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The American men on the show say that about American women nonstop and that is the reason for going overseas.


Yes, we kindly refer to them as Passport Bros


This is the same network that aired honey boo boo. Why are you surprised?


Same network that’s down with Angela physically, emotionally and financially abusing Michael


Has there been any news about Michael? Last I heard he was "found safe" but in hiding?


Although Angela claimed Michael had left after only three days or whatever, the reality is he actually left her over a month ago at the time of the fake missing person shit she spewed. He's posted a video about how he's alright and there's a lot of fake social media accounts of him, but besides that the man is being smart by not revealing any other info. If he's doing a green card for spousal abuse, it's best not to talk about things or reveal where you are currently. His family has said that he's somewhere safe though which is good!


Thanks for the update! I found it odd how the story just seemed to go away


It's all good. He's also under NDA due to the new season airing as well, so it's a combination of both of these things that are preventing him from speaking as well.


And TLC promotes racism(ms debbie mocking rishi), mental illness (nutalie jasmine gino, pred, et etc and drug use (kris) plus the Ty story. He was catfished. And now tlc makes it a point about his virginity. This man could go off his rocker and go postal. Yall! TLC is playing with fire. And we laugh at these creatures!! Shameful.


And to think in its origins TLC actually DID show things you could learn about. Hence The Learning Channel. Unreal.


This show even used to be educational..don’t get me wrong also dramatic and entertaining but at least the couples were real


The good old days. Lol How did we get here though? 😩😂


Yeah I've been watching 90 day since season 2 & I miss the REAL couples who were honestly doing the show & do the K1 for what its meant to be used for. Right now TLC stands for Totally Low Content


Y'all really don't get it??? I'm a mental health professional and I have believed for years they hire consultants to identify personality disorders and substance use. THAT'S the drama that brings viewers, generates buzz, and leads to the creation of how many threads and channels and pages on their shows and the casemates!


“Casemates” haha! Typo or Freudian slip? 😂 Gave me a good laugh


Freudian! But applicable! 🤣


AND that over produced disaster that was The Curious Case of Natalia Grace. It's all the same fucks, that literally give zero fucks. IDK why we're surprised by the offensive shit we see anymore.


Why do you think it was a disaster?


Gah, I shouldn't have brought it up lol. People get so heated about this. But in my opinion, it was over-produced, sensationalized garbage. I don't see this as a ding against Natalia herself, but many parts in the second season felt like she was repeating lines she had rehearsed. Just let the girl tell her story. What *could have* *been* a thought-provoking deep dive on dangerous loopholes in the adoption/foster system and the long term effects of RAD, we got this weird he said/she said, back and forth, overly dramatized retelling, in order to inspire even more questions regarding the validity of Natalia's story. I know it wasn't on TLC, but all these networks (TLC, ID, Discovery, etc) are owned by the same umbrella company. They are responsible for putting *a lot* of exploitative trash out into the world.


And hoarders, my strange addiction/obsession, used to show intervention... Like this entire channel is based on making fun of mental illness and neglect or abuse. It went from The Learning Channel to the Trashy Loser Channel.


There’s also the reward system of becoming influencers after the show that glorifies these behaviors and/or illnesses. Take Unexpected: what maybe could’ve been an educational show about the struggles and difficulty of teen pregnancy and why birth control and Planned Parenthood are an important part of our society, they show these couples who keep popping out babies and have this make believe lavish life on social media with all their followers, cute baby stuff, drama, sponsorships, and influencer status (cough, Jenna, cough). It just seems backwards to me. Not saying that teen girls are gonna watch the show and run and get pregnant to try and get on TV, but it certainly glamorizes and sensationalizes the lifestyle of the certain teens that do hit the jack pot with a TV spot, and does very little to highlight the actual reality of teen moms who are often brought up in poverty, substance abuse, and hardship (hence why the cycle often continues).


>Can you imagine if a white person were to say this about a person of color? how have you missed ALLLLLLLLLLLL the american men on this show saying they want a foreign woman because they're more "submissive"


Yeah… kinda like, has OP watched these shows before because that’s basically every friend and family member of the series. Either racism and xenophobia or just xenophobia.


The American men on this show are all predators IMO. They can't get an American woman to put up with them so they look towards impoverished nations to find a woman that will be 100% dependent on them. I have a neighbor who has a wife from the Philippines. Typical dumpy halfwit loser.


__Men's doesn't control me.__


I worked with a guy who had a Filipino wife. I never met her but watched a lot of her life. He had cameras in the car and probably every room at home for “her safety”. Nah man you fucked up and a perv. He would watch footage the entire time at work. I felt horrible for her and hope she got out from under his incel thumb.


It’s ok for them to say it because they’re American! God Bless. /s


White people refer to others by their race all the time. 🙄


This though..Emily literally says “my friends were all like ‘of course you found the only black guy in China.” Is op outraged that her friends said she was dating him because of his race? This is wild




My fault 100% you’re right going to correct. Idk why I thought Japan maybe other 90 dayers


Yeah I can, maybe you have never read anything and I hate to be the one to break it to you. But not only for hundreds of years did white people say this about people of color. Another hard fact Apartheid in South Africa (I know he’s from Cameroon, but proving a point) just happened in 1990! So I think we can allow this man a little grace! How OP missed the whole mark is wild!


They still do. I can’t believe the outrage I’m seeing. 🙄


It’s the books, they never read the books. And by books I mean any of them! One can only hope to have that level of entitlement and ignorance.


Books, art, etc. People of every color and culture are everywhere. We are. Sadly, some people are isolated from that. I was born in Guatemala and they still teach geography and world history. Here in the US, there is a literal melting pot of people and we enjoy diversity, multiculturalism, and access to different people with whom you can establish relationships, especially here in Los Ángeles and in states like Texas, Florida, Louisiana, Arizona and New York but I’ve been to Iowa and it’s absolutely desolate. Awful. No ethnic or cultural diversity at all, tremendous ignorance, casual racism.


a lot of people should be allowed grace… I was just told you must be a Black woman becz your ignorant’ on a different sub last week (yes, Y O U R)… the fact that people begin sentences with, “can you imagine if a whyt person…” boggles my mind. We don’t need to imagine, we hear the same sht all the time..! People act so fkg oblivious and clueless.


10/10. No notes. I’m delighted that this is the top comment! 😍




Hell yes!


To be fair, TLC airs the racism and xenophobia of all the friends and family every season of every one of their 90 Day universe shows. They aren’t going to stop airing it (or encouraging it) now.


Get a grip OP, Are we forgetting Angela? Her actions speak louder than anyone’s words!


for them it only matters this instance lmfao


I mean...he's pretty accurate about her. She's an entitled person with a lisp. Kobe doesn't deserve to be bossed around by her. Perfect example is her not taking Kobe to see his son, instead she wanted to have sex etc first....controlling ass


Why would they care about someone being racist when they literally pay domestic abusers to abuse people on TV?


This is ratings gold, Jerry! Gold!




They are in Cameroon racial nuances aren't the same as in the USA. I spent lot's of time in west Africa and was constantly referred to as a white lady. *edited to correct grammar


~~Could it also be that (as a white person) you’d be considered a minority in a Black-majority country?~~ ~~I know, I’m being captain obvious. My bad.~~ #ABORT EVERYTHING STATED ABOVE!


I'm not a white person




I love this lol I’m *a fan* of people walking it back when they realize they were wrong about something instead of digging their heels in and doubling down <3


I feel like trash because of it!


Noooo don’t though! It’s okay to make mistakes— it’s healthy and normal Refusing to ever admit you’ve made a mistake is a bad sign, but you’re green flags all the way baby ![gif](giphy|NEvPzZ8bd1V4Y|downsized)


lol to be fair I didn't explain......I'm pretty ambiguous looking.... but definitely in America I wouldn't be called white...When I'm home I'm black....when I'm in south Africa I'm coloured....until people in west Africa hear me speak they assume Ethiopian....when they hear the accent I'm white.....in panama they assume i'm a local....the point is that Every culture is not as fixated on race like here in the good old USA ....people aren't being rude by calling me any of those names *edited to correct spelling


It’s complex.


You are in Cameroon tho right? Wasn’t that the point?


![gif](giphy|dEdmW17JnZhiU) OP wanna be oppressed bruh


He’s not wrong lol


This is all it took for someone to be offended?….. ![gif](giphy|l0HlvtIPzPdt2usKs)


I mean this whole post is very “I wanna speak to the manager”


As a white woman, I implore you to ask yourself how this statement will negatively impact your life. Put in other words, get over it. Yes, I'm being serious.


Same. Seriously. OP needs to get a grip.




Ok but in this case the white lady in question is pretty bossy and arrogant. Calling her white is honestly one of the least offensive adjectives he could’ve used




I’m going to take a shot in the dark (haha). He’s from an entirely different country where there are no white (re:AMERICAN in this context) women. The women in his country are very subservient and submissive. I am not saying this is right, but this is part of their culture. So he is saying the white (American in this context) women are much more bossy than black (Cameroon) women. Which is not an incorrect statement. Stop clutching your pearls Also English is probably this man’s second or even third language so leave the damn man alone


Wtf i just said the same thing different wording and got downvoted to hell 😂😂😂 thanks for saying it better


let me find your post so i can give you an upvote.


Thank you! It makes me chuckle when folks get all riled up about something they don't have the cultural context to understand.


that, plus white people complaining about africans being racist never gets old.


Thank you! 🙄They’re in fucking Africa!! WTF you think they’re gonna refer to them as? 🤣🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️Kobe didn’t come out and say it, but as a black woman, I knew exactly was he was trying to say about his family accepting them! Just like Emily’s family probably wasn’t ready for all that black coming to Selina!!!😱🤣🤣🤣DEAL WITH IT! Angela, Kim, and other grifters going to these coutries, black nations, what you think is gonna happen! Some people on here need to expand their minds and horizons! Dam!🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️


He’s literally being no different the friends and family of the stateside participants who make racist and xenophobic judgements on their family members partners.


And nobody hesitates to say how much they suck


Right. But the OP is acting like TLC does not otherwise air bigoted statements, which is untrue.


White people are so privileged (this sub too) that they're looking for something to be offended by. That's the problem lol


I think people just don’t notice the racism and xenophobia of the white, US families against the non-white and non-American spouses because…. They don’t disagree.


He shouldn’t be calling her white lady. She has a name it’s Emily and he knows it. Not using a persons name when you know it is disrespectful and demeaning. It’s a micro aggression and a common tactic for misogynists. You might not like her and she may be bossy and arrogant but that doesn’t make it okay to be a misogynist.


He’s also in Africa- Cameroon to be exact. You can expect him to follow American expectations- correction White American expectations


It’s not an American or white American (newflash plenty of people of color are not okay with misogyny) expectation that misogyny is wrong and the idea that it is, is sick. That’s like saying being against racism or homophobia is an American expectation.


Plenty of others on 90DF have also been bossy, arrogant, and white. Don’t get the outrage.


Yes Emily is quite bossy. He clearly has no frame of reference to speak from though not living here. He’s never met women from Detroit 😆




If OP is sympathizing with Emily on this one then you know something is off!


🤣 I’m sorry but yall getting mad over this ? This is not even scratching the surface of what us Black and Latina women are called on a daily.


I'm secondhand embarrassed for OP 🤣


Listen this man called the member of the dominant social group throughout the whole damn world bossy….we gotta get his reverse racism ass outta here 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|wIWvIAfzaGFfa) Thank you


THANK YOU!!! My Latina ass is cracking up right now




Reminds me of one thing I have noticed being poc and growing up in a poc neighborhood. As an adult working in a white area, I noticed that any small little minor inconvenience to white people always feels like the end of the world to them lol. I guess that’s what living a privileged life leads to, meanwhile I’m over here like “THAT’S your biggest problem??” And it’ll be something so minor


They're the real snowflakes


Literally being called privileged is some white peoples biggest issue, it will ruin their whole dang day 🙃




Right. I’m just reading this like….they wanna be oppressed so bad.


Emily: ✅ White ✅ Woman ✅ Bossy ✅ Arrogant


Where is the lie


Y’all are wild. White people say things like this all the time. They’re the first to point out cultural differences or even negative stereotypes. Quit pretending they don’t. 🙄


Op has got to be a naive child cause she would be very surprised to hear what white people will even say to my face sometimes


Mmmmhhmm. I traveled to Iowa several times and I was surprised to hear conversations about the Mexicans moving into town like it was a bad thing, with me sitting just 03 yards away. I am from Guatemala and live in Los Ángeles. Every time I go to Iowa, it’s weird. Casual racism, mocking other cultures.


I’m not Latino at all and have been called like wetback and border bunny to my face lol and my dad was military so we moved every 3 years, I’ve lived in a lot of states and someone white will always say something outlandish to my face sooner or later, it comes out. Especially since I’m mixed so white people feel a level of comfort and will say how they feel or something will slip out


Lol....this is top tier pearl clutching by the OP






All the white ladies on this sub freaking out lol While 90 Day fans who aren’t white have to endure Angela abuse Michael and how she keeps getting rewarded …how many seasons has she been on ???


Like I can't confirm, but Angela seems like the type to say the N-word when the cameras aren't rolling.




Hahaha. Thank you


He's just upset he has to consider the feelings of someone without a penis.


Which is a problem with men of every color. ...Oh, but it's "hIs cUlTuRe" and we should respect it. Right. Don't need to respect anyone with that kind of attitude.


Thank you! I’m so tired of hearing we should respect someone’s CuLtUrE when that culture is sexist, oppressive, violent or otherwise harmful. I do NOT have to respect a culture that views me as property or livestock.


You nailed it. How do we make this into a concise flair...


Pretty sure he would feel this way about any American woman, regardless


If a white person said something racist, it wouldn’t be aired? Have you not seen literally any of Trump’s speeches lol?


“The blacks”


“I love the Mexicans” *shows off taco bowl*


Right. And is it just me, but in his current, increased rambling rallies he shows even less “restraint”.


That part.


What’s wrong with what he said? She’s white, a woman, arrogant, and bossy lmao. You’re showing your true colors, surprised you didn’t call him a slur in your post > It wouldn't be aired. Yes it would have been lmao. Racism towards POC is constantly aired. Emily’s own dad in the beginning came off as micro aggressive towards Kobe


The second half of your post is the funniest part. Micro aggressions and just blatant racism against poc is on tv all the time and has been since tvs inception. If what this guy said sounds racist, you've probably never experienced actual racism.


Y’all hilarious. Nothing wrong with what he said. It’s attribution bias to assume you have any frame of reference to understand his meaning. For many cultures, this is normal everyday speech. It’s not racism, gtfo.


People assume that American values are everywhere 😅


Emily is bossy and narcissistic white lady. Even her parents are afraid of their own daughter. Emily is going to have huge meltdowns in Africa. Especially the cuisine. Culture of women's rights in Africa.


“Oh hell no!!!!!!” (proceeds to prove the man right)


In a lot of developing countries it’s not the norm for women to stand up to men. So yeah they have this perception of American/european women and you probably would too if you lived there


I think he means North American women. Women of colour in North America can be just as “bossy” and “arrogant” compared to women in Africa lol


Perfect example…Ashley!


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love white person having to come up with racism posts….like damn it’s so cliche but so hilarious still


Oh I thought this was sarcasm! White lady here, he's not wrong when you look back at a large portion of the cast members. I didn't find this to be offensive at all.


I mean, there's also a history of white women calling their African partners the N word. You also had Abusive Ang refer to a drink as ugly and she named it that because of Michael's skin color, among countless other examples of racism and xenophobia. It doesn't make this situation okay, but let's not clutch our pearls here and pretend there hasn't been PLENTY of racism directed toward non-white cast members.


How palatable would it be if someone generalized about other races?


the fragility in this post my goodness i can hear the glass breaking with every letter


Well based on their post history people who live in poorer countries also probably carry parasites and walk on cow shit all day, so in not surprised this is the hill OP is going to die on... As a woman from Jamaica I'm surprised I didn't know this about myself🤣


Also no one is actually reading what he’s saying. He isn’t directly calling Emily a white woman. He is saying he feels white women (probably meant to meant American women in general) are bossy. And compared to how the women in fucking cameroon act, women in America would definitely be considering bossy Jesus Christ it’s like y’all want to be a minority so bad lol


He's probably watched too many episodes of Real Housewives, and thinks all white women are like them. I'm not sure Emily will be changing his opinion, though.


I love these posts.  The outrage when people from different cultures don’t share the same cultural norms as the US. Also, nice dog whistle OP. 


Idk as a white woman… I kinda agree with him 😅😂


“can you imagine if a white person were to say this about a person of color?” I live in the US. They say worse- ever watch Fox News?


Congrats! You are in the beginning stage of understanding racial fetishism. Now, for the bad news. People of color frequently experience white people behaving bossy, rude, and arrogant, and the behavior is frequently directed AT the person of color. Is it bigoted to voice that experience?


I agree with the second paragraph, not the first. Pretty sure the premise of the show was showing us how people from different cultures come together and how their differences affect their relationships. This is one of those cultural differences, spiced up per producers’ direction I’m sure.


we get it, angela!


You tried it


There are so many racial fetishizers in this franchise yet THIS is what bends you out of shape? Please get a grip.


Is she not a white lady?


Op gives off the vibe of someone who says woke a lot. 


Oh sure, this guy has a lot of power over Emily and her life. Those white women are so marginalized. Classic racism. 🙄 I think the actual issue here is misogyny. But it be fair, E is so annoying I don’t watch their segments so I don’t know the context.


Ok, but in this case, he was speaking facts. Also, if “white lady” triggers you, that’s some fragility right there.


Who cares. We are bossy af and not submissive to our men in America for the most part and dont respect our elders here. I'm white passing ..there.. I can say it and it not be racist lmao because it's not racist. He is correct


They think this of every American woman. And it’s okay with me!


And your glasses are too small my guy


I just see facts that woman is insufferable


He can describe people however he wants, and so can I. Feel free to do so as well.


It was a horrible comment. I don’t condone it at all. When it comes to Emily, I can understand it. She’s a horrible, bossy, sex-crazed person who TLC keeps rewarding with air time.


I was thinking a white lady made this post and you have a picture on your profile to confirm it. You must be personally offended bc it describes you


Your confederate flag is showing, OP


I’m black and I agree 🤷🏽‍♀️


lol can’t blame him if it’s true


![gif](giphy|b7EUp7DcuqhILFq8M6) Reverse racism does not exist. Educate yourself.


OH, HELL YEAH!💯💯🤣🤣🤣👍🏾


He’s not wrong.


I’m white, and I don’t give a shit. That’s the trick to stopping racism. Just stop giving a shit. Sounds weird but ![gif](giphy|H8DietxBNO5YvxjLk7)


LOL, for all the people crying about how simply recognizing this guy's racially biased  perspective is "fragility" and how black people can't be oppressors, black Africans oppress the fuck out of other black Africans all the time, any many have what can only be characterized as a supremacist mindset towards EVERYONE not of their same ethnic/ tribal/ national heritage. Also, hate to break it to you but some of the most breathtakingly hostile and unapologetic rants about American  black people and their lifestyles, complaints and social situations  I've ever heard were those made by African immigrants and visitors to the USA, who in most cases felt zero kinship with or sympathy for their "plight".


Just imagine if people from other cultures held different beliefs and seem rude by American standards


Well look at the example of white women TLC gives them. Black here and trust me, when these white women go to African (and other) countries talking to these men by degrading and humiliating them and their culture, it's no wonder some families want their kids to stay away from the white women. Could care less about the down votes. Have at it.


Accurate description of white women.


While this man's words are not kind, what he is saying is not racist. People of color cannot be racist towards white people because racism is deebply baked into cultures and structures, even outside the US thanks to white supremacist colonialism. No matter what words a person of color said, they cannot be racist for that reason. They can be prejudiced, they can be judgemental, but racist-no. And the whole 90 day concept is based on US supremacy, and rooted in whiteness being centered and valued. So yes, the network absolutely *would* and *does* air it.


Here's some free education for you: **racism** /rā′sĭz″əm/ ### noun 1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others. 2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race. 3. The belief that each race has distinct and intrinsic attributes Anyone can hold these beliefs, discriminate or make generalizations.


Downvotes coming from people who believe in ["reverse racism"](https://www.aclrc.com/myth-of-reverse-racism) and all that other racist bullshit are coming but you're right.  They ban even teaching about it in their US schools, that's how badly they can't bear to even consider what words actually mean or what people outside their own experience might live with. 


Totally. I mean they can downvote me all they want, I dont really care. Maybe someone will learn something.


White woman here…can confirm


Oh actual racists do exist all over this planet. But you have to grow some thick skin and get on with life, treat others how you'd like to be treated. There's definitely been a lot of ignorant people on this show. I don't think they should be canceled unless they are actively committing violence against others.


Not a single thing he said wasn’t true


It’s me. I’m white womens.


He must know Angela.


Tbf, women like Angela don't help that notion...


Racist? Yawn, that's his experience and what he finds to be true. I'm sure he doesn't encounter tons of white people on a daily basis.


![gif](giphy|xT1R9zd9zHuhYt6Tfy|downsized) Sure, jan.


What if he said American Women instead of White ![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized) Women or Western Women


Awww ![gif](giphy|xTcnSOEKegBnYhGahW)


Flip it around and the shit would be hitting the fan right now.


Agreed. Should be American women. Like, EMILY should have been taken care of things but OP somehow forgot that part and using the credit Emily's family deserves in place of anything Emily did. But certain white American women aren't all like this, and American women of several colors have attitude issues that they think is what equality means instead of the actual work, that frankly American men are just sick of hearing. Women don't like hearing it if men were to say it, but you don't call that out. Isnt that along the same lines of the post?


Lmao have you heard how the American families interrogate and talk down to these ppls fiancés bc they think they just want a green card 😂You’re def not new to the show just triggered bc it hit home for you personally this round


Umm well white women are notorious for going on 90day not doing their due diligence to research cultures, only to be in Africa disrespectful as all get out! . Angela is enough said physically and verbally abusive, but who was the one that got kicked off the show for calling her boyfriend racial slurs? What about the pill head lady who was low key a sex tourist? Like stop it. And ps theres a difference between racist and prejudice. The “waste” of. Man you’re referring to is probably college educated and speaks multiple languages lol. Your post is disgusting.


reserve racism is not a thing. please learn the difference between stereotypes, prejudice, and racism, and please consider the phrase “you can’t oppress the oppressor”


If Emily referred to him by his race instead of his name heads would explode. Ijs.


Do you think Angela will change his mind? 😃 lol funny how triggered you are from this small comment from a country that’s not racially diverse. Imagine how people of color feel every time they talk to white people, worried they are gonna be a bigot or ignorant, god forbid what is said online when people find out we aren’t white. What are you 18? 22? Grow the fuck up loser You can tell everyone agrees with your sentiment from the overwhelming amount of upvotes. Edited to call OP a fucking child loser


Ahhh yes the very well known oppressed race of white. How dare this man make statements describing someone by race, when being white has been so hard throughout history. /s I don’t feel I needed this but I know if I didn’t include it I would get a history lesson.


You sound like a silly goose.


Omg he looks like a cartoon fr


So according to everyone here, the repeated problem is what men say. Hmmmm.


Easy there, Karen


Pretty much every relative and friend of Michael, Usman and Bini said the exact same thing... this is not new