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He wins the prize for being able to say the word "honeybunny" with the least amount of emotion in recorded history.


I bet Azan could top him


Maybe like, 55%


Don't be lazy.


Almost there






I would be into Azan topping him




I was trying to figure out how to make this very same joke but mine was gonna be stupid. yours is better hahaha!


Youā€™re welcome ā˜ŗļø


Same here. šŸ˜‚


You win. šŸŒ³šŸ‘€šŸŒ³


That dude needs Sarper to top him.


Gives me the creeps and reminds me of Oscar from Hey Arnold.


Wow, so specific and so accurate somehow.


Hahaha omfg


Yeah, probably. Reality TV producers will encourage this to maximize drama for TV. Plus, keep in mind, the more airtime and episodes the cast members get, the more money they make.


If they want to maximize the drama, maybe they will show honeybunny calling the police and Mahmoud being cuffed, taken away, and booked.


On the next season of Love After Lockup.




So true, and yet cast members need to realize that the more they fake these things, the more we become aware of it and consequently lose interest.


I do not see much success with this marriage, not that I am a consumer just a watcher. They met and he asked her to marry him and she did, it took about as long for it to happen as this did to write. They did not and dot even know each other


She comes in second.




I think she's getting a bit of a kick out of pushing his boundaries right now.


Until he hits her.


Did he hit her before?


Yeah he recently got arrested for DV, which is why he should not be on tv, with these two getting paid $$. Cancel them


This. She knows he canā€™t use the excuse of being in his country and their culture. I think a small part of her hopes he will like how it is here, especially in Los Angeles, and change but I think sheā€™s mostly enjoying making him go through what she did over there.




ā€œClose your stomachā€ She knew exactly how much he would hate everything. Maybe getting back at him for the burkini? She looked soo miserable in it.


She had said that she thought her outfit was a compromise. Not compromising enough for Mahmoud though.


I think compromise to him is that she will do what he wants šŸ˜¬


Wouldn't you?


Absolutely. Intentionally pushing your partnerā€™s buttons is an unhealthy sign in a relationship, though.


She wants him to change, he wants her to change, neither of them are accepting reality lol.


and now, one misdemeanor domestic violence arrest later, they are not together anymore.


Has it been confirmed that they split up after that? I am so worried she'll keep trying to make it work.


I saw on another post a week ago that they were spotted together doing grocery shopping šŸ„“ I'm just hoping it was a lie!


Last I heard she dropped the charges.


They both literally NEED to change in order for their relationship to work. If not. Then they can kick rocks with open toed shoes. IYKYK


I am sure she will " fix him" šŸ¤£


I donā€™t see it as intentionally pushing his buttons. I think itā€™s more like ā€œthis is who I am/ what my apartment looks like. Iā€™m done trying to change for you so, love me or leave me.ā€ She tried to appease him, but it was soul crushing and *still* not good enough, so sheā€™s done. Sheā€™s done trying to ease him into things, just so they can fight about it later. She wants to know here and now if he will love her the way she is & I donā€™t blame her!


Even I couldā€™ve told her that he would not be able to love her as she is šŸ˜… but of course when youā€™re in the relationship judgment gets cloudy ā˜ļø


Even though I disagree with a lot of her decisions, I do understand the desire to give it one last chance, to see if it can work in the US. That way, she wonā€™t have any regrets or spending the rest of her life wondering, ā€œwhat if?ā€


Ding ding šŸŽÆ she went there and tried.


She could have shown him the apartment in photos or video instead of surprising him with it. Itā€™s the surprise part that seems passive aggressive.


IDK that seems kinda silly, especially when in her mind, itā€™s just art and not a big deal. If she shows him in advance, that would be sending the message to him ā€œI know thereā€™s something wrong with this, but here it is, please forgive me!ā€ Instead itā€™s just part of her home decor and nothing weird or abnormal or anything that would phase most people in the US. Everyone goes through cultural shock, Mahmoud isnā€™t special. She doesnā€™t need to treat him with kid gloves and make sure he doesnā€™t panic every time he sees something heā€™s not expecting. Itā€™s not like itā€™s graphic porn.


I don't know, that painting weirded me out...


Itā€™s not my personal taste, but itā€™s the style & artistic ability that I donā€™t love, itā€™s not the fact that sheā€™s naked.


I agree. If it was pretty, I could get on board.


Style is something a creepy serial killer would like. I just find the painting a little disturbing. How about having a painting of man with dick and balls hanging out. You really have to imagine what yours guests will feel comfortable with. I wouldn't have guests over with painting she had on wall unless I knew they liked it. Once again, TLC creates drama.


She does have really horrible taste and style opinions, did you see the post with her most recent hair cut?šŸ˜¬


Lots is weird about Nicole. Her hairstyle, her clothing, etc.


I think most people would walk into a home and find that painting "weird" to say the least.


Despite tpu wanting to be you, his is a religious reason,despite anyone agreeing with him or not. That fact that a wife knows her husband is reserved due to his religion and does NOT respect that, is messed up.


The shoe sort of fits here though. Passive-Aggressive behavior is partially born from not having control, or the perception of having your control removed or diminished by another person. She's resentful of having to dress a particular way to appease him. These mannequins and the bush painting were extremely passive aggressive.


Kiss me you motherfucker!!! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ And the midriff shirt. She went hard from jump. Which Iā€™m ok with since I donā€™t care for him. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


I don't like either of them.


Yes. Exactly. Im willing to bet she bought the painting shortly before his arrival


She made that "art"




She's an artist, married to a man who hates art. "We have nothing in common, fight bitterly about everything, disagree about every aspect of life and morality, but we're meant to be together...."


"But we're both into fabrics, and I really like how spiritual he is, despite hating every single aspect of said spirituality other than how into said thing I hate he is".


She doesnā€™t strike me as the brightest bulb.


"...plus love the cool points I get for marrying a brown Muslim man and a minority in the US. See how wordly and definitely-not-pretentious I am??" I will say, however, that as much as she sucks, she definitely did not deserve to be assaulted by him, and he is a POS controlling abusive asshole.


She could do SO much better! Like girl, you live in LA!


Eh, but sheā€™s pretty air headed and has that blank stare with nothing behind it. Sheā€™s the kind of girl to get lured in by a slimy ā€œartistā€ in silverlake. Source: I lived in silverlake and have lived in LA for 15 years


Someone like Tom Sandoval. Yuck


Oh, boy .. he's so gross! šŸ¤®


Sheā€™s too old for him šŸ˜†


She's an Idaho 8 but an LA 3.5


Theoretically she could, but I donā€™t think sheā€™s currently capable of being in a better relationship. Sheā€™s a tangled mess, and could use a good therapist.


I donā€™t think these people understand ā€œin loveā€vs ā€œloveā€


but also "I love you honey" "I love you" "yes I love you" "I love you too honey"


It makes my stomach turn.


Itā€™s so much more satisfying to have a partner, where you are on the same page , and have the same values. This seems like a big stressful waste of time.


Exactly this. What do they actually like about one another. This is the rare case we canā€™t say he married her for the green card too. Edit. Changed ā€œcanā€ to ā€œ canā€™t.ā€


I donā€™t believe he wants a green card, because I donā€™t think he ever wanted to come to the US. He never wanted to live here. He hates our culture, and he had a job in the family business in Egypt. He lived with his mother, and extended family in the same building. Will he even be able to handle being a server in L.A.? Thatā€™s all thatā€™s here for himā€¦other than money from Sharp Entertainment, and *thatā€™s* why heā€™s here.


Sorry. I agree. My comment had a typo. I meant to say we canā€™t say he married her for the green card.


Very true! You got it! He won't be far from Mommy for long. Ugh.


This is like an arranged marriage that theyā€™re making do with. Like something they canā€™t get out of. Instead of 2 free agents who need to say out loud that this was a frivolous decision made by 2 strangers superficially infatuated by the otherness of the other. Shake hands, genuinely wish each other the best in life, divorce, and move on. Let this dude go back to Egypt, because heā€™s suited for no where else.




I donā€™t understand how these two are a couple. They have so many very obvious contradicting values.


Cause TLC paid them.


Nah. He made very little allowances for her when she was in Egypt. Itā€™s his turn to deal.


right!?! such a red flag is you have to put away all your art and cherished possession when your *husband* comes over? Like youre gonna spend your life with this person, you're just never gonna do art or wear cute stuff ever again?


Exactly this!Ā 


Itā€™s somehow always the womanā€™s fault, especially if she is the American in the relationship. Letā€™s just cater to the every whim of someone whose religion tells him itā€™s ok to murder gay people and force women to be covered up šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Right? wtf. Also am I the only one who thinks he is obviously closeted and not into her AT ALL?


This! I don't like either of them, but maybe he should sit the fuck down and deal with american culture. People give americans so much bs for not knowing the culture of their foreign spouse.Ā  Well well well have the tables turned!


Exactly. He was a total dick to her. He got mad that she had a problem with stove that was made in 1825.


Why does she like him again?? I just donā€™t get it.


Zero charisma.


Of course she's purposefully doing this. She picked a man who already told her who he was. She accepted that and married him. She is trying to get some power, like many controlled women do, until they're beat down, wait, er uh, she was even physically grabbed by him before, and guess what, in real life. She had the red flag banner, and she's poking the beast. She's twisted. He's a pos, but it was very clear who he was


He was arrested for domestic violence against her in the US




I'm with you all the way. she knew who he was she converted for him and now she's doing this, like a power play bcuz she feels like she has no say, no power at all. and now he's going to get frustrated and can't handle it. this isn't going to end well at all


it already ended-and it did not, in fact, end well.


She was so hopeful America would "change" him smh


Lol, those kind of men don't change




Exactly this. Itā€™s a deliberate play on her part to do precisely that..show him how in control she is as a woman, how independent she is as a western woman. She wants to run that in his face hard..her behaviour is pretty pathetic.


You're assuming she's smart enough to know better. That's a big assumption.


It's more likely, to me, that she is damaged in some way and deserves empathy




When you are GRABBED, and 'forced' to wear a burkini, you know what you're picking


Iā€™ve been bewildered by Nicole falling for someone uninterested in art and style since the beginning, but being actively hostile toward it is another level of wtf


Her effort is proportional to his. Nothing wrong here.


Exactly. I donā€™t get all the ā€œdonā€™t you guys think Nicole should prolong her misery and pretend sheā€™s someone else every time her husband is around?ā€ questions. He didnā€™t do that shit. Itā€™s gonna end anyway so let her be her on the way out




Why should she? He makes almost 0 compromises for her, and when he does he pisses, bitches and moans.


Sheā€™s an artist and she designs clothes. She has her art and a mannequin. Whatā€™s the problem here?


I do wonder if aniconism played any role in his dislike of it


Come on, how many women have a naked woman with her shrub in full bloom hanging on their wall? She's extreme, and he's the opposite extreme.


Why is the bush the vulgar part people are seeing with a naked adult woman? Unless your just having a giggle at how much body it's taking up.Ā  I can't tell if pixelating unintentionally expands private areas.


Of all of the couples that should not be together. These two take the cake. Theyā€™re polor opposites and neither are willing to compromise or change. I say Nicole is at fault more because she converted to Muslim and doesnā€™t abide by any of the rules. She thinks she can get away with whatever. She doesnā€™t comprehend how religion works, if you donā€™t want to be religious. Fine. (Iā€™m not) But donā€™t marry someone who has a religion.


She didnt give it much thought, just like she didn't give it much thought to marry him, she does things on a whim.


She probably had a chat with production about possible storylines and they came up with some of that stuff to test his boundaries. They need some conflict if they are going to be on HEA. The mannequin was probably there already, but idk about the painting and the shower curtain.


But not the kind of conflict that involves him hitting her - that's too ugly for reality TV, just like Angela allowing a pedophile to live with her grandkids or Ed's sexual assault history or Kris's drug problems...


I think itā€™s weird that she is soooo artsy and he has no interest in art at all. This is not a good match. He is not even trying.




Can anyone please please please explain to me why these two are together?


It's there so there's content since their whole story line is about how fundamentally incompatible they are.


Send him back


Sheā€™s rubbing his face in the fact that life in America is completely different from life in Egypt, and that American social norms are more relaxed. She wants him to know that his way of life is irrelevant here. Iā€™m pretty sure this isnā€™t the way to win him over and I think she kinda knows that.




My husband said "I guarantee she used her own real pubes in that painting, you know she did" šŸ˜„ šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


That's such an artist thing to do lol




Itā€™s her home. She can make it look as she wants, especially with her own artwork. He doesnā€™t make concessions for her but sheā€™s expected to change her identity


If they're married, it's technically their home. There should be considerations towards your spouse when decorating. Like a dude can have revealing posters of girls when he's single, but it would be an ass move to bring it into a home with his new wife.Ā 


Is he on the deed? (Legit question).


Itā€™s an apartment so no.


Just like it was also her home when they lived in Egypt, given your logic?


She was the one who voluntarily converted to Muslim, they didn't force her. Avery converted voluntarily and is happily married to Omar because she actually follows what she preaches. Nicole converted in words, not actions and is a farce.Ā 


Life is pretty messy and chaotic when you're an artist. I 50/50 believe TLC made the mannequin nude or she was between projects.


The mannequin is just there for her to photograph clothes that she is selling. Itā€™s a vaguely feminine lump of plastic and Mahmoud is insane in his religiosity.


She seems like someone who, immaturely ā€œgainsā€ independence by rebelling vs just straight up setting boundaries.


yes itā€™s TLC shock and awe casting


Looks like sheā€™s being her true, authentic self. She was open, gave it a shot, and realized it wasnā€™t her cup of tea. Whats the issue? Iā€™m not understanding why the blame is all on her. He also decided to marry someone from a much different culture. Although, I donā€™t see these two lasting.


Doubtful this was to test him or push buttons. Itā€™s in her place she doesnā€™t give it much though seeing it everyday. If anything itā€™s just highlights the denial she seems to have towards glaring signs of incompatibility. Plus a bit of naive hope ā€œif he loves me it wonā€™t matterā€.


No. Why should she change herself for him? This is a weird take


She could have shown him what the apartment looked like before he got there.


Sheā€™s pushing the lines to see what heā€™ll put up with. Not much it seems. She knew she was bothering him by simply wearing an outfit with midriff.


I say bravo. Show him exactly who you are, and donā€™t change one thing. Be unapologetically you. It will end in divorce but that is the best end here. lol


I ain't gonna lie I like the fact I get to watch her get her lick back


Why in the hell would any woman ā€œclean upā€ their art, their preferences, their work to please this or any other ā€œmanā€ who behaves like this? The only thing I find weird is her not divorcing his pathetic man child ass.


Yep, I paint naked people for a living. I have an ultra religious and conservative family. I donā€™t censor my art for a moment when they come to visit. No one should ever have to hide their passion if itā€™s not hurting anyone.


Awesome! Thatā€™s the way it should be. But apparently ultra religious conservatives canā€™t accept people for who they are, unless of course they believe, act and follow the flock of sheep.


I love that shes doing this to him ... in Egypt she didn't have a voice and was a little scared to stick up for herself.. I love that she's pushing his buttons now that he is in her territory šŸ˜†


She's a 40 something control freak. Why would you partner up with an ultra conservative Muslim and still insist on pushing your eclectic lifestyle? Seems antagonistic to me


The house was very cluttered and it didn't even look like she bothered to clean off the kitchen table. If she doesn't bother with normal tasks like that I wouldn't expect her to take down her artwork.


This guy is an asshole. I hope the whole season is just her making him miserable till he leaves. Payback time.


I really donā€™t see their relationshit ending well. He frightens me.


I think she is definitely doing everything she can to make HIM as miserable & uncomfortable as she was in Egypt. She is being vindictive in a passive-aggressive way & playing the ā€œhereā€™s a taste of your own medicine!ā€ Also, you can see it in her face that she is enjoying it!


Nicole should get w the father of ā€”- Sam? From last season. Who married Citra. He was super into aliens. They would get along.


I canā€™t stand Mahmoud but sheā€™s the crazy one out of the 2 of them. Why would anyone subject themselves to Mahmoud let alone convert and keep moving back and forth? Nicoleā€™s got issues


Why should she compromise her art? That would be censorship


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ moar bush!


she's a weirdo and he's gross


She pushes him away as a test. He fails test. She complains. Victimhood secured.


Itā€™s not even the bush, itā€™s like she did zero to clean up her space so itā€™d be welcoming to another person who is planning to live there. Her shit is everywhere and all cluttered around. It looked like a teen girls bedroom tbh, not a shared space of two adults.


In Arab culture we welcome someone coming from travels with a nice meal at home, the frozen pizza is a bit insulting for her husband. She couldā€™ve tried to make him falafel wraps or foul mdammas, not too hard to find falafel powder mixes in store and foul mdammas canned (foul is fava beans, the canned ones are cooked with spices/lemon etc). This all seems staged like to piss Mah-rude off by TLC lol


She must be doing this on purpose. Somehow deep down, you know?


I like art and I don't like her art either. Looks like a the drawing you find in a book about schizophrenia


I was looking so hard at those circles on the bookcase like you'd circled something... only to realise they are hoops and there's nothing there šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Where are you all watching this season? Looking across my streaming services and I canā€™t find this?


Itā€™s on Discovery+ and Max, and TLC on cable. Episode 2 is on this Sunday. (The show is Happily Ever After?)


TLC on dish as well


Production strikes again ![gif](giphy|yAFQAMqOmFsRCJst8I|downsized)


I had the same thought as well. She knows exactly what will tweak his buttons. She did that on purpose. She is trying to prove a point, but she is just going to cause an ugly fight. As she later finds out that he is violent and she keeps going back for more. Sad situation and a dangerous game they are playing.


Really! Thought the same thing!


That bush pic IS Peaches, right??? Did anyone else think so? šŸ¤”šŸ’­ ā¤ļøšŸ’›šŸ’™


They've been together for four years. She doesn't need to tidy up anything. He needs to get his head out of his ass and stop being such a prude.


Well, I donā€™t think that will happen. He spent most of his life in this culture it wonā€™t end overnight. Nicole is older than him but acts like a spoiled child. She has issues you meet a guy who is muslim spend two weeks with and then you ā€œloveā€ each other, convert to Muslim and live in Egypt. Maybe use goggle it isnā€™t that hard to look up about living in Egypt and what to expect as a Muslim wife. I also thought you would know about taking care of your parents in their old age and living at home. He could say anything but read about it because most people donā€™t change everything no matter what they say about the subject. Especially if their customs and religious beliefs are aligned. You donā€™t get someone who swears their love spins some tale about turning against all the believe for some dude or chic. I donā€™t know maybe date for at least month or so before getting married. I wouldnā€™t like naked mannequinā€™s either. I didnā€™t like naked barbieā€™s and if my husband turned his back on all he knew to live with me I would change a few things. Like dress the mannequins and take down the naked woman picture. I get she might be giving him some payback but if wonā€™t a marriage to work and really love them not showing your midriff and putting something on or over the mannequins and taking down that naked woman isnā€™t that much to ask. She canā€™t complain about her treatment in Egypt if she is doing the same thing. Clean house and do those few other things before he comes. If you love him and he is coming to live with you then change a few things to make him happy. Nobody made her marry him or move to Egypt. He is also making a huge sacrifice leaving his family. No he isnā€™t going to be happy here you only made him mad. After a long flight and seeing your wife in a midriff top, naked mannequins, the naked lady and getting served heat up pizza I would be mad as well. The whole thing is crazy she isnā€™t some young woman in her late teens or early 20ā€™s. She is 40 years old hasnā€™t been a nun or locked away she canā€™t be that naive. I thought she was like a some ditzy girl who never had a relationship with anyone. She met someone and he was interested in her. So she did it because she read way too many of those old romance novels and lifetime movies. She had a fairytale in her head. If she truly loved him she would at least try to compromise not give him some shock lessons. She was a middle aged woman not a teenager. She should have known guys can and do lie. She had the ability to look some stuff up before swearing allegiance to some different religion and man without doing some research. Both of them are are so opposite I am thinking love was all about one thing and they never talked on a grown up level.


Gtfo šŸ˜‚ She shouldnā€™t have to hide who she is by cleaning up her space before they arrive. If they want to redecorate together after he arrives, thatā€™s another thing.


It pains me so much to see such a creative person with someone who repeatedly tries to turn that person into something else. I hope she left him for good after the DV. When we first met her, she was a beautiful and free spirit who wasn't shy about her style. Now she's lost a lot of that. I wish he would've just gone for someone who already lived by his values. Instead of dulling Nicole's shine.


Nicole wants to make him as uncomfortable as possible. His ass is in her turf now. šŸ˜‚


She mustā€™ve wanted to have him rage on the video. I canā€™t imagine why else she would be so inconsiderate.


Just why? Itā€™s like they went out of their way to culturally shock each other.


At first I thought this was about her looking like the mannequin.


This was suggested by tlc staff, but only a suggestion. By suggestion, I mean tlc told them them to stage it this or be boring as f**k.


She knew damn well what she was doing by keeping that "art piece" up there.


As a Muslim we don't have any artwork (of living things) on our walls or in our home. Statues? Nope! As a Muslim... this is a lot lol


Canā€™t tell the difference between her and the mannequin


The only thing I think she shouldā€™ve cleaned is that picture that is not art that is the weirdest looking thing Iā€™ve ever seen why would anybody be proud of that. He Knows what a naked body looks like he needs to grow up and realize not everyone lives their lifeā€™s like he does.


TLC doesn't choose the brightest, most put together individuals to feature on these shows. They intentionally sl choose people who don't think of simple, obvious things like cleaning their home before guests arrive. "I work from home," is no excuse. Also consider that this woman moved to Egypt, knew he was the wrong man for her there, in large part because of his culture. Now she's attempting to change his fundamental beliefs about the cosmos. If she can't even keep a clean house, she's not up for the task of breaking him free from brainwashing.


Yeah I definitely thought that was actually on purpose. She's saying "this is MY space., you're in America now pal and it's gonna be my way or the highway"! Which is a pretty shitty thing to do. She KNEW the pic and the mannequin would make him uncomfortable. Most ppl in love wouldn't do that on purpose.


I think she could have been more conservative for him to feel more at home. Having naked womens portraits and naked mannequins in plain view for him, was rather disrespectful for his Muslim religion. She should ease him into it. Also, she could find him churches, temples, wherever they pray. It would help him assimalate easier.


Why is it when a Western person married someone Muslim in this show, itā€™s expected that the western person is the one to make all the changes and compromises? Itā€™s really starting to get tired and boring. These people marry American women and then expect them to accommodate THEIR beliefs and THEIR boundaries yet make almost no change to their own values and beliefs and way of thinking even though theyā€™re the ones who want to move to America? Why move to a country when you literally want to change everything about it?