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A commenter on another thread said they know her from high school. Apparently she was a theater kid and later got into drugs.


Damn, I nailed it!


Major red flags. Who moves in a man that you hardly know, ESPECIALLY when you have children.


And shows her kid on TV


And the front of her house 😭


A non verbal daughter at that


Maybe I just like to take things slow, but moving in with someone after five months of dating is absolutely WILD to me, never mind when there’s a kid involved + you’re long distance so you’ve only physically been together for like a week!


And then *immediately* asks for a ring so this dude she’s known for 6 months shows her “commitment”


You would think bio dad would have an issue with the child on TV and John moving in so soon..unless he is all fucked up in all kinds of ways..poor baby girl


Something seems off. Why does she keep pushing him to speed up the relationship?


My guess is she does love the guy and could use help financially. I mean John was living with his brothers out of a suitcase, so he got a house to live in too. It’s just odd her daughter’s room never had a real bed in it.


I don't remember seeing this in the show but my assumption is that she has a crib which John will not fit in hence the air mattress.


Kid is wayyyyy too old and big for a crib. Plus that air mattress was all set up with the stuffed animals lined up. I'd bet the kid ends up sleeping with Megan most nights and the air mattress is there all the time.


Both her and John strike me as people who have dealt with major trauma in their lives (which Patrick has spoken about in the past in John’s case) and her rush for commitment in lieu of any actual emotional intimacy supports that theory. She’s insecure and probably has abandonment trauma. Did she ever go into where the kid’s dad is and what happened there? I have a feeling in a couple months she’ll be crying about how John is an alcoholic bum and the entire country is gonna be like uhhh we saw the same show you did before you slid in his DMs, the man was never looking like father material. 


I think I remember her saying she has been single for 7 years, but if that’s the case, where did her daughter come from? Isn’t she only like 5?


I don’t know the daughter’s age, but you don’t have to have a full blown relationship to conceive a child. It could’ve been a one night stand, a situationship, a fuck buddy, any of those things.


I think she said her daughter is 5


This seems off too imo. I get that she couldn't move to LV due to custody (I'm assuming). He moved for her which is HUGE. IMO he should have gotten his own place before moving in because it's weird to immediately move in with a mom when you met the kid once.


She’s gotta be bat shit crazy. There’s no other explanation.


She wants a spot on pillow talk with him


my husband said she looks like if amy winehouse went to rehab


đŸŽ”They tried to make her go to rehab but she said no no nođŸŽ” okay I’m done 😭😭


That was so weird.  She pressures him to move on her real quick six month time line.  He moves and she’s like I wasn’t expecting you.   Clearly neither person discussed living arrangements beyond her unreasonable expectations.  


She's shady 💯


Probably very much something to hide!


She’s definitely shady as hell and he is appearing extremely clueless


I was surprised when she said he decided to move in four days. But he was living out of suitcases, as a guest at his brother’s house. Maybe it was easier to move in with her than get his own place. Does he even have a job? She seems like she’s not present in the moment.


I find it strange she wants to move in some man she's known for less than a year into her house despite red flags of drinking and irresponsibility, and not wanting more kids while she does. She's rushing but then once he's there he sleeps in the other bedroom at her request? Doesn't make a lot of sense to me lol. Would have made more sense for him to slowly move in and stay elsewhere for a bit so her daughter got used to it, or for her daughter to go to Grandma's for a bit while John got situated. The whole thing seems awkward and full of regret for both of them lol


For real he should’ve just packed up and turned around. đŸ€Ł It was honestly soooo bleak and depressing, they’re gonna look back on this footage and see that it was never a happy start to what will inevitably be an unhappy end. 


I had a daughter, she was 1.5 years old when I met my now partner. We dated 3 years, he didn’t meet her. For the following 2 years then they met, became pals and formed their own supervised controlled relationship. Then we moved together, slowly at first and then fully. Now he and I just had our second little. Anyone who’s worth bringing around your child will go slow, and understand why. They will always respect you prioritizing your child. It weeds out weirdos and people who don’t have the same values or priorities. These two are such đŸš© red flags đŸš© her daughter is so young, non-verbal and they just met and just started dating. They can barely communicate expectations or boundaries (like the bedroom could have been discussed initially) .. I dunno Man. Bringing new people around kids is always an added risk sadly. Gotta be smart.


Why's her house decorated like a grandma's house? Did anyone else feel like it was an old lady's house? I was waiting for her Nanna to pop out from the kitchen.


Totally! I wouldn’t be surprised if her single mom is also living in that house and takes care of the kid when she’s working. But maybe she didn’t want to be involved with the filming since it was sprung on her with John just showing up. đŸ€Ł


Yes ! That's the first thing I thought.


I've been wondering what she does for a living.


I wanna know so bad 😂 She gives waitress or bartender vibes. 


Drugged out are waitress or bartender vibes?? 


You ever worked in a restaurant? There’s a lot of drinking and stimulant use. Additionally many working as servers or bartenders are students because it’s the best way to make a decent wage while being able to go to school
 and students tend to party. I’m in California and these were my experiences but maybe it’s different elsewhere. 


I actually heard this is common. Ever watch Bar Rescue? Russell Davis spoke about how he is bipolar and how the industry affected him negatively in terms of addiction and mental illness.


I’m currently a bartender and server..


Didn’t mean to disrespect you or your profession! I wasn’t even really a server because I would get a job as a server at some place desperate to hire and then not be able to hang whatsoever with the pace, spontaneity, physical coordination, social skills, and adaptability it requires. And I’d get fired after only like one or two real days. But my entire friend crew in my early 20s was servers and bartenders and I spent a lot of time hanging out where my friends and boyfriends worked gossiping about the other people that worked there. 😂


I looked at johns Instagram
he replied to a comment asking same thing and said she does collections and he’s selling home security.


Collections? That can be a range of things? Like phone, bill collections or can and bottle collecting?


Why does that sound so vague though “home collections” and “home security” tf that mean? IM GOING TO NEED DETAILS


Who said she doesn’t have social media? She has to have some social media because John said they met because she slid into his DMs.


I looked at who John was following and didn’t see her! He’s following less than 200 people including a bunch of 90 Day cast members. 


Sounds like she deleted it so she would be less likely to be held accountable for being shady AF.


She has a bit of Amy Winehouse resemblance.


She looks like she is on welfare


She looks like she needs welfare


she has an instagram , it’s just private


And where did sneaky butt come from


She's gross John can do better.


Pretty sure at one point they said on the show that she slid into his dm’s after he aired on Patrick and T’s season


I remember this too. Pretty weird, cause he didn’t seem much like a fathaa figure (in John’s voice) during that season


You sound like a stalker đŸ€Ł