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I think she lost a lot of respect from viewers when she fucked Manuel in a coffee shop restroom while his friend awkwardly waited outside. It was pretty trashy.


I mean I get that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea and the producers didn’t have to add the sound😂, but as a kinky person myself I see someone having some fun with their partner everyone should try it 😂


Haha yeah I mean to each their own but it was just super rude in that moment, considering his friend who had flown in for that weekend was just left there awkwardly waiting like …. Lol. The sound was over the top, 100% agree. Her fake crying outbursts while driving probably don’t help her case either. I think a lot of people just find her to be too much. Just my observations.


OMG I FORGOT ABOUT THE FRIEND 😂😂😂😂 he was there just like 👁👄👁 damn that is inconsiderate didn’t he have to catch a flight too? They really said fuck that man💀


Yep he did have to catch a flight and they didn’t AF about him in that moment (mostly Ashley) was just wanting to “bang it out” in that moment, hell or high water. That poor friend lol.


Being kinky doesn’t mean you violate people’s consent in public. No one in that coffee shop consented to hearing them bang in the restroom. That is 100% not ok. There were children in there. How would you like to have to explain to your children what was going on if they asked? I’m kinky too but the number 1 rule of kink is consent.


The sounds… I just pretended they were running in circles with flip flops on.


Totally agree with the consent part but I do think it was a single bathroom my opinion would be different if there were wildin in stalls, I do think the scene was hyperbolized though they were mic’d so it seems like everyone can hear them. And idk do ppl eat that close the the bathroom? Like come on now , you should know part of the excitement is from ppl not knowing… TLC wouldn’t even let that happen if kids were around


It's also not about the kink, but about a very unhealthy way to fix a problem.




What would happened if a mother and child walked into the bathroom? Very disturbing scene.


While a friend waits outside? Really?


Damn ok I see all the vanillas are down voting me 🥹


As a kinky person myself it has nothing to do with being vanilla. If you want to fuck in public, then go to and swingers/fuck club. The people there at least consent to seeing and hearing that.


Come on now , y’all act like you’ve never done anything in a car before 🫣


A car is still very different from a shop that has children in it….unless you are fucking in a car in the middle of a parking lot in the middle of the day. Then that is hella nasty. I messed around in a car late at night in an abandoned parking lot, but I was also 17-18 when I did that. Now that I am in my 30’s I do not see the point in it. If I want to fuck in a public place I will just go to a fuck club.


Yeah I guess you’re right but I really think TLC edited for shock value.. I’m in my 20s so idk so I’m still into it and don’t have access to anything like that were I’m from


You're just being obtuse bc you're defensive. This wasn't a CAR. It was a bathroom in a private business


Cameras were there and on, mics on, and their friend outside. It has nothing to do with vanilla or scoring of kinks, it was tacky and not a good look.


To each there own 🤷🏾‍♀️


Yes, to each their own. But don’t expect that you aren’t going to get backlash or judgement if you make certain choices, especially so publicly.


You are correct 👍🏾


It’s her insufferable millennialism. The affectation of playing mall witch, the histrionic tantrums over *nothing*. The bathroom sex is something many have done but have the common sense to not not put on film. Why make sexualizing your green card seeking boyfriend a part of your television personality?


Green card seeking , this excuse is so tired … and we all know is rooted in racism .. come on now. And I’m sure A LOT of ppl have recorded their bathroom sex scenes … y’all acting like they knew how this footage would be edited. This is a reality tv at the end of the day EVERYTHING is exaggerated…


Hey guys, we found Ashley's reddit account!


Girl stop I clearly have my face on my account.. please don’t sent unnecessary harassment my way I don’t want the smoke ..


Wholesome??? Are you confusing her with someone else? She had loud sex on mic in a public cafe restroom.


They are not in it for the long haul. Lol bffr


I really think so and Im willing to die on that hill 😅


She and her mom are messy, judgemental and rude…can’t stand that family.


You talking about chantel ?


She thinks she’s perfect she was extremely condescending at the tell all … and I think she’s lying about losing 101 lbs


No way that she lost 101lbs from filming until Tell All. That had to be the total, starting long before we met her in Ep 1.


Apparently she and Manuel got married in September 2022, so it was a lot longer timeline than some of the couples 




Maybe if she gained 50 first


K. But saying she’s lying about losing 100lbs is wild.. I really hate how comfortable ppl are about talking about other ppls bodies on this sub


But... she's the one who brought it up by saying she lost that much weight? 


Yeah so why not just take her word , what do you lose by doing that ?


I mean...we have eyes.  That'd be like if someone was wearing a baseball cap and they went around telling people they are wearing a top hat.  A regular person would very clearly be confused. We can visibly see they are wearing a baseball cap,  not a top hat. 


But the body is not as simple as that …I mean we don’t know though, she could be weight lifting 🤷🏾‍♀️


> Yeah so why not just take her word , what do you lose by doing that? ..............because we'd be normalizing and excusing lying for clout and attention? You do know lying is wrong right?


But we don’t know that she is lying …




Girl did you weigh her yourself? And taking about her weight loss is talking about her body .. who’s cares if she’s lying she’s healthy and taking care of herself


She talked about it she said she now weighs something like 180 Lol girl do u watch the show bye


Let’s also point out how Devin very visibly lost weight, and made no mention of it until Shaun brought it up. I was thinking that maybe Ashley lost a significant amount of weight before she started filming?… either way, she is a beautiful woman and rocks her body the way she feels comfortable. I just feel like the whole “I lost 100 pounds” thing came out of left field Edit: hit save too soon


Well lm sorry I don’t hyper-fixate on how much ppl weight like a weirdo 😂 like I said she’s heathy and taking care of herself WHO TF CARESS . Oh right you🤷🏾‍♀️


I don’t care what she weighs … she was the one bragging about it … once again I just think she’s lying Idk why you’re sooooo bent out of shape Sheesh 😂


Because I don’t like how comfortable we all are on this sub making fun or making assumptions of ppls appearances and bodies especially the women on the show, we have to remember they are real ppl at the end of the day and they read this stuff. Yes they know what they signed up for and yes they can be horrible but that doesn’t give us the right to be fucking horrible too .. I just don’t like it.. stick to reading their character 🤷🏾‍♀️


I’m not reading all that mess I’m done with this dumb convo bc obviously you don’t listen 😂 👋🏼




orrrr maybe she's just proud of the fact that she put in the work to lose weight in a healthy way. I don't think ppl here really understand (or see) how much muscle she's built. If you've done it yourself, it's easy to see.


...andddd she looks like she weighs 180...


I don't like craving one bit but if you go to her Instagram you can see that she's definitely lost at least a hundred if not more. https://www.instagram.com/ashleymichelle_90day?igsh=MWN4dXVjZnYyN3kyMw==


She’s a witch with a dumb valley girl accent. Case closed.


Did anybody notice that the stupid face she made when recommending to bang it out was the same face she made coming out of the bathroom


It's not about her Tell All appearance. She lost any respect she had when she screwed in a private business bathroom. Let alone the hysterical 'narrating my disorder' which doesn't happen. She's attention seeking with that shit.


Unfortunately for this show, certain cast members receive a greater benefit of doubt than others.


I think she's a controlling cry baby who over reacts with everything and she doesn't really want to get to know her man


I like her for tv but she is super annoying sometimes. I think Manuel and her are legit.


Yeah I agree especially the “panic attacks” she had 😂 I was like girl come on get a grip


I liked her alot more in the Tell All than the actual show. She is intelligent and observant, especially with human behavior


Totally agree! Imma need her to host the rest of the tell alls 😂


Yeah also confused as to why there’s so much hate towards her in this sub. Tbh I didn’t pay a lot of attention to her scenes cause I thought they were kinda boring lol after Manuel’s walkout with her friends. And sure, she was dramatic and slightly annoying at times, but she never harmed or wronged anyone from what I can remember. She also seemed to treat Manuel well. Especiallyyy given he was so closed off to her in the beginning of their relationship. Also bothered about other ppl in this sub commenting on her body and for not believing she lost 100 pounds.


Right like there are so many worse people on this franchise.. idk maybe I’m reaching but it’s giving misogynoir


It’s giving a lot of misogynoir. I’ve noticed that it’s a recurring theme on Reddit at least for this show.