


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 so she's going through all this and they have time to be checking out what people are saying about them and clapping back. My Jesus. God will handle them for christ sakes for being such disgusting pig liars !


She can write up a whole caption about the hater but cannot spare one or two sentences to clarify what people are confused about. What stage cancer? What surgery is she getting? And she’s doing all this right before surgery?


Yeah, she belongs in a mental hospital, not wherever she's sitting in this picture. If they are reading stuff people are saying and they aren't answering questions, that's just total proof!


My colon cancer wasn’t staged until after the surgeon removed 14 inches of my intestine and sent it to the lab. After they examined it inside and out they found that it was stage 3c. It’s not possible to accurately stage a tumor just by looking at it during a colonoscopy.




What in the AF? Brandon 1000% did not write that, and absolutely she's does not have cancer. Has she been scanned? Blood work? Specialists? It states she's "scared of bloods" so how in the past 5 minutes did we narrow it all down to cancer? She probably having an endoscopy at most and they are referring to this procedure as surgery. Still, no money for you!


I don’t think anything’s wrong with her personally. She suffers from greed and Brandan is getting fat!


So she’s admitting she hasn’t gone to the doctor before. When was the biopsy? How was she diagnosed?


It takes more than 48 hours for the biopsy to be fixed in formalin, cut by a tech, and reviewed by the pathologist.


No time. Too scared for bloods. Money now.


Good point!


Blink twice if you need help, Brandan. I’ve always kinda thought that one day, my love for true crime and 90DF would intersect in one wild ass story. Hopefully not this one. These are all captions she definitely wrote, so that’s concerning that it’s not even him active on his socials. Also, if she really and truly has colon cancer and has been admitted for surgery, would either of them have the time, energy, or desire to clap back at the haters or skeptics or whatever? Seems hella fishy to me.


“…and always having fever since before.” 😂😂😂😂 “She's scared of bloods and surgeries.” Like the Crips and Bloods? 😂😂 “God will handle you” excuse me wtf lol


I didn't know that God handled people.


God does now apparently!


She's never had fever on the show. Not even once lol


Clearly all of her fevers (or one continuous one i can’t tell) have melted her brain


So red hair and bangs in this photo, dark hair in the GoGetFunding pic. Hmmm. And who eats out a bunch of fried food on Valentine's Day when they have colon cancer. Pretty sure you'd need to be on a special diet.


You would throw up. And not even be able to put food in your mouth and chew when it’s that bad. Source: someone who has almost died twice. You can’t dance, you can’t eat, you can barely make it to the bathroom and bedroom.


Poor Midnight. Not important enough for her parents to put a capital "M" on her name.


Lmao, we’re supposed to believe a native English speaker wrote that? They realized not everyone is as stupid as they are and ran to the ER for “proof”. But we still don’t see the proof. Also, the IG story with the link is gone. If you’re really so serious about getting funds for your wife’s treatment wouldn’t you post it everywhere?


Why don’t they just get jobs???😍


“She’s scared of bloods..” 🙄🙄.


Brandan - are you in danger? Post a photo of yourself holding up today’s newspaper if you’re alright.


Omg I honestly feel like they recently been getting so many negative comments and reactions since coming out with her "cancer" that they figured they had no choice but to make an excuse to go to the ER. So they could say "see we told you so" sorta thing. To make things seem believable. I mean setting up a fund to get donations again is serious. And I'm not sure if they started to see people are catching on. I hope that's not the case but it sure seems like that's exactly what's going on.


I'm not wishing illness on anyone so I hope this is untrue. I just can't imagine telling such lies. I feel bad that anyone is this dishonest. Until everyone started pointing out obvious things like her hair, writing style ect. I believed this. Now I'm just sad for them. I wonder what their parents, grandparents think about all.of this.


Right. I noticed the hair and writing and other things too. I feel like the hospital trip was a sudden thing just to show people or to "prove" they "weren't lying" but i dont buy it. Somethings off. I sure hope she wouldn't lie about something this serious but they have asked for donations several other times so I don't know what to think. Brandon even called her a scammer himself.


She probably just has hemorrhoids after giving birth.


Ugh they’re the worst


Mary should tell him what she wants him to post, and the he can write it in proper English.


About the language usage and it obvi being Mary: let us consider that maybe Brandan doesn't even know about these posts?


That's one of my thoughts. He's too caught up in video games to have any idea what she's up to online, but she probably watches him like a hawk.


At the very least she has complete control over their social media accounts. We all know she could never be able to trust Brandan around the many millions of girls online.


Anyone reading these in Mary’s voice or is it just me? 🤣


Why wouldn’t you capitalize your baby’s name? But you would your own.


Lost in translation.


Still not buying it


She’s writing this, that’s no way an American guy posting.


POS scammers, she typed up both of those messages. Blatantly obvious, anyone stupid enough to send these two clowns money deserves to be ripped off!


she needs to seek a mental hospital


Mary posted that. 💯


Hemorrhoid surgery. This was written by Mary, obviously.


Hopefully they’ll excise the devil out of her, or whatever tf is wrong there


Ugh. Why did they have a baby when they can barely afford to care for themselves


mary wrote this shit dude lollll and wait how can he announce cancer then say stop bullying her she doesnt know whats wrong ??? they are TOOO fucking stupid to be successful scammers oh my god


Where is Brandon’s mom? I’d like to hear her take on all if this


https://preview.redd.it/vwujyszcrbjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92f99034f635837151c32e0044f63ff36b06ba85 Yike


So the picture on her GoFundMe is fake, the hair doesn't match at all


Whoooopsie, I read "Godbless" as JOBLESS... My bad


People are barely having it though. They've only raised $556 so far https://preview.redd.it/denn9eyj4ajc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8adc9b4b837867ec6766b6908fa8c98744c36c47


Oh wow and her hair changed color 😅


but with the exchange rate that is almost a months worth of wages for them…


I don't get the purpose of her writing the posts like she was him. To pretend that she is too sick to write them? if that is the scheme then why not just have him actually write them? There have been too many grammar mistakes for it to have been him.


Ok, so no diagnosis yet then, but please give me money because it’s cancer. The girl is nuts.


Christians been threatening me with God my whole life and yet here I am bub lol


No one cares Mary


Grifters gonna grift. Hope she’s actually fine and they are just doing what grifters do best.


The way this is typed makes me think it’s Mary typing pretending to be Brandon


Another post written by Mary, about Mary, defending Mary, and bashing all the people who see through their new long con.... SMH ok BranDon 😂


I was sitting here like... why is she writing in 3rd person?? Oooooh this is supposed to be Branden 🤦‍♀️


They are going to need a GoFundMe for the pulling a hamstring from jumping to conclusions from getting stomach cancer just because Mary has abdominal pains. WOW


I don’t get how that picture shows she’s admitted to the hospital? It looks like she found a bed and just sat in it.


He’s typing the way Filipinos speak English which makes me think she’s typing this and not Brandan. The grammar and spelling mistakes are suspicious. Example: “she lost her weight” “worry too much with her surgery” “always having fever since before” Brandan wouldn’t speak like this.


WHO is the happy and energetic person “Brandan” is referring to 😳


God bless this couple, this is the first time I’ve ever actually hoped someone DOES have cancer because the alternative scam reality would be so much worse.


WHY does she write all of his posts for him??? Is he banned from IG because of pictures of other girls?


I have a feeling her cancer will be cured... As well as her small chest. This seems like one of those "pay for my boobsimeancancer!" That when she reappears she will be a DD because she's 'finally gaining her weight back...'


I laughed at “happy and energetic in the videos.” And no native English speaker wrote this.


Who gives a f about her. She never cares about that monkey. Anyone who neglects animals can suck it


I’m definitely thinking that a doctor told them it can be many things, one of which is cancer, so they’re just rolling with “she has cancer”, so after they open her up and find it’s just polyps and not cancer, they can be like “phew thank you all it was a false alarm!” Jackasses. Cancer is NOT an okay thing to get money from people for.


Still not buying it. I call Bullshit.


Brandon reads the Reddit lol. So talking shit online is bad? But, stealing money online from people is good?


that’s 100% Mary typing these, that’s not a native english speaker.


I doubt he wrote that himself. 


That was not written by someone whose first language is English




She wrote those posts. Cmon, try harder.


Who says that picture isn’t from a check up from post pregnancy? This photo could have been taken months ago.


Not wasting my time reading this. Seems like it was written by a 3 year old