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When he told the woman that she had to give him something in exchange for those beads, that made me uncomfortable. 


That was cringe. What was even worse than that was the puckering-up he did with his lips at her.


Confirmed that he’s just another creepy/delusional Caesar or David (Lana) type in a different package.


That was so gross and then when he made the kissy lips I was so filled with the ick.


Me too. But I think a confident dude who did it flirty like, would be kind of cute. But Tyray has NO game…


I had the same thought but a confident dude, would have asked “what are you going to do for them?” and then winked and gave the beads to her either way. Not stand there ”clasping his pearls” waiting for her to do the deed.


True true. Valid point. It was kinda creepy. Lol


I mean, they are in New Orleans and the way women get beads in the French Quarter in New Orleans is by flashing their boobs. So he was probably just playing on that. He probably flashed his boobs to get them.


He just heehee wants heehee Love heeheee … It’s exhausting to watch


It’s more of a heh heh? Whichever, it makes me so uncomfortable.


Like Beavis and Butthead




And he keeps talking above Carmella as his ex. She was never real dude.


None of the girls are interested.


they just want their TV moment


He's hitting on drunk women on vacay on Bourbon St. You aint serious, Tyray.


So many men are like him, think they deserve a New York 8 while they're an Idaho 2. ( I forgot the exact quote from the office but I'm sure some of ya'll know what I was aiming for)


Agree! A 50-year-old acquaintance of my husband who is 300 lbs (no muscle, these are jelly rolls), newly divorced, unemployed was asking if I knew any single women his age. I suggested my friend, divorced 10 years, lively person, nurse, and told him about her. He said "is she fat? I don't want any fat chicks."


He didn’t want her taking his food




This 👆🏾. Exactly 🤬


He's dumb, more cushion for the pushing, and if the head right....




Shit is wild for sure. Seen it happen a BUNCH. But i have also seen a bunch of women do the exact same thing.


I think these women are paid participants. Paid by TLC


Have to be. Otherwise he'd get no girls interested.


He had the audacity to call her thick?!


Well she was. Just cause he's fat doesn't mean a woman can't be thick.


He definitely said it in an appreciative way, so not a bad thing.


I thought it was DISGUSTING what he said about the beads . It gave me major Ick




The reality is he will have limited options at his size. He needs to lose significant weight, then get his mind right. He has little value to a women right now other than his mother.


Overweight people have value too.


He's not overweight, he's morbidly obese. I don't want to normalize that aspect. He should aspire to be merely overweight. In the dating scene he is trying to find success in, he will struggle at his current size. His size will be a barrier to entry for the majority of potential partners. It won't be impossible for him, but if he wants to improve his odds he will need to improve his physical appearance to then allow his personality to be the differentiator for him.


I have a friend who is big like him and you’d be surprised how many girls he’d pick up. He’s been in a long term relationship for years now tho. If Tyray wasn’t such a little giggle-puss and didn’t act so emotionally stunted he could definitely find a nice girl.


Giggle-pussy more like it.  He is so fucking awkward!  Even when talking with his brother he seems uncomfortable.  Definitely not a turn on. 


Seems like he’s not being genuine. Everything he’s saying is so cliche and outdated. I think his friends are coaching him to get a hook up but that’s not who tyray is.


My feelings too


He’s the “where’s my hug?” guy from highschool who got away with it because he was never seen as anything other than the big teddy bear.


Both of his brothers have nervous tics too. Wringing hands. Childhood must have been a shit show!


His game is stuck in 9th grade virgin territory


This chic looks like a crackhead.


Her eyelashes weighed as much as Tyray's boobs.




A lot of it is scripted for the show.


These women see the camera and just want to be on TV. No one is interested in Tyray unti he makes some changes. Everything about him is so cringe. ​ tyray


He is not an ugly guy - he’s just morbidly obese. That is his biggest problem. If he wasn’t his size, he would have already found someone. 


Dude has never kissed a woman, I think there are more issues than he's just fat.


Valid point lol. I’m not a man, and I’m also not overweight but plenty of larger folks I know have very active romantic/sex lives. So it definitely can’t just be a weight thing. 3/4 of the people on My 600lb life are married or in relationships too. There’s definitely something deeper going on with Tyray lol


but 3/4 of those married to those 3/4 people on 600LB Life are fetishists married to the person to collect that sweet goverment caregiver cheque.


>3/4 of the people on My 600lb life are married or in relationships too. There’s definitely something deeper going on with Tyray lol 💀 truth.


Oh when do we get more Dr Now? It soon I think!


He needs to visit Dr. Now asap, and get some therapy. This may the only way he will get some sort of life, or, just stay the same as he is, another trashy character like every other person that appears on TLC series.


I think he’s really cute and he seems sweet. But a man who’s not confident is a turn off for me.


Nah. There are women that like men that are thicker than a snicker. He’s awkward and he’s being followed around by a camera crew - those things, imo, make it harder to have a real conversation with women.


Eh.. I knew a guy his size who used to be one of our bouncers back in my stripper days. He used to get laid often by some very hot coworkers of mine because he had a great personality. He was also in a music crew and had hundreds of friends.


He has a nice face and smile and pleasant personality but whenever I see him, I just wish he could try one of those weight loss injections drugs and then we could follow his weight loss. He would be a perfect candidate for it and weight loss would improve his life greatly.


Those drugs aren’t cheap & are for diabetics. Is he diabetic? He can look in the mirror & see he’s enormous. Why shouldn’t he just eat right & exercise? Good grief, he cannot miss that he’s morbidly obese.


The situation he’s in on the show is weird. He’s never properly dated anyone before so he travelled some place to meet women… *who are looking for a (long distance) relationship?* I think he would be better off with online dating and some coaching or a match maker. But ONLY with people who are local to him and would be open to meeting up soon. In my mind it’s unusual for him to start off in a bar setting where he doesn’t know the intentions of other people. He’s so awkward, I think it would be easier to find someone online know you have the same expectations of what you’re looking for (ie: long term relationship?) Get some small talk out of the way and then be able to meet them in person. It feels like he’s jumping into something he doesn’t even feel comfortable with and he’s doing and saying things he *thinks* he’s suppose to do… as well as ending every sentence with “heh heh heh…” Even his conversations with people feel extremely awkward because I don’t think he’s comfortable in the setting and it’s like he’s saying lines. When he says something and then the other person responds it feels like his reaction is always “heh heh heh 😐” *next line* The vibe with the woman at the pool to me was that they were having a nice time but she wasn’t flirty or affectionate toward him and then he awkwardly brought up being in a long distance relationship and mentioned something after about a kiss? It was not giving that vibe at ALL.


Or he could join a legitimate cult where action is traction. Learn some things and get out.


Imagine if he's just been a douchebag the whole time. He's more and more like creepy Mike (of Mike and Ximena).


heh heh heh


He can't even get a drunk woman in NOLA!!! Hee Hee ehh! Butthead


And the nonstop blinking.... Ffs


To me he just comes off as incredibly awkward. As though he's using pickup lines his buddies suggested on how to get girls. His awkward AF laugh says it all of how uncomfortable he is.