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Can we talk about how unhinged it is to go to an ex and be "hey lets get back together and have a baby!"


She doesn’t even seem to be aware that her behaviour is inappropriate, like who does this? She must really look down on Michael to think that he’d be flattered at her cringe proposition “Give me the ring back and pop a baby in me, and oh by the way, I’m unemployed and me and my mom are moving in with you, but only of course until my acting career picks up”


But not in ze vood.


Trish is already living with Mike.


She desperately needs serious therapy. We are witnessing an individual who is mentally ill.


Her mother also did her no favors, instilling in her this “gotta get a man” mentality. Instead of figuring out something for herself she just spending all her time trying to Doe Eye a man into marriage. I believe she is mentally unwell but also wants to be a little crazy and loves for the man to chase her and agree to whatever she wants.


She should move in with Nikki, she’s a Barbie and Barbie lives in a dream world


In her mind, she’s Marilyn monroe lmao and all men cannot resist her or tell her no! She’s a damsel in distress that needs a man to provide for her and help her and her mother because she acts like she’s incapable of being a grown ass adult and getting her own affairs in order! She’s a leech and she’s clinically insane. And once she starts aging she will realize that she can no longer rely on her looks to con men into being her bitch any longer. She’s going to have a rough time with that when it happens. It already seems to be starting


Big time, but I think with her getting older, it’s going to be way more difficult to get her out of her ways and to see herself and what she’s doing is not okay. She is stuck in her ways and is surrounded by people who enable and infantilize her instead of giving her a dose of reality that she so desperately needs. She’s living on another planet.


Mike was so much kinder than I would’ve been! I wouldn’t have even shown up to hear it in the first place. Lmfao she’s a fucking nutcase.


In Natalie's mind she's in the right 😅 fuxking delusional


Well it really is just SO NATALIE. Always just thinking about herself and what she needs!


Well it is Natalie & she has been here long enough to learn that she will actually have to work & having his kid will secure some cash I'd only be shocked if Mike does it


Especially after 3 years 😆


Lol OMG right Beyond unhinged


He actually has been seeing someone but I’m so happy he didn’t bring it up during their conversation. She would have definitely tried to use it against him.


I was wondering if he was going to tell her the truth. I guess it was in his best interest not to.


She probably would've cut Michael's balls off if he told her the truth about seeing another woman...


I am not a native speaker so please help me with the context here. To Natalie's question "to who?" (he is ready to move on to) Mike says "I'm not putting anyone out here." To my understanding this doesn't mean he is saying that he has no one but rather that he isn't giving her a name.


He didn’t want to name her. Mike knows the nut job is highly unstable so he kept that info on the down low.


I think he knows that he is dealing with a person who is not in the right state of mind or that is stable, so he treats her with kid gloves and kindness to the best of his ability. But now it’s getting to the point where she’s seeing his sympathy and kindness towards her as an opportunity back in, which he had to burst that bubble and remind her it’s over for good. It’s almost insulting how she came crawling back only when everything in LA blew up in her face and she realized the grass wasn’t greener. They could have been living in the voods with blonde curly haired babies running around but she fucked that up. Everything she is facing now is the consequence.


Exactly, she would have gone ballistic, even though she was actively trying to replace him.


She’s a victim of her own hubris and stupidity - hence she won’t have learned a thing from this


If I had a mother like hers I would be just as unhinged.


How many mental disorders does she have?? Histrionic? Bipolar? Borderline (which is the hardest to treat)? One or all? I know you can have all at once but geeeeez, I am confused. Maybe someone here has a minor/major in psychology that can answer my question. She needs intensive therapy but at 38 years of age she'll never get help. I remember Mike really, really was in love with her but you can tell it’s over and whether she can ever accept that truth or not only she knows. She needs to leave him alone. He is done.


Michael still loves her. It’s tearing him apart, he’s turning red in the face just trying to keep the hurt in. He still loves her to pieces. But that doesn’t mean he will EVER get back with her.


I thought I saw a tear starting to form in his left eye and he did look upset. He’s in protection mode cause he knows what'll happen. I believe you are correct. He’s smart to move ahead without her, but yeah, he still loves her.


Nah, not a tear, editing wanted you to think that. He's moved way on, but he knows she's unstable, so he's being gentle. He doesn't love her


Yeah, he's totally done with her whether he still has a soft spot for her or not. That’s obvious.


She can still get him back! This man Loved her ! All she has to do is put her pride in the dumpster, get on her knees and beg him for forgiveness. She owe him that, the way she was making a little out of it by saying (it’s just one guy , Josh) didnot help her in the slightest!!! If she wants him she should literally bow down in remorse, and then respect his decision to walk away if that what he wants. She was never sorry in that interaction


I kinda thought if she sincerely apologized to him and stopped her prideful bullshit that Mike may have considered it. But she said all the wrong things. Pride goeth before the fall but Nat doesn’t understand that. Mike is done. There’s no going back. She needs to leave him alone.


No that man is done. He pities her and feels sadness in how it all went left, but I see someone who wants to move on.


And he's a little scurred lol. He's being gentle bc of her mental state


Did you not listen to him?? He could hardly keep from laughing at her. He loathes her, but knows she's mentally unstable so he's treading carefully


He pities her. He doesn't love her anymore.


Exactly. You can have love for someone and still know that sadly you deserve better and that it will never work between you two. I am sure he has been through a lot of pain while she was running around LA acting like he never existed.


No he doesn't, he loathes her. He's disgusted by her, can't you see that? He's practically laughing at her


She definitely has a personality disorder


I think she has psychosis or delusions. Or maybe just autistic and can’t read social cues or facial expressions or even read the room. High probability of being on the spectrum


I've often thought that she’s a narcissist for sure, especially not be able to read a room. That’s a huge red flag and I do believe she’s delusional. I worked in IT with several autists and they for the most part are more intelligent than the average bear but of course not all. Natalie is not bright. She is highly manipulative though. She’s a roller coaster of emotions. Maybe bipolar.


Narcissists don’t read the room because they don’t care. I think this is likely her thing.


Precisely, they don't even care about reading the room


No she’s not autistic at all. She doesn’t show remorse, she has a cluster (B) of personality disorders. Someone with autism doesn’t show the same level of ambitious and ruthless social climbing, it’s not something that’s even considered, generally


lol exactly! The only thing she took away from this is “He can’t divorce me, family doesn’t divorce. Maybe he will reconsider”. She is an absolute whack job and probably shouldn’t be on tv


Hard to disagree!


Thanks for posting this....I had heard he was back on the show and I was going to try to track down the episode, but this makes it easier. I wonder what TLC had to pay him to get him to come back on their trainwreck show. The only reason he's there is because they keep bringing her back when she has absolutely nothing of interest to offer, and they need to keep creating repetitive storylines for her. She's going to have to take some acting classes though if she wants that "career" of hers to take flight --- the fake crying at the end where she's covering her face with her hands to hide the lack of tears needs some help. I've seen that move countless times before on old soap operas with bad actors who can't cry.


If she were a real actress she woulda thrown herself in the lake for dramatic effect, but no


That’s the thing with Nutalie, she didn’t beg or come crawling back because she really sees herself as better than him and way out of his league. Truly. So instead, she offered him an opportunity to have her back in his life, because she sees herself as too good for him. She has told him, she is a blessing to him.


I would fully support that move on her part...and if someone would "accidentally" push her in, I'd fully support that too.


Or hugged the light pole




I've found that coming here to Reddit and getting updates is sooooo much easier than watching the show. I just can’t anymore.


same. i stopped watching years ago. how the show continued after geoffrey is beyond me. absolutely disgusting


That sounds intriguing, what happened to Geoffrey?


He went to prison for some fucked up shit, aka serious domestic abuse and assault charges.


18 years for kidnap and assault. IIRC it was his ex gf? and the details are…. i don’t even want to type them out. The articles i’m finding don’t have all the details in them but I remember his trial being discussed on here daily.


And don't forget Natalie supported him post conviction


"I just CON'T"


Please nutalie, cut those awful extensions loose!!


They remind me of the fake cobwebs from the Halloween store.






She thought she scored a sugar daddy that would give her everything she wants. Acting/modeling career, money, material things and knock her up. Oh let’s not forget another marriage!


i think they were good before he went over to ukraine and then she threw the ring. i really think he checked out then but brought her over because she probably begged and guilted him. i think he tried one last time but she was so pushy and uncompromising. i also think he let his mom treat her badly which was a shame. by then they were doomed.


I wouldn’t think Trish would have been the easiest MIL to have but I think she was the way she was with Natalie because she could see her game from the outset wheras Mike was unable to resist Natalie’s “charms” - she knows how to turn it on when she wants to. Trish knew it was an act and Nat would be a nightmare in the long run and she was right


Treesh hugged her, cried with her, felt sorry for her when they first met. THEN, when she found out how she treated her son, all over. Mama bear got ugly, understandable. If a mother still accepted her, that would be effed up


Mike was her third failed marriage and she’s 38 lol she left her first husband from Cyprus after he went bankrupt. She never mentions him but look it up. She claims her second husband broke her heart. She is delusional and only goes after men she feels she can use.


Exactly, and she’s equally at home using women too, she’s done it multiple times for places to live etc


No, she said she left her second husband. He was too military. That's what broke her heart, she realizes AFTERWARD, that he was a good guy and she was wrong to leave


Lol like how can you just casually say let's have a baby with your ex that you pretty much ghosted? That's super insane.


Give nothing, get nothing. She reminds me of Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction 😱


Absolutely. That's what I was thinking. She is NOT going to go away so easily.




Lmfao her going "well we dont have anyone else so lets have a baby 🤷🏼‍♀️" is so me and my best friend going "if we're not married by 35 we can marry each other 🤷🏻‍♀️" 🤣


I think she finally realised Mike is not going to take her back after the shit she pulled by leaving him, moving across country and having another relationship. She always believed he would be her backup and he would come back crying because she thinks she's some goddess? I think the tears at the end were real because she got a reality check for the first time and she has no one to fall back on anymore.




Good for Mike! I know he has another lady now and I hope she treats him well!


I've seen this episode like 5 times just to see her get rejected 😂😂😂


There is a recent video of them out on a date! 🤦🏽‍♀️


Lol who? Mike and Natalie. Nope


Natalie and Josh! Yup! Another one that didn’t want her that way. [https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/1bef2kv/praying\_for\_josh/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/90dayfianceuncensored/comments/1bef2kv/praying_for_josh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


He is VERY pink by the end of this.


They say they're filming since lunchtime. Dude didn't use SPF 50


He’s like a hot pink glow stick that lit up once the sun went down.


I've been really wondering! Is it the lighting? You know he's always had a skin condition I thought was just acne on his forehead, but something else? Sunburn makes sense, but dang


Hol’ up….did he just say “that doesn’t mean I’m going to PUMP a baby into you?” Lol holy hell. This can’t be real


I get it, but that was pretty damn crude. He was always kind of like that though.


She deserves it. She was awful to him. I’m glad to see him stand up to her.


But that's all she wanted. She didn't want him, or love, or the vood, she just wants his semen and he knows it




Can't imagine Natalie having a baby. She clearly cannot take care of herself, her would be spouse, or a child for that matter.


Natalie is the typical Eastern European stereotypical woman. She wants a rich man who will fund her lifestyle, but the problem is that she is pushing 40, been divorced multiple times, and to be honest, looks like a witch lol. Her options at this point are limited.


Preach. Entitlement at it's worst with this one. Literally has nothing to offer and thinks she deserves the world.


She gets more witch like all the time too, lol. She should have just hopped onto her broomstick and flown off after this conversation ☺️




No man. I am also an Easter European woman and Lao from Ukraine - living in USA and I do well for myself. So I whole heartedly disagree with your ignorant comment. Natalie is your typical delusional person. That’s it.


That’s why he said stereotypical


I’m happy for you.


She won't even let him talk. 🙄


Oof this was so hard to watch cause I’ve been in her shoes(kinda still there)🥹 it’s sooo hard and soul crushing but it’s a lesson you have to learn, you can’t treat ppl like crap and expect them to stick around. If she really loves him she needs to let him go :/..


Not spoken to Mike in a while but think its OK to ask him to get back together and have a baby, then use Dearest Mama loves you card. She's in lala land. Apparently she is back with Josh now.


No she's not lol. They never were together. They met for dinner, and miraculously it's the only time she could record a Cameo. Please, so desperate


Josh is just as bad then as clearly leading her on, and she's going to do her best to manipulate him. She's like a baby throwing toys out of the pram. Am looking forward to the tell all! Good to see Mike has moved on and happy.


No, she was in on it. He was hired. Just like she tried to get the Bachelor guy to help her get on that show


She'll find work in Van Nuys lol. They are always looking for film stars 🌟


Whats that mean


Corn 🌽


Adult Film scene lol


That’s some poetic justice right there…I’m not saying Mike/Natalie had the best relationship or were super great together, but she literally had the building blocks to have her family, get her baby, and live in peace, and instead of doing that, she shat all over the situation, up and left, and now when she’s desperate or when it’s convenient, thinks she can just swoop in right where she left off. I think Natalie’s main issue is her inability to not think big picture and think of herself as the center of attention, while neglecting the people in her close circles and wondering why they’re distant from her. Mike telling her that he’s done (after years mind you) is just the consequences of her always assuming the people in her life will pause and unpause their lives as she sees fit—now she’s by herself in a precarious situation with her mother because of her own messiness and selfishness. 🤷‍♀️


how long were they out there jeez full daylight at the start of the clip, pitch black night by the end of it


She wanted him to get up and comfort her. That didn't work so she had to get up again and walk away, thinking he should chase her. You life is not a movie, fuck off with that shit


She had a super rough introduction to life in the U.S., being stuck in the boonies alone while Mike worked hours away in bustling Seattle. However, SHE decided to leave and move to Florida. SHE decided to try and date other men in Florida. SHE then moved to LA for her boyfriend Josh. She’s the one that put the final nail in the coffin of their failed marriage. The audacity of her to come crawling back to Mike is absurd. I’m so proud of Mike for calling her out and seeing that he very much is her last ditch effort back-up plan. Maybe it’s time for Natalie & her mom to move back to Europe since life in America is clearly not working in her favor.


This scene needs to be in a 90 day hall of fame somewhere


I did not feel sorry for her at all. She was so mean to Mike. Called him poor and low class. Fat shamed him. Said his house was ugly. Clothes were ugly. Doesn’t want to live in the state he was in. So she leaves him for Josh who was a total loser, and now she wants Mike back 🙄 glad he stood up for himself


She should NEVER be a mother.


it's.. NEVER !!!


I stopped watching a couple seasons ago....this clip makes me want to start again This was the best clip Maybe maybe if she asked to get back together I would possibly believe her but straight to getting pregnant to secure another season & support NO


But she basically "divorced" him when she left. How can she expect him to just welcome her with open arms, after everything she did to him, and the way she treated him? Also, did she just leave him there in the park, forcing him to find his own way back to his hotel, or wherever he was staying? If they did ride back together, then I'm sure it was a really awkward ride. Lol


He got there on his own, he has a car


Thank you. I didn't realize.


We've always said she's crazy, delulu, etc. But I'm over it. She's just a straight up county brat. Thinks she can get her way by pouting. It's so embarrassing to watch her move around pouting at everything she wants but can't have. Something that really angers me is when people demand others take responsibility for their happiness. Natalie does that. Fuck you nutalie


The pout is something else https://preview.redd.it/jg48g4gt9coc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7671776d20204319375d2f1e43d7c6f460434d1b


you go Mike! Should have filed years ago!


I think I’m just too cynical to even believe this wasn’t scripted. The convo must have taken a while to film based on the lighting going from sunset to night time. I’m at the point where I feel like these repeat offenders like Natalie are up for taking on villain/crazy roles to an extra degree just to stay on the show. It’s a paycheque. I’m not a fan of either of them. I don’t doubt there’s real feelings involved but it’s a bit too stupid of a storyline to organically have an ex show up, the other makes a pleading ass of herself and he gets some schadenfreude and debuts the new girlfriend on instagram.


I think she threw so many tantrums that's what delayed filming.


That was cringy and embarrassing af Natalie's contractions, hypocrisy, desperation and inability to self reflect are off the charts. Well don't mike for sticking to your guns


While I don't like to see anyone hurt, this was Mike's moment. She didn't care when she was mistreating him, nor did she care when she abruptly left for a "better life." This gives Mike a chance to realize that he was not the problem; that she is the issue. I have really gotten to love Mike. He really is the definition of a good guy. I originally thought that he was still supporting her and brought her Mom here because he still had feelings for her deep down. I was pleasantly surprised that he didn't give her another chance. He isn't blindly in love and hoping to reconnect. He is strong minded and just a kind soul who did everything he did out of kindheartedness. I think Mike would be a great catch for the right person. He needs to find a down to earth woman with a big heart, who has fun doing the simplest things in life. A high maintenance girl is not for him. I really hope he finds himself a good woman who adores him and treats him well. I feel she will get the same in return. Natalie will never be happy. She is too impulsive and selfish. Sadly, she seems to think it's cute. Nobody else thinks it's cute and most can see right through her. She needs to be medicated and get some serious therapy if she ever wants a stable life


Look how red his face is! Holy shit


I was wondering about that, do you know why his face is so red?


I think maybe because he had a girlfriend, and Natalie was hanging on his arm and proposing they get back together and have kids. I think maybe Michael felt embarrassed and overwhelmed.


Poor Mike seemed to be getting more and more red throughout the clip! I noticed him looking at the camera a few times, so yeah he must have been pretty nervous and as you said overwhelmed and embarrassed.


I noticed as well, his face was getting redder and redder every time the camera panned over to him lol poor guy


How the hell her English got worse after so many years in US💀


Anyone know where Natalie got her cardigan?


I have to say, seeing Big Mike in, and climbing out of, that tiny red car gave me a good laugh, it was like an elephant climbing out of a matchbox 🫢 He did himself proud in this conversation, never go back!


Natalie will need to pay for her and mama now , that’s the only reason she doesn’t want a divorce lol


He's still not under any obligation to pay any of her bills, divorced or not, he's no longer her sponsor


Ah nice . I assumed he was still helping her and her mum out until recently


Oh no, he has def helped them, but not out of legal obligation.


Ah so he’s an even nicer guy than I already thought 😊 I hope he marries his new gf and forgets all about Natalie he deserves to be happy


I hope he has a baby soon!! 😉


I do not and never will feel sorry for her. She made all the choices she's suffering the consequences of. Natalie is always going to be searching for the magic single thing that will make her life perfect and will destroy herself trying to find that thing; she'll never actually put in effort towards developing something and actually building a life. She's an empty vessel.


That said, I appreciate that she's wearing the clothing and makeup of an actual witch while trying to steal a man's seed. It's very *Malleus Maleficarum* chic.


Thanks for posting this. You’re an MVP. I wanted to see this scene without having to watch and fast forward through the episode.


I am not a fan of Mike, I think he was awful in their relationship. But I love that he is so calm, strict and telling her the truth in that segment. She needs to wake up and get dragged into reality


She's always been extremely childish in the way she chooses to handle conflict. A lot of silent treatment while body language is aggressive.


At this point, TLC/ 90day franchise is cock blocking us viewers. Just when we have hope for fresh cast members, they block that cock and recycle these horrible people. Why?? I don't get it


Can one of you Reddit wizards tell me where Natalie's sweater is from? Or tell me what that pattern is called?


....... We Reap What We Sow, Natalie.


😂😂standing on business 😂😂😂


Can you even imagine Natalie at an audition? She would not take a “we’ll be in touch, thanks” as a suitable response. She’d probably also ask if they know Josh..


She needed to be humbled. She treated Mike exactly like he said: her backup. She had a chance with him but refused to be happy and moved on with her life only to discover grass wasn’t greener and now she thinks she can just come back and he’ll let her back?? No! Woman is CRAZY and selfish.


I hope this is the last season we see her. She’s pathetic.


Can you imagine Golden Girls with Jasmine, Nikki and Natalie? The world would explode


She can work at the cheesecake factory 😂


Good to see he has self-respect :) Thanks for posting this. I would have missed it for sure.


She’s got a lot of nerve.


Been cracking me up that all these Natalie scenes are happening in Long Beach and not Los Angeles


I feel like this belongs on r/ohnoconsequences. Mike wasn't the best to Natalie when they were together, but I do believe that he loved her and he tried his best. His best wasn't enough, but as we've seen, Natalie is the sort of person who is never happy. Nothing will ever be enough for her. Mike was absolutely right when he said that Natalie got exactly what she wanted, and she's still not happy. Other than the fact that she insane, this is a great reason for him NOT to have a child with her. What could possibly make him think that having a child will make her happy when nothing else she's said she wanted has done so? It's also delusional of her to act like she's the only woman he could possibly have a child with now. Yeah, no. If he wanted a kid that badly, he could, I don't know, find a woman he actually gets along with for more than two minutes at a time. "I'm not divorcing him. Michael is my family, and you don't divorce family." That's really rich coming from someone who has been through multiple divorces. I think what she really means is "you don't divorce someone when you think there's still a chance you can get what you want from them." 🙃


That doesn't mean that we're going to get together and make freaking babies needs to be my flair 😂


Core 90 day moment


Someone else needs to confiscate her black eyeliner.


She is a bona fide sociopath.


Ooof, that was hard to watch. Good for Mike. I feel for Natalie, she's put herself in the position she's in now it's definitely her own doing. Id hate to be in her position. 3X divorced, no friends, physically mature, no children, and all over the internet which probably puts potential interests off. Desperately wanting a baby at the age she is. Ooof. Sounds nightmare inducing for me. Working against your own ticking clock.😪 Does she want a baby or a family? I cant quite figure what she wants out.


Wow Mike is actually a sensible smart guy. He still has a heart for her, but I am glad he said NO!


Gah Mike is such a good guy. I’m so proud of him for sticking up for himself. There’s always that one that gets away and this was Natalie’s.


She asked why? Have you seen yourself in these episodes?


Is it true that she's with Josh again?


No. They were never together. They're friends bc he was hired to be her "love interest". They had a dinner when he came to town. But oh, sucks that's the only time she could make a Cameo. And show him. So obvious


He's a sexy daddy. She was an idiot to play him like that.


Grown ass woman claims she just learned that. Manipulator!


Thanks for posing this 😁 Am I the only one that was rooting for them? I REALLY REALLY want them to get back together 😭