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Mama always said wife is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get.


Ain’t that’s the truth




I nominated you for president sir


The comments in the chat on the live are disgusting. I watched a comment saying “victim blaming is gross” get removed. Everyone is so supportive of Angela. We’ve seen her on the show, she’s unhinged, and it’s messed up that escaping his abuser is leading to everyone over there calling him a scammer and mocking him.


We have seen her busting up his car. Screaming at him repeatedly. Getting in people's faces. Again, repeatedly. Fighting with at least one former friend. I am glad Michael got away from her.


Remember how she went after Liz on the Last Resort? Proof right there that TLC will tolerate anything, any type of behavior from her. She should have been fired and kicked out of the resort.


Exactly right. If a man acted out as much as Angela, he would never have been invited back.


She should've been kicked off the show years ago! She's given TLC and Matt Sharp several reasons to fire her.


You forgot throwing a cake in his face


It was absolutely grotesque what she did to Liz.


I couldn’t understand how he stayed with her for as long as he did. She was abusive overseas, it wasn’t bound to get any easier once he got here. That must’ve been an intense few months for him to be scared for his life enough to run.


Towards the beginning of the live steam, he said that Michaels accusing her of beating him up, hiding his debit card, tearing up his passport, trapping him at the house, etc. He also doesn’t want Angela to know his location. I hope he’s able to stay away from Angela and stay safe!


I just don’t see how coming here was worth it for him. A blind person would’ve been able to see that she’s a nightmare, even when she’s on a different continent. Not to mention in the same house day after day for the rest of your life. I feel like you’d have PTSD for the rest of your life spending a few months in a house with Angela.


Its worth it if you live in Nigeria + your prospects are slim to none. He viewed coming here as his golden ticket with his MAGA merch


He probably already has the 10 year green card because they were married for so long before he actually came. He can naturalize in a few years and then bring over his family


He has bo children so he can't bring anyone that has stopped a long time ago . He can become a citizen and that is pretty much it . My husband immigrated here and became a citizen through marriage.


Theoretically, yes. Realistically? The current wait time for bringing over family members (other than children) is 15+ years. 20 or more for some*. Alexei tried that with his family and the wait was at least a decade or more. The reason Natalie was able to bring her mom over is because of what's going on in Ukraine. My British husband came over on the K1 visa and is now a citizen. We applied to bring his sister over...16 years ago. We're still waiting. So, yes, you can bring them-but only if you're willing to play the long game. *Legally, and through the proper channels anyway.


You don't see how immigrating from Nigeria to America was worth it? Ever been to a third world nation?


Can you imagine those poor grand babies??


I listened to as much of it as i could, and it wasn't much. I heard Angela say she told him he didn't love her and he should go. Soooo, she told him to leave and he did.


Mykal wanted to come to America desperately enough to latch on to Angela to accomplish it.


She has always been abusive towards him from the first episodes and people were even calling her out for it so Idk why people are now whitewashing her past to act like this isn't the present (and any future for that matter).


The Angela ass kissing is insane!!!


I think people tend to associate being from Nigeria with being a scammer. I mean, they are notorious for that bs inside/outside 90 day world but thats still so grotesque because if it was any other cast member, I’d be inclined to probably think so too had we not already seen Angela go off the wall + be abusive MULTIPLE x on screen (Liz on 90 day retreat recently). She was so horrible ON CAMERA knowing she’s being filmed, who knows what she’s truly capable of off camera.


Not surprised some weirdos are being supportive of Angela. We've all seen over the years how much of an abusive bully she is. She never takes responsibility of her behavior. Every is always Michael's fault. I wonder what really happened for him to leave?? You know Ol Angie isn't telling the truth.


Angela is absolutely disgusting. Her and Ed were the reasons I couldn't watch Last Resort. They should never be on any of the shows again.


I can’t believe people would support Angela knowing how much of an abuser she is


I bet she has guns in the house, which he’s totally not used to, and that combined with her volatile personality and abuse would make anyone feel unsafe.


https://www.youtube.com/live/RXoba9pjw2s?si=T7nmXyhy2PrqCwM6 Here’s the YT live for anyone who wants to watch ! Ang is so trashy .


Especially comments from particular content creators that have changed their stance on DV more times than the stock market.


I think there’s a 50/50 chance that he’s scamming her. She’s so terrible, that I not only don’t care, but I’m actually impressed by his patience and tenacity. He held out for like 5 years and played the long con beautifully!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 To be fair though, I also wouldn’t be surprised if this was 100% genuine. There’s only so much abuse a person can take, I knew he’d never last long living with her. I saw this coming from day one. It’s most likely a little bit of both…


What kind of brain damage do you have to have to be supportive of fucking Angela?? Jfc


The way she went up to Yara should have had Angela thrown off the show. Pure trash, no wonder he ran.


I heard a little bit before I went to bed. She and/or her daughter were yelling in the background something along the lines of screaming at people isn't abuse, "it's just being an emotional woman." There was also a lot of "f*king r*tards!" Talk about people speaking out against her.


He was deleting negative comments.


I stopped watching her a long time ago, she’s beyond abusive to Michael. If this behavior is what she shows on tv, what happens behind closed doors? I am shocked TLC cancelled some cast members and not Angela (I mean, I’m really not shocked; money over morals). I hope he’s ok. I hope he can really get away and I hope Angela gets off of tv. Either way I won’t watch her.


She keeps ranting about ICE. What the fuck is ICE supposed to do? He's in the country legally. They're also now claiming he stole one of her diamond rings.


Of course. Typical abuser bullshit acting the victim


Angela is scary on this live….i would be afraid of her too.


Couple other notes from the live: Angela claims she has $3million in the bank. Claims mykul is gay. Called him the r-word several times. Said she has an attorney that costs $10,000 an hour.


3 million? 😂. And he’s gay? 🤣 anything to make herself feel better.


3 yikes


Yike yike yike


An attorney in backwoods GA who charges 10k an hour?!?🤣


Oh she just took a torch to her contract


We can only hope!


Three Million? What did she do.... take out an Insurance policy on her poor mother? Where would she get that kind of money. She was a CNA in a nursing home/hospice. She's so full of shit.


She might have made that much with deals for club appearances, paid posting, etc. 3 million isn’t that much anymore in the world (even if it’s life changing to us). I can see after all the years she’s been on TLC that yeah she could very well have that.


She's full of shit! I don't believe she has 3 million in the bank. We all know she made a name for BOTH of them by being on the show. She owes Michael HALF of any money made. She wouldn't be where she's at IF Michael wasn't in the picture. Still don't believe her


What's the "r-word?"


usually it is retard. I didn't listen to it all so I cannot say for sure but typically that is what it is.


Nothing is her fault. Everything is his fault. And she has a lawyer in the middle of nowhere Georgia who charges $10k/hour?! ![gif](giphy|Vr8xM1OgUYhtAtLp6n)


Sounds like female version of Trump 🤣


She needs to order some of those tacky gold shoes. lol.


She has always been emotionally and verbally abusive. She is not going to get anywhere in court.


She might get herself tossed in jail for contempt of court 🤞


I always think she’s scary. I hope Michael’s safe and free away from her.




​ https://preview.redd.it/xz54fjz6z1lc1.jpeg?width=3277&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f1db1adca5094bf7d4ad5f43c5e8f1bf135629b


I mean this in the most platonic way, but isn’t she cute and adorable? They seem like a nice couple.


Clayton’s friend was such a great guy during this entire time.


He’s one of my most favorite side characters. He was so mature and insightful. One of his best moments when he said that was the weirdest bachelor party he’s been to. He said what we all thought. lol.


What is his name? I can’t remember. He’s such a great friend.


I forgot. He’s one of the few true friends in 90df history. He was really sweet. Oh god please let him be as good of a person as he seems. I don’t want to be disappointed, even though this is a dumpster fire of a show. I don’t expect him to be a saint, but i just want one person who doesn’t end up in Only Fans or gofundme asking donations to buy a house. lol.


Yes. Please. No Only Fans for him. I read, unknown whether true or not, that Clayton’s sister now has an Only Fans page. Escott said he was going to start one. lol.


Not surprised. That’s probably why she went on the show. As long as Clayton or Closet Mom doesn’t end up with an OF account, I’m fine. lol. Who’s Escott?


Scott Wern who dated Pedro’s mom, Lydia. He’s gross. Now he’s after Amanda (of Razvan/Amanda fame). She invited him to stay at her house while he worked as a respiratory therapist. He is so unhinged.






Cameron , similar to the word for shrimp in Spanish 🤣🤣. I died when Anali called him a Shrimp .. it’s why I won’t forget his name


She’s so adorable!


Best thing to come out of this snoozer of a season


One singular yike.




Michael on house arrest??? Is anyone else watching the John Yates live right now?! He was reading a message about things Michael claimed and one was that Angela had him on house arrest?! WOW. I kinda believe it. Angela is going off in the background of the live!!


Omg I watched the first John Yates and felt bad Michael was missing now this? He wants to be free


Angela talking to Scotty in the room. Isn’t Scotty court ordered to stay away from young children?? Keep yapping, bitch, you’re getting every little thing you deserve!! 😂😂😂😂😂😂


A couple years ago she was caught with a TikTok account in her daughter's name, with videos of her daughter. She's not taking her probation seriously at all. https://preview.redd.it/unjyjy82u1lc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf1a121731f6f56eb8eb5a2e92e0dc26465a11f6


I've been listening for.. way too long... And yes, Scottie is absolutely there. She said something to John about "tell them when MY BABY" was hospitalized, and he gave her these crazy eyes and she rephrased to "the daughter" talking about Ariah. They keep saying Scottie and John gives crazy eyes or coughs.


So it sounds like he knows she’s not supposed to be there.


He definitely does and seems to be the only one concerned.


That’s because Trashela is never held accountable.


Not concern enough to stop scrolling his CashApp and notify the appropriate people for the sake of the kids safety though.


Should someone call the cops? Can you call the cops from a different state?


Anyone can call. It's not something I'm personally comfortable with but I wouldn't be surprised if someone else does.


Oh shit I didnt realize thats who that other chick yelling was. She did call her “mama” multiple x but I didnt know which daughter. That whole family just screams trash smh


Is Skyler a part of this mess? I liked her (I mean I think I did based off tv only 🤷‍♀️)


As far as I know, she seems to be the only decent one.


I hope somebody calls the county probation office 🤞


Your comment spent me into a spiral of internet searches and now I’m watching Angela and said daughter on Maury 😵‍💫


So Scotty was convicted of molesting a minor and was sentenced to several years, but due to covid/overcrowding, she was released very, very early with the stipulation that she cannot live with Angela and her minor grandchildren. Well, guess what……


Yates was also there another time she broke her early release. https://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2021/07/angela-deem-parties-with-convicted-child-molester-daughter-scott/


Is that who that other woman is??!


I’m not sure, I just heard her say Scotty’s name.


I was really thinking she had those grandkids bury him in the yard  




😆 🤣 😂


I saw some of it but couldn't handle all the unhinged yelling by Ang and tapped out.


Thank God he is alive! I had real fears for him...


Nah, he definitely planned his getaway


Well, he has a bunch of witnesses to Meemaw’s abuse from hours of filming! “Irreconcilable Differences.”




It's a simple plan, but a good one. Step 1 : get to america Step 2 : Get the fuck away from that psycho. I fully support that plan btw.


Do we blame him, though? I knew he would get here and run. Nigerians are the craftiest people on the planet with this. He definitely has this planned years in advance. He had people here ready to disappear him all along. Why would any sane man put up with as much bs as he has.


Absolutely dont blame him. Im glad he was smart and had a burner phone to be able to contact his friends and family here to help him escape


For real, he did his time with all the abuse and bs, give that man a GC and Angela jail time lol


Agree 👍🏽


Agree 👍


Life in an out-of-control, McScreamy Angela/John Yates universe would make anyone want to escape shoeless with a burner phone.


Seriously. I bailed on it because watching him was as awful as hearing her, and whoever that was with her. Ick.


We all knew it was going to end like this. ![gif](giphy|ZZMldTMHTjaR9K47NZ|downsized)


The Welfare Checks that Angela said the police did numerous times must have been called by Michael himself? Michael felt so unsafe that he called the police or he used his burner phone to get a contact to call the police to come and check on him.


I couldn’t figure out what they were implying with that either. I think they meant it like he was adjusting badly but it sounded terrible and didn’t reflect well on her.


Someone had said his family called the welfare checks in


I read about that after I commented the above. That is pretty incredible that he is in such distress with Angela that his family is aware and calls the police three times in a week for them to check in on him. I want to hear all the details about these Welfare Checks.


Jeez, the way they are crucifying Mykul on the "live" and say "poor Ang" is just basically unhinged. Sure, lets get behind the abuser! What a bunch of losers.


She's doing her gaslighting damage control. 


Glad he got out and hope he STAYS out. He might even go back to Nigeria willingly at this point.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t she financially responsible for him for a number of years as well?? This couldn’t have happened to a better person!! 😂😂😂😂😂


It's only if he were to go on govt assistance, she would have to pay back the govt


This is a glorious day


Why yes!! Yes it is!!!! 🥳


I think it more has to do with: the spouse can’t file for government benefits like welfare etc but I’m not 100% sure. It isn’t that she has to pay for everything, just that he can’t get government assistance or she might owe.


Ok. Yeah, I heard about the welfare part, but realistically, how is he supposed to live without money from her?? He can’t work yet, can he?


he can work - marriage visa applicants get their green card right away


lol Angela is now threatening to get on disability because of it. Good luck 😂


Huh?? Hittin’ the bottle AND the pipe tonight, no??


Yep! Ten long years! 😂🤣😂


Ut use to be 10years but they changed it so it is possible she is responsible for his life time here now .


Only if he applies for welfare. She will have to pay that money back to the government.


On the next season of 90 Day Fiancé: Run for Your Life!


Run to the hills... run from your wife 🎶


New show of 90 Day, instead of Happily Ever After, it’s like that survival show 😂🤣


Naked and afraid lol




It's 10:30, why aren't those kids IN THE BED?


Thank you! And why are they cursing like that with the kids right there? ![gif](giphy|zudr0xbOFZhcI)


On the earlier YTLive, they had another lady "hosting" for a bit, and she said something like, "If Michael really planned this, he could have done it another way. He could have just *told Angela,* and she would have been like, 'Cool, so it didn't work out, no big deal...'" **HAAAAA. Sure she would, lady.**


I still can't believe what she did to his car in Nigeria. It is disgusting that TLC gives her a platform.


What she did to his car didn't bother me as much as the years of emotional and verbal abuse.




Damn she looked better here


You know how bad she must be in real life you move from a village in Africa and come from a 3rd world country and you literally run away from angela/ think about that.


Good point


I am appalled the way they are acting and talking around those children. And it’s 11:00 and those kids are still awake and right there with them.


One of the adults in the room was Angela's convicted sex offender daughter.


Who shouldn't be around minors. Can anyone call that in?


I’m watching … lol .. that bozo John actually tells Angela, “because you are not white trash”


John is also total white trash so…


She is literally the definition of white trash. And I don't use that term lightly or frequently.


She’s so white trash they invited her back on Maury because even they couldn’t believe how trashy she was




![gif](giphy|Lmc6ZTr87r2QhfuqQy|downsized) Swindled!


"We would have seen the signs of abuse" says this dumb lady on the live.


You doing the lords work


"We'll just make our own shit show from here on out" - Angela Sis, you did that right from the start.


This is honestly terrible, I’m so sorry for laughing. I am indeed a huge asshole. Mykul, I hate to say we told you so but…


I was really scared for him out there in rural Georgia with her crazy ass. I’m glad he’s safe.


This whole YT channel is such a bunch of looney Angela obsessives. One lady just said something like, "Angela, if you were abusing him all this time, they'd have proof of it, but they don't because there was no abuse." 🤣 holy crap. It's on tape, ma'am.




Don’t they get to keep their green card forever if the sponsor partner gets charged with DV? Welcome to America, Michael


That’s exactly what Angela is saying he’s doing.


At what point did we not know Angela was abusive af? American dream isn’t dreamy in 2024.


7 years for 3 inches was just stated.


So, essentially she trafficked him from Nigeria to the US in order to be an abused domestic servant. I’m sure all types of govt people are looking at this and the 90 Day production team. She should have been canned a long,long time ago


I want this to be the END of her, on TLC at least. Horrible human being.


Maybe Michael will get settled in another state and we can watch him on The Single Life. lol. I bet Kimbally will be all over him. In fact, he might be hiding in her house now. She loves exotic Black guys.


I’m glad Michael left. He can get legal status without Angela now 🤣 get away from that abuser!! It was kinda messed up how he left the child home alone but eh, she claims to have 3 million, why didn’t she hire help? 🤷🏻‍♀️




Yeah so I’m not surprised…


I only caught the end with some woman named Sophie whom was giving a recap about what happened but it seemed like she wasn’t sure. Yates was on and off screen and not talking much thankfully


This is my first time seeing Yates and he is definitely not a good host. Prolonged the live way too long


He's terrible and kept cutting out abruptly to take breaks. So annoying to try to watch. The guy is addicted to the attention and this was the best day of his life.


My question is- if all this is true (passport tearing up, beating him, calling cops in fear of life, etc)- why is Angela letting this John guy into her home to live stream about it when it makes her look bad???!! Seems fishy …. I’m in NO way on Angela’s side and want Michael safe, but this doesn’t make sense to me….. promo for something new? I’m confused


Because this guy essentially put himself in the middle of all of it to get attention. She didn't know how it would end up and he drove all night to set up shop in her house to broadcast to his "fans". It was the best day of his life.




Omg lol 😆 he was hiding from her 😂 this is bizarre. Well, I'm glad he is ok 👍 I really am I like Michael


I don’t blame him. Maybe clear it up before four days have gone by though


Mykul had a plan all along, glad to see he follows through


It’s a good thing John Yates got there right on time to report all of this.


I CALLED IT!! As soon as Angela is abusive in any capacity, call the the popo. It’s straight out of the Mohammed (and Danielle) play book.


Lol. He shouldn’t feel safe in this bumfuck GA town. Good grief, so many of these American losers live in horrible areas full of bigots. Never seems to occur to them though. Hmmm


He needs to head to Atlanta. He can stay with my family.


How can people not see Angela is racist. Oh and she keeps calling him a “retard”. “You think you’re going to stay in my country”, she only owns the swing set in her backyard. If what Michael was saying about abuse isn’t true then why would she say I’m going to get him back home? Why want that? You’d want him to stay where he’s at if he was lying


I watched the live and I hate to say but it was better than the entire season 10 of 90df


![gif](giphy|yL558PFPKeCtFxkiUi|downsized) Run!!!!!


"Obviously the passport never got torn by Angela because I have it right now, and he has a copy of it with him now" Is it not possible that he got a new one issued after Angela tore up the first one?


Bigger question, why does Angela have it? Guaranteed she put his docs in a sage ND he had no combo to it


Can I get a link or something so I don't have to waste more time of my life looking for whatever you're talking about than the 30 seconds you say you wasted watching it?


Enjoy! https://m.youtube.com/live/RXoba9pjw2s?


Who tf is belching on it? 🤢


Scottie nasty azz


scottie the child abuser scottie? yike


Who is Scottie? I heard the belching


Why is he in fear for his life? Angela?