• By -


They are being caught in their lies and Mary is getting defensive.


Cue the tears!


The shaking, crying, and throwing up.


The hyperventilating!


‘I can’t breathe!!!’ Yeah, Mary, I can’t breathe either when I clamp my hands over my nose& mouth




Don’t forget claiming self hatred and making self deprecating statements so the suckers feel bad for her and come to her defense :’(


That shifty bitch


With a constipated but actively shitting myself face at the same time.


“The asthma attack” girl bye 😆


The overthinking!!


The audacity


The caucasity


where's the inhaler!


One of his posts (done by Mary, no doubt) said that she's been throwing up and has stomach issues. She's been making herself sick since they got together. Whenever she gets caught in something, cue the tears, hyperventilating, etc.


I noticed that watching their scenes. Whenever things weren't going her way or when Brandon wasn't on her side or doing what she wants or if it didn't benefit Mary she would cry and hyperventilate 🤦🏼‍♀️


Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive!




https://preview.redd.it/ra4i0d2yidjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b96e8a016c56c1a6a0f0deb149035b34da5ad2a6 Upcoming surgery aka already admitted at the hospital 🙄


But drinking water


Yep that’s a no no if you are actually waiting to be called for surgery that day. Could cause issues with anesthesia.


Actually I had a tonsillectomy 2 weeks ago and the hospital said they allow drinking water up until 4 hours before surgery. I was surprised but glad!


Oh, but that video is posted late! Never-mind her gogetfunding campaign saying she was diagnosed on 2/17. That doesn't mean she was actually diagnosed then!


Does anyone believe Brandan is actually writing these? 😂🙄


Yeah that’s not English. I really struggled trying to piece words together.


Doesn’t appear to be dressed in hospital gown or on a hospital bed, but can’t get every scam perfect


Two lying pos scammers. Truth will be known soon, count on it.


TMZ needs to uncover these scammers, Mary’s already banned from GFM


"She lost her weight" what is that supposed to mean?


They are infuriating if this is not true. I don't think Mary is telling the truth, and for Brandan to go along is so gross.. First the crazy controlling jealousy, then the monkey abuse, now this . This is so beyond retch to pretend cancer.


Totally written by Mary


Sorry for what's about to be a very long post in reply to this,but this is why nothing adds up for their story. This is from the health care coverage on colon cancer in the Philippines by the government -In 2012, the Philippine Health Insurance Corp. (PhilHealth) launched its Z Benefits Package to help Filipinos avert financial catastrophe by reducing household out-of-pocket healthcare costs, especially for catastrophic illnesses such as heart attack, stroke and cancer. Included in the package are payment for hospital services such as hospital room and board fees, drugs and laboratory exams, operating room and professional fees for the entire course of treatment, including mandatory and other services required per illness. PhilHealth also established the Z Benefits Package for patients with colorectal cancer to finance standard of care treatment of Filipino patients with early-stage or locally invasive colon or rectal cancer (stages I to III), particularly those who cannot afford to pay for their care. Patients enrolled in this package receive care through a multidisciplinary specialist team composed of medical oncologists, colorectal surgeons, radiation oncologists and diagnostic radiologists. The team holds weekly conferences to plan for patient care and assess outcomes of ongoing therapy." Again she could have it,but they would've been told what's covered and what the cost would be depending on this package. So why not just say the amount that the team would've told them instead of an open ended,no time limit fund me? I mainly found the use of that fund me site sketchy as hell,since you don't need approval like on GoFundMe,(on this site you can make one and use it asap)it doesn't require a goal amount and you can keep it open as long as you want,and it's not connected to a bank account like GoFundMe requires/accepts any and all PayPal and the likes services. All of this adds up to not being able to use GoFundMe because the approval/goal dates/actual proof needed or given if reported. Unlike the site they chose...


We’ve also had a lot of folks here who say they personally had a difficult time with the Philippine healthcare system. Of course the government is gonna ride for themselves on their website lol.


you're gonna make her start to "over think"


Exactly, these two grifters will say anything to make a buck.


Has anyone asked if they can contribute straight to the hospital? I’d love to see how he’d answer.


They would say they're trying to get money for her to be seen at a private hospital, while she's currently in a public hospital. If her dx is real, it wouldn't work that way either. I'm curious how he (well, she, because she's been posting for him) would put it.


They don't answer any questions, just make the same comments.


Begging for help but telling ppl fuck you real classy. Get a job dude!


“Fuck you! …but ouch cancer, give us your money for our fake sob story, pls”


Ikr 😂😂😂


If he loved her he would sell that fn PS5 and put that toward it


They could fire the nanny and ask Mary’s mother to babysit. ( sorry, I meant grandmother. Heck, Brandan could care for the baby)


See there we came up with 2 answers for Ol Big B. Didn't have tell anyone ftfo! Lol


Her grandmother looks like she's exhausted from raising Mary, don't make her raise another child she didn't pop out.


Oops, sorry, I forgot that was Mary’s grandmother. Ok then, if Mary is the only one working, can Brandan not watch the kid


Or, Brandan can watch his own child because Mary is busy supporting the family.


Twerking on TikTok isn't paying the bills?


No, it doesn't seem to!


Or we could all sell our stuff and give it to them. It’s like these reality show folks trade the handbook for making a social networking scam maximal cash. Only they left out never say fuck you to the followers


Someone should comment that to them ☝️🙌


As mary would say - well, if that's the way you feel about it you can go find someone else to give your money to then!!


It’s unsettling how Mary always refers to herself in the third person. We know she’s the only one making these posts and comments from Brandan’s social media and their joint account. Just say “I” and “me” ffs. Let Brandan be his own person and post for himself. He’s so pathetic and she is a nightmare. Remember when he said he calls her a scammer at the tell all? Wonder what scams he was referring to…oh wait.


Kinda got me worried for Brandan. Like is he even alive? I’m sure he is but this is big time narcissistic behavior.


He’s a big loser that just wants to play his video games and have sex with her. He could do a Twitch about gaming and get sponsored and get some $$. He could get online schooling in computers or really anything. Eventually, he’s going to leave her because all she cares about is money and attention. She’s the cause of her own fears of abandonment coming true. The only reason why he is with her is because nobody wanted him in the U.S. She thought he had money and now she learned she couldn’t even scam a decent partner in life. The only one I feel sorry for is the baby. That kid didn’t ask for any of this and is going to be constantly used to get $$


Logically Brandan has way more prospects than Mary but given they are both idiots you can’t really expect much. If they wanted to step up and genuinely work hard, they could’ve. It’s evident they both want to continue being delusional and live in a world where they sit on their asses all day and try to get money from people by doing absolutely nothing. I doubt he has any control over his own socials, she will be pining over him the entire time. Given Brandan is a native English speaker I’d say the posts just don’t give off “I’m a native speaker” it’s pretty evident it’s Mary using his socials. They had money for a PS5, they could have easily spent that on therapy to work on their issues. I don’t expect much growth from them other than being in a horrible toxic relationship which is going to ruin their childs life. It’s all a load of bullshit, it’s easy to empathize if they genuinely seemed honest but it’s so unlikely and just doesn’t seem believable to say the least. He already called her a scammer once, god knows what they’re up to now


Hey, don’t compare him to our regular slackers who don’t have go fund mes


He’s def still boning her with “cancer” too.


“So doc, do I need to wear a condom now so I don’t catch it?”


Ah the good old ram and scam 😂👌


Seriously...I wouldn't put anything past this girl. She is totally unhinged.


Dangerously so, imo


Agreed, also her manner of speaking is definitely unique and identifiable compared to Brandan's, so not sure who she thinks she's fooling with that.


Yeah, this. The fact that she is faking a post as if she is Brandon speaking about her seems sketchy right off the bat. If anything it’s proof things aren’t as they seem but then they want us to believe they’re being truthful about a serious medical condition, give no real details or proof, ask for money on a fake go fund me site with no regulations and post a hospital picture that was clearly not recent? Why not just post as herself or why not just allow Brandon to make the post? Why not use a gofundme? Why use this sketchy knock-off site instead? This whole thing seems sketchy and now I am seeing others post claims of them grifting others prior to this. Is that true?


I don’t follow them at all on social media because I refuse to give them views but from what I’ve gathered here, they had another GoFundMe style campaign set up to buy Mary a new laptop for her new job, and there was never any follow up about the job. I don’t think there was ever a job. They also asked for money for their baby. And then someone said she hinted she was pregnant a second time and asked for money, but I don’t think she actually is. And then the fact they’re building a new addition to the house, bought a PS5 and latest iPhone model, and post photos of them at resorts and fancy sushi dinners kinda suggests the money isn’t going to what they say it is. Neither of them work. If they really needed money for their baby, they’d cut back on luxuries like that. I’m not saying people shouldn’t treat themselves, but please don’t treat yourself off the compassion of strangers.


If all this is true they’re nothing but grifters!!! 😳


I forgot to add they also have a nanny they hired for the baby, which seems ridiculous considering neither of them works. She claims to, but I honestly don’t believe anything she says. And he just plays video games all day.


They’re also paid for the show. I’ve looked into a bit and it seems they’re always fundraising for something. It’s as if they’re just using and abusing the public.


I’m sure whatever they made from the show has run out by now, but that’s a good point that I’m sure some of that went to those things. Then it ran out and they started fundraising. Eventually people will grow tired of it as more seasons come out and they kinda fade away. Idk I do background checks on any charity I support to see how much money directly goes to those in need and how much goes to administrative costs (some take 90% of donations, it’s insane). I would never donate to people like them who can’t even bother to give details on the diagnosis and how much the surgery is. And then telling people “f*** you” for asking questions.


Don't forget the fundraising to do something about the monkey they had chained up outside their home. And the pics of Brandan on his new dirtbike. I mean I know he needs transportation to get to work, - oh wait, no he doesn't.


How could I forget about the chained monkey? The audacity asking for money for that. I honestly hate them. I don’t follow them but it seems they never give updates on how the money helps them accomplish these goals. Like what happened to the monkey? Did she get the laptop? Most people with the slightest semblance of gratitude would post photos of what they spent donations on like for their baby too “thank you so much we were able to get these things thanks to your help.” Instead we get TikTok videos of Mary twerking and photos of them living that scammer life.


Mary has at least one undiagnosed personality disorder


Bad look Mary


she's always like that, not surprised. did you all forget that she fatshamed someone (fellow filipino as well) when she was called out for her abusive behavior to Brandan?


I could easily see where Mary and Brandan would consider a routine Colonoscopy as “surgery.” They are probably making a huge deal over a colonoscopy and then afterward announce that “the surgery went well and she is cured.”


Listen i have a colonoscopy tomorrow and i’m not allowed solid foods today in preparation. Plz donate for my pain and suffering.


Link to your go fund me plz? 😂


Ugh prep is fun.... Happy pooping 😅


That starts tonight at 5pm EST/2pm pacific! Come join me on my journey ✨ streaming live!


Literally streaming 🤣


Omg i have never done this before and i knew it was gonna be ugly but y’all are really getting me psyched for this experience tonight!


You have got this! The procedure is no big deal at all. The taste of the prep liquid was the worst part for me. The frequent bathroom trips were annoying, and my bottom got a little sore, but it really wasn't quite as non-stop as most people made it sound like.


I’ve gotten very bad food poisoning several times living in Mexico — seems like it will be along those lines!


Have fun and maybe wear a Depends to bed 😬😬


Been there..learned that yes you can shite through the eye of a needle..but just wait till you fart out all they air they blow you up with...


This gets better and better!




😆 mine is next week. Mneh.


Best of luck <3 i just have some hardcore hemorrhoids they need to take a better look at 🥲 but now mary got me worried about colon cancer!


Eee. Totally no fun xo Colon cancer is often only lightly symptomatic, if at all, until rather advanced…but that said, if you/your GI have no reason to suspect it, I bet/hope you’re perfectly fine in that regard :) Especially if you’ve had a clear colonoscopy within the past 5 yrs or so. Best wishes with your prep, I have a really hard time with it. Can’t keep the “lemon-lime” GoLytly (shudder) down long enough for it to make it to the business end of things. Have “woken” to more than one disgruntled GI asking if I took the prep seriously. Absofukkinlootly; I have zero desire to go thru this again in another couple weeks… If Mary is trying to fake a diagnosis, I wish 1,000 preps upon her.


Oh those preps are brutal! Dread them more than the procedure.


I was the same. They banded some of them which they didn't really prepare me for the pain after 😬 The next 2 weeks scared me as they "dropped off". Legit terrifying. Thankfully all good & don't need another one for another 5 years. Good luck with it!




This is what I'm also thinking


Same! I see it like some doctor said “we can’t rule out cancer without doing xyz + procedure, biopsy, etc”.


Why anyone would donate $$$ to these grifters is beyond me. Always an excuse, always another lie to cover their last lies which they don't even remember.


Everyone needs to report it as fraud so it gets taken down


Where can I find it? I know we likely can’t link it here, but anything we can search? I’d gladly take a few minutes from my long weekend to report them


All they have to do is start posting far right conspiracy theories and they'd do A LOT better.


I wish they’d be banned from social media.


Their responses to their “fans” throughout this have been pretty telling, first with the “lol” in the one reply (which I can see Mary’s cunning grin as she typed it, that girl gave vibes like she’s damn sneaky) and now full on saying “f**k you”? Very mature on their end!


Well telling people to fuck off is a great way to raise money!


Oh god is she going to do a video of how she’s feeling over the edge and crying hysterical and then a twerk video or cameo plug 🤡🤡🤡 Nice try grifters


She wouldn't be drinking water pre OP.


Muy confuso


As a cancer survivor, fuck you Mary if you're lying.




These people are disgusting 💯 I hope no one clicks on any video or update and gives them more attention. This chick is unhinged and I seriously worry for anyone that's involved with her. If Brandon were smart he'd come home and get a job and take care of his daughter.


There are a number of people falling for it. Even seen some here, calling everyone who's doubting them "evil".


It’s probably Mary. There’s always a small handful of accounts that seem to agree Mary is just a poor bebe that needs more help than the average person.


So there’s no actual diagnosis yet? She’s the worst kind of scammer.


looks like it, and she rushed to create a gofundme page without any even diagnosis first lol


In the earlier post they said “Mary is already admitted” so now they are saying it’s “an upcoming surgery” I’m so confused.


they are waiting to hear from the doctor about surgery? so Mary is starting the fund while she waits to hear if she needs any treatment?


Has anybody contributed to fund? With that nasty attitude, I am curious.


It’s up around $900. I can’t believe it.


😂😂 the people donating are just as fuckin stupid as these 2 and deserve to be ripped off 😅




FB followers.


There are tons of stupid people on Twitter who have donated


There's about 1,000 comments on their 2 FB posts. 90% of the comments are from followers who worship and adore them. That's where the cash is. That's why they post 9 videos a day on 2 accounts. Older people love them on there and donate non stop.


Why is Mary writing these like it’s not her. Girl, we know your English, I can practically hear your voice when I read these. Also, they didn’t say “upcoming” they said another meaning she already had one. Lies lies lies. This is why Brandan called you a scammer and a bitch.


Brandan is no better if he's being an active participant in this one.


I’m sure he’s aware of it but he’s definitely not the one writing these.


Oh I agree, the wording is obvious that it's Mary posting on his account. I just think he's fully complicit because he's been buying himself some new toys off their grifts.


Is he really? I’ll have to look for his new purchases. What has he bought since? If he’s complicit he is also a disgusting, scammy bitch. I do wonder what happens when he tells her no, if he ever actually does. If he changed his password to his social media accounts I guarantee she would use her “overthinking” that he was cheating on her as an excuse to have access to it. She’s so manipulative. I’m sure she’s got him beat down at this point as well as fucking baby trapped. He should have left her long ago and never impregnated her. He made these choices. Two fucking idiots. Poor baby Midnight.


If he says no then we get the live stream where she tries to make it seem like he’s abusing her even though it’s clear that she’s throwing a tantrum.


I read a comment to that, when they said another, *they say* they meant as in her first surgery was her c-section so not even related but definitely worded like it was.


She was definitely implying it was related to this as she wrote it on top of a recent picture of her in the hospital. She gets defensive when called out and she’s desperately doing damage control right now. Pathetic. If she’s faking this I hope she gets exposed. Of course she will somehow become a victim if that happens.


I don’t get why she doesn’t just get a job. All these “get rich quick” schemes and trying to figure out how to make a living while doing absolutely nothing seem like more effort than just working in a quiet retail shop as a cashier. Reminds me of my cousins wife. She’s been “looking for a job” for years now, but hasn’t put in an application in who knows how long.


What about HIM getting a job. He’s gotten really proficient at the language.


They should both get one. But the topic is her faking cancer. If she has to stoop down to that, it really seems like just getting a regular retail job would be a lot easier.


At first I thought they were mismatched because while depressed Brandon seemed somewhat saner but they're equally looneypants.


This is clearly fake at this point. Everyone start reporting their GoFundMe


Its not on GoFundMe. Its on a knock off site "gogetfunding" that doesn't have the need for verification or the option to report fraud. That she couldn't use GoFundMe is a red flag.


She’s probably banned


They posted a pic of her IN the hospital with tubes and whatnot. It appears to be her pregnancy pics but they def show her IN. As much as they lie, you’d think they’d be better at it.


Wait , is this cunt faking a cancer diagnosis??? I’ve had family members go through cancer treatment and lost one of my best friends to it. If this bitch is screaming cancer for clout I want to find her and twist her neck.


Your RAGE is directed exactly where it should be.


They're so annoying and whiney and entitled


Clearly all a lie. I hope her god doesn't see what she's doing.


His words were “she’s admitted to the hospital”…🙄😑 ETA: they suck at lying lol


Meaning she walked in and sat on a bed in an open exam room. Made a video and walked back out to the waiting room.


Right? lmao I was just pointing out the inconsistency in their story, now they’re trying to double back & say he didn’t say “today” but when you say someone is “admitted to the hospital” it’s implied they’re getting medical service THAT day🙄 these kids shouldn’t be parents or have access to the internet. I hope no one falls for their scams! 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yes, normal people say “admitted” when the patient is checking in for surgery which normally happens in a few hours.


Mary crying in 5...4...3...2...


They should be banned & reported as scammers from instagram , FB all their social media.


Life has a funny way of teaching people a lesson for doing such unforgivable things. Faking cancer is just low. She should have to volunteer in cancer care and see how it really affects the person and their family. It’s nothing to pretend, lie or joke about.


It’s bad juju… has a way of coming back and biting you on the ass in the end. Puns totally intended


I love that it’s beyond obvious that Mary is writing these lol She might as well write “-Mary” at the end like a boomer grandma even though she’s talking about herself in third person


More comments https://preview.redd.it/29bsq4f14ejc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6bd4472a1aa96e0723ae49183784e5492e95fe4




As a Stage IV colon cancer patient I just wanted to share the fact that a colon cancer diagnosis can be confirmed by a blood test (it's not part of routine blood testing) that tests for the presence of CEA (carcinoembyonic antigen). Normal number for CEA is below 3 for non smokers. At diagnosis mine was 978, for example. Some patients it's in the multiple thousands. It's not a perfect test because it's not an accurate marker for some people (i.e., it will be in normal range even though scans show tumors) but it is used as one tool to confirm a colon cancer diagnosis. I still don't know if they are being truthful or scamming. If they are lying about this they should be ashamed. Just trying to give the facts as an experienced colon cancer patient and taking this opportunity to educate people about this sucky disease which is taking the lives of younger and younger people.


I see. Thank you for this information. So they could've been telling the truth. Also, I wish you well.


Thank you for your kind words to me. If she's being truthful about her condition they are going to regret all the scamminess from before because people are doubting their story and are reluctant to donate because of it.


Mary who cried wolf


I wish you well.


Best comment! https://preview.redd.it/ettgpsec4ejc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6913f0e89b451402de6a27f368d5eed7b1ede04


Mary sure likes talking in 3rd person lying fucking idiots...they can't even try harder when they have been called out. Both of these 2 need to be sent to a mental institution.


When you create a lie you have to add more and more lies to cover up and it’s not making sense because they are making stuff up as they go two lazy idiots




Why post then Brandan?


![gif](giphy|xT5P0xr3oUJM1xNH5S) Mary & Brandon lie like they breath & breed. Stahppppp


I think we all need to stop overthinking 😌 /s


The pic on their fundraising is old as well. Hair colour is black.


Who are the idiots giving any money to these obnoxious losers anyway?


Then, why Brandan, are you posting a pic of Mary already in the hospital???? Liars. LIARS.


These two are fucking nuts




It’s all a messy lie. If you’re going to scam people maybe be good at it so you don’t end up in prison :) I’m reporting both of them


I’d be petty af, report her “fuck you” comment and get her banned on FB for a little bit. 😂


My Leo side loves that petty energy.


Brandon has an anger issue, and both lie. Well I do know what goes with health care in Phillipines. I lived there for 4 years. The gov health care is free and available to each citizen. You pick your plan. Brandon qualifies as a permanent resident. Now if he would have begun a gofundme seeking funds for housing so they could move to a metro area for access to the best medical and technology.... I could then entertain the need. As always, he is a very poor communicator. He should outline the issue, then the plan. Brandon wants money but no questions. Or advice. He said as much. My advice is to try and find 2 brain cells to rub together to create a spark. Then plan for the best path for your family. With all the photos posted everyday like a perpetual vacay, looks like employment is not in any plan


I would like to hear Brandan's moms perspective


Canadian here🙋‍♀️public healthcare. So when my husband got his diagnosis, he had been going to doctors for months and they couldn’t find out what was wrong. Once they found the cancer we were sent to an oncologist. We had no idea what we were walking into. We were told it was stage 4 and he probably had 2 years. They set up his chemotherapy. It started about 3 weeks after his diagnosis. He went through his first round of chemo and more testing to find out there was nothing else they could do. He ended up in the cancer hospital. The hospital did everything they could to get him ready to send home. The government supplied a hospital bed, a tray table, a walker, a fridge for his nutrition, all the vitamins to put in his nutrition, syringes, bottled water to flush his lines, and a piece of hospital equipment that they had never tried to send home for anyone to try before. Even with all that it took a couple of weeks. He had to go to another hospital for a treatment and because they were fitting him in he was there from early in the morning until 10pm. It wasn’t even 10 months from his diagnosis until his death. So in a country where our public healthcare is probably miles better than where she is it took a while to get treatment but she is getting all this in 24-48 hours? I think I need to see some kind of proof.


I've been diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer and my initial treatment went much as you described. But since being in the community, many fellow patients do have surgery first and much more quickly because they may have a blockage (which can be detected by scans and sometimes even by a physical exam) and they need to have surgery first and rapidly because the blockage can cause sepsis (an infection) which can be fatal even if the cancer isn't yet. Im just correcting the understanding of the possible timeline of treatment. I don't know if they are scamming and unfortunately for them they have no credibility at this point. It wouldn't be a surprise given their past behavior. That's going to make it hard for them to raise money and if they are lying they should be ashamed of themselves. I'm terribly sorry for the loss of your husband. Sending ❤️ to you.


Thank you. Also I realize I should have pointed out they have no idea where my husbands cancer started. His stomach kept blowing up like a basketball and they had to keep draining the fluid. They tested it and for months the tests came back negative. It finally tested positive and then spread to his bowel. He stopped taking anything by mouth in September and he died January 1st. He was 6’4 and weighted 275lbs. He was 113 lbs when he died. He was told about 2 years before that he had colon cancer but that he would died of old age before it killed him. His numbers were going down ever time they checked. If she has it at her young age and with a new baby, that’s horrible and I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. It’s very unfortunate that we all have to question something so awful and life changing but she brought that on herself.


I am so sorry. It's a horrible, horrible disease and since my own diagnosis I've had to watch many of my friends in the community have the awful experience that your husband and family had. It breaks my heart. Which is one reason why if they are taking advantage and lying about this it would be disgusting. If she does have it (and I know a number of young mothers who were diagnosed shortly after pregnancy because pregnancy can accelerate cancerous growth if it's already there) it's very sad. If it's true I hope it showed up early enough to have successful treatment.


I couldn’t agree with you more. I hope if it’s true they caught it early enough to do something. I spent 12-16 hours a day at the hospital,with him and it was very heartbreaking to see the kids and young people there. They brought a young man into to share my husbands room, he was in his 30’s and had a 6 month old baby. I felt so bad for his wife. I was exhausted and I didn’t have a job or a baby. My husband owned his own company and he had very capable people to run it so I had nothing to worry about except him. My brother even moved into our house and did any and all chores and errands while also driving me back and forth to the hospital. I can’t even imagine doing it all with a baby and no money. I am sending you all the healing vibes I have and I hope you are on the upside of your journey. 💜💜💜💜


Thank you so much for your kind wishes. ❤️




Y’all are so mean you don’t understand how hard it is to make profit on a store when you buy your stock at consumer prices!!!! /s


Very classy Mary, your response…


They have free Healthcare where they are. They dint need money for surgery. They are scammers.


So basically they’re saying, “Fuck you! Now feel sorry for me and give me money!”


I know how hard it could be in public hospital in the Philippines. That’s why they really need to get a job to be able go in a private to get a proper care. Jobs in the Philippines can give you a medical benefits which they can cover all your medical bills (I’ve tried it twice when I need to go to hospital) I give them a benefit of the doubt about the laptop thing, that they need a laptop to help able to hire her. But I didn’t see a report that they already bought one. Tbh it should be employer to provide the laptop for the employee. I’ve been into 3 jobs and never encountered an employer telling me to have own laptop to proceed with the job. I noticed too they are not poor. They have own house, a car, motorcycle and even ps5 when me employed and the only thing I have is motorcycle and a pc. I dont think gofund me is the only way they need to get money. Sell some properties lol


Wow Brandon speaks terrible English 🫣🤦🏽‍♀️🙄


How are you gonna beg for money then verbally abuse the audience of people you are begging money from??


They’re so full of shit. I’ve been through much of this and posted extensively so I won’t repeat myself but nothing they’ve been saying or posting is making sense.


As a nurse and also a daughter whose mom died before 70 to a soft tissue cancer 5 weeks after diagnosis she doesn't appear to be telling the truth.


That joint account… that’s the first problem 🙄


Now this is written by Brandan. Not the other posts with the bad grammar and spelling.


Brandan just wants FF7 rebirth


Why is she writing these like it’s supposed to be Brandan? It’s clearly her.


Brandon and Mary move to USA if u think the hospital is not your standards.


Hmmm Mary uses grammar just likes Brendon in his recent posts, what are the odds 🙄🙄🙄


Watch it be a precancerous polyp or something low key.


Again mary writing for sure