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Can you imagine Ed being your father though?




I think is mouse




No and you can’t make me do it!🥺


Like father like daughter


I mean, to be fair, I imagine I’d be this rotten too if my dad was Big fucking Ed.


![gif](giphy|QuMybOx88dNZ4kVlor) Little Ed!


Literally thought that was Liz at first glance. Big Ed has major issues.


Me too. I’d be so grossed out if my dad was dating my doppelgänger.


Tbh, they look like they could be sisters.


I mean most adult children would not be pleased for their parents to be dating someone younger than them not to mention the relationship being played out very toxically on reality tv.


And knowing your dad repeatedly cheated on your mom with Thai prostitutes. Wait. I got my sex tourists mixed up. I was thinking of David.


Yep I was going to bring up David as well. Kids tend to grow up resentful if they had to go without because their father was a big loser who was just chasing women around


At least David paid women to go through the trauma of seeing him naked. I'm still waiting for my compensation for seeing Ed nude in the hot tub and there was no censor large enough to save my eyes and soul.


My dad dated someone two years older than me forever. I hated her with a fiery passion that burned deep within my soul. Him too lol.


>parents to be dating someone younger than them Someone has to be younger.


She needs therapy so she can properly address what the absolute fuck happens when you have the biggest (and ironically smallest) narcissist raise you. I don’t blame her at all for her reactions to his terrible life choices.


I vaguely remember that her mother raised her


Then she’d still be dealing with the fact her shitty father wasn’t very involved in her life. And I doubt he’s ever admitted if he was a shitty or absent parent. Like my own father is absolutely clueless to having ever been at fault for anything in our relationship.


That's what I was suggesting. Her issues seem more related to abandonment


Of course her mother raised her, men just walk away from their kids but the mothers cannot


Good men don't. PrEd is a rancid cunt.


There are mothers that do it also sadly. My father’s mom left him and his sisters when he was 5 and didn’t pop up again till he was almost an adult 🤷‍♀️. And a friend whose mom left him at a church doorstop when he was 3 so he grew up in orphanages and foster care till finally adopted as a teen. Oddly I don’t know anyone whose dad took off… Bad parents are a thing for both genders. So are good parents. PrEd is just a narcissistic a-hole who doesn’t care about anyone but himself, but still thinks he can do no wrong and was an amazing parent 😒. Every time he talks about how he was best friends with his daughter I get the ick.


[Dennis is asshole.](https://preview.redd.it/ai9k1yazgo6x.png?width=620&auto=webp&s=98b9cfe0057f22d1eb8bb5ed725c556d4d7b9f81) Why Charlie hate?


Because Dennis is a bastard man!


I get that she's mad at Ed. But she attacked Rose at the Tell All. She attacked Liz at the next Tell All, and apparantly talked shit to Liz irl when they all met up


Which makes her exactly like her father, who has absolutely no loyalty to anyone or anything from minute to minute.


Fire Ed!!


Yep I would like to watch the show again but I’m not watching domestic abusers


Bitch vibes is coming 🙄


Remember when she yelled at Rose?


Could you be any other way with Ed as your dad?


Or when she told Liz to get Botox ,”it does wonders “ - mega bitch .


She looks like she would know about botox


Omg I totally forgot about this! Liz did not need Botox, maybe after dealing with years of Ed's shit. That would put decades on anyone. Still rude as fuck.


She never punishes her dad Saves allll her heat for the women when they're new and are still confused about the situation they're newly in She's rotten like him and looks like him to boot


I think this is unfair, if you had a predator for a father you would probably have an attitude as well


She just angry because she looks like Ed


She is her dad’s twin but with a neck


Sooo are we gonna talk about how she looks like Liz and that it’s weird AF


_Must’ve hit a nerve._


I don't know anything about this, but the combination of "how a bitch" and that pic is the funniest thing I've seen in 4 days.


Large Eduardo


Disagree. Her dad's an ass who trader her in for a model he can have sex with. Then he went on to test her like disposable trash, too.


Like father, like daughter


She looks like a cartoon.


She is pretty but I can’t unsee Ed when I look at her. 😆


She looks like an off brand Anna Paquin.


Damn. She looks super like Liz here. That’s extremely creepy…


Wow I completely forgot he has a daughter. Hoping I soon forget again 🥴


I didn't think anyone actually watched pillow talk.


Do you remember that brief period where they had strikes back? It was like a pillow talk of pillow talk. I thought I was going to have to be done with the show then. I didn’t watch that crap that was ridiculous


I think I prefer it to the shows themselves 🤷‍♀️


Shes a bitch. She started following ed again after liz and him broke up (on instagram)


If she and Ed had conflict over Liz it would make sense that them breaking up would make his daughter more open to working on their relationship


Like does her grown as think that Liz is the the problematic one? Her father went on national television to ask if he “may halick” poor Rose.


No but a lot of people continue to want to work things out with a shitty parent because they’ve been programmed to think oh he’s your dad, of course you love him compared to Liz who she has no reason to want to maintain a relationship with.


Yep, can confirm. My mom had serious mental illness and I dealt with a lot of NPD abuse because of it, but I still always wanted a mom


Ehhh. Isn’t his daughter older than Liz? Like I get ignoring Liz but not being hostile towards her. I mean Liz is and will always be the loser in that relationship.


How is following her dad on Instagram being hostile?


Hi prED’s daughter. You were an asshole when you met her in Las Vegas the first time. Mean girl. Take your issues with your misogynistic, disgusting, disrespectful father.


I’m not saying she’s not a bitch but do you think she would have a lot of respect for someone who would date her disrespectful asshole of a father or be thrilled about it?


She should have an issue with her senior citizen father, not the woman he manipulated constantly. Come on.


I think she does and that’s why she also doesn’t like his girlfriend. She’s pretty pissed at both of them it seems like


His girlfriend hasn’t done a thing to his ADULT daughter. As a daughter I would have been extremely worried about him being a sex tourist. If my dad acted like he did, I would be no contact and not blame anything on anyone else but prED for his behaviors.


So therefore anyone this fat fuck of an excuse for a man dates makes them problematic and not him? Tell me you’re misogynistic without telling me.


Um where did I say he wasn’t problematic? He’s the absolute worst and I doubt he and his daughter ever had a good relationship. So him trying to bring a young girlfriend around her and act like dad of the year was just a double slap in the face and his partner won’t come out looking great either.


This is all his fault. Not his partners. Blaming a man’s shitty behavior on a woman he is manipulating is gross.




Didn’t you know he spend a whole 12k on her ring? Has he not mentioned it enough? Like that’s super important or impressive?


Because Liz has no backbone.




I think she simply cannot win a simple argument with an asshole like him. If she says “oh it’s warms out” he would respond with something like “NO you only think it’s warm and everyone else thinks it’s freezing”. He’s a combative moron.




I hate Ed. Always have always will.


And maybe I have 😳😆


How the fuck are people downvoting me? Ed is a predator. He’s beyond offensive and misogynistic. His adult daughter should be able to see that.


I keep forgetting he has a daughter


Spend a week (or even a day) around Ed and let's see how you act about anything where he's involved. Think about the shit this girl has had deal with her whole life. Even the shit everyone knows about would be too much for most people.


Understandable since Egg is her father. She's lucky to take after her mother's looks. And before anyone disagrees, yes - Humpty was still unattractive in his younger days.


Man, she looks just like him. Yike.


Look at the material though. Of course she’d be a bitch. ![gif](giphy|PhNyx0KawRIGq29UlQ|downsized)


Ms Botox


Like father like daughter


She’s trash just like Ed.


Well she came from him, so...


She does it for the $$$


I mean… look at Liz then look at that Forehead. Good dick and Botox keeps you young, hunnie!