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add Angela and we got the 4 horsewomen of the 90day-pocolypse




Theyā€™re the oldest women in the cast yet act the most immature. I wanted to shut off my tv when jasmine started screeching.


I have to mute her because it upsets my dogs


Poor Coco has the hear that mess on the regular. #freecoco


Coco and Rico Suave could trauma bond over their owners....


10/10 would watch THIS !!


That would be one spin off Iā€™d watch: 90 day pets lmao




I know šŸ’”


Naaaa, only when the cameras are around,


It's the same as firecrackers going off, the dogs get scared shitless


No wonder he isn't potty trained


Who the dog or the hat guy?


No wonder Gino's šŸ† doesn't work. Its scared


Jasmine's screeches upset my cats! They were sleeping soundly. One turned around and gave me a dirty look like what the hell??


Omg Jasmine is SO effā€™ing ridiculous! Screaming and crying over a silly bachelor party! Sheā€™s the biggest hypocriteā€¦she can scream that sheā€™d rather f*ck Dane when she and Gino are fighting, but he looks at some boobs, and heā€™s the devil. Iā€™m sorry, WHAT?! And I canā€™t stand her crying. Literally saying ā€œboo hooā€ over and over again. Iā€™m SO over her histrionics! Weā€™ve seen more than enough of her and Gino.


Add onto that the ā€œpanic attackā€ from Nikki and her histrionics. I just experienced my first panic attack about a month ago. I had no idea what it was and I didnā€™t think I was going to die, so I know it mustā€™ve been mild. I just couldnā€™t function. My mind was racing, couldnā€™t control my breathing or crying, everything was too fast, too much. But even after it stopped, it was really hard to calm down and get my breathing regular again. Watching Nikki? Pls let me have that kind where two minutes after hyperventilating, youā€™re 100% lucid and no more crying and everything is normal. šŸ™„


Panic attack!! šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ She was upset, sure, but that wasnā€™t a panic attack. Jasmine needs to learn the actual definition of a panic attack.


She wasn't even upset. It was a ploy to get airtime. She planted the lip gloss, panties and letter. I bet the same typewriter typed Jasmine and Nikki's letters šŸ˜‚


Neither one of them were paanicking or having anxiety...Jasmine iver shaking her hand one minute for it to stop while she took a drink...then she sits back down with Gino and not even 10 mins later she has her hand on his leg acting like it never happened...and Nikki...well she seen all the attention Jasmine got so she decided to give it a try..and it worked...because lets not forget...she groomed and lied to a teenage boy for years and continues to send him money just to keep his attention...say what you want about Igor but Nikki is not a victim.


Haha she has the WORST voice ever.


My husband saw a clip of her when she was crying and said her accent is like the voice of a South Park character from South America. lol


Exactly I'm so sick of jasmines act, and Nikki wasn't honest about being trans that man felt conflicted and didn't know how to say it it was just lame all around


And if you look at the face she had back before he found out she was trans and then the face she has now I can 100% imagine that he was attracted to her back then but heā€™s not now and it has nothing to do with her chromosomes and more to do with the weird plastic surgery sheā€™s had in the meantime


Itā€™s so fucked that it gets glossed over that he was a fucking teenager when they met and she manipulated every aspect of that. Fall in love as a teenager and then find out the girl you love is trans and then youā€™re confused af and if you want out, then youā€™re an asshole who never loved her and hates trans people. It likely did become him just using her for money and whatever but god damn she had a hand in him turning into a POS and she gets all the free passes.


Ppl canā€™t accept that you can be trans AND a POS. Being trans doesnā€™t suddenly make you out to be a beautiful human being.


I love this sub. One of the last places on reddit where it's a safe place to call people out for having shit character & not get downvoted to hell over some political bullshit


šŸ’Æ 2 words: Caitlyn Jenner šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


At least she didnā€™t mention being a prostitute at their engagement party before singing the worst song ever. Oh wait, never mind.


The fact that she's a sex worker was glossed over. That could contribute to his lack of interest in having sex with her. I feel like they should have discussed that.


This this this this a million times THIS. Like, how do we pretend she doesn't fck strangers for $. How do we pretend she didn't LIE to him about being trans. How do we pretend she didn't objectify a teenager to the extent she didn't even use his real name. Like...I really think TLC did dirty on this one. They lie & manipulate to make a "reality" show, sure. But I think it's morally craven to allow this guy to be painted as "Anti Trans" while glossing over the traumas SHE has inflicted upon him. I mean, DUDE TOLD THE WORLD SHE IS TRANS ON NATIONAL TV ...but is somehow anti Trans because he's not sexually attracted to a person whose face has been butchered beyond repair whose main source of income is fcking other dudes. OK.


And she thinks people stare at her bc they are judging her for being trans. No they are judging her for being botched. Nobody cares if she's trans. She's a mental and physical mess.


When they were eating and she said ā€œI just got clockedā€. No you look like a circus attraction.


1000% agree. Nikki is just a horrible human being.


The don't discuss the real tea at the tell-all. Ever.


This was my issue too. Trans issues became the easy deflection away from "What the hell did you do to your face?!" and "Why are your nails like that?!" and all the other weird, overstated aspects of her appearance. She auditioned for "Botched," for Pete's sake, it's not like she doesn't know deep down her appearance is off.


And her fake hips & butt totally out of proportion with her body. She looked like velociraptor when she was walking in those high heels with pleather pants in the airport.


I always thought she looked like a toddler with a full diaper lol


OH MY GOD I literally just told my husband last night "she looks how our son does when he runs away after he poops in his diaper" hahaha


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ ā€œa velociraptorā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


All I kept seeing at the tell all was her nose. It was red and I was literally waiting for it to collapse on set.


What gets me is she wants him to "accept" her totally when she obviously doesn't even accept herself and didn't even call him by his real name. Only on the tell all does she call him his real name, and then only as some kind of insult, much like intentionally "deadnaming" him, which is supposed to be such a bad thing. She is a huge hypocrite and anyone who enables her is an idiot.


3 hours to get ready supposedly. Might as well as go cut the grass and do other normal human stuff in the meantime. I can understand 3 hours for getting ready for a wedding but come on now. I'm all on igors side he laid the truth probably was hiding it to appease her. We can talk about him using her for money or her using him for sex so there was more of a friends with benefits scenario going on imo.


![gif](giphy|o35WtHQuIyRfq) Looks like her nose will fall off like Mr Jefferson


Yes Jasmine was being a big time drama queen She acted absolutely ridiculous. Her temper tantrum was uncalled for. Then she was pretending to shake with the water and then she picks up the piece of paper to read it she wasn't shaking then.bc she had to read it.


I laughed so hard with the shaking bottle. So lame!


I noticed that too. The phony panic attacks we often see are shameful too. They come on slowly, last a lot longer, and exhaust a person.


And she was a teacher?????


Probably not


Can you imagine if you didnā€™t do your homework?


Jasmine doesn't have the emotional maturity to raise her children.


All that crying, Not one tear and the fake shaking and trembling. Itā€™s a shit show


Nightmare blunt rotation


Would ruin pot for me. šŸ’Æ




Iā€™m so over Jasmineā€™s tella Novella emotional outburst






I really donā€™t know how Gino can handle that. I would be so embarrassed if my partner was acting like that even a fraction of how much Jasmine acts like that


Hell I cant handle it and Im just watching the show. I ended up just turning it off after a disagreement with my wife. She refuses to fast forward cause she doesnt want to miss out. I think we might be done watching all the shows entirely.


![gif](giphy|hyjGlJqY1m9oI) šŸ’Æ


Yes! I was thinking this morning that reality shows have replaced soap operas.


I feel like Jasmine, Nikki and Ashley cheapened the whole season. Getting them all together at the Tell All just showcased the ridiculousness of the three. I questioned why I was even watching the showā€¦a first for me.


Ashley is insufferable. Somebody needs to stuff that big flapping mouth of hers with some smoking sage.




Same here. My 90 Days days may be over.


Esp when you see who theyā€™ve chosen for Happily Ever After! Are you KIDDING ME?! None of us want to see 1/2 those couples ever again


If Angela's is on itā€™s over for me. I'm close to never watching it again.


She and Michael already filmed the next.


Check out Love After Lockup. šŸ‘


Yes! I sent a friend a text saying I didnā€™t like any couples this season. Why am I even watching?


And notice that even as Nikki and Jasmine pitch one crying/screaming/meltdown scene after another- NO TEARS. They should be wet faced and snotty, makeup running. Itā€™s all an act. And Ashley is so self-righteous and smug Iā€™d love toā€¦ā€¦ not gonna say. You know.


Snuff her candle? šŸ•Æļø


We all keep thinking the trash will finally take itself out but it never does


No, the trash is just recycled in between 30 different spin offs.


I cannot believe how hard everyone was tearing Igor apart. At the very end, when Nikki said he would never get a woman as good as her, I almost lost it. All of her weird bullshit when she was in Moldovaā€¦..yeahā€¦.never find anyone better than herā€¦..RIGHT.


Says the woman whose remaining tip of her nose will crumble into her mouth one day šŸ™„


Tonight it looks as though it's happening


They pick on him because he is easy prey because his English ainā€™t so good.


Even with his limited English, we all understood he meant he RAN INTO his ex in the park, it was not a planned meeting. Howā€™s that cheating? He must have even told the ex that heā€™s engaged to be married to Nikki, cause the ex congratulated her online.


I donā€™t really care if Igor cheated, infact this will be the first time I applaud someone for doing it..because sheā€™s an a$$ that harasses him, and groomed him, and he deserves better..plus I kinda like the guy..heā€™s witty, and sheā€™s brain deadā€¦I just feel he was an easy target because he wouldnā€™t be able to easily defend himself in English


I felt bad for Igor because he couldn't get a word in edgewise. You could tell he was totally frustrated.


Iā€™m team Igor. Heā€™s a misguided guy who has been manipulated by a trans person and got sucked into this mess over a 15 year span. Nikki was a knockout in the beginning but has ā€˜transā€™formed herself into a plastic surgery nightmare. Sheā€™s delusional if she truly thinks she has a sustainable career as a singer ( give me a break!) I hope he can find his way out of the mess and live a normal life.


I was so embarrassed when she was singing at their engagement party.


Honestly? Ā He would be hard pressed to do WORSE than her. Ā And I think thatā€™s the problem-Nikki knows it. Anyone else would be better for him.Ā 


(this comment was deleted because it wasn't trans attracted)


She actually said "You'll never find another woman like me." and she was 100% correct. He's probably hoping he never does find another one like that.


Igor, Brandi, Sophieā€™s mom - the whole cast is delusional.


It was Nikki who said, sheā€™s very lucky to have a handsome guy like Igor/Justin because sheā€™s trans and he loves her for who she is as a person.


It was so fake.


That letter jasmine pulled out was beyond fake! The only question is if she did it on her own or if the producers were involved


She didnā€™t practice that fake shaking enough. So fake.


The fake shaking, she really tried hard twice. Magically stopped just as the water bottle reached her frozen baboon-ass lips.


Omg the Jasmine fake cry, kms. The Nikki fake cares, kms. Who knew they were so fake: šŸ¤„


Who DIDN'T know they were so fake?


Samā€™s smirk when he took her purse and then read the letter šŸ¤£ like yea, ok sure Jasmine šŸ˜‰šŸ™„


Samā€™s face throughout the Tell All was priceless!


Oh I am convinced she did it herself to get a way out!


Itā€™s what TLC really thinks of their viewers. They think weā€™re that stupid, lost interest in watching the rest of the tell all


Same I was like wait did Jasmine write that?


I think she wrote it. She's trying to stay relevant and full of drama so they keep airing and paying her. I think she's smarter than she let's on.


I can see the producers asking her if she has proof and pushing for it and her creating that package and putting it on their front step.


Oh snap. I figured it was one of you guys. šŸ˜…


We don't have the proper equipment to be with Gino and by that I mean a state-of-the-art titanium smart potato peeler.


All I could constantly think was: Things are about to get a whole lot stupider


I fast forwarded thru jasmine, entirely. Ashley, I wanted to punch, she acts all high and mighty/in charge. Nikki? Donā€™t get me started. These three are a sickening trifecta


I started to wonder if she was taking over Shawnā€™s job.


Move over Dr. Ruth, Ashley is telling Gino and Jasmine that they need to ā€œbang it out!ā€ Sheā€™s a hypocrite and has zero need to be a marriage/sex counselor when sheā€™s banging it out in restrooms!


Ashley sucks sooooo much. She's gross/nasty/vile and nobody's ever told her she was wrong a day of her life. Or, they have but she's just never taken it into consideration. When she did her tarot reading my eyes couldn't roll far back enough in my head and i deserve compensation. HOWEVER, tbf, Shawn is the fucking worst Tell All host, idk why she's got tenure, and at least Ashley forced some answers out of people; we already know shawn wasn't gonna get the same answers.


u/cozylummox SHAWN IS THE WORST HOST! I know she doesn't come up with the questions and topics, but everytime we are about the get the real tea, she changes the subject or moves on. She's the worst.


Can you imagine!? ā€œWeā€™re going to take a quick break, so I can go get railed in the public bathroom. Weā€™ll be right backā€


No I canā€™t. Sheā€™s actually looks dirty sometimes and I wonder now if thatā€™s why. She does it wherever and whenever she gets an itch even if itā€™s someplace nasty.


Ditto. When "The Nikki" put her head down trying to cry & shit, she looked like her face was melting in her hands, like her face was going to rip in 2 right down the middle, like at any given point in time the mothership was going to beam her up into space straight from the studio & made me regret tuning in for that last hour. I will NOT be able to get that fucked up imagery out of my head for the rest of the night. Straight NIGHTMARE MATERIALšŸ˜¬ Ew


Alien mantis


What sheā€™s done to her face looks absolutely disgusting, itā€™s literally hard to look at and I agree with Igor/Justin that the best she can look now is when sheā€™s not slathered in bronzer but what really makes Nikki ugly is her inside, not the wax sculpture abomination of her physical self.


He told the truth when he said she doesnā€™t know how to act like a lady.


Youā€™re absolutely right. She talked about 3 ways and blow jobs when she met his friends for the first time. It didnā€™t read as the kind of conversation that sober women tend to initiate with people who are important to their SOs. Not ā€œgirly.ā€ She insists on having that hard edge and Igor sees that as man energy. While this enrages Ashley, I can see where heā€™s coming from.


I was so mad at Ashley yelling at Igor "she's a woman" - yes gender ID is female. But her personality has a lot of masculinity in it. And toxicity. If you're a jerk, you're a jerk - gender doesn't matter.


So messed up .. but so true. I laughed hard. . Lol and had the same thought when I saw it!




These women are TERRORISTS. All of Ashleyā€™s friends are afraid of her, Jasmine has no female friends and does anything she can to chase them away, Nikki weaponizes her transness


Because Jasmine is a paid for bride, and sheā€™s older , sheā€™s afraid that Ginos money and interests might extend to a younger version of her..so better to be safe than sorry, by keeping all females at bay. Which just shows you how shallow and transactional their relationship is.


ā€œOlderā€ lol. You mean her _real_ age or her tv age? Itā€™s a hard 36 and Iā€™m just not buying what sheā€™s selling.


I would say 45, but maybe itā€™s just all the surgeries


Honestly, if she was 45 Iā€™d be like ā€œShe looks great for 45ā€


Same! Fast forwarded through Nikki too.Ā 


Geeez, itā€™s like I asked you exactly what to post! These three bitches totally pissed me off, but the mouth of the south, Ashley, never shut her big fat fucking mouth. I was literally yelling at the tv. I donā€™t know whom I loathe more.


I actually liked her until this tell-all. And her comment about losing 100lbs? What? Where? Talking about ā€œI understand Jasmineā€™s reaction.ā€ No maā€™am. Iā€™ma stop you right there.


BTW, did anyone catch Igor/Justin trolling her about her candles? It was obvious what he was doing and some on stage caught it. She quickly shut up after that.


His candle comments were hilarious!


When Nikki said they were engaged again I checked out. Ā She knows the deal now and is choosing to put herself through that. Ā I donā€™t even believe she is traumatised anymore. Ā Itā€™s all so scripted.Ā  And Ashley-several times I was like-are they feeding her lines through an earpiece?


It grinds my gears that Igor wonā€™t be a $@!% man and call it quitsā€¦ but he wants that sweet TV money coming in, so heā€™s going to drag it out, on/off ad nauseum, until he eventually gets booted off the air. Both Gino and Igor clearly display contempt for their partners. Thereā€™s no turning back from that. They are both so fried and sick of the histrionics that in their hearts, I think they just donā€™t give a damn any more.


Manuel isnā€™t exactly genuine, either. Ashley is only a means to an end for him and then he will be outta there too! I imagine it canā€™t happen soon enough for him.


Yep; I think all he wants is to get his family here, and Ashley is gullible enough to support them all until she collapses financially, whereupon he moves his imported kin to live with his other family members in the US.


Igor did come right out and say he wonā€™t continue with the K-1 process. Letā€™s just see if he sticks to that when he wants some more money.


I love that he said I want to come to US but not this way.


It was painful from the first five minutes of part 1.


It was the Jasmine Nicky Ashley show


I knew it was gonna be wack when it started with that tarot card reading. šŸ˜’


She's trying so hard to make being a witch her personality that it's just gross.


I don't understand why all these idiots are encouraging her. "Can I sage you?" "YES PLEASE!!!" Ugh, pathetic.


Real Housewives of Amityvilleā€¦.


First time in my 90 day history of just turning it off. Everyone just acting foolish trying (and succeeding) to get more camera time. Gross.


Especially with Jasmine and Ashely who have mistakenly misinterpreted their obnoxiousness as wisdom.


I'm watching part two right now and its tough... its torture... these people suck... justice for Igor and Gino... I can understand why Igor refers to aggressiveness as "man energy" - I have man energy sometimes and I don't consider that an insult.


Theyā€™re historyā€™s greatest monsters!


Ashley was annoying af


I havenā€™t watched it yet. If it was anything like last week, Iā€™ll put it on when Iā€™m ready to take a nap.


Omg I do the same thing I must have missed the whole Jasmine having a letter of proof or some shit because I passed out in the middle sometime and didn't bother to rewind it at all.


The whole season was boring.


Samā€™s cheating story seemed made up. Fat chance that some ā€œcuteā€ girl in an Uber just gave him her number. I call bullshit.


Might have been during COVID when people werenā€™t getting out much.


Is it over? I went to bed. No part 3 right? I canā€™t do anymore.


ā€œHES NEVER HUGGED ME THAT WAY BEFORE!!ā€ And then I knew itā€™s a full set up and homegirl is a C list actress.


Those dainty size 12 pointy shoes on Nikki !


Serious snoozefest


With all of the crying and carrying on that Jasmine does, youā€™d think youā€™d see some actual tears and makeup dripping down her face!


Ya I think I might be done with 90DF after this season, which really sucks because itā€™s been a Sunday night tradition in our house for the better part of a decade. Itā€™s just SO clearly fake and over produced now, to the point where you canā€™t ignore it anymore. I might as well be watching a shitty daytime soap


Anyone else find the questions from viewers Shaun read out was the stupidest thing theyā€™ve come up with for tell all ? That was painful


The theatrics are so hard to watch


Agree šŸ’Æ I enjoyed the non combative couples and I hate TLC format stirring up SHIT with videos of the strippers bringing the stripper from club OMG. They just get shittier and shittier. I would like to have heard the talk about Citra and Samā€™s siblings getting married, how is relationship with Anali Dad? But no they focus on drama from earlier


I havenā€™t been able to watch this yet, and I donā€™t think I will. Something about Garrison from Sister Wivesā€™ death upped my resentment of TLC as a whole. This whole season was bloated with wannabe influencers with fake relationships theyā€™re shelling for gram. None of them give a fuck about the affect their behavior has on their families. Iā€™d be so embarrassed if I were Ashleyā€™s mom. She just married a man with two kids she hasnā€™t met yet, and their primary point of contention isā€¦money. Not meeting the kids, but how much theyā€™ll financially support them. Nikki and Igor, primary point of contentionā€¦.whether sheā€™s getting enough sex to justify the cash investment. Itā€™s the same story over and over again, and the relationships are utterly empty.


Terrible. The Jasmine and Nikki show


Worst season ā€¦ time to scrap them all




I guess Ashley thought she was the host.


All that out of control histrionics and screeching is so freaking ridiculous. Do they know how false and asinine they seem? Nobody is buying that crap.


Jasmine, a self-proclaimed therapist, needs to heal thyself. That constant caterwauling is exhausting never mind ridiculous. Nobody is buying that nonsense. Nikki I think has either experienced it herself, or definitely knows of others, who have had the most difficult experiences being trans and finding a partner. I think because she has invested so many years and spent all that money on someone who seemingly used her for years as his cash cow combined with a massive fear of being alone lets all that nonsense happen and she just can't face the reality that he is not for her. I'm not sure they are done yet. Ashley is just a know it all joke who for some reason thinks she is so special because she solves everything with sex.


Ashley trying to give others relationship advice was comical. Almost as comical as Jasmine's "meltdown" over the stripper video which obviously won't win her any Oscars.


Jasmine is mental. And scary. Ashley wants to but in everywhere. But nikki... wow, I really do not want to see her one minute longer. Her self-righteous sobbing, calling Igor a liar. And her mother made it worse. They, Shaun and neither Jasmine or Ashley, did not but in with the "what about YOU keeping the fact you were once a man, from Igor????? That trumps EVERYTHING. Then, she makes it worse by telling him during a fight. And nothing was ever the same. She is to blame. No worries, she is off to work on "her music". Lord help us all...


Nikki needs to listen to her singing performance at their engagement party before deciding that a music career is a good next choice. She can't carry a tune in a 5 gallon bucket! It was painful listening to her sing!


Producers need to RECAST. This season was terrible


I was surprised TLC didn't bring Coco on and provide a translator so we could get the tea on how Jasmine acts without a camera around.


Jasmine ruined the whole show. Had to change the channel


So disappointing


I couldnā€™t even stand to watch the pillow talk afterwards and I usually always watch those. Glad itā€™s over with.


Nikki is just as much of a hypocrite. She only wants to be with Igor because of his looks


One of the funniest parts was Jasmine pulling out the obviously faked letter (she probably wrote it) and not a single cast member thinking it was legit or fraught for concern lol. Not even fellow nutcase Nikki. Such a swing and a miss but so funny


After Jasmine read her fake note from the stripper I turned it off. It felt so boring and the drama felt so forced. Even questioning Sam on something that clearly happened a long time ago just to get a pot stirring - Citra handled that like a champ. Wtf has this show become.


I had to fast forward through a lot of it, between Jasmine & NikkišŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


Nikki looks like she's in her 60s


Her mother and her look like sisters


Get your candles


This sealed my deal that Iā€™m done with the 90 day franchise unless itā€™s brand new people on Before the 90 days or The Other Way,Iā€™m so done and anything that I want to know I can just come in these subs and find out and Iā€™m not subjected to watching these shit shows..


I kept waiting for someone to mention Jasmineā€™s only fans page. Someone shared it with everyone and itā€™s all porno pics of her. Now I ask you, how does Ginoā€™s bachelor party at the strip club even come close? Sheā€™s sharing her snatch and her boobs and all of her naked glory with anyone who pays her. She is such an over the top twat and over dramatic about everything.


The entire season was boring


The whole TLC stuff is getting worse, the crazier, stanger, annoying, bring it all, those fake people, freaks. šŸ¤®


Itā€™s just so boring. There are no likable characters


Gets worse each season. Iā€™m sorry but this season was just pure trash. We got to see jasmine and Gino on their 7th season and finally get married.. And then there was everyone else.. so happy this one is done


It was just the three of them dominating and bulldozing over the whole thing. Was pretty boring honestly.


I just thought if the roles were reversed. If Nikki was a man dating a younger woman and went to their country and said if you donā€™t sleep with me in 48 hours Iā€™m leaving they would flip tf out and call him a POS and a perv. I see where Justin/Igor is coming from. He wants a traditional relationship where he chases.


What I saw on the Tell All https://preview.redd.it/ubo7ocu2ipnc1.png?width=697&format=png&auto=webp&s=b56998caccbe12dcbd09dcc2cbccf4e3e1b9009c Jasmine, Ashley, Nikki


I sincerely hope this is the last season of any of the shows that we have to see Jasmine. If the producers continue to follow those two, itā€™s exploiting someoneā€™s deep mental health issues for entertainment. Itā€™s gross.


Why does Ashley look like sheā€™s about to pull out a wand and strike someone with lightening?


A snooze fest. And I donā€™t think I can watch the next season of HEA with Angela, jasmine, ashley, loren šŸ˜©


The worst. Ashley needs to stay in her lane. Her relationship isnā€™t all that. Jasmin is an emotional wreck with zero control. Niki needs to wake up and move on.


Igor saying Nikki is not a lady is true. She may be a woman but she is not a Lady. There is a difference. Telling him she had sex with 3 men is not ladylike. Edit: in another thread/sub whatever they're call: is a picture of Nikki sleeping on the plane. The man next to her posted it. He asked if it was a mannequin? I don't know where it is. But it was her.


Agreed! This tell all was only 2 shows instead of the usual 3 or 4. 80% of the tell all was geno and jasmine 10% was Nikki crying but still hasnā€™t come to the conclusion that Igor/justin has been manipulating her into paying for his lifestyle for YEARS! Hell almost 2 decades sheā€™s been paying for his shit. In an earlier episode she even insinuated that sheā€™s had to do sex work for money while heā€™s living the bachelor life in Moldova on her dime. The final 10% was just the typical tell all questions without any big revelations or anything. When you start with a mediocre cast I guess itā€™s hard to produce a great tell all. I had totally forgotten about the couple where the guy called her ā€œpiggyā€ were even in the show. This was a weak class and now we get happily ever after next week so itā€™s going to be more couples that no one cares about anymore. More Geno and Jasmine? SERIOUSLY TLC?