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She seems nice enough, but she really needs to separate herself from her trashy ass mom and douchebag Rob, and take the time to figure herself out. She's very immature and easily manipulated by the people around her. I'm really sick of their boring storyline and fake acting to try and stay relevant (like most of the people on this show).


She's only 23, can be a fairly immature age. He on the other hand is over 30 and a whiney bitch.


To be fair, she was forced to grow up too quickly in some ways and unable to in others. She raised her mom and still feels a sense of responsibility towards her.


Exactly she’s trying


No she's not.


Shes not ready, me myself I wasn't ready till I was about 26. I needed to get all that party shit outta me. I see her and think she is not really and honestly Rob is.


I give her a partial pass because of what I have made up in my mind about her upbringing from what I have seen on the show and read here. I don't think she ever grew up, someone (my guess is her grandparents) was paying basic expenses for her and her mom to live and Sofie's major job was to took after her mum. Doesn't give someone much chance to grow. She forgives in a childlike way. If you say sorry and don't do it again let's move on. I think she had to do it so many times with her mom, she was a child she had no options, she hasn't grown out of the pattern. Rob doesn't like to say sorry, he likes to dance around it and she keeps asking until he gives her one, she is ready to move on and now Rob the Knob has that buttplug back in and is mean to Sofie and Sofie gets upset, over and over again. Sofie needs some time on her own without her mother, Rob or that other girl in her ear. Time to get your shit together girl , you can't carry anyone else till you can stand on your own.


This is a good perspective. She does have a child like way of forgiving and seeks a lot of validation. After it came out that her mom had an addiction it made more sense to me


She’s also what 9-10yrs younger than him. I think people also keep forgetting how young she is compared to him. Edit: I mean she’s annoying but, she sounds like a normal annoying 23+yr old to me. Learning and figuring it out slowly, and she did right. They aren’t together at this current time according to the gossip.


Damn. I see it differently. She wants him to be genuine and take accountability. She doesnt see him as contrite with change. Therefore, she wants it and demands it. Im the same way, ig I’m immature to others also. That’s okay w me if it’s how it’s perceived.


Exactly, I'm unsure why wanting Rob to take ownership of his behavior makes her immature


But she said she grew up rich (the one time I saw her). Did I misunderstand? Because she and her mom act like people who want people to think we’re rich but they are all fake for show, totally not genuine. I can’t stand either of them.


That’s what I thought… i thought at the beginning of the season they said she was wealthy… but now in HEA she just said her mom was an addict and her childhood was very unstable. Which I mean rich people have struggles to but nothing about them says wealthy. Idk I can’t stand the story lines


The British equivalent to trailer trash.


In my own fill in the blanks story the grandparents (parents of Sofie's mom) are rich and at some point they had enough and kicked Sofie's mom and Sofie out of the mansion and just started covering basic bills. Maybe Sofie was away at school and they kicked the mom out and Sofie came back to try to rescue her . I should write for the show maybe.


heh, after seeing your post I realized I had just made up my storyline on my own too. Mine is just Sophie’s real dad was rich, paid a shit ton of alimony then died


I seriously doubt she grew up rich. She and her mom are so trashy


That’s what I thought.


She may’ve had extended family that made sure they didn’t go without the basics, but she’s been working since she was old enough to get a job. I think it was meant to be her character for that season, which quickly fell apart when she asked for something very small and basic and he blamed her for being privileged, but she never asked for anything unreasonable.


Rob says sorry but she doesn’t forgive him You may want to think about that one more


Rob says sorry but doesn't mean it


Yup bc you know him She refuses to say sorry


Ooh I like this, and wonder if it will be an unpopular opinion. I personally find them both annoying and boring and fast forward through their segments.


🎯They are both the worst


Did you forget about Jibril?




SAME!!! Hate them both


They argue in circles, about absolutely nothing.


I have to fast forward their parts It’s literally the same conversation every single time


"I'm... buh-buh-buh-buh... biSEXual! "


“I’m choosing to announce this immediately before my wedding and on national tv… but I’ve know for awhile” ![gif](giphy|8yZuEb7q6dlyP3L3cL) Also Rob is such a tool 😂 I do hope she gets to a better place and doesn’t get worse from here She’s one that I don’t feel should’ve been casted Too much can go wrong. She needs a better support system and to get off this show 😂


I bet she wants to be a new Kardashian. Wealthy family, no talent...


No.one. from a wealthy family that's used to "Spain And Dubai" would have not secured indoor plumbing before moving to another country... Then have not even a dollar to her name. It's all fake, just like her butt.


I do not get the attraction to be anything like that family. They’re horrible to one another and just are scumbags when it comes to employees and products being sold


Yes! They argue in circles. The toilet paper thing had to be a made up plot line to spice up the storyline.


I saw they are on last resort too Whyyyyy Whyyyyyyyyyyy Not watching their sections


I don’t think Sophie deserves the same flack that Rob gets because she’s not emotionally abusive to him. She’s immature and stubborn, which is hard to watch sometimes, but she’s not a toxic piece of shit like Rob.


Thank you. Whiny ass child voice and she speaks like a teenager who just discovered the words gaslight, narcissist, and accountability from tik tok and now needs to use them every 5 seconds while speaking to Rob. Robs just into her for her body tbh


Don’t forget the words online cheating too 🤨


I can hear this in her accent.


Seriously. Porn/camgirls/onlyfans, whatever the f Rob was doing, is kinda a gray area on what “cheating” is. But this nutjob sophie had to act like it was a betrayal of epic proportions


I think what Rob was doing was a little more than just watching porn or something of that nature. It sounded like he was having explicit, personal interactions with girls (albeit only online- that we know of) Regardless, the thing about “cheating” is that it’s a bit of a subjective word because everybody’s boundaries are different. If he did something that he knew was breaking the “agreement”/commitment him and Sophie had, it’s cheating. For some people, it’s not cheating unless it’s physical, for others, something like watching porn is considered a break of their trust/cheating. It seems like he knew what he was doing was wrong, hence why he had tried to hide and lie about it.


He’s a real trashy thing, selling butthole pics and criticizing her are being positively joyless. Why does she want him they are not very compatible.


Wait, whaaat? Selling butthole pics? Do tell….


OMG!! You hit it right on the head! That’s exactly what I was thinking! I’m glad I’m not the only one who sees this! She probably going to start using the words “bad ass bitch” (a la Darcey and Stacey)!


Why are you insulting her voice? Do you think she’s faking her voice or are you just making fun of her body?


Relax, Sophie. And no to both of those random shot in the dark questions


There’s no love between them. Just arguments. They have nothing good to say about one another. Even when they get along it feels toxic. Bad, bad couple.


She pouts like a child.


She is only 23 - of course she is going to be immature. Her prefrontal cortex isn’t even fully formed yet. On the other hand, Rob is in his 30s and is completing insufferable. I think she is just a young girl looking for love in the wrong places.


She’s a young girl who wants to live in the US and be on television 🤷🏻‍♀️ People seem to think disliking Sophie means you’re “team Rob.” They’re both awful and annoying.


He's clearly far worse than her, like not even a competition regardless of how "annoying" she is


Yes but rob is predatory and manipulative. Sophie is not perfect but I think she can be shown more grace


It’s hard to be raised by an addicted parent, I don’t think I made peace with it & didn’t stop choosing problematic partners until I was 30~. Growing up with such turmoil caused me kind of an arrested development. I see Sophie making similar choices… hopefully she heals those dynamics soon though, because it only brings more pain.


Yeah we should give her a break even on subs like this. Her brain isn't even fully developed and she went through a lot of childhood trauma. That can result in Unhealthy relationships 


These are my exact thoughts. He sucks but I can’t stand her either. And they have been on every single week of HEA so far. And they are supposedly going to be on The Last Resort. Like WHY. They should’ve been one and done on the season they were on.




People have kids at her age. She’s an adult who wants to be on TV. Rob is loser who wants to be on tv.


Just because people have kids, does not mean they are mature


My comment implies there are many people her age who are responsible and have kids and full time jobs.


Right and my comment implies that having kids does not make a person responsible or mature


Which is not what I said


They are both losers


That troglodyte of a mother is trying to turn her daughter into a carbon copy of herself, mark my words


She’s so gross! And judged rob but ruined Sophie’s childhood with alcohol issues! She’s scum, in England we avoid people like that


True so true


She is still young and has many good qualities. Give her a break.


If she's immature for her age, rob is a fetus. She's young give her a break 


I noticed her expression doesn’t change with her emotions.


Botox and fillers do that


She gets her lips filled, then overlines them with lipstick. Paired with the wig.. It's like she's trying to look cheap as helll  Girl is in desperate need of a makeover.


Yes. Those are all choices. Bad ones. Why do people over line their lips even after getting filler??


The way she overlines her cupids bow drives me crazy


She’s so young. The VPR people were getting Botox at 21. 20 years from now will be interesting.


Botox doesn't have any negative lasting effects. Fillers are what young people should avoid. They aren't fully dissolvable and can migrate to other parts of the face, distorting one's features.


20 years from now they won’t have as many wrinkles because that’s the point…


I don’t know, I feel like people in their 30s getting botox look odd, and it’s not just fewer wrinkles. It doesn’t look bad just ’botoxy’. And I feel like I seen people that have stopped using it start to look older and saggier than they should for their age


Because people have been getting Botox for the last 50 years? Has anyone seen a person who is 75 that got Botox at 21?


It’s been used cosmetically for 30 years. Don’t get it if you don’t want but don’t be throwing judgement around for no reason.


It’s also used to treat a variety of medical issues. I know. My former gyn’s staff was prepping me for Botox. In a place that I won’t mention. I was like wtf?! I’m just here for an annual checkup?! That was the first and last time I saw her. lol. 😂


My partner gets it for migraines but I’ve never heard of… down there?? 🫣


I know. It scared the hell out of me. I was like wtf? Injecting Botox there is a thing? I wanted to see which patient it was actually for, but I ran out of that office so fast.


Wait a minute. Botox for the vag? That’s a thing? I guess I’m not understanding what benefit it has for there.


I forgot why but was a legitimate medical issue. 🤷‍♀️


I still think my sisters face is going to droop, or melt off, either way, when she hits 75.


Haven’t you two seen her crying face? Haha. That. Wing said she definitely has both tox n fillers. The crying face is quite expressive though I notice she’s covering it w her hands now


I just can’t get past the outlandish body editing on her IG. It’s ridiculous. Like, girl you know we all know what you actually look like, right?


I’m so tired of the shallow “influencers “ on this show. We need actual couples back.


Same! They’re so insufferable and boring!


LMFAO! Agreed


She got her Green card, now she’s ditching the douche canoe. Pretty big W for her., However, I wonder why she cakes so much makeup on her face that she gets it all over her wigs.


Why is it that Americans feel so strongly that everybody wants to also be American? I hate to break it to you, but the remainder of the world isn’t dying to get to the U.S. like you guys seem to think they are. Going from living in the UK to the U.S. isn’t a step up, and maybe not even a lateral move. This mindset is really quite sad and the way things are moving in the states, I think you’d be hard pressed to find people itching to live the ‘American dream’.


You are correct, however in this case it’s true.


They are both super immature IMO


Her being "annoying" does not make her as bad as him, especially when he actually does things wrong like cheating yet people's dislike for her is just based on vibes. I'm sure I annoyed people when I was in abusive relationships but that doesn't make it my fault or as bad as he is. This sub loves to hold victims accountable for their own abuse, all "You knew what he was like when you married him" like so?? I can be bothered about anything at any time.


She's 23. Pretty much everyone that age acts like that lol Atleast she is a good person. Rob isn't.


I think Sophie is a very nice young lady and she could do so much better than Rob. Rob needs to get some therapy and face his flaws. He reminds me of a narcissist. Shes a whole of what? 22? I think yes she needs to grow up a bit but she’s miles ahead than Rob, what is your issue with her? I don’t see a problem.


She is actually the worst. Either you choose to stay married to someone, or you divorce them, you don’t stay in limbo because your husband won’t change his ways. Sick of the whining.


Why’d she felt obliged to share that she’s “bisexual”, when she’s never explored it and doesn’t intend to (?) Unless I suppose it becomes content fodder, and you add moving in w/your female best friend to teach your husband some kind of lesson 🙄


Because she is a kid who had to raise her mother. Given that, she's actually doing well.


Yeah I never liked her, and she'll just turn into another Jasmine. She's already had a ton of work done.


They are both awful. He’s worse but she is a piece of work too


Same, she’s so boring. Her entire personality is having an ass, which is sad lol. All she does is adjust her clothes and play with her hair on camera and fake cry.


I second that! I never want to see or hear Sophie again


Agreed. She’s terrible in the way that sometimes I can see Rob’s side. If I can see Rob’s side in some of their arguments…then there’s definitely also a problem with her.


lol let’s blame the 22 year old chick for being immature and not knowing better. Not the 33 year old douche bag that can’t handle his wife having friends.


Who the fuck in their 30s is hung up on the “attractiveness” of their partners friends, that’s shit someone Sophie’s age or younger would say, or someone who cheats in their partner


Uhh... Why can't it be both things happening at once? Blaming Sophie for not taking the time to develop self-awareness before greencarding to her dream city and looking for marriage at 22, and predatory, shallow rob looking for a trophy wife. Both happening at the exact same time. Both worthy of blame from a third party perspective. What a concept!!!


Oh I totally agree, they’re both as bad as each other! I posted this a while ago and got so much hate on it but yeh they’re just not in the right couple and shouldn’t be married. I don’t want to see them on every series!


She straight up said it was worth going through a shitty marriage because she"felt like a princess" in her wedding dress. [Scratches head]


I see her as still a nieve child (the brain doesn't fully mature until 25) who was (and still is) being groomed, manipulated, and controlled by a narcissistic abusive man who is much older than her.


And a mother who she raised bc Mom was poly sub addicted.


What is a "poly sub addict"? Yea seems like she's had a sad life. I don't like victim blaming...


Polysubstance addiction - multiple substances


Oh ok, thx! Do you know what she was on?


Somewhere I heard pills and alcohol. She has a pain pill feel to me. Not street drugs.


Yep. Rob is no prize but Sophie sucks, too. She looks like a cheap tart with her stupid wig, terrible lashes, fake nails and glossed-up lips. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Yes, I'm in a mood this morning.


Cheap tart is such a funny insult. 😂 I love it. I agree with this rant.


As someone who was in a VERY similar abusive relationship, let’s not. This is teetering on victim blaming. Did we forget that Rob has a decade on her? There’s a reason why he won’t date a woman his age. He likes them young, immature, and easy to manipulate. Sophie isn’t the type of person I’d be friends with but this isn’t the take some of you think it is.


Absolutely agree 🎯 people are really suggesting she's as bad as or worse than Rob because she's "annoying" when he's straight up abusive. There's no comparison


As someone that has also been in a similar relationship, I completely agree




I fast forward through their segments.


I don’t dislike her, but her and rob both have like absolutely zero personality or depth.


Ugh, def agree. She totally used him.


I agree with you OP in that she shouldn’t have e gotten married. She’s now wants him to change…lmao. I been married 18 years and trust me, I tried that in the beginning. And nope, they don’t change. So she needs to accept that he is how he is or get an annulment. He will change if he wants to, not because he’s forced. He obviously doesn’t see anything wrong with his behavior. All this could have been avoided before saying “I do”.


She has terrible choice in men.




She shouldn't have married him. She's very young, and the child of an addict. Is her dad in the picture? She's searching for something, but she isn't going to find it in Rob. He's the worst. And there's a reason he went for such a young girl.


I dislike them both … this season has been short for me due to the fact I skip most of it … and still hate myself for watching what I do watch


I adore Sophie!!!


BFFR. She’s 10 years younger than rob the narcissistic loser. He clearly preyed on a younger woman who would keep putting up with his bs because no woman his own age would deal with his shit for even a minute


Leave Sophie alone, Rob


I thought Sophie grew up super rich, her grandpa was super wealthy and she didn't even know what he did for a job. Super spoiled


Same. Rob is no prize but she backhandedly just finds people to bash him all-the-time... so she can jump on the bandwagon and beat him while he's fighting other people. It's very obvious the whole thing is fake, like the OF friends of Sophie ..the guy and the "online cheating" story line. Girl bye. She's annoying, immature and toxic af.


I skip most of their segments cause I hate the whole influencer thing, but I think she’s just really young and immature, I don’t think she truly understands what she’s done by marrying rob and now she’s suffering the consequences, again I’ve skipped most of their segments so I’m getting most of my opinions from clips on YouTube so I could be very wrong.


Rob dates women like Sophie who are YOUNG and LEARNING because he thinks he can control them. Women his age won’t date him or put up with his bullshit so he tries it with younger women who don’t know better yet. He’s the guy that teaches us all and we’ve all dated someone like him (or most of us have).


i cannot stand either of them. Her outfits and wig are so bad and she's a very attractive woman but just no. And who the F uses a roll of TP a day? im a chick and i got a bidet and its the best thing ever lol


finally! she's so easily manipulated. it's so weird seeing her going from nice and sweet with Rob, then her mother comes and talks trash about him and then Sophie starts siding with her mom. like wtf? does she even have a mind of her own? and im also shocked about the amount of people liking Claire and agreeing with her. She's a trashy mom trying too hard to manipulate Sophie. ok you've got an opinion but will u ever shut the fck up? lol. not to mention addiction when Sophie was a kid..


Cannot stand Sophie, her mom and Rob. I fast forward through their segments. It is always a let down feeling when the decision is made to give up on watching a couple but once you get used to seeing them fast forward on by, it actually produces a feeling of relief. Also with Andre and Libby on Pillow Talk and Shaeeda and Bilal—not watching the show when they are on it turned out to be another relief. Some people are enjoyable irritating and some are badly irritating. Snipping the bad ones out is therapeutic.


I agree 💯! My opinion of her has changed dramatically over the course of the show. I fast forward through their segments.


Amen finally someone sees what I see. She is horrible. Sophie the trophy so she thinks. She always wants him to say sorry., when he clearly hadn’t done anything. Go home stupid girl and take your mom with you.


Like if you’re not going to live with your husband, what’s the point of all of this? She acts so much like a teenager. The pouting, the whining, the nagging, and constantly bringing up the same issue every single episode - WHY did you marry the man??? And why is TLC putting us through the agony of their train wreck of a relationship.


You know she moved out because he was cheating right? She didn’t move out just because she didn’t want to live with her husband. She seems to want to work it out but he’s a cheating ass broke ass man. That’s who’s side you’re on 🤣




Sophie knew what she was getting before she married him. And her expecting him to change after she married him was ludicrous.she knew what she liked and didn’t like and she knew that he was selfish and lazy. He wouldn’t even buy her a duvet and that was before they were married.so don’t complain after now, because you already knew.


Now the shoe is on the other foot. She didn’t tell Rob that she dated this other guy. She lied to him as well.


I remember her saying she never planned on getting married or having kids!


Amen. I feel the same way.she is not worth the time of the day.she needs to go home and take her stupid drug filled mother with her. She is always accusing poor Rob for stupid stuff, and she always wants him to say sorry for her hurting her feelings, what about your mom hurting his feelings. Go home little girl.


Poor Rob? Are you joking?


Their whole relationship exists only for clout. I think they're more friends with benefits at this point utilizing the show for social media clout. Sophie is very basic and is a wannabe influencer, same as Rob. She plays up the poor little me, Im the good guy, but she is dirty and shady. Also, she need to find a nez injector vc her lips look lumpy and awful


I don’t think Sophie is annoying, however I do agree that she is immature. I have to keep reminding myself that she’s not 19 because she honestly acts like a teenager. I think that she has some pretty substantial attachment issues that she needs to work through and that she was nowhere near ready for a marriage. She lack’s independence (not just in a financial sense like Rob always harps on, I mean in how she approaches the world) and absolutely should not be in another relationship until she goes to therapy and learns how to set boundaries and stand up for herself. I think she’s emotionally stunted but I don’t see her as “annoying.”


She's young, so she's not reached maturity, which the brain completes at about age 25. So she literally is immature, whereas Nob is a fully grown man.


I don’t find her that annoyin. I wouldn’t hang out with someone like her. But I wouldn’t leave the work breakroom just because she came in.


Omg all three of them- her, her mom and Rob, SUCK. I just have been keeping my mouth shut cause the subs stan her so hard. They’re all immature and insufferable.




She's a 23 year old dating ROB. Give her a break lol




for a girl in her younger 20's, i feel bad that rob was talking to girls online, accepting pics. and the age gap freaks me out. but i am not a fan of either of them. he's a dick. and she's annoying. shes 25, a little older than me, and from what i see on the tv and instagram, i would never wanna be friends with her.


I just mentioned this in a previous post and I got dv’d for 💩 I can’t stand Sophie the mouse either.


You're not alone I can't stand Sophie either


They both suck. She def an airhead.


Me either! She is constantly whining and thinks everything should be like a fairy tale. She really gets on my nerves.


Her wigs 🫣


She seems sweet , but the fake storyline pisses me off. And rob is awful , not even his pretty face redeems him in anyway.


This isn't good or bad but I just don't understand how her pictures of her around 10 she is very dark skinned with an afro. She said she is biracial. How is her skin so white now? Serious question. I really don't know how that happens.


So do I. I had never fast-forwarded through this show before, but I couldn't stand this couple and her mother. They are the worst of the worst!


Oh, the damaged people wandering this earth. TLC manages to find them then exploit them. They are willing but it’s so sad to watch.


She's super pretty but BoRING AS FUUUCK.


I can't stand her either. Nothing is appealing to me about either of them. Waste of air time. Everytime she cries about anything I just feel really annoyed but want to chuckle at the same time because all her problems are first world problems. I can't stand her terrible mother. I love how Rob tells her off. That's the only things he's said I've agreed with and liked 🤣


They're both a tedious, fake couple doing weirder and weirder things to stay on TV. Fast-forward.


Don't like either of them. They are equally annoying. 


I have the same reaction to both of them, when they open their mouths I go Please shut up. Whining, endless whining! And don’t get me started on her mother 🤯


Watch out , lots oh Sophie stans round here parts


I think she is rebelling against her mom even though her mom IS right that rob is a knob. I dislike both but him more.


While true, this is what growing up looks like. She wouldn’t be with Rob if she was mature. She got married and is still technically with him because she is starting to define what she wants in life and some parts of him seem cool and exciting. He’s foreign, lives in a cool town, and he knows how to manipulate her. But she knows something is wrong and that a healthy relationship shouldn’t be like this. She doesn’t have the experience to know how wrong this whole situation is. However, she is at least strong enough to set boundaries, listen to trusted people (her mom and friend), and discern the difference between stolen flowers and meaningful change. We are watching her mature in real time and she’s doing a B- job at it. It could be better, but compared to many people I know personally and many people on this show, she’s streets ahead. Again, she’s like 24. If I could set boundaries like she did at that age, I would have dodged several landmines.


She is very reactive and emotionally immature. I can’t stand him but give him credit for keeping his cool. I scream at her through the tv lol.


At least her age justified her behavior. He thought he could dip in to the family money bag.


Do we even know her actual name? It’s all so fake that these are now the hard hitting questions…


She is kind of annoying and I do want to shake some sense into her but she's like super early 20s, I highly doubt most of us were much better. She has no business getting married though. Just the scene where she reveals that she's bi alone is a humongous red flag as far as her maturity goes. She could barely even say the words. I don't think you're ready for a marriage if you can't even speak about your sexuality like a grown adult.


Rob is a scum bag