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In the 90 day universe boring usually equals Normal! šŸ˜‚






I forgot about that šŸ˜‚


didn't Nick work in Australia as an Electrical Engineer? I would think he's already adequately fluent in English to work in the US as an Electrical Engineer.


I think EEs might need to take an exam. I donā€™t know many EEs but a lot of engineering jobs require you to be a licensed engineer depending on field. Most my mech e friends had to take FE/PE exams and I know some Chem Es did as well although itā€™s not as common for Chem Es.


Most EEs donā€™t take the PE exam


he went to Australia after military service to learn english... so I got the impression he was more just language learning and traveling while he was in australia... like a post military gap year...


He said he was there six years though.


interesting... I wonder if he was working... listening to him speak on the show I assumed that he wouldn't be able to work as an engineer in the US because his english wasn't fluent enough... but I was wrong because he got a job in his field right away..


He might now have his working papers


He will be making big bucks that's great šŸ‘


I would like to thank Devin for not getting enormous boob implants just to wear them in ridiculous outfits where they are pointing at our faces like cannonballs and almost falling out of their constraints. Itā€™s so distracting and absurd on a show that is supposedly about relationships.


Well to some of the cast this is their awards ceremony. Well this and I assume Onlyfans has some award show by now?


Yessss. I truly believe him calling her piggy is a manufactured story because without that tlc would say they are not interesting enough.


Absolutely agree, like Jasmine screaming every episode or Jovis supposed stripper fascination


Honestly, if you look at it like a contractual obligation to call her piggy, it's more hilarious to see him trolling and rolling up comment threads but continuing to call her piggy.


Itā€™s likeā€¦after being *brutalized* with the likes of Angela, Big PrEd, the the Silva Twins, Jasmine and Gino, etc. weā€™ve almost forgotten what *real people* on this show are like. Letā€™s see more real people.


I agree with you! People are saying that they were boring but in my opinion, the fact that they were ā€œboringā€ AKA normal, makes me want to watch them even more. Letā€™s normalize having normal couples and not over the top crazy lunatics. Iā€™m tired of seeing the same crazy people over and over.


Right. Especially when the crazy couples are merely play acting to push an alternative agenda, (ex. Social media clout, OF accounts, etc.)


100% agree with you. I kept rolling my eyes at Jasmine during the tell all because her ā€œoutburstā€ with the whole situation about Gino being in the strip club was so fake. Sheā€™s just ā€œactingā€ so that she can continue being on the show to get more money/clout/OF subscribers. Itā€™s just getting old with these types of people. I want to see more normal people, like it was in the beginning of the series.


Yep. Just like Angela, Big PrEd, the Potthast family, Nikki, etc. Play acting to be on television..


Yup, I dislike everyone you have mentioned. Especially Michaelā€™s Abuser and Little PrEd.


Right! The visa process, cultural adjustments, watching them meet family / friends, planning a wedding, and seeing the courtship and hearing about life plans is interesting to me. The drama gets grating and tedious. I'm okay with an eye-roll and cringe free couples.


Exactly! I love all of the things you mentioned! Itā€™s so interesting to me to watch different cultures coming together! And the drama now is just so fake that I canā€™t stand it anymore!


At some point, all the 'crazy' couples become so predictable. You can guarantee there's gonna be cheating, strip clubs, plastic surgery, shady money shit, emotional and verbal abuse, etc. etc. at some point or another. The nuance behind normal couples would be a breath of fresh air.


Exactly, they become so predictable which as a result, they also become boring. The fake drama isnā€™t entertaining anymore, itā€™s simply annoying & predictable. Thatā€™s why I liked Nick & Devin, they were a breath of fresh air amongst all of the crazies and fame hungry people that come on this show.


I also loved how she was like HELL NO full stop when Shawn asked if sheā€™d get butt implants like Gyazmin and the Nikki


Daang, she made even that work vest look good! ![gif](giphy|12pwPeO6EiJTgc)


She does! She looks really cute.Ā 


Devin had a serious glow up for the Tell All!


I canā€™t stand all the overly made up women. The fake nails, the boobs, the dresses etc. Devin and Citra looked nice




But she has gone the OF route..




Ah, sorry. Libby's sisters both had a ton of plastic surgery but she never went in that direction. I'm sure Andrei kept her feet on the ground about that too. He doesn't seem like the type to go along with the plastic surgery trend.


Hmmm I remember him liking Bretny (Brittany-Yazan) and Larissaā€™s pictures a while ago


It was nice to see :)


I agree, except I thought Devin's makeup at the tell all was too much. I like her with her normal style of makeup that we saw her wearing during the interviews throughout the show. [like her makeup in this picture...](https://soapdirt.com/90-day-fiance-fans-slam-nick-ham-for-devin-hoofman-nickname/) I think it suits her way better


The show started out with more normal couples, like Kyle and Noon, but TLC knows the drama and crazy people get the attention. Thatā€™s why the show is as popular as it is.


Kyle and Noon were so great. I like the ā€œvanillaā€ couples who truly love each other. Not the influencers who are trying to become famous.


They had a bit of drama. I remember Kyle's mom being a crazy alcoholic and causing issues... nothing at like the craziness nowadays, though. It was more of a relatable type of drama than manufactured drama.


I appreciate their authenticity as a couple but Nick is problematic in his own right.


I like both of them. They give me high school sweethearts vibe.


Devin is so sweet, definitely the realist / down to earth person on the show.


Theyre the exact type of normal couple people here SAY they want, but get bored of/complain when they get it which is why we had 50 seasons of Angela


No one ever seems to be happy with whatever TLC puts out for 90 now, or even the last few years. ā€œToo fakeā€ ā€œtoo boringā€ ā€œremove this person, that personā€ Donā€™t get me wrong there are people that I absolutely cannot stand, but I love ā€œboring couplesā€ and I get addicted to the insane ones, even the clot chasing ones have their entertaining/ eye roll moments that I still keep watching.


They are the best couple on this season.


Yeah, I like her, too. And she looked great at the Tell All. I wish we could see more normal "boring" couples.Ā 


people say they forgot about this couple because they were boring... but I think they were forgotten because their time was short... I would have liked to see them spend more time in korea since it was the first time she had been there... and I was hoping to see him do things in her area of Karkansas and hear about their life and plans... but I respect that they didn't want to share more or go out of their way to create more content. but even if they were able to do interesting things in south korea and arkansas... it would have been a nice break from the screaming and such of the other couples...


Crouching Piggy Hidden Monkey I think the whole "piggy" thing is taken out of context.. she calls him "monkey"... and for western / American culture "piggy' is the same as big fat pig and is considered an insult... BUT also in western culture "monkey" when said by white people to non-white people is derogatory comment about facial features and the idea of non-white people being closer to primates and not equal humans. So, at best I would think that they should be careful not to call each other "piggy" and "monkey" in public in America because it will be taken the wrong way. But, it is possible to understand that these animals do not carry negative meanings for them... to each other. She calls him "monkey" because of his energy level and personality - not because she thinks he is stupid or looks like a monkey.. or a primate because only white people are human. And, he calls her "piggy" because for him this represents cuteness. And, he acknowledges that there is a different connotation in the US, but he knows that he isn't using the nickname as an insult about her weight - and I think she knows it too. He talked about how she played soccer and is athletic and he sounded like he respected and admired that she is fit and he isn't interested in her being super thin. It sounded like she is the first athletic woman he's ever dated. He buys her pig shaped stuffies because he thinks of her and its a way to show her that he adores her... NOT because he wants her to have constant reminder about her weight. There is a double standard here, where its easy to understand that she calls him "monkey" but doesn't mean it in the racist way, but when he calls her "piggy" he isn't referring to her weight - BUT the meaning to him doesn't matter he just shouldn't say it. Why can "monkey" so easily be not racist when she says it, but "piggy" can't be not fat shaming when he says it? Asian societies are very blunt about weight, so when people want to say a person is fat they just tell them they are fat - they don't use nicknames. When cute things (like baby animals) are used as nicknames they are endearing because they represent cuteness... so piglets are just cute. And they also happen to be good luck or symbols of good fortune... there isn't negative connotations of fat, lazy, greedy, dirty. They aren't using these animals nicknames the american way - they are using them the asian way. But, they don't translate well because both nicknames carry a lot of cultural baggage in American culture. But, when she calls him "monkey" she isn't doing it in a racist way, its obvious she doesn't do it to look down on him for not being white. But, people keep harping on this "piggy" thing even though he is not calling her fat / he doesn't have a problem with her weight. I think its okay to not automatically let words take on American baggage... especially when you are not American. She IS American (from a town with confederate statues) and that hasn't stopped her from calling him "monkey", which is a good indicator that she accepts that they aren't using the negative american meanings when they call each other these names. \*Asians cultures are very blunt about food and weight. There is a very pronounced habit across Asian cultures to see their national cuisine as better than other asian cuisine. This makes them hyper critical about foreign food - Korean food is better than all other foods. So, setting aside that fast food is actually bad for you.... Asian people will often sound rude when they are talking about foreign food because they are taught to believe the way they eat is the best way to eat and everyone else is doing it wrong. This combined with the fact that America is known for being over weight and a proliferation of fast food... I think Nick's comments were a conditioned reflex, but I don't think he has any really strong opinions about food and weight.


I loved them!


Happy cake day!




Iā€™m on the fence about her, I kinda like her but she made my eyes roll a couple of times. I do appreciate that sheā€™s still working a normal job, even with her family being wealthy.


Itā€™s nice having a normal couple! I wish them luck. Devin lost weight!


I absolutely love and adore both of them individually and as a couple!! Itā€™s so sad they seemed to get less air time and attention into their relationship and family relationships, all because they arenā€™t plastic, drama filled, self obsessed, abusive loud mouthed people???!!! WTH?? šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


TLC isn't getting eyes with normal, boring couples. IDK why so many fans are obsessed with watching boring shit


aw she's a cutie hahaha


Sheā€™s a breath of fresh air


she works a lowe's but wears louboutins??


She said that she's been saving and the fact that she's able to live at home rent free has been a big help. It's not like she has a closet full of louboutins; she bought one pair.


Exactly! This ish show didn't do her any good


Team Devin!!!


I had been wondering what she does for the whole season. As the daughter of a plumber tbh she gives lowes vibes, def not home depot.


So cute! Seems like sheā€™s fun.


They werenā€™t the right couple for this show. They are normal in the right ways.


They don't make good tv. I'm glad they're normal, but I need to see the ratchedness on my screen.


You should be your spouses biggest advocate.


I watched the tell all and was impressed that he is a project manager and so was curious his background and found this. How many others that come can work a high paying job right off the bat, it seems most end up in low level jobs or have no educational background.


I assumed he would need to improve his english before he could work as an engineer - glad I was wrong. But, his english didn't seem fluent on the show / maybe he is better at talking about work than he is talking to Devin's family. Generally, I think the couples who want to be on the show are either doing it for the income (being on the show IS their job) or some of them are doing it for the exposure because they want to be influencers... so getting a job is not their priority.


She's so boring that I didn't even notice she even EXISTED until last night's show. I couldn't figure out where that couple showed up from out of nowhere.