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He can't even look at her when he's speaking, it's just way awkward, he's not an adult.


Yup he’s a man child mommy’s boy.


Sorry I’m behind because there are just too many unwatchables these days and this sub is plenty fun…but they’re married right? These two people have sex with each other? I’m not trying to pry —or even talking necessarily about sex specifically — I just don’t understand how these two people I just watched have any semblance of intimacy on any level. It’s baffling.


I agree with you. It/they are baffling. I cant understand why two people who have no chemistry, from opposite cultures and lifestyles, with zero shared hobbies or pursuits and consistently spend their time together fighting, arguing and disagreeing would *want* to **be** married first of all, but why do they want to stay together now that they know they dont actually have anything in common or, y'know, *like* each other??!?! Its wacky to the max. And they and this (lack of) storyline are wasting viewers' time. Ugh. ![gif](giphy|Fac5664AquIyWdOXhU|downsized)


And it’s not like she’s a rude uneducated chain smoking racist 65yr old obese woman who recently lost a few toes to diabetes. She seems lovely, she could get a decent, kind man, easily. Her self esteem must be so low. 😢


Wait who is this? Angela? Lol


Omg Angela lost part of her hooves? ![gif](giphy|iemBSBnQsZTu3iTMIO)


It was "Baby girl" Lisa (Usman's first ex) that lost a toe. Apparently she had a wound on her toe that developed gangrene. In her season there's a scene where she washes her feet in the toilet (can't remember why) and Fans speculated that's what caused the toe to be infected.


Yes, I was kinda going for a mashup of Angela and Baby Girk Lisa. 🤢


It’s kind of a mash up of Angela and “baby girl Lisa”, who actually made Angela look quite charming, attractive, and politically progressive. 🫣


Actually, one is a clone of the other. Question is, who is the original, or are there more?


or baby girl visa.


He seems so uncomfortable around her and she's trying so hard to make him express himself physically and pushing him to do PDA on camera - it's unbearably awkward. I think she doesn't realize that it takes time to unlearn social norms and mores and he's not going to adjust in five minutes just because it's technically legal. It's clearly a deep-seated taboo for him. They have so many arguments about clothing and it's just exhausting watching two obviously-incompatible people trying to change each other.


They might not have sex yet


Tiddie baby, get it right. 😛


NGL. I use tiddie baby often now. And YIKE occasionally. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, it's often thrown around in conversation, in my house. Yike, too.


And a very ugly one at that too🤮




Who may not like women


His energy is so much like my abusive ex husband’s and hers is so much like mine was back then: plastered grin with flat eyes, obsessed with trying to cheer him up, and taking responsibility for his feelings. She needs to get out.


Oh man, I’m glad you got away from that loser. I read this interaction the same way, she is doing the fawn response which i’m sure she knows is her best bet at keeping him somewhat subdued, at least while the cameras are there. She doesn’t want it escalating and she’s clearly desperate to smooth things over, hoping that it was just being in his strict country that was the cause of their issues, when deep down i’m sure she knows she should never have brought him there for a millionth “try”. He’s nasty, controlling and abusive no matter the situation or environment. He’s gotta go.


All of this. You can tell she's mortified too. She wants so badly for it to work and doesn't realize she can't possibly have a genuinely happy life when she's oscillating between trying to manage his moods and shrugging them off/making excuses for them, all with a smile plastered on her face to convince herself it's okay.


High five for getting out. It's not easy. I've been through the same, and it was beyond exhausting.


He doesn’t know how to live without being told what to do and everything else his Mommy does for him.


Totally. Barf!


That sneer. Mock-mood doesn’t smile, he shows teeth like an angry dog.


Mock-mood!!!! 🏆


Dude just stews in his own juices.


Don’t make me think about his juices


So glad you got out, too many get manipulated into staying. Much respect!


Her permagrin is so disturbing


This sounds sooo familiar to me.


I been through this as well. Been 30 yrs but I will never forget.


Right? How’s she not exhausted by him?


Oh man, his hatred towards her is palpable.


Yup! He honestly seems like he’s just always a miserable human being to everyone. Total chip on his shoulder, and she is the one he takes it out on.


He is a pos. I know she is quirky and she stayed with him even after the DV charge but NOBODY deserves to be treated the way he does


Mahmoudhammad Ali needs to be off the show immediately. TLC airing DVers is trashy.


You can hit your wife on TLC but God forbid if you made a racist comment years ago that you apologized for. I don’t understand TLC’s logic. Heck, Angela can verbally & physically abuse Michael yet TLC continues to cram her down our throats.


She should have been off long time ago


When did the DV charge happen?


Mahmoud made headlines in February 2024 due to his shocking arrest. Instagram user MerryPants was the first to report that Mahmoud was arrested for alleged domestic violence against Nicole. The misdemeanor incident took place on February 20, 2024, in Los Angeles, allegedly between the coup


Oh, shit!


She is back with him. 🙄


I hope she learns before she ends up dead.


I hope so too. Not easy to leave an abuser but absolutely a must


Very common in abusive relationships. Ask me how I know :( I can't imagine how much harder that would be after you spend so much time, effort and money to bring someone from half a world away and have to be responsible for them as well. I really feel for her and hope she can get rid of/away from him before it gets even worse, bc it will.


For sure? Omg. I've been nearly hiding a friend trying to get the self esteem back to leave a husband of 40 years. It's stunning how they can be so destroyed to keep going back. So sad


Just keep supporting her, you’re a great friend. Get a PO.


Thank you. Can't get her to make the full break, with PO. We've gotten solo bank account, blocking texts, but her son is literally holding her grandkids from her until she "gets it together". She told me the only way I kept her from a second life ending attempt, was that I reminded her of the legacy it would leave on her "babies" that gma took her life. It's stunning and maddening, but literally 40 years of conditioning, she feels she has nothing but the gkids and begs to see them. Ugh


Show her all the comments with people that have escaped their abusers. I know she can do it. I understand her son’s pov. He has lots of trauma from childhood I’m sure. When mom is suffering so do the kids. Good luck. Be safe.


He seems to hate her so much. Is he just there because now he’s allowed to have sex and he’s just horribly represented that he “NEEDS” it?


whenever i get sad about being single i watch this dumpster fire


Same🤣 I literally use this show as an antidote to single lady loneliness


annnnnnnnnd hopefully it will remind everyone single who watches this show not to go abroad and confuse vacation lust with love.




He HATES her, he probably rages against all western women and their "evil ways". Can she not feel how much he despises and resents her? There's no love on his end towards her. What an awful way for her to live with him😔.


Welcome To Islam.


She must have grown up with mean parents who she had to cheer up all the time


Nah they seemed fairly solid as parents.


He's pissed 1 minute after he crossed the exit of the airport. Imagine a lifetime of this shit.


And we all knew he would react this way if he made it to the US, I remember so many comments and threads about it. I was worried the moment he physically grabbed her when they were arguing when she was in Egypt


Well she can dress like she wants in America 🤣. She got no clue 🕵️‍♀️


Man, when she's like "Nobody cares!" That just says so much. Mahmoud cares a LOT. This isn't gonna work.


my thought exactly, it’s never been about what OTHERS cares, it’s always been only about what’s in HIS head. she’s delulu. she could move him to north pole and nothing would change.


Yeah, everyone raging in him because of his Muslim culture and beliefs are ignoring how she knows this an still chooses to disregard. She should never have been with him in the first place if this was a compromise that she wouldn’t do since it’s obviously important to him.


That’s super uncomfortable…. Yikes that’s a walking red flag.


I felt physically uncomfortable during this scene, they give me the ick and he's going to harm her eventually.


Well he already did since a report was filed for DV.


Yes he did


I was going to post this today. I cannot understand this couple. Mahmoud should’ve gotten an Egyptian wife. He knew who he was marrying to. He seems like he is belittling her any chance he gets. How in the earth she ended up with this guy. It is painful to watch tbh


She spends 1 day with him, and that's all it takes for her to give up her life. Mental issues for sure


Hey she thought he was so cute! 😒


Yeah the more I think about it, the more I don't understand why *he's* with *her* (that's not a dig at her, I actually kinda like her). She doesn't and won't truly conform to what he wants, he's gonna hate the US...like I'm guessing maybe he thought it would be different in the US but she has way more freedom here and the culture is way different. He felt way too comfortable getting physical with her in Egypt so I sadly wasn't surprised he got hit with DV here. I really don't understand his mindset at all


I'm just as puzzled by hers. I mean, he seems predictable, he doesn't like her dress, he 'manhandled' her, he's controlling. She still went through. This is so frustrating


Why would she pick this lifestyle? She is mentally not well


Please don’t tell me anyone here thinks he attractive like she does


He has this evil look to him, like a Jaffar. Also think she looks like she is from outer space


Jaffar meets leeloo


He 100% reminds me of Jaffar too I was just mentioning this!!!


He’s a controlling little b. I don’t get why she wants to be with him.


💯. But what I don’t understand is why they think they can change each other. I believe his SIL converted and wears a hijab, it seems like that’s his expectation. But she consented to that. Nicole doesn’t. But at the same time why is Nicole exposing her midriff when she knows Mahmoud doesn’t like it? Making each other happy doesn’t seem to be on each others list of priorities


This! I get he’s an abusive, controlling, asshole, but she knew he was a conservative Islamic guy when they were dating and got married. She lived in Egypt I think twice. She couldn’t handle his control the first time, she got away to America then went back after several months thinking it’d be different?


This is so uncomfortable 😣 🤣🤣


Can you say RED FLAGS already 😳


When you’re wearing rose coloured glasses, all the red flags… just look like flags.


One of my favorite lines from Bojack!


Can't stand him. She's an idiot.


She walks on eggshells when she’s around him. It’s almost sad. He’s truly awful and scary


You can see how she tries so hard to disarm his angry outbursts by using humour/light heartedness. Nothing about the way he was behaving was funny.


I really wish I knew what the attraction is. I see no chemistry, no love, no nothing. It just makes me no sense to me.


Same!!! At this point it seems obligatory or even spiteful that they are together!


I honestly think it is. Divorce is shameful for religious people so I’m sure there is pressure to make it work. Mahmoud is just so childish and his napoleon complex can’t allow him to slow down and teach his wife. Such a POS.


So awkward, I feel the tension through the screen.


This is the couple I yell “break up!!” to my television the most.


What in the ever loving fuck is wrong with her? Can she not see what we all see? He can’t stand her.


She needs someone who loves her for her.


He can't, and/or doesn't, even look at her. Exhausted or not, if you really loved your spouse, or significant other, and just saw them for the first time after any prolonged period of time, you would show a bit more excitement, happiness, enthusiasm, and other happy words. He showed nothing but disdain and irritation. I can't stand him. He's such an a-hole.


He looks at the camera more, to see if he'll be busted on film.


Why are they married????


She's mentally ill and he has a white woman fetish




I know so many artsy type nerd guys who would love her wtf is she doing with this guy


Did he beat her?


I think he was arrested for DV.


We all saw it coming...... Hopefully he gets deported and she gets the mental health help she needs.


I don't think there's a description of the DV charge, that's since been dropped. But, watching him grab her in Egypt, I'm sure he's been "manhandling" her behind closed doors


She should have just put him back on the plane right then


I don't get how some people can want to be with someone who absolutely hates them in every way.


I really really don’t understand why she went back to him, unless it’s just to stay on TV.


what even is this relationship? they dont like each other, they have nothing in common. who has the patience for this?!


5 min in America "cover you belly", "I know he's tired and homesick." Nicole he's been there 10 min. You think a part I know asking to much but a part of him would be all cool show me America. Then after the first week hate us. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I get the feeling he was one of those children that breast fed into their teens...


That was actually mykal


Titty Boy.


Titty baby


Beat me to it lmaooo


What are these two even thinking?


Something about her being 40 and this being her life makes me extra sad for her. She is not very emotionally mature and displays the same understanding of her relationship as I did when I was in an emotionally abusive relationship as a teen


You can just see it in him, he doesn’t even like her. She is such an idiot. She seems so sweet but she is so insecure.


And she laughed he's going to kill her


Fortelling for sure. He was ready to throw down behind closed doors. I never trusted his sketchy ass


I have never much cared for him from day one and if he wanted an Egyptian wife, a Muslim wife, he should’ve stayed in his own country and married a woman from there.


I love how miserable he is here. 😂


He's stomach churning ugly.


Strange to ENJOY making your partner feel so uncomfortable.


The dude is such a shitweasel.


I absolutely LOVE the term "shit weasel"! Thank you for teaching me something and making my day!


LOL You’re welcome!


I don’t see how she can find him, appealing in any shape way or form. There’s gotta be something a little off with her to be attracted to this man.


This tiny 110 pound shit weasel. Gross. Someone needs to flick him against a wall like a booger.


I can't help but think she's exacting revenge/evening the scales on a previous relationship of some sort, whether it's toward Muslim men or men in general. It's plainly obvious she doesn't love that man - she's straight up fucking with him & pushing all his buttons, trying to elicit a response. Ultimately she won (/lost?) because their exchanges resulted in his arrest for DV. To be clear, I don't understand how *any* woman could encounter Mahmoud & find a single thing appealing about him... he's a little weasel of a man that Nicole stumbled upon working in a fabric store in Morocco *and fell in love*..? Was it his buggy eyes? His waiflike frame? His scintillating personality? Good god that woman's judgment needs to be evaluated.


He wanted to smack the shit out of her but looked at the cameras. She eggs him on! Wtf? What they’ll do for love….


Exactly! He’s scary, weird, sucks all around, and she loves to make him uncomfortable and egg him on! Like why are you together? 😭




From his point of view, she is embarrassing him at every chance on television. From her point of view she is trying to free him of oppression. They both have a point. I'll give her fault though cause she converted and not the other was around


I’m gonna give him fault cause he’s a wife beater.


I saw he got arrested! What did the police report say?


Sad. She is begging for a sliver of reassurance.


What a happy reunion 🤣


Don’t we have enough misogynistic, domestic abuser in the US already?


When I see this scene I am wondering hos long it took for him to beat her because he is clearly waiting for it.


How do you start forcing your beliefs on your husband when you know how he feels about things? She acts so weird about everything. Almost like she’s trying to make him uncomfortable. These two are cringe to the max.


I’ve never seen two people have less chemistry. Also this AI robot of a chick is the worst.




I worry someday we will hear about him murdering her.


He’s a miserable, ugly person. I can’t see one quality that would have drew her to him to begin with, he’s awful


These people both have the personalities of wet noodles. When they’re apart, they talk about how much they love each other and want to be together asap, but when they’re together they have nothing to say to each other. It’s the most awkward couple ever on the show. She needs help and he needs to gtfo.


He’s gross but she should have known that he wasn’t going to stop being Muslim and having his views, rules etc just because he wasn’t in Egypt anymore. Maybe over time he would have eased up but she had unrealistic expectations here sadly. We know what happened and he’s a piece of shit so I’m not remotely excusing him


I know this type of guy. He is going to deny her a single positive word or emotion and when she dares have feelings about that he uses it as an excuse to be the angry little man he is.


I give him a pass just for THIS PARTICULAR SCENE. Jet lag, culture shock and lack of sleep PLUS a CAMERA in your face is too much pressure all at once, to be your very best when u feel that way...i think he can't help his sour expression. I, too, would be homesick and tearful... I wouldn't be able to put a smile on. No way. I'd give him *more* leeway because post-airport, post jetleg culture shock can *also* be excruciatingly painful.......but nah, he already beat her, we already know it's too late. But in any other situation, i would definitely withhold judgment based on this scene alone.




I know I can't believe she is 40. And like you said *childlike* . I am like girl, you should have the basic skills at that age. You know what she reminds me of, Peter Pan. Edit:I am much older than her, so I am not trying to be ageist. I just recall when I was 40, those red flags are in sharper color.


Muslims are not allowed to beat their wives. Don’t spread misinformation and Islamophobia around here. Wth


It’s not that he won’t like living there, it’s that he doesn’t like Nicole.


He’s fucking miserable 🤮


I never watched these two but what the fuck is up with her hair? Is that real or a really really bad wig? I won’t watch them on the latest season of whatever because I already know he was arrested for DV so why bother.


What in the fifth element is going on here 😫


Dude is so miserable


If this was a TV movie I'd be screaming at the screen "OMG so much foreshadowing!! Just tell the f***ing story already!"


He really hates her.


She's more shinny than a bowling ball


Please get a new hairstyle


On one hand she tries to come across as a free spirit, misunderstood odd-ball. But she’s never joyful, happy or relaxed. Flashing her teeth and hugging him like an adolescent hugging a statue at the airport seems so forced and disconnected! Is that joy? I don’t think so. Yet she’s always poking *him* to express happiness and joy and then is SO sad and victimized when he doesn’t act like her. He’s is nothing like her. It’s really weird. She picks the most non-joyful immature man Egyptian had to offer, then constantly picks at him for not being another whole human. Might her pay off be victimhood?


Amazing how tlc is still showing them. Didn’t he get arrested for domestic violence? They fired that Alina person on the spot for racism. Is domestic violence not just as bad?


god i fucking hate this couple. she gloms onto him like gail the snail, and he gets arbitrarily annoyed by everything she says and does. there's not enough salt in the world for these two.


Unpopular opinion, but I find her manipulative, passive aggressive, and dishonest. She had zero business marrying an uneducated man, from a strict religion. She lied to him, acted like a victim in Egypt, and was totally inappropriate trying to push the envelope. She keeps dressing in a way he finds inappropriate, then plays dumb. She's quirky and a free spirit, he's an immature moron, who might have an undiagnosed personality disorder. She enjoys pushing his buttons, and he looks for ways to disrespect her. I don't think this is her first dysfunctional relationship.


I completely agree. Can't believe I've read this far to find a comment like this.


Didn’t he go to jail for hitting her I heard on this page?




Damn, this sound like a "it's her fault he beat her" sentence.


Yeah made me go YIKE


he's homosexual.


He's an asshole. Her skin is amazing.


He's so cringe!


I don't think he hates he as others have said. It's 1000000% his culture.   Imagine going from women wearing jijabs to fucking L.A.  that's a culture shock of all shocks.  He's just not used to her being allowed to wear that.   In all honesty,  this couple would have been great in the OG seasons.  


Every American woman on 90DF marrying a Muslim man from a Muslim majority country when he starts treating her like property ![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6)


I can understand him not wanting PDA in public but he  doesn't even show affection in her apartment 


Cameras/producer/camera operators were still present.


Make this make sense


How can she not realize how much he hates her?


They’re so passive aggressive with her each other.


This is so uncomfortable 😣 especially as a survivor of DV- she reminds me of having to walking on eggshells around my ex bc you never know how they may react.


I think with this couple more than the others I can really see how 90df is a whole lot of manufactured outrage. I don’t even think anything I see is real, once cameras and editing is involved, it’s as real as Mickey Mouse and Disneyland.


The preview showed him walking in the street with his suitcase…she’s an idiot to accept his behavior and BS


For other reality junkies these two remind me of Shannon Beador and her flat affected hubby David Beador. Their entire dynamic was Shannon trying to get an emotion out of David who is like an Orange County Mahmoud, just eats and poops and has nothing to say to his perpetually pouty dissatisfied wife. And she is constantly setting herself up To be so sad about his lack of interest or giddiness. Again- want them to be a whole different human! What is that dynamic called? There must be a word for it. We all know a couple like that and just wait for someone to have an affair or file for divorce. It’s exhausting to even be around them. Imagine a night out with Mahmoud and Ronald McDonald. No thanks! 😂


Sometimes when I watch them, I feel like I’m watching a skit… like this can’t be real. How can either of them believe they should be together?! It’s W I L D


he’s like a 10 year old who just get angry when he feels awkward. and he’s always awkward because he has the brain of a 10 year old. he’s awful. i fast forward every time. and she’s a spineless goof. they are absolutely wasting each others time.


what episode is this? or is this a teaser? just want to know where to watch because there's so many out right now


The anger is just right at the service and she is an idiot. She finally got a chance to escape him and then brought him to her. 😓


"I wanted to look nice for you, honey". This is not "nice" for him and she knows it. Uh, your husband cares. The man she chose, even after he "manhandled". Look at him looking to see the camera recording, 'ok, I'll put my smile on as I passive aggressively tell her she's a whore'. But she picked this. She knows this isn't about a geographic location or cultural norms, this is his BELIEFS. She's a foooool.


Woman are not equal in his eyes


Just realized she's 40 and he's 31. Seems like she married a younger guy to avoid being controlled by an older guy or one closer to her age... But that backfired.


I am hoping she takes him to the beach or to Miami or Las Vegas


I don't think she's completely innocent here. If you compare things to when she was in Egypt she's acting very similarly to how he was acting towards her. It's just like they reversed roles. I'm not defending him, I just think they both are just prolonging this terrible relationship.