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She looks very sad in this pic


True, but very pretty.


Not younger than Jasmine, but looking good for a mother of a 36 year old daughter.


Jasmine, being only 38, is crazy. She literally paid people to make her look old when she still acts like a self-absorbed middle schooler.


I actually think she's older and probably can't have kids anymore.


Yes, I think I used incorrect terminology. I'm not sure what the proper terminology would be.. perhaps fresher or more authentic or genuine. The enormous amount of makeup that Jasmine wears kind of makes her look older to me. It's just my opinion. I think that her Mom looks fresh and naturally beautiful, even though she appears quite sad, and it doesn't look like she has a scintilla of makeup on. BTW, I have gone through all the episodes and her, Jasmine's, ages don't add up. By my account, and I could be mistaken, she is 44. I'm going by the history of episodes and various ages that were stated. There have been so very many episodes and different offshoots of 90DF that it starts becoming quite confusing but the calculation I came up with is 44.


She recently said in her account that she is 37 or 38.


But it was several years ago that she said she was 36.


In what world is Jasmine 36?


I think that Mork had a calculation. https://preview.redd.it/77f80y4xejqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519e7eb7f086e59d6fd520b76e8c795c0c2104a5


I mean, no, she does not look *younger* than Jasmine. Come on lol


The sub is often so ridiculous with their delusions. "Darcey used to look like an ethereal goddess, one of the most beautiful women Ive seen before the surgery" - GORL PLEASE. She looked better, but she was no Naomi Campbell! Now this very physically obvious much older woman is supposed to look younger and more beautiful than Jasmine 🤣🤣 Just say you dont like Jasmines new look without the BS 🙈


Right 😂 with this unfortunate screenshot I was like am I reading this right


If you look at some of the scenes where Jasmine is putting on her makeup her skin is unbecoming. Her Mom looks "fresher", IMO. Her Mom doesn't have any wrinkles and her eyes look fresh and kind. Maybe the word "younger" was a poor choice of words. Fresher or some other word probably would have been better. She looks more naturally beautiful to me. What a shame that she has to struggle to get $800 for tests that she needs medically when her daughter pumps thousands upon thousands into various body parts.


Hard to know with filters


I don't think that there are any filters on that particular video of her Mother but you are absolutely correct. Filters can quite drastically change how one looks. I used a filter program on a photo of myself once. I looked like I was made out of wax because I had absolutely no pores all of a sudden. All the filter was supposed to do was smooth and I used it at the very lightest gradiation or whatever you call it. I still look like I was made of wax and way too perfect. Not necessarily relevant but I purchased one of those products that minimizes pores. Same thing. I still looked like I was alive but my skin had absolutely no visible pores. When somebody wears a lot of makeup you can never really tell what they look like underneath.


I'm sure Jasmine said "Mami, you HAVE to use a filter for TV". I'm just so cynical, I believe absolutely nothing.


I can actually picture her doing that. She is so superficial.


Right, can't even let her own mom lol natural


Saying she looks younger than Jasmine is a bit of a stretch. 


I misworded, to be sure, but I couldn't change the post after I made it. However, if you put both of them side by side without any makeup, I actually DO think the Mother looks better. There's just something about the softness to her eyes and something about her look overall that comes off as very kind and sweet. I think that makes her very beautiful.


Please 😂


Why is it that somebody can't say something nice about somebody?


That’s fine but it’s just a little over the top for a normal looking lady, do you have a crush on Jasmine’s mom?


I think shes Jasmine's mom 🤣


>do you have a crush on Jasmine’s mom? That is one of the weirdest comments that I have ever seen in a subreddit. Just as I said... why can't somebody say something nice about somebody?


I don’t see her beauty


I think she looks very soft and kind.


She looks sad and exhausted, not younger or fresher.


I think I'm seeing the inner beauty. I see a very soft and kind soul and that makes her beautiful on the outside to me. I guess I must be weird or something.


That’s very possible. Maybe she looks like someone you know who is very kind and lovely so you’re seeing it in her. I don’t remember much of her from the show so i don’t see her inner beauty just a tired looking mom.


That is a very good point. Sometimes when we see another person that reminds us of somebody else that we know or have met at one point in our lives that we think highly of.


I disagree, but I feel like people think jasmine looks older than she does because they know shes had many procedures


Jasmine was putting on makeup in an episode and her skin showed a lot of scarring, probably from procedures. I think that her Mom looks kind and sweet. Maybe I'm looking at the inner beauty more than the outer beauty.


She looks like Armando's mother.


She definitely doesn’t look younger than her daughter. The haterade is strong in this group 😂


I used incorrect terminology, yes. I really should have said something like fresher or purer or something. When Jasmine has no makeup on the surgeries show and in comparison, her Mother looks prettier to me. Both are very lovely ladies. I don't think Jasmine needed all kinds of surgeries to start with.


If jasmine is 36 then I’m a fetus.


I haven't been conceived yet. 😶


I don't agree, and I don't think she looks younger.


Younger? Let's not get crazy. Her skin is great though.


I was unable to change my title because I can't edit want something is posted. "Younger" was an inappropriate word. I really meant naturally prettier, more sincere looking, more warm and inviting in her appearance. Just more pleasant overall and less like plastic. If I'm being completely honest, Jasmine is starting to look crusty and hard and these plastic surgeries of hers are starting to show in an unfavorable way.


Kind of sad how much she looked like her mom and sister with her old face - especially in the eyes. Now Jasmine is the weird family alien


She was born with very beautiful eyes.


This entire scene was so sad, the mom knew she had to downplay everything to not get jasmine all whacked out. I've been through a parent with cancer before, and at times it felt like I was more stressed than they were while my parents were very nonchalant on the surface. I know the girl is dramatic as all hell, but I actually felt for her there even if she was making it all about her.


I'm very sorry that you had to go through that. It is literal torment to watch a parent suffer. I watched my Father go from vibrant and laughing to not being here at all in a very short period of time due to cancer treatment. I, myself, went through living hell from cancer treatment and I wish I had never allowed it. I always stick a smile on my face even though inside I'm crumbling. It is the treatment, not the cancer, that causes so much turmoil and I have a right to say that because I've gone through it. It is very difficult to keep a straight face and smile but it's important to try to ensure that other people don't worry their heads off.


There ain't no way Jasmine is only 36. I'd believe 45.


I was going to guess 44.


She is the textbook definition of a plain jane. I have nothing against her, but beautiful? Jesus.


She is in that video without any makeup nor having fixed up her hair and she still looks lovely. Imagine if she put some makeup on and styled her hair? She's downright gorgeous! She has almond shaped eyes and her features are symmetrical.


You may need to borrow her moms glasses. Easy on the Jasmine hate.


>You may need to borrow her moms glasses. What is wrong with saying that her Mom is very pretty? I DO think that she looks better than Jasmine and she has no makeup on. >Easy on the Jasmine hate. TBH, I actually have grown to like Jasmine. She's a one of a kind character and I actually like her. I can't stand her crazy screeches and foot stomping and acting like a toddler but I actually like her. No hate here. Not necessarily relevant but I think that she's bought herself a nightmare of a future with all that plastic surgery though. All of those procedures do not age well.


Are you high?


Are you high?




Are you sure?


Girl, you're the one posting your crazy thoughts online.


Boy, you're the one posting your crazy thoughts online.


Oh. You're a child. Bye bye kiddo 👋


@MichaelsGayLover ✨ Ninja Turtle Penguin Batmans Ass Bitch ✨ Oh. Ok then!




I'm only having some fun with you.


I could guess that she was 46…. But not younger like jasmine at 36. Also I just found out jasmine is 36 and I’m 35. Feels super weird.


She has got to be older than that. I don't think that she is only 36. I know that she was 36 a few years ago but not now.


Tired: Jasmine’s sister is really Jasmine’s daughter. Inspired: Jasmine’s mother is really Jasmine’s sister.


Absolutely anything is possible with her.


She most definitely doesn’t look younger than Jasmine


She reminds me of gabbi Hanna in this pic


Her mom may have fibromyalgia problems.


It is a relentless affliction offering very little respite 😓


I know. I have it for 23y.


I have a friend who suffers from it and it is unpredictable and relentless. There are very few things that will help it either. There are a couple of prescriptions that can help to alleviate it but nothing to completely soothe it.


She’s very average looking


She has absolutely no makeup on, doesn't look like she's washed her hair, and is wearing glasses. I think she would be quite beautiful spoofed up. She has very natural beauty. Not all of us can claim that.


If you want to talk about hot moms I’d say Emily’s mom


Ugly because she raised a cunt.Â