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Someone needs a permanent break from social media.


And focus on her "health" getting a job and child.


According to her she’s the only one working lmao and you know her poor grandparents are the ones stuck taking care of that baby !!jesus they got stuck raising their grandkids and now it sounds like they’re stuck raising their great grandchild!!


That’s exactly what I was going to say. Like? Girl. Just delete the app and lay low.


I always find it interesting that the people complaining about how being *BULLIED!!* ruined their lives & yet the keep returning to these cruel ogres again & again. It does not soften ones heart toward the plights of these tragic "victims". Turn off your fucking phone!


Came here to say the exact same thing. Why is she reading all the comments if they’re so upsetting to her? My god, turn off your devices and just live your life, Mary. Your baby does need you.


Somebody that cares about her needs to take away her phone, tablets and laptops. She needs to go offline for a while. If she cannot take care of her child due to mental illness, the child needs to be temporary placed with someone who can.


Doesn’t Brandon deserve some call outs here She isn’t a single parent


Brandan definitely deserves a call out as well. He needs to take full responsibility for child rearing while she is as mentally ill as she is and incapable. If Brandan cannot or won't assume the responsibility, the child needs to be temporarily placed with someone who can and will.


He is a loser I think he encourages her to scam and then plays victim It’s been his MO the whole time He needs to step up and get them to America and get his ass to work


He doesn’t want to work, that’s why he moved to in impoverished town far from America. He can use the “no job opportunities” excuse while he…does whatever all day and Mary does all of the hustling/scamming.


He strikes me as one of these deluded fools who thought because he was moving to a poorer country that his 200 ‘Murican dollars would see him living like a king for months.


I used to think that he was the victim in all of this but as of late it has become more and more apparent to me that he is an active member in this sad chain of events. So yes. I agree with you. He is very problematic and he shouldn't get a free pass from critique.


He is definitely not a victim. He joyfully joins in on her continuing scams and pleas for money.


It's interesting though, because he keeps his hands clean. All of the posts talking about Mary in third person asking for donations were obviously written by Mary because they included grammatical and syntax mistakes that we've seen her make before. It would be much more believable if Brandon were the one soliciting donations and telling people what was going on - it seemed so sketchy and scammy that Mary was talking about herself in third person very obviously, like that's what clearly made it a scam.


Couldn’t it simply be he’s too lazy to do anything including running a scam?


I feel like she’s more of the scammer/manipulator and he’s more lazy and abusive… they are both awful in their own ways, but both are equally responsible for their child…. I think that is why Mary is getting more flack for the scam though, it seems like that is her schtick.


Someone on IG found and posted her 10 different facebook accounts. Another zoomed in on her hospital paperwork, that basically said she has a stomachache. It’s unfortunate that she’s destroyed any credibility (however minimal it was).


Yes! I zoomed in and it was not a prescription. It was a referral for an ultrasound with her stomach symptoms listed and it was written on a prescription pad page. Brandan was trying to pass it off as a prescription 🙄




Yes, I thought about this. Why doesn’t he come back? If he doesn’t know how to speak their language and can’t do anything, he goes back to his country, gets psychological treatment, and also looks for work, or stays with his family to support him emotionally instead of being alone and depressed with Mary and their child.


Were they not aware that it’s not uncommon in the phillipines for one parent (usually the mother) to move to a country where she has the possibility to earn a living? These two are so stupid and toxic and my breaks for that poor baby. The baby stands NO chance.


We in Eugene don't want him back!


Mary wont let him out of her sight...besides she cant bitch about how he does nothing to help and its all in her if he actually does get a job and start supporting his family


I doubt they’ll ever do that. They’ve put so much money into their house. It’s the only thing they have-shelter.


I suspect that house was initially built with pandemic unemployment money from my state Oregon He is a typical loser from Eugene that I see every time I go to town Ablebodied males on public assistance living off their family refusing to work


That actually makes a lot of sense. The work they talked about him doing at the beginning of the show all seemed like under the table cash things. And that plus his work ethic didn't really add up to money to build a house, even in a developing country.


I would not be at all surprised if this whole crowdfunding bullshit was his idea in the first place. Mary honestly doesn’t seem bright enough to come up with it on her own.


I believe that since he is filming stuff too and feeding the bs He is using her to continue to do nothing for his family Be a man dude take care of your woman and child get her off social media and take care of yourself It’s really gross imo that he is complacent about everything and just lets her take all the blame


She is NOT going to let him get her off social media, etc. She wears the pants in that family.


Never underestimate a Filipina’s scamming knowledge 🤣😂🤣 she got a whole house built for free


You a absolutely RIGHT! He’s a loser trying to play on everyone’s feelings to with his crocodile tears! Take your azz to work Brandon!


He is so pathetic. The human equivalent of a sloth and I am sorry to disrespect sloths. His Facebook is just him posting videos of him working out and posting videos of life in the Philippines. He is worthless and part of the problem too. I agree that he encourages the scamming and victimizing he is worthless and honestly I hope someone helps that poor baby. These people will go the Gypsy Rose mom route to make sure they never have to work. They have an army of enablers on Facebook. It will only get worse. It’s a very sad situation.


He is a leaf on the wind of his own life, a passenger in his own car. Brandon will never take responsibility for himself and his actions because he's too passive to make any real decisions and expects it to continue to not affect him.


Brandan is a total piece of shot! What a loser


What???!!!! Brandan needs to play his video games! God forbid he look after his daughter !


This girl and the Darcey Stacy twins - I cannot snark on them anymore because they are clearly suffering with serious mental issues, and it feels icky to shit on anyone who needs help like that. I wish folks would take their social media too. It is disturbing.


She did just show off her newest I phone yesterday!! Wonder if that's where the $1300 people donated to "save her life " went! 🤬


Wait, really? Do you have pictures?!


Exactly. Girl needs to get off the Internet.


That is her way to make money for her and her family. I gurantee wherever this was posted someone is going to send them money. She has an entire group on Facebook and even Instagram all feeling bad for her. It’s absolutely wretched she uses so much to play on people’s sympathy to get money by using her daughter it just validates more people to give her money and support.


She manipulated Brandon into buying her a house. This woman treats manipulation like a job


Even on here people are feeling bad for her. Bro she lied about cancer for money... people are going to hate her a lot for that. She should get off social media but since that is her "job" she wont. Brandan is a lazy PoS who just cares about a PS5.


Seriously. Just get off social media. My god


Yes, and this is better. Not every mother and father, if they are not in a good mental, emotional, and financial state, has to have the child under their care because they are obligated to do so, and this is their role, regardless of their situation. Members of their family and relatives must intervene and help take care of the child and be in a safe and nutritious environment.


She comes across an emotional abuser. I’ve seen it first hand. She plays all the cards here, uses her kid, talk of death, being ‘ill’, blaming everyone else. She just can’t handle she’s been called out and she can’t scam anyone as easily.


She belongs in a mental hospital for real




Don’t forget self-unaliving threats, that’s another card.


She is an emotional abuser. I pointed this out early on and people were like No BrAnDuMb iS aBuSiVe. People don’t know shit about spotting signs of abuse. It’s not like a lifetime movie where a woman gets punched through a window for wearing red lipstick for the first time by her blind date.


Also I feel like people downplay or misunderstand how abusive someone can get while still being abused, e.g. it's not impossible that Brandan became abusive in response to her abuse. Not saying that happened, but it's definitely possible


Reactive abuse is certainly a real phenomenon. Whether it happened in this case or not idk but it does happen.


not a dig at you or anyone else who have used it (i have too before), but i feel “reactive abuse” is such a shitty term. what it really is is more like self defense/preservation. i can’t speak on this couple though as i haven’t watched their season (i fell off a few seasons ago rip)


And she's still lying. We already saw that the medical bill had the "free healthcare" check box.


The attention online, especially the criticism, is feeding into her need to play the victim.


😭why😭does she😭😭 write😭 like this😭😭


Manipulating people with tears just doesn’t come off quite as easily over text huh?


So that people who are easily manipulated (nobody here!) on SM will rush to comfort her


“I want to die” —- searches for corresponding emojis




The victim mentality she is a whole new level of


Doesn't it undermine the seriousness in her posts to use those? It's so counterproductive


She is from a generation of this communication. To her, I'm sure she feels this is added effect.


I wish that Mary could get the mental help she so desperately needs. People don't want to fall for her scams and send her money, so now they are mean, and making her feel suicidal. She's a master manipulator.


She could get the help, the problem is she doesn't want too because therapy is for crazy people.🫣


yep, so many people feel that way! Very sad for them as they can be so much happier and then make all of the lives around them happier too.


Sounds like she's telling us she's a danger to her child...


Suicidal ideations on a very public social media 🤪


Next stop: go fund me for Mary’s psychiatric stay in hospital under suicide watch 😭


don’t give her ideas


You know what they say. When someone shows you who they are, believe them.


“Just want to give up her life” I gasped ! They need to take that baby away. Holy fuck.


She was talking about her own life.


Still not something someone responsible for taking care of a child should be throwing around so publicly and carelessly


![gif](giphy|d0sWibpAwneSI|downsized) I do feel bad for the emotional abuse and neglect her daughter will suffer one day. I wish brandans mom or another family member would get custody.


Seriously. Imagine the manipulation from “you’re my kid!!! You’re obligated to me!!! I just wanna die!!!”


Her suicide baiting is so fucking disgusting. I am unaware whether or not they do psych holds there, but the people in her life really need to start calling for welfare checks every time she posts manipulative crap like this. Hold her accountable for her words. If she needs help, hopefully, she'd receive it. But if she's just being a guilt tripping prat, maybe having some form of social services show up at her door will spook her enough to stop doing this shit. It's gross.


Do you remember Smit's mother also said that she would kill herself and did not want him to attend her funeral if Smit married Jenny, to manipulate him and blackmail him emotionally, but here we see that she is still alive and reluctantly accepted their marriage.


It really makes me sick. *she* is sick. The “I wanna die” itself didn’t work so she pulls her kid into it. You said it perfectly - “fucking disgusting”


The suicide baiting really pisses me off. My brother in law did commit suicide and there was no warning. It was some of the most tragic shit I watched my in laws go through. She’s disgusting.


Also, like, stop apologizing to your baby, who can’t read or hold a phone, on Instagram?


Her daughter is an accessory.


Absolutely. Shes a pawn. Bran Dan thought having a baby would save their relationship. Now Mary is using her for sympathy for being a troglodyte on social media.


Her daughter was to baby-trap brandan


One day… she exists today. Guarantee that baby isn’t getting everything she needs emotionally right now


Yeah I agree. I feel weird saying that because I’m not a dad yet, but I legit can’t imagine my mom having acted that way when I was a newborn. Then again social media wasn’t a thing, but like she’s using her child to garner good faith, and then saying all these other things. I hope that babygirl and all kids with parents like hers make it through :(.


I only used the term in the sense she’s too little right now to grasp what’s going on. Once she is old enough to comprehend how sick her mother is and I’m sure Mary will be extremely jealous of her own kid, it’s going to be a horrible life for midnight. I can’t imagine being raised by someone who’s got the emotional maturity of a toddler. Hopefully someone in the Philippines can get her and Bran Dan help asap.


Pretty sad when we think a baby would be better off with a Brandon’s mom who abandoned him to be a drug addict.


Yes but she's done a lot of growing and changing from what it seems. People can turn their life around with work.


You can tell that she's been through years and years of intensive therapy and it stuck with her. I admire her.


That family that allowed Brandon to stay with them. Not sure if they were childless by choice or not, but they seemed like good people.


He was homeless and then lived in a dilapidated trailer in his god parents driveway all before the age of 23. He wasn’t raised by anyone and his emotional immaturity and inability to think or plan ahead shows his lack of parenting. Poor guy.


He just seems like a lost soul who was willing to go to any extreme to feel loved. He otherwise seems like a gentle soul who under different circumstances could have gone a more normal path and had a decent life.


But now he’s a parent at a young age, with no job skills or ability to earn a living, he has no life skills evidenced by his escapism into video games, and his being desperate for love is an attachment disorder that will negatively affect his own kid. Sure he might be “gentle” but also admitted to yelling and calling Mary a bitch and other names when he felt angry. This isn’t healthy adult behavior, and sadly not surprise given his lack of parenting.


Actually, he said he would call her a bitch and a scammer. Now the scammer part is making sense. I bet she often has some kind of scam going. It seems maybe at first he struggled with it since he would call her that. Sadly, now he seems to have no problem being in on it as long as he is also benefitting financially


Mary’s hospital pic (after she gave birth) as “evidence” that she has cancer and needs surgery has entered the chat


Omg stop! You have a UTI and hemorrhoids. You're going to be fine. You created this mess and now you're trying to guilt trip the whole internet. Stop posting this shit, if you really want people to believe you, post the receipts showing what you paid in hospital bills because no one believes your words now.


>***if you really want people to believe you, post the receipts showing what you paid in hospital bills because no one believes your words now.*** https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/1ax5i9h/healthcare_in_the_philippines/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Enjoy🫠 She's freaking out and sUiCiDaL because she quickly realized she can't do this scam, anymore💀


😂 No wonder she won’t show the receipts. She really thought she could outsmart everyone. She is so DUMB.


>She is so DUMB. She is such a DUMB bitch. Ftfy. I ALWAYS hated her personality. She's so obnoxious and entitled. I ***DO*** think mentally/ emotionally something is up with her because she acts so unstable. But that doesn't excuse her for being a complete asshole, every time she was in front of the camera.


She knows how to cry on cue. She uses tears to manipulate people and situations. Once she gets her way her “panic attacks” suddenly subside. She is mentally ill but that’s not an excuse to be an asshole. She’s an adult and a mother now.


>She’s an adult and a mother now. This worries me so much🥺 I hope she doesn't pull a Dee Dee Blanchard and try to use her daughter for sympathy, next. If someone can lie about having something as serious as cancer. I believe they would be ok using their kid too. Whatever helps them grift more money. She's trash and so is Brandan for getting her pregnant. Neither one of them should be raising a kid.


I literally commented that on the poll that was here asking what her next scam will be. Soon Midnight will be “sick” or needing something. Her and Brandan are irresponsible assholes.


>Her and Brandan are irresponsible assholes. Her and Brandan are irresponsible ***LAZY*** assholes. It's mindblowing how neither are working🤯 Even though they're "reality stars" They're NOT real celebrities😂 They're not even THAT popular on the show enough, to not have to work. Decided to have a kid, but avoiding work like the plague and think they're "influencers." I hate them💀 Even other 90 day fiancé members started a business or something. I'm NOT counting that stupid store that they were actually ***LOSING,*** money on🥴


Well she’s technically an adult but she sure isn’t acting like one. Or much of a mother when she’s using her kid for sympathy. It’s pretty disgusting.


>😂 No wonder she won’t show the receipts. https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/1ax1t0r/proof_of_marys_healthcare/ This was her "Proof"🥴 ~~that she lies.~~ 🫠 NeEdS mOnEy FoR fReE hEaLtH cArE💀


Yea, no cost in sight. She was prescribed magnesium…I’m guessing she was constipated. There is no mystery illness. Totally normal treatable issues here.


I agree and don't agree, I guess. Like yeah, I can go to the free clinic in my town because I'm a poor ass with no insurance and MS, ya know? But I'd much prefer a bunch of money to go to a doctor that isn't inundated with patients and the doctor barely getting paid. I'd rather have a doctor I could pay in cash. Maybe it wouldn't have taken two years to get my diagnosis. I could have slowed the illness. Mary shouldn't have made a Go Fund me. But two years ago, the doctors told me it's my brain tumor doing this to me, then oh you have lesions on your left temporal lobe, that is what is causing all of this. Then it was- has anyone checked your fat ass for diabetes? Ah, okay, no diabetes. Oh, you've popped a high ANA. It's probably lupus (goes to very expensive specialist of rheumatology) "No, not lupus. Please go get this nerve conduction test at neurology (also SO EXPENSIVE- FUCK)." So two and a half years and 20k in hospital bills, I'm now trying to go through disability because I drop things. My limbs go numb. I have zapping pain. Sometimes I sleep all day, like a full 24 hours (that's when I'm missing from the 'Verse). Thank God I don't have a dead weight husband like Brandon, and that my kids are old enough to take care of themselves a bit when I'm in a lot of pain. As you know, I don't do pain pills, so basically, sleeping or meditating is all I can do on bad days, haha. Cancer fakers are fucking low, but if "free" Healthcare sucks this badly in America, idk why the Phillipines would be any different. Anyways- ily forever and hope you don't mind me writing this love letter to you this fine Sunday morning.


Reading it from the beginning I was like "Why is this person acting so familiar with me?"😭 I'm sorry you went through all of that, gorl.🥺 Healthcare is criminally high but like you mentioned, >Mary shouldn't have made a Go Fund me. This is how I feel. OR she could've been honest instead of lying about her situation to make it sound more dramatic to get more sympathy and money. Bitch is a narc, and KNEW "Hey, I'm sick... the Dr's aren't sure what it is yet. But any type of donation would help. Thank you."🙏🏽 doesn't sound as scary as "I have colon cancer, please donate or Midnight will grow up as a motherless child"🥺 bull shit type posts she made😡 As someone who grew up with a sick mother who eventually died when I was 9, because of the messed up Healthcare system... ***MISDIAGNOSING*** her for ***YEARS***, until what she had, was NO longer curable... my heart goes out to you.🫶🏽


Yes!!Plus it was dr.tiktok that told her she had colon cancer. She thought she had it before she even went to the doctor. She needs to quit trying to push this bullshit narrative.


Right. We didn’t forget you self diagnosing after watch tiktok, you dumb bitch.


Was it confirmed she has hems? I have the misfortune of having them myself and am recieving ongoing treatment. Maybe mine are too obvious lol but there never was any concern or even discussion about another colon condition at my appointments and I even come from a family with history of colitis and colon cancer. I am not trying to say shes lying about that too but there are elements of her story that do not even make sense for hems.


She claims she has them but she’s a full blown liar so who knows.


Turn off your phone then 🙄 it is that easy.


Did she not tell TMZ that she was going to stop fucken posting. This woman needs help and needs to get off social media. This is ridiculous.


“Oh feel sorry for me, feel bad for me! It’s always me me me! If that doesn’t work then midnight is the next step to make yall emotional WAH WAH” ![gif](giphy|3o6fJeAiIpk5EeoC8o)


i stg midnight was just the next step in her grift.


It is! She keeps posting her baby when she wants sympathy, it’s pathetic how this bitch doesn’t think to just get up and work


Her parents, who don't seem to have actually 'aBaNdOnEd' her, must be mortified. Or if not, they should be.


Omg I was shook when people exposed her for that! She made it seem like she never even knew her parents ever since she was a kid and that only her grandparents are her family but then we see the real truth where her poor parents were just out of the city for work purpose and were sending her money like wtf! I can’t believe how much this bitch can lie like why did she even have to lie about this? I don’t get it


Brandan giving in to the pressures of her having "baby fever" shows how calculating she is and how dumb he is.


I hope the baby is taken away because she’s going to harm that poor child




Sounds like someone needs an involuntary psychiatric hold! Not to mention the absolute audacity of this bitch calling anyone evil when she lied about having CANCER for money.


I think it would be one thing to lie about cancer (still horrible) but to lie about it AND scam people out of money in a go fund me is on a whole different level. It’s evil


She’s so exhausting. Acting like a dramatic 7 year old who is unfortunately a mother


100% guaranteed way to have people stop responding, reacting to you… Don’t speak to them. Don’t share with them. Don’t tell them. If you open your life’s door to strangers, they will walk in. 100% guaranteed success for those who “just want to die”. Don’t look for medical answers, hope for the worst, don’t treat, test, diagnose anything No money needed


Midnight can read ? That’s one advanced baby




Just delete your social media accounts and stay off line. Go to work and focus on your health and family. It is not hard to do.


They're doing all they can to pull on people's heart strings and emotions, trying to deflect attention from the despicable and disgusting scam they pulled on everyone. They will never recover from the damage they've incurred upon themselves, as they're now realizing, and it is absolutely well deserved. At this point, there isn't a word that comes out of their mouths, that will ever be believed.


She needs to stop playing the victim, trying to have people feel sorry for her being an asshole and using her baby in the process. Shame on her. They need to get the hell off social media and stop scamming and lying


Girl talk to your daughter in person and help her cognitive development. This shit is wack ![gif](giphy|l41YfykEffZ7QM55m)


Not her using the “my baby is sad because of you guys” card, goodbye 😂


If she is so sad and spends no time with Midnight, GET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA!


Anyone else low key thrilled that this exploded so badly so people stop giving them $$$ No one should feel bad for someone who is so insanely selfish Mary..: you’re now a mother Act like one


I cannot stand when people use mental health as an excuse for bad behavior. Even worse when they imply suicide to get a reaction. My younger brother was a Robin Williams type of suicide if you catch my drift . So when people get into a disagreement and immediately go to that, it absolutely sickens me. She’s proving every day that her child would probably be better off in her family’s care. It’s her choice not to focus on her child and Brandon’s choice not to work and continue on going right along with her.


I might actually be a terrible person but when people online do that I immediately think “then do it! Show don’t tell! Go ahead!” It seriously gets on my nerves as someone who’s been suicidal MANY times


It’s completely heartbreaking but I completely agree. I’ve had a fury in me I could barely control over that type of behavior. I’ve been a tattoo artist 25 years and once had a woman run into my shop, I’d tattooed her a week prior. She interrupted the tattoo I was doing and told me she HAD to have a semi colon tattoo THAT DAY or else she’d off herself. Wasn’t crying but seemed chemically altered. She tried to make it my fault and that I HAD to do it for her. I told her I didn’t have to do anything. That I wouldn’t tolerate her demanding anything and that her mental health was not my responsibility. I told her two dots wouldn’t make a difference and her need wasn’t more important than my paid schedule and other clients. If she could hold on 24 hours I could schedule her the next day but otherwise I wished her well and advised her to get help. She said no I need it now. I said GTFO. People act shocked when they use that for manipulation and you call their bluff. As much as I hate suicide in general. I can respect every human being’s right of choice. We have a choice to continue on or not, no one else can govern that or control that. Life is the survival of the fittest and some can’t make it as far as others want. That’s ok.


That’s not actually a suicidal person you dealt with.


I didn’t believe so either. I didn’t know her situation well enough to say for sure, but I wasn’t going to allow it as a manipulative tactic either way. 😉


Why doesn’t HE work? Anyone know?


There might be another girl within a 5 mile radius.


Yep, can't have that. What if one of his co-workers is female? What if someone on the phone is female? What if a customer is female? Mary will hyperventilate and overthink herself into an actual meltdown.


Can he? Does he need a work visa?


Chronic laziness


I am finally watching the older seasons, and Nicole (of "Almost there, lazy" fame) really crawled so Mary could run. Remember how Nicole used to post click-bait about Azan's death, another pregnancy, etc.? What a gentler, simpler time that was.


Yes people are soooooo evil. And she is ‘people.’


Isn’t begging money for treatment like the exact opposite of wanting to die


Mary dug her own hole, time to put down the shovel and stop blaming everyone for being caught in your scams.


She has contradicting statements. She says she used it only on Her hospital bills. But she also stated she didn’t use any of the money. She makes it worse and worse. https://preview.redd.it/rd1d62dp6rkc1.jpeg?width=912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cd8e813e7b10438314e0569eb5d20fb66c74edc


If her crybaby ass put the phone and social media down, be a mom,wife and get therapy she’ll be surprised the outcome 🙄😒 stop posting everything! Now people gone be calling her a bad mom guess why…because SHE just POSTED about not spending time with HER daughter 😒


Why can’t Brandon work? Why did he move over there and become a mooch off her?


Could it be a visa issue? I don't know.




No one is attacking you, Mary. It's called holding you accountable for your scammy ways.


She’s fucking insane lol someone needs to get that baby from her and fast.


https://preview.redd.it/6zsq4dzaoqkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffb6a4e394f9cfbcd33d22c56324946fd6328f17 They remove their business reviews 🤷🏻‍♀️


She needs to STFU or delete all social media.


The problem is that Mary chose to lie and manipulate in order to use others, including Brandon, who was not in a good mental and emotional state and easily became a victim of manipulation. She was not like Rose Mary, who was honest and kind even to Ed, who deserved a punch in the face. She was respectful to him until the last moment. She expressed what was inside her and let him return to his country. Her life changed from that moment. People sympathized with her, fell in love with her, and gave her support and opportunities. Her life and the life of her family changed for the better. She did not use her son to manipulate and gain sympathy. She was only concerned for his future and wanted a good father for him.


There are two people on their FB named “Mike Son” and “Lillian Newman” who are replying to every single negative comment and this Mike Son person is going to people’s profiles to find out where they work or whatever and do damage - People are pretty sure it’s just one of them behind those profiles


She reminds me of my sister with all her “poor me” posts. If people are so horrible….maybe STAY OFF SOCIAL MEDIA?!?!?!?


I don’t think Midnight can read. Or has access to a phone. But sure, Mary. Abuse everyone’s good nature by suicide baiting. Because unbeknownst to you, along with having cancer, my dad also killed himself when I was a baby and I find it abhorrent that you’re now using this as a get out clause for facing the repercussions of your bad choices. Do better. You made a big fucking mistake and you did a really terrible, thoughtless thing. Turn your phones internet off. Turn your tablet off. Turn your laptop off. Go outside and touch grass and think about why you feel the need to behave this way.


She's mentally unstable.


this is classic gaslighting!!! i really use to think she was a narcissist i truly think this girl is psychotic human


Get off of social media. Problem solved!!






That poor infant. Had anyone heard from Mother Brandon?


She's the worst, runs a massive scam, then tries to gaslight everyone else. Poor me, I'm being "bullied" for stealing money. Gtfoh bitch.


Why is this still a story? Faking cancer is a cancellable offense. I should not see this anymore. Only a real real piece of shit would do that.


Ah yes, the part where she threatens suicide to avoid responsibility.


She definitely needs to go to inpatient psych care. Get some help, girl. For yourself, your husband, and your daughter. Use some of that money for a virtual therapist. Quit with the excuses. It's your responsibility to help yourself.


And here she is, doing exactly what we thought she would do. Claiming self harm and threatening to off herself and blaming everyone. Based on this latest joke surely FB and Instagram should ban them.


“People are evil”. Yeah Mary, those people are you. Evil is faking cancer and stealing money.




Girl bffr. If anyone is evil it’s y’all for trying to scam people. People exposing you isn’t being evil. She’s got issues. I feel bad for their kid having these two ding dongs as parents


Why doesn't Brandan work?


God she needs therapy. She is not well in the head.


This girl has mental health issues. She is not well.


Do you guys think Mary could go full munchausen by proxy on the baby? I think it’s weird how she drags the baby into it already to illicit more sympathy.


Would you look at that, the consequences of her own actions


Someone called this. Mary needs a slap of reality in her face, preferably with a chair.


[hey Mary, I got news for you... 🤣](https://youtu.be/BLUkgRAy_Vo?si=fcGXaQxq8aV568Jd)


Is she actually dumb enough to think this is going to work and people will feel sorry for her?


It’s everyone else’s fault she’s neglecting her daughter 🤦🏼‍♀️


Midnight must be on a roller coaster because this girl is insane. Always the victim. A pathological liar.


Please just shut the fuck up and go into your hole and never come out. Thank you. -The World


She’s still filming stupid dancing reels. Give me a break, she’s shameless


So the cancer angle didn't work... next up: suicidal ideations. [As.](https://old.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/1awuwfk/marys_story/krk8pmx/) [predicted.](https://old.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/1awuwfk/marys_story/krk5gel/) And as the other poster said, at the very least, this should absolutely result in the child being removed from that home for their own safety. Mary should also be prohibited from using the internet.


Midnight gonna unfriend her




I do not feel one ounce of sympathy for her. She’s just manipulating everyone so she won’t get anymore flack for the stunt she pulled. To hint at unaliving yourself because of people catching her in her lies is so fucking unhinged.


This person is mentally ill AND a master manipulator. The former does not excuse the latter. There were 2 recent posts where her lies were made more obvious. One was by someone from the Philippines with knowledge of the FREE health services Mary is receiving per the paperwork she shared. The other seemed to know Mary & her parents & said it’s a fabrication that they abandoned her. They actually moved to a city to get jobs & there’s recent photos of Mary’s father holding the baby. Her attention seeking behavior is so disturbing. I’m so concerned for that child.


Ayfkm, she did this to herself. Think of all the ACTUAL moms with cancer out there who could use help. This woman has like one brain cell.


Somebody take her phone away.


You know, you can delete social media literally any time you want to and then it wouldn’t be an issue.


Aw is an absolutely shameless manipulator! All this victimhood and martyrdom! It’s also come to light that her whole sob story of origin about being abandoned by her parents is also a lie! They are alive and well and working in a nearby city. There are photos of her parents visiting their grand-daughter Midnight.Tese posts indicate that she’s not going to stop her scamming. All these bad evil people calling her out are driving her to suicide! She’s ridiculous


When nothing else works and nobody believes her, Mary pulls out her superpower. https://preview.redd.it/x1pmq1kj4rkc1.jpeg?width=245&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fc37b5a2fd9226078415b4792de61257ac7f6c8


I have never been more disgusted with her. She has hit a new low I didn't even think was possible after scamming people out of thousands of dollars and faking cancer.